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Love and Marriage

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  • Becoming Wife : Saying Yes To More Than The Dress


    Whether you are preparing to be or are already a wife, you likely are immersed in the external reality of marriage. But being wife is so much more: It’s a call to holiness and a vocation of incredible significance.

    Becoming Wife explores what it means for a woman to fulfill this vocation. Catholic wife, mother, speaker, and author Rachel Bulman shares – like a friend over a cup of coffee – how being a wife is at once a calling and a purpose. The more a wife makes herself a gift to her husband, to her children, and to the world, the more she inevitably becomes the person God created her to be. She becomes more wife, more woman, more Christian. Thus, she fulfills her identity as a daughter of God and cultivates the soil from which her motherhood comes to fruition.

    By exploring the life of the Blessed Mother and the guidance of great minds in the Church, like Saint John Paul II and Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, this book unwraps the gift of becoming a wife and what it means to make a “total gift” of oneself through matrimony.

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  • Obedience Paradox : Finding True Freedom In Marriage


    Few concepts in Christianity are more misunderstood than obedience. Words like submissive, subject, and obedient can appear utterly incompatible with the fundamental equality that Jesus offers to us in baptism. Yet headship and obedience within marriage has been preached authoritatively throughout the Church’s history.

    When properly understood and lived out, obedience is, in fact, liberating. The Obedience Paradox illuminates the subject by examining the relationship between husband and wife in marriage as an image of Christ’s relationship to the Church. Presenting the sexual complementarity of husband and wife as an expression of gift, this book probes the meaning and power of receptivity in a relationship.

    While a marriage certainly involves mutual giving and receiving, a husband most authentically lives headship when he acts as a generous giver towards his wife. Correspondingly, a wife practices authentic obedience when she graciously receives of her husband’s self-gift. Understanding obedience as the free reception of a gift unveils its unique potential to make us more free and to bring about deeper spiritual union between persons, both human and divine.

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  • Praying For And With Your Spouse


    God wants to fill your marriage with the love that comes from his very own heart. Praying for (and with) Your Spouse will show you how to let God take every part of your relationship to the next levelfrom living each day with your joys and struggles to working out your decisions and disagreements to setting aside time for love and romance. Prayer, in marriage, is more than checking off a box. It is time spent in the presence of the Author of love himself. Every time we pray for and with our spouse, God gives us greater insight into what it takes to love each other bettermore deeply, more honestly, more authentically, and more passionately. Every time we pray for and with our spouse, we open our hearts to a love that can satisfy our deepest longings and allow our marriage to be a light to the world.
    This book will help you discover the simple steps you can take to invite God to renew and refresh your love for one another. As you pray together and for one another, youll find out how much joy God has in store for you and your spousein this life and in the next!

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  • Blessings And Prayers For Married Couples


    Here is the perfect resource for encouraging married couples to engage in the spiritual discipline of daily prayer as a means of affirming the blessings and intimacy of their relationship.

    The seven sections of the wedding vows serve as the framework upon which hang the enduring values that need to be renewed through the decades with scripture, reflections, and questions.

    This inspiring book provides an aid to couples for continuing to find praying together a natural act for a lifetime of love. It will make a thoughtful gift, whether for newlyweds, couples celebrating their anniversaries, or Marriage Encounter participants.

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  • Men Women And The Mystery Of Love 2nd Ed.


    In 1960, Fr. Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) published a philosophy of personalistic marriage, in which each partner prioritizes the well-being and self-realization of the other.Edward Sri makes this life-changing work, “Love and Responsibility,” accessible to every reader. He emphasizes the practical nature of the book, offering actionable advice on issues such as authentic love, pornography, friendship, intimacy and much more. This seminal analysis brilliantly sheds light on the mysterious dynamics between men and womenand challenges us to live out those relationships better.

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  • 5 Steps To Building Unity In A Marriage


    If you are looking to strengthen the relationship in your marriage, this short book is for you. The Kelleys share their thoughts about building unity in a marriage in a simple, but powerful way. The steps are all based on love referred to as the Art of Loving: be the first to love; see and love God in the other; enter into what the other is living, making yourself one with him or her; love those who hurt you. By the end of this short read, you may end up full of gratitude as the Insights and Examples lead you from a discovery of your own sense of being loved and feeling love for your spouse, to a desire to reach out with love to others.

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  • Project Holiness : Marriage As A Workshop For Everyday Saints


    Project Holiness: Marriage as a Workshop for Everyday Saints celebrates the holiness of the ordinary and the goodness of married discipleship. Vatican II’s Lumen Gentium reminds Catholics of the universal call to holiness. Each person-lay and ordained alike-shares this vocation to holiness, this call to sainthood. For most adult Catholics, it is within the context of vowed, married life that the joyful and challenging path to sainthood is traveled. Based on an extensive qualitative study of long-lasting Catholic marriages, Bridget Burke Ravizza and Julie Donovan Massey examine the virtues, values, and practices that ground flourishing marriages and lead married partners to holiness.

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  • To Have And To Hold


    This 365-day devotional assists couples to prioritize prayer together. By combining a passage from Scripture with a pertinent, heartfelt prayer, and thought-provoking reflection, it will give couples prayers they can say together on relevant topics. These themes bring focus and over time, will allow couples to develop stronger bonds with each other. The cliche is true: couples who pray together, stay together.

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  • Journey Of Faith


    Hopefully, the reader will gain some insight into the world of spirituality for the years to come and will be motivated to have a closer connection to God and not to religion as such. There are many questions asked but the answers are up to the reader. Richard Money doesn’t expect Journey of Faith to be a record-breaking novel. In fact, the only reason it is being written is because so many people have told Richard over the years that he has a book in him. When is he going to get it out? Well, here it comes, for better or for worse. Journey of Faith is comprised of many incidents in his life that he believes may show not what he has done, but what he has become with the Grace of God. If you are looking for a religious experience, we don’t think you will find it here, although you may. We are not making any promises. Journey of Faith will stimulate the mind to see the real messages of Jesus. What makes this book unique is the ingredients of life, and the events of a married priest after being married, and the training of priests of sixty years ago. If you are seeking the meaning of life and the working of the Holy Spirit this book will truly bring light into your life. All people seeking the Holy Spirit in their lives this is for you. Not only the religious but those on the fence, as it were who may doubt the workings of God in their lives. This book is to be a bridge between God and Man, and to see the manifestations of God in our lives. This is our life in the Journey of Faith.

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  • Catholic Handbook For Engaged And Newly Married Couples


    In this practical guide to marriage, learn the “secrets” of building a sound, spiritual relationship with your fianc or spouse from toothpaste in the sink to natural family planning.

    In the Foreword, Father Kenneth Baker praises the book as both practical and faithful: “This handbook is outstanding both for its practicality and for its fidelity to the Catholic faith. It is practical because it offers good suggestions on most aspects of married life, such as the wedding, the honeymoon, the relationship between husband and wife, in-laws, finances, raising children, sexual relations, practicing the faith, and developing a spiritual life of personal relations with God.

    The handbook is also thoroughly Catholic. It offers excellent advice on how to live the Catholic faith as a married man or woman. There is no waffling here, no dissent, no ambiguity. The author spells out clearly what the Catholic Church expects of married people in the areas of married life, sexuality, and family life.”

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  • Getting The Marriage Conversation Right


    Getting the Marriage Conversation Right: A Guide for Effective Dialogue teaches you how to promote and defend traditional marriage in non-religious terms. It’s a great “how to” guide to answer those tough questions you’ve struggled with. Author William B. May shows you how to navigate the pitfalls and avoid making this a gay vs. Christian issue. May brings into the legal definition of marriage the rights of children, and provides sensible guidelines on how to avoid common traps that hinder communications for advocating public policy about marriage. Getting the Marriage Conversation Right includes a substantial section of FAQs at the heart of the conflict. Marriage is the only institution that unites kids with their moms and dads, and that has been recognized by every culture, society, and religion, each according to their own competencies. Getting the Marriage Conversation Right shows how to get that interest recognized in laws, societal institutions, and individuals, and begin to rebuild a marriage culture.

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  • With This Ring (Revised)


    This popular book helps newly married couples build a solid foundation for their life together and avoid “traps” that can undermine their marriage. With candor and creativity, the book pinpoints over twenty crucial areas of necessary adjustment for each spouse. It offers guidance for communicating effectively, accepting each other’s faults, enjoying sexuality, getting along with in-laws, building a spiritual relationship, and much more.
    Since no single approach will be right for all couples, newlyweds are actively involved in finding a solution that works best for them. Valuable exercises help them respond constructively to the complex issues of the early years of marriage. 5
    Renee Bartkowski is enjoying over thirty-five years of fulfilling satisfying married life. She is the author of the bestselling book Prayers for Married Couples.

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  • 9 Ways To Nurture Your Marriage


    This collection of light-hearted anecdotes has been compiled from conversations with couples who have found the key to a happy, fulfilling marriage. From these interviews, the Rabiors derive nine ways to energize your marriage, nurture spiritual life, and to cultivate physical intimacy. Spouses will discover how to communicate more clearly, develop trust, enjoy a better sexual relationship, put a stop to pointless power struggles, deal creatively with anger, and more.

    At the end of each chapter, the authors have provided points for discussion to generate dialogue–helping with new growth and possibilities.

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  • 3 To Get Married


    One of the greatest and best-loved spokesmen for the Catholic Faith here sets out the Church’s beautiful understanding of marriage in his trademark clear and entertaining style. Frankly and charitably, Sheen presents the causes of and solutions to common marital crises, and tells touching real-life stories of people whose lives were transformed through marriage. He emphasizes that our Blessed Lord is at the center of every successful and loving marriage. This is a perfect gift for engaged couples, or for married people as a fruitful occasion for self-examination.

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  • Gift Of Self In Marriage


    One of the most striking features in the Catholic Church today is the ever-widening gap between its official teaching on marriage and sexual morality and the practice of most of its lay members. This book seeks to bridge this gap in two ways – it considers some of the tacit assumptions about marriage and sexual morality in today’s society, since these affect Catholics as much as everyone else; and it also considers the Church’s teaching in some of these areas and explores new ways of explaining it so that it will make sense to ordinary lay Catholics. The author draws on contemporary writing as well as bringing her own reflections and experience of living the Church’s teaching to bear on the subject.

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  • Marriage Is For Grownups


    Are you grown-up enough to handle it?

    To many couples, marriage means little more than just living together. But others succeed in establishing a true union, a profound emotional fusion that involves not only sharing a home, but sharing an entire life as well. In Marriage Is for Grownups, Joseph and Lois Bird analyze the problem areas common to most marriages and offer sound guidelines toward solving them and attaining that true union and meaningful relationship.

    The authors–who have years of experience in marriage counseling–offer no marital nostrums; instead, they encourage each partner to examine his own fears, demands, values, and defenses in order to decide where he wants his marriage relationship to go–and how to reach that goal. The Birds explore many aspects of married life maturely and positively, and at the same time suggest rational ways of confronting them. Whether they’re discussing communications problems, finances, sex, in-laws, children, they do so on a realistic level with the aim of helping married couples become motivated to improve their marital relationship. As Dr. Bird points out, “This is not a marriage ‘cook book,’ providing pat answers which would hopefully apply to all (but which never do). It raises questions by which the spouses can find their own answers.”

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  • Prayers For Married Couples


    Over 75 brief prayers that express the hopes, the concerns, and the dreams of today’s married couples.

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