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Praying With The Church Through Advent
$18.95At the beginning of every Mass, the priest-celebrant says, “Let us pray” and then offers a prayer to God the Father, through Jesus Christ, in union with the Holy Spirit. This Opening Prayer is called the Collect. During Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, this prayer is specific to the day; in the season of Ordinary Time, the Collect for each Sunday is repeated during the following weekday Masses.
In Praying with the Church through Advent, Fr. Edward Looney offers a short daily meditation and reflection questions on that day’s Collect to help you better appreciate the richness of these liturgical texts and apply them to your life. Journaling pages are included to aid you in your Advent journey so that you may more fruitfully contemplate the liturgy and incorporate the spiritual lessons it offers.
Fr. Looney invites you to spend a few minutes considering these meditations over a cup of coffee, or while resting in the Lord’s Presence, and praying with them before or after Mass. The reflections and questions may also be used for group discussions. In these absorbing passages, you will find:
*A greater appreciation for the prayers of the Mass during Advent — and throughout the year
*The secret to receiving the gifts that God is waiting to give you through the sacraments
*How to create space for Christ and welcome Him into your heart and your home
*Ways to deepen your prayer life and your relationship with God amid difficulties and dangers
*How to break free from darkness and sin and live in the joy and freedom of God’s light
*Practical tips for living your faith through works of charity in every seasonWhile you ponder these penetrating prayers, you will learn how to walk more closely with Our Lady and the saints, from biblical heroes to contemporary figures. By developing a more fervent devotion to the Blessed Mother, you will grow in greater love of her Son. As you enter into the mystery of the Word-made-flesh through these reflections, you will encounter Jesus’ Presence in the Holy Eucharist anew and experience the life-changing power of His love so that you may be restored in mind, heart, and soul as never before.
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Eucharistic Adoration : Scriptural Reflections And Prayers
$11.95The Bishop’s deep spirituality, faith, knowledge, and love of the Eucharist will often leave you breathless. Meditate before, after, and during Adoration with a fervent desire to become a living host of Jesus, the perfect Host for all.
*It will help to prepare you to pray before the Blessed Sacrament as you have never prayed before.
*Read one or more of the 21 meditations based on Scripture and packed with prayers and quotes from Saints, Popes, theologians, and classical authors that attest to the profound mystery and power of the Eucharist before or during your Adoration time.
*Keep this treasury close at hand to immerse yourself in the blessings and graces of Adoration that can overcome your worst fears and fulfill your deepest desires.
*When time permits, follow your meditation with several of the Additional Prayers and litanies at the end of the book or use them independently to increase your love and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
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Catholic Household Blessings And Prayers
$29.99Explore the rich treasury of the Catholic tradition of prayer with your family by picking up Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers, Revised and Updated Edition.
This 2020 Revised and Updated Edition includes updates to match the current text of the Roman Missal, Third Edition, and offers a new translation of the Psalms taken from the Abbey Psalms and Canticles. This refresh of our classic Catholic prayer book features a mix of both traditional and contemporary blessings and prayers adapted to Christian life in the twenty-first century. This prayer book will be a source of consolation in all seasons!
Use this book to pray with family members at different moments and milestones of life:
Share short daily prayers and the ritual of morning and evening family prayer;
Gather for seasonal blessings that correspond to the Church’s liturgical calendar; and
Offer prayers on the occasion of special life events such as graduations, birthdays, engagements, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as prayers for times of sickness and difficulty.This resource also includes many intercessory prayers for the needs of the Church and the world, as well as traditional litanies to implore God’s grace for all.
Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers is the perfect gift for families with children, newly married couples, and first-time parents in baptismal preparation classes. This book would also make a wonderful gift for adults in faith formation preparing for initiation into the Catholic Church! Share this seasoned book of Catholic blessings and prayers with a friend, neighbor, or loved one today-and pray together with your family, at home or away from home, in person or over the phone!
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Prayers Before The Eucharist
$16.95When thinking of Saint John Henry Newman, many associations come to mind: scholar, writer, intellectual. But rarely do we associate “mystic” with this new saint.
And yet, his faith was not merely an intellectual exercise. Newman held a deep and passionate devotion to Our Lord in the Eucharist.
In honor of his canonization, we have collected his Prayers and Meditations before the Eucharist in order to bring his beautiful and profound love for Christ in the Sacrament to a new generation of Catholics.
His prayers place a singular focus on God’s mercy, perfections, and love for us that transcends the depravity of our sins, and engages God in frequent and familiar conversation, moving the heart to friendship with Christ.
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5 Habits Of Prayerful People
$7.89What if prayer could become one of the most rewarding and meaningful aspects of your whole life? What if you could use the skills productive people use to help you pray?
Michael St. Pierre, executive director of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association and a productivity expert, shares five habits that you can use to help you gain confidence in your prayer and strengthen your relationship with God.
Catholics are taught that prayer is necessary to live their faith, but many sincere Mass-goers find it almost impossible to pray consistently. They know that prayer is at the core of a relationship with God, but many still don’t have a clue about how to go about integrating prayer into their everyday lives. As a result, their confidence level related to prayer is low.
St. Pierre began his own journey to prayer as a young adult, stumbling through the Rosary with uncertainty and frustration. Only when he decided to show up and do his best did he begin to build a consistent habit of prayer. After he started studying human productivity, he realized that some of the same principles could apply to the spiritual life. In his first book, The 5 Habits of Prayerful People, St. Pierre shares his unique and practical approach that will teach you how make prayer part of your everyday life.
You will learn how to cultivate the habits of:
*passion and pursuit
*preparation and planning
*persistence and perseverance
*ponderingWritten in the tone and style of a popular business book, St. Pierre shares inspirational success and instructional failure as he helps readers to stop procrastinating and unlock the doors to a fruitful conversation with God.
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Praying The Rosary Like Never Before
$18.99These words express, so to speak, the wonder of heaven and earth; they could be said to give a glimpse of God’s own wonderment as he contemplates his ‘masterpiece’–the Incarnation of the Son in the womb of the Virgin Mary.” –Saint John Paul II
Do you have two and a half minutes in your day that you can give to God? This is the beauty of the rosary. You don’t have to pray the rosary all at once and you can pray it anywhere!
Do you struggle with praying the rosary: finding time, fighting distractions, worrying about your mind wandering? In Praying the Rosary Like Never Before, Edward Sri offers practical suggestions that come from the rosary’s tradition and, most especially, St. John Paul II. These helpful tips will make the rosary a constant companions through the different seasons, moments, and challenges we all face. These tips serve as easy on-ramps for those who don’t pray the rosary regularly motivate avid devotees of the rosary to go deeper with the Lord.“Offering God a decade or two in the midst of my daily life gives him something beautiful, even if I give it without my full, relaxed, undivided attention,” says Sri. “I’m giving God some space in my day and filling it with words of praise for him.”
You will find answers to common questions such as the significance of the Hail Mary, whether the attention given to Mary distracts us from God, the meaning of all the repetition, where the rosary came from, what to think about for each of the mysteries, and whether one should focus on the prayers or the mysteries.You will also find biblical reflections on the twenty mysteries of the rosary that provide practical insights to help you not only understand the twenty mysteries but also live them.
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Christian Prayer
$54.00This regular-size edition of the official one-volume version of the internationally acclaimed LITURGY OF THE HOURS contains the complete texts of Morning and Evening Prayer for the entire year. With its readable 10-pt. type, ribbon markers for easy location of texts, and beautiful two-color printing, this handsome and handy volume simplifies praying the official Prayer of the Church for today’s busy Catholic.
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Prayers And Heavenly Promises
$18.95Now in Premium UltraSoft! This unique book of powerful prayers and devotions, compiled by Joan Carroll Cruz, includes wonderful promises made by Our Lord or Our Lady, most of which were revealed to famous Saints, including: St. Faustina, St. Gertrude, and St. Catherine Laboure. Author Joan Carroll Cruz has carefully selected and compiled devotions to Our Lady, the Infant Jesus, Precious Blood, Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, St. Michael, and more in one place so that your daily prayer can be more powerful and more fruitful than ever before.
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Confessions Of Saint Augustine
$17.95The Confessions of St. Augustine from Catholic Book Publishing is – after the Bible and the Imitation of Christ – the most widely translated and highly esteemed book in Christian history. Translated by Rev. J.M. Lehen, Ph.D., this Confessions of St. Augustine is published in a prayer book format, offering a more participatory reading and prayer experience based on St. Augustine’s confessions of his youthful errors. With a red vinyl cover, this classic Confessions of St. Augustine will make a tremendous personal resource or gift.
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Prayer : Our Deepest Longing
$12.99Prayer: Our Deepest Longing looks at the issues facing people of faith in today’s culture, and offers a way of more effectively dealing with them by seeking out opportunities for prayer. With simple, down-to-earth language, Rolheiser illustrates the importance of prayer and offers techniques on how to pray, using examples from daily life, Scripture, and contemporary writers. He delves into the places that we fear to go with our issues about prayer, encouraging us with gentle kindness and words of hope and inspiration.
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Prayer In The Digital Age
$3.00The digital age is an age of information overload. In this noisy, technology-driven world, full of important news and urgent messages, spending silent time in prayer can seem impossible.
In his second book, Matt Swaim brings to light the obstacles to prayer inherent in our digitally-connected culture and explores both the challenges and benefits of living a Christian life in the 21st century. Drawing on the spiritual wisdom of such masters as St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Therese of Lisieux, and Venerable Pope John Paul II, Swaim provides practical suggestions for learning how to “unplug” and incorporate prayer into one’s daily life.
Delve into how technology truly affects our faith:
In a culture suffering from information overload, what’s the difference between knowing facts about God and actually knowing God?
How does our desire to be entertained interfere with knowing God as He really is, rather than just as we want to perceive Him?
What are the distinctions between employing media and information as tools to aid evangelization and spiritual growth while avoiding a purely consumer approach to the faith?
How can information overload deaden our ability to listen?Add to cart1 in stock
Prayerfulness : Awakening To The Fullness Of Life
$5.00Blending insights from Christian contemplative practice and Buddhist mindfulness, Dr.
Robert J. Wicks-well-known speaker, therapist, and spiritual guide-introduces what he calls “prayerfulness,” a way of being truly in the present to experience God and life in dynamic new ways. Wicks offers a rich array of insights including seven practical steps, a thirty-day retreat, and a Spiritual Mindfulness Questionnaire. This creative combination of ancient wisdom and contemporary psychology is designed to help readers develop a loving, clear, and spiritually balanced outlook.Add to cart2 in stock
Treasures Old And New
$3.00Praying to God is essential to Catholics. Treasures Old and New offers a way to deepen your relationship with God. With user-friendly devotions and novenas, the book gives readers a way to participate more fully in prayer.
Treasures Old and New offers a modern approach to traditional prayers. It increases the understanding that praying is a way to thank God for your life and all His many blessings. These litanies, prayers, and novenas give readers the words to use to converse with God both internally and externally. Praying is participating and offering gratitude to God, and we are reminded that our Lord will not force a blessing upon us–receive and give thanks.
Gratitude prepares the soul for humility, and humility makes prayer come more easily. The more we rest and work and play in prayer, the more we come to live the Word of God in thanksgiving.
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Prayers And Heavenly Promises
1. Morning
2. Night Prayers
3. Mass And Holy Communion
4. The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
5. The Blessed Virgin Mary
6. The Infant Jesus
7. The Passion Of Our Lord
8. The Precious Blood
9. Love Of God
10. Prayers Of Reparation
11. The Divine Mercy
12. The Holy Rosary
13. The- Fatima Prayers
14. The Angels
15. The Poor Souls In Purgatory
16. Various Efficacious Prayers
17. Familiar Catholic Prayers
18. AppendixAdditional Info
A KEY TO obtaining many rich graces and blessings, Prayer and Heavenly Promises is a unique little prayer book that contains a treasury of powerful prayers and devotions, along with many wonderful promises made by Our Lord or the Blessed Mother.This little prayer book contains devotions to the Blessed Mother, the Infant Jesus, the Precious Blood, the Holy Face, the Sacred Heart, the Divine Mercy, Our Lady of Fatima and St. Michael, plus devotions for the souls in Purgatory and much more.
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Prayer : The Great Means Of Grace (Reprinted)
$4.95Based on Scripture and the lives and words of the Saints, this booklet shows the great power of our seemingly lowly prayers of petition especially the Our Father and Hail Mary. According to the great St. Alphonsus Liguori, the choice bewteen going to Heaven or to Hell depends on whether or not we pray!
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Favorite Prayers To Saint Joseph (Reprinted)
$4.95St. Joseph obtains favors of any kind, but particularly in family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, work, housing and a happy death. He is the universal patron—whatever our petition is, you can pray to St. Joseph with confidence. He was the foster father of Jesus Christ on earth, and Jesus still obeys his requests in heaven! God chose St. Joseph over all other men to represent the fatherhood of God Himself in the Holy Family. This book contains all the famous prayers: Novena for a Special Favor, Litany, 30 Days’ Prayer, Memorare, for Purity, Conversion, a Happy Death, etc. Priced for wide distribution!
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Gentle Keeping : Prayers And Services For Remembering Departed Loved Ones T
$7.95At last a book of simple prayers and prayer services for those who mourn that is intended for use at the dining room table or on the living room couch. Author and bereavement ministry leader Mauryeen O’Brien offers grieving loved ones words for remembering those who have died. Designed for use in the home with family and friends, Gentle Keeping offers comfort for the grieving and gentle guidance on leading prayer. With prayers for particular people and special occasions, these twenty-eight simple prayers and twenty-five prayer services sustain those who mourn through the ordinary and not-so-ordinary days of the year.
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Pocket Book Of Catholic Prayers
The Mass-Our Greatest Prayer
Daily Prayers
Morning Prayers
Night Prayers
Confession Prayers
Prayers Before Communion
Prayers After Communion
Prayers For Every Day Of The Week
Prayers For The Liturgical Seasons
*Advent Season
*Christmas Season
*Season Of Lent
*Easter Season
*Ordinary Time
Prayers To Our Blessed Mother
Prayers From The Psalms
Prayers From The Gospels
Prayers From The EpistlesAdditional Info
New beautiful booklets that contain the most loved Novenas, Catholic Prayers, and Essential Devotions for every Catholic in pocket book form.Add to cart16 in stock
Prayers For Expecant Parents
$5.00Pregnancy is a holy time and also a very human time of waiting. The Spirit has come into our lives bringing joy and awe as well as many physical and emotional challenges.
This collection of scripture and prayer will help expectant parents give thanks for their blessings, pray for their child and their parenthood, calm their anxieties and intercede for all children and their caregivers. Within sections for each trimester of the pregnancy are prayers for morning and evening as well as other pieces for praise, petition and reflection for any time. Two additional sections offer prayers for anxious moments and prayers of thanksgiving. This is a profound and helpful little book that will support expectant parents as they prepare to welcome their child.
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Miracle Hour : A Method Of Prayer That Will Change Your Life
$5.99Miracle Hour: A Method of Prayer that Will Change Your Life has helped over one million people in over 25 countries to pray. Spending just 5 minutes on one or more of the 12 sections, such as praise, thanksgiving, surrender, repentance, or forgiveness, with an attitude of openness and expectancy can be a time of deeper consecration and growth in understanding the ways of God. Miracle Hour is a very balanced and effective approach to prayer, not only for beginners but also for those in a mature walk with the Lord who struggle with their prayer time.
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Treasury Of Novenas
$14.00Treasury of Novenas contains over 40 popular Novenas specifically arranged in accord with the Liturgical Year on the Feasts of Jesus, Mary, and many favorite Saints. By acclaimed author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D., this book has a rich, gold-stamped brown Dura-Lux cover and is an excellent collection of Novenas for private devotion.
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Catholic Book Of Prayers (Large Type)
$10.95Today’s most popular general prayerbook. Contains many favorite prayers – for every day, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary, and the Saints, and a summary of our Faith. Designed especially for Catholic adults and those with limited vision.
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Beginning To Pray
$5.00Widely acknowledged to be a modern classic. The Orthodox bishop asks us to recognize our poverty before God and to see all that we have is a sign of love, then pray spontaneously, recite the Jesus Prayer, and rewrite meaningful Biblical prayers and psalms.
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