Showing 1–50 of 187 results
Sacred Space Retreats And Reflections For Daily Life
For more than a quarter century, the Irish Jesuits of Sacred Space have invited readers to carve out moments of stillness amid the constant churn of modern life. Designed to strengthen and deepen your faith, this special edition of seasonal retreats and reflections is an indispensable resource for newcomers and longtime fans of Sacred Space. Full retreats for Advent and Lent provide a structured path to meaningful contemplation and welcome renewal, and a selection of prayers and Ignatian-inspired readings are perfect for year-round inspiration.
Whether used alongside the annual Sacred Space: The Prayer Book or as a stand-alone treasure of spiritual insights, this companion volume has the power to deepen your relationship with Jesus.
Praying With The Church Through Advent
$18.95Add to cartAt the beginning of every Mass, the priest-celebrant says, “Let us pray” and then offers a prayer to God the Father, through Jesus Christ, in union with the Holy Spirit. This Opening Prayer is called the Collect. During Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, this prayer is specific to the day; in the season of Ordinary Time, the Collect for each Sunday is repeated during the following weekday Masses.
In Praying with the Church through Advent, Fr. Edward Looney offers a short daily meditation and reflection questions on that day’s Collect to help you better appreciate the richness of these liturgical texts and apply them to your life. Journaling pages are included to aid you in your Advent journey so that you may more fruitfully contemplate the liturgy and incorporate the spiritual lessons it offers.
Fr. Looney invites you to spend a few minutes considering these meditations over a cup of coffee, or while resting in the Lord’s Presence, and praying with them before or after Mass. The reflections and questions may also be used for group discussions. In these absorbing passages, you will find:
*A greater appreciation for the prayers of the Mass during Advent — and throughout the year
*The secret to receiving the gifts that God is waiting to give you through the sacraments
*How to create space for Christ and welcome Him into your heart and your home
*Ways to deepen your prayer life and your relationship with God amid difficulties and dangers
*How to break free from darkness and sin and live in the joy and freedom of God’s light
*Practical tips for living your faith through works of charity in every seasonWhile you ponder these penetrating prayers, you will learn how to walk more closely with Our Lady and the saints, from biblical heroes to contemporary figures. By developing a more fervent devotion to the Blessed Mother, you will grow in greater love of her Son. As you enter into the mystery of the Word-made-flesh through these reflections, you will encounter Jesus’ Presence in the Holy Eucharist anew and experience the life-changing power of His love so that you may be restored in mind, heart, and soul as never before.
Born To Do This
$11.95Add to cartBorn to Do This is a personal, thirty-day retreat for those seeking the courage and faith that St. Joan of Arc exemplified throughout her life. Six hundred years after her birth and a century after her canonization, she remains one of the most intriguing and popular saints in history.
In this easy-to-use devotional, the life and words of St. Joan of Arc will help you to grow in courageous faith–the kind of faith that empowered St. Joan to answer God’s call, defeat her enemies, endure martyrdom, and ultimately restore her reputation. With diverse patronages ranging from the United States Armed Forces to prisoners, from those ridiculed for their faith to the entire population of France, this icon of courage and women’s empowerment captures the imagination of today’s Catholic like few saints can.
This little book is perfect for busy people who admire St. Joan of Arc and desire an inspirational read to help navigate the difficulties and challenges of life. The book contains:
*a timeline of important events in Joan’s life and a map of containing important landmarks associated with Joan’s life,
*a brief introduction to her life and times, and
*daily opportunities to read, reflect, and pray over her words and story, contained in short yet substantial morning and evening reflections drawn from court transcripts and other contemporary documents.
As the six hundredth anniversary of her martyrdom approaches, the inclusion of the Maid of Orleans in Ave’s Great Spiritual Teachers series brings the inspiration of St. Joan’s own words and life story to those who admire her courage and hope to emulate her in virtue. A special novena is included at the end of the book for those who wish to invoke her intercession.
Each book in the Great Spiritual Teachers series provides a month of daily readings from one of Christianity’s most beloved spiritual guides. These easy-to-use books are the perfect prayer companion for busy people who want to root their spiritual practice in the solid ground of these great spiritual teachers.
Vessels Of Love
$16.00Add to cartHave you ever thought of yourself as a “vessel of love?” This image speaks to what I envision for the elderhood years. The vast life experiences of the past provided countless opportunities for our love to grow and mature. The persons we have known, what we have done or had done to us, the beliefs stretching our minds and hearts, what we gained and what we shed, the results of our choices and decisions, our deliberate participation in the evolving history of the world–all this and more we bring with us into the final decades.
During this lifetime, whether we’ve been aware or not, a Presence of immeasurable love has been flowing through those experiences, quietly filling the vessel of our inner being. Like vats of matured wine, our ripened goodness has readied itself to move outward. The Beguine mystic, Mechthild of Magdeburg, trusted that “the great flood of divine love never ceases. …It flows on and on effortlessly and sweetly and without failing until, finally, our tiny vessel becomes full and spills over.” Now is the efficacious time to tend “our tiny vessel” so this graced goodness strengthens in us and benefits the life of those we encounter
Song Of The Sparrow
$18.99Add to cartThere is a reason why this Franciscan classic has thrived for almost 50 years. Though prayer today is so often depicted as a drab and impersonal practice, Murray Bodo’s heartfelt and honest reflections through the changing seasons of life help unlock the dynamism of prayer-awakening our hearts to sing and be lifted in flight by God’s grace.
Franciscan Prayer : Awakening To Oneness With God
$21.99Add to cartRigid, formulaic depictions of prayer have often indicated our distance from God rather than our closeness. From Francis to Clare to Bonaventure, Franciscans have discovered how the immensity of God has become intimate and immediate.
In this Franciscan classic, Ilia Delio, OSF shows how the Franciscan way can offer to all Christians an intimate and wholehearted approach to prayer, one that invites us into the freedom of awakening to who we already are in Christ.
2025 : A Book Of Grace-Filled Days – Readings And Reflections Through The C
$17.99Add to cartA vibrant prayer life unfolds when we regularly open ourselves to inspiration and God’s grace. 2025: A Book of Grace-Filled Days provides a daily prayer experience to help us build and nurture our faith.
Beginning with the start of the church year in Advent 2024 and continuing through the 2025 calendar year, this daily devotional notes major feast days, saint commemorations, and holidays. Each page combines readings from the Scripture of the day with reflections to offer a few minutes of solace for quiet prayer and meditation. 2025: A Book of Grace-Filled Days is an accessible and insightful way to deepen our connection to God’s loving presence and fill each day with a touch of grace.
Pocket Guide To Prayer
$24.99Add to cartDevelop a daily habit of prayerful conversation with the Lord with Pocket Guide to Prayer.
Pocket Guide to Prayer is a beautiful, inspiring book written by Edward and Beth Sri, with contributor Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR, that gives anyone confidence in knowing God and building a relationship with him. As an “on-ramp” into understanding the various tools for prayer that the Church offers us, this pocket guide will help Catholics build a fulfilled and deeply satisfying prayer life.
This short but complete guide helps Catholics enter into prayer with more consistency and devotion. It empowers anyone on their faith journey to prioritize daily conversation with God.
Filled with insight on many facets of prayer, Edward and Beth with Fr. Mark-Mary show Catholics how to:
*Get started with prayer
*Understand vocal prayer, meditation, and contemplation
*Learn how to respond to distractions, dryness, and other common struggles experienced in prayer without being discouraged
*Shape their lives around a habit of prayer
*Build a life of prayer in the family and the home
*Understand popular devotions
*And more!
Through practical tips and personal stories, Pocket Guide to Prayer empowers Catholics to approach the Lord in their daily life through prayer each and every day.
Praying Like The Early Church
$18.95Add to cartThere are many misconceptions about prayer, ranging from what it is to how and why we pray. Dr. James Papandrea breaks open the wisdom of early Christians to transform and enrich your spiritual life and help you develop a daily rhythm for fruitful conversation with God. Here is the spiritual game plan you need to assist you in opening your heart to the Father’s invitation, receiving His love, living virtuously in practical ways, and entering into deeper communion with Him.
Through the lives of early Church Fathers and Mothers, Dr. Papandrea emphasizes the centrality of the Mass and the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist in our lives of prayer, providing methods to help you benefit more at Mass and in daily life, and ways to grow in gratitude and devotion. You will learn how the sacraments were practiced in the early Church and their power in flooding us with God’s graces today. Additionally, you will see why communal worship is vital and the role of pilgrimage in Christian life.
In these life-changing pages, you will find:
* Why the Eucharist was the most important prayer from the Church’s inception
* How Our Lady shows us what prayer really is and ways we can imitate her
* Three meta-virtues in prayer and five characteristics of righteousness
* How to pray without ceasing and develop “prayer attitudes”
* Three tips on surrendering yourself to God’s will
* Three things that block God’s grace (Brace yourself!)Dr. Papandrea also reveals the biblical roots of making the Sign of the Cross and what the early Christians taught about the layers of meaning in the Our Father. Moreover, he documents what early Christians believed regarding reading the Bible, praying for the dead, the role of the saints, repetition in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Included at the end of each chapter are sections on how to pray like an early Christian and resources on how “to go deeper.” An invaluable prayer plan, prayers from early Christians, and other helpful resources are also featured.
What The Heart Of Jesus Does And Says In The Tabernacle
$18.95Add to cartSt. Manuel Gonzalez Garcia, renowned as the Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle and acclaimed the greatest Eucharistic priest since the Cure of Ars, reflected: “I intend to awaken the curiosity, which in this case can truly be called holy, to understand and uncover what the Heart of Jesus in the Tabernacle does, says, and feels. I promise delightful surprises, invaluable discoveries, unimagined horizons, to those who allow themselves to be piqued by this curiosity.”
Through these profound yet practical meditations, sometimes written from the perspective of Jesus speaking to you, you will be guided into deeper intimacy with our Eucharistic Lord and inspired to share His love with others. Through this refreshing and transformative experience, you will discover:
*Why the Gospels lead us to the tabernacle, and the tabernacle leads us to the Gospels
*The mission of those closest to Jesus in the Gospels and how to imitate them
*Greater fervor in receiving Holy Communion and praying in Eucharistic Adoration
*How Jesus is neither idle nor silent in His Eucharistic Presence
*The three ways the Heart of Jesus looks at souls – and how He looks at you
*The secret to touching the Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to receive healingThere is also a stirring section at the end of the book about what the Heart of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist says to priests.
St. Manuel tirelessly wrote these reflections, originally published as articles, to “preach to active souls the necessity, importance, and fruitfulness of staying in the tabernacle because the Love who dwells there is not loved but is abandoned!” St. Manuel will show you how to cultivate awe and reverence as you bask in our Lord’s Eucharistic Presence and let His power permeate your life. As your love of Jesus’ Eucharistic Heart deepens, you will learn how to console Him as He consoles you and be inflamed to offer your life in witness to your faith.
Above all, in the Holy Eucharist, you will encounter the Friend who always waits to listen to you with His Heart and always speaks to your heart. In the light of the tabernacle, you will learn how to grow in virtue, overcome temptation, and live without fear.
15 Days Of Prayer With Philip Neri
$14.95Add to cartThe “Apostle of Rome,” the “Reformer of the Church,” the “Saint of Christian Joy”-these and many other titles are given to Saint Philip Neri (1515-1595). A priest at the age of thirty-six, he never ceased to bring to Rome and the world the fire of the Holy Spirit that burned in his heart. In 15 Days of Prayer with Philip Neri, you will discover a joyful companion who lived out his baptismal call with spiritual intensity and pastoral charity. Canonized in 1622 along with St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and St. Teresa of Avila, he is celebrated on May 26. Too often forgotten by the Church today, the example of this saint is relevant and inspiring for our times.
Behold Your Mother
$6.95Add to cartWhen we pray the Stations of the Cross, we walk alongside Jesus to Calvary. In Behold Your Mother: Marian Stations of the Cross, we walk alongside the Mother of the Redeemer as she accompanies him during his Passion and death. Written from the unique perspective of a child who is witnessing Mary’s unspeakable anguish, this booklet helps us to grow in devotion to the Blessed Mother as she leads us closer to her Son.
Just before he died on the Cross for the salvation of the world, Jesus entrusted Mary to Saint John and Saint John to Mary. In that moment, Mary also became our mother forever – a beautiful, loving gift from the Redeemer himself. Behold your mother!
My Book Of Catholic Prayers
$4.99Add to cartMy Book of Catholic Prayers is a beautiful, colorful collection of traditional Catholic prayers for- everyone! Printed on high quality thick paperboard for durability and ease of use. The book is 3″ x 6″ (an adorable pocket size perfect for a bag, backpack, purse, nightstand, etc!) and contains 14 prayers every Catholic should keep handy!
They include: The Our Father, The Hail Mary, Glory Be (Doxology), Prayer to you Guardian Angel, The Memorare, The Salve Regina, Prayer to St. Michael, Anima Christi, Apostles’ Creed, Prayer for Eternal Rest, Act of Contrition, Grace Before Meals, and Grace After Meals.
Way Of Thomas Merton
$13.99Add to cartCelebrated by Pope Francis as one of the three greatest Americans of the modern era, Thomas Merton lived a life that reflects the complexities of our age. Thomas is the perfect companion for a Lenten journey, and in The Way of Thomas Merton: A Prayer Journey Through Lent, Professor Robert Inchausti explores and explains his writings for Christians today. Inchausti is the editor of the Thomas Merton books Echoing Silence, Seeds, and The Pocket Thomas Merton and his passion and expertise on Thomas Merton shines through.
This practical and thought-provoking Lent book guides you through the major themes of Merton’s work and shows how his words can help you overcome the difficulties that modern life presents for spiritual development. For Merton, the spiritual life is a journey from the false to the true self – a journey that all followers of Jesus must make. This book will help you to find and develop your true self as you journey through Lent and beyond.
The Way of Thomas Merton is an illuminating prayer journey that will leave you with a deeper understanding of Merton’s writings, and help you to cultivate a greater spiritual awareness and sensitivity amid the busyness of modern day life.
Eucharistic Prayers
$35.99Add to cartElegant volume of liturgical prayers that tie sacrament and Word together theologically
This unique, elegant resource for ministers and worship planners provides a beautifully crafted Eucharistic prayer for every Sunday of the three-year Revised Common Lectionary cycle, also including prayers for special holy days and other occasions.
In a helpful introduction Samuel Wells and Abigail Kocher offer guidance on how to make the Eucharistic prayer a congregational highlight. Too often, they say, what should be the most dynamic moment of a congregation’s liturgical life becomes a low-energy, low-engagement event. Closely tying the sacramental rite to the words of Scripture for the day, these theologically appropriate, pastorally fitting, and linguistically satisfying prayers change the Great Thanksgiving prayer from a lull in the liturgy to a focused, fresh, and engaged moment for the congregation.
Saint Joseph Prayer Book
$24.95Add to cartJust as Saint Joseph protected Mary and Jesus and provided for their needs, his intercession from heaven can protect and provide for you. This prayer book will help you grow in friendship with Saint Joseph and ask for his powerful intercession in prayer.
– Help to live the virtues of Saint Joseph, Model of the Interior Life
– Prayers for employment and workers to Saint Joseph the Worker
– Inspiration for fatherhood from Saint Joseph, Strength of Fathers
– Prayers for selling a home and caring for one’s family to Saint Joseph,
Pillar of Family Life– Ways to intercede for the Church to Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church
– Prayers for purity of mind and heart to Saint Joseph, Guardian of Purity
– Prayers for a happy death and for the dying to Saint Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death
– Prayers against the powers of evil to Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons
– Traditional devotions such as the Holy Cloak and the Litany of Saint Joseph
and many more prayers, devotions, and practices! -
Catholic Household Blessings And Prayers
$29.99Add to cartExplore the rich treasury of the Catholic tradition of prayer with your family by picking up Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers, Revised and Updated Edition.
This 2020 Revised and Updated Edition includes updates to match the current text of the Roman Missal, Third Edition, and offers a new translation of the Psalms taken from the Abbey Psalms and Canticles. This refresh of our classic Catholic prayer book features a mix of both traditional and contemporary blessings and prayers adapted to Christian life in the twenty-first century. This prayer book will be a source of consolation in all seasons!
Use this book to pray with family members at different moments and milestones of life:
Share short daily prayers and the ritual of morning and evening family prayer;
Gather for seasonal blessings that correspond to the Church’s liturgical calendar; and
Offer prayers on the occasion of special life events such as graduations, birthdays, engagements, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as prayers for times of sickness and difficulty.This resource also includes many intercessory prayers for the needs of the Church and the world, as well as traditional litanies to implore God’s grace for all.
Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers is the perfect gift for families with children, newly married couples, and first-time parents in baptismal preparation classes. This book would also make a wonderful gift for adults in faith formation preparing for initiation into the Catholic Church! Share this seasoned book of Catholic blessings and prayers with a friend, neighbor, or loved one today-and pray together with your family, at home or away from home, in person or over the phone!
Prayerfully Waiting : A Catholic Grandmother’s Prayer Journal
$15.99Add to cartA grandmother’s prayers are of significant importance through every age and stage of a grandchild’s development! These prayers are amazing and lovely blessings that can powerfully nurture and help shape a grandchild’s conscience and future life! It is so important to recognize the great gift and role grandparents have in praying for grandchildren in utero.
This grandmother’s prayer journal offers a delightful and unparalleled opportunity to not merely sit back and wait for the wondrous arrival, but instead, to use the time wisely by prayerfully waiting for your grandchild throughout what can be a meaningful and powerful nine-month novena of prayer.
Month-by-month, inspired with holy insights, you will learn, discover, and note the development of your precious “grand-blessing.” Spaces are provided for you to personalize this special unborn baby book, as well as lovingly record your thoughts and prayers as you pray for your grandchild’s first nine months of life.
From beginning to end, you’ll be partnering with St. Anne, the grandmother of Jesus, to swaddle your unborn grandchild with prayer. You’ll journey with Mother Mary, and all the saints, to prayerfully prepare for the little one’s birth.
Prayers For Public Worship
$12.99Add to cartThis book brings together over 300 beautiful prayers for advent and the Season of Christmas, written by four of the best-loved and most distinguished Christian writers: David Adam, Nick Fawcett, Susan Sayers, and Ray Simpson. This book is an invaluable resource for all those who prepare public worship.
Prayers Before The Eucharist
$16.95Add to cartWhen thinking of Saint John Henry Newman, many associations come to mind: scholar, writer, intellectual. But rarely do we associate “mystic” with this new saint.
And yet, his faith was not merely an intellectual exercise. Newman held a deep and passionate devotion to Our Lord in the Eucharist.
In honor of his canonization, we have collected his Prayers and Meditations before the Eucharist in order to bring his beautiful and profound love for Christ in the Sacrament to a new generation of Catholics.
His prayers place a singular focus on God’s mercy, perfections, and love for us that transcends the depravity of our sins, and engages God in frequent and familiar conversation, moving the heart to friendship with Christ.
5 Habits Of Prayerful People
$7.89Add to cartWhat if prayer could become one of the most rewarding and meaningful aspects of your whole life? What if you could use the skills productive people use to help you pray?
Michael St. Pierre, executive director of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association and a productivity expert, shares five habits that you can use to help you gain confidence in your prayer and strengthen your relationship with God.
Catholics are taught that prayer is necessary to live their faith, but many sincere Mass-goers find it almost impossible to pray consistently. They know that prayer is at the core of a relationship with God, but many still don’t have a clue about how to go about integrating prayer into their everyday lives. As a result, their confidence level related to prayer is low.
St. Pierre began his own journey to prayer as a young adult, stumbling through the Rosary with uncertainty and frustration. Only when he decided to show up and do his best did he begin to build a consistent habit of prayer. After he started studying human productivity, he realized that some of the same principles could apply to the spiritual life. In his first book, The 5 Habits of Prayerful People, St. Pierre shares his unique and practical approach that will teach you how make prayer part of your everyday life.
You will learn how to cultivate the habits of:
*passion and pursuit
*preparation and planning
*persistence and perseverance
*ponderingWritten in the tone and style of a popular business book, St. Pierre shares inspirational success and instructional failure as he helps readers to stop procrastinating and unlock the doors to a fruitful conversation with God.
Busy Persons Guide To Prayer
$15.95Add to cartBeloved author Deacon Greg Kendra knows all too well what it is to be busy. Drawing from his own experience, and those of fellow Catholics, and the saints lives, Deacon Kandra helps us realize the importance of prayer and offers practical tips for making it a part of each day. Prayer includes regular participation in the Sacraments (Mass, Confession) but is also about a constant communication with God and a way to plan our day each morning and evaluate our progress each evening.
Book Of Common Prayer
$12.99Add to cartThe Book of Common Prayer is one of the most influential books in history. First published in the reign of Edward VI, in 1549, it was a product of the English Reformation following the break with Rome. For nearly five centuries, it has formed the order of worship for established Christianity in England. More listeners have heard these prayers, it is said, than the soliloquies of Shakespeare. As British imperial ambitions spread, the Book of Common Prayer became the primary instrument (at least as much as the King James Bible) of English culture, firstly in Ireland in 1551. When the Puritans fled to America in 1620 it was to escape the discipline imposed by of the Book of Common Prayer, yet the book came to embody official religion in America before and after Independence, and is still in use.
Today it is a global book: it was the first book printed in many languages, from north America to southern Africa, to the Indian sub-continent.
In this Very Short Introduction Brian Cummings tells the fascinating history of the Book of Common Prayer, and explains why it is easily misunderstood. Designed in the 1540s as a radical Protestant answer to Catholic “superstition,” within a century (during the English Civil Wars) radical Christians regarded the Book of Common Prayer as itself “superstitious” and even (paradoxically) “Papist.” Changing in meaning and context over time, the Book of Common Prayer has acted as a cultural symbol, affecting the everyday conduct of life as much as the spiritual, and dividing conformity from non-conformity, in social terms as well as religious, from birth to marriage to death.
Prayers For The Classroom
$29.95Add to cartWe know that prayer should be like breathing – just a normal part of our daily lives. Yet, like the first disciples who asked Jesus how to pray, we need help and so do our youth. Prayers for the Classroom provides that help with structured daily communal prayers, particularly for private school teachers who want to begin class with a prayer. In keeping with the seasons, these community prayers enrich the liturgical spirit of every part of the academic year.
Prayers for the Classroom incorporates the needs of the group and the social and individual character of each participant, and helps youth learn how to pray with others as well as on their own. These prayers are universal, tried and tested, touching hearts in a personal way.
Celebrating diverse cultural origins, Prayers for the Classroom draws on a variety of sources, including expressions of East and West, women and men, youth and sages, biblical and non-biblical beliefs.
A simple resource that encourages consistent use, Prayers for the Classroom can be used as a daily program or as an occasional prayer resource; the collection is arranged and indexed by themes so that it can be used easily either way. The format is easy to follow: it is divided into the months of the school year from September through June, with each month divided into four weeks with five distinctive prayers for each week.
Each prayer includes a short introduction and background and follows the general pattern of the liturgical season. In November, Thanksgiving prayers are presented; December includes several prayers relating to the Christmas theme; in February and March, lenten prayers are provided; April contains resurrection themes; and May has Pentecostal prayers. In addition to furthering the celebration of the liturgical seasons, this collection captures the poetic and mystical spirit of spring and fall. The variety of these selections allows teachers or students to choose a prayer at random depending upon the desired theme.
Chapters are Introduction,” “Suggested Use of This Book,” “September Prayers,” “October Prayers,” “November Prayers,” “December Prayers,” “January Prayers,” “February Prayers,” “March Prayers,” “April Prayers,” and “May Prayers.” A thematic index is also included.
Verhalen prepared Prayers for the Classroom to stimulate the minds and hearts of users to a greater union with God, a union that leads to the spontaneous prayer that comes from the depths of the inner-self; prayer that will beco
Prayer Everywhere : The Spiritual Life Made Simple
$18.99Add to cartFather Gary Caster knows that there can be a confusing number of devotional practices in Catholicism; attending Mass, praying the Rosary, tithing, fasting, performing the Sacraments–all are important, but checking obligations off a list is not the way to a nourished soul. In Prayer Everywhere: The Spiritual Life Made Simple, Father Gary strips Catholicism down to Jesus’s core command: that we let Him love us.
Praying Through Our Losses
$15.95Add to cartGrief is the painful process of adjusting to a loss. This collection of meditations is designed for anyone experiencing loss, whether it be the death of a loved one or the loss of health, financial security, or relationships. Each reflection focuses on a different topic, moving readers from acknowledging pain and loss to healing and new life. Using Scripture and prayer, Simsic gently shepherds readers through difficult issues like forgiveness, shock, depression, and the fear of letting go, without ever resorting to shallow sentimentality. This expanded version of the original book, Cries of the Heart: Praying Our Losses, features additional meditations and photographs from nature. A wonderful resource for people going through times of loss as well as for those looking for a gift to comfort family or friends.
Way Of The Carmelites
$13.99Add to cartCarmelite spirituality is based on a deep relationship with God in prayer, focusing on the presence of God within us, and leading to a life permeated by closeness with God and concern for our neighbour. This book, rich in reflection on the Bible, is a spiritual companion and guide for Lent, and indeed the rest of the year, that will introduce readers to the riches of Carmel. Prayer, in the Carmelite tradition, is friendship with God. It is being alone with God in a silent communion of love open to the Spirit. With our eyes fixed on the vulnerability of Jesus and on his unrequited love for us, we are transformed, and strengthened to give ourselves as he did. Our contemplation is the source of our practical action. The discussion questions at the end of each chapter facilitate this practical approach. ‘To take up the treasures of Carmelite spirituality, and embark with Jesus on the Lenten experience of forty days in the desert, is a journey that can be enormously enriching and even life-changing.’ From the Prologue
Catholic Family Prayers
$11.99Add to cartToo often, the noises and pressures of the world drown out the still, small voice of our heavenly Father. This little book will help Catholic families take advantage of quiet moments&mdashin the mornings, at mealtimes, throughout the day, and at night-to join together for times of thanksgiving, intercession, petition, praise, and all sorts of prayer, drawing closer to the Lord and to each other.
Clouds And Glory Year A
$13.99Add to cartDavid Adam believes that the way to get the most out of worship on Sundays is to pray regularly on weekdays. Here, to help us in this duty and joy of preparation, he offers prayers that link with the readings for each Sunday and great festival of the Christian Year. The prayers employ the Celtic emphasis and style that many people have found helpful in David’s earlier books. They will be equally as helpful for those who do not use a weekly lectionary as for those who do. The author sees clearly the reality in our lives both of the clouds – of sadness, misfortune, pain – and the glory to be found in God. He invites us to ‘use these prayers as a vehicle to get out of the clouds and greyness to where you get a glimpse of glory’.
Praying The Rosary Like Never Before
$18.99Add to cartThese words express, so to speak, the wonder of heaven and earth; they could be said to give a glimpse of God’s own wonderment as he contemplates his ‘masterpiece’–the Incarnation of the Son in the womb of the Virgin Mary.” –Saint John Paul II
Do you have two and a half minutes in your day that you can give to God? This is the beauty of the rosary. You don’t have to pray the rosary all at once and you can pray it anywhere!
Do you struggle with praying the rosary: finding time, fighting distractions, worrying about your mind wandering? In Praying the Rosary Like Never Before, Edward Sri offers practical suggestions that come from the rosary’s tradition and, most especially, St. John Paul II. These helpful tips will make the rosary a constant companions through the different seasons, moments, and challenges we all face. These tips serve as easy on-ramps for those who don’t pray the rosary regularly motivate avid devotees of the rosary to go deeper with the Lord.“Offering God a decade or two in the midst of my daily life gives him something beautiful, even if I give it without my full, relaxed, undivided attention,” says Sri. “I’m giving God some space in my day and filling it with words of praise for him.”
You will find answers to common questions such as the significance of the Hail Mary, whether the attention given to Mary distracts us from God, the meaning of all the repetition, where the rosary came from, what to think about for each of the mysteries, and whether one should focus on the prayers or the mysteries.You will also find biblical reflections on the twenty mysteries of the rosary that provide practical insights to help you not only understand the twenty mysteries but also live them.
Christian Prayer
$54.00Add to cartThis regular-size edition of the official one-volume version of the internationally acclaimed LITURGY OF THE HOURS contains the complete texts of Morning and Evening Prayer for the entire year. With its readable 10-pt. type, ribbon markers for easy location of texts, and beautiful two-color printing, this handsome and handy volume simplifies praying the official Prayer of the Church for today’s busy Catholic.
Champions Of The Rosary
$25.99Add to cartChampions of the Rosary, the latest book by bestselling author Fr. Donald Calloway, which tells the powerful story about the history of the rosary and the champions of this devotion! The rosary is a spiritual sword, containing the saving mysteries of the God-Man. It has the power to conquer sin, defeat evil, and bring about peace. Champions of the Rosary presents a complete history of this spiritual weapon, 26 of its greatest heroes, detailed accounts of its victories, 26 color images of the rosary in art, as well as endorsements from the Master General of the Dominicans, 10 Dominican bishops, and 20 other bishops from around the world!
Prayers And Heavenly Promises
$18.95Add to cartNow in Premium UltraSoft! This unique book of powerful prayers and devotions, compiled by Joan Carroll Cruz, includes wonderful promises made by Our Lord or Our Lady, most of which were revealed to famous Saints, including: St. Faustina, St. Gertrude, and St. Catherine Laboure. Author Joan Carroll Cruz has carefully selected and compiled devotions to Our Lady, the Infant Jesus, Precious Blood, Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, St. Michael, and more in one place so that your daily prayer can be more powerful and more fruitful than ever before.
Celtic Liturgy
$14.99Add to cartThis compact liturgy provides alternative services and prayers for many occasions. It includes: Prayers before Worship; Early Morning Prayer; Morning Prayer; Evening Prayer; Night Prayer; A Service of Marriage; In Praise of Creation; A Funeral Service; A Service of Healing; Prayers of Intercession; A Celtic Calendar of the Lives of the Saints; Selected Psalms, and an Historical Overview.
6 Ways To Pray From Six Great Saints
$16.99Add to cartA vibrant prayer life is essential to every Christian, but how can we keep our prayers meaningful and our spirituality growing? Gloria Hutchinson takes you on a tour of the prayer styles of some of our greatest saints-Francis and Clare of Assisi, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, and Ignatius of Loyola. These different prayer styles from the Catholic tradition offer you new ways to energize your prayer life and show you how to pray every day and in every circumstance.
Reimagining The Ignatian Examen
$13.99Add to cartJesuit speaker and author Mark Thibodeaux, SJ, guides you through new and unique versions of the Examen, totally flexible and adaptable to your personal daily life. Reimagining the Ignatian Examen-the only book of its kind-will lead you through a fresh and stimulating reflection on your past day, your present state-of-being, and your spiritual desires and needs for tomorrow.
Lets Begin With A Prayer
$14.99Add to cartLet’s Begin with a Prayer provides a variety of prayers for all types of religious gatherings. From board meetings to book clubs, large assemblies to small groups, this brand new book of original prayers will become your best resource for bringing groups together in prayer to the Spirit for help furthering their mission. Each prayer starts with a Scripture quote and includes a short meditation. Prayer topics include:
– Collaboration
– Team-building
– Diversity
– Feast days and saint celebrations
– Holidays (New Year’s, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, July 4
)- Liturgical seasons
– Virtues
– Gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit
– Healing, grief -
Stories Of Jesus
$14.99Add to cartStories of Jesus provides a portrait of Our Lord in a day-by-day reflection format, based on the Gospel accounts of his life and teachings. Through these reflections, Girzone introduces Jesus and his adult ministry-from his baptism by John the Baptist through his public life and work, to his death and resurrection-pausing along the way to focus on the important people and events of Jesus s world.
Girzone invites the reader to “enter into the mind and heart of Jesus, and subtly develop an intimacy with him that may form and deepen one s personal relationship with the Savior. Each day opens with a passage from one of the Gospels, followed by an imaginative retelling of the story found in the scriptural text, and a brief prayer at the end. The forty-day format allows readers to use this book for Lent, or at other times of year to provide a “retreat with Jesus.
This creative approach to the life of Jesus will inspire a sense of God s Son as someone who is a constant companion as we walk though our own lives, one who understands, guides, and loves us with deep affection.
Confessions Of Saint Augustine
$17.95Add to cartThe Confessions of St. Augustine from Catholic Book Publishing is – after the Bible and the Imitation of Christ – the most widely translated and highly esteemed book in Christian history. Translated by Rev. J.M. Lehen, Ph.D., this Confessions of St. Augustine is published in a prayer book format, offering a more participatory reading and prayer experience based on St. Augustine’s confessions of his youthful errors. With a red vinyl cover, this classic Confessions of St. Augustine will make a tremendous personal resource or gift.
Prayer : Our Deepest Longing
$12.99Add to cartPrayer: Our Deepest Longing looks at the issues facing people of faith in today’s culture, and offers a way of more effectively dealing with them by seeking out opportunities for prayer. With simple, down-to-earth language, Rolheiser illustrates the importance of prayer and offers techniques on how to pray, using examples from daily life, Scripture, and contemporary writers. He delves into the places that we fear to go with our issues about prayer, encouraging us with gentle kindness and words of hope and inspiration.
Saint Bernards Three Course Banquet
$24.95Add to cartSaint Bernard s famous work, The Steps of Humility and Pride (in Latin, De gradibus humilitatis et superbiae), is a short book consisting of a mere fifty-seven paragraphs. In it, the Abbot of Clairvaux unpacks the doctrine of the very crucial chapter 7 of Saint Benedict s sixth-century Rule for Monks, which explores the dynamic steps or degrees of both humility and pride. This chapter by Benedict could well be considered the spiritual basis of all Benedictine existence.
In Saint Bernard s Three-Course Banquet, Dom Bernard Bonowitz makes the teaching of both Bernard and Benedict accessible to modern readers in a set of conferences originally conceived for and delivered to a group of Cistercian juniors, that is, monks and nuns who had completed their novitiate but had not yet made their solemn vows. With Dom Bernard as a guide, many more readers can be sure of drinking at the purest sources of the monastic tradition, which at that depth becomes one with the Gospel itself.
Prayers Papers And Play
$16.99Add to cartPrayers, Papers, and Play: Devotions for Every College Student is a college student devotional to be used throughout the academic year and into summer holidays. The devotions focus on a variety of common student experiences: academic struggles, working while attending school, leisure activities, internships, friendships, and more.
Pleading Cursing Praising
$16.95Add to cartIrene Nowell’s work would be both impressive and important if she were “only” a masterful Scripture scholar or a gifted spiritual guide or a compelling teacher. The fact that she is all three makes her an extraordinary resource for Christians today. In Pleading, Cursing, Praising, Nowell puts all of these gifts to use to offer a guide to praying with the psalms.
Nowell maintains that the psalms teach us to tell our story, to cry out our pain, and to give praise to God. They also teach us to listen-to the voice of God, the voice of Christ, the voices of the people around us, and the voice of all creation. This book includes questions and exercises for personal reflection, brief prayers for praying along the way, and suggestions for composing one’s own psalm-prayers. It promises to enrich the spiritual life of everyone who reads it.
Blessing Cup : Prayer Rituals For Families And Groups
$16.99Add to cartRitual is a powerful binding force. From the bedtime routines that toddlers insist upon to the comic routines that leave outsiders puzzled, all groups, including families, shape their identities by the rites they observe. And, in the process, they discover that something holy lies at the heart of their relationships. Franciscan Father Rock Travnikar wants families and groups to discover that holiness and to claim a deeper identity as God’s people. To aid in this discovery, he created prayer-rituals that are centered on a common cup and based on the use of Scripture and petition to help family or group members express their deepest feelings.
Holy Family Prayer Book
$9.99Add to cartThis simple prayer book, devoted to the Holy Family, offers traditional and original prayers dedicated to helping families today. Included in The Holy Family Prayer Book, are a variety of prayers that will help families stay spiritually grounded and ever-present in faith.
Lord Of All Hear Our Prayer
$20.99Add to cartSeventy intercessory prayers for worship, and one hundred twenty meditations that are ideal for either reading aloud or for quiet reflection. Themes include: our world with its beauty and mystery; our relationships; work and recreation; our joys, sorrows, and concerns; our worship; our beliefs and questions; and special occasions that mark the passage of the year and of our lives. This is the Second Edition under the same title.The First Edition had 60 meditations. This one has 120.