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Denominational Concerns

  • 9780899423494 Libro Catolico De Novenas - (Spanish)

    Libro Catolico De Novenas – (Spanish)


    This Spanish version of CATHOLIC BOOK OF NOVENAS contains more than twenty-five of the most popular novenas, carefully arranged for private prayer in accord with the Liturgical Year on the feasts of Jesus and Mary as well as favorite Saints. A short, helpful meditation is included before each novena. Illustrated.

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  • 9780764816963 Conozca A Nuestra Senora De Gu - (Spanish)

    Conozca A Nuestra Senora De Gu – (Spanish)


    The appearances of Our Lady of Guadalupe coincide with the birth of Hispanic culture in America and the evangelization of the continent. Written by one of the most recognized experts on themes associated with Guadalupe, this book carefully explains the symbols and signs contained in the Aztec narrative Nican Mopohua and the image of her. This work celebrates and encouarges Latinos to accept with pride their Christian heritage and the mix of cultures that live in the deepest part of their life.

    El evento guadalupano esta intimamente vinculado a la evangelizacion del continente y al nacimiento de la cultura hispana en America. Este libro, escrito por uno de los mas reconocidos expertos en los temas guadalupanos explica detalladamente los simbolos y signos que se esconden en la narracion del Nican Mopohua (la historia de las apariciones) y en el cuadro mismo de la Morenita.

    El texto nos ayuda a entendernos como cristianos y como mestizos; a aceptar nuestras raices y a vivir con orgullo la mezcla de culturas que conviven en nuestro ser.

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