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Showing 51–100 of 1906 results

  • Deep Inculturation : Global Voices On Christian Faith And Indigenous Genius


    Traditionally, inculturation has referred to a strategy employed by Western missionaries to evangelize non-Christian cultures. But what does this look like from the other side, from the perspective of indigenous cultures of the Global South and immigrant-heritage cultures in the interstices of dominant cultures? Deep Inculturation features original essays by seven leading global theologians with a focus on what this inculturation looks like in particular contexts: Africa, Mexico, Japan, Australia, and Indonesia.

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  • Ecological Spirituality


    Ecology & Justice Series

    The popular author of Quantum Theology and Evolutionary Faith offers a new way of spiritual becoming for a world facing environmental crises.

    The changes that we must make to address the complex ecological crises today are unlikely to happen if we do not experience a spiritual revolution. In Ecological Spirituality, Diarmuid O’Murchu invites readers to the revolutionary work of a life-promoting spirituality for our time. He explores how we must move beyond understandings of holiness that emphasize detachment from our world in favor of something beyond.

    In his welcoming style O’Murchu reintroduces readers to the long history of humanity’s relationship with the creative Spirit of God, including and transcending religious traditions in a growing horizon of faith. As we rediscover the sacred here on Earth, we are called to connect spirit with Spirit, discerning and living an ecologically-focused spirituality for the well-being of creatures and ecosystems around the planet.

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  • Confusion In The Kingdom


    What is going on in the Church today??

    There has always been variety within the Catholic family-different ways to pray, different approaches to the supernatural mysteries, different moral and doctrinal emphases to meet the challenges of every age and place. But always united in the one recognizable Faith.

    These days, however, all those harmonized differences of the past have given way to a cacophony of dissent, fracturing Catholic unity and pitting the body of Christ against itself. The world, which used to see the Church as an unshakeable rock of certainty (even when it hated us!), now looks at the many self-proclaimed liberal or “progressive” clerics, leaders, and influencers and isn’t sure anymore what Catholicism actually teaches and doesn’t teach, permits and forbids, blesses and condemns.

    And not just the world-many Catholics, too, are looking at this mess and throwing up their hands.

    In Confusion in the Kingdom, apologist Trent Horn (Why We’re Catholic) helps you make sense of the present chaos by examining the factions of progressive Catholicism and their beliefs, showing why they’re not representative of Catholic orthodoxy and exposing the harm and scandal they have caused.

    Even better, he explains how to argue against those liberal errors you’re most likely to encounter on social media or at a family gathering. Whether it is in matters of doctrine, political and social teachings related to justice and the common good, or the many areas where liberal Catholics want to rewrite traditional Christian teaching on sex and the family, if there’s a progressive Catholic notion causing confusion, Trent is there to shine on it the clear light of perennial truth.

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  • Unveiling The Sixth Station Of The Cross


    “Convert us, O God; and shew us thy face, and we shall be saved” (Psalm 80:3).

    Although many are familiar with the Holy Face Devotion, key fruits and wonders remain untold, and various of its most important spiritual treasures have yet to be discovered – until now.

    In these extraordinary pages, Mary Jane Zuzolo unveils for you how this devotion is prefigured in the book of Job, complements Fatima and other Marian apparitions, encompasses the spirituality of St. Therese, crowns the insights of the great Carmelite mystics, affirms the Mariology of St. Louis de Montfort, and has generated more miracles than the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes.

    Words of Christ from approved private revelations describe the Holy Face Devotion as “the most beautiful work under the sun” and “the greatest source of grace second to the sacraments.” Zuzolo further reveals:

    *The Miracle of the Vatican, in which the Holy Face image became enlivened, serving as catalyst for the related wonder-working at the hands of Ven. Leo Dupont.

    *The woman in the Gospel who was designated by Christ in private revelations as the model of reparation to His wounded Countenance – and whose “reward” prefigured that which He promises for devotees of the Holy Face Devotion.

    *How reparation to the Holy Face relates to the Holy Sacrament of the Altar and is complementary to the Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy devotions.

    *How St. Joan of Arc was the forebearer of the Holy Face Devotion in her dramatic assistance of the preservation of Catholicism in France.

    *How the Holy Face Devotion serves as an antidote to communism and modernism.

    The Holy Face Devotion, Zuzolo explains, was bestowed by Christ “as a new pledge of mercy.” Its graces flowing though “Our Lady of the Holy Name of God” and its preference by God to all other devotions together give the affectionate title “Mother of All Devotions” dual significance.

    In our time of heightened sin and darkness, the Holy Face Devotion is a means of imploring the Countenance of Christ to “turn toward us” and restore life and light to the world through conversion of the masses. Unlike any other, the Holy Face Devotion is centered on reparation to the Godhead Itself. In recompense, Our Lord promises to imprint His Image, the very “seal of the Divinity,” upon the soul of the devotee. Practicing this devotion is therefore an invaluable aid to our individual salvation, as well as that of our brethren. It is spiritual armament

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  • Father : 30 Meditions To Draw You Into The Heart Of God


    Embark on a transformative 30-day retreat deep into the heart of God the Father.

    In The Father: 30 Meditations to Draw You into the Heart of God, Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR, leads readers through a 30-day journey that unveils the boundless love of God the Father, who has “a plan of sheer goodness” (CCC 1) for each of us.

    The Father presents thirty inspiring stories of exemplary fathers who reflect God’s paternal love, along with:

    *Relevant quotes from Scripture
    *Reflections and prayers
    *And provided space for readers to write down responses to what they have read.

    Begin this adventure and claim your dignity as a cherished child of God and as “heir of his blessed life” (CCC 1).

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  • Penny And The Stolen Chalice


    Penny is a new sixth grader at a Catholic school, but she isn’t Catholic. So when the chalice is stolen from the altar during a school Mass, she doesn’t really understand what the big deal is. When her friend Jayden is accused of the theft, Penny teams up with him to find the real thief and recover the chalice. But what will she do when she finds out the shocking truth at the end of the trail of clues?

    Fast-paced and filled with mystery, Penny and the Stolen Chalice will keep middle-grade readers guessing to the very end. As she finds clues with Jayden and her other friends, Penny, along with the reader, gains a deeper understanding of the Mass and the chalice’s place in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

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  • Citizens Yet Strangers


    It’s hard — and getting harder — to discern the proper relationship between our Catholic Faith and American political life. Democrat, Republican, third party, or independent — how do we make sense of it all?

    Citizens Yet Strangers resets the framework of how we engage with politics as Catholics. As author Kenneth Craycraft argues in this book, American Catholics have been more influenced by classical liberal political theory (of both the “conservative” and “liberal” variety) than by historic Catholic moral theology. While some incidental policy positions of the Democratic and Republican parties converge with Catholic moral teaching, for most Catholics, their respective positions are directed by their party affiliation, not by Catholic moral doctrine.

    Craycraft explains how Catholic theology transcends partisan politics, and he challenges Catholics to move away from the individualist liberal impulses of American political identity, whether on the left or the right. Avoiding the common cliches that prevent us from examining the role our faith should play in our public actions, this book dives deeper into the very way we orient our moral and political lives.

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  • Gods Love Song


    The Canticle of the Creatures “is Francis’s love song. It is Franciscan wholeness, for in it is contained the depth of his prayer and of his life in Christ. In its singing he was singing his dying and his rising, for his song was a journey of praise and thanksgiving for his place of origin and his destination, the Most High, All-Powerful, Good Lord.”–Murray Bodo

    Using St. Francis’s canticle as a framework, Murray Bodo, a Franciscan friar, and Susan Saint Sing, a secular Franciscan, reflect on the vision of Francis and Clare as it has played out over the course of their own lives. Susan’s experiences of healing during trips to Assisi and praying in nature and Murray’s deep understanding of Francis and Clare as poets and mystics come together in a duet that brings God’s love song to life.

    These deeply personal reflections explore the power of prayer and meditation, the sacredness of all creation, and the pull of sacred places. This meditative, reflective reading experience conveys what a lifetime of Franciscan spirituality looks like and will draw you into exploring your own experience of the vision of Francis and Clare.

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  • From Union Square To Rome


    Preface by Robert Ellsberg

    With a New Foreword by

    Pope Francis

    “‘Praise God’ is the title of this letter. For when human beings claim to take God’s place, they become their own worst enemies.”

    In Laudato Si’, his historic encyclical of 2015,Pope Francis firmly established ecological concerns as central to the agenda of Catholic Social Teaching. Along with a spiritual framework on care for creation, he outlined such issues as climate change, biodiversity, and the peril facing our oceans, and offered a comprehensive guide to integral ecology.

    Now, comes a shorter but even more urgent call: Laudate Deum, which focuses specifically on the climate crisis. As Erin Lothes Biviano writes in her introduction, Pope Francis here writes as a prophet, priest, poet, and most of all “a pastor, deeply concerned for people throughout the world, and above all for the poor.” Disappointed that not enough has been done in the intervening years, Francis addresses the irreversible effects of increasing global temperatures, the decrease in ice sheets, and other signs of the times. He critiques the “technocratic paradigm,” the ongoing addiction to a fossil-fuel economy, and the “weaknesses of international politics,” while leveling particular criticism at those who sow resistance and confusion.

    With selections in this edition from Laudato Si’ that focus on pastoral, theological, and spiritual themes, Laudate Deum is a call to face the preeminent crisis of our times and to draw on all our spiritual wisdom, scientific knowledge, and political will to meet the challenge.

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  • Father Ed : The Story Of Bill W’s Spiritual Sponsor


    Father Ed is the first biography of Father Edward Dowling, SJ (1898-1960), whose guidance transformed Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson’s life and deepened the spirituality of the twelve-step movement. Trained as a journalist, Dowling was always drawn to those who were suffering–a sympathy enhanced by his own crippling infirmities–which led him to embrace the A.A. approach to healing in community. Father Ed is a portrait of the kind of priest Pope Francis has extolled as a “shepherd with the smell of the sheep.”

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  • Too Small A World


    “The world is too small,” Saint Frances Cabrini (1850-1917) once declared. “I would like to embrace it all, to reach every corner.” This compelling, authoritative biography chronicles the astounding life of a petite Italian-born religious sister who, with the heart of a missionary, conquered all odds to become the first American citizen canonized a saint.

    Theodore Maynard traces Cabrini’s journey from her humble beginnings in northern Italy to her pioneering mission across the United States serving the poor and the sick on a massive scale. Between her work with immigrants (in New York, Denver, Chicago, Seattle, New Orleans, and beyond), her building of schools, orphanages, and hospitals, and her founding of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mother Cabrini’s entrepreneurial work would change the course of American history, marking it with Christ’s mercy.

    Maynard draws his material directly from the official files for Cabrini’s canonization, from her letters, and from interviews with Missionary Sisters who were close to her. What emerges from this complex portrait is a woman of boundless compassion, courage, and energy, whose legacy continues to inspire people around the world today.

    “If anybody could effect the impossible,” writes Theodore Maynard, “it was this Italian nun.”

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  • Myself As Another


    Myself As Another uniquely approaches the reality of the human person offering an exploration of the writings of politicians, psychiatrists, and philosophers on the subject of personal identity and the ‘other.’ McNerney’s treatment of these questions is made not on intellectual stilts, but rather with a focus on the heart of contemporary human experience in the light of God’s self-revelation. Drawing deeply on the insights of Jewish, Protestant, and Catholic thinkers McNerney shows how a spirituality of unity can nourish us on “a journey to the heart of who we are.”

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  • Visions Of Saint Frances Of Rome


    Learn from one of the Church’s great mystics, Saint Frances of Rome. In this book, she narrates her visions to her spiritual director, Canon Giovanni Matteoni. He records her visions of the geography of hell and the state of limbo. She describes the punishments for various sins such as perverts, usurers, blasphemers, traitors, murderers, apostates, schismatics, incestuous people, witches and more. She also talks about the particular torments due to the seven deadly sins and the punishments for theft, dishonoring parents, breaking vows of chastity and selling daughters into prostitution.

    In addition to these visions of hell, Saint Frances also shares her visions of purgatory and heaven. She talks about the condition of souls in purgatory and the glories of heaven and so much more. Her visions will provide you with rich meditations on the realities of the Four Last Things.

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  • Life : My Story Through History (Large Type)


    For the first time, Pope Francis tells the story of his life as he looks back on the momentous world events that have changed history–from his earliest years during the outbreak of World War II in 1939 to the turmoil of today.

    An extraordinary personal and historical journey, Life is the story of a man and a world in dramatic change. Pope Francis recalls his life through memories and observations of the most significant occurrences of the past eight decades. The book opens with three-year-old Jorge in the kitchen with his mother in Argentina as World War II breaks out, and he goes on to witness several historic events:

    the fall of the Berlin Wall Videla’s coup in Argentina the moon landing in 1969 and even the 1986 World Cup in which Maradona scored the unforgettable “hand of God” goal.

    Here are the frank assessments and intimate insights of a pastor reflecting on the Nazi extermination of the Jews, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the 2001 terrorist attack on America and the collapse of the Twin Towers, the great economic recession of 2008, the Covid-19 pandemic, the retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, and the subsequent conclave that elected him Pontiff.

    The “pope callejero” recounts these world-changing moments with the candor and compassion that distinguishes him, and offers important messages on major crises confronting us now, including social inequalities, climate change, international war, atomic weapons, racial discrimination, and the battles over social and cultural issues.

    Translated from the Italian by Aubrey Botsford

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  • Life : My Story Through History


    For the first time, Pope Francis tells the story of his life as he looks back on the momentous world events that have changed history–from his earliest years during the outbreak of World War II in 1939 to the turmoil of today.

    An extraordinary personal and historical journey, Life is the story of a man and a world in dramatic change. Pope Francis recalls his life through memories and observations of the most significant occurrences of the past eight decades. The book opens with three-year-old Jorge in the kitchen with his mother in Argentina as World War II breaks out, and he goes on to witness several historic events:

    the fall of the Berlin Wall Videla’s coup in Argentina the moon landing in 1969 and even the 1986 World Cup in which Maradona scored the unforgettable “hand of God” goal.

    Here are the frank assessments and intimate insights of a pastor reflecting on the Nazi extermination of the Jews, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the 2001 terrorist attack on America and the collapse of the Twin Towers, the great economic recession of 2008, the Covid-19 pandemic, the retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, and the subsequent conclave that elected him Pontiff.

    The “pope callejero” recounts these world-changing moments with the candor and compassion that distinguishes him, and offers important messages on major crises confronting us now, including social inequalities, climate change, international war, atomic weapons, racial discrimination, and the battles over social and cultural issues.

    Translated from the Italian by Aubrey Botsford

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  • Holy Spirit And The Greatest Adventure


    Have you ever wondered how God’s love is spread?

    Or how the Church works,and who guides where she’s led?

    It’s God’s Holy Spirit — he’s one of the three, the Persons divine in the bless’d Trinity.

    With awe-inspiring illustrations and memorable rhyme, this book introduces children to the Holy Spirit. It explains in a child-friendly way how the Holy Spirit has always been active in the Church throughout the ages, from the captivating events of Pentecost to the ways he helped the saints, including today!

    The Holy Spirit and the Greatest Adventure will inspire children and adults alike to cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is here to help us whenever we call upon him.

    Come, Holy Spirit!

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  • Pentecost At Tepeyac


    In this study of the cult of Guadalupe a noted Latinx scholar argues that, rather than an expression of Marian devotion it is instead better understood as a popular form of pneumatology.

    This book develops a Latinx pneumatology, or theology of the Holy Spirit, exploring the image of Guadalupe as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. All symbols are cultural creations. Furthermore, the Spirit being divine is beyond all cultures and, therefore, no one symbol–whether dove, flame, breath, or any other–can be the only symbol possible. Non-European cultures can and must culturally symbolize the divine, in their respective ways, in order to experience and express their faith in God.

    The feminine too can culturally symbolize the divine. Espin focuses on the empowering action of the Spirit among the indigent and marginalized majority of humankind and their cultures, and thus on the Holy Spirit’s subversive, empowering role in human history, societies, and cultures.

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  • Undoing Conquest : Ancient Israel, The Bible, And The Future Of Christianit


    Archeologists in the last century unearthed new evidence of the origins of the Hebrew people that reshapes understandings of Israelite history and the Bible. Undoing Conquest recovers the Highland Settlements material evidence as a history that challenges the theological imagination of conquest that is still present in Christianity today. Yet this new history remains largely untold outside of specialized archeological and biblical studies contexts. Undoing Conquest analyzes this evidence from a feminist perspective in dialogue with the present moment and uncovers its importance for shaping Christian theology and church practice today. The book examines how the biblical conquest narratives shaped Christian ideology, which justified settler-colonialism and genocide around the globe like the European conquest of the Americas. It proposes ways to invite the Highland Settlements story into the life of the church by creating a new liturgical season called the Season of Origins, focused on repairing the harms of the past and creating a more just future.

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  • You Will Be Changed Into Me


    In recent decades, Catholic books on the Eucharist have often focused narrowly on the question of the nature or essence of the Eucharist. Although the question of the nature of the Eucharist is undoubtedly important, it unfortunately has overshadowed a question that is just as important, if not more important: what does the Eucharist do? If Jesus’ body, blood, soul, and divinity are truly present in the Eucharist as Catholics believe, then we should not be surprised to learn that when Catholics receive the Eucharist they receive multiple effects, or fruits.

    You Will Be Changed Into Me introduces six of the most important fruits of the Eucharist. It will explore how the Jesus Event is brought to the present through Eucharistic memory; it will investigate how the Eucharist is the application of Christ’s sacrificial offering on the cross; it will demonstrate how the Eucharist radically conforms the communicant to the heart of Christ; it will review the unity in the human family that is created by the Eucharist through union with Christ; it will show how a Eucharistic life leads to a life of service; it will explain the significance of the Eucharist for the journey beyond this life.

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  • Come Have Breakfast


    “‘Come, have breakfast’ (Jn 21:12) These three simple words followed by generous action open a portal into an ecological image of the living God who is active with cordial hospitality toward all creatures, nurturing their lives, desiring that all should be fed.”

    In her latest work, prize-winning theologian Elizabeth Johnson views planet Earth, its beauty and threatened state, through the lens of scripture. Each luminous meditation offers a snapshot of one aspect of the holy mystery who creates, indwells, redeems, vivifies, and sanctifies the whole world. Together, they offer a panoramic view of the living God who loves the earth, accompanies all its creatures in their living and their dying, and moves us to care for our uncommon common home.

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  • Little Donkey And Gods Big Plan


    Join a little Donkey as he discovers his big purpose and God’s plan for his life by becoming the donkey that carries Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

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  • Saint Pauls Nephew To The Rescue


    Saint Paul is imprisoned, and angry men are plotting to kill him. Saint Paul’s nephew overhears their evil plan, and even though he’s small and afraid, he knows he needs to do something to stop them.

    In this exciting, illustrated story, based on true events from Saint Paul’s life as recounted in the Acts of the Apostles, children will learn about heroism in the face of danger and what it means to be a Christian witness. St. Paul’s Nephew to the Rescue will captivate the imagination of young readers and inspire them to live courageous lives, doing all things through Christ who strengthens us.

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  • In Search Of A Full Life


    Maybe you are a committed young adult Catholic, or maybe you’re not Catholic at all. Perhaps you were baptized and even completed your initiation into the Catholic Church through First Communion and Confirmation, and yet you don’t think of yourself as “Catholic” first. Wherever you are in life, you’re probably seeking a life with deeper meaning and substance.

    Living a full life is more than just taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually and doing nice things for others; it’s about becoming like Jesus. And in order to do this, we must “give up childish ways,” as Saint Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians. We must be open to growth and strive to become mature adults.

    Tackling a host of cultural and developmental topics, including prayer, friendships, dating, discernment, and more, In Search of a Full Life empowers young people with real guidance on the way to a full life of significance and consequence. In this book, Dr. Leonard DeLorenzo offers practical, achievable advice for growing in Christian maturity and becoming the person God created you to be.

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  • Moral Leadership : Integrity, Courage, Imagination


    Addressing the crises in American public life–whether in a local community, an educational institution, or a global organization–calls for genuine moral leadership, anchored in intellectual and ethical integrity, a vision of and commitment to the public good, and personal investment in transformative community.

    Drawing on a lifetime of witnessing, emulating, and nurturing leaders, Robert Michael Franklin proposes a model for such leadership at every level of public life. Moral Leadership offers ways in which readers in whatever context can discover and foster those qualities in themselves, and become the change they want to see.

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  • Good Life : 15 Essential Habits For Living With Hope And Joy


    In this internationally bestselling book, Pope Francis shares fifteen rules for how to live a happy and fulfilling life.

    Life can be hard, but no matter what challenges you are facing, Pope Francis wants you to know you were created by God for this moment. There is always a way to find joy and to celebrate the wonder of the life we have been given.

    In this brand-new book, Pope Francis offers fifteen mindsets that allow readers to find hope and meaning in every circumstance. He encourages us to defend and protect the light that shines in us, to believe in the beautiful, to find meaning in the struggles, to work for peace, and to build something wherever we are. He also reminds us of the importance of gratitude, warns Christians against complacency, and encourages real, face-to-face connection over conversations merely on screens. He points us toward the light, and also opens up with powerful vulnerability about times he has faced the darkness himself, calling us all to meaningful prayer.

    None of us knows how many days are left before us. The wisdom in this heartfelt collection will encourage, inspire, equip, and ultimately help you to live a beautiful and meaningful life.

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  • Wisdom Of Solomon


    The 17 New Testament volumes in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series have been widely acclaimed. Now the series editors offer readable Old Testament commentaries that integrate the best of contemporary biblical scholarship with the traditional understanding of the Old Testament books as prophesying and prefiguring Christ.

    Written from a standpoint of faith in the Holy Spirit’s inspiration of Scripture, CCSS Old Testament commentaries are designed for preaching, teaching, and applying Scripture to Christian life today. Accessibly written yet substantive, they include quotes from church documents, church fathers, and saints and are packed with features that make them particularly useful to those doing ministry in Catholic parishes.

    General editors for the series are Mary Healy (Sacred Heart Major Seminary), Mark Giszczak (Augustine Institute), and Peter S. Williamson (Sacred Heart Major Seminary).

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  • Wisdom Of Solomon


    The 17 New Testament volumes in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series have been widely acclaimed. Now the series editors offer readable Old Testament commentaries that integrate the best of contemporary biblical scholarship with the traditional understanding of the Old Testament books as prophesying and prefiguring Christ.

    Written from a standpoint of faith in the Holy Spirit’s inspiration of Scripture, CCSS Old Testament commentaries are designed for preaching, teaching, and applying Scripture to Christian life today. Accessibly written yet substantive, they include quotes from church documents, church fathers, and saints and are packed with features that make them particularly useful to those doing ministry in Catholic parishes.

    General editors for the series are Mary Healy (Sacred Heart Major Seminary), Mark Giszczak (Augustine Institute), and Peter S. Williamson (Sacred Heart Major Seminary).

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  • 1st Belong To God


    “This is not a time to hunker down and lock our doors. I see clearly that the Lord is calling us out of ourselves, to get up and walk.” –From the Foreword by POPE FRANCIS

    Drawing on the wisdom of Pope Francis and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Austen Ivereigh has written a captivating spiritual guide for our turbulent age.

    Designed as an eight-day Ignatian retreat, First Belong to God serves as a roadmap to deeper discipleship. It does this by focusing on the three foundational forms of belonging: to God, to creation, and to others.

    Structured around the core principles of St. Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises, First Belong to God encapsulates the key aspects of the Francis pontificate:

    *the essence of being “God-belonging” entities
    *the way God’s mercy challenges our self-reliance
    *the journey to building the Kingdom in the footsteps of Christ
    *heeding the cry of the earth and the stranger
    *striving for fraternity by championing synodality

    Whether you’re embarking on a solitary spiritual expedition or a journey with like-minded individuals, First Belong to God offers the next best thing to a personal retreat with Pope Francis: a full-soul immersion into his wisdom via the classic Jesuit retreat that shaped him so profoundly.

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  • Strangers In The Bible


    Strangers in the Bible explores ways of overcoming the boundaries between exegesis and ethics without abolishing or blurring those boundaries. It makes a unique contribution by combining in a single book the epistemological debates, the methodology, and the results related to using Scripture to delve into an ethics issue.

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  • In The Courts Of Three Popes


    For twenty centuries, the Catholic Church has radically shaped world history–and survived it. In the decades following the Second Vatican Council, three popes have carried forward this legacy, striving to lead the Church and its governing body–the last absolute monarchy of the West–into the modern world.

    With In the Courts of Three Popes, accomplished diplomat, international lawyer, and Harvard professor Mary Ann Glendon gives readers a rare inside look at the papacies of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis. She shares her role in key developments in the Church’s recent history, like the Church entering the third millennium, in Pope John Paul II’s words, on its knees in penance for failures such as clergy sex abuse, or in leading the way for lay women to hold positions of power in the Church. Glendon illuminates the issues vexing the Church today: the place of faith in secular politics, relating the Church to other religions, clericalism and the power of laypeople, and corruption at the Vatican Bank and within the Roman Curia.

    Glendon provides a one-of-a-kind analysis of the inner workings of the Holy See, showing readers that, despite its many failings, the Catholic Church is a living, breathing community. Behind the Church’s doctrines and policies and institutions lie people, personalities, aspirations, and relationships that still promise to transform lives.

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  • Catholicism Everywhere : From Hail Mary Passes To Cappaccinos – How Catholi


    From sports to weather forecasting to wedding customs to military service, Catholicism Everywhere connects your work, your play, and your daily habits with the vibrant heritage, culture, and prayers of the Catholic Faith.

    Many faithful Catholics greet God and give Him thanks and praise when they arise in the morning and retire at night. How they stay connected with Him and the Faith throughout the day, however, varies widely. Many forget that He is right there to call upon whenever the need or impulse arises. Others see Him all around, in the flowers of the field, the birds of the air, the smile of a child. Uniquely, Catholicism Everywhere treats the reader to the many expressions of God in the hobbies, foods, structures, and inventions developed by the Catholic Church and her members.

    Enjoy a cup of coffee and thank Pope Clement VIII for his refusal to ban coffee and his edict proclaiming it to be an acceptable drink for Christians. Turn on the radio and recall that Fr. Jozef Murgas patented a form of wireless telegraphy, made the first wireless voice transmission, and gave away his secrets to allow for the development of radio. Send an e-mail and shop online with a nod to Sr. Mary Kenneth Keller, a member of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who became one of the first two students to earn a doctorate in computer science, helping pave the way for personal computing.

    In these crisp, compelling passages, you will also learn about:

    *The saint whose research led to the discovery of insulin
    *The priest who posited the big bang theory
    *The thrilling significance of the St. Michael’s Jump
    *The origin of the Hail Mary pass
    *The saint who used beer to help save lives
    *The actor whose promise in prayer led to the building of a famous children’s hospital
    *The film Pope Paul VI said would bring more people to Christ than anything before

    These and other remarkable stories show how the Catholic Church and her members have borne tremendous fruit, in faith, to serve their fellow man. This book features chapters on pets, gardening, health care, cuisine, travel, entertainment, science, and more, including the Catholic founding of Alcoholics Anonymous, the Mayo Clinic, the Blue Army, the Knights of Columbus, and the Legion of Mary.

    From sports to weather forecasting to wedding customs to military service, Catholicism Everywhere connects your work, your play, and your daily habits with the vibrant heritage, culture, and prayers of t

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Philip Neri


    The “Apostle of Rome,” the “Reformer of the Church,” the “Saint of Christian Joy”-these and many other titles are given to Saint Philip Neri (1515-1595). A priest at the age of thirty-six, he never ceased to bring to Rome and the world the fire of the Holy Spirit that burned in his heart. In 15 Days of Prayer with Philip Neri, you will discover a joyful companion who lived out his baptismal call with spiritual intensity and pastoral charity. Canonized in 1622 along with St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and St. Teresa of Avila, he is celebrated on May 26. Too often forgotten by the Church today, the example of this saint is relevant and inspiring for our times.

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  • Litanies Of The Heart


    All of us are wounded and in need of healing. In these pages, Dr. Gerry Crete accompanies you on your journey to overcome anxiety and traumas, big or small. You will benefit from his “parts work” therapeutic approach to find inner harmony, greater life fulfillment, and a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.

    Through this specialized technique, you will experience growth, transformation, and ultimately, restoration. This book stands alone in its seamless integration of advanced trauma-based treatment with rich biblical and Christian traditions. Each chapter offers a concise, real-life vignette, an exploration of the psychology of the interior world, a Scripture study, reflection questions, a meditation, and practical ways to apply these life-changing methods. You will also find:

    *The key virtue in inner transformation
    *What is really meant by true self-love
    *The way to begin to open yourself to God’s grace and healing
    *How your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health are interconnected
    *Eight characteristics of the redeemed inmost self

    Dr. Gerry guides you in identifying and understanding past wounds to achieve healing and experience lasting freedom. You will learn how to enter into your inmost self, created in the image and likeness of God. You will also learn how to develop the “eight Cs”: to be calm, connected, compassionate, clear-thinking, curious, creative, courageous, and confident. Additionally, you will learn to foster the “five Ps”: patience, persistence, perspective, playfulness, and presence.

    As you rest in the spiritual center of your soul, you will learn to lay down your burdens and feelings of being overwhelmed. Above all, you will find how to truly experience God’s love and learn to love Him and others fully.

    The book includes three litanies: the Litany of the Closed Heart, the Litany of the Wounded Heart, and the Litany of the Fearful Heart. These litanies have been used by countless people to connect their inner parts with God’s love and mercy. The goal of the litanies is to bring you into a closer relationship with God as you release your fears and anxieties.

    We know that in God’s embrace we can find safety and that God can heal all of our wounds with loving care,” Dr. Gerry explains. “God truly knows us, sees us, and wants the very best for us. And God delights in watching us discover our true selves.”

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  • Ascension Lenton Companion


    Fr. Mark Toups, an experienced spiritual director, leads readers inward to invite the Lord to heal those areas where they need it most. Readers will walk with Jesus as he heads to Jerusalem, and each day will have the chance to pause and reflect on each stage of his journey with a word, a reflection, and a prayer prompt. He follows the same format that hundreds of thousands of Catholics enjoy year over year in past Lenten Companion journals and Advent and with his popular and award-winning Rejoice! Advent journals.

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  • CEst La Confiance


    In his apostolic exhortation C’Est La Confiance (“It Is Confidence”), Pope Francis reflects on Saint Therese of Lisieux on the 150th anniversary of her birth. The title of the document is taken from words used by Saint Therese in a letter to a Carmelite sister expressing her full confidence in the merciful love of God. As she stated, “It is confidence and nothing but confidence that must lead us to Love.”

    Therese (1873-1897), popularly known as the “Little Flower,” is one of the best known and most beloved saints. Pope Francis writes that “[w]e would do well to delve more deeply into her message” shared in her Story of a Soul as well as the example she set forth with her “little way” of life — the path of trust and love.

    “Therese, for her part, wished to highlight the primacy of God’s action; she encourages us to have complete confidence as we contemplate the love of Christ poured out to the end,” Pope Francis writes. “With confidence, the wellspring of grace overflows into our lives, the Gospel takes flesh within us and makes us channels of mercy for our brothers and sisters.”

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  • Behold Your Mother


    When we pray the Stations of the Cross, we walk alongside Jesus to Calvary. In Behold Your Mother: Marian Stations of the Cross, we walk alongside the Mother of the Redeemer as she accompanies him during his Passion and death. Written from the unique perspective of a child who is witnessing Mary’s unspeakable anguish, this booklet helps us to grow in devotion to the Blessed Mother as she leads us closer to her Son.

    Just before he died on the Cross for the salvation of the world, Jesus entrusted Mary to Saint John and Saint John to Mary. In that moment, Mary also became our mother forever – a beautiful, loving gift from the Redeemer himself. Behold your mother!

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  • 30 Day Eucharistic Revival


    Several popes have referred to St. Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868) as “the Apostle of the Eucharist.” Nonetheless, he is not that well known in the universal Church. When it comes to worldwide recognition of his extraordinary life, as well as the many amazing things he did to foster a greater love for the Blessed Sacrament, most Catholics are unfamiliar with him and have never heard his name. That is about to change. 30-Day Eucharistic Revival is intended to help you, your children, your grandchildren, and all future generations rediscover and experience a revival of belief in the Real Presence, especially during the period of National Eucharistic Revival in the United States.

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  • Shining In Spotless Splendor


    The Immaculate Conception describes the sinless conception of the Blessed Virgin in St. Anne’s womb. But if there were nothing more hidden in this mystery, it would be only her unique privilege. It would not affect our lives nor touch our hearts. The Holy Spirit continues to imprint this mystery on our hearts by purifying us of all sin and healing its effects, so that we too may be immaculate like the Virgin. Through these 40 days, we tap into the living reality of this mystery, so that the Holy Spirit may accomplish in us what He first wrought in the Immaculata. She invites us not only to ponder the mystery from the outside, but to enter into it as into a fire. When we allow the fire of the Holy Spirit to touch our hearts, as He filled the Immaculate Heart, then everything in us is transformed into divine life and love. With filial trust, let us ask the Father for this grace to be immaculate like the Blessed Virgin and consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Conception.

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  • Diary Of A Future Saint


    Born Helena Kowalska, a simple Polish peasant farm girl at the dawn of the 20th century, Faustina was chosen by God to teach the world about His unfathomable Divine Mercy. Though mocked, ridiculed, and unbelieved, she earnestly followed Jesus’ commands, the Blessed Mother’s instructions, and saintly wisdom to tread an amazing mystical journey, filled to overflowing with gifts and graces to glorify God. She went on to become one of the world’s most popular saints. Befriend this lovable, down-to-earth saint through the work of celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, an expert on St. Faustina and a master storyteller, who presents St. Faustina’s life in this page-turning novel for all ages.

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  • Church As Sanctuary


    No study has yet examined the tradition of sanctuary as the starting point for rethinking the church in an age of global displacement. Church as Sanctuary, argues that if church sanctuary is going to be legible as a pillar of ecclesial existence in modernity, then we need a theology of sanctuary that reconstitutes this rich tradition anew, placing it at the service of a displaced world. By its very nature, church sanctuary is and has always served as a creative ecclesial and sacramental response to persons whose life is threatened by generalized or state violence, and in our contemporary society the church’s rejection of its own tradition places at risk other forms of sanctuary that exist in symbolic relation to the church’s historical practice.

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  • Bible And Reconciliation


    This addition to the Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

    James Prothro offers a biblical theology of the sacrament of reconciliation–the restoration of the sinner through forgiveness and repentance. Prothro fleshes out the patterns in which God’s people in the Old and New Testaments approach the merciful God, confess, and are forgiven and called to reengage their relationship with God by growing in faith and love through God’s ministry of grace.

    Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance-education programs. Gray is also president of the Augustine Institute.

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  • Program Of Priestly Formation In The United States Of America Sixth Edition


    Local norms for structuring seminarian formation and teaching the next generation of priests

    Seminarians are the future of the priesthood. During these formative years, they learn what it means to conform their hearts to the service of the Church and develop the charity, faithfulness, and compassion they will need to minister to their future parishioners.

    The Program of Priestly Formation guides those who teach seminarians with advice on forming compassionate spiritual fathers who will serve their parishioners well. It also outlines the structural elements of seminary formation and the various people responsible for accompanying a seminarian through his formation.

    The Program of Priestly Formation:

    *Begins with an introduction to priestly formation, outlining its foundations in community and its missionary spirit

    *Explores the theological foundations of the ministerial priesthood and the Church’s role in promoting priestly vocations

    *Outlines the process of admission into a formation program and local norms for how seminarians are evaluated throughout their education

    *Organizes guidance around the four dimensions of formation-human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral-and how to incorporate these at each stage of seminary formation

    The Program of Priestly Formation is intended for bishops, priests, seminary rectors, seminary faculties, formators, and all who minister to seminarians as they fulfill this high call to form missionary disciples and lay the foundation for a lifetime of priestly formation.

    This new edition of the Program features:

    *A newly designed cover with beautiful sacred art

    *Colored tabs with paragraph numbers at the top of each page for easy navigation

    *Carefully designed pages to make each page readable, organized, and inviting

    *A document summary explaining the intended audience, the document’s origin, and the purpose it seeks to serve within the mission of the Church

    *The official text of this work written by the USCCB Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations

    This edition is part of The USCCB Collection from Ascension, which features official documents from the United States bishops previously published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

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  • Virgin Mary Around The World


    The Virgin Mary around the World with her spouse, The Holy Spirit. Can you find him on each page?!

    A beautifully created children’s book with the perfect blend of faith and fun. Twelve full color pages with 11 different apparitions of the Virgin Mary from around the world, this board book is sure to not only delight children but also help them learn about their beautiful Catholic faith. The perfect book for every little, and not so little one on your list!

    Marian apparitions featured in the book are: Our Lady of Guadalupe; Our Lady of China; Our Lady of Knock; Our Lady of Fatima; Our Lady of Vailankanni; Our Lady of Aparecida; Our Lady of Czestochowa; Our Lady of Kibeho; Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Our Lady of Lourdes; Our Lady of Charity (Cuba)

    Book measures 6″ x 6″.

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  • 2024 Saint Joseph Guide For Christian Prayer (Large Type)


    Handy guide that facilitates use of the large-type edition of CHRISTIAN PRAYER, the one-volume LITURGY OF THE HOURS, by providing clear, accurate references for each day of the year.

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  • 2024 Saint Joseph Guide For The Liturgy Of The Hours (Large Type)


    Handy guide that facilitates use of the large-type edition of THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS by providing clear, accurate references for each day of the period specified.

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  • 2024 Saint Joseph Missal Guide


    A handy calendar that indicates the Mass and texts that may be said on each day. Can be used with the following ST. JOSEPH SUNDAY MISSALS: Product Codes 820/09; 820/22GN; 820/22B; 820/10BN; and 820/23 and the following ST. JOSEPH WEEKDAY MISSALS: Product Codes 920/09; 920/23; 921/09; and 921/23.

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  • 2024 Saint Joseph Guide For The Liturgy Of The Hours


    Handy guide that facilitates use of THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS by providing clear, accurate references for each day of the period specified.

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  • Every Day With Jesus


    Jesus gives himself to us in the Eucharist because he loves us. When we receive him in the Blessed Sacrament — body, blood, soul, and divinity — we are united to the humanity and divinity of Christ.

    Every Day with Jesus is an invitation to reflect on how our encounter with the Real Presence can truly transform our lives in so many ways. This daily devotional is divided into twelve months, with each month highlighting a specific attribute in the life of Jesus. You’ll begin each day with a Scripture verse, followed by a brief reflection, a question or an act to consider, and a short prayer to Jesus in the Eucharist to carry through your day.

    This companion to the daily devotionals Every Day with Mary and Every Day with Saint Joseph fosters spiritual growth and transformation through a renewed personal encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.

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  • Auschwitz And Absolution


    Few people know that in the face of his execution, the notorious Rudolf Hoss, the Commandant for Auschwitz, met with a Polish Jesuit priest, Fr. Wladyslaw Lohn. Hoss made a confession to Fr. Lohn for approximately four hours, and from Fr. Lohn he received communion. This compelling account of a secret and sacramental meeting not only tells what happened but seventeen Christian and Jewish scholars offer a critical challenge to, or celebration of Christian notions of forgiveness.

    We have access to Hoss’s confession by way of selections from his published memoirs. Fr. Lohn said almost nothing about his encounter and certainly nothing about the confession itself. In addition to writing a thorough introduction to this encounter, in order to contemplate the priest’s thoughts, James Bernauer has composed a work of imagination, a diary of how this Jesuit might have scrutinized this meeting. Bernauer’s hope is that, in addition to giving a sense of a historical encounter, the reader will perform their own imaginative reflection on the issues. Throughout the work, the limitations on religious absolution of sin are heightened by recall of alternative Christian practices (historical and contemporary), as well as Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s warnings about “cheap grace.”

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  • Nevertheless We Persist


    Elaborates an innovative feminist theological approach to the public church and to the praxis of public theology as ekklesial work, that is, creating community or creating a shared public life; it constructs and then applies this approach to identify and interpret theological claims (imago Dei, Christology, ecclesiology) and practices of public engagement (rhetorical, symbolic, and prophetic) exemplified mainly but not only by Christian social justice leaders and movements.

    Drawing on major figures in feminist and womanist theologies as well as public theology, Nevertheless, We Persist examines a rich range of historical and contemporary faith-based movements such as the Catholic Worker, the Civil Rights Movement, United Farm Workers, and The Plowshares Movement. Each chapter ends with a contemporary social movement that continues and radicalizes a part of an earlier movement but in more multifaith ways in order to redress the increasing fracture of US public life in our time, such as the Revolutionary Love Project, The Poor People’s Campaign, The New Sanctuary Movement, and Green Nuns. The book concludes with a contemporary case study of feminist intersectional and interfaith justice, drawing out insights from NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus for the future ekklesial work of feminist public theology to create community and to construct a shared public life that expands beyond single social issues and religions.

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