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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • 9781594712852 Seekers Catechism : The Basics Of Catholicism (Revised)

      Seekers Catechism : The Basics Of Catholicism (Revised)


      In this concise and readable introduction to the riches of the Catholic faith, the author poses and then briefly answers 210 questions that are essential to understanding the basics of Catholicism such as: What is divine revelation? What is grace? What does a sacrament do? Why confess our sins? Ideal for adults or teens interested in becoming Catholic through RCIA, preparing for Confirmation, returning to the Church, or simply wanting to begin a closer examination of the faith, this makes an ideal gift for seekers as they begin to explore or work to enhance their understanding of Catholicism and deepen their relationship with God.

      17 in stock

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    • 9781683570240 Why Were Catholic

      Why Were Catholic


      Why are you Catholic? Why believe in anything? This is the one book you can give anyone. Whether you’re an atheist, a lapsed Catholic, or a practicing Catholic, you can read Why We’re Catholic and learn something from it. The perfect book for wide distribution whether you are an individual, ministry, or parish.

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    • 9781594712913 Bible Basics For Catholics

      Bible Basics For Catholics


      John Bergsma’s popular Bible Basics for Catholics, which has sold more than 60,000 copies, offers readers an accessible vision of salvation history as it unfolds in the Bible, showing how the Bible points us to the saving life and work of Jesus. This new edition includes an additional chapter on covenant fulfillment in the Book of Revelation.

      John Bergsma brings to his theology a combination of academic expertise, pastoral wisdom, and unique playfulness. Bible Basics for Catholics is based on Bergsma’s popular Introduction to Theology course at Steubenville. As a teacher, Bergsma has an uncanny ability to make complex ideas understandable and faith-inspiring while staying true to both Catholic teaching and biblical scholarship. Readers will begin to see the Christian understanding of salvation by walking through the Old Testament, going through the great stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, the great kings and prophets of Israel, and culminating in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

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    • 9780870612794 On First Principles

      On First Principles


      Origen’s On First Principles is a foundational work in the development of Christian thought and doctrine: it is the first attempt in history at a systematic Christian theology. For over a decade it has been out of print with only expensive used copies available; now it is available at an affordable price and in a more accessible format.

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    • 9780895557186 See How She Loves Us

      See How She Loves Us


      See How She Loves Us is an amazing collection of apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ranging across 23 countries – and 2 millennia – the visions chronicled here show Mary’s deep love for mankind, her Son, and the Church.

      Joan Carroll Cruz has meticulously researched fifty apparitions of Our Lady. Discover lesser known apparitions like Our Lady of La Vang in Vietnam and Our Lady of Las Lajas in Columbia, and learn more about the visions of Mary at Fatima, Lourdes, and Guadalupe. Approved by the local bishops or the Vatican, these miracles show Mary’s great love for man, her constant intercession on our behalf, and her role as protector of the Church.

      Perfect for Catholics and non-Catholics alike. See How She Loves Us sheds light on the many mysteries of the Catholic Church and Catholics’ love for the Blessed Mother.

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    • 9781935940128 From Blessing To Blessing

      From Blessing To Blessing


      For the majority of Catholics, the Catechism of the Catholic Church appears intimidating as a reading experience. Few would consider picking it up as a devotional help or a practical guidebook to their Catholic faith. The CCC is, in reality, a document easily navigated and deeply enriching with the right tools.

      The purpose of From Blessing to Blessing: The Catechism as a Journey of Faith is not so much to rehash the content of the CCC it speaks beautifully for itself but to explain its purpose, structure and themes, and so allow its truths to unfold for the reader. The primary approach to the CCC must intend to seek more than an informational read; it calls for a journey, the Christian journey of faith. The Catechism seeks not simply to inform us about Church tenets, but to form us wholly as Catholics. It does not stop at telling us about the faith, but continues deeper, helping to instill faith in us as we come to absorb the beauty of the truth taught by the Catholic Church.

      From Blessing to Blessing: The Catechism as a Journey of Faith is designed to:
      – enable individual study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
      – support RCIA and other adult faith formation programs
      – supplement diaconate or seminary training
      – provide a basic foundation for the Pillars: A Journey through the Catechism study program

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    • 9781933495170 Wayfaring : A Gospel Journey In Everyday Life

      Wayfaring : A Gospel Journey In Everyday Life


      In this latest book from internationally best-selling author Margaret Silf, we are guided through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. With a nuanced understanding of Ignatian spiritually, Silf connects the structure of creation, incarnation, death, and resurrection to an experiential journey through the events and stories that are our map and compass for the route, whatever our tradition. Silf’s candid personal anecdotes, thoughtful reflection questions, and charming metaphors assist us on our own journeys of faith and prayer. This book is an ideal gift for fans of Ignatian spirituality, interfaith spiritual seekers, and lovers of Silf’s compelling prose.

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    • 9781933066066 Dilemma Of Divorced Catholics (Revised)

      Dilemma Of Divorced Catholics (Revised)


      Few aspects of the Church’s teachings are as misunderstood – or as misrepresented – as that involving marriage and divorce. In this book, Father John Catoir spells out clearly, concisely and faithfully what the Church really has to say on the subject. This updated edition of a Catholic classic couldn’t have come along at a better time.

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    • 9780385509350 Reasons To Believe

      Reasons To Believe


      This book unravels mysteries, corrects misunderstandings, and offers thoughtful, straightforward responses to common objections about the Catholic faith.

      Bestselling author Scott Hahn, a convert to Catholicism, has experienced the doubts that so often drive discussions about God and the Church. In the years before his conversion, he was first a nonbeliever and then an anti-Catholic clergyman.

      In REASONS TO BELIEVE, he explains the “how and why” of the Catholic faith-drawing from Scripture, his own struggles and those of other converts, as well as from everyday life and even natural science. Hahn shows that reason and revelation, nature and the supernatural, are not opposed to one another; rather they offer complementary evidence that God exists. But He doesn’t merely exist. He is someone, and He has a personality, a personal style, that is discernible and knowable. Hahn leads readers to see that God created the universe with a purpose and a form-a form that can be found in the Book of Genesis and that is there when we view the natural world through a microscope, through a telescope, or through our contact lenses.

      At the heart of the book is Hahn’s examination of the ten “keys to the kingdom”-the characteristics of the Church clearly evident in the Scriptures. As the story of creation discloses, the world is a house that has a Father, a palace where the king is really present. God created the cosmos to be a kingdom, and that kingdom is the universal Church, fully revealed by Jesus Christ.

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    • 9780742532069 Bridging The Great Divide

      Bridging The Great Divide


      Preface: Cultivators Of A Flourishing Garden Of Life

      Building A Bridge Across The Great Divide

      The Virtue Of Bi-Polar Extremism

      The Trouble With A Beige Catholicism

      Paths And Practices: Recovering An Embodied Christianity


      Lex Orandi, Lex Vivendi: The Liturgy As A Source For The Moral Life

      The Trouble With Beige Churches: A Critique Of The Influence Of Cartesian Modernity On Contemporary

      The Liturgical Act And The Church Of The Twenty-first Century

      At The Feet Of The Masters

      The Christian Humanism Of Karol Wojtyla And Thomas Aquinas

      Thomas Aquinas’s Christological Reading Of God And The Creature

      God As Artist

      Genesis And Joyce: Narratives Of Sin, Grace And Theonomy: An Essay In Honor Of Andrew Greeley On His Seventieth Birthday

      Preaching The Message

      “I’m Waiting; I’m Waiting”: An Advent Meditation

      The Grandfather And The Voice From The Whirlwind: A Meditation On Preaching The Problem Of Suffering

      Three Paths Of Holiness

      A Sermon For Children Of The Seventies

      The Way Of Nonviolence

      Thomas Merton’s Metaphysics Of Peace

      Creation, Transsubstantiation And The Grain Of The Universe: A Contribution To Stanley Hauerwas’s Ekklesia Project

      “Comes A Warrior”: A Christmas Meditation

      Priesthood And Ministry

      Priest As Bearer Of The Mystery

      Priest As Doctor Of The Soul

      Mystagogues, World-Transformers And Interpreters Of Tongues: A Reflection On Collaborative Ministry In The Church

      Evangelizing The American Culture

      Additional Info
      Bridging the Great Divide: Musings of a Post-Liberal, Post-Conservative Evangelical Catholic represents a pivotal moment in the life of the Catholic community. As the Church seeks to maintain its unique witness, nurture the faithful, and evangelize, a new generation of American Catholics has emerged. No longer the “next generation,” these new leaders came of age after the Second Vatican Council and, like many others, no longer find compelling the battles between the liberals and conservatives throughout the post-conciliar period.

      Today’s faithful are searching for an expression of Catholic Christianity that is vibrant, colorful, provocative, counter-cultural, deeply rooted in the tradition, and full of the promise of the Good News. In this timely and prophetic book, Father Robert Barron–himself a member of the younger generation–has minted a new vernacular and blazed a new way that goes bridges the great divide and gives voice to the concerns of post-liberal, post-conservative, evangelical believers.

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    • 9780867166088 Surprised By Canon Law

      Surprised By Canon Law


      From time to time, all Catholics have them: nagging questions about church life, often prompted by some personal encounter or challenging situation:

      Is a layperson allowed to preach a homily?
      Is a pastor required to report to someone regarding parish finances or is he on his own?
      It seems like the parish council is running your parish. Does it have the authority to do so?
      Must a child be baptized in a church, or may the baptism take place at home?

      Surprised By Canon Law tackles these and many other questions, all of which have been formally addressed by the Roman Catholic Church’s Code of Canon Law. The Code – the internal legal system that governs the church’s day-to-day workings – deals with far-flung concerns of interest to the person-in-the-pew.

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    • 9780809134632 Good Goats : Healing Our Image Of God

      Good Goats : Healing Our Image Of God


      Why is it so important to heal our image of God? It is not so we’ll know what afterlife is like. Rather, it is because we become like the God we adore. We must understand God’s love and grace first and foremost, and in turn we will be able to love other people with grace. Studies have shown that this is true in many aspects of our lives. In marriage, for example, the more a couple experiences God as a lover, the more likely they are to enjoy a wholesome, loving marriage.

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    • 9780819864796 Rosary Comic Book

      Rosary Comic Book


      Tells the stories of the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful,and Glorious Mysteries. Features colorful, glossy pictures. Young Catholics can read it as they would any comic book or they can pray with it!

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    • 00570033187 Worship In The Name Of Jesus

      Worship In The Name Of Jesus


      Operating System: Windows 95 Windows NT Windows 2000
      Printed Manual: Unknown
      Online Help: Unknown
      Sound available: Unknown
      Multi-user: Unknown
      5.0 CD-ROM Colin Brown, Ed.

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    • 9780892436958 Que Usted Debe Saber Sobre El - (Spanish)

      Que Usted Debe Saber Sobre El – (Spanish)


      Explora el uso practico del Catecismo para el salon de clase, los estudios privados, la iniciacion de adultos, y otros grupos.

      Explains the basic theology of the Catechism and gives a description of its history, format, and layout.

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    • 9780819830784 Gospel Of Life

      Gospel Of Life


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819830784ISBN10: 081983078XPope John Paul IIBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2000Encyclicals-PaulinePublisher: Pauline Books and Media

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    • 9780895554925 Brief Catechism For Adults

      Brief Catechism For Adults


      SKU (ISBN): 9780895554925ISBN10: 0895554925W. J. CoganBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Tan Books

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    • 9780898706406 Salt Of The Earth

      Salt Of The Earth



      The Catholic Faith: Words And Signs

      PART 1: Personal Biography
      Background And Vocation
      The Young Professor
      Bishop And Cardinal
      The Prefect And His Pope

      PART 2: Problems Of The Catholic Church
      Rome Under Fire
      On The State Of The Church
      The Situation In Germany
      Causes Of The Decline
      The Mistakes Of The Church
      The Canon Of Criticism

      PART 3: On The Threshold Of A New Era
      Two Thousand Years Of Salvation History-and Still No Redemption?
      Catharsis-A New Millennium-A Time Of Testing
      A “New Springtime Of The Human Spirit” For The Third Millennium
      Priorities Of The Church’s Development
      Future Of The Church-Church Of The Future
      The True History Of The World P. 276

      Additional Info
      SALT OF THE EARTH: The Church at the End of the Millennium
      An Interview with Peter Seewald

      Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, well-known Vatican prelate and head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
      Faith, gives a full-length interview to a secular journalist on a host of controversial and difficult issues
      facing Catholicism and Christianity at the end of the Millennium. He responds with candor and insight,
      giving answers that are often surprising and always thought-provoking on a series of wide-ranging topics
      regarding the present and future state of Christianity.

      Ratzinger begins by discussing his own life, including his family life, seminary studies, being a theology
      professor and writer, becoming a Bishop, Cardinal, and the Pope’s top authority on doctrine as head of the
      CDF. He then discusses the problems of the Catholic Church today, answering tough questions about the
      Church’s position on divorce, celibacy, contraception, abortion, women’s ordination, ecumenism, etc., and
      talks about the challenges and hopes of the future of the Church and the world at the beginning of the Third

      This is a rare and powerful in-depth interview of a renowned theologian and high ranking Vatican official on
      issues of critical importance for the Church and Christianity at the end of an age.

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    • 9780385479677 Catechism Of The Catholic Church (Revised)

      Catechism Of The Catholic Church (Revised)


      Here it is – the first new Catechism of the Catholic Church in more than 400 years, a complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, Church tradition and teaching, and the lives of the saints. It comes with a complete index, footnotes and cross-references for a fuller understanding of every subject. Using the tradition of explaining what the Church believes, what she celebrates, what she lives and what she prays, the Catechism of the Catholic Chruch offers challenges for believers and answers for all those interested in learning about the mystery of the Catholic faith. Here is a positive, coherent and contemporary map for our spiritual journey toward transformation.

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    • 9780899423401 Following The Holy Spirit (Large Type)

      Following The Holy Spirit (Large Type)


      This is a valuable book for all who want to learn more about the Holy Spirit and His vital role in the lives of all Catholics. Pleasing format, and beautiful illustrations.

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    • 9780899420479 Pocket Catechism Saint Joseph Edition

      Pocket Catechism Saint Joseph Edition


      Rational Creatures
      The Holy Spirit
      The Church
      Man’s Last Ends
      Our Life On Earth
      The Ten Commandments
      The Commandments Of The Church
      The Supernatural Virtues
      The Holy Sacraments
      The Most Important Prayers
      The Mysteries Of The Rosary

      Additional Info
      Essential Catholic Teachings. This booklet will give to parents, children, teachers – in fact, all who are really concerned – the right answers about the essentials of the Catholic Faith.

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