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Thespian Theology Cycle C
$16.18Add to cartStimulate audiences to see the scriptural message in a new light with these inspiring sketches based on Cycle C lectionary readings for the Lent and Easter seasons. Originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group, the simple, easy-to-perform scenes in this latest installment of John TenBrook’s popular Thespian Theology series are an excellent tool for sharing the Gospel with unchurched people and getting them excited about Jesus Christ. Each skit is introduced by brief “Thespian Theological Thoughts” on the drama and the scripture texts. These versatile pieces can be staged as an alternative to the Sunday sermon or used for youth programs and other fellowship settings — they’re sure to enlighten audiences of all ages while leaving an indelible impression.
Some of the intriguing titles include:
* Dust Thou Art… Art Thou Dust? (Ash Wednesday)
* Moses The Fig Tree (Lent 3)
* The Spiritual Struggle Of Sidney Centurion (Passion/Palm Sunday)
* “But I Wasn’t There… Ya Gotta Show Me!” (Easter 2)
* Let Everyone Who Is Thirsty Come (Easter 7)