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Whats Next : Surrendering Your Plans To Jesus
$12.95Letting go of control is not always easy.
Whether it’s about timing, vocation, occupation, or what to eat for their next meal, many people spend their lives asking the question “what’s next?”
What’s Next? Surrendering your Plans to Jesus takes Fr. Mike’s homily series “What’s Next” and transforms it into an easy-to-read and easy-to-digest booklet.
This new booklet in The Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz Collection invites Catholics to surrender their next steps to God and helps them shed the weight of needing to control the future.
In four short chapters, this booklet introduces the reader to:
*Surrendering control and placing confidence in God
*How to trust that God is providing in the present
*How to move forward with the future
*And more!Complete with thought-provoking questions, prayerful meditations, and real-life challenges after each chapter, this booklet is perfect for individual devotion or group study.
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Saint Pauls Eight Steps To Happiness
$18.95Here is the book that will help you climb St. Paul’s “eight steps,” to attain happiness, holiness, and Heaven. Best selling author Kevin Vost breaks open St. Paul’s life and spirituality through the lens of St. Thomas Aquinas as well as other saintly and noble men and women. You will see how human knowledge (e.g. science and philosophy) point to the truth of the Divine and how the virtues St. Paul proposes in his letter to the Philippians lead to abiding joy.
In this gem of a book, Dr. Kevin Vost reveals hidden treasures such as:
*Why St. Paul is a “four-in-one special” (You will never guess!)
*Three intellectual virtues that help us discover important truths
*Two fundamental senses of truth, and three vices opposed to truth
*Eight aspects of the nature of truth according to Aquinas
*Eight types of justice and how you can exercise them in your life
*The link between modesty and latria, dulia, and hyperdulia (Do you know?)Each chapter unpacks one of these outstanding virtues and contains an invaluable “Summing Up” section. Further highlighted are exemplary individuals to imitate in their exercise of the heroic virtue, from St. Dominic to Our Lady and St. Joseph to St. Agnes of Rome and St. Brigid to Aristotle and Cicero. Also contained are several handy tables that break down the teachings of St. Paul and St. Thomas in connection to the Sacred Scriptures and your daily life for easy referencing.
You will find the six types of grace and their effects that God is waiting to pour into your life. Most significantly, you will find our practical ways to develop each virtue, the fruits that result, and how to reap them in your daily life. Thus you will see how loveliness begets friendship and much more.
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Untroubled By The Unknown
$7.99Trusting God in every moment is possible.
The world is uncertain and ever changing-but Catholics are called to be untroubled by the unknown and secure in the midst of insecurity. How can this be?
Untroubled by the Unknown: Trusting God in Every Moment, a booklet in The Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz Collection, was created to invite Catholics closer to God by calling them to trust in his mercy through Fr. Mike Schmitz’s homilies.
In Untroubled by the Unknown, Fr. Mike Schmitz shows Catholics that enduring hope and trust is just as possible today as it was for the first disciples. Learning and applying the easy steps found in this booklet can help each person cultivate peace every day through a confident hope in God’s love and power.
In this booklet, readers will learn:
*What hope and trust really are
*3 ways hardships can actually help to deepen faith
*How to face the unknown without fear
*Why mercy is the key to understanding trust in God
*How to surrender one’s own plans and trust in God’s planComplete with thought-provoking questions, prayerful meditations, and real-life challenges after each chapter, this booklet is perfect for individual devotion or group study.
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Is Jesus Still Suffering
$14.95The crucifix, a symbol at the heart of our Catholic worship, is a prominent, visual reminder of the suffering of Christ. But do we understand the encompassing reality of Christ’s suffering?
Many Christians are unaware that Jesus suffers even now, today-that his suffering is ongoing, not a single event two thousand years ago. This book seeks to shed light on Christ’s continual suffering. Through this understanding, we can be further attuned to Christ’s sacred humanity-his joys and sorrows-and recognize the urgency to console his Heart.This understanding of our responsibility to not only love but also console the heart of Christ, will act as an epiphanic turning point in our Christian lives. The author first focuses on friendship with Christ in our spiritual lives, outlining the most helpful means of getting to know him through revelation, the Gospel, and prayer.
The second part addresses the two motivations to respond to Christ’s love: gratitude and compassion for his sorrowful Heart. This compassion includes a co-redemptive desire to relieve his wounds, which in turn spurs our generosity. Thus, the perennial relevance of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is revealed.
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Holiness For Everyone
$17.95In this spiritual powerhouse of a book, Eric Sammons organizes the wisdom of St. Josemaria Escriva into an action plan for living out holiness in your everyday life. The goal: to foster God’s grace within you so that you can be transformed into the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Declared “the saint of ordinary life” by Pope John Paul II, St. Josemaria Escriva — a twentieth-century Spanish saint and founder of Opus Dei — did more than anyone to convey that holiness isn’t reserved for those in religious life but is a universal call for all of us, whatever our vocation. St. Josemaria’s riches-to-rags story is an inspiration for anyone who seeks to answer Jesus’ call to “be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
In these pages, you’ll discover details about his mystical experiences as well as the nitty-gritty of his daily living. What’s more, you’ll find out how to implement a plan based on his everyday spirituality. Specifically, you will learn:
*How to be a contemplative in a noisy world
*How to offer your work to God and make the secular sacred
*How to be a faithful apostle, not an activist
*How to use suffering to draw closer to Christ
*How to incorporate spiritual disciplines into your prayer life
*How to identify and overcome your chief vices and replace them with virtuesIn page after page, Eric Sammons unpacks St. Josemaria’s spirituality and offers you practical reflections and suggestions for meditation, oral prayer, and contemplation. With this book as your guide, you’ll soon make a habit of powerful spiritual exercises that will assist you in advancing in holiness and keeping Christ at “the pinnacle of all activities.”
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Frequent Confession : Its Place In The Spiritual Life
$18.95This is the book you need to discover the significant advantages of frequent Confession and the keys to making each Confession more fruitful. Spiritual master Fr. Benedict Baur quells criticisms of frequent Confession and shares why it is more efficacious for vanquishing sin and repairing the damage due to sin.
In this exceptional book, Fr. Baur shows you how to develop a well-formed conscience, properly confess your sins, and develop a firm, practical purpose of amendment. He also shares how to make a meticulous examination of conscience and daily examen, and offers methods for compiling a detailed inventory of your sins. Moreover, Father provides a reflection on the most common sins of omission that lead many to fall into dangerous self-righteous dispositions.
Most importantly of all, Fr. Baur reveals what is really meant by “Christian perfection” and how to attain it in this life. He describes concrete ways to grow in knowledge of self, acquire the strength to uproot sins, and conquer self-love. You’ll deepen your spiritual life measurably as you learn how to:
*Focus on the root causes of sin and surmount sins that you habitually commit
*Overcome thoughts and impulses that are occasions of sin
*Detect when you are becoming lukewarm and promptly revive your love for God
*Grow in reverential love for God and conform your life to His will
*Atone for the temporal punishment due to sin – now, before PurgatoryWith clarity and wisdom, Fr. Baur explains why your conscience is holy and must therefore be obeyed. He conveys how frequent Confession increases sanctifying grace in your soul, gives glory to God, and brings healing, joy, and fulfillment.
An invaluable resource, this book will enrich your sacramental life and inspire you to greater charity for your neighbor. It will also move you to more frequent and fervent reception of Holy Communion.
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Living Beyond Sunday
$11.95Incorporate faith into your day-to-day family life.
Our relationship with God is not supposed to stay within the walls of our parish when we leave Sunday Mass. Instead, faith should transform our hearts, our families, and our homes into a welcoming place to encounter Christ.
But this isn’t always easy. Home life can be difficult and busy, and it’s easy to get distracted from the point of it all: raising a family of saints.
In Living Beyond Sunday: Making Your Home a Holy Place, two married couples share what has helped them make their homes a place of encounter with God-a place where saints are being made.
This book goes beyond the aesthetic or surface-level attributes of a Catholic home. Beyond that, it shares how to foster holiness in all the little moments in Catholic family life.
Within these pages, Catholics will find:
*Ways to pray as a family.
*Guidance for cultivating a peaceful home even with growing children.
*Ways to strengthen each individual relationship in your family.
*Practical suggestions for seeking holiness in the midst of family life.
*Advice on how to take advantage of the daily opportunity to grow in faith as a family.
*Examples of how to show your children the importance of your marriage.Living Beyond Sunday is also a great addition to any marriage preparation program.
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Domestic Monastery : Creating A Spiritual Life At Home
$10.99What is a monastery? A monastery is a place set apart–a place to learn the blessings of powerlessness, and that time is not ours but God’s. Our home and our duties can, just like a monastery, teach us those things. The vocation of monastic men and women is to physically withdraw from the world. But the principle is equally valid for those of us who cannot go off to monasteries. Certain vocations offer the same kind of opportunity for contemplation, and provide a desert for reflection.
In ten brief and powerful chapters, Fr. Ron explores how monastery life can apply to those who don’t live in a cloister:
– Monasticism and Family Life
– The Domestic Monastery
– Real Friendship
– Lessons from the Monastic Cell
– Ritual for Sustaining Prayer
– Tensions within Spirituality
– A Spirituality of Parenting
– Spirituality and the Seasons of Our Lives
– The Sacredness of Time
– Life’s Key QuestionAdd to cart3 in stock
God Ever Greater
$5.00In recent years Ignatian spirituality has experienced a resurgence. There has been a widespread desire to learn more about Ignatius and his legacy, and many people have made the Spiritual Exercises in one of their many forms, growing through the experience.
God Ever Greater is accessibly written for those who are looking for an introduction to Ignatian spirituality, while being suitable for those who have some acquaintance with the Ignatian tradition. It will draw its readers into an exploration of a rich Christian heritage that continues to live and breathe today.
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33 Days To Greater Glory
$16.95Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, author of 33 Days to Morning Glory, one of the most popular Catholic books of the last decade, brings us his first new book in three years. 33 Days to Greater Glory completes a trilogy of consecrations: first to Mary, then to Jesus, the Divine Mercy, and now to God, our Father. This final consecration to our Heavenly Father truly is the “greater” consecration, the one in which all others find their origin and end.
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Im Catholic Now What
$19.95Now that you’re Catholic, you are might be wondering, “Now what?” Shaun McAfee understands. As a convert, he wanted to take part in the sacraments, really prepare for Mass, learn how to defend and share his faith, and understand certain Catholic devotions. Yet he wasn’t sure how to do any of this, or where to look for answers once RCIA was finished. If you feel the same way, I’m Catholic. Now What? Is the perfect resource for you!
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Suffering With A Purpose
$14.95The greatest test of your faith won’t come from routine encounters in your work, family or social life. Nor will it come from extraordinary challenges or temptations. No, your greatest test will be whether you will trust God when you suffer, or whether you will, in the words of Job’s wife, “curse God and die.”
In Suffering with a Purpose, Dom Hubert van Zeller helps you prepare now for all your sufferings in life by enabling you to see them with the eyes of the Spirit.
Van Zeller, the wise author of Holiness for Housewives, maintains that you can understand the mystery of suffering only by means of the Passion of Christ. In this book, he explores the fourteen stages of the Passion narrative, plumbing the inner meanings of each in order to reveal why there has to be pain, and what you should do (and should not do) about it.
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$29.95Augustine of Hippo’s Confessions is a masterpiece of Christian spirituality, a love story between God and the man who would become one of history’s most famous saints. In a testimony both intensely emotional and profoundly theological, Augustine recounts how his restless heart was freed from the grips of worldly attachment and finally found peace in its Maker. This Word on Fire Classics edition features F.J. Sheed’s celebrated translation of the text, as well as a foreword by Bishop Robert Barron. Its message of conversion will speak to any person on the path to God, no matter how far along.
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Dashed Hopes : When Our Best Laid Plans Fall Apart – Seasons Of Our Lives
$6.39Where do we turn when our hopes are dashed, when we look at best-laid plans and see only shattered dreams? With fresh perspectives on Jeremiah’s plans for “a future of hope,” Jesus’ agony in the garden, and Isaiah’s promise of “a way in the wilderness,” Laura Kelly Fanucci offers hope for those wondering what comes next when life feels broken.
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33 Dias Hacia Un Glorioso Aman – (Spanish)
$16.95Father Michael masterfully summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp and simple enough to put into practice. More specifically, he weaves their thought into a user-friendly, do-it-yourself retreat that will bless even the busiest of people. So, if you’ve been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you’re simply looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, 33 Days to Morning Glory is the right book to read and the perfect retreat to make.
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Practice Of The Presence Of God
$14.99The original guide to “practicing the presence of God”
“We must not grow weary of doing little things for the love of God, who looks not on the great size of the work, but on the love of it.”
In this classic work, which has instructed and inspired millions, a humble 17th-century monk reveals the secrets of daily, moment-by-moment fellowship with God.
“In the way of God, thoughts count very little,” writes Brother Lawrence, who spent much of his monastic life in the kitchen. “Love does it all.” Full of realistic honesty, friendliness, and simplicity, Brother Lawrence shows that it is possible to meet God amongst the pots and pans-in the ordinary, daily events of life. This edition, rendered from the original French into graceful, contemporary English, will nourish and delight all those who seek to practice the presence of God.
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Consoling The Heart Of Jesus
$16.95Ideal for study groups, adoration chapels, and anyone looking to rejuvenate their spiritual batteries. In the end, only one thing matters: To become a saint. After all, if we don’t reach heaven, everything else is irrelevant, isn’t it? If you’re serious about becoming holy (“saint” comes from the Latin word for “holy”), a powerful way to do this is through a 30-day Ignatian retreat. Now Br. Michael Gaitley gives beginners and those more advanced the ability to make an Ignatian retreat in our own homes in a way that is accessible, relevant and, doable! Always fresh and intriguing, he also incorporates the wisdom of such saints as Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska, and Louis de Montfort. From Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, to Faith & Family magazine, everyone has been effusive in their praise of this incredible work.
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Clearing Season : Reflections For Lent
$13.99Cities across the world celebrate the day-before with colorful parades and over-the-top parties. Then Wednesday arrives … Sigh. Lent. has. begun.
You hear about devout friends giving up seemingly innocent things in life (like chocolate) or stressing out to live a more perfect life during six grueling weeks – for reasons you don’t completely understand. Sermons about penitence are preached, and guilt soaks the congregation.
Sound like a good time?! It’s time to rethink Lent.
Or at least see it for the positive opportunity it offers. It’s spring-cleaning for the soul! Lent offers you time to pause, consider, and renew your relationship with God – an altogether hopeful (not dreary) experience.
“To arrive at newness of life, we first name parts of our lives that are shrouded in darkness,” writes Parsons. “To put it very dramatically,… your first order of business is to break your heart for God. We walk through some muck so that we can leave it behind and find Easter joy beyond…. With God’s help we will clear the darkness away and begin to experience greater joy and newness of life.”
Sure, there’s work to be done during Lent, but it’s the gentle, gradual work of opening one’s heart and mind to grace. A Clearing Space will move you week by week from “wilderness to holy ground,” using a personal tone that will stir and challenge personal reflection.
Parsons includes exercises for small groups, as well as questions at the end of each chapter for individual reflection. Also included is an appendix of spiritual practices for Lent you may not have considered before.
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Good Goats : Healing Our Image Of God
$5.00Why is it so important to heal our image of God? It is not so we’ll know what afterlife is like. Rather, it is because we become like the God we adore. We must understand God’s love and grace first and foremost, and in turn we will be able to love other people with grace. Studies have shown that this is true in many aspects of our lives. In marriage, for example, the more a couple experiences God as a lover, the more likely they are to enjoy a wholesome, loving marriage.
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Cross And The Beatitudes
$12.99This classic work from the pen of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen brings together Christ’s Sermon on the Mount with his Seven Last Words. From the Mount of the Beatitudes to the Hill of Calvary, Our Lord’s public ministry and statements centered on the themes of love and forgiveness, which are explored here with Archbishop Sheen’s characteristic insight and passion.
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