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    • 9781646803088 Creados Para El Cielo - (Spanish)

      Creados Para El Cielo – (Spanish)


      Unete al padre Agustino Torres, CFR–el fundador de Corazon Puro–en un viaje cuaresmal multimedia inspirado en san Francisco. Comienza la temporada con un voto de pobreza y termina en la Pascua con un corazon libre del desierto del pecado y abierto a amar, servir y cuidar a los demas.

      Creados para el cielo presenta impresionantes obras de arte originales de Valerie Delgado de Pax.Valerie, junto con meditaciones diarias sobre un pasaje de las Escrituras, preguntas de reflexion, oracion y espacio para escribir un diario y tomar notas.

      Una vida de sencillez y de pobreza te orienta hacia el amor de Dios y te recuerda que estas creado para el cielo. Torres dice que la mejor manera de prepararte para ese destino final es vivir como verdadero peregrino que necesita “viajar liviano” y desapegarte de los placeres terrenales.

      En seis semanas transformadoras, aprenderas como permitir que el Espiritu Santo se mueva en tu corazon a traves de un tema nuevo cada semana:

      *Primera semana: comprometete a hacer un voto de pobreza durante la Cuaresma y reflexiona sobre la historia de Jesus siendo arrojado al desierto mientras aprendes a hacer tu vida enteramente alrededor de Cristo;

      *Segunda semana: se testigo de la Transfiguracion y permitete transformarte, dejando brillar tus dones espirituales;

      *Tercera semana: aceptar el llamado a la conversion y decir si a una vida de sencillez y de pobreza como lo hizo san Jose;

      *Cuarta semana: deja que el poder sanador de Dios te desafie a convertirte en un recipiente de misericordia y una fuente de compasion amorosa para los demas;

      *Quinta semana: aprende a orar con confianza y mirar mas alla de nosotros mismos; y

      *Semana Santa: experimenta un encuentro profundo con Dios a traves de la antigua liturgia de la Iglesia.

      Creados para el cielo es perfecto tanto para uso individual como grupal. Hay videos complementarios gratuitos y una guia del lider descargable disponibles en El libro y otros recursos tambien estan disponibles en ingles.

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    • 9781646802692 Made For Heaven

      Made For Heaven


      Join Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR-founder of Corazón Puro-on a multimedia Lenten journey inspired by St. Francis. Begin the season with a vow of poverty and end at Easter with a heart free from the desert of sin and open to love, serve, and care for others.

      Made for Heaven features stunning original art by Valerie Delgado of Pax.Valerie, along with daily meditations on a passage from scripture, reflection questions, prayer, and space for journaling and notetaking.

      A life of simplicity and poverty orients you toward God’s love and reminds you that you are made for heaven. Torres says the best way to prepare yourself for that final destination is to live as true pilgrims who need to “travel lightly” and detach from earthly pleasures.

      In six transformative weeks, you will learn how to allow the Holy Spirit to move in your heart through a new theme each week:

      *Week one: commit yourself to a Lenten vow of poverty and reflect on the story of Jesus being cast into the desert as you learn to make your life entirely about Christ;

      *Week two: be a witness to the Transfiguration and allow yourself to become transformed, letting your spiritual gifts shine forth;

      *Week three: accept the call to conversion and say yes to a life of simplicity and poverty as St. Joseph did;

      *Week four: let the healing power of God challenge you to become a vessel of mercy and a source of loving compassion to others;

      *Week five: learn how to pray with confidence and look beyond ourselves; and

      *Holy Week: experience a deep encounter with God through the ancient liturgy of the Church.

      Made for Heaven is perfect for both individual and group use. Free companion videos and a downloadable leader’s guide are available at The book and other resources are also available in Spanish.

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    • 9781644138304 Passion And Death Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

      Passion And Death Of Our Lord Jesus Christ


      This absorbing account provides you with an intimate look at the sufferings of Our Lord through the minds and hearts of those closest to Him. You’ll see Jesus through the eyes of His apostles, of those who condemned Him, of His executioners, and of those He met along the way of the Cross. Drawing from historical research, culture, and his own profound spiritual insights, Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J., masterfully intersperses scriptural accounts and narration to bring the Passion of Jesus fully to life.

      You will be moved by subtle observations, emotions, and actions swirling around Jesus as He endures His most terrible and triumphant moments. You will come to understand Judas Iscariot’s thoughts and motives in betraying Jesus, St. John’s personal intuitions about the agony of Jesus’ Heart, St. Peter’s impetuousness, and Jesus’ unconditional love.

      As he guides you through this introspective contemplation of the Gospels, Fr. Goodier reveals Jesus’ thoughts, feelings, and actions and explains the sufferings Jesus felt in His soul.
      Most significantly, you will see who Jesus is for you and who He longs you to be both for Him and for others. We need “active compassion,” explains Archbishop Goodier, to unite our sufferings to those of Jesus and to relate to the anguish of His Heart. Reflecting upon the agony of Jesus in the garden, the travesty of His condemnation, and the diabolical tortures that He endured, you will see as never before the immense sufferings that only the God-Man could abide.

      Through the eyes of the saints, the great lovers of God, you will begin truly to see Jesus, the pain He bore, and why He suffered. Our Lord’s words challenge and comfort contemporary believers as much as they did those who first followed in the footsteps of Christ and His apostles. Once you enter into Archbishop Goodier’s meditations, your understanding of the humility, mercy, and love of Christ will deepen, and you will never experience His Passion in the same way again.

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    • 9781594719677 Living Memento Mori

      Living Memento Mori


      Emily DeArdo knows what it’s like to live with a keen awareness of her own mortality. She was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at age eleven.

      DeArdo draws on the medieval Christian practice of memento mori (remember you must die) and shares her personal story with unique and compelling insight into the meaning of Christian life and death. Using the Stations of the Cross to frame her explorations, DeArdo leads us to trust in God’s providence as we confront suffering and death, develop enduring spiritual strength, and courage along the way.

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    • 9781594718816 Give Up Worry For Lent

      Give Up Worry For Lent


      Catholic author and self-described “recovering worrier” Gary Zimak combines practical spirituality, daily scripture readings, and simple action steps to help you kick the worry habit as part of your Lenten renewal. He shows you how to let go of the anxiety-producing areas of life in order to find the lasting peace that comes from trusting God.

      During the season of Lent, Catholics and other Christians frequently give up something they enjoy as a measure of penance or self-discipline–and often fall back into old habits at the first “Alleluia!” In Give Up Worry for Lent!, Zimak offers fellow worriers practical, scripture-centered advice on how to relinquish the need to control the uncontrollable–not just for Lent but for good–and how to find peace in Christ.

      From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, Zimak guides you to ponder a scripture passage and to apply it to your own life by following four simple steps:

      As you continue to meditate on scripture and practice the simple action steps at the end of each reflection, you will find it easier to replace old worries with new messages of hope and to change your life forever.

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    • 9780764826603 10 Creative Things Kids Can Do For Lent

      10 Creative Things Kids Can Do For Lent


      It can be hard enough figuring out what you should do for Lent, so how do you help your kids have a meaningful experience? Instead of another year without chocolate and candy, try out these 10 different (and easy) ways of getting your kids actively engaged in Lent and thinking about their Catholic faith in new ways.

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    • 9780764823886 Tiempo Para Dios - (Spanish)

      Tiempo Para Dios – (Spanish)


      Lent is a time to reflect on the meaning of our existence as Christians, a time to discover who we really are. It’s also a time to renew our focus on God as the center of our lives. Based on the daily Scripture readings for Lent, Time for God: Meditations for Lent helps you explore the depths of your being, your relationship to Christ, and your association with others during this time of spiritual preparation.

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    • 9781616368944 40 Days 40 Ways

      40 Days 40 Ways


      If you’re looking for a new Lenten experience, here are forty fresh ideas. Some will challenge you to deepen your prayer life; others will open your mind to new ways to serve others. Each of the forty ways includes a reflection to help you understand more about Lent and why it matters. You’ll learn how to have a more creative experience of Lent. You’ll discover positive, proactive ways to take action instead of the same old routine of giving something up. The result will be spiritual transformation and a closer walk with Christ-not only during Lent but throughout the year.

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    • 9780867169874 Wondrous Encounters : Scripture For Lent

      Wondrous Encounters : Scripture For Lent


      During these forty days of Lent, let’s allow ourselves to be known! All the way through. Nothing to hide from, in ourselves, from ourselves, or from God. –from the Introduction.
      Richard Rohr, one of today’s most prophetic voices, invites us to self-disclosure and to enter the wondrous divine dialogue with clarity, insight–and holy desire! These daily meditations for Lent are his gift to us for our transformation into our original image and likeness, which is the very image of God.

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    • 9781596141100 Diary Of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska

      Diary Of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska


      The Diary is an amazing narrative that chronicles the experiences of a simple, uneducated Polish nun who received a special call shortly before the outbreak of World War II. The message of The Divine Mercy is simple. It is that God loves us – all of us. And, He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. The Diary is truly a vehicle of grace for all who read it, for in reading it one can realize the truth that “mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to God’s mercy,”

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    • 9780764816987 Lent And Easter Wisdom From G K Chesterton

      Lent And Easter Wisdom From G K Chesterton


      G.K. Chesterton is one of the few Christian thinkers admired and quoted equally by Christians of all types and even by non-Christians. Each daily reflection in this book – from Ash Wednesday through the Second Sunday of Easter – begins with thoughts from the finest writings of Chesterton on an appropriate theme and supported by Scripture, a prayer, and a suggested activity for spiritual growth.

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    • 9780835898171 Clearing Season : Reflections For Lent

      Clearing Season : Reflections For Lent


      Cities across the world celebrate the day-before with colorful parades and over-the-top parties. Then Wednesday arrives … Sigh. Lent. has. begun.

      You hear about devout friends giving up seemingly innocent things in life (like chocolate) or stressing out to live a more perfect life during six grueling weeks – for reasons you don’t completely understand. Sermons about penitence are preached, and guilt soaks the congregation.

      Sound like a good time?! It’s time to rethink Lent.

      Or at least see it for the positive opportunity it offers. It’s spring-cleaning for the soul! Lent offers you time to pause, consider, and renew your relationship with God – an altogether hopeful (not dreary) experience.

      “To arrive at newness of life, we first name parts of our lives that are shrouded in darkness,” writes Parsons. “To put it very dramatically,… your first order of business is to break your heart for God. We walk through some muck so that we can leave it behind and find Easter joy beyond…. With God’s help we will clear the darkness away and begin to experience greater joy and newness of life.”

      Sure, there’s work to be done during Lent, but it’s the gentle, gradual work of opening one’s heart and mind to grace. A Clearing Space will move you week by week from “wilderness to holy ground,” using a personal tone that will stir and challenge personal reflection.

      Parsons includes exercises for small groups, as well as questions at the end of each chapter for individual reflection. Also included is an appendix of spiritual practices for Lent you may not have considered before.

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    • 9781596141070 Diario De Santa Maria Faustina - (Spanish)

      Diario De Santa Maria Faustina – (Spanish)


      The popular Diary of Saint Maria Faustina is now available in a mass market paperback size in Spanish.

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    • 9780764812866 Lent And Easter Wisdom From Henri J M Nouwen

      Lent And Easter Wisdom From Henri J M Nouwen


      Thought-provoking words from renowned spiritual writer, Henri J. M. Nouwen, lead readers along a journey of conversion during Lent and Easter week. These periods of penance and celebration, lavish with rituals, help us become more sensitive to our own weaknesses and Christ’s victory over sin. Through it all, Father Nouwen comforts and reassures us with reminders that God loves and accepts us even in our human state.

      Each daily reflection–from Ash Wednesday through the Second Sunday of Easter–begins with thoughts from Father Nouwen on an appropriate theme, supported by Scripture, prayer, and a suggested activity for spiritual growth.

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