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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 1–50 of 427 results

  • Contemplating The Seven Sorrows Of Mary


    The Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows is a special devotion that adds to our understanding and love for our Blessed Mother. In praying this chaplet, we bring consolation to the heart of Our Lady and at once open our hearts to share in the salvific mission of bringing souls closer to the heart of Christ. Intercessory prayer is that powerful. God does not need our prayers to act. Still, He chooses to use our prayers to act. We don’t change God’s mind when we pray, but bring to fruition what is in the mind and heart of God. And we can be assured, holiness is in the mind and heart of God for every soul! Over the past two centuries, in Private Revelation, Mary has repeatedly expressed her sorrow at the sin in the world and how our sin wounds her heart and that of her Son, our Lord. We need to start taking stock of our sins and be ever-present about how we can save souls for Jesus Christ. The Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary is a tool in God’s battle plan to do just that!

    The Seven Sorrows Chaplet is not a replacement for praying the rosary, but rather a specific devotion directed to better understanding Mary’s sorrowful journey and, in turn, the call to ponder what each suffering teaches us about our relationship with God. The more time we spend with Mary, the more insight we receive about our griefs and sorrows. Praying the Seven Sorrows of Mary Chaplet is to enter the classroom of Mary and learn how to make sense of what is often interpreted as senseless.

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  • Principles Of Catholic Theology Book 3


    What if anything can human beings know about God, either by way of philosophical reasoning or by divine revelation? How does the mystery of the Incarnation illuminate our understanding of the nature and mystery of God and the nature and destiny of the human person? The essays in this book explore topics pertaining to the nature of God, apophatic theology, divine simplicity and the holy Trinity, divine beauty, and the beauty of creation. The book also contains a series of speculative considerations of Christology: Why did God become human? How ought we understand the two natures of Christ and the topic of the communication of idioms (attribution of both divine and human properties to one person)? There is also a sustained treatment of Jesus’ human knowledge and voluntary freedom. Did Jesus understand his own lordship and his unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and if so, how? Did Christ’s human will always accord with the divine will, and what significance does this idea have for our understanding of the redemption affected by Christ for the whole human race? Through these explorations, principles drawn from Thomas Aquinas and from Thomistic tradition are taken into account as key resources for the adjudication of contemporary theological challenges.

    Principles of Catholic Theology, Book 3 is a continuation of Fr. Thomas Joseph White’s collection of essays, extending over a range of fundamental topics in Catholic dogmatic theology.

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  • Wager On Death


    Blaise Pascal reflected that humanity is obsessed with divertissement, that is, diversions. By embracing noise and pleasure, we avoid thinking about anything that may be associated with aging, dying, or our final end. But what if our determination to avoid these thoughts means that we are consigning ourselves to living an aimless life? Best-selling author Vittorio Messori invites you to explore this and other aspects of Pascal’s Wager in a compelling, conversational way.

    In these soul-stirring pages, you will find that death isn’t simply an individual concern but a collective one. Society’s continual advancements in technology and rising political hostilities make the possibility of nuclear apocalypse and other mass extinction events ever more real. Modern culture, however, seems fascinated with death only in entertainment. For death in reality, it relies on euphemisms and escapism rather than direct, honest engagement with the problems of sin, suffering, and grief.

    Through thought-provoking examples from history, entertainment, psychology, and culture, you will learn ways in which society’s treatment of death is impacting education, careers, mental health, and daily living. You will also discover:

    *How death is viewed in light of ideologies from the Enlightenment to Marxism to existentialism

    *The connection between radical liberalism and individualism, which lead to a culture of death

    *Why the burden of proof lies with those who deny the afterlife

    *How the challenge to consider religion is really about human dignity, self-respect, and duty

    *How Christian belief is unique from other religions and its denominational differences

    *What the Bible says about the afterlife, beginning with the Old Testament

    You will also learn ways to restore hope and will see how silence can be a gift and why Messori believes that humor is a virtue. In addition, you will see why the Church’s worldview helps to bring meaning and value to every human life, why death is triumphing in modernity, and how you can help turn the tide by choosing life – now and in the world to come.

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  • Touched By This Place


    In Touched By This Place, Benjamin Valentin brings readers on his journey to answer the question, “Can you tell us where exactly this work was born?” Paying particular attention to Spanish Harlem, where he grew up and lived for twenty-seven years, Valentin encourages readers to recognize how the reality of place as source or wellspring influences and is influenced by human thought, experience, memory, identity, and activity.

    Joining a broader movement of place studies in the humanities and social sciences, Touched By This Place calls Christian theology to return to place and places-based thinking and demonstrated this return with a careful attention to and love for the place one calls “home.”

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  • Vatican 2 At 60


    Marking the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) here are original essays by leading Catholic theological scholars. They address the historic and current significance of the Council, key documents and themes, and the Council’s ongoing challenge for renewal in the Catholic Church of the twenty-first century.


    1. A Council for a World Church, Catherine E. Clifford
    2, The Unfinished Business of Lumen Gentium, Paul Lakeland
    3. Reform in Motion: Vatican II and the Liturgy, John F. Baldovin, SJ
    4. Lumen Gentium, Synodality, and the Universal Call to Participation, Brian P. Flanagan
    5. Dei Verbum and the Roots of Synodality, Ormond Rush
    6. Being the Church in the World, Marcus Mescher
    7. Gender and Ecclesiology since Vatican II, Elyse J. Raby
    8. Nostra Aetate Journey to Interfaith Dialogue, Celia Deutsch, NDS
    9. The Spirituality of the Second Vatican Council, Gerald O’Collins, SJ
    10. Synodality: An Enduring Legacy of the Council, Cardinal Robert W. McElroy

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  • Theology And Mediation


    College Theology Society Annual Volume No. 69

    The Gospel of John quotes Jesus, “No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). From the beginning, Christian thought has wrestled with questions of mediation. Following his death, resurrection, and ascension, how is Christ made present to the world today? How are distant communities held together in communion? What means should Christians use to spread the word of God?

    Drawing together the best work on scripture, liturgy, ethics, and pedagogy Theology and Media(tion) explores historical and contemporary questions about how the Christian tradition has sought to navigate the tension between presence and absence in this significant collection of essays from CTS 2023. In addition to the plenary addresses by Robert A. Orsi (Northwestern University), Hanna Reichel (Princeton Theological Seminary), and Joseph Flipper (University of Dayton), it includes essays by Deepan Rajaratnam (Saint Louis University), Amy E. W. Maxey (Oblate School of Theology), Jane Sloan Peters (College of Mount Saint Vincent), Laura Taylor (College of Saint Benedict & Saint John’s University), Dennis Wieboldt (University of Notre Dame), Ethan Vander Leek (Marquette University), Jacob Kohlhaas (Loras College), Matthew Gummess (University of Notre Dame), Tim Dulle (Saint Louis University), Timothy Hanchin (Villanova University), Trevor Williams (Villanova University), Vicente Chong (Boston College), and Christopher Denny (St. John’s University).

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  • Heart At The Heart Of The World


    Ecology & Justice Series

    Traditional forms of devotion to the Sacred Heart, also known as the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have waned among Catholics in recent decades. Here, Mary Frohlich, a sister of the Sacred Heart, seeks to reinterpret this traditional devotion as central to Christian spirituality in the 21st century. Facing our impending ecological disaster she sets out to discover the Heart of God as truly the heart of all creation.

    Drawing upon recent theologies that have embraced the “new animism” that regards every being including humans as a node in webs of living relationality, this book chooses twelve themes relevant to the concerns and needs of today’s world and explores what story of the Heart of God may be told in relation to each one.

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  • Deep Inculturation : Global Voices On Christian Faith And Indigenous Genius


    Traditionally, inculturation has referred to a strategy employed by Western missionaries to evangelize non-Christian cultures. But what does this look like from the other side, from the perspective of indigenous cultures of the Global South and immigrant-heritage cultures in the interstices of dominant cultures? Deep Inculturation features original essays by seven leading global theologians with a focus on what this inculturation looks like in particular contexts: Africa, Mexico, Japan, Australia, and Indonesia.

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  • Pentecost At Tepeyac


    In this study of the cult of Guadalupe a noted Latinx scholar argues that, rather than an expression of Marian devotion it is instead better understood as a popular form of pneumatology.

    This book develops a Latinx pneumatology, or theology of the Holy Spirit, exploring the image of Guadalupe as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. All symbols are cultural creations. Furthermore, the Spirit being divine is beyond all cultures and, therefore, no one symbol–whether dove, flame, breath, or any other–can be the only symbol possible. Non-European cultures can and must culturally symbolize the divine, in their respective ways, in order to experience and express their faith in God.

    The feminine too can culturally symbolize the divine. Espin focuses on the empowering action of the Spirit among the indigent and marginalized majority of humankind and their cultures, and thus on the Holy Spirit’s subversive, empowering role in human history, societies, and cultures.

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  • Bible And Reconciliation


    This addition to the Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

    James Prothro offers a biblical theology of the sacrament of reconciliation–the restoration of the sinner through forgiveness and repentance. Prothro fleshes out the patterns in which God’s people in the Old and New Testaments approach the merciful God, confess, and are forgiven and called to reengage their relationship with God by growing in faith and love through God’s ministry of grace.

    Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance-education programs. Gray is also president of the Augustine Institute.

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  • Bible And Reconciliation


    This addition to the Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

    James Prothro offers a biblical theology of the sacrament of reconciliation–the restoration of the sinner through forgiveness and repentance. Prothro fleshes out the patterns in which God’s people in the Old and New Testaments approach the merciful God, confess, and are forgiven and called to reengage their relationship with God by growing in faith and love through God’s ministry of grace.

    Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance-education programs. Gray is also president of the Augustine Institute.

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  • Engaging Thomas Merton


    Engaging Thomas Merton is based on contemporary engagements with the work and legacy of Thomas Merton that highlight the enduring relevance of his thought in addressing the pressing concerns of our time.

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  • Theology Of Liberation 50th Anniversary Edition


    “It would be difficult to name another theological book these past five decades that has been more influential, has inspired more believers and non-believers alike to think differently about the Christian faith, and has engendered so much controversy.” So begins Michael E. Lee’s introduction to this 50th anniversary edition of the classic work that signaled a new style of doing theology.

    The theological project launched in this book was, as Fr. Gutierrez wrote, “based on the gospel and the experiences of men and women committed to the process of liberation in the oppressed land of Latin America.” It was “born of the experience of shared efforts to abolish the current unjust situation and to build a different society, freer and more human.” Yet its influence was quickly felt around the world, inspiring numerous offshoots, as well as provoking critical reactions, both inside and outside the Church.

    A Theology of Liberation has won wide acclaim as one of the most influential works of Christian theology of the last century. Yet Gutierrez himself concluded the book by noting that any theology of liberation “is not worth one act of genuine solidarity with exploited social classes. They are not worth one act of faith, love, and hope committed . . . in active participation to liberate humankind from everything that dehumanizes it and prevents it from living according to the will of God.”

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  • Restoring The Gospels Jewish Voice


    Although Chouraqui and his work are well-known and celebrated in many parts of the world (especially in Israel, and in the francophone world), he is almost completely unknown in the anglophone world. This book represents an attempt to introduce his important work and inspiring legacy to an English-speaking audience, and to explore how it can enrich Jewish-Christian dialogue today. As a bilingual translator and Biblical scholar, I am able to make Chouraqui’s work accessible to English speakers who are unfamiliar with him–who may be intrigued by him but unable to directly access much of the material written by and about him in French.

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  • New Heaven : Death, Human Destiny, And The Kingdom Of God


    Harvey Cox is one of America’s great public theologians of the past fifty years. In many bestselling books he has written on matters of religion and faith for a popular audience, including on secularism and belief, world religions, Jewish-Christian dialogue, liberation theology, Pentecostalism, Jesus, and biblical interpretation. In his new book he explores the question that underlies all religion: what is the point of life that ends in death? What are the different ways we think about the afterlife? What are we actually talking about when we talk about heaven?

    Interestingly, this is not a subject of great preoccupation in the Gospels. Jesus was concerned primarily with the Kingdom of God–about conforming the present world to the values and principles of God’s love and justice. How this has gravitated toward concern with “life after death” is one of the topics covered here. Cox draws on personal stories, including his youthful work as an assistant his uncle, an undertaker, approaches to death in other cultures and religions; and his own reflections on mortality.

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  • Credo : Compendium Of The Catholic Faith


    The most up-to-date “catechism” in print! For the first time in over fifty years, a Catholic bishop has published his own comprehensive presentation of the Faith-what to believe, how to live, and how to pray as Christ taught.

    Sure to be a classic for generations to come, Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith offers a clear and readable summary of Catholicism as a whole, given in the pastoral style of the apostles. Using the simple and direct “Question-Answer” format so popular among instructors (and internet search engines), Bishop Athanasius Schneider shares a bold new articulation of timeless truths, while also engaging current issues with courage and kindness.

    After an Introduction outlining Christian identity and doctrine, Part I unpacks what Catholics believe, following the articles of the Apostle’s Creed. Part II explains the principles of right moral action, following the Commandments. Part III teaches on grace, the sacraments, prayer, and worship. Appendices include the five major Christian Creeds, and a stellar Index (plus unique headers and bleed tabs) makes navigating the book delightfully easy.

    Including treatments of several contemporary issues:

    *social media use,
    *personal technology,
    *science and evolution,
    *just war, death penalty,
    *gender ideology, modesty,
    *vaccines, health mandates,
    *world religions, true prayer,
    *faithful parenting, schooling,
    *religious liberty, free speech,
    *female clergy, Church scandal,
    *infallibility, magisterium, error,
    *pornography, sex education,
    *Sunday work, right worship,
    *Communism, Freemasonry,
    *globalism, transhumanism,
    *charismatic movement,
    *marijuana, drug use,
    *authentic renewal,
    *and more!

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  • Tyranny Of The Banal


    In this book, David Deane proposes a renewal of Catholic moral theology by deconstructing dominant secular positions and restoring Catholic positions to their theological roots. In doing so, Deane makes space for a constructive Catholic moral theology restored to its foundations in the doctrine of the Trinity.

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  • Reforming The Church


    “To walk together is the constitutive way of the Church; the figure that enables us to interpret reality with the eyes and heart of God; the condition for following the Lord Jesus and being servants of life in this wounded time.”
    -Pope Francis

    “Today, making an option for synodality one’s own means thinking systemically about the renewal and life of the ecclesial body, in the local churches, without limiting oneself to certain sectors or individual activities that would only make a partial change.”
    -from the introduction

    Reforming the Church analyzes ministries; participatory structures; pastoral institutions; the role of the laity, especially women and couples in the Church; formation programs in seminaries and their decision-making and decision-taking models, among other topics where concrete reform is needed. The book covers six perspectives: the synodal form of church; scripture and tradition-the consensus ecclesiae; pathways to renewed ministries; co-responsibility versus clericalism; reforming structures; and the future-an ongoing synodal spirituality.

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  • Way Of The Cross


    Halik reflects an inclusive, accessible spirit that will appeal to general spirituality readers in the Catholic market. His presentation of this ancient devotion will also find interest among more traditional readers.

    Tomas Halik challenges us with this new Via Crucis, rooted in the Gospel and addressed to believers and nonbelievers alike. He invites readers to a real encounter, one with Jesus in our present world. “Jesus and his cross are not something external to our lives, they are not an event that ended in the past, they must not be the object of our sentimental piety. Jesus does not invite us on the Way of the Cross to regret, but to change our mentality and our actions.”

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  • Bible And The Priesthood


    This series on the seven Sacraments provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the Sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

    In this volume, a leading Catholic scholar offers a biblical theology of the priesthood rooted in the Old and New Testaments. Half a millennium after the Protestant Reformation and in the midst of an ongoing clerical crisis in the Catholic Church, this book presents a comprehensive biblical vision and defense of the sacramental priesthood and an informed theological response to the problem of priestly sin. It gives expression to the ministerial priesthood’s biblically grounded, sacramental share in the sacrificial ministry of Jesus Christ.

    Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray is president of the Augustine Institute, which has one million subscribers to its online content channel, Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance education programs.

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  • Bible And The Priesthood


    This series on the seven Sacraments provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the Sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

    In this volume, a leading Catholic scholar offers a biblical theology of the priesthood rooted in the Old and New Testaments. Half a millennium after the Protestant Reformation and in the midst of an ongoing clerical crisis in the Catholic Church, this book presents a comprehensive biblical vision and defense of the sacramental priesthood and an informed theological response to the problem of priestly sin. It gives expression to the ministerial priesthood’s biblically grounded, sacramental share in the sacrificial ministry of Jesus Christ.

    Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray is president of the Augustine Institute, which has one million subscribers to its online content channel, Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance education programs.

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  • Renewal Worship : A Theology Of Pentecostal Doxology


    At its best, all Christian worship is led by the Holy Spirit. But is there a distinctive theology of Pentecostal worship?

    The Pentecostal church or the renewal movement is among the fastest-growing parts of the body of Christ around the world, which makes understanding its theology and practice critical for the future of the church.

    In this volume in IVP Academic’s Dynamics of Christian Worship (DCW) series, theologian Steven Felix-Jager offers a theology of renewal worship, including its biblical foundations, how its global nature is expressed in particular localities, and how charismatic worship distinctively shapes the community of faith. With his guidance, the whole church might understand better what it means to pray, Come, Holy Spirit!

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  • Bible And Baptism


    This addition to A Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the Sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

    New Testament scholar Isaac Morales, OP, offers a biblical theology of the initiatory rite of baptism that will be interesting and informative to the church catholic. Morales provides a synthetic biblical account of the sacrament of baptism, rooted in the rich water symbolism of the Old Testament and finding its full flourishing in baptismal participation in the saving events of Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection as described in the New Testament. This book provides lay teachers with background and depth on topics taught frequently in the parish, making it suitable for classroom use and parish ministry.

    The series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray is president of the Augustine Institute, which has one million subscribers to its online content channel, Gray and Sehorn both teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance education programs.

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  • Paschal Paradox : Reflections On A Life Of Spiritual Evolution


    In this provocative spiritual autobiography, Diarmuid O’Murchu explores the many paschal journeys in his personal life as well as in the life of the church and the world. He shows how the paschal paradox-the movement through death and resurrection-is at the heart of God’s creation and gives meaning to all life.

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  • Cosmic Vision Of Teilhard De Chardin


    An expert in Teilhardian thought brings together for the first time Teilhard in conversation with other significant religious thinkers, philosophers, and scientists, including Kant, Whitehead, Barbour, Londergan, and Tillich, on topics from the purpose of suffering to astrobiology.

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  • Child Theology : Diverse Methods And Global Perspectives


    Highly respected theologians from around the globe rethink and reinterpret theological doctrines and practices regarding the strengths and vulnerabilities of one of the most exploited and marginalized groups in the world: children.

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  • Essential Letters


    The Essential Letters volume in the series of Augustine’s complete works features a rich selection from the Bishop of Hippo’s extensive surviving correspondence. Following a rich introductory chapter by Augustine scholar Przemyslaw Nehring, the letters are then arranged in categories that focus on Augustine in his different roles, for example, as philosopher, theologian, exegete, and monastic founder. These writings display Augustine’s wide-ranging concerns with a similarly wide range of correspondents and often provide a glimpse of his character that cannot be obtained in his other writings, not even in The Confessions.

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  • Art Of Indigenous Inculturation


    This breathtakingly beautiful, scholarly, and thought-provoking book is basically about one thing: doing justice to the incarnation. It is the doctrine that confesses not only that God became human, but that God became flesh, became material, thereby signifying the holiness of all God’s creation. It is with this conviction that Antonio Sison embarks on a quest to ‘midwife’ the ‘indigenous inculturation’ present in a triptych of images from the ‘folk Catholic imaginary’ in Nairobi in Kenya, Chicago in the United States, and Manila in the Philippines. His purpose is, with a rich hermeneutic of suspicion, generosity, and serendipity, to bring the edges of theologizing to the center. In doing so, however, he reveals to us that, instead of a new theological hegemony (marginal replacing the center), the edges are actually the center.–From the Foreword by Stephen B. Bevans, SVD

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  • Introducing Latinx Theologies


    Now thoroughly revised, this basic introduction describes both Protestant and Catholic traditions, including the fundamental principles underlying the ways Hispanics approach theology. Showing how their outlook has been shaped by historical and cultural movements including colonialism and Christian mission, this book provides the ideal introduction to a vibrant and distinctive way of doing theology.

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  • John Henry Newman On Truth And Its Counterfeits


    Reinhard Hutter’s main thesis in this third volume of the Sacra Doctrina series is that John Henry Newman, in his own context of the nineteenth century, a century far from being a foreign one to our own, faced the same challenges as we do today; the problems then and now differ in degree, not in kind. Hence, Newman’s engagement with these problems offers us a prescient and indeed prophetic diagnosis of what these problems or errors, if not corrected, will lead to–consequences which have more or less come to pass–and, furthermore, an alternative way which is at once thoroughly Catholic and holds contemporary relevance.
    The introduction offers a survey of Newman’s life and works and each of the subsequent four chapters addresses one significant aspect of Christianity that is not only contested or rejected by secular unbelief, but also has a counterfeit for which not only Christians, but even Catholics have fallen. The counterfeit of conscience is the “conscience” of the sovereign subject (Ch. 1); the counterfeit of faith is the “faith” of one who does not submit to the living authority through which God communicates but rather adheres to the principle of private judgment in matters of revealed religion(Ch.2); the counterfeit of doctrinal development is twofold: (i) paying lip service to development while only selectively accepting its consequences on the grounds of a specious antiquarianism and (ii) invoking development theory to justify all sorts of contemporary changes according to the present Zeitgeist (Ch. 3). Finally, the counterfeit of the university are all those “universities” whose end is not to educate and thereby to perfect the intellect, but rather to feed more efficiently the empire of desire that is informed by the techno-consumerism of today (Ch. 4). The book concludes with an epilogue on Hutter’s journey to Catholicism.

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  • Is This All There Is


    Is the Christian hope for resurrection still alive or has it become tired? How can we talk about the Resurrection today? Gerhard Lohfink takes up the question of death and resurrection in this new book. He argues against the dazzling array of today’s ideas and expectations and seeks his answers in Scripture, the Christian tradition, and human reason. With his characteristically gentle but clear language, he reveals the power of Christian resurrection, showing it is not about events that lie in the distant future but rather occurrences incomprehensively close to us. They were long since begun and they will embrace us fully in our own death..

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  • Ecological Theology Of Liberation


    What is the relationship between salvation, human liberation, and care for creation? Extending the ideas presented in Gustavo Gutierrez’s A Theology of Liberation, Daniel Castillo embraces a green liberation theology that recognizes the need for political and ideological paradigm shifts in relation to globalization.

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  • Eucharistic Faith


    Theology began with the appearances of the risen Jesus. That is, theology began when persons were confronted with a presence that could only be realized by the act of God.

    In The Eucharistic Faith, the first of a significant new systematic theology of the Eucharist, Ralph N. McMichael weaves liturgy and theology together to understand the ways in which theology and Christian faith are, at heart, about the receiving of the gift of Jesus’ life in Communion.

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  • Catholicity And Emerging Personhood


    An exploration of the meaning and identity of the human person in light of a renewed theology of creation, the ongoing discoveries of evolution and natural sciences, and newly appropriated resources in the theological tradition.

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  • Conscience : Writings From Moral Theology By Saint Alphonsus


    For the first time ever, this work on moral theology, reasoning and rational decisions by the founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer has been translated into English from its original Latin. Raphael Gallagher, CSsR, faithfully translates Saint Alphonsus Liguori’s teachings on moral theology and provides commentary to make the 18th-century text relevant for today.

    This book is sure to be treasured by those who enjoy reading the works of the Redemptorist’s prolific founder.

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  • Truth Will Make You Free


    The available literature on the new evangelization is wide-ranging and focused on issues of ecclesial renewal. In The Truth Will Make You Free, Fr. Robert Leavitt adopts a different approach to the subject. From Paul VI until Pope Francis, the nature and challenges of modern secularism have become a recurring factor in the agenda of the new evangelization, yet often without historical perspective and philosophical balance. Few popular works bother to examine in such depth and scope, as this book does, what the history, nature, and implications of the secular age are for revitalizing ministry in an age of optional belief. Written for the interested layperson, seminarian, theology student, and pastor, The Truth Will Make You Free is an indispensable catechism for rethinking our understanding of the secular world in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ.

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  • Ruth Burrows : Essential Writings


    Ruth Burrows is the pen name of Sister Rachel, OCD, a nun in the Carmelite monastery in Quidenham, England, and the author of more than a dozen books on prayer and the mystical life. Describing the central theme that runs throughout her work, she writes: “God offers himself in total love to each one of us. Our part is to open our hearts to receive the gift.” That theme is reflected in the writings assembled here.

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  • Unsettling The Word


    For generations, the Bible has been employed by settler colonial societies as a weapon to dispossess Indigenous and racialized peoples of their lands, cultures, and spiritualties. Given this devastating legacy, many want nothing to with it. But is it possible for the exploited and their allies to reclaim the Bible from the dominant powers? Can it serve as an instrument for justice in the cause of the oppressed? Even a nonviolent weapon toward decolonization? In Unsettling the Word, over 60 Indigenous and Settler authors come together to wrestle with the Scriptures, rereading and re-imagining the ancient text for the sake of reparative futures.

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  • Creation And The Cross


    Confronting the woeful legacy of a centuries’-old theology, Johnson shows how the beauty of our faith tradition is deepened by being rooted in ecological reality. She lays out the foundations in scripture, the teachings of Jesus, and the early Church for an understanding that emphasizes the love and mercy of God, showing how this approach can help us respond to a planet in peril.

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  • Black Theology And Black Power


    First published in 1969, Black Theology and Black Power provided the first systematic presentation of Black Theology, while also introducing the voice of an African American theologian who would shake the foundations of American theology. Relating the militant struggle for liberation with the gospel message of salvation, James Cone laid out the foundation for an interpretation of Christianity from the perspective of the oppressed that retains its urgency and challenge today.

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  • Church Of God In Jesus Christ


    The Church of God in Jesus Christ consists of three parts: the first provides a concise historical survey of ecclesiology elucidating the most salient teachings and insights from the Old and New Testaments, the writings of the fathers, the medievals, moderns, up to the present day. It integrates a standard historical overview with a recovery of oft ignored or forgotten insights from the tradition (e.g., beginnings of the Church in prehistoric times and in Israel, Irenaeus’s Trinitarian ecclesiology and St. Bernard’s nuptial vison of the Church.

    The second part is a systematic ecclesiology ordered around the four marks of the Church, then proceeding to treat the participation of all the faithful in the threefold office of Christ, the ongoing renewal and reform of the Church by the Holy Spirit working through her members, and finishing with a hitherto neglected study of the eschatological consummation of the Church in heavenly glory.

    The third part consists of five essays on particular themes of special importance in ecclesiology. Of the five, most notable is the chapter on the relationship between the Church’s infallibility and Mary.

    Fr. Roch Kereszty intends to integrate theological insights with nourishing the reader’s spiritual life by emphasizing the essentially Trinitarian, nuptial and Marian dimensions of the Church.

    The book fills a genuine need in that it offers a rich synthesis of the ecclesiological renewal in an accessible and clear language. It will enrich not only students of theology but all those college educated adults who are interested to delve beyond the cliches of the media into the contemplation of the manifold mystery of the Church.

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  • Still Hungry At The Feast


    In Still Hungry at the Feast, Episcopal priest and professor Samuel Torvend invites readers to expand their experience and understanding of the Mass, the Holy Eucharist, as more than a personal encounter with the risen Christ. Drawing on recent Jesus research, the long history of eucharistic reflection among Christians, and contemporary commitments to economic justice, Still Hungry at the Feast invokes the integral relationship between eucharistic practice and eucharistic mission. Here the ecumenical pattern and meaning of the Mass opens toward care for our wounded creation, solidarity with the poor and outcast, keeping the fast, and recovering a eucharistic economy. Lectionary references will assist those charged with liturgical preparation, while preachers and catechists will find guidance in the eucharistic homilies that conclude the book.

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  • Knowing Christ Crucified


    A timely and challenging collection of essays on Jesus Christ through the perspective of the slaves and the struggles of African Americans today.

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  • Consecrated Phrases Third Edition


    Consecrated Phrases has been a standard and valued reference work for theology students for many years. This new third edition is expanded by more than fifty percent from the previous edition. It includes many new entries, while entries from earlier editions have been expanded and extensively cross-referenced. The resulting volume functions better as a reliable guide to translation and a primer on the tradition out of which the consecrated phrases arose. The third edition contains many entries from canon and civil law, as well as terms from philosophy and theology.

    While Latin has often been called a dead language,” Consecrated Phrases demonstrates convincingly that the tradition continues not just to live but to thrive. This book will aid generations of students yet to come in understanding, appropriating, and developing the best of that tradition.

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  • World Christianity Encounters World Religions


    Synthesizing the thinking of the most prominent scholars, professor Edmund Chia discusses practically everything that should be known about Christianity’s encounter with other religions in this comprehensive a book. Topics include:

    -the invention of the idea of World Religions and World Christianity
    -the Bible and the church’s attitude toward other faiths
    -Vatican II, Asian Christianity, and interfaith dialogue
    -the what, why, when, and how of dialogue
    -the global ecumenical movement
    -theologies of religious pluralism
    -cross-textual hermeneutics
    -comparative theology
    -interfaith worship
    -religious syncretism
    -multiple religious belonging
    -interfaith learning in seminaries.

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  • Theology Of Conversation


    Sometimes described as “a theologian’s theologian,” David Tracy’s scholarship has impacted countless thinkers around the globe. The complexity of his thought, however, has often made engaging his work into a daunting challenge. Combining analysis of the most influential features of Tracy’s theology (theological method, the religious classic, public theology) with a retrieval of his more overlooked interests (Christology, God), Stephen Okey presents the essential themes of Tracy’s career in accessible and insightful prose.

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  • Stumbling In Holiness


    In Stumbling in Holiness, professor and theologian Brian P. Flanagan addresses the ways in which both holiness and sinfulness condition the life of the pilgrim church. The book is rooted in a liturgical-theological explanation of how the church prays through its continuing need for repentance and purification, as well as its belief in its present and future participation in the life of the Holy One. After reviewing some of the ways in which past theologians have tried to explain the coexistence of ecclesial holiness and sinfulness, Flanagan suggests that, even if we can have confidence that God will fully sanctify the church in the reign of God, our ecclesiology must always attend to both the sanctity we already experience in the church and the sinfulness that is part of our continuing journey toward that reign.

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  • How To Think Like Aquinas


    In these pages, you’ll learn St. Thomas Aquinas’s unique powers of intellect and will, and how he can train us to perfect them. Best-selling author of The One-Minutea Aquinas offers here a fully guided, illustrated tutorial of exercises to perfect your intellectual powers of memory, understanding, logical reasoning, shrewdness, foresight, circumspection, practical wisdom, and so much more that lead to happier and holier lives. You’ll also learn:

    -The connections between thinking, happiness, and holiness
    -How to perfect intellectual powers you may not know you possess
    -Why a failure to understand human nature impairs our ability to understand anything
    -The three fundamental acts of practical wisdom
    -The eight parts of prudence every Catholic should keep in stock
    -How training our memories can make us deeper thinkers
    -How critical thinking alone is insufficient for reaching the truth
    -Why Catholics should cherish reason as well as faith #&8212 and know how to use it!
    -How to spot twenty common logical fallacies

    How thinking like Aquinas can inoculate you from twenty damaging isms and worldviews wreaking havoc in our world today.

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  • His Angels At Our Side


    Meet the mighty spirits sent by God to enlighten and guide us, defend us from harm, and lead us on the path to eternal life. Learn how angels are invisibly present at every moment of your life, and how they can pray with you and for you, amplifying your praise by reflecting it directly to God face-to-face

    Angels do not form a separate universe – they are an integral part of our own world sent forth for the sake of our salvation. They are pure spirits who communicate to us God’s grace, His goodness, and His truth.

    In these pages, Fr. Horgan unveils the surprising role of the angels in our lives – and what you must do to gain their help. You’ll learn how to imitate the angels in prayer and how they offer you the enlightenment and the encouragement God so desperately wants to give you. By praying with the angels, you will be strengthened for what lies ahead, better able to discern and do the Lord’s will in all your actions. You’ll also learn:
    *Why the Church teaches that the angels were created at the time of creation
    *The responsibilities of the angels at every Mass
    *The key difference between spirits and angels
    *Seven habits you must develop to grow closer to God through His angels
    *The difference between Archangel Gabriel’s apparitions to Mary and Zechariah
    *How St. Joseph can expose you to the inspirations of the angels
    *The difference in the way humans and angels think
    *How you can imitate the warrior nature of the angels
    *The three ways you must respond to your angel’s guardianship
    *The five roles that every angel takes in their service for the Lord
    *The surprising ways in which angelic warfare is carried out

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  • According To The Scriptures


    Letter & Spirit is an annual journal of Catholic Biblical Theology. We strive to publish work that is academically rigorous but accessible to the motivated lay reader. This twelfth volume, According to the Scriptures: The Mystery of Christ in the History of Salvation, is focused on current exegesis as well as the pre-modern reception of St. Paul.

    Articles include “A Few Obscure Men: Augustine’s Reception of Saint Paul’s Ignobilitas” by Fr. David Vincent Meconi, S.J.; “The Spiritual Experience of St. Paul in the Monastic Theology of St. Bernard” by Fr. Thomas Esposito, O.Cist.; “Paul’s Rhetorical Purpose in Ephesians 4:9-10: Upsilon Vector Mimesis” by William Bales; and “Exegesis and Ecclesiology in Augustine’s City of God” by John Cavadini.

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