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William Anderson

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  • Libros Profeticos 2 – (Spanish)


    Quienes fueron los profetas menores? Que hizo Israel para encontrar esperanza en medio de guerras, invasiones y el exilio? Cuales fueron las circunstancias en que se dio la destruccion del templo de Jerusalen asi como su reconstruccion? Como podemos orar aprovechando lo que se relata en la Escritura? Rodeado de amenazas politicas y militares, el pueblo de Israel fue a dar a alianzas peligrosas que eventualmente lo llevaron a la guerra. Sus sobrevivientes quedaron sometidos a pagar elevados impuestos, u obligados al exilio, al matrimonio con extranjeros y a otras violaciones mas. Por todo esto la fidelidad de Israel a su Dios disminuyo. Posteriormente, con la destruccion del Templo a manos de los babilonios, parecia que toda fe habia desaparecido. Este libro del Estudio Biblico llevara al lector a adentrarse en el mensaje de los Profetas Menores. Mensaje que va dirigido al pueblo de Israel que se encuentre en medio de la prueba y de la contradiccion. Al leerlo, el lector descubrira que estos profetas son llamados menores debido solamente a la brevedad de sus escritos y de ninguna manera a lo insignificante de su mensaje.

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  • Libros Historicos : Josue Jueces Ruth 1 Y 2 De Samuel 1 Y 2 De Reyes 1 Y 2 – (Sp


    This book in the Liguori Catholic Bible Study series examines the Israelites’ story from the time of Joshua leading the people into the Promised Land through the rise and fall of kings and the impact of the prophets Elijah and Elisha. The Israelites’ covenant with God and Mosaic law are recurring themes in these narratives and reflections. As readers explore these biblical books with Fr. William Anderson, they will more fully understand their own relationship to God in devotion, obedience, worship, and prayer.

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  • Epistolas Universales Y Apocal – (Spanish)


    La Iglesia primitiva crecio de manera notable. Paso, de consistir en un punado de discipulos a convertirse en toda una comunidad de seguidores que llevaro a la Iglesia a convertirse en una institucion capaz de atender a una multitud de fieles. Este volumen expone esas cartas que fueron dirigidas a la Iglesia catolica (palabra griega que significa universal). En estos textos de enfoque general, todos los cristianos del mundo se sienten aludidos. A traves de cada carta, los autores sagrados nos alientan como comunidad y nos comparten pautas para vivir como verdaderos cristianos.

    The early Church’s growth from a handful of disciples to a large community of followers forced the Church to become an institution that could cope with large numbers. In this volume, Father William A. Anderson probes several New Testament letters that were addressed to the ‘catholic,’ or universal, Church. General in nature, these letters welcomed and addressed all Christians. Through them, the writers were able to encourage whole communities and provide instruction on Christian living.

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  • Prophets 3 : Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah H


    Surrounded by military and political threats, the people of Israel were led into dangerous alliances and war. Survivors were subjected to steep taxation, exile, intermarriage, and more, and loyalty to God diminished. With the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Babylonians, all faith seemed lost.Enter the minor prophets, bringers of oracles, parables, and poems named “minor” not for their lack of significance but for the briefness of their texts. Like Jonah in the fish, they confess sin and foresee judgment but emerge from the darkness to tell of forgiveness, restoration, abundant blessings, and salvation. Like the Temple, which was rebuilt, the loyalty of the Lord will grow and prosper.

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  • Prophets 2 : Ezekiel And Daniel


    SKU (ISBN): 9780764821363ISBN10: 0764821369William AndersonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2014Liguori Catholic Bible StudyPublisher: Liguori Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Universal Letters : James 1 And 2 Peter And 1, 2 And 3rd John Jude


    The early Church’s growth from a handful of disciples to a large community of followers forced the Church to become an institution that could cope with large numbers. In this volume, Father William A. Anderson probes several New Testament letters that were addressed to the “catholic,” or universal, Church. General in nature, these letters welcomed and addressed all Christians. Through them, the writers were able to encourage whole communities and provide instruction on Christian living.

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  • Pastoral Letters And The Letter To The Hebrews


    The early Church of the first century faced a remarkable challenge of adapting itself to a multicultural and often hostile world. The pastoral letters-the First and Second Letters to Timothy and the Letter to Titus-contained necessary instructions for carrying out the pastoral or ministerial office of the Church. We have included the Letter to the Hebrews with these traditional pastoral letters because it too served a teaching function in the first century, helping to bridge the gap between the old and new covenants.

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  • Letters To The Corinthians


    Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians reads like a letter from a concerned parent who wishes to share wisdom-and a warning-with his or her children. For Paul has received some disturbing news about the people he knows well and loves. Therefore, this first letter reflects Paul’s own suffering as well as his desire to have the Corinthians change their ways.

    As Paul continues his Second Letter to the Corinthians, his words express many different emotions. One might even break the letter down into sections that give an image of Paul as a man who is angry, compassionate, forgiving, loving, and sorrowful. In this second letter we are provided a glimpse of the passion of Paul, a man with many moods and emotions.

    As you study these letters written by St. Paul, the church of Corinth exemplifies the fact that arguments have always existed among the people of God. Though these arguments are familiar to the Christian journey, we are reminded in these letters that the Holy Spirit is with us and will work through us-and that our deepest call is to love God and one another.

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  • Pentateuch I : Creation And Covenant


    The Liguori Catholic Bible Study is a series of 21 books introducing each and every book of the Bible, providing insight into the Sacred Words of antiquity, and inviting all to discover the living Word and its impact on our daily lives. Pentateuch I: Creation and Covenant explores Judeo-Christian beginnings and theological foundations of the books of Genesis and Exodus. From the creation of the world to the sojourn in the desert, the author, William Anderson, reminds participants of their origins and helps them relate to these ancient texts. The stories of Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, Rachel, Leah, Joseph, Moses, Zipporah, and others will resonate with participants who explore these ancient scriptural texts.

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  • Letters To The Romans And Galatians


    Who wrote the Letters to the Romans and Galatians? Why were these letters composed? What were the major arguments in early Christian communities? How does lectio divina move us to pray with Scripture? Rev. Anderson writes that, “each of [Paul’s letters] addresses particular issues and arguments within the community to whom he was writing.”
    Although he never preached in Rome, yet converted many in Galatia, he had much of the same message in both letters. The primary issue that is addressed by Paul in his letters is how to assimilate the Old and New covenants — the communities as a mixture of Jews and Gentiles were beginning to live their Christian faith together. As their traditions and newfound teachings would clash, arguments would arise. Paul’s letters were written with love and concern for the communities to which he sent them. And as these conflicts would arise, his letters helped these communities to work through divisions and act lovingly towards one another.

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  • Gospel Of Mark


    Explore the Gospel of Mark, which is the first Gospel to be written and also the shortest of the four Gospels. Scholars tell us that this Gospel was used by the authors of Matthew and Luke as a resource.

    At the time when Mark wrote his gospel, Christians suffered persecution and death for the sake of Christ and wondered why evil remained so powerful after its conquest by Jesus. Events in our world today often lead us to ask the same question. Why is the power of evil so strong in the world, while the power of good seems so weak?

    The Gospels answer this and other questions for both our present age, those in ages past, and will continue to answer these questions for ages to come.

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  • Gospel Of Matthew


    While drawing from Mark’s gospel, Matthew wrote a different kind of faith testimony about Jesus, one oriented toward a Jewish audience.

    The Gospel of Matthew focuses on Jesus and his equality with God and treats as well the Kingdom of God as the Church, the promise of eternal life, and his teaching of the two-fold commandment to love God and neighbor. Rev. Anderson helps you not only study Matthew, but also pray his gospel with the Lectio Divina method that is a core element of the Liguori Catholic Bible Study.

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  • Introduction To The Bible


    The Bible–with God as its focus–is ever ancient and ever new, a compilation of many books from unique periods of antiquity that makes it “a library within a library,” says Father William A. Anderson in Introduction to the Bible: Overview, Historical Context, and Cultural Perspectives.

    The Bible is the most revered of Christian texts, but many are unfamiliar with it and ask: What do Scriptures teach today’s seekers of God’s word?

    Father Anderson answers in everyday language, stating that the Bible helps us examine our lives in relationship to God.

    In Introduction to the Bible–which lays the groundwork for the Liguori Catholic Bible Study series of twenty-one books featuring details on the books of the Bible–you’ll find:

    Historical context, cultural customs, and succinct background of all the books of the Bible;
    The many core biblical themes, such as the covenant between Yahweh and his people, the importance of land, the kingdom of David, the coming of the Messiah, the reign of God, and more.

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