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Showing 451–500 of 2173 results

  • Eucharistic Faith


    Theology began with the appearances of the risen Jesus. That is, theology began when persons were confronted with a presence that could only be realized by the act of God.

    In The Eucharistic Faith, the first of a significant new systematic theology of the Eucharist, Ralph N. McMichael weaves liturgy and theology together to understand the ways in which theology and Christian faith are, at heart, about the receiving of the gift of Jesus’ life in Communion.

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  • Por Que El Celibato – (Spanish)


    “La Iglesia hoy en dia exige una renovacion profunda del sacerdocio celibe y de su paternidad a la cual esta orientada.”

    Algunos dicen que el celibato sacerdotal es una reliquia anticuada de otra epoca. Otros lo ven como una vida solitaria.

    Pero como lo expone el P. Carter Griffin en Por que el celibato?: Reclamando la paternidad del sacerdote, esta antigua practica del celibato, cuando se vive bien, le ayuda al sacerdote a ejercer su paternidad espiritual con alegria y con muchos frutos. A lo largo de su exposicion, el P. Griffin explora:

    *la cuestion del celibato opcional
    *los desafios de la paternidad celibe
    *la eleccion y formacion de los candidatos para el sacerdocio celibe
    *por que los padres biologicos tambien estan llamados a la paternidad espiritual
    *el poderoso impacto que tiene el celibato en la Iglesia y en toda la cultura

    En este momento critico para el sacerdocio catolico, el P. Griffin ofrece luz y esperanza con una nueva perspectiva de la sabiduria perene de la Iglesia en torno al celibato.

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  • Catholicity And Emerging Personhood


    An exploration of the meaning and identity of the human person in light of a renewed theology of creation, the ongoing discoveries of evolution and natural sciences, and newly appropriated resources in the theological tradition.

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  • Two Hands Of Yes And No


    Drawing on examples from modern world history, including resistance to the Nazis, the Civil Rights struggle in the USA, and recent protests by young people around gun violence, the authors offer a compelling introduction to the theory and practice of nonviolence.

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  • Little Love


    A Modern Parable for Teaching Children and Youth about the importance of Self-Acceptance!

    “There once was a girl with a hole in her heart.Little Love was her name, where was she to start?It was not of her doing. She was not to blame.But the hole in her heart was there just the same.”

    So begins the story of Little Love as she sets out on a journey to heal her broken heart. Join her on her path to self-discovery where she meets Beauty and Fame, and learns the true value of her self-worth. Written for children, but with a timeless message for the child in all of us,

    Little Love reaffirms the importance of self-acceptance in life’s journey toward love, joy, and friendship.- Age range: 0 to 12- Grade Level: K-8- Reading Level: Early, Primary, Young Adult- children’s book with morals for children- great bedtime story to discuss with kids about their self worth

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  • Clothed In Language


    At the heart of Clothed in Language lies a journal, but the writing, while personal, has been given a thematic structure. Seeing language as a vital medium through which the divine is made present to us, scholar and poet Pauline Matarasso explores the ways in which this God-given language, with its overcoat of metaphor and undertow of rhythm, serves to reflect the truth and, on occasion, mask it. This book also includes an essay that looks at certain features common to myth, fairy tale, lore, and Scripture.

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  • Exodus Part Two


    Part Two of this study covers the final 25 chapters of Exodus. Beginning with the insecurity of the desert wanderings, to encountering God on Sinai and then constructing the tent of dwelling, God’s people learn what it means to be part of a covenant with the one who liberates and also gives the Law to guide and direct them. 4 lessons.

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  • Exodus Part One


    The exodus is the central event of the Old Testament, giving meaning to everything else we find in its pages. Part One of this study takes us through the first fifteen chapters of Exodus-from slavery to the call of Moses, from plagues to crossing the sea, from captivity to freedom in the Sinai. Discover that God hears those who are beaten down and liberates those who are in need of his justice. 5 lessons.

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  • Conscious Contact With God


    Conscious Contact with God is a new paraphrase of the Psalms that reflects the experience of addiction and living in recovery. It will speak powerfully to anyone who shares those experiences and struggles to find God present in the midst of them. Ideal for personal prayer, reflection, and meditation, as well as for praying and reflecting in groups, these thoughtful and inspiring texts are rich in the vocabulary and vision of the Twelve Steps.

    This new resource, written by a leading expert on mental health and spiritual caregiving to those in recovery, fills a gap that has unfortunately existed until now for anyone addicted to alcohol, drugs, food, sex, or other substances or experiences. Here they will find compassion, understanding, and strength.

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  • Spiritual Way : Classic Traditions And Contemporary Practice


    In The Spiritual Way: Classic Traditions and Contemporary Practice, Philip Sheldrake aims to make the wisdom of Christian spirituality better known to contemporary readers. After an introductory chapter on the foundations of Christian spirituality, Sheldrake describes its diverse riches through the centuries in terms of five distinctive types of Christian spiritual wisdom, illustrated by a rich selection of classical examples. The five types are “The Way of Discipline,” “The Contemplative-Mystical Way,” “The Way of Practical Action,” “The Way of Beauty,” and “The Prophetic Way.” This book also briefly explores the contemporary interest in spirituality within and beyond conventional religion and suggests how we might engage with these five types on our spiritual journeys in today’s world.

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  • Does God Like Being God


    A book that helps teachers answer the tricky questions that students ask about God, using a fresh and accessible account of Scripture, church teaching, theology, and contemporary learning.

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  • Bible Is A Catholic Book


    In The Bible Is a Catholic Book, Jimmy shows how the Bible cannot exist apart from the Church. In its origins and its formulation, in the truths it contains, in its careful preservation over the centuries and in the prayerful study and elucidation of its mysteries, Scripture is inseparable from Catholicism. This is fitting, since both come from God for our salvation.

    If you’re a Catholic who sometimes gets intimidated by the Bible (especially scriptural challenges from Protestants), The Bible Is a Catholic Book will help you better understand and take pride in this gift that God gave the world through the Church. We are the original “Bible Christians”!

    And even non-Catholics will appreciate the clear and charitable way that Jimmy explains how the early Church gave us the Bible …and how the Church to this day reveres and obeys it.

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  • Roadmap To Heaven


    Do you want to go to heaven? Of course, you do! But do you know the way? Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a map that shows the way to heaven? There is!

    In this remarkable book, Father Ed Broom shows that the key to getting to heaven is to have a plan of life.

    Father Broom’s plan is striking in its simplicity. Everyone can do it! With his help, you will develop a plan of life designed just for you that will set you on and keep you on (if you are faithful to it) the path to heaven!

    This no academic exercise, Fr. Broom will help you form a plan, right down to the minute, breaking down your roadmap into the various legs of your journey to Heaven:
    *Annual: Great advice to ramp up your spiritual life in the next twelve months
    *Monthly: Practical steps to take each month to become a saint
    *Weekly: What practices do you need to be faithful to every seven days?
    *Daily: In next 24 hours God gives you, what can you give back to him?
    *Hourly: Can you really do something every 60 minutes that will help you get to heaven? (Hint: the answer is YES!)
    *Minutes: Really? Yes, really. Father Broom will show that you can do something every sixty seconds that will keep your eyes on the prize and your feet on the path.

    Many books claim that they will “change your life!” Well, this one really will. If you heed its advice and follow the map, you will be well on your way to heaven.

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  • How To Keep From Losing Your Mind


    SKU (ISBN): 9781505113525ISBN10: 1505113520Deal HudsonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2019Publisher: Tan Books

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  • Psalter For Christian Worship Revised Edition (Revised)


    We lift up the psalms to God as our prayers. We borrow the language of these ancient texts, and they become our works. We are not secondhand recipients of God’s word but communicants actively in conversation with God. What seems to set the Psalms apart from the rest of Scripture is their sacramental nature, their unique ability to mold and transform the believer. The Psalter for Christian Worship reclaims the Psalms for congregational worship with new texts set to familiar hymnal tunes. This collection, for worship leaders, musicians, and congregations, will inspire both corporate and private devotions. Features include: The Old Testament flavor of the Psalter is retained with new sensitivity to imagery and inclusive language; all 150 psalms have been converted into hymns of reasonable length to be sung in church; an index of suggested hymn tunes is included; and an index for liturgical use is also provided.

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  • Light Of Heaven Saints Coloring Book


    Celebrate the lives of 23 of our favorite saints! Illustrated by artist Adalee Hude, each coloring page is rich with detail, reminiscent of beautiful stained-glass works of art. Make each one your own using crayons, markers, or pens, bringing the lovely images to life!

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  • After Suicide : There’s Still Hope For Them And You


    Addressing the hard issue of suicide honestly and pastorally, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, draws from the teaching of the Church, the message of Divine Mercy, and his own experience of losing his grandmother to suicide in order to offer readers two key forms of hope. There’s hope for the salvation of those who’ve died by their own hand, and there’s hope for the healing of those whom they’ve left behind.

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  • Happiness In God


    This is a rich collection of memories and reflections from the long-time abbot of La Trappe, Dom Marie-Gerard Dubois, OCSO. Starting with his entry into monastic life, he walks the reader through the dramatic changes in the Strict Observance of the Cistercian Order, including its liturgical reform and developments in the role of lay brothers. Dom Dubois also shares stories about the diverse group of men who entered the Order at that time, including WWII veterans, Holocaust survivors, and members of the French literary elite, and why they decided to become monks. His stories offer a fascinating inside view into twentieth-century Cistercian life.

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  • How We Love


    In this volume, Br. John Mark Falkenhain, OSB, a Benedictine monk and clinical psychologist, provides a well-researched and thorough program for celibacy formation for men and women, adaptable to both religious and seminary settings. Attending to the theological and the psycho-sexual dimensions of what it means to pursue a life of chaste celibacy, Br. John Mark identifies and expands on four major content areas, including motives for chaste celibacy, theological aspects of celibate chastity, sexual identity, and skills for celibate living. Formation goals and benchmarks for discernment are discussed for each content area, and implications and suggestions for ongoing formation are offered.

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  • Musings : A Benedictine On Christian Life


    Internet readers of the Daily Reflections with Fr. Don Talafous have long urged the author to publish selections in book form. Here is such a collection offering hope and encouragement in the face of the sadness and suffering of our world. While they come from the mind, heart, and PC of a Catholic Benedictine, the topics of these reflections appeal to church-going Christians and all the way to readers of skeptical bent and those of no or minimal relation to any organized religion.

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  • Overdue : A Dewey Decimal System Of Grace


    Valerie Schultz almost stumbled into prison ministry, a happy accident of a beginning. Initially fearful of the scary people she’d meet and the dark place she’d be working, she found that some inmates were dangerous, but many were kind; some were mean and some were friendly; some were misogynistic and some were respectful; some were quiet and some were loud. In short, they were a lot like the non-incarcerated population.

    As Schultz went from volunteering to working in a clerical position and then running a library on a yard, she learned to see the prisoners as human beings. They possessed all the quirks and gifts and flaws, the nobility and the sin, that define humanity–every single one of them a human being created and loved by God. It was no challenge to find God in all things in prison, because God was palpably everywhere.

    In Overdue, Schultz shares what she learned and the grace she received during her fourteen years inside an American prison. Her experience and insights will transform how you see the people around you and the world we all share.

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  • Faith And Science At Notre Dame


    A University Of Notre Dame Press Title

    The Reverend John Augustine Zahm, CSC, (1851–1921) was a Holy Cross priest, an author, a South American explorer, and a science professor and vice president at the University of Notre Dame, the latter at the age of twenty-five. Through his scientific writings, Zahm argued that Roman Catholicism was fully compatible with an evolutionary view of biological systems. Ultimately Zahm’s ideas were not accepted in his lifetime and he was prohibited from discussing evolution and Catholicism, although he remained an active priest for more than two decades after his censure.

    In Faith and Science at Notre Dame: John Zahm, Evolution, and the Catholic Church, John Slattery charts the rise and fall of Zahm, examining his ascension to international fame in bridging evolution and Catholicism and shedding new light on his ultimate downfall via censure by the Congregation of the Index of Prohibited Books. Slattery presents previously unknown archival letters and reports that allow Zahm’s censure to be fully understood in the light of broader scientific, theological, and philosophical movements within the Catholic Church and around the world.

    Faith and Science at Notre Dame weaves together a vast array of threads to tell a compelling new story of the late nineteenth century. The result is a complex and thrilling tale of Neo-Scholasticism, Notre Dame, empirical science, and the simple faith of an Indiana priest. The book, which includes a new translation of the 1864 Syllabus of Errors, will appeal to those interested in Notre Dame and Catholic history, scholars of science and religion, and general readers seeking to understand the relationship between faith and science.

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  • Go Forth : Toward A Community Of Missionary Disciples


    Through selections from his speeches, homilies, and other writings, this work presents Pope Francis’s vision of mission–his understanding of what church in a missionary key looks like. It shows how the central themes of his papacy are integrated around the theme of mission and how he seeks to move the whole church forward in a missionary direction–not simply developing the church’s thinking on mission.

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  • In The Realm Of Mist And Mercy


    When young Waljan of the Wood is forced to move to a new home in the city, his first instinct is to resist everything about the change. However, it isn’t long before his new circumstances put him on a collision course with the evil lurking in Mortinburg, as well as his own true identity . . . an identity that will only become clear if he can somehow discover what lies beyond a mysterious, unassailable wall just outside the city.

    In the Realm of Mist and Mercy is an allegorical novel, in the spirit of the Chronicles of Narnia series, for readers ages 9 and up.

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  • We Are The Lords


    No one likes to think about death and many are not ready for it, either as the patient or a loved one. And yet, the dying process is oftentimes marked by an array of diverse and confusing questions that can catch anyone off guard.

    What are we supposed to do?

    We Are the Lord’s is a succinct, quick-reference guide to difficult end-of-life questions, framed by divine wisdom and Church teaching. Its easy-to-read chapters and question-and-answer format can be a welcomed help to any person or family who are searching for answers during a difficult and traumatic time.

    *We Are the Lord’s answers such questions as:
    *What’s the difference between medical care and medical treatment?
    *Are pain medications okay? How much is too much?
    *What should I do if my loved one refuses to eat or drink?
    *When is it okay to suspend nutrition and hydration?
    *What to do if medical personnel pressure you to accept treatment that you feel is not morally acceptable?
    *Is a breathing tube considered “extraordinary care”?
    Is a breathing tube morally different from a feeding tube?
    *How do I know when it’s okay to let go and stop treatment of my loved one?
    *How to handle challenging situations concerning DNR (“do not resuscitate”).
    *How do I handle the guilt of making a decision that ended a person’s life?
    *…and more

    This book is an invaluable resource for direct and focused responses to some of life’s most difficult and painful questions. It straightforwardly addresses end-of-life questions, such as the gift of life, redemptive suffering, judgment, and the hope of eternal life, as well as how to properly understand the Catholic Funeral Mass.

    Whether as a preparation for a future journey or as an immediate guide for you now, We Are the Lord’s is available and ready to help.

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  • Liberating Path Of The Hebrew Prophets


    “This book examines the liberation journey that is the heart of the Hebrew Scriptures. The work begins with a careful reading of narrative, prophetic and legal texts from the Hebrew Scriptures. All of these texts reveal exodus, the journey from constriction, as a fundamental biblical concern. After showing how the message of the Hebrew Prophets represents a consistent theme throughout Scripture, the author traces the further refinement of these liberation themes in contemporary writers and prophets such as Abraham Joshua Heschel, Martin Buber, Paulo Freire, Gustavo Guttiaerez, Erich Fromm, Martin Luther King, Beverly Harrison, Maya Angelou, Robin Wall Kimmerer and bell hooks. The book shows how the insights of these prophets, ancient and modern, offer guidance for confronting current challenges for readers of all faiths and backgrounds”–Provided by publisher.

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  • Infiltration : The Plot To Destroy The Church From Within


    It took nearly two millennia for the enemies of the Catholic Church to realize they could not successfully attack the Church from the outside. Indeed, countless nemeses from Nero to Napoleon succeeded only in creating sympathy and martyrs for our Catholic Faith.

    That all changed in the mid-19th century, when clandestine societies populated by Modernists and Marxists hatched a plan to subvert the Catholic Church from within. Their goal: to change Her doctrine, Her liturgy, and Her mission.

    In this captivating and carefully documented book, Dr. Taylor Marshall pulls back the curtain on their nefarious plan, showing how these enemies of Christ strategically infiltrated the seminaries, then the priesthood, then the episcopacy, and eventually the cardinal-electors all with the eventual goal of electing one of their own as pope.

    You’ll come to see that the seemingly endless scandals plaguing the Church are not the result, as so many think, of cultural changes, or of Vatican II, but rather the natural consequences of an orchestrated demonic plot to destroy the Church.

    In these gripping pages, you’ll discover:

    *How popes of the 1800s discovered a plot to infiltrate the Church
    *How theologians suspected of being Modernists became Vatican powerbrokers.
    *How modifications in Catholic canon law enabled predator priests like Theodore McCarrick to stay in positions of power.
    *How Our Lady of La Salette gave a prophetic warning of the plot to infiltrate the Church.
    *How the chief architect of liturgical reforms was discovered to be a Freemason.
    *Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s role in exposing the Communist infiltration of the priesthood.
    *How the confusing history of the Third Secret of Fatima relates to the infiltration of the Catholic Church.
    *That Pope Paul VI explained that Vatican II was not infallible.
    *How Pope Paul VI revoked the voting rights of cardinals over 80, thus guaranteeing that all voting cardinals were appointed by him.
    *How the criteria for sainthood shifted from a person’s historical acts to his personal beliefs.
    *The complex roots of the St. Gallen Mafia and how they plotted to modify Catholic doctrine and elect Pope Fran

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  • Course In Desert Spirituality


    Thomas Merton’s sessions with the young monks at the Abbey of Gethsemani showcase Merton’s brilliant ability to survey the key figures, and synthesize their writings, inspiring his listeners and readers with what it means for the spiritual life. Like its companion volume A Course in Christian Mysticism, this book is a collection of fifteen lectures that get to the heart of Merton’s belief that monastic wisdom and spirituality are applicable for everyone. This compact volume allows anyone to learn from one of the twentieth century’s greatest Catholic spiritual teachers. The study materials at the back of the book, including additional primary source readings and thoughtful questions for reflection and discussion, make this an essential text for any student of Christian desert spirituality.

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  • Harm Healing And Human Dignity


    Harm, Healing, and Human Dignity is a faith formation resource to help small groups in parishes and schools, as well as individual believers, reflect on the Catholic call to restorative justice. Through Scripture, Catholic teaching, eye-opening statistics, and personal stories, each chapter prompts prayerful consideration of the place of human dignity and the common good as we respond to crime, incarceration, and the death penalty in the United States.

    Prepared in cooperation with the highly regarded Catholic Mobilizing Network for the Abolition of the Death Penalty, Harm, Healing, and Human Dignity will help Catholics consider what it means to choose hope over death and redemption over vengeance. It’s a choice that can foster healing, transform relationships, and build the culture of life to which our Catholic faith calls us.

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  • Panorama Of The New Testament


    Beginning with the Gospels and Acts and continuing through the letters and final book of the Bible, Panorama of the New Testament invites us into familiar scenes but with a wide angle lens to capture the big picture. For newcomers to Bible study, this is a wonderful place to begin to put the pieces together; for seasoned Bible students, this study identifies major themes that emerge throughout the New Testament books. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayer and access to recorded lectures are included. 4 lessons.

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  • Sensatez Cristiana – (Spanish)


    It is often said that living the Gospel is difficult. In reality, it is the easiest thing.

    It is difficult to live without God, groping aimlessly, alone. It is easier to listen to him, belong to a Christian community, walk with others . . . . It is difficult to be alone, and it is difficult to live as a slave to your particular passions and the pressures and expectations of the world.

    In contrast, life is made simpler, when we trust in the Word and give ourselves over to Christ. The teaching of Christ is designed for the human heart. His teaching is sensible and it makes us sensible.

    And so, he whoever practices the teachings of Sermon on the Mount, with the grace of God, will enter into the pathways of “the good sense of Jesus.”

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  • ReForming The Liturgy


    Christian worship is always undergoing change as it adapts to particular contexts and concerns. This collection of essays explores ways: 1) that liturgical change happened to address particular historical and theological concerns; 2) that worship and preaching are currently undergoing transition; and 3) that aspects of worship are in need of transformation in order to address primary issues of our time with a focus on environmental and ecological concerns. Spcial attention is paid to the role of the Sacraments and to preaching with an emphasis on the need to connect worship with daily life. These essays show readers ways that liturgical renewal worked in the past as well as offer a persuasive case for continual renewal that responds to key issues in our contemporary lives.

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  • Jewish Background Of Christianity In God?s Plan Of Salvation


    Modern Catholics may be dissuaded from reading or studying the Old Testament simply because the stories seem unusual or implausible and the language, foreign and confusing. Still, we must not neglect the inestimable value of God’s self-disclosure and the wealth of wisdom within the Hebrew scriptures, nor the Jewish prayers and traditions contained within, as many of them lie at the core of our faith and worship.

    In a simple yet enlightening approach to scripture interpretation, Marianne Ivany provides a simplified overview of the major narratives that comprise the story of salvation history while offering appreciation for the role of Israel as God’s chosen nation. Throughout her study, Dr. Ivany invites spiritual seekers to explore the Old Testament, comprehend its continuum within the message of the New Testament, and reflect on its implications for understanding the life and teachings of Christ. By engaging with the text, Catholics will gain a new outlook on the depth of scripture as God’s personal revelation to humanity, enriched by the timelessness and wisdom of His word.

    In this Catholic study, believers will gain a new appreciation for the Hebrew scriptures of Jesus and the way they serve as the background for the Catholic faith.

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  • Finding A Loving God In The Midst Of Grief


    The loss of a loved one is often devastating. And while each person experiences grief in a unique way, for many, finding their way back to a place of wholeness seems impossible. The emptiness and darkness seem to never fade.

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  • Ordinary Christians Extraordinary Signs


    Steve Dawson and Mark Hornbacher, from Saint Paul Evangelization Institute, make the case that God still heals people and, like in Jesus’ time, he uses healing to bring people to know him and love him and transform their lives. God has more for us . . . much more. This book will show you how!

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  • Thomas Mertons Encounter With Buddhism And Beyond


    Thomas Merton recognized the value and possibility of contemplative dialogue between monastics and contemplatives of other religious traditions and hoped that through such dialogue, monastics would strive for ‘inter-monastic communion’ and a bonding of the broader ‘spiritual family.’ He held out hope that this bond would demonstrate the fundamental unity of humanity to a world that was becoming ever more materialistic and divided.

    Among other themes and topics, this book explores Thomas Merton’s role as a pioneer of Buddhist-Christian dialogue and monastic interreligious dialogue. It delves into the process of Merton’s self-transformation through contemplative experiences, explores his encounter with Zen and Tibetan Buddhists and his pioneering engagements in Buddhist-Christian dialogue, and presents and responds to the criticisms of those who raise questions about Merton’s understanding of Buddhism.

    Fr. Jaechan Anselmo Park, OSB, articulates and analyzes the influences of Buddhist theory and practice on Thomas Merton’s contemplative spirituality, and shows how Merton’s legacy has influenced and continues to inspire interreligious and inter-monastic dialogue, particularly in an Asian monastic context.

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  • Galatians


    In this addition to the successful Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS) series, two esteemed scholars interpret Galatians from within the living tradition of the Church. The CCSS relates Scripture to Christian life today, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help pastoral ministers, lay readers, and students understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry. Its attractive packaging and accessible writing style make it a series to own–and to read!

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  • Salvation : What Every Catholic Should Know


    At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption.

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  • Christus Vivit : To Young People And To The Entire People Of God


    To young Christians of the world, Pope Francis has a message for you: “Christ is alive, and he wants you to be alive!”

    In his fourth apostolic exhortation, Christus Vivit, Pope Francis encapsulates the work of the 2018 synod of bishops on “Young People, The Faith, and Vocational Discernment.”

    Pope Francis has always had a special relationship with young people, and in his fatherly love for you he shows that:
    *You can relate to young people in Scripture who made a difference
    *You identify with the Christ who is always young
    *You face difficult issues in the world today
    *You yearn for the truth of the Gospel
    *You are capable of amazing things when you respond to the Gospel
    *You learn and grow with help from the faithful of all generations
    *You need bold and creative youth ministry
    *You can discover who God made you to be
    *You are urged to pray for discernment

    Christus Vivit is written for and to young people, but Pope Francis also wrote it for the entire Church, because, as he says, reflecting on our young people inspires us all.

    “May the Holy Spirit urge you on as you run this race. The Church needs your momentum, your intuitions, your faith. We need them! And when you arrive where we have not yet reached, have the patience to wait for us.”

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  • Catholic Gentleman : Living Authentic Manhood Today


    The world today is changing rapidly. What was once settled is now questioned, and old traditions are discarded with reckless abandon. What does it mean to be an authentic man in such confusing times? What, if anything, does the Catholic Church have to offer to men today about living a life of true manhood and virtue?

    The Catholic Gentleman is a solid and practical guide to manhood and holiness in the modern world. It offers the timeless wisdom of the Catholic Church to the many questions of men today on this important issue. In short, easy to reach chapters, you’ll learn:
    *How to know you are an authentic man
    *Why our bodies matter
    *The value of tradition
    *The purpose of courtesy
    *What real holiness is and how to achieve it
    *How to deal with failure in the spiritual life
    *And much more…

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  • 5 Habits Of Prayerful People


    What if prayer could become one of the most rewarding and meaningful aspects of your whole life? What if you could use the skills productive people use to help you pray?

    Michael St. Pierre, executive director of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association and a productivity expert, shares five habits that you can use to help you gain confidence in your prayer and strengthen your relationship with God.

    Catholics are taught that prayer is necessary to live their faith, but many sincere Mass-goers find it almost impossible to pray consistently. They know that prayer is at the core of a relationship with God, but many still don’t have a clue about how to go about integrating prayer into their everyday lives. As a result, their confidence level related to prayer is low.

    St. Pierre began his own journey to prayer as a young adult, stumbling through the Rosary with uncertainty and frustration. Only when he decided to show up and do his best did he begin to build a consistent habit of prayer. After he started studying human productivity, he realized that some of the same principles could apply to the spiritual life. In his first book, The 5 Habits of Prayerful People, St. Pierre shares his unique and practical approach that will teach you how make prayer part of your everyday life.

    You will learn how to cultivate the habits of:
    *passion and pursuit
    *preparation and planning
    *persistence and perseverance

    Written in the tone and style of a popular business book, St. Pierre shares inspirational success and instructional failure as he helps readers to stop procrastinating and unlock the doors to a fruitful conversation with God.

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  • What Does God Want


    We make about two hundred conscience decisions a day. Most are small. Some are huge:
    *Should I marry the woman or man I’ve been dating?
    *Should I go to graduate school?
    *Should I leave the job I’ve been doing for fi fteen years?
    *Do I need to fi re someone who is working for me?
    *Should we adopt a child?

    What Does God Want? Is designed to help you make these decisions. It offers a fi ve-part process for decision-making that can help you chose the right course of action in matters large and small. Developed by Fr. Michael Scanlan during more than thirty years of spiritual direction, counseling, and teaching, this approach to decision-making is grounded in Christian tradition and tested by thousands in the real-life challenges of life direction, love, work, study, service, and relationships.

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  • Busy Persons Guide To Prayer


    Beloved author Deacon Greg Kendra knows all too well what it is to be busy. Drawing from his own experience, and those of fellow Catholics, and the saints lives, Deacon Kandra helps us realize the importance of prayer and offers practical tips for making it a part of each day. Prayer includes regular participation in the Sacraments (Mass, Confession) but is also about a constant communication with God and a way to plan our day each morning and evaluate our progress each evening.

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  • Climate Generation : Awakening To Our Children’s Future


    Join a mother discovering the reality of climate change and how she can protect her children and their world. Lorna Gold’s journey brings hope for effective communal action.

    Environmentalist Lorna Gold issues a clarion call to take immediate action on climate change or risk bequeathing a stark legacy to future generations. Lorna shares her personal journey in coming to understand what ‘climate change’ means to her both as an activist and as a mother who is fearful for her children’s prospects in a world that hovers on the brink of destruction. Rather than simply lament the grave situation facing our planet, however, Climate Generation offers the reader hope and a manifesto for change.

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  • Your Life Is Worth Living


    Fifty inspiring lessons to deepen your faith from one of the leading religious figures of the twentieth century and author of the Catholic bestseller Life of Christ.

    For over four decades, Fulton Sheen was the face of Catholicism in America and literally received hundreds of thousands of letters from people around the world in search of truth, faith, salvation, and spiritual guidance. In this newly repackaged reissue of one of Sheen’s classic works, the Emmy Award-winning priest takes an intimate look at our sacred journey to God and answers some of life’s most profound questions. With his clever wit and straightforward language, he explains how we can find contentment in the modern world by applying the Christian philosophy of life in our day-to-day exchanges.

    Drawing authority from scripture, and created for people of all ages and backgrounds, Sheen explores our journey home to God in an insightful conversation designed to strengthen the reader’s personal relationship with Jesus. Sheen also shares humorous stories that made him one of the most celebrated personalities of his time. This book is a lasting testament that your life is worth living.

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  • Hymns And Hymnody Volume 1


    Hymns and the music the church sings are tangible means of expressing worship. And while worship is one of, if not the, central functions of the church along with mission, service, education, justice, and compassion, and occupies a prime focus of our churches, a renewed sense of awareness to our theological presuppositions and cultural cues must be maintained to ensure a proper focus in worship. Hymns and Hymnody: Historical and Theological Introductions is a 60-chapter, three-volume introductory textbook describing the most influential hymnists, liturgists, and musical movements of the church. This academically grounded resource evaluates both the historical and theological perspectives of the major hymnists and composers that have impacted the church over the course of twenty centuries. Volume 1 explores the early church and concludes with the Renaissance era hymnists. Volume 2 begins with the Reformation and extends to the eighteenth-century hymnists and liturgists. Volume 3 engages nineteenth century hymnists to the contemporary movements of the twenty-first century. Each chapter contains these five elements: historical background, theological perspectives communicated in their hymns/compositions, contribution to liturgy and worship, notable hymns, and bibliography. The mission of Hymns and Hymnody is (1) to provide biographical data on influential hymn writers for students and interested laypeople, and (2) to provide a theological analysis of what these composers have communicated in the theology of their hymns. We believe it is vital for those involved in leading the worship of the church to recognize that what they communicate is in fact theology. This latter aspect, we contend, is missing–yet important–in accessible formats for the current literature.

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  • No Greater Love


    Thousands sought Jesus during his life. Only a few followed him to Calvary. What will you do?

    No Greater Love is a biblical pilgrimage that reveals Christ’s amazing love for us. Best-selling catholic author Edward Sri guides you through the last hours of Christ’s life. You will walk step-by-step with Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Mount of Calvary. Every step of the way, Old Testament prophecies, messianic expectations, biblical symbolism, and historical context shed light on the mystery of Christ’s suffering and death. Experience a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s immeasurable and unconditional love as you draw closer to Jesus than you ever have before.

    *What was Jesus going through at each moment?
    *How did the Old Testament foretell of Christ’s death?
    *Why did Christ die for us? What did it accomplish?
    *What was the meaning behind of the tearing of the temple veil, the crowning with thorns, the, and other events during Christ’s Passion?
    *What do the cryptic last words of Jesus mean?

    Though this book is used as part of the video study program by the same name for parishes, small groups, and families, this book stands on its own and does not require additional background or resources. Questions at the end of each chapter can be used for personal reflection or group discussion.

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  • Creation And The Cross


    Confronting the woeful legacy of a centuries’-old theology, Johnson shows how the beauty of our faith tradition is deepened by being rooted in ecological reality. She lays out the foundations in scripture, the teachings of Jesus, and the early Church for an understanding that emphasizes the love and mercy of God, showing how this approach can help us respond to a planet in peril.

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  • Black Theology And Black Power


    First published in 1969, Black Theology and Black Power provided the first systematic presentation of Black Theology, while also introducing the voice of an African American theologian who would shake the foundations of American theology. Relating the militant struggle for liberation with the gospel message of salvation, James Cone laid out the foundation for an interpretation of Christianity from the perspective of the oppressed that retains its urgency and challenge today.

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  • Missal For Children


    A Missal for Children will help children to better understand what the holy Mass is, and will guide them through the liturgy to meditate on the mystery of the Eucharist.

    Each of the prayers of the Mass is numbered. The same number precedes the explanation of the prayer on the facing page. This way, children can read the text of the Mass on the right-hand page and find its explanation on the left.

    All the lovely illustrations will help them to understand the actions of the priest and the deeper meaning of the Mass.

    A Missal for Children is the perfect companion to help your children to participate in the prayers at Mass, prepare for receiving Communion, say a prayer of thanksgiving after Communion, pray every morning and evening on their own or as a family, and prepare themselves to confess their sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

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