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  • Ave Catholic Notetaking Bible


    The Ave Catholic Notetaking Bible combines exceptional readability, generous margins for journaling and notetaking, and a variety of special features designed to deepen your understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

    Thoughtfully crafted by the world’s premier Bible designers and featuring the trusted and elegant Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition, this Bible is perfect for men and women, for individuals and groups, and for high school classrooms and adult faith formation.

    Comprehensive cross-references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church–a feature unique to this Bible–will help you explore the scriptural foundations of Catholic faith and practice. Essays and reading guides from leading Catholic teachers and scholars will enrich your experience of reading and reflecting on the Word of God. And the beautiful, single-column text design will make this Bible a joy to read.

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  • Christian Social Ethics


    This college-level introductory text on Christian social ethics combines theory, cases, and analysis. Case studies include the use of drones in war, the Keystone XL pipeline, and Masterpiece Cakeshop vs. the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Each chapter incorporates suggestions for further research, suggestions for praxis components and other teaching and learning activities, and discussion questions.

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  • What Does The Bible Say About Angels And Demons


    Modern western culture seems to find angels, demons, and even dragons irresistible. They are the topic of many books, films, and television series. A recent poll indicated that nearly eighty percent of people believe in such beings. But they are hardly a modern invention. Such creatures that go beyond time and space have been imagined for centuries. The Bible itself addresses the topic with various tales of angels and demons, and yes, even dragons. If you are intrigued about this background, this book is for you. It reveals how thoroughly biblical these creatures are, and what they can still teach us.

    ?From the words of Jesus to the teachings of the Old and New Testaments, the Bible assumes a world occupied by angels and demons. These beings impact our personal journey as well as the broader history of the world. Our popular culture regularly depicts angelic and demonic figures in books, movies, and television series. In this new addition to the popular What Does the Bible Say About? Series, John Gilman and Clifford Yeary show how a deeper understanding of what the Bible does and does not say about angels and demons can help us live a more faithful life and build a more peaceful world. In seven clearly written chapters the authors provide a compelling explanation of what the Bible does (and does not) say about the reality of angels and demons.

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  • Return : How To Draw Your Child Back To The Church


    The statistics are troubling: 6.5 people leave the Catholic Church for every one that joins, and 50% of young people who were raised Catholic are no longer Catholic today. The Catholic Church is hemorrhaging young people. Behind these statistics are countless stories of wounded families. Millions of mothers and fathers are longing for their prodigal children to come home to the Church, crying: “Where did we go wrong?” The passive wait-and-see approach is no longer an option. We need a different strategy. We need to understand the real reasons why our young people drift away, and we need a game plan to bring them home. We need Return.

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  • Saints Celebrated And Unsung


    Informed by the theology of the German Jesuit Karl Rahner and almost six decades of the author’s pastoral ministry as a priest of the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio, this collection of saints is inspired by Pope Francis and his Exhortation, On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World. Each chapter includes two stories: one, a celebrated saint, like Saints Augustine and Therese of Lisieux; the other, an “unsung saint.”

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  • Homilies On The Gospel Of John 41-124 Study Edition


    Few ancient Christian authors attempted anything like a complete commentary on the Gospel of John, among them Origen, John Chrysostom and Augustine. Of these, Augustine’s must count as the greatest. Unlike Origen’s, it has come down to us in its entirety, and of the others that remain it is certainly the most theologically profound. John’s gospel allows Augustine to range broadly over themes that were his life’s work -the Trinity, the person of Christ, the nature of the Church and its sacraments, the fulfillment of the divine plan.

    The 124 homilies that constitute Augustine’s commentary, however, are masterpieces not only of theological profundity but also of pastoral engagement. In the question-and-answer style that he frequently employs, for example, one can sense Augustine’s real awareness of his congregation’s struggles with the gospel text. And the congregation’s response to Augustine, which he frequently alludes to, is an indication of the success of his dialogical preaching style.

    The Johannine literature drew out the best in Augustine. The Homilies on the Gospel of John are the indispensable complement to The Homilies on The First Epistle of John, published in this series, and they should be a part of any serious theological library.

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  • Love Like A Saint


    In Love Like a Saint, you are invited to be inspired by remarkable saints–virtuous, flawed, and real women who teach us how to surrender to God and be open to his grace. The women you will meet in this latest book from Elizabeth Kelly have cultivated virtue through a life of surrender and love in the midst of deep sorrows and trials. They are students, wives, employees, friends, mothers, and will be your companions in your faith journey. Designed and written as a living workbook to be read in Adoration, as a study, or in prayer and meditation–either alone or in a small group.

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  • Suffering And Glory


    Suffering & Glory recovers some of the best Holy Week and Easter articles from half a century of Christianity Today. Guiding readers from Palm Sunday to Pentecost and including contributions from Tish Harrison Warren, J. I. Packer, Nancy Guthrie, and Eugene Peterson, Suffering & Glory will remind readers of the beauty of Christ’s death and resurrection.

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  • Baptism : A Guide To Life From Death


    You’ve been baptized. But do you understand what it means?

    Baptism is the doorway into membership in the church. It’s a public declaration of the washing away of our sin and the beginning of our new life in Christ. But the sacrament that is meant to unite us is often a spring of division instead.

    All Christians use water to baptize. All invoke the triune name. Beyond that, there’s little consensus. Talk about baptism and you’re immediately plunged into arguments. Whom should we baptize? What does baptism do? Why even do it at all?

    Peter Leithart reunifies a church divided by baptism. He recovers the baptismal imagination of the Bible, explaining how baptism works according to Scripture. Then, in conversation with Christian tradition, he shows why baptism is something worth recovering and worth agreeing on.

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  • Promise Of Deliverance


    The Promise of Deliverance is a series of reflections on important themes of Second Isaiah, intended to inspire readers of this biblical text. Each chapters reflects on a variety of themes from Isaiah 40-55: consolation, transcendence, servanthood, glory, sin, compassion, awake! and deliverance. The book guides the reader to see how these themes keep emerging, how they are intertwined, and how they build up a complex message of hope, which is as relevant in our times as it was originally.

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  • Thief Who Stole Heaven


    The Holy Family is set upon by roadside thieves when Jesus is a boy. The leader of the gang is the Bad Thief; among them is a young Dismas, the Good Thief. Remembering his own mother and family, Dismas is moved with compassion and persuades the leader to let them go. While on the cross many years later, Dismas is caught in the entrancing gaze of Mother Mary from down below, and suddenly realizes that the man next to him was the captivating boy from that fateful day long ago. He asks Jesus for forgiveness. Knowing exactly who he is, Jesus forgives him and assures him of Paradise that very day.

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  • Mindfulness : Walking With Jesus And Buddha


    Here is an introduction to the principles and practice of mindfulness for a western, Christian audience, by Sister Anabel Laity, an English-born Buddhist nun in the lineage of Thich Nhat Hanh. The book presents parallels between Zen and the teachings of Jesus and then outlines principles of “double-belonging,” how it is possible to be at home in more than one spiritual practice.

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  • Diary Of Jesus Christ


    While obviously not really the diary of Jesus Christ, here is a first-person account of the life of Jesus by noted Jesuit playwright Bill Cain. The diary places us inside Jesus’s consciousness, where the spirit of discovery, surprise, learning, doubt, failure and growth is in sharp contrast to the canonical gospels where Jesus seems, from the start, self-assured and even predestined to fulfill his role. It is a bold attempt to understand the person whom more than two billion people claim as their savior.

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  • Doing Theology In An Evolutionary Way


    In his new book Irish priest and renowned author Diarmuid O’Murchu points the way toward a Spirit-driven evolutionary perspective, in which Creation is God’s primary form of revolution. It is in the power of that Spirit that Jesus incarnates afresh God’s embodied presence in our midst, and encourages us on the way to becoming creative participants in God’s unfolding mission.

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  • More Hidden Women Of The Gospels


    A sequel to Hidden Women of the Gospels, this book offers the world of the New Testament through a feminine lens. Like the earlier volume, it presents stories or midrash based on named or unnamed women who appear in the Gospels and Acts, but it focuses on deeper hidden treasures. For readers who lack an entry to the Bible where all the characters in the story are male, this book will open doors.

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  • Birth Of A Movement


    Birth of a Movement offers a Christ-like perspective of the Black Lives Matter movement through its radical call to dignity and equality for all people. It examines the founders of the movement and the church’s involvement with slavery, including the more recent decision by Georgetown University to make amends for its past actions. Catholic and non-Catholic readers alike will gain a deeper understanding of the movement and why it can help the church, and the country, move closer to racial equality.

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  • Church And The Racial Divide


    The only Catholic bishop who has consistently written on race matters, Bishop Braxton begins this timely book with a probing personal introduction in which he describes his family’s history and his experience as an African American that he brought to his ministry as a Catholic priest and bishop. In speeches, homilies, and pastoral letters–in some cases prompted by police shootings and the Black Lives Matter movement–he lays out a vision of healing for the church and the nation, informed by a quest for conversion, justice, and reconciliation.

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  • Life Of Jesus Christ Part Two Volume 1 Chapters 1-57


    The Vita Christi of Ludolph of Saxony, fourteenth-century Carthusian, is the most comprehensive series of meditations on the life of Christ from the late Middle Ages. Ludolph assembles a wealth of commentary from the fathers of the church and the great medieval spiritual writers and weaves them into a seamless exposition of the Gospel.

    This is the full English translation of this classic work and, while it will be of great interest to students of Christian spirituality, it is intended for ordinary believers seeking to enter more deeply into the meaning of the life of Christ. Ludolph divided his work into two parts; the present volume contains the first half of Part Two.

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  • Saint Joseph Edition NCB Personal Size Bible


    An ideal addition to the line of St. Joseph New Catholic Bible (NCB) offerings, the Personal Size Edition provides this fresh, faithful, and reader-friendly Bible translation in a convenient size. An important quality of its extensive and insightful footnotes is their distinctly pastoral tone.

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  • Parables Of Jesus


    Follow Jesus through His interaction with farmers, shepherds, aristocrats, religious and political leaders, and laborers in 13 parables filled with contrast, exaggeration, humor, and surprise that represent more than one third of His teachings. The scholar and the student, the expert and the layperson can draw inspiration from the greatest storyteller the world has ever known. Even lifetime Catholics who think they know the parables will be rewarded with the wisdom and history that the author shares on these beloved, grace-filled stories.

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  • Hours Of The Universe


    In a traditional monastery the recitation of the Hours calls to mind the work of God in our lives, from the gift of creation to the sufferings we bear. According to scientist, theologian, and author Ilia Delio, the universe is the new monastery. In her latest work she offers reflections for this new monastery to a broad, general audience seeking new meaning and purpose in today’s world.

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  • Putting On The Mind Of Christ


    Putting on the Mind of Christ examines the biblical, historical, scientific, and theological aspects of contemplative prayer and mysticism that can change our outlook on the world and enable us to see God and neighbor as a holistic unity, thus emulating a Christ-like manner of perceiving the world.

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  • I Own A Bible And Im Not Afraid To Use It


    Have you ever played Bible roulette? You know, the game where you randomly open the Bible and pray for just the right page? In this engaging book, Laura Stierman invites you to find guidance and inspiration in the words of Scripture in a different, more thoughtful way. Through a simple, concise, and meaningful technique applied to the stories of eight women in the Bible, discover how God’s word is indeed fascinating, hopeful, and relevant to our daily lives.

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  • Understanding Divine Mercy


    Finally, the entire Divine Mercy message and devotion is summarized in one, easy-to-read book! Explaining the teaching of Jesus Christ as given to St. Faustina, Understanding Divine Mercy by Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, has it all. Written in his highly conversational and energetic style, this first book in his Explaining the Faith series will deepen your love for God and help you understand why Jesus Called Divine Mercy “mankind’s last hope of salvation.”

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  • Hope For Judas


    “Hope for Judas?”…Judas? The son of destruction? Judas, about whom the Gospels tell us precious little beyond the dramatic events during the passion? Jesus’s loving-saving action finds its culmination in him? Beginning from a sculpture carved at the capital of a column in the medieval Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene in Vezelay, France, Fr. Christoph Wrembek will take you on a breathtaking, challenging, yet ultimately deeply touching journey through key stories of sacred scripture. stories about being lost but ultimately always about salvation. This journey leads into the soul of the Gospel, which is Jesus himself.

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  • Living His Story


    The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2021 explores the idea of evangelism as a way of sharing God’s love with people.

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  • Meditations After Holy Communion


    After you receive Holy Communion at Mass, what do you do? In the book Meditations After Holy Communion, Fr. Edward Looney will help you to pray in those intimate moments with the Lord Jesus through meditative reflections. Use the guided meditations when you return to the pew, in a few moments of quiet after Mass, or pray with your family on the drive home from Church. Inspired by the work of Fr. Daniel Lord, SJ, Fr. Looney seeks to renew the practice of Eucharistic prayer and reflection and teaches a method of prayer for the occasion. He will guide you through each Sunday of the year with meditations relevant to the current liturgical season, whether it is Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, or Ordinary Time. This book will reinforce your belief in the real presence and teach you how to ponder and pray to our Eucharistic Lord.

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  • Ocean Of Grace


    Reflect on Jesus in the run-up to Easter with this collection of daily devotions and prayers by great Christian writers from church history.

    A collection of daily devotions and prayers by great Christian writers from throughout church history, including Augustine, Charles Spurgeon, John Bunyan, Catherine Parr and Martin Luther.

    Their time-tested words continue to paint a compelling portrait of Christ’s death and resurrection, and will encourage and inspire readers as much today as they did when they were first written.

    Each daily reading has been selected, edited and introduced by Tim Chester to make these treasures accessible to every reader. They will help you reflect on Jesus in the run-up to Easter. Ideal to start at the beginning of Lent.

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  • Old Testament Student Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    The revised edition of The Old Testament: Our Call to Faith and Justice covers the remarkable journey of God’s Chosen People and their journey in Scripture.

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  • Encountering Jesus In The New Testament Student Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    Encountering Jesus in the New Testament is an excellent introduction to the New Testament. It is an ideal textbook for Catholic high school students taking a scripture survey course.

    “Who is Jesus of Nazareth?”
    “Who is the person people of faith call ‘Christ. the Son of God?”

    These questions form the central focus of Encountering Jesus in the New Testament. The text provides a scriptural and ecclesial foundation to answer the question of why Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. It explores how the New Testament offers evidence and faith testimony to the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Encountering Jesus in the New Testament is a combination of Christology-a complete study of the person and the divinity of Jesus Christ-with an overview of the books of the New Testament.

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  • Journey To The Cross


    Journey through Lent with Best-Selling Author Paul David Tripp

    Lent is one of the most significant times of the yearly Christian calendar. It is often associated with solemn observation and preparation-mourning past and present sin and letting go of the worldly things that keep the heart from experiencing God more fully. In this 40-daily lenten devotional, best-selling author Paul David Tripp invites readers to set aside time from the busyness of their lives to focus on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus. Each short reading encourages believers to abide in the abundant joy found in Christ, as they encounter the Savior more fully and follow him more faithfully.

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  • Lent Of Liberation


    Each of these forty devotions for Lent includes the testimony of a person who escaped slavery through the Underground Railroad, a Scripture passage, and a reflection connecting biblical and historical themes to challenge modern readers to work for liberation.

    This Lenten devotional invites readers to learn more about the brutal institution of slavery and its impact on Black people in America and discover how its evolution and legacy continue to harm their descendants in the United States today. Each of the forty devotions includes the testimony of a person who escaped slavery through the Underground Railroad, a Scripture passage, and a reflection connecting biblical and historical themes to challenge modern readers to work for liberation. Reflecting on Lenten themes of exodus, redemption, discipline, and repentance, readers, both Black and white, will be empowered for the work of racial justice.

    This Lenten devotional invites readers to learn more about the brutal institution of slavery and its impact on Black people in America and discover how its evolution and legacy continue to harm their descendants in the United States today. Each of the forty devotions includes the testimony of a person who escaped slavery through the Underground Railroad, a Scripture passage, and a reflection connecting biblical and historical themes to challenge modern readers to work for liberation. Reflecting on Lenten themes of exodus, redemption, discipline, and repentance, readers, both Black and white, will be empowered for the work of racial justice.

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  • Rooted In Love


    Drawing on the collective wisdom of all the area bishops in the Diocese of London. each reflection includes a Bible reading, a prayer and a suggestion for action based on the reading.

    Who is the Christ we serve? What does it mean to be part of the body of Christ? How can we live more Christ-centred lives? Introduced and edited by Bishop Sarah Mullally, here are forty reflections that lead us deeper into the meaning and practice of life in Christ today. Drawing on the collective wisdom of all the area bishops in the Diocese of London. each reflection includes a Bible reading, a prayer and a suggestion for action based on the reading. The result is an exceptionally helpful Lent book, offering a rich array of biblical insight and spiritual guidance that Christians of all traditions will warmly welcome and appreciate.

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  • I Believe In You (Revised)


    How to believe in yourself and the other? In what ways can you live out who you really are and relate to others beyond masks and projections? Find out in surprising ways! How to believe in yourself and the other? In what ways can you live out who you really are and relate to others beyond masks and projections? Find out in surprising ways! “I Believe in You,” grounded in simple and meaningful stories from a community with persons with disabilities, brings together psychological and spiritual insights for anyone who wants to live authentically. Questions for reflection are also included for individual and group use. Each reader is invited on a personal and inclusive journey of acceptance and transformation.

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  • Nicholas Black Elk


    Servant of God Nicholas Black Elk (1863 – 1950)’s legacy is popularly celebrated for his fascinating spiritual life. How could one man, one deeply spiritual man, serve as both a traditional Oglala Lakota medicine man and a Roman Catholic catechist and mystic? How did these two spiritual and cultural identities enrich his prayer life? How did his commitment to God, understood through his Lakota and Catholic communities, shape his understanding of how to be in the world?

    But, to fully understand the depth of Black Elk’s life-long spiritual quest requires a deep appreciation of his life story. He witnessed devastation on the battlefields of Little Bighorn and the Massacre at Wounded Knee, but also extravagance while performing for Queen Victoria as a member of “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s Wild West Show. Widowed by his first wife, he later shared a home with his second wife and their eight children. Black Elk’s spiritual visions granted him wisdom and healing insight as a child, yet he grew progressively physically blind in his adult years. These stories, and countless more, offer insight into this extraordinary man whose cause for canonization is now underway at the Vatican.

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  • Saints And Heroes Collection (DVD)


    Heroes of the Faith. The Stories of real-life Saints & Christian Heroes all come to life in CCC of America’s award-winning animated film series. Featuring authentic role models today’s child can truly believe in throughout 11 animated episodes.

    *The Day the Sun Danced: The True Story of Fatima
    *Francis: The Knight of Assisi
    *Nicholas: The Boy Who Became Santa
    *Bernadette: The Princess of Lourdes
    *Columbus: Adventures to the Edge of the World
    *Ben-Hur: A Race to Glory
    *The Odyssey: A Journey Back Home
    *Francis Xavier and the Samurai’s Lost Treasure
    *Patrick: Brave Shepherd of the Emerald Isle
    *My Secret Friend (A Guardian Angel Story)
    *Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe

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  • Saint Joseph Edition NCB Family Edition


    This Saint Joseph Family Edition is a distinguished addition to the New Catholic Bible (NCB) offerings. The translation of the complete Old and New Testaments is fresh, faithful, and reader friendly. This edition boasts a distinctive, easy-to-read, and inviting 13-pt. typeface, the largest of any Catholic Family Bible in a comparable size. Its rich, extensive, and insightful footnotes are in a highly readable font.

    Intended to be used in Catholic families for daily prayer and meditation, as well as private devotion, this Saint Joseph Edition comes in an impressive 8 1/2? x 11? format, features gold page-edging; specially designed, full-color end papers; two decorative ribbons, and is durably bound in white padded imitation leather.

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  • Ascending With Ignatius


    Deepen your faith life with this at-home retreat! Mark Thibodeaux, SJ, combines his Louisiana storytelling, his knowledge of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, and his gifts as a spiritual director to create an at-home retreat that is a journey of transformation. Experience God’s presence in a deeper way, and encounter God’s personal love for you as you follow along with this book over thirty days.

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  • Path To Wholeness


    Explore the Biblical context for Lent in this series of contemplations.

    For those seeking inspiration and devotion for Lent and beyond, A Path to Wholeness is an invitation to Lenten observance through Biblical passages and reflections. The ache of the human heart has always been to be made whole. The thrust of the Christian hope is that it can only come to that wholeness by way of a personal relationship with God, through Christ. This book is intentionally written as an avenue towards deepening, strengthening, and for some, beginning such a relationship during the forty days of Lent. This thoughtful book, focusing on Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, is part of a four-part series on seasonal observances and devotions.

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  • Way Of Julian Of Norwich


    Sheila Upjohn shows us how to accept that invitation in this Lenten guide, as she explores Julian’s book alongside passages from Scripture. She reveals how Julian’s fresh perspectives once thought so controversial that her book was kept hidden for centuries – can challenge and enlighten us, six hundred years later, in a world so badly in need of the assurance of God’s unconditional love.

    A fifteenth-century roof boss in Norwich Cathedral depicts a woman holding open the door to a small room, as Julian of Norwich invites us into her cell to share her Revelations of Divine Love. Sheila Upjohn shows us how to accept that invitation in this Lenten guide, as she explores Julian’s book alongside passages from Scripture. She reveals how Julian’s fresh perspectives on sin and judgement, anger and forgiveness, the Incarnation and the crucifixion – once thought so controversial that her book was kept hidden for centuries – can challenge and enlighten us, six hundred years later, in a world so badly in need of the assurance of God’s unconditional love.

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  • Catholic Household Blessings And Prayers


    Explore the rich treasury of the Catholic tradition of prayer with your family by picking up Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers, Revised and Updated Edition.

    This 2020 Revised and Updated Edition includes updates to match the current text of the Roman Missal, Third Edition, and offers a new translation of the Psalms taken from the Abbey Psalms and Canticles. This refresh of our classic Catholic prayer book features a mix of both traditional and contemporary blessings and prayers adapted to Christian life in the twenty-first century. This prayer book will be a source of consolation in all seasons!

    Use this book to pray with family members at different moments and milestones of life:

    Share short daily prayers and the ritual of morning and evening family prayer;
    Gather for seasonal blessings that correspond to the Church’s liturgical calendar; and
    Offer prayers on the occasion of special life events such as graduations, birthdays, engagements, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as prayers for times of sickness and difficulty.

    This resource also includes many intercessory prayers for the needs of the Church and the world, as well as traditional litanies to implore God’s grace for all.

    Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers is the perfect gift for families with children, newly married couples, and first-time parents in baptismal preparation classes. This book would also make a wonderful gift for adults in faith formation preparing for initiation into the Catholic Church! Share this seasoned book of Catholic blessings and prayers with a friend, neighbor, or loved one today-and pray together with your family, at home or away from home, in person or over the phone!

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  • Great Adventure Catholic Bible Spanish Edition Biblia De Jerusalen Translat


    With notes by Jeff Cavins, Dr. Andrew Swafford, Mary Healy, and Peter Williamson

    The best-selling Great Adventure Catholic Bible is now in Spanish!

    For the first time ever, the Great Adventure Bible is available in the Spanish Biblia de Jerusalen translation! The color-coded tools make it easy to read, easy to remember, and the special chart helps Catholics understand the historic and symbolic context of major biblical events. Truly a “game-changer”!

    The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Spanish Edition makes the complexity of reading the Bible simple. The unique narrative approach helps readers see the big picture of salvation history and shows them how everything ties together. This Spanish Bible incorporates The Great Adventure’s color-coded Bible Timeline(TM) Learning System, a system that has made The Great Adventure the most popular and influential Bible study program in the English-speaking world.

    Unique features include:

    *A full-color Catholic Bible with a beautiful eye-catching design.

    *Each book of the Bible is color-coded with a thumb index, indicating where it belongs within
    *The Bible Timeline.

    *Twelve Timeline charts provide a visual overview of the Bible, including important characters, key events, geography, major covenants, world rulers, and contemporary events in secular history.

    *Twelve articles give a summary and explanation of each period of salvation history.

    *Seven articles introduce and explain the major covenants of salvation history, showing God’s amazing plan for humanity.

    *Seventy Key Event Call-Outs provide a brief description of the milestones in the biblical narrative.

    *Sixteen full-color maps.

    *The words of Jesus are printed in red.

    *Granted an Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat through the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis.

    *Two ribbon markers are included.

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  • Fratelli Tutti : On Fraternity And Social Friendship


    In his third encyclical, Fratelli tutti, Pope Francis reflects on a topic of great importance: human solidarity and friendship. Following his election to the papacy, Pope Francis first greeted the world with the words fratelli e sorelle – “brothers and sisters.” In this encyclical, he continues to address all men and women as his brothers and sisters, calling us to consider what our common brotherhood requires of us.

    Pope Francis has shown repeatedly that he is dedicated to promoting friendship among all people. Fratelli tutti follows his 2019 signing of the Document on Human Fraternity in Abu Dhabi. And at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, Pope Francis prayed for the salvation of all people in his extraordinary “Urbi et Orbi” address in an empty St. Peter’s Square.

    The Holy Father calls us to live out our Christian duty to see the face of Jesus in our neighbors, recognizing everyone we meet as a brother or sister. In this encyclical, Pope Francis reminds us of our “(blessed) common belonging.” By fostering a genuine affection for all, we reaffirm the dignity of every human person created in the image and likeness of God.

    The OSV edition includes discussion questions, which are perfect for individual or group study.

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  • World Undone : Finding God When Life Doesn’t Make Sense


    In his latest book, beloved speaker Fr. Mike Schmitz unfolds the mystery of brokenness. While we might try to numb the pain of the daily grind with mindless scrolling, Fr. Mike reminds us that each of us has been fought for by a God who wants us as we are, not as we should be or hope to be. While we are imperfect, the Lord’s will for us is to find our identity in him and to enjoy the life he has given us.

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  • Worship Workbook : A Practical Guide For Extraordinary Christian Liturgy (Workbo


    Extraordinary Christian worship is honest and versatile in its expressions of diverse liturgy.

    A Worship Workbook: A Practical Guide for Extraordinary Christian Liturgy introduces crucial and under-examined liturgical and social concepts for more honest and versatile excellence in the leadership of Christian worship. By “honest,” this workbook differentiates itself from other worship resources by swiftly and surgically underscoring how liturgy has led to transgressions as well as living out the truth of the Gospel. For example, the communion table for some is seen as violent because of the Crusaders who ate and drank of the meal before battle. Claiming that disturbing past and responding to it nurtures deeper and stronger practices of the Lord’s Supper. By “versatile,” this workbook offers practical advice for widening the reach and accessibility of liturgy as well as its social awareness so that, for example, celebrations of indigenous peoples are not reserved for a special Sunday. This workbook will inspire church leaders to commit to gathering people of diversity as an expression of faithfulness in God.

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  • Helping Families Recover From Addiction


    A story-driven, integrative, and practical book to help families heal from the effects of a loved one’s addiction and move forward into a healthy future.

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  • Catholic Bible Large Print Edition


    Featuring large, readable print, this beautiful Catholic Bible features Smyth-sewn binding, cross-references and thousands of study notes. With the easy-to-read Comfort Print typeface, exclusively designed for the NAB, this is one of the most readable editions of the Catholic Scriptures available-ideal for Mass and personal study.Features include:Complete Catholic Bible, including the Deuterocanonical booksUp-to-date revisions by scholars covering the latest findings in archeology and biblical studiesIntroductions and outlines provide literary, historical, and cultural background for each book of the BibleCross-references and thousands of study notes explain what you are readingDouble-column Scripture layoutDurable Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your deskTwo satin ribbon markersExceptionally readable 11-point print sizeExclusive Catholic Comfort Print typefaceOfficial imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church

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  • Prayerfully Waiting : A Catholic Grandmother’s Prayer Journal


    A grandmother’s prayers are of significant importance through every age and stage of a grandchild’s development! These prayers are amazing and lovely blessings that can powerfully nurture and help shape a grandchild’s conscience and future life! It is so important to recognize the great gift and role grandparents have in praying for grandchildren in utero.

    This grandmother’s prayer journal offers a delightful and unparalleled opportunity to not merely sit back and wait for the wondrous arrival, but instead, to use the time wisely by prayerfully waiting for your grandchild throughout what can be a meaningful and powerful nine-month novena of prayer.

    Month-by-month, inspired with holy insights, you will learn, discover, and note the development of your precious “grand-blessing.” Spaces are provided for you to personalize this special unborn baby book, as well as lovingly record your thoughts and prayers as you pray for your grandchild’s first nine months of life.

    From beginning to end, you’ll be partnering with St. Anne, the grandmother of Jesus, to swaddle your unborn grandchild with prayer. You’ll journey with Mother Mary, and all the saints, to prayerfully prepare for the little one’s birth.

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  • Saint Joseph And His World


    There are few subjects so challenging” to authors as St. Joseph. So says scholar Scott Hahn in his foreword to this book. Yet the pages that follow give not merely glimpses, but vistas, of St. Joseph’s world. Hahn continues: “You’ll learn about Nazareth – and how it was created almost ex nihilo shortly before Joseph’s birth. You’ll learn about religious practice and education in that place and time. You’ll travel to Egypt and encounter the fascinating settlements of Jews in that land. You’ll also find out how a carpenter worked in those days: what tools he used, what items he crafted, where he got his training, and how he got to and from his job sites.” This book provides an imaginative entry into one of the most important lives in all of history – a life too often obscured by later legends.

    Scott Hahn says in his forword – What we discover between the lines is that there were, in the first century bc, two guiding hands in history: there was the providential hand of the Lord God working God’s will, and there was the demonic hand of Satan manipulating the mad King Herod. As a result, there were two rival accounts of kingship, two rival ideas of temple-building, and two rival stories of salvation. Joseph was not the only Jew to recognize this dualism, but he was perhaps the most important one. Those who recognized it were forced to make difficult choices-and face terrifying consequences.

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  • 100 Ways John Paul 2nd Changed The World


    “There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered. There is no cross to bear that Christ has not already borne for us, and does not now bear with us.”

    Pope Saint John Paul II embodied these words throughout his life. Born May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland, Karol Jzef Wojty???a lived in times of political turmoil. As a young man during the Nazi occupation of Poland, he studied in an underground seminary. As pope, he was instrumental in the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. Through it all, he maintained an unwavering hope in the ultimate triumph of love, truth, and beauty. He remains a hero to millions of people for his unflinching defense of the Church and her teachings.

    John Paul II changed the world forever in many ways; this book describes 100 of the most important. Each of the 100 accomplishments, teachings, or stories about John Paul II is fascinating, providing a glimpse into the astounding life and impact of this great and beloved saint.

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