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  • Benedict Backwards : Reading The Rule In The 21st Century


    In Benedict Backwards, Terrence Kardong builds the case that the Rule of Benedict is best read “backwards,” that is, with emphasis on the last chapters, not the first ones. Benedict starts out dependent on the Rule of the Master, but he ends on a much more self-assured note, revealing more about his own thoughts on matters of monastic life. Kardong shows the final chapters of the Rule are primarily about community, and they provide insight into Benedict’s vision for his monks.

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  • Daniel Rudd : Calling A Church To Justice


    In May of 1890, The Christian Solider, an African American newspaper, identified the Catholic priest, journalist, and activist Daniel Arthur Rudd as the greatest negro Catholic in America. Yet many Catholics today are unaware of Rudd’s efforts to bring about positive social change during the early decades of the Jim Crow era. In Daniel Rudd: Calling a Church to Justice, Gary Agee offers a compelling look at the life and work of this visionary who found inspiration in his Catholic faith to fight for the principles of liberty and justice. Born into slavery, Rudd achieved success early on as the publisher of the American Catholic Tribune, one of the most successful black newspapers of its era, and as the founder of the National Black Catholic Congress.
    Even as Rudd urged his fellow black Catholics to maintain their spiritual home within the fold of the Catholic Church, he called on that same church to live up what he believed to be her cardinal teaching, “the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man.” Rudd s hopeful spirit lives on today in the important work of the National Black Catholic Congress, as it carries forward his pursuit of social justice.

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  • Will Pope Francis Pull It Off


    Pope Francis has made no secret of the fact that he seeks to reform the Catholic Church, especially the institutional components by which it is guided and governed. Standing in his way are institutional inertia, simplistic ideologies, scandals, and the resistance of some who will not readily relinquish power. Can he pull it off?

    In this smart and thoughtful book, priest-sociologist Rocco D’Ambrosio carefully considers the personality, convictions, and gifts the pope brings to the task. He explores the hurdles Francis faces, the tools at his disposal, and his prospects for success. The result is an institutional analysis of the Catholic Church in the Bergoglio era that promises rich, new insights and plenty of food for thought to every reader

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  • Longing To See Your Face


    Thomas Scirghi, SJ, has trained priests, deacons, and lay ecclesial ministers in the art and theology of preaching for decades. In Longing to See Your Face, he makes his insights and experience accessible to a much wider udience.

    Scirghi begins with a discussion of the purpose of preaching and offers a theological sounding on proclamation, taking up several descriptions of the role of the preacher in relation to the congregation. He also addresses current theological issues for the contemporary preacher. The second part of the book discusses the practical matter of preparing to preach and proposes a method of preparation by following a pattern of reflection, research, writing, and rehearsing. The third part focuses on two specific sacramental celebrations: funeral and weddings.

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  • Speaking With Aquinas


    According to Thomas Aquinas, the Eucharist is meant to build up the unity of the church. This desired ecclesial unity is, however, not often given adequate treatment. In Speaking with Aquinas, David Farina Turnbloom seeks to describe the relationship between the celebration of the Eucharist and the unity of the church. By examining Aquinas’s treatment of grace and virtues, this book allows the reader to understand Aquinas’s eucharistic theology within the context of the spiritual life of the church. In the end, Turnbloom retrieves a Thomistic theology of the Eucharist that arises from Aquinas’s concern for the virtuous life of the church, rather than a eucharistic theology that too narrowly focuses on theories of transubstantiation.

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  • Reading Praying Living Pope Francis The Joy Of Love


    In this accessible guide, Julie Hanlon Rubio offers readers the necessary background to understand the moving and meaningful teaching of Pope Francis’s document Amoris Laetitia. She offers a plan for reading the exhortation and questions designed to help readers reflect on and apply its message. Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis’s The Joy of Love is an ideal commentary on the document and an engaging resource for adults, married couples, students, and faith formation groups. This is the most extensive and helpful commentary on the encyclical available anywhere. It does not include the full text of the encyclical.

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  • Great Lent For Teens Large Print (Large Type)


    The Great Lent is divided into seven weeks, each commencing with a significant event on Sunday. Each week holds a significant event in the life of Christ from which we can extract meaning and apply a practical message to our own lives.

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  • Coloring Lent


    Experience the stories of Lent in a vibrant, new way this spring as you Color Lent!

    The journey of Lent-from Ash Wednesday to Easter-is traditionally one of prayer, repentance, spiritual discipline, and meditation. But coloring?

    Now you’re invited to add the spiritual practice of “coloring the Bible” on your Lenten journey. Engage both sides of your brain as you read the scripture and color your way through each day of Lent with evocative illustrations of God’s Resurrection story, from the Old Testament prophecies of Emmanuel to Jesus’ victorious appearances after his crucifixion to the loyal Disciples. Dozens of drawings will draw you deeper into the story and your own place in it.

    From the Introduction: “This moment of Easter is Good News for this Jesus, who is fully human and fully God, yet it is even better news for the world: God has not only moved into the world with humans but the fullness of God has taken on flesh. As you color these pages, then, consider how your fingertips, your palms, your body have now become the house of God, and following the stories of the Hebrew and New Testaments, consider how we might also walk the same journey of Jesus.”

    Grab your crayons, colored pencils and pens, and prepare to deepen your journey to Easter this year with Coloring Lent.

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  • Daily Guideposts 40 Days Of Lent


    Experience the love of Christ in a new personal way with this Lenten devotional drawn from America’s favorite devotional, Daily Guideposts.

    Lent is a time of preparation for Easter when we reflect on Jesus’s life and sacrifice. This year, renew your heart for the resurrection with Daily Guideposts: 40 Days of Lent. In just five minutes each day, you’ll enjoy a Scripture verse, a personal story, and a prayer to help you apply the day’s message. Join Karen Barber as she learns about the days leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection. Instead of giving something up, learn a new spiritual practice with Erin MacPherson who observes Lent by giving something away. With Eric Fellman, meet biblical men and women, believers, and seekers who were touched and changed by Jesus. Travel with Roberta Rogers as she follows Jesus through the streets of first-century Jerusalem in search of faith and hope for our lives today.

    Join the community of over a million Daily Guideposts readers on this remarkable and deeply personal spiritual journey.

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  • God Talks With Me About Thankfulness


    This book instills Biblical morals into children’s lives, in a way that they can understand and enjoy. It s not just another book or another game, it s created with love and care to touch little ones with God s love and help them live out these principles in simple and practical way. This book focuses on the positive character trait of being thankful.

    The book also teaches ethics and learning opportunities that apply to everyday life by implementing the key points and methods to be excited, smile, Happy Birthday, praise, overall a thankful person. Kids will love the thank you quotes and scriptures.. This book has fun, positive examples, engaging, relatable characters, consistent with Biblical principles, and practical solutions are presented. This book uses original and creative approaches to teach children Biblical values.

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  • God Talks With Me About Friendship


    This book instills Biblical morals into children s lives, in a way that they can understand and enjoy. It s not just another book or another game, it s created with love and care to touch little ones with God s love and help them live out these principles in simple and practical ways.

    This book focuses on the positive character trait of being a Christian friend. Also teaches ethics and learning opportunities that apply to everyday life by implementing key points: This book has fun, positive examples, engaging, relatable characters, consistent with biblical principles, and practical solutions. This book uses original and creative approaches to teach children Biblical values.

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  • Divine Renovation Apprentice


    Transforming a parish is challenging, demanding, and sometimes messy work. Divine Renovation Apprentice, Fr. Simon Lobo breaks open his experience as an associate pastor working on the renewal of St. Benedict Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the birthplace of Divine Renovation. With honesty, humility, and great clarity, Fr. Simon offers his personal reflections on the actual process of renovation with practical wisdom critical to anyone who wants to see their parish experience new life. More than simply a biographical account of the change at St. Benedict, this book contains insights on how to Change Culture, Build a Game Plan, and Develop Leaders for lasting parish change.

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  • Hope Of Lent


    The Hope of Lent: Daily Reflections from Pope Francis gathers the wisdom of Pope Francis for each day of the Lenten season. Offering inspiring quotes from Pope Francis, insightful commentary, and questions and challenges designed to encourage readers to bring the Word to life, this book is for anyone looking for ways to make the pope s message and his commitment to Gospel living part of their daily life during the transformative season of Lent.

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  • Casados Y Felices Segunda Edic – (Spanish)


    Desde nuestra primera publicacion de Casados y Felices, hemos impartido seminarios sobre su contenido a mas de 300,000 personas en todo Estados Unidos. A traves de los comentarios de los participantes, surgieron dos temas que necesitaban una mayor clarificacion y elaboracion: como hacer mas eficaz la resolucion de conflictos y como comunicar nuestras necesidades de manera mas clara. Como resultado, hemos reescrito el Capitulo 10: Resolver conflictos con sabiduria y respeto. El nuevo capitulo simplifica el proceso de resolucion de conflictos centrandose en dos habilidades: la comunicacion asertiva y la respuesta empatica. Este proceso permite a las personas integrar sus diferencias y transformar el conflicto en una oportunidad para crecer en su unidad. El capitulo tambien incluye un nuevo cuestionario que cubre las habilidades requeridas y puede ser utilizado como instrumento de dialogo constructivo.

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  • Admirable Is Our God


    Admirable Is Our God urges people to go back to God because God is a reality and not fiction. God is truly in us. Be touched and receive salvation from reading a nonfiction, true-to-life story, which author Juanita de Guzman Gutierrez, BSED, MSED has experienced.

    We are all one humankind, and our reverence and gratefulness should be for God, who is so kind and gentle and yet a genius. No scientist could ever duplicate Him in intelligence, in giving life, or in giving body parts that function harmoniously.

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  • Journey Of Faith


    SKU (ISBN): 9781542585378ISBN10: 1542585376Richard MoneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2017Publisher: Revival Waves Of Glory MInistries Print On Demand Product

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  • Praise The Name Of The Lord


    Christians and Muslims both have an abundance of names for God. The Bible provides Christians with a rich array of names for God, and the ninety-nine Names that Islam gives traditionally to God are drawn from the Qur’an. Praise the Name of the Lord is an offering of texts, from the Qur’an and Bible, meant to lead to meditation and prayer.

    To pray starting from the texts of another religion can help us to acquire a better appreciation of that religion. It is possible that we will find different echoes that can capture our attention and may nourish our prayer, encouraging dialogue with the persons among whom we are living.

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  • Walking The Journey Of Lent Cycle A


    Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping and with mourning; mend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing.

    -Joel 2:12-13

    This famous passage of scripture proclaimed each Ash Wednesday provides the themes and sets the environment for the holy season of Lent. In its wisdom the Christian church provides its members a forty day period of preparation, emphasizing prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, for the great celebration of the Paschal Mystery, the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We who are privileged to bear the name Christian must use this annual time of renewal to reconnect ourselves to our God, the source of all that is good. Through a process of study, reflection, and discussion on the scripture passages that the church uses in its Sunday celebrations during this special time, an environment can be provided for us to discover and foster the renewal we all need. It is hoped that Walking the Journey of Lent: Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle A provides this specific opportunity.

    This Lenten Bible study can be a helpful and effective way for groups and individuals to reflect upon the scriptures and through this process prepare ourselves better for the greatest of all celebrations, Easter, when Jesus rises from the dead and brings all Christians the possibility of salvation. Like any effort in life that is meritorious, this Bible study will require some effort, but it need not and should not be a burden. Rather, in sharing with others, and allowing the Spirit of God to flow through us, we can come to greater insights as to what the scriptures might mean for us and how, most importantly, we can apply them to our lives.

    Chapters Included:

    Negotiating The Hurdles Of Life

    Allowing God To Change Us

    Christ Gives Us Hope

    Seeking The Light Of Christ

    Jesus Unchains Us

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  • Spirituality Of Mission


    Mission is an essential part of the vocation of every baptized Christian. In A Spirituality of Mission, Mark G. Boyer draws on a lifetime of priestly ministry to help readers think, reflect, and pray through that call with the aim of integrating it into their very lifestyle.

    The sixty vibrant and insightful reflections gathered here draw on the spirit and the liturgy of Holy Week and the Easter season, which remind us of the very birth of the church and origins of its mission. A Spirituality of Mission offers the newly baptized and longtime members of the church, as well as its clergy, an opportunity to recall the vocation we all share and to live it more faithfully and effectively.

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  • Remapping The History Of Catholicism In The United States


    For more than thirty years, the U.S. Catholic Historian has mapped the diverse terrain of American Catholicism. This collection of recent essays tells the story of Catholics previously underappreciated by historians: women, African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and those on the frontier and borderlands.

    Timothy Matovina’s opening essay sets the theme for the volume, encouraging a remapping of U.S. Catholic history to more widely encompass its various localities and peoples, especially the significance of non-European ethnic groups and the role of Catholics in the American Southwest. Jeanne Petit explores Catholic womanhood’s strength and organizational zeal in the post-World War I era, noting the obstacles and successes of women’s attempts to be recognized fully as American citizens and members of the Church. Anne Klejment weaves together the lives of Dorothy Day and Cesar Chavez to illustrate their use of nonviolence and “weapons of the spirit” to respond to societal injus-tice. Amanda Bresie provides a window into the life of Mother Katharine Drexel, noting the generosity of the millionaire heiress, but also her meticulous record keeping and close supervision of her funding of educational and evangelization efforts among Native and African Americans. Kristine Ashton Gunnell analyzes the ways in which the Daughters of Charity crossed cultural boundaries to offer charitable assistance to Mexican and Japanese communities in Los Angeles. Matthew Cressler explores the intersection of Black Power and distinctive African American-inspired liturgies, arguing that the liturgy became a site of struggle as black self-determination and nationalism impacted worship and black Catholic identity. Finally, Joseph Chinnici offers an important essay on re-envisioning post-conciliar U.S. Catholicism in its global context, offering a new approach to how we consider the Ameri-can Catholic narrative and write its history.

    Together these path-breaking studies serve as a model for historians seeking to engage in the cartographic task of remapping the U.S. Catholic experience.

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  • Deacons Ministry Of The Word


    The Deacon’s Ministry of the Word will offer both scriptural and theological resources, as well as strategies and approaches, for effectively communicating the word of God. The book will focus primarily on the homily-but the ideas and skills can be readily applied by deacons in any presentation in which the word of God is central, including RCIA meetings and retreat conferences. The Deacon’s Ministry series explores the three fundamental diaconal ministries identified in the teaching of Vatican II: those of the liturgy, of the word, and of charity to the people of God (Lumen Gentium 29). This series, written by three highly regarded permanent deacons, offers a rich combination of theology, spirituality, and practical and effective guidance. Deacons and those in diaconal formation, their families, the bishops and priests they work with, and the people they serve will welcome it.

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  • Reading Praying Living Pope Franciss Laudato Si


    Once again, Pope Francis has set the pundits, news outlets, and politicians buzzing, this time with an historic encyclical letter on care for the environment called “Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home.” As an alternative to all the noise and bloviating, the faithful and the curious alike will welcome this reliable, serene, and inspiring companion to the document.
    David Cloutier s “Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis s Laudato Si “is an ideal guide for parish adult faith formation, RCIA, college and high school campus ministry, and individual study. Preachers and teachers, too, will welcome Cloutier’s consistently clear and engaging writing, free of academic jargon and Catholic code words. With Cloutier as a guide, readers will understand better and respond more effectively to the profound spirituality, the solid doctrinal principles, and the stirring call to action that Pope Francis offers in “Laudato Si.””

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  • Margos Diary And Notebook


    An Unseen Books Title

    So what happened after the Vote?

    Well, I kept forgetting to write in my diary, but I did record the important stuff!
    *Lunch with a former Facility guard (interesting!).
    *Meeting Lucas’s sister – that was INTENSE!
    *Bane’s parents’ visit – that was OUT of the BLUE!
    And lots of political developments! Plus Vatican State births, marriages and deaths.

    After 6 years, I just filled it up with fun stuff:
    *My Underground Latin Primer
    *My favorite Psalms and Prayers
    *A few Maps
    *A diagram of a ProCamera Mass kit (like the one Fr Mark used to use!)
    *Bane’s Story! (‘Squire Thane and the Dragon’ – my proposal!) Mustn’t forget that.
    And a few drawings & things…

    A Companion Volume to the I AM MARGARET series including the novella ‘Visitors’.

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  • Restored Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Often we make a mess of our lives and wonder if there is any redemption. In this six-week study, pastor and author Tom Berlin helps us see our mess through the eyes of Christ to find redemption and restoration. Using Scripture, devotional tools, and the writings of Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, St. Augustine, John Wesley, Evelyn Underhill, and others, Berlin encourages reflection and meditation through our own brokenness. Only then can we focus on the cross as the place where we truly surrender control, leave our mess, and find redemption. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the 6-week study for Lent, including session plans and discussion questions, as well as multiple format options.

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  • Restored : Finding Redemption In Our Mess


    Often we make a mess of our lives and wonder if there is any redemption. In this book, pastor and author Tom Berlin helps us see our mess through the eyes of Christ to find redemption and restoration. Using Scripture, devotional tools, and the writings of Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, St. Augustine, John Wesley, Evelyn Underhill, and others, Berlin encourages reflection and meditation through our own brokenness. Only then can we focus on the cross as the place where we truly surrender control, leave our mess, and find redemption.
    Chapters include:
    This Is a Real Mess
    Who Left This Mess?
    Bless This Mess
    No Messing Around
    Address This Mess
    The Message in the Mess

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  • 3 Great Days


    As the summit of the church’s liturgical year, the Paschal Triduum requires the energy, time, and talents of many people within the parish community. In Three Great Days, Jeremy Helmes draws on rubrics, liturgical theology, the church’s tradition, and plenty of lived experience to offer a sound guide to planning and preparing. He draws attention to rituals requiring special attention and helps you determine liturgical roles and responsibilities. He also offers templates, worksheets, planning forms, and other ready-to-use resources that any parish can use to make their liturgical preparation and evaluation easier and more effective. Whether it’s your first time preparing these liturgies, you’re looking for fresh ideas, or you just want to make sure you’re covering everything, this book will help your parish make this year’s Triduum three truly great days.

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  • Way Other Than Our Own


    Lent recalls times of wilderness and wandering, from newly freed Hebrew slaves in exile to Jesus’ temptation in the desert. God has always called people out of their safe, walled cities into uncomfortable places, revealing paths they would never have chosen. Despite our culture of self-indulgence, we too are called to walk an alternative path-one of humility, justice, and peace. Walter Brueggemann’s thought-provoking reflections for the season of Lent invite us to consider the challenging, beautiful life that comes with walking the way of grace.

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  • Way Of Discipleship


    Vatican II’s famous declaration that “the church on earth is by its very nature missionary” has often been taken out of context and used to support all manner of church initiatives. But, the conclusion of the statement-“since . . . it has its origin in the mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit”-is of monumental importance.

    In The Way of Discipleship, theologian Anthony Gittins describes the eternal mission of the Trinity, historically brought “down to earth” in the ministry of Jesus, and then continued to the ends of the earth by those called and sent as disciples throughout future generations. Gittins explains that Christian discipleship must be the living out of Jesus’ own example in many different times and places. He encourages people of all ages to follow the invitation of Jesus to be missionary disciples.

    The Way of Discipleship explores several New Testament examples of Jesus’ call and commissioning, distills the principles involved, and then recontextualizes the stories so that they pose a direct challenge to disciples today. In this way, Gittins builds up a picture both of “the Way” of Jesus himself, and of the way in which today’s disciples can loyally follow his call to mission.

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  • Deepening Faith : Adult Faith Formation In The Parish


    Since the ending of Vatican II, the Church has officially published no fewer than eight major documents calling for adults to be the center of the church’s educational mission. And the Catholic faithful are calling on the church to quench their thirst for a deepening of their lived faith. They realize that the catechesis they received as children simply isn’t enough to continue in the faith as adults in the church and world; they desire a deepened faith.

    In Deepening Faith, Janet Schaeffler, OP, offers a practical guide and source of encouragement to parish and diocesan committees, catechists, and adult faith formation teams. She outlines the essential foundations, methods and strategies that can support this journey for today’s adults of all ages and generations.

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  • Irish American Autobiography


    Any study of Irish Americans telling tales about themselves is bound to encounter some blather, some blarney. James Silas Rogers sorts through it all in this delightful collection of smart essays. From the angels and the saints to Ralph Kramden and Frank McCourt, he understands the voices that define, and embellish, Irish American life.

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  • Varieties Of Vernacular Mysticism 1350-1550


    More than 25 years in the making, this magisterial volume uncovers the riches of one of the greatest periods of mystical wisdom in Christian history: the “vernacular” spirituality of the late medieval period in Europe. The compilation incorporates more than a century of new research from around the globe, demonstrating how this period gave rise to many mystical writers who remain influential even today, including Julian of Norwich, Eckhart’s follower Jan van Ruusbroec, and the inspirational doctor of the church and visionary, Catherine of Siena. With unmatched knowledge of the primary works and scholarship around the globe, this study illustrates the unique genius of each mystical teacher as well as how they build on one another’s insights to pursue a life in God’s presence. Specific types of mysticism covered include Trinitarian, late medieval Italian, renaissance, and the golden age of English mysticism.

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  • Simply Living The Beatitudes


    “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:12

    From the peaceful setting of his Benedictine monastery in upper New York state, Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette shares the secrets of a simple monastic spirituality and life through the tradition of the Beatitudes. Complete with prayers, reflections, and practical advice, this book will become your companion for simply living these words from Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel.

    The Beatitudes have always challenged Christians through the centuries. In today’s fast paced world we long to slow down and learn what it means to:
    *be poor in spirit,
    *take time for our faith to rise from our mourning,
    *become the meek servant of God,
    *choose righteousness,
    *act with mercy,
    *find purity within our own hearts,
    *love one another in peace as the children of God,
    *persevere in justice and love despite the world’s opinion,
    *risk living as Jesus lived in the face of false accusations.

    Brother Victor offers thoughtful guidance to help us appreciate the gift of the Beatitudes as a simple guide for life. Explore with Brother Victor how to BE as Christ called us to live.

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  • Confessions Of A Food Catholic


    You can sin with food in many ways: by not sharing it, by eating way too much of it, or by throwing it across the restaurant table, for example. But you do not sin with food by bowing your head over it, saying grace with true gratitude in your heart, and tucking in.

    Sharp-edged but humorous, Confessions of a Food Catholic addresses the unscriptural approach to food that many Christians have developed in recent years. (By the way, a “food catholic” is somebody who accepts all eaters of all foods, even if he or she doesn’t actually eat quinoa.) Specifically, the book addresses divisive threats to Christian table fellowship, the know-it-all pride of newfangled kosher rules, and the dislocated moralism that makes “organic” and “natural” the signs of righteousness while disdaining the brethren who buy their beef at Stuffmart.

    Wilson concludes with an enthusiastic Gospel application: Meals — hot food, napkins, guests, clean up — are a big deal, because they’re about loving people. We should like meals them more than we do.

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  • Catholic Priesthood : Biblical Foundations


    During the time of Jesus Christ, neither he nor his apostles would have had the term “priest” applied to their mission or identity. The priesthood was exclusive to the tribe of Levi and at that time was associated primarily with their sacrificial liturgies in the temple. But with Christ’s death on the Cross, a new understanding of Christ as priest began to grow in light of his priestly self-sacrifice. The Catholic Priesthood: Biblical Foundations by Fr. Thomas Lane highlights the Scriptural evidence indicating that Christ’s intention was to establish a New Covenant priesthood that he would share with his apostles and their successors.

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  • Prayers And Reflections For Newlyweds


    It’s a miracle! God created the miracle of marriage so we might realize and cherish God’s love for each other even more…. The ultimate love story. -From Prayers and Reflections for Newlyweds

    Inside are reflective meditations, Scripture, prayer, discussion questions, and activities for the two of you, all designed to help you create new memories together as husband and wife.

    Newlyweds, use this book to help you celebrate falling in love, getting engaged, the joy of the wedding day, and a long future together as a married couple-all surrounded by God’s grace. View sample pages. Hardcover

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  • Claiming Her Dignity


    To be human means to resist dehumanization. In the darkest periods of human history, men and women have risen up and in many different voices said this one thing: “Do not treat me like this. Treat me like the human being that I am.” Claiming Her Dignity explores a number of stories from the Old Testament in which women in a variety of creative ways resist the violence of war, rape, heterarchy, and poverty. Amid the life-denying circumstances that seek to attack, violate, and destroy the bodies and psyches of women, men, and children, the women featured in this book absolutely refuse to succumb to the explicit, and at times subtle but no less harmful, manifestations of violence that they face.

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  • Handbook For Catholic Preaching


    While admitting particular parameters and priorities for Roman Catholic preachers, this volume was intentionally envisioned as a handbook for “catholic” preaching in the broadest and most universal sense of that term. Cosponsored by the Catholic Academy of Liturgy, the Catholic Association of Teachers of Homiletics, and the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, it covers the role of the Scriptures in preaching, the challenges of preaching in a digital age, sermonizing in an interfaith context, and the need for a liberative and prophetic word cut across denominations and even some faith traditions. Intended to aid those who teach or direct the preaching arts, the design and writing style of this book are particularly calibrated to graduate students in ministerial studies. Every article is a self-contained overview of a particular historical period, genre of preaching, homiletic theory, or contemporary issue. This more encyclopedic approach-devoid of footnotes, yet supported by pertinent bibliography-provides a sufficiently rich yet thoroughly accessible gateway to major facets of the preaching arts at this stage of the twenty-first century.

    General Editor: Edward Foley Associate Editors: Catherine Vincie, Richard Fragomeni Contributors: Herbert Anderson, John Baldovin, Alden Lee Bass, Dianne Bergant, Stephen Bevans, Robert Bireley, John Carr, Anthony Collamati, Michael E. Connors, Guerric DeBona, Frank DeSiano, William Ditewig, Con Foley, Edward Foley, Richard N. Fragomeni, Ann Garrido, Gregory Heille, Lucy Lind Hogan, Patrick R. Lagges, David J. Lose, Barbara Lundblad, Ricky Manalo, Robert F. Morneau, Carolyn Muessig, vanThanh Nguyen, Mary Margaret Pazdan, Patricia Parachini, Jorge Presmanes, Craig Alan Satterlee, Catherine Vincie, Richard Vosko, James A. Wallace, Margaret Moers Wenig, Alex Zenthoefer

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  • You Have Set Us Free


    You Have Set Us Free helps survivors of trauma, and their family and friends, to understand the deep and long-lasting effects of their trauma. It also helps them to correlate their experiences of suffering and healing in the light of the Paschal Mystery of Christ. This book combines Stations of the Cross with therapeutic information for survivors of abuse and neglect.

    While reflecting upon the experience of Jesus during Holy Week, You Have Set Us Free addresses the healing of trauma survivors in a prayerful context and offers hope that can assist survivors as they engage in their process of healing.

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  • My Catholic Childrens Bible


    Filled with over 100 full-color illustrations depictingfavorite scenes in the Bible, a special Living with theWord of God section, and a collection of CatholicPrayers, My Catholic Children s Bibleis a must-havegift for every child and every family.

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  • Generous Symphony : Hans Urs Von Balthasars Literary Revelations


    Hans Urs von Balthasar, one of the preeminent theologians of Roman Catholic theology in the modern era, constructed a theological world suffused by the literary, a vision carried across over 16 volumes of his magnum opus. A Generous Symphony offers a balanced appraisal of Balthasar’s literary achievement and explicates Balthasar’s literary criticism as a distinctive theology of revelation, which offers possibilities for understanding how divine presence may be manifested outside the canonical boundaries of Christian tradition.

    The structure of A Generous Symphony is a chronological presentation of the Balthasarian canon of imaginative literature, which allows readers to see how social and historical interests guide Balthasar’s readings in the pre-Christian, medieval, and modern eras. While other books have examined the systematic theology of Balthasar, this book will examine the important question of how students of literature, like Balthasar, can be transformed into theologians by attending to the implicit presence of Christ in what Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poem “As kingfishers catch fire . . .” called “the ten thousand places.” Balthasar’s deep investment in the uniqueness of Christian revelation is underlined, while, at the same time, his aesthetic sympathies cause him to invest literature with ‘quasi-sacramental’ status.

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  • Panorama Of The Bible New Testament


    While every character, story, and book of Scripture is significant in itself, stepping back for a broad, panoramic view of the entire Bible helps us to take in and understand God s single, unified plan for human history.

    In this first of a two-part panorama of the Bible, noted Scripture scholar Stephen Binz shows us how all of the Bible s many parts fit together in a grand and awesome narrative. With a clear vision of this sweeping unity, we can then understand far better our own place within the storyline and our own personal role within the mission of God.”

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  • Christian Monks On Chinese Soil


    The contribution of monks to the evangelization of lands not yet reached by the preaching of the Gospel has certainly been remarkable. The specific witness that the monastic community gives is of a radical Christian life naturally radiating outward, and thus it is implicitly missionary. The process of inculturation of Christian monasticism in China required a bold spiritual attitude of openness to the future and a willingness to accept the transformation of monastic forms that had been received. In Christian Monks on Chinese Soil, Matteo Nicolini-Zani highlights the willingness of foreign monks to encounter the cultural and spiritual realities of China and the degree of acceptance by the Chinese of the form of monastic life that was presented to them by the missionaries.

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  • Together For Life (Revised)


    Together for Life has been the most trusted source for wedding planning in the Catholic Church for more than forty-five years. This new edition of Together for Life contains the new texts of the most recent translation of The Order of Celebrating Matrimony. It includes all the tools engaged couples use when meeting with a priest, deacon, or lay parish minister to plan their weddings and prepare for living the sacrament of Marriage.

    Written by Msgr. Joseph Champlin (1930-2008) and first published in 1970, more than ten-million copies of Together for Life have been sold. The previous edition was updated in 2011 with the help of Rev. Peter A. Jarret, C.S.C., to include the revised liturgical texts of the third edition of the Roman Missal. The 2016 edition contains all the necessary texts from The Order of Celebrating Matrimony.

    Each reading choice is accompanied by a reflection written by lay married theologians or pastoral leaders who are committed to the sacramental life of the Church. Contributors include Ann M. Garrido, Msgr. Michael Heintz, Diana Macalintal, H. Richard McCord, Geoffrey D. Miller, Tim Muldoon, Julie Hanlon Rubio, and Deacon William F. Urbine.

    Together for Life includes all of the information, prayers, blessings, and readings needed to plan a wedding that will be held within Mass, without Mass, or between a Catholic and a catechumen or non-Christian. FAQs address questions couples may have about traditions such as readings, music, witnesses, and unusual circumstances.

    Together for Life includes:

    *Approved texts for The Order of Celebrating Matrimony and prayers from the& Roman Missal

    *”The Word Brought Home,” scripture commentaries by Catholic leaders

    *Catechetical commentary by Rev. Peter Jarret, C.S.C., to help couples deepen their understanding of the Church’s liturgy

    *Hints for incorporating ethnic and cultural devotions and practices into a Catholic wedding

    *Sample intercessions

    *How-to guides to help parish ministers

    *FAQ section about the celebration of Catholic weddings

    The material in Together for Life is supported by The site includes an online selection form, Catholic wedding planning resources, and articles providing enrichment to both married and engaged couples.

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  • Exorcist Explains The Demonic


    From Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the renowned exorcist in Rome, comes this powerful, eye-opening book on the deadly antics of Satan and his fallen angels, as well as spiritual remedies for each.

    These pages provide a basic orientation in the dark phenomenology, succinctly explaining Catholic doctrine on the fallen angels and the innumerable manifestations.

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  • Discernimiento De Los Espiritu – (Spanish)


    This Spanish edition of the bestselling title ‘The Discernment of Spirits’ is part of a widely used and recognized program of guides (including books, audio and video courses) to understanding and practicing Ignatian spirituality. Discernimiento de los espiritos is the first book of this program. St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, is one of the most influential spiritual leaders of all time, yet many readers find his Rules for Discernment hard to understand. What can Ignatius teach us about the discernment of spirits that lies at the very heart of Christian life? In The Discernment of Spirits, Fr. Timothy Gallagher, a talented teacher, retreat leader, and scholar, helps us understand the Rules and how their insights are essential for our spiritual growth today. By integrating the Rules and the experience of contemporary people, Gallagher shows the precision, clarity, and insight of Ignatius’s Rules, as well as the relevance of his thought for spiritual life today. When we learn to read Ignatius correctly, we discover in his remarkable words our own struggles, joys, and triumphs. This book is for all who desire greater awareness of God’s action in their daily spiritual lives, and is essential reading for retreat directors, spiritual directors, priests, and counselors.

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  • Popes Army : 500 Years Of The Papal Swiss Guard


    With the recent elections of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, the world witnessed the pomp and honor of the Swiss Guard, the Pope s Army. Now bestselling author Robert Royal takes us through the colorful 500-year history of the military guard that has witnessed every major Vatican event for half a millennium. Topics include the guard s origins, the Medici Popes, the sack of Rome, the Napoleonic War, the unification of Italy, the Pope s imprisonment; World Wars I and II; and the Nazi occupation of Rome. Perfect for those seeking a greater understanding of the Vatican’s inner-workings, Robert Royal s bestselling book on the Swiss Guard is now available in paperback.

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  • Kind Of Brave You Wanted To Be


    Proems, taut tales, small stories with rhythm and blues and grace and bruise and laughter between the lines. Brian Doyle’s The Kind of Brave You Wanted to Be is a book of cadenced notes on the swirl of miracle and the holy of attentiveness; a book about children and birds, love and grief and everything alive, which is to say all prayers.

    Brian Doyle’s uncategorizable form is the brief story dressed like a poem but with the loose lyricism and verve of an essay. Here are chants and litanies, like gentle songs to the sacrament of every moment.

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  • Winter Meditations


    The last in a series of four seasonal meditations books, Winter Meditations explores religious topics in the context of modern-day living. The 12 reflections in this book follow the calendar season, rather than the liturgical season, with one reflection written for each week of the calendar year. Reflection questions will be provided for each week, to take the reader even deeper so they can apply the reading to their own life.

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  • Christian Prayer


    This regular-size edition of the official one-volume version of the internationally acclaimed LITURGY OF THE HOURS contains the complete texts of Morning and Evening Prayer for the entire year. With its readable 10-pt. type, ribbon markers for easy location of texts, and beautiful two-color printing, this handsome and handy volume simplifies praying the official Prayer of the Church for today’s busy Catholic.

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  • Hard Sayings : A Catholic Approach To Answering Bible Difficulties


    Have you ever read something in the Bible that made you just scratch your head? Has a skeptic ever challenged you to defend a seemingly scandalous verse of Scripture?

    You’re not alone. The Bible contains more than a few hard sayings (John 6:60): ancient idioms, apparent contradictions, myth-like events and figures, and passages that seem to be embarrassingly out of step with modern culture or science.

    How can a Catholic reconcile such things with his own faith, and with what the Church teaches about the inspiration and inerrancy of Sacred Scripture?

    Don’t worry. As Trent Horn (Answering Atheism) explains in Hard Sayings, God s revelation in the Bible is not something Catholics need to be ashamed of or read with a mental reservation. Trent examines dozens of the most confounding passages in Scripture and offers clear, reasonable, Catholic explanations to unlock their true meaning. He also provides basic principles for reading and interpreting Scripture that the wisdom of the Church has developed over the centuries.

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