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Showing 101–150 of 3204 results

  • Strangers In The Bible


    Strangers in the Bible explores ways of overcoming the boundaries between exegesis and ethics without abolishing or blurring those boundaries. It makes a unique contribution by combining in a single book the epistemological debates, the methodology, and the results related to using Scripture to delve into an ethics issue.

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  • Catholicism Everywhere : From Hail Mary Passes To Cappaccinos – How Catholi


    From sports to weather forecasting to wedding customs to military service, Catholicism Everywhere connects your work, your play, and your daily habits with the vibrant heritage, culture, and prayers of the Catholic Faith.

    Many faithful Catholics greet God and give Him thanks and praise when they arise in the morning and retire at night. How they stay connected with Him and the Faith throughout the day, however, varies widely. Many forget that He is right there to call upon whenever the need or impulse arises. Others see Him all around, in the flowers of the field, the birds of the air, the smile of a child. Uniquely, Catholicism Everywhere treats the reader to the many expressions of God in the hobbies, foods, structures, and inventions developed by the Catholic Church and her members.

    Enjoy a cup of coffee and thank Pope Clement VIII for his refusal to ban coffee and his edict proclaiming it to be an acceptable drink for Christians. Turn on the radio and recall that Fr. Jozef Murgas patented a form of wireless telegraphy, made the first wireless voice transmission, and gave away his secrets to allow for the development of radio. Send an e-mail and shop online with a nod to Sr. Mary Kenneth Keller, a member of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who became one of the first two students to earn a doctorate in computer science, helping pave the way for personal computing.

    In these crisp, compelling passages, you will also learn about:

    *The saint whose research led to the discovery of insulin
    *The priest who posited the big bang theory
    *The thrilling significance of the St. Michael’s Jump
    *The origin of the Hail Mary pass
    *The saint who used beer to help save lives
    *The actor whose promise in prayer led to the building of a famous children’s hospital
    *The film Pope Paul VI said would bring more people to Christ than anything before

    These and other remarkable stories show how the Catholic Church and her members have borne tremendous fruit, in faith, to serve their fellow man. This book features chapters on pets, gardening, health care, cuisine, travel, entertainment, science, and more, including the Catholic founding of Alcoholics Anonymous, the Mayo Clinic, the Blue Army, the Knights of Columbus, and the Legion of Mary.

    From sports to weather forecasting to wedding customs to military service, Catholicism Everywhere connects your work, your play, and your daily habits with the vibrant heritage, culture, and prayers of t

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  • Digital Disciple : Carlo Acutis And The Eucharist


    A comic book based on the life of Bl. Carlo Acutis!

    Meet Carlo, an Italian fifteen-year-old computer geek who loved superheroes and video games, but most of all, the Holy Eucharist. This action packed comic book highlights the final years of Blessed Carlo Acutis’ life and how he became a digital disciple, creating a dynamic website and stunning display that taught others about the many remarkable Eucharistic miracles around the world. Readers will be captivated by Carlo, a likable teenage boy who continues to inspire the world by his simple life and extraordinary example of holiness.

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  • What The Heart Of Jesus Does And Says In The Tabernacle


    St. Manuel Gonzalez Garcia, renowned as the Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle and acclaimed the greatest Eucharistic priest since the Cure of Ars, reflected: “I intend to awaken the curiosity, which in this case can truly be called holy, to understand and uncover what the Heart of Jesus in the Tabernacle does, says, and feels. I promise delightful surprises, invaluable discoveries, unimagined horizons, to those who allow themselves to be piqued by this curiosity.”

    Through these profound yet practical meditations, sometimes written from the perspective of Jesus speaking to you, you will be guided into deeper intimacy with our Eucharistic Lord and inspired to share His love with others. Through this refreshing and transformative experience, you will discover:

    *Why the Gospels lead us to the tabernacle, and the tabernacle leads us to the Gospels
    *The mission of those closest to Jesus in the Gospels and how to imitate them
    *Greater fervor in receiving Holy Communion and praying in Eucharistic Adoration
    *How Jesus is neither idle nor silent in His Eucharistic Presence
    *The three ways the Heart of Jesus looks at souls – and how He looks at you
    *The secret to touching the Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to receive healing

    There is also a stirring section at the end of the book about what the Heart of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist says to priests.

    St. Manuel tirelessly wrote these reflections, originally published as articles, to “preach to active souls the necessity, importance, and fruitfulness of staying in the tabernacle because the Love who dwells there is not loved but is abandoned!” St. Manuel will show you how to cultivate awe and reverence as you bask in our Lord’s Eucharistic Presence and let His power permeate your life. As your love of Jesus’ Eucharistic Heart deepens, you will learn how to console Him as He consoles you and be inflamed to offer your life in witness to your faith.

    Above all, in the Holy Eucharist, you will encounter the Friend who always waits to listen to you with His Heart and always speaks to your heart. In the light of the tabernacle, you will learn how to grow in virtue, overcome temptation, and live without fear.

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  • Standing Strong : Good Discipline Makes Great Teens


    With wit and wisdom, Dr. Ray Guarendi gives parents the tools they need not only to navigate the teen years but also to enjoy them. Teens are “full of life, enthusiasm, energy, and laughter,” Dr. Ray asserts, in defiance of a culture that conditions us to expect a far gloomier reality. Too often, the world tells parents to be content with mediocrity instead of the prospect of raising respectful and responsible children with strong character.

    In a lively question-and-answer format, Dr. Ray unpacks issues ranging from sibling relationships and peer pressure to curfews and chores to overcoming backtalk and teaching your kids to avoid drugs. He equips parents to give their teens a safer, more stable adolescence and help them develop virtues for a lifetime. If you feel as if you’ve been a weak disciplinarian, Dr. Ray explains that “there are . . . critical reasons to reverse your parenting, even if it seems late.” He offers practical approaches such as:

    *Four tips to help you enjoy your kids’ teen years
    *Three techniques for becoming a calmer parent
    *Five ways to monitor your child’s use of technology
    *Four simple house rules that lead to success
    *Four consequences to curb nasty talk
    *A strategy to motivate underachievers

    You will also learn four key sayings for communicating more effectively with your teens. In addition, you will find out specific ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in your kids. Most significantly, you will learn how to help your children treat you with respect, so that they will develop this habit in their relationships with others as well. As you grow in becoming a stronger parent with calm, loving resolve, you will learn how to foster quality time with your teens and have real fun together.

    This book is wise, perceptive, and laugh-out-loud funny. Dr. Ray uses his trademark humor-with-a-dash-of-sarcasm to give those parents who are barely treading water some good, sound, logical advice to change the tone and tenor of their households for the better.

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Philip Neri


    The “Apostle of Rome,” the “Reformer of the Church,” the “Saint of Christian Joy”-these and many other titles are given to Saint Philip Neri (1515-1595). A priest at the age of thirty-six, he never ceased to bring to Rome and the world the fire of the Holy Spirit that burned in his heart. In 15 Days of Prayer with Philip Neri, you will discover a joyful companion who lived out his baptismal call with spiritual intensity and pastoral charity. Canonized in 1622 along with St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and St. Teresa of Avila, he is celebrated on May 26. Too often forgotten by the Church today, the example of this saint is relevant and inspiring for our times.

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  • Our Radiant Redeemer


    This devotional looks at the transfiguration of Jesus in depth, giving readers a glorious lens through which to view Jesus during Lent and Easter.

    Tim Chester says:

    “The transfiguration is a light that illuminates the meaning of the cross and resurrection. As we look deeper, we’ll discover that it’s not just Jesus who is transfigured. His promise is that we, too, can be transfigured by the light he brings to our lives.”

    As we see Jesus in all his glory, we will be reminded of how marvellous he is and how brilliant our future with him will be. We will be moved to worship Jesus with our whole lives, giving thanks for all that he is and all that he has done.

    Each of the devotions includes prompts to reflect and pray.

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  • Pause : Spending Lent With The Psalms


    Lent is an ideal time to step back and reflect on the deeper movements of the spirit, and Elizabeth Caldwell helps readers do this through a simple but profound approach. Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms invites us to take up the spiritual practice of encountering, sinking into, and deeply engaging with one psalm each week during Lent and Holy Week.

    Lent is an ideal time to step back and reflect on the deeper movements of the spirit, and Elizabeth Caldwell helps readers do this through a simple but profound approach. Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms invites us to take up the spiritual practice of encountering, sinking into, and deeply engaging with one psalm each week during Lent and Holy Week.

    The season of Lent encourages Christians to consider a different pace-one of slowing down, noticing, pausing-than what our dominant culture values. The invitation to pause with the Psalms begins on Ash Wednesday, starting with a mark of ashes on our foreheads that reminds us that in spite of our failures-things we have done or failed to do-we belong to God. Readers are then guided into an exploration of Psalm 51 and the theme of a clean heart. Each chapter helps readers to connect an image drawn from that psalm, such as paths, faces, blessing, tables, waiting, thanksgiving, listening, being alone or abandoned, and hands, with their own lives. At the close of each chapter, readers are invited to try a different prayer practice to help them continue to reflect on the theme and psalm each day. This intentional engagement-without feeling burdensome-opens just enough space and time for a creative spiritual practice to flourish, sustaining the life of faith during the Lenten season in ways that can make a difference in God’s world.

    Reflection and discussion questions are included with each chapter The book includes a leader’s guide at the end for study groups.

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  • Hard And Holy Work


    Mary Alice Birdwhistell and Tyler Mayfield reflect on the brave action of the midwives Shiphrah and Puah and other faithful women in Exodus, Moses’ awakening to the plight of the Hebrew people, Moses’ life-changing encounter with the burning bush, the Israelites taking the risk of crossing the Red Sea, and more-alongside numerous contemporary stories-to help readers to see anew and contemplate how God is calling them to respond to what is not right in the world: racial injustice, especially borne by women of color, houselessness, and discrimination against LGBTQ+ communities and people with disabilities.

    Are we paying attention to the holy ground beneath our feet? Where do we see burning bushes in our world today, and what are they calling us to do? Do spiritual encounters in our lives have holy consequences in the world around us? Many of us want to understand how to integrate our personal spiritual lives more actively with our engagement in working for justice and the liberation of the oppressed and marginalized. Hard and Holy Work provides a space for just that, helping readers participate in Lent in a new way by becoming attuned to God’s boundless presence in our world and waking up to and taking action for God’s justice through exploring stories from the book of Exodus that have inspired the work of liberation for centuries.

    Pastor Mary Alice Birdwhistell and Hebrew Bible scholar Tyler Mayfield reflect on the brave action of the midwives Shiphrah and Puah and other faithful women in Exodus, Moses’ awakening to the plight of the Hebrew people, Moses’ life-changing encounter with the burning bush, the Israelites taking the risk of crossing the Red Sea, and more-alongside numerous contemporary stories-to help readers to see anew and contemplate how God is calling them to respond to what is not right in the world: racial injustice, especially borne by women of color, houselessness, and discrimination against LGBTQ+ communities and people with disabilities.

    Lent is traditionally a time of self-reflection and action that prepares followers of Christ to walk more intentionally in the way of God. Hard and Holy Work takes readers through a unique Lenten journey, encouraging us to see those who are marginalized or suffering as God sees them; contemplate how privilege, fear, risk, and feelings of uncertainty can cloud our attention; and practice endurance for the messy middle of justice work, leaning on God’s provision and rest when the way forward is

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  • CEst La Confiance


    In his apostolic exhortation C’Est La Confiance (“It Is Confidence”), Pope Francis reflects on Saint Therese of Lisieux on the 150th anniversary of her birth. The title of the document is taken from words used by Saint Therese in a letter to a Carmelite sister expressing her full confidence in the merciful love of God. As she stated, “It is confidence and nothing but confidence that must lead us to Love.”

    Therese (1873-1897), popularly known as the “Little Flower,” is one of the best known and most beloved saints. Pope Francis writes that “[w]e would do well to delve more deeply into her message” shared in her Story of a Soul as well as the example she set forth with her “little way” of life — the path of trust and love.

    “Therese, for her part, wished to highlight the primacy of God’s action; she encourages us to have complete confidence as we contemplate the love of Christ poured out to the end,” Pope Francis writes. “With confidence, the wellspring of grace overflows into our lives, the Gospel takes flesh within us and makes us channels of mercy for our brothers and sisters.”

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  • Behold Your Mother


    When we pray the Stations of the Cross, we walk alongside Jesus to Calvary. In Behold Your Mother: Marian Stations of the Cross, we walk alongside the Mother of the Redeemer as she accompanies him during his Passion and death. Written from the unique perspective of a child who is witnessing Mary’s unspeakable anguish, this booklet helps us to grow in devotion to the Blessed Mother as she leads us closer to her Son.

    Just before he died on the Cross for the salvation of the world, Jesus entrusted Mary to Saint John and Saint John to Mary. In that moment, Mary also became our mother forever – a beautiful, loving gift from the Redeemer himself. Behold your mother!

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  • 30 Day Eucharistic Revival


    Several popes have referred to St. Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868) as “the Apostle of the Eucharist.” Nonetheless, he is not that well known in the universal Church. When it comes to worldwide recognition of his extraordinary life, as well as the many amazing things he did to foster a greater love for the Blessed Sacrament, most Catholics are unfamiliar with him and have never heard his name. That is about to change. 30-Day Eucharistic Revival is intended to help you, your children, your grandchildren, and all future generations rediscover and experience a revival of belief in the Real Presence, especially during the period of National Eucharistic Revival in the United States.

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  • Shining In Spotless Splendor


    The Immaculate Conception describes the sinless conception of the Blessed Virgin in St. Anne’s womb. But if there were nothing more hidden in this mystery, it would be only her unique privilege. It would not affect our lives nor touch our hearts. The Holy Spirit continues to imprint this mystery on our hearts by purifying us of all sin and healing its effects, so that we too may be immaculate like the Virgin. Through these 40 days, we tap into the living reality of this mystery, so that the Holy Spirit may accomplish in us what He first wrought in the Immaculata. She invites us not only to ponder the mystery from the outside, but to enter into it as into a fire. When we allow the fire of the Holy Spirit to touch our hearts, as He filled the Immaculate Heart, then everything in us is transformed into divine life and love. With filial trust, let us ask the Father for this grace to be immaculate like the Blessed Virgin and consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Conception.

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  • Diary Of A Future Saint


    Born Helena Kowalska, a simple Polish peasant farm girl at the dawn of the 20th century, Faustina was chosen by God to teach the world about His unfathomable Divine Mercy. Though mocked, ridiculed, and unbelieved, she earnestly followed Jesus’ commands, the Blessed Mother’s instructions, and saintly wisdom to tread an amazing mystical journey, filled to overflowing with gifts and graces to glorify God. She went on to become one of the world’s most popular saints. Befriend this lovable, down-to-earth saint through the work of celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, an expert on St. Faustina and a master storyteller, who presents St. Faustina’s life in this page-turning novel for all ages.

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  • Saints On The Go


    We’ve re-imagined Saints on the Go in a super fun, durable, thick paperboard 8″ x 8″ board book!

    Honk! Honk! How did the Saints get around? Take a look inside and see… From Saint Joan of Arc on her horse to St. John Paul the Great in the pope-mobile, the saints have been on the move spreading the news of Christ throughout the centuries! From the award-winning author/illustrator that brought you “The Virgin Mary Around the World! A pilgrimage of faith” comes the newest and most exciting way to share the lives of the saints with all the children in your life. This gorgeous, full color book will quickly become everyone’s favorite! Fun, rollicking poems and beautiful artwork will keep little ones engaged, and older children will love learning more about each saint in the “There’s More!” section.

    “Saints on the Go!” features 13 different saints (and 13 different modes of transportation!), including: St. Joan of Arc, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Martin de Porres, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John Bosco, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, St. Katharine Drexel, St. Padre Pio, St. Maximillian Kolbe, St. Josemaria Escriva, St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa), and St. Pope John Paul II.

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  • My Book Of Catholic Prayers


    My Book of Catholic Prayers is a beautiful, colorful collection of traditional Catholic prayers for- everyone! Printed on high quality thick paperboard for durability and ease of use. The book is 3″ x 6″ (an adorable pocket size perfect for a bag, backpack, purse, nightstand, etc!) and contains 14 prayers every Catholic should keep handy!

    They include: The Our Father, The Hail Mary, Glory Be (Doxology), Prayer to you Guardian Angel, The Memorare, The Salve Regina, Prayer to St. Michael, Anima Christi, Apostles’ Creed, Prayer for Eternal Rest, Act of Contrition, Grace Before Meals, and Grace After Meals.

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  • Church As Sanctuary


    No study has yet examined the tradition of sanctuary as the starting point for rethinking the church in an age of global displacement. Church as Sanctuary, argues that if church sanctuary is going to be legible as a pillar of ecclesial existence in modernity, then we need a theology of sanctuary that reconstitutes this rich tradition anew, placing it at the service of a displaced world. By its very nature, church sanctuary is and has always served as a creative ecclesial and sacramental response to persons whose life is threatened by generalized or state violence, and in our contemporary society the church’s rejection of its own tradition places at risk other forms of sanctuary that exist in symbolic relation to the church’s historical practice.

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  • Bible And Reconciliation


    This addition to the Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

    James Prothro offers a biblical theology of the sacrament of reconciliation–the restoration of the sinner through forgiveness and repentance. Prothro fleshes out the patterns in which God’s people in the Old and New Testaments approach the merciful God, confess, and are forgiven and called to reengage their relationship with God by growing in faith and love through God’s ministry of grace.

    Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance-education programs. Gray is also president of the Augustine Institute.

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  • Where We Meet


    Jesus devoted himself to uplifting the poor, reaching out to the marginalized, and fearlessly challenging systems of oppression. His message resounded with the promise of liberation, equality, and inclusion for all, and he implored his followers to pursue the same. However, the church has often struggled to reflect this good news in its own actions.

    In Where We Meet, four members of the Intersect network invite you to immerse yourself in the stories of Jesus and the early church. Together, they also explore their own stories, examine past shortcomings of the church, address difficult questions, and envision a brighter future that better reflects the good news of Jesus.

    Throughout the Lenten season, Rachel Gilmore, Tyler Sit, Matt Temple, and Candace Lewis guide you through a series of daily reflections, exploring a spectrum of critical themes-from diversity and equity to the challenges of the post-colonial church. They will also delve into the vital need for innovation and contextualization in doing the work Jesus had called us to do.

    Prepare to tackle challenging questions and be emboldened to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, pursuing justice and love for all.

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  • From The Grave


    40-day Lent devotional from a beloved spiritual writer

    As for the field, so for the soul: “The neglected heart will soon be overrun with worldly thoughts.” Careful cultivation yields a harvest, and the heart requires great attention. .

    From the Grave, a 40-day Lent devotional, reflects on this critical spiritual dynamic. It features A. W. Tozer’s best insights on faith, repentance, suffering, and redemption. Gleaned from transcribed sermons, editorials, and published books, each moving reflection has been carefully selected for the season of Lent. It addresses themes like:

    *Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection
    *Mortification of the flesh
    *Self-denial and cross-bearing
    *New life in Christ
    *Christian obedience and resurrection hope

    Each day features a brief portion of Scripture for meditation followed by a reflection from Tozer. Together the entries take you on a journey from the garden to the grave to light of day–the “pain-wracked path” to life.

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  • Tarry Awhile : Wisdom From Black Spirituality For People Of Faith – The Arc


    Tarry here and watch with me . . . (Matt 26.38, KJV)

    Tarrying is a Black Christian spiritual practice in which believers actively wait to experience the manifestation of God’s presence. It answers yes to the question Jesus once asked his disciples: will you tarry here and watch with me? Whether in the vibrancy of music and singing, or in the hushed silence of the congregation, people of all ages anticipate an encounter with God that will transform what they know, feel and experience day to day.

    This book makes the wisdom of Black spiritualities and faith available for all people. It focuses on seven themes: darkness as a place of encounter with the divine; the unity of all things; movement, belonging and migration; the Spirit as one who moves in unexpected ways; quiet contemplation as essential to spiritual growth; healing in community; and weeping that turns to joy.

    Tarry Awhile centres the stories of often overlooked people and communities, offering wisdom for all people who hope to encounter God in the midst of wearying times. It provides fresh reflections on familiar biblical passages, and draws on personal stories, theology and the spiritual wisdom of ancestors who have gone before us.

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  • 2024 Saint Joseph Guide For Christian Prayer (Large Type)


    Handy guide that facilitates use of the large-type edition of CHRISTIAN PRAYER, the one-volume LITURGY OF THE HOURS, by providing clear, accurate references for each day of the year.

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  • 2024 Saint Joseph Guide For The Liturgy Of The Hours (Large Type)


    Handy guide that facilitates use of the large-type edition of THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS by providing clear, accurate references for each day of the period specified.

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  • 2024 Saint Joseph Missal Guide


    A handy calendar that indicates the Mass and texts that may be said on each day. Can be used with the following ST. JOSEPH SUNDAY MISSALS: Product Codes 820/09; 820/22GN; 820/22B; 820/10BN; and 820/23 and the following ST. JOSEPH WEEKDAY MISSALS: Product Codes 920/09; 920/23; 921/09; and 921/23.

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  • 2024 Saint Joseph Guide For The Liturgy Of The Hours


    Handy guide that facilitates use of THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS by providing clear, accurate references for each day of the period specified.

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  • Every Day With Jesus


    Jesus gives himself to us in the Eucharist because he loves us. When we receive him in the Blessed Sacrament — body, blood, soul, and divinity — we are united to the humanity and divinity of Christ.

    Every Day with Jesus is an invitation to reflect on how our encounter with the Real Presence can truly transform our lives in so many ways. This daily devotional is divided into twelve months, with each month highlighting a specific attribute in the life of Jesus. You’ll begin each day with a Scripture verse, followed by a brief reflection, a question or an act to consider, and a short prayer to Jesus in the Eucharist to carry through your day.

    This companion to the daily devotionals Every Day with Mary and Every Day with Saint Joseph fosters spiritual growth and transformation through a renewed personal encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.

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  • Auschwitz And Absolution


    Few people know that in the face of his execution, the notorious Rudolf Hoss, the Commandant for Auschwitz, met with a Polish Jesuit priest, Fr. Wladyslaw Lohn. Hoss made a confession to Fr. Lohn for approximately four hours, and from Fr. Lohn he received communion. This compelling account of a secret and sacramental meeting not only tells what happened but seventeen Christian and Jewish scholars offer a critical challenge to, or celebration of Christian notions of forgiveness.

    We have access to Hoss’s confession by way of selections from his published memoirs. Fr. Lohn said almost nothing about his encounter and certainly nothing about the confession itself. In addition to writing a thorough introduction to this encounter, in order to contemplate the priest’s thoughts, James Bernauer has composed a work of imagination, a diary of how this Jesuit might have scrutinized this meeting. Bernauer’s hope is that, in addition to giving a sense of a historical encounter, the reader will perform their own imaginative reflection on the issues. Throughout the work, the limitations on religious absolution of sin are heightened by recall of alternative Christian practices (historical and contemporary), as well as Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s warnings about “cheap grace.”

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  • Nevertheless We Persist


    Elaborates an innovative feminist theological approach to the public church and to the praxis of public theology as ekklesial work, that is, creating community or creating a shared public life; it constructs and then applies this approach to identify and interpret theological claims (imago Dei, Christology, ecclesiology) and practices of public engagement (rhetorical, symbolic, and prophetic) exemplified mainly but not only by Christian social justice leaders and movements.

    Drawing on major figures in feminist and womanist theologies as well as public theology, Nevertheless, We Persist examines a rich range of historical and contemporary faith-based movements such as the Catholic Worker, the Civil Rights Movement, United Farm Workers, and The Plowshares Movement. Each chapter ends with a contemporary social movement that continues and radicalizes a part of an earlier movement but in more multifaith ways in order to redress the increasing fracture of US public life in our time, such as the Revolutionary Love Project, The Poor People’s Campaign, The New Sanctuary Movement, and Green Nuns. The book concludes with a contemporary case study of feminist intersectional and interfaith justice, drawing out insights from NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus for the future ekklesial work of feminist public theology to create community and to construct a shared public life that expands beyond single social issues and religions.

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  • Bible And Reconciliation


    This addition to the Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

    James Prothro offers a biblical theology of the sacrament of reconciliation–the restoration of the sinner through forgiveness and repentance. Prothro fleshes out the patterns in which God’s people in the Old and New Testaments approach the merciful God, confess, and are forgiven and called to reengage their relationship with God by growing in faith and love through God’s ministry of grace.

    Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance-education programs. Gray is also president of the Augustine Institute.

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  • Creados Para El Cielo – (Spanish)


    Unete al padre Agustino Torres, CFR–el fundador de Corazon Puro–en un viaje cuaresmal multimedia inspirado en san Francisco. Comienza la temporada con un voto de pobreza y termina en la Pascua con un corazon libre del desierto del pecado y abierto a amar, servir y cuidar a los demas.

    Creados para el cielo presenta impresionantes obras de arte originales de Valerie Delgado de Pax.Valerie, junto con meditaciones diarias sobre un pasaje de las Escrituras, preguntas de reflexion, oracion y espacio para escribir un diario y tomar notas.

    Una vida de sencillez y de pobreza te orienta hacia el amor de Dios y te recuerda que estas creado para el cielo. Torres dice que la mejor manera de prepararte para ese destino final es vivir como verdadero peregrino que necesita “viajar liviano” y desapegarte de los placeres terrenales.

    En seis semanas transformadoras, aprenderas como permitir que el Espiritu Santo se mueva en tu corazon a traves de un tema nuevo cada semana:

    *Primera semana: comprometete a hacer un voto de pobreza durante la Cuaresma y reflexiona sobre la historia de Jesus siendo arrojado al desierto mientras aprendes a hacer tu vida enteramente alrededor de Cristo;

    *Segunda semana: se testigo de la Transfiguracion y permitete transformarte, dejando brillar tus dones espirituales;

    *Tercera semana: aceptar el llamado a la conversion y decir si a una vida de sencillez y de pobreza como lo hizo san Jose;

    *Cuarta semana: deja que el poder sanador de Dios te desafie a convertirte en un recipiente de misericordia y una fuente de compasion amorosa para los demas;

    *Quinta semana: aprende a orar con confianza y mirar mas alla de nosotros mismos; y

    *Semana Santa: experimenta un encuentro profundo con Dios a traves de la antigua liturgia de la Iglesia.

    Creados para el cielo es perfecto tanto para uso individual como grupal. Hay videos complementarios gratuitos y una guia del lider descargable disponibles en El libro y otros recursos tambien estan disponibles en ingles.

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  • Made For Heaven


    Join Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR-founder of Corazón Puro-on a multimedia Lenten journey inspired by St. Francis. Begin the season with a vow of poverty and end at Easter with a heart free from the desert of sin and open to love, serve, and care for others.

    Made for Heaven features stunning original art by Valerie Delgado of Pax.Valerie, along with daily meditations on a passage from scripture, reflection questions, prayer, and space for journaling and notetaking.

    A life of simplicity and poverty orients you toward God’s love and reminds you that you are made for heaven. Torres says the best way to prepare yourself for that final destination is to live as true pilgrims who need to “travel lightly” and detach from earthly pleasures.

    In six transformative weeks, you will learn how to allow the Holy Spirit to move in your heart through a new theme each week:

    *Week one: commit yourself to a Lenten vow of poverty and reflect on the story of Jesus being cast into the desert as you learn to make your life entirely about Christ;

    *Week two: be a witness to the Transfiguration and allow yourself to become transformed, letting your spiritual gifts shine forth;

    *Week three: accept the call to conversion and say yes to a life of simplicity and poverty as St. Joseph did;

    *Week four: let the healing power of God challenge you to become a vessel of mercy and a source of loving compassion to others;

    *Week five: learn how to pray with confidence and look beyond ourselves; and

    *Holy Week: experience a deep encounter with God through the ancient liturgy of the Church.

    Made for Heaven is perfect for both individual and group use. Free companion videos and a downloadable leader’s guide are available at The book and other resources are also available in Spanish.

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  • Whats Next : Surrendering Your Plans To Jesus


    Letting go of control is not always easy.

    Whether it’s about timing, vocation, occupation, or what to eat for their next meal, many people spend their lives asking the question “what’s next?”

    What’s Next? Surrendering your Plans to Jesus takes Fr. Mike’s homily series “What’s Next” and transforms it into an easy-to-read and easy-to-digest booklet.

    This new booklet in The Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz Collection invites Catholics to surrender their next steps to God and helps them shed the weight of needing to control the future.

    In four short chapters, this booklet introduces the reader to:

    *Surrendering control and placing confidence in God
    *How to trust that God is providing in the present
    *How to move forward with the future
    *And more!

    Complete with thought-provoking questions, prayerful meditations, and real-life challenges after each chapter, this booklet is perfect for individual devotion or group study.

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  • Every Moment Holy Volume 3


    EVERY MOMENT HOLY, Vol. 3: The WORK OF THE PEOPLE is a book of liturgies for daily moments across all walks of life. Drawing on a range of writers, artists, poets, songwriters, and pastors (with Douglas Kaine McKelvey both writing and editing), this collection represents a community of believers engaged in the work of reminding all of us that our lives are shot through with sacred purpose and eternal hopes even in the midst of the everyday moments that make up our lives.

    -nearly 100 new liturgies for daily life
    -beautiful leather-bound hardcover
    -new illustrations by Ned Bustard and others
    -silk bookmark
    -gilded edges

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  • Journeying With God In The Wilderness


    Is there hope to be found in the wilderness?

    Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness, which many Christians remember during Lent, echoes the story of God’s people wandering for forty years in the wilderness. We often struggle to get to grips with the book of Numbers that tells of these wanderings. But this daily Lent devotional opens up how the Israelites’ wilderness journey can speak to us in our daily struggles and challenges today, by reading the Book of Numbers alongside the New Testament and reflecting with daily prayers and questions.

    Through all the ups-and-downs of their wilderness adventure, we join with God’s people as they learn to see the sure and certain fulfilment of God’s future promises. We discover God’s abiding presence through, as well as in, the wilderness. We see how the wilderness points us forward to the Promised Land, and to Jesus as the one who brings us into the fulness of God’s promises.

    With readings from Numbers and from the New Testament each day, Journeying with God in the Wilderness guides us through an often-neglected book of the Bible, helping us to make sense of the Old Testament through the lens of the New, giving us Christ-centred hope.

    Journeying with God in the Wilderness is written as an aide to the spiritual journey of faith, and can be read either individually or in small groups. It will encourage and inspire anyone feeling lost or bewildered on life’s journey, or who wants to join in with the long Christian tradition of Lent as a wilderness experience, by showing them the fulfilment of the promises of God to his people in the wilderness.

    Join Mark Broadway this Lent and find hope for your wilderness journey.

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  • Epiphany : The Season Of Glory


    “We have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.”

    This line from the prologue of the Gospel of John declares the theme of Epiphany. Christmas celebrates Christ’s birth; Epiphany manifests his glory.

    The feast of Epiphany and its following season are not as well observed as they should be. Many of us associate Epiphany with the visit of the Magi but don’t know much more about it. In this short volume, priest and theologian Fleming Rutledge expounds the primary biblical texts and narrative arc of the season, inviting us to discover anew “the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

    Each volume in the Fullness of Time series invites readers to engage with the riches of the church year, exploring the traditions, prayers, Scriptures, and rituals of the seasons of the church calendar.

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  • Laudate Deum : Apostolic Exhortation To All People Of Good Will On The Clim


    In his historic encyclical of 2015, Laudato Si’ On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis firmly established ecological concerns as central to the agenda of Catholic Social Teaching. Along with a spiritual framework on care for creation, he outlined issues of climate change, biodiversity, the peril facing our oceans, access to fresh water, and sustainable food, and offered a comprehensive guide to integral ecology.

    Eight years later comes a shorter but even more urgent call in the form of this new apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, which focuses specifically on the “climate crisis” of our time. Disappointed that not enough has been done in the intervening years, he addresses the irreversible effects of increasing global temperatures, the decrease in ice sheets, and other signs of the times. He critiques the “technocratic paradigm,” the ongoing addiction to a fossil-fuel economy, and the “weaknesses of international politics,” while leveling particular criticism at those who sow resistance and confusion. For all people of good will, it is a call to face the preeminent crisis of our times and to draw on all our spiritual wisdom, scientific knowledge, and political will to meet the challenge.

    As Erin Lothes Biviano writes in her introduction, Pope Francis here writes as a prophet, priest, poet, and most of all “a pastor, deeply concerned for people throughout the world, and above all for the poor.” Selections from Laudato Si’ focusing on pastoral, theological, and spiritual themes are also included in this edition, enhancing its value for study and reflection.

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  • Engaging Thomas Merton


    Engaging Thomas Merton is based on contemporary engagements with the work and legacy of Thomas Merton that highlight the enduring relevance of his thought in addressing the pressing concerns of our time.

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  • Theology Of Liberation 50th Anniversary Edition


    “It would be difficult to name another theological book these past five decades that has been more influential, has inspired more believers and non-believers alike to think differently about the Christian faith, and has engendered so much controversy.” So begins Michael E. Lee’s introduction to this 50th anniversary edition of the classic work that signaled a new style of doing theology.

    The theological project launched in this book was, as Fr. Gutierrez wrote, “based on the gospel and the experiences of men and women committed to the process of liberation in the oppressed land of Latin America.” It was “born of the experience of shared efforts to abolish the current unjust situation and to build a different society, freer and more human.” Yet its influence was quickly felt around the world, inspiring numerous offshoots, as well as provoking critical reactions, both inside and outside the Church.

    A Theology of Liberation has won wide acclaim as one of the most influential works of Christian theology of the last century. Yet Gutierrez himself concluded the book by noting that any theology of liberation “is not worth one act of genuine solidarity with exploited social classes. They are not worth one act of faith, love, and hope committed . . . in active participation to liberate humankind from everything that dehumanizes it and prevents it from living according to the will of God.”

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  • Doing Christian Ethics From The Margins (Revised)


    In this revised edition of an established classroom text, De La Torre furthers his argument that the pain and suffering of people who have been marginalized continues to inform a perspective that holds a greater grasp of reality than those who are more privileged by power and profit. He continues the method of theory and case studies from earlier editions, updating the cases for the 3rd edition. In Part IV, the chapter entitled “Private Property” that appeared in the 2nd edition has been removed in the 3rd edition. Also in that part, the chapters on affirmative action and sexism have been re-ordered so that the chapter entitled “Affirmative Action” is the last chapter before the conclusion. In the 3rd edition, there is a fuller conclusion than the 2nd edition’s epilogue.

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  • Christmas At The Nativity


    “The nativity scene is like a living Gospel rising up from the pages of sacred Scripture. As we contemplate the Christmas story, we are invited to set out on a spiritual journey, drawn by the humility of the God who became man in order to encounter every man and woman. We come to realize that so great is his love for us that he became one of us, so that we in turn might become one with him.” Pope Francis

    On the 800th anniversary of St. Francis’s original nativity, Pope Francis gives to the world this stirring call to come to the manger and encounter Christ anew.

    Written with his beloved down to earth style, Pope Francis tells the story of Christmas through the lens of the different characters of the Nativity scene. This book, in English for the first time, is destined to be a perennial Christmas classic.

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  • Restoring The Gospels Jewish Voice


    Although Chouraqui and his work are well-known and celebrated in many parts of the world (especially in Israel, and in the francophone world), he is almost completely unknown in the anglophone world. This book represents an attempt to introduce his important work and inspiring legacy to an English-speaking audience, and to explore how it can enrich Jewish-Christian dialogue today. As a bilingual translator and Biblical scholar, I am able to make Chouraqui’s work accessible to English speakers who are unfamiliar with him–who may be intrigued by him but unable to directly access much of the material written by and about him in French.

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  • Shape Of Matthews Story


    The Gospel of Matthew, like the other Gospels, is a story. The narrative nature of Matthew’s account of the life of Jesus unfolds as a plotted sequence of words and events, beginning with his birth and closing with his presence to the disciples as their risen Lord. The location of any single passage within the flow of the unfolding story is a major guide to understanding this Gospel. Matthew is best known for his account of the birth of Jesus (Matt 1–2); Peter’s recognition of Jesus as the Son of Man, the Son of God (16:13-20); and the final commission of all the disciples to preach the gospel to all nations (28:16-28). But where do these famous passages appear in the story? What preceded them and what follows? The first Gospel famously highlights five major discourses, during which only Jesus speaks. How do they contribute to Matthew’s story of the life of Jesus?

    The Shape of Matthew’s Story focuses upon the temporal and geographical flow of the unfolding narrative, and the interacting roles of the protagonists within it. It traces an early Christian storyteller’s single-minded presentation of God, Jesus Christ, the call to discipleship, and the Christian Church.

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  • New Catholic Bible For Youth Gift Edition


    This Bible for youth boasts the fresh, faithful, and reader-friendly New Catholic Bible translation in a convenient size. The treasure that complements the Word of God in this edition is a series of 25 inserts that focus on issues today’s youths encounter and deal with in their day-to-day lives.

    The four-page inserts offer youth the opportunity to see what the Bible says about the topic; to seek understanding about why the topic matters; to read inspiration from the lives of Saints, spiritual writers, Popes, and holy men and women; to glimpse the inspiration that the Church imparts; to discover ways to encounter God; to pray; and to reflect on questions that will help determine how they will live as disciples of Our Lord.

    The vibrant inserts will attract youth and draw them into the riches they contain. With a mix of encouragement, understanding, relevant content, insights, meaningful reflection questions, and more, the inserts will provide young people with a go-to companion as they navigate through important life and faith questions and considerations.

    Choose the New Catholic Bible for Youth to enrich, inspire, educate, and challenge the young people you love, you teach, you respect.

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  • Inner Life And Social Responsibility


    This final volume of his collected “sermon series,” concerns what is likely the most cherished aspect of Thurman’s thought, his emphasis on meditation, introspection, and self-discovery as the key to the religious life. He often spoke and wrote of his belief in a pervading sense of a divine presence, a presence that existed both within and outside of organized religions and religious institutions and could be found everywhere. But its most important location was within each of us.

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  • Enacting Integral Human Development


    “Integral Human Development” (IHD) is a term coined by Louis-Joseph Lebret OP and then used by Paul VI in his encyclical Populorum Progressio in 1967. It is, in a way, the Catholic approach to human development and has been adopted by Catholic Relief Services. Pope Francis has emphasized the idea with the creation of a special dicastery of which Cardinal Czerny is the new Prefect. Similar to Enacting Catholic Social Teaching, the book emphasizes practice and examples without being a simple “how-to” book.

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  • Triumph : The Power And The Glory Of The Catholic Church – A 2,000 Year His (Exp


    A Catholic Classic — UPDATED AND EXPANDED!

    For 2,000 years, Catholicism-the largest religion in the world and in the United States-has shaped global history on a scale unequaled by any other institution.

    Triumph offers an accessible, affirmative, and exciting entry into that history. Inside, you’ll discover the spectacular story of the Church from Biblical times and the early days of St. Peter-the first pope-to Pope John Paul the Great (already a saint), Pope Benedict XVI (a master theologian), and the controversies surrounding Pope Francis.

    It is a sweeping drama of Roman legions, great crusades, epic battles, toppled empires, heroic saints, and enduring faith, as well as Dark Age skullduggery, the Inquisition, the Renaissance popes, and the Protestant Revolt.

    A classic for twenty years — now updated and expanded — Triumph is a brawling, colorful history full of inspiring pageantry and spirited polemic that will exhilarate, amuse, and infuriate as it extols the power and the glory the Catholic Church and the gripping stories of some of its greatest men and women.

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  • Alex Blows His Top


    Alex has had a terrible day, with one thing after another going wrong. By the time he gets home from school, he is hungry and irritable, and he loses his temper with his little sister.

    In Alex Blows His Top, children will learn how to handle the tricky emotion of anger with the help of their Catholic Faith!

    Find more to help your children or students identify and manage the emotions they are feeling in the companion books Jane’s Dismal Day and Andrew Is Up All Night. Written by a Catholic school counselor, this series from OSV Kids provides a Catholic approach to emotions that integrates practical responses with spiritual guidance for handling emotions with the Lord’s help.

    By the end of each book in this series, children will learn what that particular emotion looks and feels like, and that the emotion itself is normal. Bible stories, wisdom from saints, and prayer are also included so that children can understand that even great heroes of the Bible and saints through the ages have felt the same way.

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  • Janes Dismal Day


    Jane has never been sadder. Her beloved family dog has died. Throughout the day, Jane finds nothing to smile about, nothing to laugh about. She almost feels mad at her friends who are having a good time.

    In Jane’s Dismal Day, children will learn how to handle the tricky emotion of sadness with the help of their Catholic Faith!

    Find more to help your children or students identify and manage the emotions they are feeling in the companion books Alex Blows His Top and Andrew Is Up All Night. Written by a Catholic school counselor, this series from OSV Kids provides a Catholic approach to emotions that integrates practical responses with spiritual guidance for handling emotions with the Lord’s help.

    By the end of each book in this series, children will learn what that particular emotion looks and feels like, and that the emotion itself is normal. Bible stories, wisdom from saints, and prayer are also included so that children can understand that even great heroes of the Bible and saints through the ages have felt the same way.

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  • Andrew Is Up All Night


    Andrew lies awake at night, worried about his first day of school. Moving to a new house in a new town at the beginning of summer was one thing. Starting at a new school is different. Instead of going to school in the morning, he just wants to hide in his bed with the covers over his head.

    In Andrew Is Up All Night, children will learn how to handle the tricky emotion of fear with the help of their Catholic Faith!

    Find more to help your children or students identify and manage the emotions they are feeling in the companion books Alex Blows His Top and Jane’s Dismal Day. Written by a Catholic school counselor, this series from OSV Kids provides a Catholic approach to emotions that integrates practical responses with spiritual guidance for handling emotions with the Lord’s help.

    By the end of each book in this series, children will learn what that particular emotion looks and feels like, and that the emotion itself is normal. Bible stories, wisdom from saints, and prayer are also included so that children can understand that even great heroes of the Bible and saints through the ages have felt the same way.

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  • Jesse Tree For Families


    The Jesse Tree is the family tree of Jesus Christ. Its name comes from Jesse, the father of King David, referring to the words of Isaiah: “But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom” (11:1). This prophecy refers to the coming of the Messiah from the family of King David. Over time it became tradition during Advent to review the family of Christ as a way of illustrating the story of salvation.

    The Jesse Tree for Families presents a lovely, achievable way to celebrate the liturgical season of Advent with your children. Each day focuses on a specific person from Jesus’ family tree with a meditation perfect for the whole family and a beautifully illustrated portrait, plus an ornament to hang on your family’s Jesse tree. Conversation starters and resources for parents are included, with the goal of helping your family grow in faith so that, together, you can prepare for the arrival of Christmas.

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