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Bible Studies

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  • Libros Profeticos 2 – (Spanish)


    Quienes fueron los profetas menores? Que hizo Israel para encontrar esperanza en medio de guerras, invasiones y el exilio? Cuales fueron las circunstancias en que se dio la destruccion del templo de Jerusalen asi como su reconstruccion? Como podemos orar aprovechando lo que se relata en la Escritura? Rodeado de amenazas politicas y militares, el pueblo de Israel fue a dar a alianzas peligrosas que eventualmente lo llevaron a la guerra. Sus sobrevivientes quedaron sometidos a pagar elevados impuestos, u obligados al exilio, al matrimonio con extranjeros y a otras violaciones mas. Por todo esto la fidelidad de Israel a su Dios disminuyo. Posteriormente, con la destruccion del Templo a manos de los babilonios, parecia que toda fe habia desaparecido. Este libro del Estudio Biblico llevara al lector a adentrarse en el mensaje de los Profetas Menores. Mensaje que va dirigido al pueblo de Israel que se encuentre en medio de la prueba y de la contradiccion. Al leerlo, el lector descubrira que estos profetas son llamados menores debido solamente a la brevedad de sus escritos y de ninguna manera a lo insignificante de su mensaje.

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  • Libros Historicos : Josue Jueces Ruth 1 Y 2 De Samuel 1 Y 2 De Reyes 1 Y 2 – (Sp


    This book in the Liguori Catholic Bible Study series examines the Israelites’ story from the time of Joshua leading the people into the Promised Land through the rise and fall of kings and the impact of the prophets Elijah and Elisha. The Israelites’ covenant with God and Mosaic law are recurring themes in these narratives and reflections. As readers explore these biblical books with Fr. William Anderson, they will more fully understand their own relationship to God in devotion, obedience, worship, and prayer.

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  • Epistolas Universales Y Apocal – (Spanish)


    La Iglesia primitiva crecio de manera notable. Paso, de consistir en un punado de discipulos a convertirse en toda una comunidad de seguidores que llevaro a la Iglesia a convertirse en una institucion capaz de atender a una multitud de fieles. Este volumen expone esas cartas que fueron dirigidas a la Iglesia catolica (palabra griega que significa universal). En estos textos de enfoque general, todos los cristianos del mundo se sienten aludidos. A traves de cada carta, los autores sagrados nos alientan como comunidad y nos comparten pautas para vivir como verdaderos cristianos.

    The early Church’s growth from a handful of disciples to a large community of followers forced the Church to become an institution that could cope with large numbers. In this volume, Father William A. Anderson probes several New Testament letters that were addressed to the ‘catholic,’ or universal, Church. General in nature, these letters welcomed and addressed all Christians. Through them, the writers were able to encourage whole communities and provide instruction on Christian living.

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  • Cartas De San Pablo II Y Carta – (Spanish)


    In many ways, Paul was an activist with the message to live as peaceful followers of Christ. Unfortunately, Paul had to confront others who believed he was rejecting his Jewish roots, and his message of peace caused him a great deal of suffering. Paul preaches of unity, love for Christ, moral living, and the Second Coming. He warns of false teachers, promotes vigilance in the wait for Christ, and blesses these communities throughout his letter writing, from his earliest letters, up until those he penned shortly before his death. Paul’s encouragement, his advice for faithful living, and his love for Christ speak to us today as clearly as they did for the early Christians. The Spanish-language study is a condensed series of 12 books introducing each and every book of the Bible, providing insight into the Sacred Words of antiquity, and inviting us to discover the living Word and its impact on our daily lives. With narrative, study and questions, reflections, keynotes, and prayer, your understanding of the Scripture will be deepened with the introduction to the spiritual practice of lectio divina.

    Que razones motivaron la redaccion de las cartas del Cautiverio, las cartas pastorales y la carta a los hebreos? Que incognitas e interrogantes inquietaban a las primeras iglesias? Que respuestas podemos encontrar a dichas preguntas en estas cartas? De que manera nos invita la lectio divina a orar con estos pasajes de la Escritura? Las cartas a los tesalonicenses, a Filemon, a los colosenses, a los efesios, a Timoteo, a Tito y a los hebreos nos presentan respuestas a diversas problematicas: interrogantes respecto de determinadas situaciones pastorales, diferencias relacionadas con la estructura de la Iglesia y desconocimiento del alcance y de las implicaciones del sacerdocio de Cristo. A lo largo de las cartas que se analizan en este numero podemos ver como la Iglesia iba desarrollando la comprension de si misma, de su estructura interna y de su jerarquia. En resumen, podemos encontrar mayor sentido de lo que representa nuestro fundador, Cristo sacerdote y su esposa la Iglesia.

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  • Evangelios De Mateo Y Marcos – (Spanish)


    The evangelist Matthew writes to a Jewish-Christian audience and teaches us that Christ fulfills the promises of the Old Testament. The inheritance of the Messiah belonged to the Israelite people; however, many Jews didn t recognize Jesus, which is why Gentiles made up a large portion of the early Christian converts.

    Matthew s Gospel quotes the Old Testament as it speaks of the reign of God, the promise of eternal life, and Jesus teaching of the twofold commandment to love God and neighbor. In the Gospel of Matthew, Father Bill Anderson s conversational instruction style brings Scripture to life, moving us to use God s Word in prayer through the spiritual discipline of lectio divina.

    Mark s Gospel was the earliest of the four gospels to be written, having significant impact on the Church and later writers. In this book you ll read how Jesus prepared for his public ministry and how he revealed the Mystery of God s reign in his words and in his life. The Gospel of Mark introduces you to Mark s thoughts and his audience so that, in the end, you ll become a witness to who Jesus is. And as you practice the ancient art of lectio divina, you ll and yourself not just knowing about Jesus, but coming to know him as the Lord.

    This title is an adaptation from the critically acclaimed Liguori Catholic Bible Study. The study is a condensed series of 12 books introducing each and every book of the Bible, providing insight into the Sacred Words of antiquity, and inviting us to discover the living Word and its impact on our daily lives. With narrative, study and questions, reflections, keynotes, and prayer, your understanding of the Scripture will be deepened with the introduction to the spiritual practice of lectio divina.

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