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Showing 51–100 of 125 results

  • Christus Vivit : To Young People And To The Entire People Of God


    To young Christians of the world, Pope Francis has a message for you: “Christ is alive, and he wants you to be alive!”

    In his fourth apostolic exhortation, Christus Vivit, Pope Francis encapsulates the work of the 2018 synod of bishops on “Young People, The Faith, and Vocational Discernment.”

    Pope Francis has always had a special relationship with young people, and in his fatherly love for you he shows that:
    *You can relate to young people in Scripture who made a difference
    *You identify with the Christ who is always young
    *You face difficult issues in the world today
    *You yearn for the truth of the Gospel
    *You are capable of amazing things when you respond to the Gospel
    *You learn and grow with help from the faithful of all generations
    *You need bold and creative youth ministry
    *You can discover who God made you to be
    *You are urged to pray for discernment

    Christus Vivit is written for and to young people, but Pope Francis also wrote it for the entire Church, because, as he says, reflecting on our young people inspires us all.

    “May the Holy Spirit urge you on as you run this race. The Church needs your momentum, your intuitions, your faith. We need them! And when you arrive where we have not yet reached, have the patience to wait for us.”

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  • Universal Brother : Charles De Foucauld Speaks To Us Today


    Rather than relying too heavily on Charles de Foucauld’s spiritual writings, little sister Kathleen draws on fresh material taken from his correspondence and diaries to set out his legacy for those who live in the deserts of the modern world, reminding us that at the heart of the Christian adventure is friendship with Jesus of Nazareth. Anchoring his spiritual life in the home of Nazareth, Charles discovered that being Jesus’s little brother meant becoming a brother to the least and the most forsaken, a universal brother. It is what led him to settle on one of humanity’s fault lines in the Algerian Sahara during the French colonial era in order to “cry the Gospel with his life.” All of his plans seemed doomed to failure, be it that of forming a community of little brothers or of drawing the Tuareg people closer to the Gospel. His death at the hands of Islamic extremists has obvious contemporary overtones, and yet, he leaves in the heart of his disciple the conviction that it is not a question of success but of abandonment into the hands of a loving Father who grounds our identity as brother or sister deeper than any of our divisions.

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  • Church : What Is It Who Is It


    In our contemporary world, many people ask, “What purpose does the Church serve? What does it do?” Chiara responds with a concept that is emerging more and more also in ecumenism, namely, that the Church has the task, within humanity, of being a catalyst for unity. And it can be this because it draws its life from God who is Love.

    In her way of viewing the Church and in her efforts to “be” the Church, through her charism of unity Chiara Lubich offers important ideas for living in this era of change. From the very beginning of her spiritual adventure, her approach was anything but passive. She encouraged an approach to Church that spoke of sharing in its life and generating it into life. She never considered it an institution outside or above the people.

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  • Contemplating Christ : The Gospels And The Interior Life


    The incarnation has made mystics of us all. What if we read the gospels as if that were true? In his book Contemplating Christ,Vincent Pizzuto offers an exploration of the interior life for modern contemplatives that is as beautiful as it is compelling. With an emphasis on the gospels and Christian mystical tradition, his book explores ancient themes in new and surprising ways. Drawing on his rich experience as an academic and priest, Pizzuto gradually unfolds the Christian mystery of deification to which the whole of biblical revelation and the Christian contemplative life are ordered: through the incarnation, we have all been made “other Christs” in the world.

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  • Dashed Hopes : When Our Best Laid Plans Fall Apart – Seasons Of Our Lives


    Where do we turn when our hopes are dashed, when we look at best-laid plans and see only shattered dreams? With fresh perspectives on Jeremiah’s plans for “a future of hope,” Jesus’ agony in the garden, and Isaiah’s promise of “a way in the wilderness,” Laura Kelly Fanucci offers hope for those wondering what comes next when life feels broken.

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  • Way Of Discipleship


    Vatican II’s famous declaration that “the church on earth is by its very nature missionary” has often been taken out of context and used to support all manner of church initiatives. But, the conclusion of the statement-“since . . . it has its origin in the mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit”-is of monumental importance.

    In The Way of Discipleship, theologian Anthony Gittins describes the eternal mission of the Trinity, historically brought “down to earth” in the ministry of Jesus, and then continued to the ends of the earth by those called and sent as disciples throughout future generations. Gittins explains that Christian discipleship must be the living out of Jesus’ own example in many different times and places. He encourages people of all ages to follow the invitation of Jesus to be missionary disciples.

    The Way of Discipleship explores several New Testament examples of Jesus’ call and commissioning, distills the principles involved, and then recontextualizes the stories so that they pose a direct challenge to disciples today. In this way, Gittins builds up a picture both of “the Way” of Jesus himself, and of the way in which today’s disciples can loyally follow his call to mission.

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  • Way Of Imperfection


    Foreword By Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix,
    Foreword By Reverend Jaroslaw Zaniewski
    Introduction-Saints And The Humble Of Heart

    Part 1-To Decend Into The Heart Of One’s Own Poverty
    1-The Path Of Strength
    2-The Way Of Weakness
    3-The Way Of The Spirit

    Part 2-Holiness Surges From The Depths
    4-To Pray From The Bottom Of The Ladder
    5-In Our Empty Hands
    6-Witnesses Of God’s Poverty
    7-Priests Poor Of Heart For The Holiness Of The Poor
    8-The Little Way For The Imperfect

    Conclusion-It Is A Career Toward The Bottom

    Additional Info
    Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix, describes as follows: “Instead of striving for perfection by our own means and through our willpower, the author introduces us to the way of imperfection; to descend into the heart of one’s own poverty to discover God’s unconditional love and mercy. God does not love us because we are good, but because He is good”

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  • 33 Days To Merciful Love


    The stirring sequel to Father Michael Gaitley’s 33 Days to Morning Glory — published just in time for the Jubilee Year of Mercy!

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  • 40 Days Of Decrease


    “What are you giving up for Lent?” we are asked. Our minds begin to whirl: Chocolate? Designer coffee? Social media? Forty days later, some feel disappointed in their efforts (it was a limited-time blend . . . ), some feel surprised by their success (didn’t even miss it . . . ), but perhaps precious few feel spiritually renewed.

    Can such fasts alone truly prepare us to celebrate Easter? Or any other chosen time of reflection during the year?

    Or could it be that before we can be duly awed by resurrection, we need to daily honor crucifixion?

    40 Days of Decrease emphasizes a different type of fast. What if you or your church fasted comparison? What if your family fasted accumulation? What if your office fasted gossip?

    40 Days of Decrease guides readers through a study of Jesus’ uncommon and uncomfortable call to abandon the world’s illusions, embrace His kingdom’s reality, and journey cross-ward and beyond.

    Each daily, 1000-word entry will include:
    *a devotional based on Jesus’ cross-ward life;
    *a reflection question to guide journaling or group discussion;
    *a fast to inspire a tangible response;
    *a thought-provoking Lenten quote;
    *a sidebar into the historical development of Lent.

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  • Vices And Virtues


    Behind every virtue is a vice. Likewise, behind every vice is a virtue that, when developed and strengthened, can overcome the vice, writes Fr. Ortega, an authority in moral behavior. In Vices and Virtues, he reveals how to leverage faults and weaknesses to forge virtues. In this three-part how-to guide, readers will get to know themselves with honesty, learn to accept themselves and their faults in humility, and begin to improve their lives by cultivating virtues. It might seem like an impossible task, but you’ll have help and motivation from the highest source. Developing virtue can help you achieve balance in your life and holiness.

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  • From Fear To Faith


    What if I fail this test? What if I lose my job? What if I’m not good enough to go to heaven? For anyone who has ever felt weighed down with worry, Gary Zimak lights the path to freedom.

    Even though the Bible tells us to “be not afraid” but it’s next to impossible to follow that advice when faced with the big – and small – “what-ifs” of life. Chronic worrier Gary Zimak is no stranger to fear and anxiety, and in From Fear to Faith he shares his process for overcoming common and wearying fears and embracing the calm strength of faith through his 5-P method. As Gary says writes, by doing what we can and letting God take it from there, we can start feeling less anxious and more at more at peace today!

    Through biblical examples, prayers, and personal stories, Gary Zimak will help you start the journey from fear to faith as soon as you’re ready. From what to pack to who needs to join you on the ride Gary ensures you’re prepared for whatever anxiety-inducing situations meet you on your journey.

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  • Cloud Of Unknowing


    The Cloud of Unknowing is a fourteenth-century work of Christian mysticism that explores contemplative prayer and serves as a spiritual guide to those looking to explore these aspects of their faith. The text’s unknown author has provided insight into the mystical life that has served as an inspiration to many, including the modern Centering Prayer Movement. The Cloud directs the reader to know God better not through knowledge but through a contemplation driven by love and devoid of wordly thoughts and desires.In this modern translation Fr. Dennis Billy brings The Cloud into language easily accessible to the modern Christian and includes background information and his own reflections to assist the reader in contemplation. In a world where we have all the knowledge we could want at our fingertips, it is hard to sit back and contemplate on faith and love alone, but it is only through silence and love-driven contemplation that we can truly know God. The Cloud serves as a guide to lead us there.

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  • 1st Steps Discipleship Training


    The First Steps of Your Discipleship Journey . . . Are More Important than You Think! Are you seeking a strong spiritual walk? If you are willing to do some training, this course can get you there! Replicating Jesus’s exciting vision, First Steps teaches six key practices to establish your faith and empower your mission! Come journey alongside others to gain a stride that will bless you for the rest of your life! First Steps Skill Set: Develop a method for getting the most from your Bible Adopt the simple pattern of conversational prayer Experience the life-changing power of confessional abiding Take steps into deeper relationships and service Learn skills to touch your world with the love and message of Christ!

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  • Wallking The Disciples Path


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594713682ISBN10: 1594713685Linda RooneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2013Publisher: Ave Maria Press

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  • Forming Intentional Disciples


    How can we transmit a living, personal Catholic faith to future generations? By coming to know Jesus Christ, and following him as his disciples.

    These are times of immense challenge and immense opportunity for the Catholic Church.

    Consider these statistics for the United States.

    *Only 30 percent of Americans who were raised Catholic are still practicing.
    *Fully 10 percent of all adults in America are ex-Catholics.
    *The number of marriages celebrated in the Church decreased dramatically, by nearly 60 percent, between 1972 and 2010.
    *Only 60 percent of Catholics believe in a personal God.

    If the Church is to reverse these trends, the evangelizers must first be evangelized-in other words, Catholics-in-the-pew must make a conscious choice to know and follow Jesus before they can draw others to him. This work of discipleship lies at the heart of Forming Intentional Disciples, a book designed to help Church leaders, parish staff and all Catholics transform parish life from within. Drawing upon her fifteen years of experience with the Catherine of Siena Institute, Sherry Weddell leads readers through steps that will help Catholics enter more deeply into a relationship with God and the river of apostolic creativity, charisms, and vocation that flow from that relationship for the sake of the Church and the world.

    Learn about the five thresholds of postmodern conversion, how to open a conversation about faith and belief, how to ask thought-provoking questions and establish an atmosphere of trust, when to tell the Great Story of Jesus, how to help someone respond to God’s call to intentional discipleship, and much more.

    And be prepared for conversion because when life at the parish level changes, the life of the whole Church will change.

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  • Worriers Guide To The Bible


    Do you worry about ideas, moments and situations incessantly? When you listen to Scripture, do you wonder if it is truly possible not to worry?

    Gary Zimak writes that “anxiety can be a blessing.” If you are wondering what he means by this, then this is the book for you. In times of confusion, despair, doubt, fear, persecution, sickness, and troubles consider what the Word of God says. Zimak brings Scripture to life in A Worrier’s Guide to the Bible: 50 Verses to Ease Anxieties. So “pray, hope, and don’t worry” (Padre Pio), for we are a “people of hope.”

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  • 33 Days To Morning Glory


    From Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, author of the bestselling book Consoling the Heart of Jesus, comes an extraordinary 33-day journey to Marian consecration with four giants of Marian spirituality: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Bl. Pope John Paul II. Fr. Michael masterfully summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp and simple enough to put into practice. More specifically, he weaves their thought into a user-friendly, do-it-yourself retreat that will bless even the busiest of people. So, if you’ve been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you are simply looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, 33 Days to Morning Glory is the right book to read and the perfect retreat to make.

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Therese Of Lisieux


    A Carmelite nun who joined the convent at the young age of fifteen, Saint Therese of Lisieux lived a cloistered life of obscurity. Though she preferred hidden sacrifice during her short life, her words, her legacy, and her ‘little way’ have made her one of the more popular saints of today.

    Therese’s road was one of suffering, spiritual childhood, abandonment to the benevolence of the Lord, trials of faith, periods of painful spiritual barrenness, and a life devoted entirely to love and to the Church. She felt within herself the music of holiness, and she let it resound in her heart until it made her whole life an offering of love.

    Enjoy your time with Therese of Lisieux, and be prepared to be surprised as you journey with one of the most beloved spiritual figures of our time.

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  • Gods Invitation : Meditations On A Covenant Relationship


    Offers a way to enter more deeply into relationship with God through meditations that bring the stories of the Old Testament into our lives today.

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  • Consoling The Heart Of Jesus Prayer Companion


    Prayer companion from the Do-It-Yourself Ignatian Retreat.
    Even if you’ve never heard of Consoling the Heart of Jesus, this companion guide will explain to you in a clear, step-by-step way what Consoling the Heart of Jesus is all about. You’ll find all the main ideas, prayers, and meditations compiled for easy reference.

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  • Practice Of The Presence Of God


    The original guide to “practicing the presence of God”

    “We must not grow weary of doing little things for the love of God, who looks not on the great size of the work, but on the love of it.”

    In this classic work, which has instructed and inspired millions, a humble 17th-century monk reveals the secrets of daily, moment-by-moment fellowship with God.

    “In the way of God, thoughts count very little,” writes Brother Lawrence, who spent much of his monastic life in the kitchen. “Love does it all.” Full of realistic honesty, friendliness, and simplicity, Brother Lawrence shows that it is possible to meet God amongst the pots and pans-in the ordinary, daily events of life. This edition, rendered from the original French into graceful, contemporary English, will nourish and delight all those who seek to practice the presence of God.

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  • Saving Jesus From The Church


    The marriage of bad theology and hypocritical behavior by the church has eroded our spiritual lives. Taking the best of biblical scholarship, Meyers recasts core Christian concepts in an effort to save Christianity from its obsession with personal salvation. Not a plea to try something brand new, but rather the recovery of something very old, Saving Jesus from the Church shows us what it means to follow Jesus’s teachings today.

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  • Consoling The Heart Of Jesus


    Ideal for study groups, adoration chapels, and anyone looking to rejuvenate their spiritual batteries. In the end, only one thing matters: To become a saint. After all, if we don’t reach heaven, everything else is irrelevant, isn’t it? If you’re serious about becoming holy (“saint” comes from the Latin word for “holy”), a powerful way to do this is through a 30-day Ignatian retreat. Now Br. Michael Gaitley gives beginners and those more advanced the ability to make an Ignatian retreat in our own homes in a way that is accessible, relevant and, doable! Always fresh and intriguing, he also incorporates the wisdom of such saints as Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska, and Louis de Montfort. From Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, to Faith & Family magazine, everyone has been effusive in their praise of this incredible work.

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  • Discerning The Will Of God


    Drawing from the timeless methods of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, this thoughtful meditation is enriched with examples and stories that offer practical and profound wisdom for aligning personal desires and goals with God’s will. With guidance on recognizing God’s infinite love, opening the heart to what God wants, making use of silence, the Eucharist, scripture, spiritual direction, finding clarity, and understanding discernment as part of the overall spiritual life in Christ, this discussion addresses questions asked by many Christians throughout life, such as What does God want for my life? Is it time to change jobs? and Should I marry? Focusing on major life decisions such as marriage and career, these insights can be adapted to any of life’s decisions, helping the thoughtful Christian find a spiritually inspired mission.

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  • Living The Lords Prayer


    Table Of Contents
    Preface: Guiding Spiritual Formation

    1. God As Father: Shaping A Healthy Image Of God
    2. “Our” Father: Recognizing The Family Of All Creation
    3. Who Art In Heaven: Experiencing The Extraordinary In The Ordinary
    4. Hallowed Be Thy Name: Walking In The Presence Of God
    5. Thy Kingdom Come: Promoting God?s Intention For The World
    6. Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven: Making Faith-Based Decisions
    7. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread: Becoming What We Receive
    8. Forgive Us Our Trespasses: Running Into A Father?s Open Arms
    9. As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us: Seeing With The Eyes Of Compassion
    10. Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Refusing To Dance With The Devil
    11. Deliver Us From Evil: Embracing The Cross

    Conclusion: Living The Lord?s Prayer



    Additional Info
    In this book Father Albert Haase follows the lines of the Lord’s Prayer, showing how the ideas have been understood by great people of faith, including Francis of Assisi, Martin Luther, Therese of Lisieux and others, and revealing how God can use this ancient prayer to transform your very soul and teach you to walk in the way of a true disciple of Christ.

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Saint Bernadette Of Lourdes


    Born into a humble family which fell into extreme poverty, Saint Bernadette of Lourdes was only fourteen when the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her for the first of eighteen visits near Lourdes, in southern France. A woman of faith, purity, and innocence, Saint Bernadette maintained a state of childlike innocence throughout her short life and believed that God is Love and that he never stops calling us from our sin. Although Bernadette endured the painful disease of tuberculosis of the bone, she served a faithful life as a Sister of Notre Dame until her death in 1879.

    Enjoy your time with Saint Bernadette of Lourdes and be prepared to be surprised as you journey with one of the most engaging spiritual figures of our time.

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  • Wisdom Distilled From The Daily


    Wise and enduring spiritual guidelines for everyday living — as relevant today as when The Rule was originally conceived by St. Benedict in fifth century Rome.

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  • Paradoxology : Spirtuality In A Quantum Universe


    * A quantum universe is telling us:
    * We are all connected
    * The God of one is the God of all
    * Diversity is a blessing
    * The suffering of anyone or any part of the earth is a desecration to us all
    * God’s grace runs through all creation and can heal us all

    Paradoxology encourages us to look at life through this new lens and see more than we have ever seen before. It is one of those rare books that transcends information and offers transformation.

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  • Sacramental Life : Spiritual Formation Through The Book Of Common Prayer


    Using the Book of Common Prayer, David A. deSilva explores how we are spiritually formed by the sacraments of baptism, eucharist, marriage and last rites.

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  • Conversing With God In Scripture


    With a clarity that all will welcome, Stephen Binz shows how we can read and reflect on Scripture in ways that enable us to hear God speaking to us in our hearts. Examples of the ancient practice of lectio divina using seven biblical passages are included as well as questions for reflection and discussion, making this book a useful tool for those in faith-sharing groups. Suitable both for beginners and those seasoned in prayer.

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  • Essential Sermons


    The Works of St. Augustine, A Translation for the 21st Century initiated by the late Fr. John Rotelle, OSA has made available to the English-speaking world an unprecedented number of Augustine’s works formerly available only in Latin. There has been an explosion in Augustinian scholarship throughout the last five decades. Until recently, the secondary literature tended to focus on Augustine’s major treatises: the Confessions, The Trinity, Teaching Christianity, and the City of God, the works commonly available in modern language translation. Now a plethora of lesser known works including his sermons and letters has provided new insight into this complex and talented theologian. The eleven volumes of Augustine’s popular sermons (Sermones ad populum) including the recently discovered Dolbeau sermons expertly translated by Fr. Edmund Hill (1910-1997) in clear, contemporary English showcase Augustine the brilliant speaker and engaging preacher of the Word and have proven an indispensable resource for contemporary scholarship. Peter Brown and other leading Augustine scholars have turned to the sermons as an indispensable source to nuance and reappraise their earlier positions. Hill’s translation and extensive notes have received many accolades by scholars but professors have clamored for a one volume anthology in paperback form that would be affordable to students and that could be used as required texts in teaching undergraduates, graduate students and seminarians. Fr. Doyle has undertaken that task and has carefully chosen an anthology that is representative of the bishop’s finest preaching on a wide range of subjects including God, Christ, sin, grace, conversion, martyrdom, sacraments, marriage, wealth, poverty, Christmas, Easter and living the Christian life. Students and preachers alike will discover Augustine’s masterful interpretation of the Word of God and creative skills in engaging the people of God by using the finest rhetorical skills available to his time based on the principles taught by Cicero. To engage Christians the preacher must first capture their attention (delectare) in order to teach (docere) fundamental saving truths to persuade (flectere) them to live a life of discipleship and put into practice such high ideals. Essential Sermons will include mostly whole sermons with a brief introduction but in some cases powerful excerpts from lengthy homilies that would have been impossible to incorporate in a one volume work. Fr. Doyle has written

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  • Road To Emmaus


    In an age of tourism, the great challenge is to see ourselves at a deeper level: the dimension of pilgrimage. Being a pilgrim might involve a journey to distant places associated with God-revealing events, but it has more to do with simply living day by day in a God-attentive way. Jim Forest’s book assists the reader to see one’s life as an opportunity for pilgrimage, whether in places as familiar as your living room or walking the pilgrim path to Santiago de Compostela. Drawing on the wisdom of the saints and his own wide-ranging travels, Forest leads us to a range of “thin places,” including Iona, Jerusalem, the secret annex of Anne Frank, the experience of illness, the practice of hospitality, and other places and occasions where we may find ourselves surprised by grace.

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  • 40 Days To A Closer Walk With God


    Are you trying to do it all yourself? Muyskens reminds us that what God seeks is relationship with us, a two-way communication. What relationship with God requires is very similar to what our earthly relationships require: openness, listening, focused time. One way to practice the skills needed for this relationship is centering prayer, a simple but deeply powerful prayer practice. In beautiful and accessible language, Muyskens invites us to spend time daily focusing our hearts on God, to find the power to be still and be reoriented to “the One who is the Center of all.”
    Exercises in prayer and scripture reading are provided for the 40 days.

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  • In Search Of Belief (Revised)


    Joan Chittister examines the Apostles’ Creed phrase by phrase, offering new and challenging insights, a new way of understanding its tenets. It is a moving, powerful presentation certain to make a lasting impression on readers sure of their faith as well as those experiencing doubts. This new edition includes a foreword by Tom Roberts and a new preface by the author.

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  • Praying With The Church


    Scot McKnight, best-selling author of The Jesus Creed, invites readers to get closer to the heart of Jesus’ message by discovering the ancient rhythms of daily prayer at the heart of the early church. “This is the old path of praying as Jesus prayed,” McKnight explains, “and in that path, we learn to pray along with the entire Church and not just by ourselves as individuals.” Praying with the Church is written for all Christians who desire to know more about the ancient devotional traditions of the Christian faith, and to become involved in their renaissance today. With his trademark style of getting right to the heart of theological concepts through practical, witty, and memorable examples from everyday life, Scot invites readers to explore: -How Jesus prayed -How the Psalms teach us to pray -How Orthodox Christians pray -How Roman Catholics pray -How Anglicans pray -How The Divine Hours of Phyllis Tickle teaches us to pray -And, how praying with the church is an essential part of spiritual formation.

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  • Clearing Season : Reflections For Lent


    Cities across the world celebrate the day-before with colorful parades and over-the-top parties. Then Wednesday arrives … Sigh. Lent. has. begun.

    You hear about devout friends giving up seemingly innocent things in life (like chocolate) or stressing out to live a more perfect life during six grueling weeks – for reasons you don’t completely understand. Sermons about penitence are preached, and guilt soaks the congregation.

    Sound like a good time?! It’s time to rethink Lent.

    Or at least see it for the positive opportunity it offers. It’s spring-cleaning for the soul! Lent offers you time to pause, consider, and renew your relationship with God – an altogether hopeful (not dreary) experience.

    “To arrive at newness of life, we first name parts of our lives that are shrouded in darkness,” writes Parsons. “To put it very dramatically,… your first order of business is to break your heart for God. We walk through some muck so that we can leave it behind and find Easter joy beyond…. With God’s help we will clear the darkness away and begin to experience greater joy and newness of life.”

    Sure, there’s work to be done during Lent, but it’s the gentle, gradual work of opening one’s heart and mind to grace. A Clearing Space will move you week by week from “wilderness to holy ground,” using a personal tone that will stir and challenge personal reflection.

    Parsons includes exercises for small groups, as well as questions at the end of each chapter for individual reflection. Also included is an appendix of spiritual practices for Lent you may not have considered before.

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  • Praying In The Cellar


    We all hurt in various ways–pain from childhood, unspoken fears, memories that remind us of loss–but Anthony Delisi, a Trappist chaplain, teacher, and retreat leader for nearly sixty years, shows us how to bring all of these to God as we learn to pray “in the cellar.” This engaging guide to contemplative prayer will take you through the depths of what it really means to follow Jesus’s instructions for prayer: “When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret.” Fr. Delisi encourages us to accept Jesus’ invitation to enter our interior cellar and in the darkness let our fears come to the surface. Along the way, he also shares his own experiences and reflections on his own journey toward discovering God’s deepest healing, and love. This inviting and helpful book is for all of us who have had trouble praying because memories, family, loves, concerns–life!–gets in the way.

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  • Queen Of The Cosmos (Revised)


    “The Blessed Mother has been permitted by God to come here [because] she knows what is coming in the future. She is calling all Gods children back on the path to Heaven.” Ivan Dragicevic, a visionary over twenty years ago, in the tiny mountain village of Medjugorje, Bosnia, six young people began to report seeing visions of the Virgin Mary. Since then, the beauty of Heaven and the importance of prayer, conversion, and reconciliation have been revealed to them through Marys appearances. Queen of the Cosmos provides an opportunity to hear the messages of the mother of Christ through in-depth interviews with the six visionaries of Medjugorje. Their experiences have changed the lives of thousands of people who have found truth, encouragement, and solace in the words of the Blessed Mother. This new edition includes an afterword by the author, giving an update on both the lives of the visionaries and the visions they receive.

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  • Saint Francis Prayer Book (Deluxe)


    With this guide you will pray the words that Francis taught his spiritual brothers and sisters to pray, explore Francis’s time and place and feel the joy and earnestness of the first Franciscans, and experience how it is possible to live a contemplative and active life, at the same time.

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  • Good Goats : Healing Our Image Of God


    Why is it so important to heal our image of God? It is not so we’ll know what afterlife is like. Rather, it is because we become like the God we adore. We must understand God’s love and grace first and foremost, and in turn we will be able to love other people with grace. Studies have shown that this is true in many aspects of our lives. In marriage, for example, the more a couple experiences God as a lover, the more likely they are to enjoy a wholesome, loving marriage.

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  • Come Creator Spirit


    Written particularly for the Charismatic Renewal in the English-speaking world, Come, Creator Spirit is a helpful guide for a better understanding of the Holy Spirit. In this detailed commentary on the famous hymn Veni Creator, sung at the beginning of every new year, ecumenical council, and priestly ordination, Father Raniero Cantalamessa describes the Paraclete and gives praise to its glory. Progressing through the hymn line by line, he provides insights, reflections, hymnography of Christian traditions, and testimonies of the saints. This book describes the Church’s experience of the Spirit of today, as well as the past. The biblical and theological base of the hymn opens the reader to the perspectives and inspirations in this book. Its vision of the Holy Spirit in the history of salvation emerges as the reader progresses through the reading. In the celebration of the ecumenical character of Veni Creator, this book draws from Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic traditions for all those who wish to seek a better understanding of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Way Of The Cross (Revised)


    The Way of the Cross is a glorious meditative journey in which readers are led to meet themselves through re-experiencing the Passion of Christ. Each of the 14 meditations concludes with an original prayer. This revised edition is enhanced by 14 of the author’s own powerful line drawings.

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  • Ascetic Discourses


    Written in the fifth century, during one of the most formative periods of christian monasticism in Egypt and Palestine, The Ascetic Discourses show a strong influence of the Scripture, both Old and New, and of Early monastic writers. They are marked by a faithfulness to tradition, yet equally by a note of originality distinctive to the Gaza region. Abba Isaiah has set forth a practical guide for monks, ever aware of the challanges that interpersonal relationships present within monastic communities.

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  • Clouds And Glory


    Clouds and Glory is one of a three-volume collection of prayers, scripture readings, and blessings based on the Common Worship Lectionary, used in many parts of the Anglican Communion. Written in the Celtic style for which the author is known, and linked to the Sunday readings for Year A, these prayers and intercessions may be used by congregations for the Prayers of the People, as well as by those who seek to supplement their own daily devotions.

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  • Job


    SKU (ISBN): 9781580510745ISBN10: 1580510744Daniel BerriganBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 2000Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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  • Cross And The Beatitudes


    This classic work from the pen of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen brings together Christ’s Sermon on the Mount with his Seven Last Words. From the Mount of the Beatitudes to the Hill of Calvary, Our Lord’s public ministry and statements centered on the themes of love and forgiveness, which are explored here with Archbishop Sheen’s characteristic insight and passion.

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  • Premeditated Mercy


    We normally hear the word premeditated in conjunction with murder. One has deliberated for a long time, covered every option, thought about every detail in taking another?s life. Premeditated mercy is the parallel opposite of premeditated murder. It implies a deliberate, thoughtful and willful act to give life: to forgive, to be reconciled, to live at peace with others, even those who have betrayed us, forsaken us, abandoned us, threatened us. In Premeditated Mercy Father Joe Nassal outlines a comprehensive and transformative spirituality of reconciliation. He offers a recipe for preparing a meal of mercy in the pattern of the Gospels. Jesus? challenge is clear enough: We are to reconcile with one another before bringing our gifts to the altar, for that table reflects God?s desire that we live in a holy communion with all people. Premeditated mercy suggests that in our silent prayer before the altar we ponder the breach in relationship and plot a strategy that will lead to reconciliation. Includes: 1.Revolutionary recipes for communal as well as one-on-one reconciliation 2.Scripturally sound, freshly creative ways to set the table for forgiveness and communion 3.How to find room at the table for all ? the beloved as well as the betrayer 4.How to find common ground amidst the variety of values and wounds we bring to the table 5.How we can make sacred connections within ourselves and in our relationships 6.Helps us see our shadows on Mercy Street 7.Helps us learn prayer from the crawl space 8.Helps us find our footing in the shadow of the cross Employing engaging stories from a variety of faith traditions, from real life as well as original tales, this poetic manual for becoming a minister of reconciliation brings a radically challenging spiritual work within the reach of each of us. A fresh Lenten resource for pastoral ministers, for disciples of the Preacher of the Sermon on the Mount and all who seek to live more fully the way of reconciliation.

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  • My Song Is Of Mercy


    SKU (ISBN): 9781556126062ISBN10: 1556126069Matthew KeltyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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  • God Of Ordinary People


    SKU (ISBN): 9781556121296ISBN10: 1556121296Sean CaulfieldBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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  • From Advent To Pentecost


    The author writes with warmth, with learning, with passion and with humor. The reader can enter into something of the accumulated wisdom of an Order whose members ‘have carried out the same little series of exercises since the eleventh century’. Each season has its special appeal for Carthusians – as the Conferences on Mary and on John the Baptist in the Advent and Christmas seasons show. The great Sunday Gospels of Lent – the Transfiguration, the Samaritan woman at the well, the raising of Lazarus – are expounded; the Passion of Christ is the subject of meditations that are profoundly and sometimes startlingly direct in their candour.

    Yet perhaps the most remarkable part of this unusual book the author’s capacity to speak at length and to the point about the Resurrection and the coming of the Spirit. Here, where Christian teachers and preachers have so often been either hesitant or dogmatically remote, we have someone who clearly participates in the mysteries of which he speaks. It is a priceless gift to us all.

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