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Showing 51–100 of 196 results

  • Blessing Cup : Prayer Rituals For Families And Groups


    Ritual is a powerful binding force. From the bedtime routines that toddlers insist upon to the comic routines that leave outsiders puzzled, all groups, including families, shape their identities by the rites they observe. And, in the process, they discover that something holy lies at the heart of their relationships. Franciscan Father Rock Travnikar wants families and groups to discover that holiness and to claim a deeper identity as God’s people. To aid in this discovery, he created prayer-rituals that are centered on a common cup and based on the use of Scripture and petition to help family or group members express their deepest feelings.

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  • Holy Family Prayer Book


    This simple prayer book, devoted to the Holy Family, offers traditional and original prayers dedicated to helping families today. Included in The Holy Family Prayer Book, are a variety of prayers that will help families stay spiritually grounded and ever-present in faith.

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  • Oraciones Para Enfermos – (Spanish)


    La enfermedad es posiblemente uno de los trances mas dolorosos de la vida, pero tambien uno de los mas enriquecedores: nos revela nuestra fragilidad y nos empuja a hacer de Dios nuestra fortaleza. Este folleto contiene una serie de oraciones que ayudaran al enfermo a acudir a Dios y a encontrar en -l aliento y confianza.

    Disease is possibly one of the most painful experiences of life, but also one of the most enriching: reveals our fragility and pushes us to make God our strength. This booklet contains a series of prayers that will help the patient to turn to God and find encouragement and trust in Him.

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  • Lord Of All Hear Our Prayer


    Seventy intercessory prayers for worship, and one hundred twenty meditations that are ideal for either reading aloud or for quiet reflection. Themes include: our world with its beauty and mystery; our relationships; work and recreation; our joys, sorrows, and concerns; our worship; our beliefs and questions; and special occasions that mark the passage of the year and of our lives. This is the Second Edition under the same title.The First Edition had 60 meditations. This one has 120.

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  • Eucharistic Adoration : Reflections In The Franciscan Tradition


    This book provides Catholics who pray before the Real Presence with a new and unique resource to deepen their adoration experience and do so within the Franciscan tradition. Each of 52 reflections for Eucharistic Adoration–one for each week of the year–features four parts that address the spiritual advice of St. Clare to gaze, consider, contemplate, and imitate Christ. Each reflection encourages us to:

    Gaze upon Christ, using a quote from a Franciscan source, primarily the letters of Clare of Assisi, but also the writings of St. Francis.
    Consider Christ, using a brief reflection that will inspire you to reverence the Real Presence, the Body and Blood of Christ.
    Contemplate Christ, by praying a few lines that help you go deeply into the spiritual experience of adoration.
    Imitate Christ in your daily life with a challenge to act like Christ after time spent in adoration.

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  • Prayers Before The Bell


    Never be without a prayer again! “Prayers Before the Bell” offers 48 weekly themes and over 250 original prayers by story teller and catechist, Betty Manion, to guide students throughout the school year, the liturgical calendar, and on special occasions, such testing days, athletic events, Grandparents day, and graduation. A weekly prayer service with scripture reflection and faith discussion questions is also included to support students as they grow in faith their relationship with God.

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  • Daily Prayer Rosary


    This book brings together two ancient Christian traditions: daily prayer based on the songs and psalms of the Bible, and prayer with beads. Prayer beads are used all over the world in a staggering variety of forms. Combining the rosary with the songs of the Bible offers a contemplative approach to praying scripture in a tactile way. Using psalms and canticles from Common Worship, complete prayer outlines are provided for Morning, Prayer During the Day, Evening and Night Prayer during Ordinary Time. In addition, eight outlines are given for the seasons of the Christian year: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, All Saints to Advent. Here is all you need in one volume for cultivating a habit of daily prayer with the scriptures throughout the day and throughout the year. For those familiar with the rosary and for those who have never used one before, this is an ideal devotional companion.

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  • Praying With The Jesuits


    A Jesuit priest and teacher presents a rich treasury of materials for prayer and meditation produced by a great cloud of Jesuit witnesses beginning with St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, and continuing right to the present day.

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Therese Of Lisieux


    A Carmelite nun who joined the convent at the young age of fifteen, Saint Therese of Lisieux lived a cloistered life of obscurity. Though she preferred hidden sacrifice during her short life, her words, her legacy, and her ‘little way’ have made her one of the more popular saints of today.

    Therese’s road was one of suffering, spiritual childhood, abandonment to the benevolence of the Lord, trials of faith, periods of painful spiritual barrenness, and a life devoted entirely to love and to the Church. She felt within herself the music of holiness, and she let it resound in her heart until it made her whole life an offering of love.

    Enjoy your time with Therese of Lisieux, and be prepared to be surprised as you journey with one of the most beloved spiritual figures of our time.

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  • Pause For Thought


    Fresh, new themes of reflection in the areas of prayer, Jesus, and God, by a prominent theologian and speaker.

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  • Prayer In The Digital Age


    The digital age is an age of information overload. In this noisy, technology-driven world, full of important news and urgent messages, spending silent time in prayer can seem impossible.

    In his second book, Matt Swaim brings to light the obstacles to prayer inherent in our digitally-connected culture and explores both the challenges and benefits of living a Christian life in the 21st century. Drawing on the spiritual wisdom of such masters as St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Therese of Lisieux, and Venerable Pope John Paul II, Swaim provides practical suggestions for learning how to “unplug” and incorporate prayer into one’s daily life.

    Delve into how technology truly affects our faith:
    In a culture suffering from information overload, what’s the difference between knowing facts about God and actually knowing God?
    How does our desire to be entertained interfere with knowing God as He really is, rather than just as we want to perceive Him?
    What are the distinctions between employing media and information as tools to aid evangelization and spiritual growth while avoiding a purely consumer approach to the faith?
    How can information overload deaden our ability to listen?

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  • My Golden Book Of Prayers


    This “Golden Book” simply and beautifully introduces young children to some favorite well-known prayers. With golden padded cover, gilded edges, and ribbon marker. CPSIA compliant.

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  • Finding Your Hidden Treasure


    The most important journey in life is the journey inward, to the depths of our own bing. It is a journey we are all invited to make. It takes us beyond words and images into silence. The silence allows the restless mind to become still and in the stillness we enter a new world. We return to our hearts. Here we find our true selves. We discover an ancient way of finding God that has almost become lost. Slowly, we realize that we are in union with the source of life and love itself. Our whole life changes. Our goal now is to take God’s love to others in our everyday lives.

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Saint Faustina Kowalska


    When Helen Kowalska (1905-1938) entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy as Sister Faustina, she also entered a spiritual dark night. That night ended when, transformed by this experience, she recognized Gods love for her in the sufferings of Jesus; instructed by him in a vision, she produced the Image of the Divine Mercy. These selections, taken from the diary that her spiritual director encouraged her to keep, relate her mystical experiences and convey the spirituality she drew from love for the Eucharist and reinforced through trust in the mercy of God.

    Praying with Saint Faustina will lead to the joy and comfort found only by trusting in God, seeking his mercy, and reflecting that mercy in life.

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Brother Roger Of Taiza


    Brother Roger (1915-2005) founded the ecumenical Taize Community, which continues to welcome tens of thousands of young adult pilgrims each year. The Community is familiar to the faithful of many denominations, who use Taizes meditative songs in their worship.

    Above all else Brother Roger strived not to be a spiritual master or teacher of methods of prayer and meditation but a listener. So this book presents not a program of prayer but an itinerary through the insights at the heart of Brother Rogers life of prayer and of action, telling the story of the Taize Community along the way. It allows readers to know and to pray with a figure who touched thousands of lives and helped, as Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has said, Change the whole climate of a religious culture.

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  • Climbing The Mountain


    Edith Stein admitted that there was time when she ‘consciously and deliberately lost the habit of praying’. She tells us this because she re-discovered it during the journey which brought her to Carmel. We all need to make our own spiritual way through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, with guides who help us to see the pitfalls and inspire us to persevere. The journey of prayer is one of the great adventures which we should all undertake because it leads us to the mountain which is God himself. In this book we find a sure companion for this journey, showing us how to begin to pray, exploring the many sources of prayer that we may encounter, and sharing the experience of the saints and other spiritual writers from both Eastern and Western Christianity. The great variety of prayer, meditation and mystical experience in the Christian tradition is expertly treated, as well as the many stumbling blocks and obstacles that may come our way. Christian prayer needs to be discovered, or in many cases, rediscovered – it is that mountain waiting to be climbed. It is essential for us today to realize that life is more than the frenzied bustle of activity in which all sometimes find ourselves. We must begin with the interior life … This is a fine book, drawing from many rich sources in the lives of great spiritual leaders. I commend it to those who are undertaking a serious prayer life for the first time and to those who are looking for a fresh beginning in their own lives of prayer. + John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark

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  • In The Presence


    With the ancient practice of Eucharistic Adoration being rediscovered in today’s modern parishes, In The Presence provides the perfect guide to the history, practice, and meaning of this tradition. In a series of brief, accessible, and theologically rich essays, Sr. Joan Ridley connects the private devotion of Eucharistic Adoration to eucharistic spirituality and common worship, combining traditional significance with the best in contemporary theology.

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  • Libro De Bolsillo De Oraciones – (Spanish)



    The Mass-Our Greatest Prayer
    Daily Prayers
    Morning Prayers
    Night Prayers
    Confession Prayers
    Prayers Before Communion
    Prayers After Communion
    Prayers For Every Day Of The Week
    Prayers For The Liturgical Seasons
    *Advent Season
    *Christmas Season
    *Season Of Lent
    *Easter Season
    *Ordinary Time
    Prayers To Our Blessed Mother
    Prayers From The Psalms
    Prayers From The Gospels
    Prayers From The Epistles

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    New beautiful booklets that contain the most loved Novenas, Catholic Prayers, and Essential Devotions for every Catholic in pocket book form.

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  • Reading To Live


    Lectio divina, the ancient practice of prayerful reading, is a font whose waters are waiting to quench the thirst of spiritual seekers, both beginners on the spiritual journey and experienced travelers. The art of holy reading transforms lives. Through the practice of lectio individuals and communities discover God’s living word addressed to them in their particular “now,” to enlighten, challenge, encourage, and suggest.

    Reading to Live traces the practice of lectio divina from its roots in the ascetic movement in the early church and monasticism to its rediscovery in recent times. The benefits lectio brings become clear as Origen, Augustine, Bernard, and many others throughout history testify to its power in their lives. Modern commentators from a variety of disciplines spell out lectio’s potential for the world of the twenty-first century.

    This book invites people of all faiths to embrace the venerable practice of lectio divina. It provides abundant creative testimonies to its practice and to its life-changing effects.

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  • Intimacy With God


    A poetic and accessible introduction to the method of Centering Prayer, this guide explains its origins, theological basis, and psychology by drawing on the writings of important Catholic figures, such as St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, and significant texts, such as The Cloud of Unknowing. Describing the theological basis for the Centering Prayer while staying rooted in the heart of a practice that is very personal and intimate, the study explores how harmful attitudes and beliefs about God can distort a positive relationship with the divine. With a careful balance of both Christian and Buddhist philosophy, the volume also discusses the psychological barriers and levels of resistance that contemplatives must face and bolsters seekers with supportive practices like Lectio Divina (holy reading) and praying the rosary. Updated to include a new foreword, this revised edition of a much loved classic is sure to inspire a deeply intimate experience with God.

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  • Darkness Yielding : Liturgies Prayers And Reflections For Christmas Holy We (Exp


    This rich resource of ready to use liturgies and reflections for the richest seasons of the Christian year sold out within a year. Its timeless qualities found a ready and eager readership among all looking for fresh inspiration for these annual celebrations. aaThis new edition includes extra seasonal reflections from Rowan Williams and Martyn Percy, and a new liturgy for Maundy Thursday from Jim Cotter. In addition it offers: probing reflections by outstanding thinkers to inspire preaching and personal devotion, complete liturgies for a Christmas Eve vigil, Maundy Thursday foot washing and watch, a Good Friday devotional service, an Easter Eve vigil, a dawn celebration of the Resurrection, a set of meditations on the Stations of the Cross and the Seven Words from the Cross, and seven Good Friday addresses by WH Vanstone.

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  • Prayerfulness : Awakening To The Fullness Of Life


    Blending insights from Christian contemplative practice and Buddhist mindfulness, Dr.
    Robert J. Wicks-well-known speaker, therapist, and spiritual guide-introduces what he calls “prayerfulness,” a way of being truly in the present to experience God and life in dynamic new ways. Wicks offers a rich array of insights including seven practical steps, a thirty-day retreat, and a Spiritual Mindfulness Questionnaire. This creative combination of ancient wisdom and contemporary psychology is designed to help readers develop a loving, clear, and spiritually balanced outlook.

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  • Treasures Old And New


    Praying to God is essential to Catholics. Treasures Old and New offers a way to deepen your relationship with God. With user-friendly devotions and novenas, the book gives readers a way to participate more fully in prayer.

    Treasures Old and New offers a modern approach to traditional prayers. It increases the understanding that praying is a way to thank God for your life and all His many blessings. These litanies, prayers, and novenas give readers the words to use to converse with God both internally and externally. Praying is participating and offering gratitude to God, and we are reminded that our Lord will not force a blessing upon us–receive and give thanks.

    Gratitude prepares the soul for humility, and humility makes prayer come more easily. The more we rest and work and play in prayer, the more we come to live the Word of God in thanksgiving.

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  • Mercy Minutes : Daily Gems Of Saint Faustina To Transform Your Prayer Life


    Daily Gems of St. Faustina to Transform Your Prayer Life. Arranged and introduced by Rev. George W. Kosicki, CSB.

    You’ll be inspired throughout the year with this new devotional. Each daily entry includes brief passages from the Diary of St. Faustina in key themes from her spiritual life. Start the devotional on any day and use it in any year since it follows a generic calendar year.

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Saint Bernadette Of Lourdes


    Born into a humble family which fell into extreme poverty, Saint Bernadette of Lourdes was only fourteen when the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her for the first of eighteen visits near Lourdes, in southern France. A woman of faith, purity, and innocence, Saint Bernadette maintained a state of childlike innocence throughout her short life and believed that God is Love and that he never stops calling us from our sin. Although Bernadette endured the painful disease of tuberculosis of the bone, she served a faithful life as a Sister of Notre Dame until her death in 1879.

    Enjoy your time with Saint Bernadette of Lourdes and be prepared to be surprised as you journey with one of the most engaging spiritual figures of our time.

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  • Book Of Mary


    “Of all the women in the Bible,” writes Nicola Slee, “Mary has been for me the most ambivalent, the most alien and yet, at some level, the most alluring. I’ve taken a long time to come to her-or for her to come to me. I grew up in a religious tradition-low church Methodism-in which Mary hardly featured, other than in the nativity story. Yet it is hardly possible to exist as an inhabitant of the western world, with even half an eye open to the visual and cultural heritage of Christendom, and not to have been in some way affected by this woman, the woman of the Christian tradition.”

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  • 10 Prayers God Always Says Yes To


    There have been thousands of books written about prayer and millions of sermons preached about it, yet people continue to wonder: Why doesn’t God answer me when I cry out to him? In light of all the problems we face in life, we want to know why God is often so “silent” when we pray to him. Anthony DeStefano, author of the bestselling A Travel Guide to Heaven, knew there had to be an answer to this mystery, so he set out on a quest to find prayers that God says yes to all the time. The result is an extraordinary new book that has the ability to dramatically change the lives of readers of all faiths.

    Each short, powerful prayer in Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To addresses a particular problem people commonly face in life-from accepting the existence of God to trying to make ends meet; from getting through terrible suffering to coping with everyday stress; from overcoming fear to finding your God-given destiny. Presented with a certainty and vigor that are sure to pique the interest of even those who are not spiritually inclined, these prayers will help readers find solutions to life’s most difficult situations and provide meaningful and inspiring answers to the vexing questions we have about the purpose of our time on earth.
    In a world awash with superficial self-help books and deceptive gimmicks, Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes To is the real thing. Using hundreds of scriptural references to support his claims, DeStefano writes in a simple, straightforward, and uplifting manner that makes the most profound theological matters understandable to all. In the words of the author, “This is a spiritual treasure chest that is available to everyone….This book is about prayers that work-really, truly work.”

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  • 30 Favorite Novenas


    Short novena prayers to Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Anne, St. Michael, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Gerard, St. Rita, St. Therese, Holy Angels, Poor Souls, etc.

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  • Prayers And Heavenly Promises



    1. Morning
    2. Night Prayers
    3. Mass And Holy Communion
    4. The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
    5. The Blessed Virgin Mary
    6. The Infant Jesus
    7. The Passion Of Our Lord
    8. The Precious Blood
    9. Love Of God
    10. Prayers Of Reparation
    11. The Divine Mercy
    12. The Holy Rosary
    13. The- Fatima Prayers
    14. The Angels
    15. The Poor Souls In Purgatory
    16. Various Efficacious Prayers
    17. Familiar Catholic Prayers
    18. Appendix

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    A KEY TO obtaining many rich graces and blessings, Prayer and Heavenly Promises is a unique little prayer book that contains a treasury of powerful prayers and devotions, along with many wonderful promises made by Our Lord or the Blessed Mother.

    This little prayer book contains devotions to the Blessed Mother, the Infant Jesus, the Precious Blood, the Holy Face, the Sacred Heart, the Divine Mercy, Our Lady of Fatima and St. Michael, plus devotions for the souls in Purgatory and much more.

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  • Prayer : The Great Means Of Grace (Reprinted)


    Based on Scripture and the lives and words of the Saints, this booklet shows the great power of our seemingly lowly prayers of petition especially the Our Father and Hail Mary. According to the great St. Alphonsus Liguori, the choice bewteen going to Heaven or to Hell depends on whether or not we pray!

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  • Favorite Prayers To Saint Joseph (Reprinted)


    St. Joseph obtains favors of any kind, but particularly in family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, work, housing and a happy death. He is the universal patron—whatever our petition is, you can pray to St. Joseph with confidence. He was the foster father of Jesus Christ on earth, and Jesus still obeys his requests in heaven! God chose St. Joseph over all other men to represent the fatherhood of God Himself in the Holy Family. This book contains all the famous prayers: Novena for a Special Favor, Litany, 30 Days’ Prayer, Memorare, for Purity, Conversion, a Happy Death, etc. Priced for wide distribution!

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  • 10 Evenings With God


    Sometimes the gift of free will does not seem like God has done us a favor. God has given us free will, but what is God’s will in our lives? To seek God’s will, we must get to know God. This book helps us to explore the will of God not as an end in itself, but as the path to freedom; not the freedom of autonomy, but the freedom of love.

    The author takes the reader on a lovely journey through ten evenings with God and examines prayer as a relationship with God, the importance of solitude for listening to God, and the use of the senses in discerning God’s presence in our lives. Each of the ten chapters deals with a different way to see God’s will, including understanding that God’s love is the foundation for His will. Each chapter ends with guiding questions designed to help readers reflect upon their relationship with God.

    Everyone must make hard choices in life, and sometimes it is difficult to understand God’s will when making life-changing decisions. This book reinforces the simple fact that God is love and out of this love flows all of life.

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  • Book Of Common Prayer Personal Edition


    The perfect style for a wide variety of uses, such as pew book or special gift, the Personal Edition includes a Family Record section with certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. All bindings feature ribbon markers and gilded page edges. Includes Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • Meditation And Contemplation


    The cornerstones of Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual practice-meditation and contemplation-are clearly explained in this simple guide to the Ignatian method with examples from the experience of practitioners and quotations from Catholic spiritual teachers. In the process, the deeper structure of the spiritual practice is illuminated, and advice about adapting it to individual needs is offered. Topics include methods of praying, struggles and growth, and the importance and role of grace. Individuals who desire to pray with scripture, spiritual directors, and all who teach prayer with scripture will benefit from the counsel in this resource.

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  • Pray The Rosary


    This new and expanded version of the ever-popular PRAY THE ROSARY provides the traditional shorter devotion as well as a longer devotion, which includes Scriptural texts that give a fuller context within which to pray the Mysteries of our Blessed Mother and her Son. The Additional or Alternative Text for each Mystery is a deeper reminder of what is being celebrated. Illustrated.

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  • Saint Therese Of Lisieux Prayer Book


    Her Childhood Devotion And Family Life
    Prayer In The Carmelite Convent
    Mental Prayer
    Loving Jesus
    Morning And Evening Prayer (AN INTRODUCTION)
    Themes For Seven Days Of Prayer

    Additional Info
    The wisdom of St. Therese of Lisieux–for all who want to pray

    How did this saint’s precious–even precocious–childhood devotion to God develop into such wisdom? Therese Martin entered a Carmelite convent at age 15 and died of tuberculosis at age 24. In that short time, her “little flower” of a life came into vibrant, spiritual bloom.

    Millions of people know and adore St. Therese–the world’s most popular saint during the first half of the 20th century–from her autobiography, The Story of a Soul, an international bestseller.

    This warm, wise little book will help you to discover firsthand how to receive God’s presence and love. You will:

    Walk with Therese through days of humility, suffering, beauty, and spiritual sensitivity.

    Discover how, through prayer and growing faith, you too can follow your own Little Way to authentic Christian experience.

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  • Christ Within Me


    From the rich tradition of the Anglo-Saxon Church of the sixth, seventh, and eighth centuries, Benedicta Ward has selected prayers and passages for meditation from both Latin and Anglo-Saxon sources. The mixture of Latin and Celtic Christian cultures, distilled and appropriated by the Germanic Anglo-Saxons, produced a distinctive English spiritual tradition which embraced kings and princesses, abbesses and monks, cowherds and poets, soldiers and beggars, and birds and animals. ‘It is possible through these passages to walk with these men and women as friends and see how their lives became filled with the life of Christ, in pain and desolation as well as in wonder, love, and praise.’

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  • Gentle Keeping : Prayers And Services For Remembering Departed Loved Ones T


    At last a book of simple prayers and prayer services for those who mourn that is intended for use at the dining room table or on the living room couch. Author and bereavement ministry leader Mauryeen O’Brien offers grieving loved ones words for remembering those who have died. Designed for use in the home with family and friends, Gentle Keeping offers comfort for the grieving and gentle guidance on leading prayer. With prayers for particular people and special occasions, these twenty-eight simple prayers and twenty-five prayer services sustain those who mourn through the ordinary and not-so-ordinary days of the year.

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  • Praying Our Experiences (Expanded)


    Table Of Contents
    Introduction: To Know Ourselves As God Knows Us
    1. Beginning To Pray Our Experiences: Notions Of Prayer
    2. Self-Knowledge: Giftedness And Brokenness
    3. Introspection: Narcissism And The Limited Ego
    4. Healing The Past: Naming, Accepting, And Forgiving
    5. Writing: Discovery And Dialogue
    6. Sacred Scripture: Biblical Events And Personal History
    7. Incarnational Prayer: Praying From Our Humanness
    8. Ministry: Good Works, Love, And Ambiguity
    9. Faith: Incarnation And Truth
    10. Our Best Prayer

    Additional Info
    God wants us to share our lives and our hearts with him. In this updated and expanded edition of a spiritual classic, Christian Brother Joseph Schmidt gently leads us to recognize than honest reflection before God on the ordinary experiences of our lives is the very means of our spiritual growth. As we speak to God about our personal story, we can explore the significance of our unrest, our joys, our fears, and our hopes. Then the Holy Spirit will lead us to self-knowledge and the freedom to accept and appreciate ourselves and our lives as they are. This book goes beyond any specific way of praying to the very heart of prayer: intimacy with God.

    Valuable for any Christian, no matter where they are in their faith journey.
    Helps readers view distractions in prayer as opportunities to draw closer to God.
    Makes a thoughtful gift.

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  • Ignatian Introduction To Prayer


    This is a book for those who desire to pray with Sacred Scripture. Following the spiritual itinerary of the Spiritual Exercises by Ignatius of Loyola, forty reflections offer a great resource for those beginning to pray with Scripture. They provide accompaniment in the first, tentative steps of such blessed prayer. For those who already practice prayer with Scripture, and who seek new depth in that prayer, these emotionally rich reflections can provide an opportunity for such growth. They are also useful for spiritual directors, retreat directors, small groups in parishes, and in the home.

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  • Book Of Common Prayer Personal Edition


    The perfect style for a wide variety of uses, such as pew book or special gift, the Personal Edition includes a Family Record section with certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. All bindings feature ribbon markers and gilded page edges. Includes Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • Book Of Common Prayer 1979 Gift Edition


    This gift edition of The Book of Common Prayer by Oxford University Press features a durable imitation leather cover, stained page edges, a ribbon marker, presentation page, and baptismal, confirmation and marriage certificates. It also includes the Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • Silence Solitude Simplicity


    “We all need God,” Sister Jeremy says in her first sentence, and readers of all sorts will find here a warm and practical address to that need. The monastic way is not forsaking the world, but for the sake of the world, and Sister Jeremy’s Benedictine wisdom is fundamental human wisdom. Her book is the fruit of decades of practice, and the spiritual journey she recounts is nobody’s but hers-which makes it, paradoxically, something from which everyone can learn. “I did” is much more effective teaching than “one might” or “you should.”

    There is nothing musty, cobwebbed, or nostalgic in these pages. Sister Jeremy, in her late 80s, is totally alert to the world around her and within us. She is allergic to sentimentality. Because she has spent so much time in silence-she lived as a hermit for 20 years-she is especially attentive to words and how like a chameleon they can be. Her antennae are sensitive to anything phony. Every sentence glows with her graceful and witty and hospitable spirit. She is an inspired teacher, a trustworthy guide, one of God’s great ones. She shows how a monastic is not on a pedestal or behind a wall, but right in the thick of things with all of us.

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  • Praying Throughout The Day


    Combating their distorted sense of time and space, anyone with addictions will find comfort in this hourly structure that nourishes them from the start of the day, through their working hours, and into the safety and peace of nighttime. Praying Throughout the Day uses the format of the Church’s Liturgy of the Hours as a framework for people with adductions to pray their way through each day, hour by hour. Guided by Scripture and the saints, readers will become immersed in salvation history and empowered to move from one struggle to the next.
    This book combines the best wisdom of spiritual formation, i.e., regularity in prayer, with modern methods of addiction recovery, and will appeal to those with addictions of all kinds. In addition to those with addictions or in self-help programs, this book will be most useful to counselors, retreat directors, pastoral ministers, chaplains, and all healing professionals.

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  • 40 Days To A Closer Walk With God


    Are you trying to do it all yourself? Muyskens reminds us that what God seeks is relationship with us, a two-way communication. What relationship with God requires is very similar to what our earthly relationships require: openness, listening, focused time. One way to practice the skills needed for this relationship is centering prayer, a simple but deeply powerful prayer practice. In beautiful and accessible language, Muyskens invites us to spend time daily focusing our hearts on God, to find the power to be still and be reoriented to “the One who is the Center of all.”
    Exercises in prayer and scripture reading are provided for the 40 days.

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  • Bread Of Heaven


    An Ave Maria Press Title

    Part Carmelite history and part anthology of Eucharistic prayers and meditations, Bread of Heaven is an ideal prayer resource for the growing number of Catholics drawn to Carmelite spirituality and dedicated to Eucharistic devotions. Penny Hickey, O.C.D.S., gathered together choice selections from twenty-four Carmelite saints and writers, introducing each one with a brief biography. Voices from the long, rich Carmelite tradition–from Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross to Edith Stein and Jessica Powers–proclaim their profound love and adoration of the Eucharist.

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  • Francis And The San Damiano Cross


    Susan Saint Sing, a former resident of Assisi and follower of Francis, takes the reader on a journey to the place where Francis prayed before the San Damiano Cross. Not only does she recall her own personal journey to Assisi, she recounts the spiritual and physical transformation of Francis in his quest to “rebuild” the church – a quest that began in the small, broken-down church of San Damiano but was the catalyst for a much broader reconstruction.

    These meditations not only detail and explain the images on the cross itself, but they explain the powerful message of the cross – transformation: “It speaks to us still, beckoning us to repair our lives, our relationships, our failings – honor of Him who gave his life there on the cross in order for us to become more in the fullness of his presence, to be instruments of peace.”

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  • Praying With The Church


    Scot McKnight, best-selling author of The Jesus Creed, invites readers to get closer to the heart of Jesus’ message by discovering the ancient rhythms of daily prayer at the heart of the early church. “This is the old path of praying as Jesus prayed,” McKnight explains, “and in that path, we learn to pray along with the entire Church and not just by ourselves as individuals.” Praying with the Church is written for all Christians who desire to know more about the ancient devotional traditions of the Christian faith, and to become involved in their renaissance today. With his trademark style of getting right to the heart of theological concepts through practical, witty, and memorable examples from everyday life, Scot invites readers to explore: -How Jesus prayed -How the Psalms teach us to pray -How Orthodox Christians pray -How Roman Catholics pray -How Anglicans pray -How The Divine Hours of Phyllis Tickle teaches us to pray -And, how praying with the church is an essential part of spiritual formation.

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  • Paper Bag Prayers


    Paper Bag Prayers offers a very distinct method of prayer showing how users can pray about anything, anywhere, at anytime. It has proven to be a successful method of teaching prayer in elementary classrooms, but is equally appealing to busy adults needing to take time to pray. Paper Bag Prayers invites users to focus on one small thing and be surprised at how any object can lead to a mini-meditation or a brief conversation with God.

    Teachers and busy mothers will love using this quick and easy method of prayer. Praying Paper Bag Prayers can become a favorite way to pray for everyone!

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  • From Ash To Fire (Reprinted)


    This excellent introduction to one of the most important spiritual classics of the Christian tradition is now reprinted in a new edition by popular demand. Full of solid insight, keen intuition and wise counsel for the spiritual journey, the book situates St Teresa’s work in the context of the Carmelite tradition and of a contemporary understanding of holistic spirituality. One chapter is devoted to each of the seven spiritual mansions of The Interior Castle. From Ash to Fire is particuarly useful for those who are at the beginning of the spiritual journey, but has many valuable insights for all readers. Carolyn Humphreys uses easy to follow, lay person’s language to describe each spiritual stage, relating it to the corresponding human dimension. You may recognize yourself in many of her vivid examples that relate to everyday experiences. She delicately brings to light that ‘authentic humanness comes through a person who is dependent on God and interdependent on others, ‘ and thus guides you along the way with sound advice. Carolyn Humphreys is a registered occupational therapist and a Secular Discalced Carmelite.

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