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Showing 1001–1050 of 2559 results

  • Point : The Redemption Of Oban Ironbout


    Port Estillyen Productions
    SEARCHING for peace and inspiration, Hollie and Goodwin Macbreeze travel to the Isle of Estillyen-a distant harbor known for bringing ancient words of worth to the present. Their lives become unexpectedly and inseparably intertwined with the reclusive Oban Ironbout-and a mystery from the past that will transform them all. It is a tale of pain…and redemption. “In his breakout novel of spiritual revelation, William E. Jefferson invites readers on a journey of discovery where ‘joy and meaning break through pain.’ The author’s writing is skilled, poetic, and reminiscent of the classical period. This is a book to savor, not to gulp.

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  • Destiny : An Historical Romance


    Destiny is an historical romance inspired by real events in the lives of the Frankish king Clotaire and his great love, Radegund. Set in the 6th century A.D., the author transforms Radegund, who, in real life became a nun and was then sanctified as a saint, into the fiery, sensual Deirdre who wrestles, as did Radegund herself, with her destiny: would she marry Clotaire, the man she has reason to hate, and be queen of the Franks? Or would she follow her spiritual yearnings and become a cloistered nun? Or is there another man in her life, the one she has recurring dreams about? Ironically, it is Clotaire’s mistress, a lowly field serf and whore, who clarifies Deirdre’s destiny when she reveals the truth behind the mysteries of Deirdre’s past. Felice is a powerful figure and Clotaire himself falls in love with her despite her low station and paganism, and he gives Felice herself a destiny she could never have imagined, but one which takes away from her what she most desires. The character of Clotaire is perhaps unique in romantic fiction: a man of great power, yet kindly when so moved, playful and humorous. As one of his old servants says of him,”He was always such a rascal.” Other characters add color and depth to this delightful and exciting novel set in an age when kings held sway and, with Christianity newly emerging, where the old world was falling away.

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  • Strange Gods : Unmasking The Idols In Everday Life


    Elizabeth Scalias Strange Gods offers readers a surprising look at the ways in which modern people still commit the sin of idolatry in their everyday lives. While literal golden calves no longer dot the landscape, Scalia shows readers that idolatry is alive and kicking, causing havoc and unhappiness. Scalia describes how legitimate loves become obsessively twisted into idols: spiritually deforming hate is very often conceived in love. We love our country; we love our community; we love our church; we love our traditions; we love our perception of ourselves; we love life; we love babies. Because we love these things, we are willing to engage in activities that support them. But sometimes . . . we become fully-enthralled activists, with our perspectives so narrowed that there leaves little room for give-and-take, or dialogue. Our blinders cut off our peripheral vision until mercy becomes invisible; there is only room for battle. Identifying idolatry in a number of everyday experiencesfriendships that become needy or possessive, commitments political and religious that grow so intense they lead to hatred of others, to name a fewScalia points to the incarnation of Christ and authentic worship of him as a way out of idolatry and into peace, happiness, and love.

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  • Celebrating The Rites Of Initiation


    Celebrating Series Celebrating the Rites of Initiation continues the standard of scholarship set by Patrick Malloy’s Celebrating the Eucharist, and offers similar aids around issues of baptism and confirmation. It is an ideal book for students and practicing clergy who seek to strengthen their knowledge-and parochial practice-of baptismal theology.

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  • Augustine Day By Day


    Minute meditations for every day of the year, taken from the writings of Saint Augustine. Each day concludes with a prayer from the Saints. Illustrated and printed in two colors. Includes ribbon marker.

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  • Liturgy Explained : New Edition (Revised)


    This completely new work replaces the best-selling but woefully outdated Morehouse classic by the same name. This fresh work explains the liturgy in all its aspects for the uninitiated and is written by a respected liturgics scholar in the Episcopal Church.

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  • Under The Mantle


    Now Available! From the bestselling author of No Turning Back Finally – the long-awaited book from Marian Press! Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, deftly shares his personal insights on topics including Divine Mercy, the Eucharist, the papacy, the Church, confession, prayer, the cross, masculinity, and femininity. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the central thread weaving a tapestry throughout with quotes about Our Lady from saints, blessed, and popes.

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  • Feasting On The Word Worship Companion Year C 2


    Based on the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL), Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year C, Volume 2 is an invaluable aid that provides liturgical pieces needed in preparing for worship each week. Written and compiled by a team of eleven ecumenical and seasoned liturgy writers under the creative leadership of Kimberly Bracken Long, this resource offers a multitude of poetic prayers and responsive readings for all parts of worship and is meant to complement existing denominational resources. In addition, the weekly entries include questions for reflection and household prayers for morning and evening that are drawn from the lectionary, allowing churches to include them in their bulletin for parishioners to use throughout the week.

    During times of the year when two different tracks of Old Testament texts are offered by the RCL, this resource offers an entire set of materials for each track. Also, a CD-ROM is included with each volume that enables planners to easily cut and paste relevant readings, prayers, and questions into worship bulletins.

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  • Smoke Of Satan In The Temple Of God


    Taking as his point of departure Pope Paul VI’s observation that seven years following the close of the Second Vatican Council conditions in the Church were such that it was as if “the Smoke of Satan has entered the Temple of God,” the author recounts how it was that the misimplementation of the council’s documents resulted in the emergence of what Henri De Lubac termed “a different Church from that of Jesus Christ,” all under the guide of updating (aggiornamento) and renewal. Pope Paul was of the mind that by 1972 the greatest need in the Church was to be defended against the adversary power of darkness, the Devil. For the Pope the unmistakable signs of the Evil One’s penetration of the Church were a vast undermining of Catholic moral teaching (particularly sexual morality), the ideological seduction of fashionable theological errors (particularly neomodernism) which spawned doctrinal uncertainty, a radical denial of God, and the watering down of and even rejection of the spirit of the Gospel.

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  • Saint Bernards Three Course Banquet


    Saint Bernard s famous work, The Steps of Humility and Pride (in Latin, De gradibus humilitatis et superbiae), is a short book consisting of a mere fifty-seven paragraphs. In it, the Abbot of Clairvaux unpacks the doctrine of the very crucial chapter 7 of Saint Benedict s sixth-century Rule for Monks, which explores the dynamic steps or degrees of both humility and pride. This chapter by Benedict could well be considered the spiritual basis of all Benedictine existence.

    In Saint Bernard s Three-Course Banquet, Dom Bernard Bonowitz makes the teaching of both Bernard and Benedict accessible to modern readers in a set of conferences originally conceived for and delivered to a group of Cistercian juniors, that is, monks and nuns who had completed their novitiate but had not yet made their solemn vows. With Dom Bernard as a guide, many more readers can be sure of drinking at the purest sources of the monastic tradition, which at that depth becomes one with the Gospel itself.

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  • Prayers Papers And Play


    Prayers, Papers, and Play: Devotions for Every College Student is a college student devotional to be used throughout the academic year and into summer holidays. The devotions focus on a variety of common student experiences: academic struggles, working while attending school, leisure activities, internships, friendships, and more.

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  • Blessed Beautiful And Bodacious


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594713705ISBN10: 1594713707Pat GohnBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2013Publisher: Ave Maria Press

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  • Roots Of Christian Mysticism


    By linking together a series of brilliantly chosen texts from the early centuries of the Church, the author lays bare the roots of the deeply mystical spirituality that has flourished among Christians throughout the ages. This book will appeal to anyone who is interested in the field of spirituality. It is a masterly contribution to Christian scholarship, and this second edition includes an extraordinarily useful Index.

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  • Like A Hammer Shattering Rock


    Renowned Catholic author Megan McKenna celebrates her 50th book with a controversial interpretation of the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John and what they mean for the Church and society today.

    In many ways, modern audiences have become so familiar with the gospels that we’ve stopped listening and integreting their wisdom into our everyday lives. Acclaimed author Megan McKenna explores the messages of the four gospels in the context of daily life when they were originally written and interprets their meaning for our modern world. While some argue for the development of new gospels for the 21st century, McKenna argues that we haven’t paid due attention to the ones we already have; in many cases, we’ve ignored sections of these teachings entirely and twisted their meaning to suit our own agendas. McKenna breaks it down, gospel by gospel, and shows us how the lessons of Jesus’s apostles continue to resonate.

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  • Imagining The Kingdom (Reprinted)


    How does worship work? How exactly does liturgical formation shape us? What are the dynamics of such transformation? In the second of James K. A. Smith’s three-volume theology of culture, the author expands and deepens the analysis of cultural liturgies and Christian worship he developed in his well-received Desiring the Kingdom. He helps us understand and appreciate the bodily basis of habit formation and how liturgical formation–both “secular” and Christian–affects our fundamental orientation to the world. Worship “works” by leveraging our bodies to transform our imagination, and it does this through stories we understand on a register that is closer to body than mind. This has critical implications for how we think about Christian formation.

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  • Treasure In The Field


    Robert Krieg’s aim in Treasure in the Field is to help readers understand better the nature of the salvation that God offers to humanity and become more conscious of it in their lives. That is, he intends not only to impart information and ideas found in Scripture, church teaching, and theology but also to illumine our own experiences.

    Krieg retrieves the Bible’s teaching on salvation and expresses it in contemporary terms. Drawing deeply from Scripture, he defines salvation as God’s gift of personal identity, of wholeness. In this perspective, God calls us not to invent ourselves but to discover ourselves as God intends us to be. Those who gradually make this discovery become grateful recipients who give themselves and their talents for the well-being of other people and creation.

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  • Thoughts Matter : Discovering The Spiritual Journey


    Cassian taught that real intimacy with God in prayer demands renouncing one’s former way of life, the thoughts belonging to that former way of life, and one’s very idea of God. In Thoughts Matter, Mary Margaret Funk focuses on the second of these: renouncing the thoughts belonging to one’s former way of life. Her eight chapters focus on different “thoughts”-food, sex, anger, dejection, acedia (profound weariness of the soul), vainglory (taking credit for good actions), and pride.

    Funk explains well how failure to control these thoughts can undermine our spiritual life, and she instructs readers on how effectively to overcome these thoughts and to focus instead on thoughts in harmony with God’s will. The result is an experience of joy, hope, and freedom from enslavement to our appetites. Readers will come away enlightened, strengthened, and inspired to delve more deeply into a life of intimacy with God.

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  • Pleading Cursing Praising


    Irene Nowell’s work would be both impressive and important if she were “only” a masterful Scripture scholar or a gifted spiritual guide or a compelling teacher. The fact that she is all three makes her an extraordinary resource for Christians today. In Pleading, Cursing, Praising, Nowell puts all of these gifts to use to offer a guide to praying with the psalms.

    Nowell maintains that the psalms teach us to tell our story, to cry out our pain, and to give praise to God. They also teach us to listen-to the voice of God, the voice of Christ, the voices of the people around us, and the voice of all creation. This book includes questions and exercises for personal reflection, brief prayers for praying along the way, and suggestions for composing one’s own psalm-prayers. It promises to enrich the spiritual life of everyone who reads it.

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  • Humility Matters : Toward Purity Of Heart


    Humility Matters makes the claims that humility is for a disciple of Jesus Christ what enlightenment is for a Buddhist, realization for a Hindu, surrender for a Muslim, and righteousness for a Jew. It is the unmistakable character of one who has accepted the vocation to undertake the spiritual journey. It is at the core of our experience of life in Christ.

    Meg Funk guides readers deeper into a life of humility by following the movement of what the early Christians called the four renunciations: to renounce our former way of life, our thoughts of our former way of life, our self-made thoughts of God, and our self-made thoughts of ourselves. With the help of the compelling examples of St. Benedict, St. Teresa of Jesus, and St. Therese of Lisieux, Funk shows the way to ongoing conversion of mind, heart, and way of life.

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  • Lectio Matters : Before The Burning Bush


    Lectio divina is a way of praying by sustained immersion into a revelatory text. While Scripture is the classic place of encounter with God, the text could also be the book of life or the book of nature.

    In Lectio Matters, respected spiritual guide Meg Funk accompanies the reader in exploring the various levels of lectio divina as taught by the ancient church writers and by sharing her own long experience. By means of this wisdom both ancient and new, lectio divina can become our burning bush, a real encounter with the living God, in which we take off our sandals and bow our brow to the ground.

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  • Tools Matters : Beginning The Spiritual Journey


    How can we tend the garden of our souls? Meg Funk turns to the wisdom of the desert fathers for the means of removing obstacles to spiritual growth, which include thoughts of food, sex, possessions, anger, dejection, and pride, among other preoccupations. Redirecting thought away from such weeds in the garden of the spirit can lead to a greater awareness of God and purity of prayer.

    This method to mental discipline may seem impossible at first, Funk admits, but those who succeed at it are rewarded with a liberating experience as they come to observe and control individual thought processes. Drawing on the writings of the fifth-century monk John Cassian, Funk goes on to explore deeply using such tools as memory, imagination, and rational thinking-tools right out of early Christianity-to work on inner healing. She also explains how other positive tools, such as ceaseless prayer, manual labor, and isolation, may lead to uncluttering the mind and purifying the heart.

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  • Discernment Matters : Listening With The Ear Of The Heart


    After fifty years of monastic life, prayer, and spiritual direction, Meg Funk knows what it means to listen with the ear of one’s heart to the Holy Spirit. In Discernment Matters, she shares what she has learned. This book is a resource for those who want to learn and practice discernment as taught by the early monastic tradition. It includes an accessible summary of teachings about discernment from monastic traditions of late antiquity, consideration of important tools for making decisions today, and practical examples from the lives of St. Benedict and St. Patrick, as well as from the experience of monastics today.

    With this fifth volume of the Matters Series, Funk completes one of the most comprehensive presentations of the spiritual life available today, demonstrating why this inner work is both necessary and such a joy.

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  • Joseph Ratzinger In Cummunio Volume 2


    In this second volume in the series Joseph Ratzinger in Communio Pope Benedict XVI responds to many issues surrounding Christology and anthropology today, including resurrection, immortality, hope, technology, and secularism.

    As David Schindler notes in his introduction, “Cardinal Ratzinger — Pope Benedict XVI — rarely writes on any churchly matter that does not manifest its implications for man and culture, and vice versa. Indeed, this indissoluble linking is one of the main distinguishing features of his theology.” This is the penultimate volume in the series.

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  • Your College Faith


    Walk in faith on campus and beyond…Your College Faith: Own It! serves as a field guide to faith for the student transitioning to, or seeking to make a fresh start in, the realm of college or university life. The authors help alleviate common fears about making it in college and encourage the student to experience faith in a Christian commuity that serves the unique pastoral needs of young adults. Topics covered include taking ownership of your faith life on campus, maintaining balance in life to increase chances of success on campus, finding a Catholic community on campus, giving back through service work, discerning your vocation, taking advantage of social media and avoiding its pitfalls, and using church documents and spiritual writings to deepen your faith life.

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  • Mary As The Early Christians Knew Her


    SKU (ISBN): 9781612613437ISBN10: 1612613438Frederica Mathewes-GreenBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2013Publisher: Paraclete Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Good Use Of Time


    Good Use of Time gathers together wisdom of the ages that will help you appreciate and wisely administer the limited amount of time at your disposal. Before one can benefit from calendars, to-do lists, and organizational tactics, one needs to understand some important principles related to time and its proper use. These principles are summarized in traditional sayings like:

    * He has more who needs less
    * Urgent things can wait
    * Make haste slowly
    * Put your heart into what you are doing

    By meditating on the lessons found in this little book, you will learn to treasure every moment of your life as an opportunity to serve God and others.

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  • Simply Bonaventure : An Introduction To His Life Thought And Writings 2nd E


    Simply Bonaventure provides an introduction to the life, thought and writings of the medieval Franciscan, Bonaventure of Bagnoregio. The majority of the work is devoted to Bonaventure’s theology, which is summarized according to his own metaphysical scheme of origin (God), purpose (creation), and destiny (goal of creation). His trinitarian, Christocentric theology is highly relevant to a global world and to the postmodern Christian experience. Sr. Delio’s work places his theology in the context of contemporary human experience. This second edition includes an updated bibliography.

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  • Maiden Mother And Queen


    The subject of this book by one of the Church of England’s most respected Anglo-Catholic priests could hardly be more central. The rekindling of devotion to Mary has been one of the many gifts of the Catholic movement to the Church of England, and there are few better exponents of it than Roger Greenacre. He was keen to foster a greater appreciation of Mary among Anglicans, as part of a renewed emphasis on the Church of England’s catholic identity and relationship with the wider Church. He traces the way that Mary has been perceived throughout Anglican history, from patterns of Marian devotion in the Middle Ages to her portrayal in today’s liturgical texts, and examines her role in ecumenical dialogue. In a selection of homilies he presents Mary to an Anglican and ecumenical audience. The book opens with a biographical account of Roger Greenacre’s life and work by his literary executor, Colin Podmore.

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  • Soul Pain : Priests Reflect On Personal Experiences Of Serious And Terminal


    Priests in their pastoral ministry encounter heart-breaking incidents occurring before what is regarded as a normal life-span: a child with cancer, a road accident, a seriously ill young mother, a bright student struck down. While this may be some preparation, when priests and ministers personally experience serious or terminal illness, they have the additional burden of being in a public role; of needing to manage outward behaviours and inner feelings. They live out the difficult questions which others bring to them, and to which there are no easy answers.

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  • Cross And Lynching Tree


    The cross and the lynching tree are the two most emotionally charged symbols in the history of the African American community. In this powerful new work, theologian James H. Cone explores these symbols and their interconnection in the history and souls of black folk

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  • Divine Mercy Explained Single


    This booklet from bestselling author Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC (Consoling the Heart of Jesus and 33 Days to Morning Glory), gives you a brief and easy-to-understand introduction to the Divine Mercy message and devotion. You’ll read about the history and context of Divine Mercy, the essential elements of the devotion, and how you can live the message. Includes the full prayers of the Divine Mercy Novena and St. Faustina’s Litany to Divine Mercy, as well as two bonus appendices: valuable Divine Mercy prayers and Divine Mercy wisdom from Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

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  • Fire Of Christs Love


    Why should we meditate on the cross? Because through the cross of Christ, we can begin to comprehend God’s all-consuming love for us. The short reflections in this book are taken from homilies presented by renowned evangelist Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa on Good Friday to the St. Peter’s Basilica over the last thirty years. Fr. Cantalamessa, who has been the preacher to the Papal Household since 1980, unfolds for us the mystery and the power of the cross. By willingly embracing the cross for our sake and then rising from the dead, Jesus has brought us salvation, healing, mercy, and the hope of eternal life. As Fr. Cantalamessa contemplates the intensity and reality of Christ’s love for us, he also shows us how to respond wholeheartedly with that same fire in our hearts.

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  • Foundations Of Spirituality


    How does the Holy come to meet the human? Or, said another way, how does God work with the physical, psychic, and spiritual persons that each of us are?

    Scholarly approaches to spirituality often overlook the need for a sound anthropology as the base for explaining conversion, the dynamic of grace, and the effects of conversion in virtue theory. In Foundations of Spirituality, longtime educator Carla Mae Streeter provides a more adequate account of what it means to be a person before God. By mining the insights of Bernard Lonergan on human consciousness and the virtue theory of Thomas Aquinas, she presents a clear and integrated incarnational spirituality.

    Streeter argues that God works with precisely what God has made, enhancing it rather than overriding or disposing of it. The basic premise of this book is that every person is called to holiness, which comes about through the relationship of the human with the Divine. It is a divine summons heard and responded to by a human being.

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  • Gregorian Symposium On Sexual Abuse Of Minors


    This symposium will contribute to greater decisiveness, transparency, and awareness of the responsibility of all in Catholic Church in dealing with the difficult question of sexual abuse.

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  • Pentateuch I : Creation And Covenant


    The Liguori Catholic Bible Study is a series of 21 books introducing each and every book of the Bible, providing insight into the Sacred Words of antiquity, and inviting all to discover the living Word and its impact on our daily lives. Pentateuch I: Creation and Covenant explores Judeo-Christian beginnings and theological foundations of the books of Genesis and Exodus. From the creation of the world to the sojourn in the desert, the author, William Anderson, reminds participants of their origins and helps them relate to these ancient texts. The stories of Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, Rachel, Leah, Joseph, Moses, Zipporah, and others will resonate with participants who explore these ancient scriptural texts.

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  • Letters To The Romans And Galatians


    Who wrote the Letters to the Romans and Galatians? Why were these letters composed? What were the major arguments in early Christian communities? How does lectio divina move us to pray with Scripture? Rev. Anderson writes that, “each of [Paul’s letters] addresses particular issues and arguments within the community to whom he was writing.”
    Although he never preached in Rome, yet converted many in Galatia, he had much of the same message in both letters. The primary issue that is addressed by Paul in his letters is how to assimilate the Old and New covenants — the communities as a mixture of Jews and Gentiles were beginning to live their Christian faith together. As their traditions and newfound teachings would clash, arguments would arise. Paul’s letters were written with love and concern for the communities to which he sent them. And as these conflicts would arise, his letters helped these communities to work through divisions and act lovingly towards one another.

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  • Soldier Of Christ


    Belknap Press
    Debates over the legacy of Pope Pius XII and his canonization are so heated they are known as the “Pius wars.” Soldier of Christ moves beyond competing caricatures and considers Pius XII as Eugenio Pacelli, a flawed and gifted man. While offering insight into the pope’s response to Nazism, Robert A. Ventresca argues that it was the Cold War and Pius XII’s manner of engaging with the modern world that defined his pontificate.

    Laying the groundwork for the pope’s controversial, contradictory actions from 1939 to 1958, Ventresca begins with the story of Pacelli’s Roman upbringing, his intellectual formation in Rome’s seminaries, and his interwar experience as papal diplomat and Vatican secretary of state. Accused of moral equivocation during the Holocaust, Pius XII later fought the spread of Communism in Western Europe, spoke against the persecution of Catholics in Eastern Europe and Asia, and tackled a range of social and political issues. By appointing the first indigenous cardinals from China and India and expanding missions in Africa while expressing solidarity with independence movements, he internationalized the church’s membership and moved Catholicism beyond the colonial mentality of previous eras.

    Drawing from a diversity of international sources, including unexplored documentation from the Vatican, Ventresca reveals a paradoxical figure: a prophetic reformer of limited vision whose leadership both stimulated the emergence of a global Catholicism and sowed doubt and dissension among some of the church’s most faithful servants.

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  • Eucharist : A Bible Study Guide For Catholics


    “They devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers” — Acts 2:42

    It is called the “source and summit” of our Catholic faith – The Holy Eucharist. But do we really understand its true meaning? In Fr. Mitch Pacwa’s The Eucharist: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics you will see the essential connection between the Eucharist and the Scriptures, and through reflection and discussion you’ll learn to apply the principles in your own life.In this study you will find answers to these questions and more:
    *Where do we see symbols of the Eucharist in the Old Testament?
    *How do the Old Testament sacrifices prefigure Christ’s sacrifice?
    *What did Jesus mean when he said “Do this in remembrance of me”?
    *Why is Jesus called the Lamb of God?
    *How do we meet Jesus in the breaking of the bread?

    Perfect for group or individual study, The Eucharist will change the way you look at the Mass and allow you to meet Jesus as transformed by his gift of life.

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  • Essential Guide To Angels


    The Essential Guide to Angels gives an account of how angels are present in the lives of the faithful and how these celestial spirits have been placed at our sides to protect us, instruct us, and guide us.

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  • Power Of The Ring


    A new study revealing the spiritual intensity of Middle Earth
    Digging deep into J. R. R. Tolkien’s spiritual biography-his religious scholarship and his love of both Christian and pagan myth-Stratford Caldecott offers a critical study of how the acclaimed author effectively created a vivid Middle Earth using the familiar rites and ceremonies of human history. And while readers and moviegoers alike may appreciate the fantasy world of The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, few know that in life, Tolkien was a devout Roman Catholic and that the characters, the events, and the general morality of each novel are informed by the dogmas of his faith. Revised and updated, this acclaimed study of Tolkien’s achievement-previously released as Secret Fire in the UK-includes commentary on Peter Jackson’s film adaptations and explores many of the fascinating stories and letters published after Tolkien’s death.

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  • Day By Day With Saint Joseph


    Day by Day with St. Joseph from Catholic Book Publishing is a vital addition to the Spiritual Life Series. Sized for easy reading and transport, this inspiring book brings the reader closer to St. Joseph through daily minute-long meditations which include a Scripture passage, a brief reflection, and a concluding prayer to St. Joseph. Day By Day with St. Joseph was begun by Msgr. Joseph Champlin and completed by Msgr. Kenneth Lasch to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Catholic Book Publishing, Corp. in 2011. It enriches the reader’s relationship with St. Joseph by incorporating devotion to him into every day of the year. This beautiful volume is covered in brown imitation leather and has a ribbon for easy place-keeping.

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  • Give Up Something Bad For Lent (Student/Study Guide)


    Invites readers to focus on, with God’s help, eliminating habits or attitudes that may be destructive in their lives, such as envy, self-pity, procrastination, gossip, resentment, or negative thinking.
    Seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday
    Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, and closing prayer

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  • Sounding The Seasons


    Poetry has always been a central element of Christian spirituality and is increasingly used in worship, in pastoral services and guided meditation. In Sounding the Seasons, Cambridge poet, priest and singer-songwriter Malcolm Guite transforms seventy lectionary readings into lucid, inspiring poems, for use in regular worship, seasonal services, meditative reading or on retreat. Already widely recognised, Malcolm’s writing has been acclaimed by Rowan Williams and Luci Shaw, two leading contemporary religious poets. Seven Advent poems from this collection will appear in the next edition of Penguin’s (US) Best Spiritual Writing edited by Philip Zaleski, alongside the work of writers such as Seamus Heaney and Annie Dillard. A section of practical help and advice for using poetry creatively and effectively in worship is also included.

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  • Chiara Lubich A Biography


    The New York Times called Chiara Lubich “one of the most influential women in the Catholic Church.” This biography transports readers inside the story of a young woman, born to a poor family in Trent, who felt called to dedicate her life to God. Against the backdrop of WWII’s devastation, Lubich shared her passion first with a group of young women her age. Torno presents a forthright account of Chiara Lubich and her friends’ collective mystical experience and their resulting life, both profoundly spiritual and deeply human, which always aimed at fulfilling Jesus’ prayer “that all may be one.” By the 1960’s, her inspiration had reached every corner of Italy and spread throughout Europe, behind the Iron Curtain, and around the world. Wherever she went – from the jungles of the Cameroon, to the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, to the skyscrapers of New York, to the Buddhist monasteries of Chiang Mai, Thailand – she shared her choice of God and the lifestyle it generated. This biography brings to life those people Chiara met along the way – from everyday folk to political leaders to popes – and describes how her charism affected each one. He reveals the challenges that arose as a vast movement grew up around Lubich as well as her joy at seeing authentic gospel life spread around the world. Together, they achieved what Chiara defined as “…the great attraction of modern times: to penetrate to the highest contemplation while mingling with everyone.”

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  • 1 Thing Is Three


    With humor and ease, Father Michael Gaitley, MIC, deftly unlocks the “one thing,” the key to the Church’s wisdom, and the greatest mystery of the Catholic faith: the Most Holy Trinity. Far from being a scholarly or academic read, The “One Thing” is Three makes deep theology accessible to every-day Catholics. What’s more, it makes even what’s familiar or forgotten appear in a way that’s new, exciting, and relevant. Thus, The “One Thing” is Three brings its readers a unique and powerful experience of the faith. It’s the perfect book for the Year of Faith.

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  • My Pocket Way Of The Cross


    With glorious full-color illustrations, this pocket or purse-size book offers those who wish to pray for the Stations a handy companion for this popular devotion on the Sacred Passion of Our Lord.

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  • Whos Who In Heaven


    In Who’s Who in Heaven, Fr. Thomas Morrow applies his thirty years of ministry to families in selecting and presenting the lives of the saints. He makes the full spiritual richness of their lives accessible to children, using an age-appropriate style, explanatory notes, and commentary for reflection. Parents can (and should) read to younger children while older children can manage on their own.
    Recommended for ages 11-13.

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  • Keys To Galatians


    Over the course of five decades of scholarly work on the New Testament, Jerome Murphy-O’Connor has never been afraid to explore and question ideas that other scholars have simply presumed. In Keys to Galatians, he offers fresh perspectives on a rather neglected New Testament letter.

    This book includes new thinking on the origins of the letter and new insights into its purpose. The author explains why he dates the letter much earlier than most scholars and why Paul’s rhetorical technique should be considered nothing short of remarkable. He also explores illuminating hints about Paul’s personality. Murphy-O’Connor recognizes in Paul a notable openness to new ideas and what he calls “a daring strategy that would have been unthinkable for one less confident in his rhetorical skills.”

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  • Isaiah


    Although the circumstances under which the book of Isaiah took its present form remain in scholarly dispute, Leslie Hoppe highlights its literary and theological purpose-to provide the people of Judah and Jerusalem with hope for the future and the will to re-embrace their ancestral religious traditions.

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  • Ezekiel-Daniel


    Ezekiel and Daniel give us some of the most memorable stories and images from the Old Testament: the fiery wheeled throne of God leaving Jerusalem, the valley of dry bones, and miraculous survivals in a fiery furnace and a lion’s den. All this leads the authors of the commentary to navigate the structure and history of these books in order to unravel their extraordinary messages of hope and divine power.

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