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Showing 1201–1250 of 2559 results

  • Young And Catholic In America


    A collection of essays from young Catholics that provides a powerful description of the next generation of American Catholics.

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  • Epiphany Of Love


    Catholic moral theology faces a radical challenge in this age of moral upheaval. No longer must it simply respond to specific questions about particular matter, nor elaborate some method for the formulation of norms. The challenge now is instead no less than comprehending the mystery of human action in its proper dynamism.

    Livio Melina here guides the reader on a path that seeks to recover the integrality of moral experience and its place in Christian existence. This path aims at rediscovering in moral action an epiphany of love and attempts to help us recognize a profound synergy between human and divine action.

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  • Mothers Lovers Priests Prophets And Kings


    Mothers, Lovers, Priests, Prophets, and King provides a doorway to enter into the world of the Old Testament for both the casual and the more experienced reader. The newcomer to scripture will find an easily accessible group of stories about people who look and act just like the characters we know today and whose encounters with God leave us wondering what God has in store for us. The more experienced reader will come to know the God of the Old Testament more closely and see there the One who came to dwell with us as Jesus Christ. Both readers will take away from the book a deeper appreciation of the nature of scripture as a Living Word, a greater understanding of the connection between God in the Old Testament and God in the New, and a better awareness of the multifaceted nature of God’s interaction with us. This book helps readers begin to answer the questions: Who is the God we meet in scripture? Who is God for me now? How is God revealed in the patterns and experiences of my life?

    Individuals and groups will find this book helpful in bible studies, small church groups, and as a way of sparking conversation about our images of God and what our relationship with God looks like. Readers will be able to place themselves in these stories and discover what God has to say to them. Those using the book for individual reading will be able to move from the scripture to the meditation to guiding questions and prayer designed to enhance their experience.

    If you have been looking for a book that concisely, prayerfully and joyfully points to the beauty and truth of God through the stories of God’s people and then lets you discover for yourself the movement of God in your life, this book is for you.

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  • Joyful Meditations For Every Day Of Advent And The 12 Days Of Christmas Yea


    “Christian joy is the constant awareness of the loving presence of Jesus, the Son of God, in our hearts. Advent is a time when we open our minds and hearts to search for the light of love, compassion, and peace in the Word of God. It is a time set aside for more intentional reading of the Word of God-reading that leads to personal reflection, prayer, contemplation, and humble service to others. Advent challenges us to remove the barriers of arrogance, sadness, selfishness, and greed that hinder us from welcoming Christ with joy and living in communion with him and our brothers and sisters.” –From the introduction The true meaning of Advent and Christmas finds its voice in Joyful Meditations for Every Day of Advent and the 12 Days of Christmas. This Lectionary-based volume of reflections, prayers, questions to ponder-plus ways to put each daily Scripture reading into practice-brings the Incarnation to life in the true spirit of the season. From the First Sunday of Advent through Christmas and Epiphany for each liturgical year (A, B, and C), this book will help you prepare for and deepen your experience of this holy season.

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  • God Creation And Climate Change


    Theologians and ethicists reflect on the most serious crisis of our time.

    The magnitude of the problem of environmental degradation and climate change requires a complete rethinking and reorienting of our way of being in the world. Responding to the environmental crisis requires not only a conversion of the will but even more fundamentally a transformation of the imagination that is, the capacity to think of other ways of being, thinking, and acting in the world. These essays, by a distinguished group of Catholic scholars, assess the gravity of the situation and offer resources from the biblical and theological traditions for the necessary mobilization of will and the conversion of our imaginations.

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Saint Faustina Kowalska


    When Helen Kowalska (1905-1938) entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy as Sister Faustina, she also entered a spiritual dark night. That night ended when, transformed by this experience, she recognized Gods love for her in the sufferings of Jesus; instructed by him in a vision, she produced the Image of the Divine Mercy. These selections, taken from the diary that her spiritual director encouraged her to keep, relate her mystical experiences and convey the spirituality she drew from love for the Eucharist and reinforced through trust in the mercy of God.

    Praying with Saint Faustina will lead to the joy and comfort found only by trusting in God, seeking his mercy, and reflecting that mercy in life.

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  • At The Heart Of Christian Worship


    Cardinal Yves Congar is universally known and respected as the great ecclesiologist of Vatican II whose seminal ideas helped to reconfigure the landscape of Catholic theology following the council. Less well known is his role in contributing far-reaching insights to the emerging liturgical movement in the church. This collection represents several of Congar’s decisive contributions. Reading them makes possible a deeper and more cogent reception of the key ideas of the council documents. These texts are at once both erudite and exciting, both essential and pastorally incisive. There has never been a better time to disseminate these critically important liturgical insights than the present moment.

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  • In The Name Of The Father


    The celebration of the Latin or Tridentine mass, otherwise known as the Extraordinary Form, is an increasingly common practice in Roman Catholic churches throughout the world. Once the only rite in use which Catholics around the world knew from childhood, its usage ended with the Second Vatican Council’s ruling that liturgy should be celebrated in peoples’ own languages. The Latin mass thus became the preserve of various traditionalist societies.Two years ago the Pope declared that the celebration of the Latin mass was to be restored and regularly offered alongside the modern mass. aaToday, priests trained in the modern rite are learning how to celebrate the Latin mass and there is a demand for liturgical resources to accompany it, especially as it follows a different calendar and lectionary. It has an introduction by Mgr Anthony Conlon, Chaplain of the Latin Mass Society, one of a number of societies dedicated to promoting the use of the Extraordinary Rite.

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  • Rule Of Saint Benedict For Everyone


    Drawing on the Dialogues of St. Gregory and St. Benedicts Rule for Monks, Goberna uses the life and writings of Saint Benedict to address in a modern and simple way the longings for sincerity, simplicity, and value that were as heartfelt in his lifetime as they are today. His message remains as valid as ever, especially because he invites readers to experience the abiding happiness that is a fruit of the Spirit.

    Benedict would surely recognize himself in this fresh portrait, through which he still offers a seam of gold to all who long for sure guidance in the ways of prayer and in relationships among family and community.

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Brother Roger Of Taiza


    Brother Roger (1915-2005) founded the ecumenical Taize Community, which continues to welcome tens of thousands of young adult pilgrims each year. The Community is familiar to the faithful of many denominations, who use Taizes meditative songs in their worship.

    Above all else Brother Roger strived not to be a spiritual master or teacher of methods of prayer and meditation but a listener. So this book presents not a program of prayer but an itinerary through the insights at the heart of Brother Rogers life of prayer and of action, telling the story of the Taize Community along the way. It allows readers to know and to pray with a figure who touched thousands of lives and helped, as Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has said, Change the whole climate of a religious culture.

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  • Climbing The Mountain


    Edith Stein admitted that there was time when she ‘consciously and deliberately lost the habit of praying’. She tells us this because she re-discovered it during the journey which brought her to Carmel. We all need to make our own spiritual way through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, with guides who help us to see the pitfalls and inspire us to persevere. The journey of prayer is one of the great adventures which we should all undertake because it leads us to the mountain which is God himself. In this book we find a sure companion for this journey, showing us how to begin to pray, exploring the many sources of prayer that we may encounter, and sharing the experience of the saints and other spiritual writers from both Eastern and Western Christianity. The great variety of prayer, meditation and mystical experience in the Christian tradition is expertly treated, as well as the many stumbling blocks and obstacles that may come our way. Christian prayer needs to be discovered, or in many cases, rediscovered – it is that mountain waiting to be climbed. It is essential for us today to realize that life is more than the frenzied bustle of activity in which all sometimes find ourselves. We must begin with the interior life … This is a fine book, drawing from many rich sources in the lives of great spiritual leaders. I commend it to those who are undertaking a serious prayer life for the first time and to those who are looking for a fresh beginning in their own lives of prayer. + John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark

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  • Reflections On The Weekday Lectionary Readings


    The book is a succinct commentary on the daily lectionary readings. A practical book free of academic jargon, Reflections on the Weekday Readings provides lectionary commentaries that are contemporary and refreshing. This versatile book can be used for liturgical and homiletic purposes or for private meditation, by clergy or by laity.

    Covers Years I and II of the Weekday readings
    Every reflection followed by Points to Ponder
    Suitable for Priests and Deacons who are preparing homilies
    Great as personal reflections on the weekday readings

    NOTE: An excellent resource for offshore foreign-language priests working in the United States and Canada who need a straightforward homiletic guide to the weekday readings.

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  • Practice Of The Presence Of God


    The original guide to “practicing the presence of God”

    “We must not grow weary of doing little things for the love of God, who looks not on the great size of the work, but on the love of it.”

    In this classic work, which has instructed and inspired millions, a humble 17th-century monk reveals the secrets of daily, moment-by-moment fellowship with God.

    “In the way of God, thoughts count very little,” writes Brother Lawrence, who spent much of his monastic life in the kitchen. “Love does it all.” Full of realistic honesty, friendliness, and simplicity, Brother Lawrence shows that it is possible to meet God amongst the pots and pans-in the ordinary, daily events of life. This edition, rendered from the original French into graceful, contemporary English, will nourish and delight all those who seek to practice the presence of God.

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  • Art Of Loving


    Here is a small volume with a collection of texts drawn from the writings of Chiara Lubich. Her simple down-to-earth language draws us into the very meaning of evangelical love and challenges us to start living it. The same ideas shine through each of these lines, a paradigm which she was fond of using during her last days on this earth, in her urgency to spread the Gospel message of unity and peace to everyone. A few simple phrases compose her Art of Loving, which are drawn from the Gospels and disclose the secret of human fulfillment which is found in divine love. ‘Love everyone,’ ‘Be the first to love,’ ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ‘Love each other as I have loved you,’ ‘Make yourself one.’ The universal message of Love is the message of Christianity and it is the Golden Rule of all the Great Religions. It is a message that is written into the DNA of every person, even those who seem far from God. This small book is like a daily handbook for anyone who wishes to answer the call of Love each day in today’s ever-changing society, a call that Chiara Lubich believed to be the primary vocation of every human person and our personal and collective fulfillment.

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  • Alex ODonnell And The 40 Cyber Thieves


    Regina Doman publication

    When his computer hacker dad discovers a secret website, Alex O’Donnell and his girlfriend Kateri become embroiled in a mystery that leads to sudden wealth, and murder. A modern retelling of the classic Arabian Nights tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.”

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  • Introducing Catholic Social Thought


    After offering a description of the general historical development of Catholic social thought, Thompson provides five chapters that each deal with a specific theme: faithful citizenship, economic justice, human rights, war and peace and the consistent ethic of life, and care for the earth. Each chapter identifies key documents and explores their meaning and how they are applied today. Stories of key practitioners include figures ranging from Cesar Chavez and Mother Teresa to John Leary and Dorothy Stang.

    Written by an experienced teacher in accessible language, Introducing Catholic Social Thought is appropriate for courses in Catholic social teaching, Christian ethics, and social justice for undergraduates and non-religion majors, as well as for adult and parish study groups.

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  • Explorations In Spirituality


    A distinctive exposition of the main elements of the study of Christian spirituality that also underlines the essentially socially transformative nature of the Christian spiritual tradition.

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  • Metropolitan Anthony Of Sourzozh


    Metropolitan Anthony (1914-2003), who served for over fifty years as head of the Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain, was one of the most respected and prominent Orthodox personalities on the world stage. For him, Orthodoxy was simply the universal, undistorted message of the Gospel for all-a fact he brought alive in opening his own diocese to people of every nationality and background. Several of his books, such as Living Prayer and Beginning to Pray, are modern spiritual classics.

    Through his writings and his popular broadcasts, Metropolitan Anthony spoke of prayer and the search for the living God in language that went right to the heart of people, echoing their own deepest longings. The writings selected here-on faith, prayer, creation, and the church-reflect both the essence of Orthodox spirituality and his own experience of the struggle to live Christianity on a daily basis.

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  • Miracles Missions And American Pentecostalism


    Miracles, Missions & American Pentecostalism examines the historical, theological, and missiological context and development of American Pentecostal missions, including the expectation of miracles and how this fits into the mission scene of the twentieth century. Gary McGee shows this movement emerging from the ranks of nineteenth-century radical evangelicalism as a renewal movement that achieved a global impact.

    The first five chapters move historically from the expectation of miracles from the time of the ancient church to the nineteenth century and into the twentieth. The next five chapters provide a superb analysis of the theological underpinnings of Pentecostalism. Though alienated from other Christians by their insistence on glossolalia, Pentecostals carried the gospel in a supernaturally-wrapped package that fit well with the worldviews of peoples outside North Atlantic countries and helped this charismatically-inclined spirituality become predominant today among “MajorityWorld Christianity.”

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  • Spiritual Friendship


    Spiritual friendship is today the best known and perhaps most influential of the thirteen surviving works of Aelred, abbot of the great English Cistercian abbey of Rievaulx from 1147-1167. This fresh new translation makes the work crisply readable, allowing the intellectual and Christian insight of this great Cistercian teacher and writer to speak clearly to today’s seekers of love, wisdom, and truth.

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  • Come And See


    Come and See is a look inside the mind of a monk. Monastic spirituality is a universal spirituality that is the common inheritance of every human being, it is a search for God. From the atheist to the saint there is in the heart of all creatures a desire for ultimate meaning, a desire for God. In this sense everyone has the heart of a monk. As you read this book you will meet some of the great themes of monastic life: silence, solitude, community life, prayer. You will also be helped to find your most authentic self, the self Thomas Merton spoke of when he said at the center of our being is a point of nothingness, a point of pure truth. The place of the heart is highlighted in these conferences and homilies as an ancient theme so relevant to the modern person.

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  • Holy Eucharist : Studies On The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Its Celebration


    The discipline of the church after Sacrosanctum Concilium, up until the 1982 Code of Canon Law and the General Instruction of the Roman Missal for the third edition of the Missal, has always asserted the freedom of priests to celebrate Mass individually. Despite this assertion, the liturgical and theological atmosphere of seminaries and religious communities has rarely favored this freedom.

    In light of this, The Holy Eucharist originally published in French in 1982, explores the practice of celebrating Mass with a single presider versus Mass celebrated through concelebration. This historical and dogmatic critique finds that the practice of concelebration, especially among priests without their Ordinary presiding, is in fact a new development and not a return to an ancient norm. While the author concludes that concelebration has its due place under practical guidelines, the multiplication of Eucharistic celebrations with a single presider would make better use of the infinite riches contained in the Holy Sacrifice.

    Published by Gracewing Publishing.

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  • From Altar Throne To Table


    This book investigates one of the most successful liturgical reforms in Catholic history. Only a century ago, faithful, practicing Catholics received Holy Communion only once a year, now, among American English-speaking Catholics, Holy Communion is a routine, weekly devotional practice. This book explains how and why this ritual sea-change happened.

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  • Mystical Way In Everyday Life


    Rahner was one of the 20th century’s most admired Catholic theologians; he was associated with the Nouvelle Theologie, which, though much criticized by Pope Pius XII, became one of the sources of reform that led to the development of Vatican II. This new collection of his writings is the first English translation in this country of a book that appeared in German as long ago as 1966, but it is a welcome addition to the Rahner catalog in English. Although mysticism is not perhaps the first word associated with Rahner, mysticism connects what Rahner saw as God’s self-giving and our need for the transcendent, as found in that God. Organized around the liturgical year, Rahner’s text includes sermons, prayers, and reflections. VERDICT A beautiful and concise introduction to the mind and spirituality of this crucial 20th-century Catholic theologian.

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  • Eucharist And The Rosary


    Matthew Swaim takes a unique approach to Rosary devotion in exploring the many facets of the mysteries of the Rosary found in the Mass. Follow Matthew as he discovers a new dimension to the traditional devotion of Rosary prayer. Meditations on scripture through the Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous, and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary become ever new and inspirational when connected directly to the celebration of the Eucharist. All twenty mysteries of the rosaries are considered and each chapter offers suggestions at the end to help you deepen your awareness of Christ’s love

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  • 110 Fun Facts About Gods Creation


    Like all of the Fun Facts books, 110 Fun Facts About God’s Creation: Is it Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral? is filled with questions, answers, and fun things to do. Read about eating lunch with grasshoppers and yawning like a hippopotamus. Find out what you might have in common with some very unusual animals, vegetables, and minerals as you explore our amazing planet.

    Why Teachers Love the Fun Facts Series:
    Vignette style offers a great daily read-aloud on a variety of topics
    Symbols, saints, and Bible stories are presented in terms children understand

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  • Ethics Of The Word


    Introduction: As I See And Hear It

    Part 1: A Church In Need Of Living The Truth In Love
    Chapter 1: Ethics Inside The Church: Looking Back, Looking Forward
    Chapter 2: Proposing An Ethics Of The Word
    Chapter 3: Learning An Ethics Of The Word
    Chapter 4: Silence In The Ethics Of The Word

    Part 2: The Humanity Of Our Discourse
    Chapter 5: The Human Voice
    Chapter 6: Memory
    Chapter 7: Conscience
    Chapter 8: A Critical Challenge: Recovering Christian Dialogue
    Chapter 9: Modeling Christian Dialogue: The First International Cross-Cultural Discourse On Theological Ethics (Padova, Italy, July 2006)

    Part 3: Forms Of Christian Discourse
    Chapter 10: Teaching
    Chapter 11: Conversations
    Chapter 12: Civil Discourse
    Chapter 13: Being Called
    Chapter 14: Taking Vows
    Chapter 15: Apologizing
    Chapter 16: Appreciating The Limits Of Language
    Chapter 17: Reporting The Truth To Hurt Another
    Chapter 18: Lying And The Obligation To Get The Story Right

    Part 4: Words
    Chapter 19: Beautiful Words, Good Words
    Chapter 20: Words Of Death And Gratitude
    Chapter 21: Challenging Words
    Chapter 22: Words Of Life
    Chapter 23: Words Of Greeting And Farewell

    Part 5: Faith, Hope, And Love
    Chapter 24: The Language Of Faith
    Chapter 25: The Language Of Hope
    Chapter 26: The Language Of Love

    Additional Info
    In Ethics of the Word beloved priest and author James F. Keenan, S.J., discusses the power of the Word in the Catholic Church. In the ongoing wake of the priest abuse scandals, Father Keenan argues that we need new ways to build trust and open communication in the Church on all levels-from bishops to parishioners. Keenan’s engaging style blends stories, Scripture, and theology to show readers the importance of both speaking and listening. The book covers topics ranging from difficult confrontations to apologies to the language of faith, hope, and love.

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  • Racial Justice And The Catholic Church


    A leading black Catholic moral theologian addresses the thorny issue of racial justice past and present.

    Confronting racism is difficult but essential work if we are to heal the brokenness in our society and our church. In the author’s words, “We all are wounded by the sin of racism. . . . How can we struggle together against an evil that harms us all?” Racial Justice and the Catholic Church examines the presence of racism in this country from its early history through the Civil Rights Movement and the election of Barack Obama. It also explores how Catholic social teaching has been used-and not used-to promote reconciliation and justice.

    Massingale writes from an abiding conviction that the Catholic faith and the black experience make essential contributions in the continuing struggle against racial injustice that is the work of all people. His book is essential reading for all those concerned with justice and healing in our world.

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  • Francis The Saint Of Assisi


    A modern retelling of the life of St. Francis of Assisi, this book combines historical details and dramatic style. The author explores the daily lives of Francis and Clare and the lives of thirteen-century Assisi and beautifully translates their stories in these pages. St. Francis: The Saint of Assisi reads like both a love story and a biographical account of the life of the most universally acclaimed saint.

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  • In The Presence


    With the ancient practice of Eucharistic Adoration being rediscovered in today’s modern parishes, In The Presence provides the perfect guide to the history, practice, and meaning of this tradition. In a series of brief, accessible, and theologically rich essays, Sr. Joan Ridley connects the private devotion of Eucharistic Adoration to eucharistic spirituality and common worship, combining traditional significance with the best in contemporary theology.

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  • In The Silence


    In its fullest essence … Eucharistic Adoration is “God and Man reaching out for each other, at the same time!”

    During Eucharistic Adoration, and through our prayers, we “watch and wait,” we remain “silent” in His Presence and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist. By worshiping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be!

    This wonderful book contains over 50 prayers specifically written for our time at Eucharistic Adoration. These prayers speak from the heart and allow it to be fully open to Christ’s presence. Author Vandy Brennan Nies offers prayers of gratitude, affirmation of faith, petition and much more, all straight from the day-to-day experience of human life.

    Designed to be carried anywhere, In the Silence, offers simple prayers for each of us.

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  • Consoling The Heart Of Jesus


    Ideal for study groups, adoration chapels, and anyone looking to rejuvenate their spiritual batteries. In the end, only one thing matters: To become a saint. After all, if we don’t reach heaven, everything else is irrelevant, isn’t it? If you’re serious about becoming holy (“saint” comes from the Latin word for “holy”), a powerful way to do this is through a 30-day Ignatian retreat. Now Br. Michael Gaitley gives beginners and those more advanced the ability to make an Ignatian retreat in our own homes in a way that is accessible, relevant and, doable! Always fresh and intriguing, he also incorporates the wisdom of such saints as Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska, and Louis de Montfort. From Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, to Faith & Family magazine, everyone has been effusive in their praise of this incredible work.

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  • Encountering Paul : Understanding The Man And His Message


    Chapter 1: Paul’s World
    Chapter 2: Expectations And Hopes
    Chapter 3: Theological Perspective
    Chapter 4: Truth Of The Gospel
    Chapter 5: Paul’s Letters
    Chapter 6: Disputer Letters
    Chapter 7: The Adversus Judaeos Tradition
    Chapter 8: Finding Paul

    Additional Info
    Fascinating, controversial, yet enigmatic-the figure of the apostle Paul looms large in Christian history. But which Paul is the true one? Is it the Paul who proclaims our freedom in Christ or the Paul who demands that slaves obey their masters? The Paul who works closely with women evangelists, or the Paul who instructs women to submit to the rule of their husbands? Is it the deeply Jewish Paul or the Paul who rejects the Law? Drawing on the literary and historical insights that have revolutionized contemporary Paul scholarship, Tatha Wiley skillfully separates these different voices of Paul and their liberating and oppressive legacies. In her well-crafted work, Wiley not only illumines the authentic, historical Paul but also accounts for his influence in the history of slavery, male domination, and religious exclusivism. Encountering Paul is a welcome addition to the Come and See series.

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  • Enriching Our Worship 5


    This unique new service book includes liturgies for blessing and healing as related to childbearing and childbirth. It includes prayers, Scripture readings and hymn suggestions organized around the blessing of a pregnant woman; loss of a pregnancy; repentance and reconciliation for an abortion; difficult decisions, unexpected or unwanted pregnancy, loss of a child, termination of pregnancy, infertility, sterilization, and adoption.

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  • Transforming Our Painful Emotions


    This psychological and spiritual exploration of the positive potential hidden in our painful emotions show us how so-called bad feelings can be good news!

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  • Following Love Into Mystery Feasts Funerals Weddings


    Wisdom, wit, and Sacred Writ are the outstanding interactive hallmarks of this fourth and final volume in The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers series. In the same style and format as the first three volumes, Shea presents evocative reflections to enhance Scripture-based preaching and teaching for liturgical feast days, funerals, and weddings. Christian preachers and teachers and anyone interested in the spiritual life will find Feasts, Funerals, and Weddings an insightful and relevant resource.

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  • Mary 101 : Tradition And Influence


    Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer provides a readable overview of the Christian tradition of Jesus’ mother, Mary, clarifying the main points by tracing the historical background and tying the tradition to the concerns of modern Christians.

    We first meet Mary in Scripture, as chapter one unfolds. From there, the following chapters look at the Church teaching, prayers and devotions, Mary’s appearances to the world (apparitions), and the great images of Mary in art. The final chapter introduces the international scope of Marian concerns in the world.

    Each chapter begins with an essential background for the material to be covered. The end of each chapter offers reflection questions, suggestions for further reading, and notes that give credit to various resources used.

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  • Worlds First Love (Anniversary)


    With his characteristic eloquence and brilliance, Fulton J. Sheen presents a moving portrayal of the Blessed Virgin Mary that combines deep spirituality with history, philosophy and theology. All the major aspects and events of Mary’s life are lovingly portrayed in this word portrait that is a never failing source of information, consolation and inspiration. Sheen also gives profound insights into all the Marian beliefs ranging from the Immaculate Conception to the Assumption to the miracle of Our Lady of Fatima.

    While considering the different phases of Mary’s life, Bishop Sheen discusses various problems common to mankind of every age and reveals clearly that every problem can be resolved. He emphasizes the unique dignity, strength and gifts of women and their ability to help heal the world’s problems. Sheen stresses mankind’s need of the Mother of God and her burning love for all her children. The great resurgence of devotion to Mary is God’s way of emphasizing the worth and dignity of every person against the false doctrines that have so confused the modern world.

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  • Reading To Live


    Lectio divina, the ancient practice of prayerful reading, is a font whose waters are waiting to quench the thirst of spiritual seekers, both beginners on the spiritual journey and experienced travelers. The art of holy reading transforms lives. Through the practice of lectio individuals and communities discover God’s living word addressed to them in their particular “now,” to enlighten, challenge, encourage, and suggest.

    Reading to Live traces the practice of lectio divina from its roots in the ascetic movement in the early church and monasticism to its rediscovery in recent times. The benefits lectio brings become clear as Origen, Augustine, Bernard, and many others throughout history testify to its power in their lives. Modern commentators from a variety of disciplines spell out lectio’s potential for the world of the twenty-first century.

    This book invites people of all faiths to embrace the venerable practice of lectio divina. It provides abundant creative testimonies to its practice and to its life-changing effects.

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  • Spirit In Worship Worship In The Spirit


    The Spirit in Worship-Worship in the Spirit represents an essential contribution, from the field of liturgical studies, to the vibrant retrieval of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in contemporary theology. The fifteen authors of this volume are scholars and practitioners from a wide range of traditions, including Pentecostal and charismatic communities as well as voices from outside the modern West. Together they articulate a richly diverse understanding of the presence of the Holy Spirit, grounded both in the practice of worship and in the scholarly reflection that attends to this practice of faith.

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  • Divine Worship And Human Healing


    Would many believers consider a wake or funeral an act of worship? What does it mean to say that in anointing the sick or administering Viaticum to the dying humans are healed? Such questions plumb the biblical and traditional depths of the paschal mystery. Just as Jesus’ ministry at the social-religious margins revealed the center of his faith in God’s reign, so also the church’s ministry to sickness and death reveals much about the baptismal and eucharistic worship so central to its entire life.

    In Divine Worship and Human Healing Bruce Morrill turns to the rites serving the sick, dying, deceased, and grieving to show why sacramental liturgy is so fundamental to the life of faith. Readers will appreciate both his compelling narratives from actual pastoral experience and his engagement with biblical, theological, historical, and social-scientific resources. Morrill invites readers to discover how the liturgical ministry of healing discloses God’s merciful love amid communities of faith.

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  • Phoebe : Patron And Emissary


    Human beings are embedded in a set of social relations. A social network is one way of conceiving that set of relations in terms of a number of persons connected to one another by varying degrees of relatedness. In the early Jesus group documents featuring Paul and coworkers, it takes little effort to envision the apostle’s collection of friends and friends of friends that is the Pauline network. The persons who constituted that network are the focus of this set of brief books. For Christians of the Western tradition, these persons are significant ancestors in faith. While each of them is worth knowing by themselves, it is largely because of their standing within that web of social relations woven about and around Paul that they are of lasting interest. Through this series we hope to come to know those persons in ways befitting their first-century Mediterranean culture.

    Imagine trying to find a window into the life of an individual who lived approximately two thousand years ago in a culture vastly different from our own. Consider the added difficulty when that individual is a woman and the only written record of her consists of two biblical verses (Rom 16:1-2). In this volume Joan C. Campbell takes on the challenge and provides a surprisingly full and rich account of Phoebe of Kenchreai. With Campbell, we visit Phoebe’s hometown, we wander the city streets with her, and we meet her associates. Along the way, we gain insight into the social roles that Paul ascribes to her (sister, “deacon,” and patron) and what these roles entailed in first-century Mediterranean Jesus groups. This book is important reading for anyone interested in the contribution of women to emerging Christianity and for contemporary deacons who seek to understand the biblical roots of their ministry.

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  • Ephesians (Reprinted)


    In this third volume of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), Peter Williamson interprets Ephesians for pastoral ministers and lay readers alike. This volume, like each in the series, relates Scripture to life, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry.
    About the series: The Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS) responds to the desire of Catholics to study the Bible in depth and in a way that integrates Scripture with Catholic doctrine, worship, and daily life. The series will include seventeen volumes, offering readable, informative commentary on each book of the New Testament. The CCSS implements the theological principles taught by Vatican II for interpreting Scripture “in accord with the same Spirit by which it was written”–that is, interpreting Scripture in its canonical context and in the light of Catholic tradition and the analogy of faith (Dei Verbum, 12).

    The CCSS is packed with features designed to help readers use the Bible more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry. Each volume provides exegesis as well as reflection and application sections. A set of cross-references links each passage to the Catechism, the Lectionary, and related biblical texts. Sidebars present information on the background of the text and on how the text has been interpreted by the Church. Abundant quotations from saints and Church Fathers enable readers to glimpse the continuity of Catholic tradition. Each volume includes a Glossary, a list of Suggested Resources, an Index of Pastoral Topics, and an Index of Sidebars. Further resources are posted at the series Web site,

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  • 2nd Corinthians


    There is an increasing hunger among Catholics to study the Bible in depth and in a way that integrates Scripture with Catholic doctrine, worship, and daily life. Second Corinthians is the fourth of seventeen volumes in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), a new series that will cover the entire New Testament and interprets Scripture from within the living tradition of the Church. This volume, like each in the series, is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively.

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  • Ignatian Way : Key Aspects Of Jesuit Spirituality


    Although many books have been written on Ignatian Spirituality, most focus on highly specific and scholarly details, rendering them too academic and specialized for the average reader. This book remedies this problem by compiling a more general guide to the basic aspects of Ignatian spirituality. Addressing everything from the life of St. Ignatius Loyola to his Spiritual Exercises to dealing with contemporary world issues in a Jesuit spirit, it offers a comprehensive yet conversational approach to Ignatian spirituality. Whether studying or teaching at a Jesuit school, seeking spiritual direction on a retreat, discerning a possible vocation to the Society of Jesus, or simply seeking more exposure to Ignatian spirituality, this book is an invaluable guide.

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  • Being Catholic In A Changing World


    A straightforward and accessible book that discusses the key issues surrounding Catholics in today’s confusing world.

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  • Loving Creation : Christian Spirituality Earth Centered And Just


    How can we bring about the profound conversion of mind and heart that is necessary if we are to protect and preserve our planet at this critical point in history? Loving Creation shows that only when we are touched by God will we find new ways of relating to all other species and the Earth itself. Rich in tradition, the book draws from ancient and contemporary sources to fashion a holistic Christian spirituality, one that unites ecological concerns with social justice, personal struggles with those of the planet, theological reflection with scientific findings, and everyday grace with global outreach.

    Filled with stories and practical suggestions, Loving Creation will serve as a handbook for prayer, guiding its readers to a broader vision of Christian maturity and a solid hope in the Spirit’s power to shape us into the people we are meant to be. A work of practical theology, it builds on the ecological thinking of recent decades, while taking a fresh look at key areas of an Earth-centered spirituality emotion, imagination, wonder, desire, asceticism, and legacy. In the process, the book suggests ways to incorporate greater ecological awareness into classical spiritual practices.

    Loving Creation faces directly the force of our cultural dark nights, but grounds our faith in the future that God desires for our universe. Clear and readable, it will provide the spiritual foundation for sustained ecological action.

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  • Worshiping With The Church Fathers


    Christopher Hall invites us to accompany the church fathers as they enter the sanctuary for worship and the chapel for prayer. He also takes us to the wilderness, where we learn from the early monastics as they draw close to God in their solitary discipline. Readers will enjoy a rich and rare schooling in developing their spiritual life in this unique survey of the life of worship from the perspective of the early Church.

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  • Living Miracles


    This is a collection of stories of men who answered a call to the priesthood through the influence of Pope John Paul II. Each chapter tells the stories of young priests and seminarians who trace their vocation, the origin of their priestly call, to John Paul’s reign of hope, and who bear the special stamp of his influence. These spiritual sons of John Paul the Great are his lasting legacy, his living miracles.

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  • Spiritual Masters For All Seasons


    Every age needs figures of spiritual inspiration but, in times of recession and uncertainty, they are essential in helping us to rise above despair and to search for God deep within ourselves. In this new book, Michael Ford invites four spiritual masters onto the same stage for the first time and shows how they speak, not only to our own times, but for all seasons. Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, Anthony de Mello and John O’Donohue all died suddenly at the height of their fame as spiritual masters but they continue to have immense followings. What was their secret and why do their legacies endure? Through unpublished interviews with some of the authors themselves, encounters with their friends and reflections from readers who have been inspired by their writings, Michael Ford journeys across the United States and Europe to assess their place in the world of contemporary spirituality. He goes behind the scenes of the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky to hear at first hand from monks who were novices under Merton; visits Lambeth Palace in London to discover Merton’s influence on the Archbishop of Canterbury; talks to people about how Nouwen, the proverbial wounded healer, helped them through depression because he had suffered himself; speaks to Jesuits who worked with de Mello in India and tries to find out how close the international storyteller came to Buddhism; and takes a walk with O’Donohue through landscapes in rural Ireland which feature in such books as Anam Cara and discusses the appeal of Celtic spirituality. Blending the spiritual with the journalistic, Michael Ford presents four unique writers as “Spiritual Masters for All Seasons.”

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