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Showing 101–150 of 2282 results

  • Auschwitz And Absolution


    Few people know that in the face of his execution, the notorious Rudolf Hoss, the Commandant for Auschwitz, met with a Polish Jesuit priest, Fr. Wladyslaw Lohn. Hoss made a confession to Fr. Lohn for approximately four hours, and from Fr. Lohn he received communion. This compelling account of a secret and sacramental meeting not only tells what happened but seventeen Christian and Jewish scholars offer a critical challenge to, or celebration of Christian notions of forgiveness.

    We have access to Hoss’s confession by way of selections from his published memoirs. Fr. Lohn said almost nothing about his encounter and certainly nothing about the confession itself. In addition to writing a thorough introduction to this encounter, in order to contemplate the priest’s thoughts, James Bernauer has composed a work of imagination, a diary of how this Jesuit might have scrutinized this meeting. Bernauer’s hope is that, in addition to giving a sense of a historical encounter, the reader will perform their own imaginative reflection on the issues. Throughout the work, the limitations on religious absolution of sin are heightened by recall of alternative Christian practices (historical and contemporary), as well as Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s warnings about “cheap grace.”

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  • Nevertheless We Persist


    Elaborates an innovative feminist theological approach to the public church and to the praxis of public theology as ekklesial work, that is, creating community or creating a shared public life; it constructs and then applies this approach to identify and interpret theological claims (imago Dei, Christology, ecclesiology) and practices of public engagement (rhetorical, symbolic, and prophetic) exemplified mainly but not only by Christian social justice leaders and movements.

    Drawing on major figures in feminist and womanist theologies as well as public theology, Nevertheless, We Persist examines a rich range of historical and contemporary faith-based movements such as the Catholic Worker, the Civil Rights Movement, United Farm Workers, and The Plowshares Movement. Each chapter ends with a contemporary social movement that continues and radicalizes a part of an earlier movement but in more multifaith ways in order to redress the increasing fracture of US public life in our time, such as the Revolutionary Love Project, The Poor People’s Campaign, The New Sanctuary Movement, and Green Nuns. The book concludes with a contemporary case study of feminist intersectional and interfaith justice, drawing out insights from NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus for the future ekklesial work of feminist public theology to create community and to construct a shared public life that expands beyond single social issues and religions.

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  • Bible And Reconciliation


    This addition to the Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

    James Prothro offers a biblical theology of the sacrament of reconciliation–the restoration of the sinner through forgiveness and repentance. Prothro fleshes out the patterns in which God’s people in the Old and New Testaments approach the merciful God, confess, and are forgiven and called to reengage their relationship with God by growing in faith and love through God’s ministry of grace.

    Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance-education programs. Gray is also president of the Augustine Institute.

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  • Creados Para El Cielo – (Spanish)


    Unete al padre Agustino Torres, CFR–el fundador de Corazon Puro–en un viaje cuaresmal multimedia inspirado en san Francisco. Comienza la temporada con un voto de pobreza y termina en la Pascua con un corazon libre del desierto del pecado y abierto a amar, servir y cuidar a los demas.

    Creados para el cielo presenta impresionantes obras de arte originales de Valerie Delgado de Pax.Valerie, junto con meditaciones diarias sobre un pasaje de las Escrituras, preguntas de reflexion, oracion y espacio para escribir un diario y tomar notas.

    Una vida de sencillez y de pobreza te orienta hacia el amor de Dios y te recuerda que estas creado para el cielo. Torres dice que la mejor manera de prepararte para ese destino final es vivir como verdadero peregrino que necesita “viajar liviano” y desapegarte de los placeres terrenales.

    En seis semanas transformadoras, aprenderas como permitir que el Espiritu Santo se mueva en tu corazon a traves de un tema nuevo cada semana:

    *Primera semana: comprometete a hacer un voto de pobreza durante la Cuaresma y reflexiona sobre la historia de Jesus siendo arrojado al desierto mientras aprendes a hacer tu vida enteramente alrededor de Cristo;

    *Segunda semana: se testigo de la Transfiguracion y permitete transformarte, dejando brillar tus dones espirituales;

    *Tercera semana: aceptar el llamado a la conversion y decir si a una vida de sencillez y de pobreza como lo hizo san Jose;

    *Cuarta semana: deja que el poder sanador de Dios te desafie a convertirte en un recipiente de misericordia y una fuente de compasion amorosa para los demas;

    *Quinta semana: aprende a orar con confianza y mirar mas alla de nosotros mismos; y

    *Semana Santa: experimenta un encuentro profundo con Dios a traves de la antigua liturgia de la Iglesia.

    Creados para el cielo es perfecto tanto para uso individual como grupal. Hay videos complementarios gratuitos y una guia del lider descargable disponibles en El libro y otros recursos tambien estan disponibles en ingles.

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  • Made For Heaven


    Join Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR-founder of Corazón Puro-on a multimedia Lenten journey inspired by St. Francis. Begin the season with a vow of poverty and end at Easter with a heart free from the desert of sin and open to love, serve, and care for others.

    Made for Heaven features stunning original art by Valerie Delgado of Pax.Valerie, along with daily meditations on a passage from scripture, reflection questions, prayer, and space for journaling and notetaking.

    A life of simplicity and poverty orients you toward God’s love and reminds you that you are made for heaven. Torres says the best way to prepare yourself for that final destination is to live as true pilgrims who need to “travel lightly” and detach from earthly pleasures.

    In six transformative weeks, you will learn how to allow the Holy Spirit to move in your heart through a new theme each week:

    *Week one: commit yourself to a Lenten vow of poverty and reflect on the story of Jesus being cast into the desert as you learn to make your life entirely about Christ;

    *Week two: be a witness to the Transfiguration and allow yourself to become transformed, letting your spiritual gifts shine forth;

    *Week three: accept the call to conversion and say yes to a life of simplicity and poverty as St. Joseph did;

    *Week four: let the healing power of God challenge you to become a vessel of mercy and a source of loving compassion to others;

    *Week five: learn how to pray with confidence and look beyond ourselves; and

    *Holy Week: experience a deep encounter with God through the ancient liturgy of the Church.

    Made for Heaven is perfect for both individual and group use. Free companion videos and a downloadable leader’s guide are available at The book and other resources are also available in Spanish.

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  • Whats Next : Surrendering Your Plans To Jesus


    Letting go of control is not always easy.

    Whether it’s about timing, vocation, occupation, or what to eat for their next meal, many people spend their lives asking the question “what’s next?”

    What’s Next? Surrendering your Plans to Jesus takes Fr. Mike’s homily series “What’s Next” and transforms it into an easy-to-read and easy-to-digest booklet.

    This new booklet in The Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz Collection invites Catholics to surrender their next steps to God and helps them shed the weight of needing to control the future.

    In four short chapters, this booklet introduces the reader to:

    *Surrendering control and placing confidence in God
    *How to trust that God is providing in the present
    *How to move forward with the future
    *And more!

    Complete with thought-provoking questions, prayerful meditations, and real-life challenges after each chapter, this booklet is perfect for individual devotion or group study.

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  • Catechism In A Year Companion Volume I


    Get even more out of The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)!

    The Catechism in a Year Companion takes Catholics through the #1-hitting podcast The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) including daily summaries, transcripts of Fr. Mike’s daily prayers, and extra content for each episode.

    It’s the perfect way to remember what you’re hearing and to learn even more about each section of the Catechism!

    “The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for.” -CCC 27

    The Companion presents daily content for each episode of the podcast, including:

    *The proprietary Catechism in a Year Reading Plan

    *”Reflect on the Faith,” where readers will find a summary of the key points and highlights of Fr. Mike’s commentary on the daily passages

    *”Take It to Prayer,” where Catholics will be able to pray the daily prayer alongside Fr. Mike and the rest of the CIY community

    *”Dive Deeper,” which features unique content related to each day’s readings, from images and Q&As to prayer prompts and ways to live out the teachings of the Church in the day-to-day

    In addition to the daily content, each volume of the Companion will provide an introduction and review for the sections of the Catechism it covers. Written by Dr. Petroc Willey, professor of theology and Catechetics at Franciscan University of Steubenville, these introductions and reviews will help Catholics know what to look for in the days ahead and recall what has happened in the days completed.

    Volume I of The Catechism in a Year Companion covers days 1-120 of The Catechism in a Year podcast.

    Outside the USA? Click here to see our international distributors!

    This sought-after guide to the #1-hitting podcast The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) is coming to you thanks to many collaborators, including

    *Fr. Mike Schmitz
    *Dr. Petroc Willey
    *Ann Koshute
    *and more!

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  • Laudate Deum : Apostolic Exhortation To All People Of Good Will On The Clim


    In his historic encyclical of 2015, Laudato Si’ On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis firmly established ecological concerns as central to the agenda of Catholic Social Teaching. Along with a spiritual framework on care for creation, he outlined issues of climate change, biodiversity, the peril facing our oceans, access to fresh water, and sustainable food, and offered a comprehensive guide to integral ecology.

    Eight years later comes a shorter but even more urgent call in the form of this new apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, which focuses specifically on the “climate crisis” of our time. Disappointed that not enough has been done in the intervening years, he addresses the irreversible effects of increasing global temperatures, the decrease in ice sheets, and other signs of the times. He critiques the “technocratic paradigm,” the ongoing addiction to a fossil-fuel economy, and the “weaknesses of international politics,” while leveling particular criticism at those who sow resistance and confusion. For all people of good will, it is a call to face the preeminent crisis of our times and to draw on all our spiritual wisdom, scientific knowledge, and political will to meet the challenge.

    As Erin Lothes Biviano writes in her introduction, Pope Francis here writes as a prophet, priest, poet, and most of all “a pastor, deeply concerned for people throughout the world, and above all for the poor.” Selections from Laudato Si’ focusing on pastoral, theological, and spiritual themes are also included in this edition, enhancing its value for study and reflection.

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  • Engaging Thomas Merton


    Engaging Thomas Merton is based on contemporary engagements with the work and legacy of Thomas Merton that highlight the enduring relevance of his thought in addressing the pressing concerns of our time.

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  • Theology Of Liberation 50th Anniversary Edition


    “It would be difficult to name another theological book these past five decades that has been more influential, has inspired more believers and non-believers alike to think differently about the Christian faith, and has engendered so much controversy.” So begins Michael E. Lee’s introduction to this 50th anniversary edition of the classic work that signaled a new style of doing theology.

    The theological project launched in this book was, as Fr. Gutierrez wrote, “based on the gospel and the experiences of men and women committed to the process of liberation in the oppressed land of Latin America.” It was “born of the experience of shared efforts to abolish the current unjust situation and to build a different society, freer and more human.” Yet its influence was quickly felt around the world, inspiring numerous offshoots, as well as provoking critical reactions, both inside and outside the Church.

    A Theology of Liberation has won wide acclaim as one of the most influential works of Christian theology of the last century. Yet Gutierrez himself concluded the book by noting that any theology of liberation “is not worth one act of genuine solidarity with exploited social classes. They are not worth one act of faith, love, and hope committed . . . in active participation to liberate humankind from everything that dehumanizes it and prevents it from living according to the will of God.”

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  • Doing Christian Ethics From The Margins (Revised)


    In this revised edition of an established classroom text, De La Torre furthers his argument that the pain and suffering of people who have been marginalized continues to inform a perspective that holds a greater grasp of reality than those who are more privileged by power and profit. He continues the method of theory and case studies from earlier editions, updating the cases for the 3rd edition. In Part IV, the chapter entitled “Private Property” that appeared in the 2nd edition has been removed in the 3rd edition. Also in that part, the chapters on affirmative action and sexism have been re-ordered so that the chapter entitled “Affirmative Action” is the last chapter before the conclusion. In the 3rd edition, there is a fuller conclusion than the 2nd edition’s epilogue.

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  • Christmas At The Nativity


    “The nativity scene is like a living Gospel rising up from the pages of sacred Scripture. As we contemplate the Christmas story, we are invited to set out on a spiritual journey, drawn by the humility of the God who became man in order to encounter every man and woman. We come to realize that so great is his love for us that he became one of us, so that we in turn might become one with him.” Pope Francis

    On the 800th anniversary of St. Francis’s original nativity, Pope Francis gives to the world this stirring call to come to the manger and encounter Christ anew.

    Written with his beloved down to earth style, Pope Francis tells the story of Christmas through the lens of the different characters of the Nativity scene. This book, in English for the first time, is destined to be a perennial Christmas classic.

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  • Restoring The Gospels Jewish Voice


    Although Chouraqui and his work are well-known and celebrated in many parts of the world (especially in Israel, and in the francophone world), he is almost completely unknown in the anglophone world. This book represents an attempt to introduce his important work and inspiring legacy to an English-speaking audience, and to explore how it can enrich Jewish-Christian dialogue today. As a bilingual translator and Biblical scholar, I am able to make Chouraqui’s work accessible to English speakers who are unfamiliar with him–who may be intrigued by him but unable to directly access much of the material written by and about him in French.

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  • Shape Of Matthews Story


    The Gospel of Matthew, like the other Gospels, is a story. The narrative nature of Matthew’s account of the life of Jesus unfolds as a plotted sequence of words and events, beginning with his birth and closing with his presence to the disciples as their risen Lord. The location of any single passage within the flow of the unfolding story is a major guide to understanding this Gospel. Matthew is best known for his account of the birth of Jesus (Matt 1–2); Peter’s recognition of Jesus as the Son of Man, the Son of God (16:13-20); and the final commission of all the disciples to preach the gospel to all nations (28:16-28). But where do these famous passages appear in the story? What preceded them and what follows? The first Gospel famously highlights five major discourses, during which only Jesus speaks. How do they contribute to Matthew’s story of the life of Jesus?

    The Shape of Matthew’s Story focuses upon the temporal and geographical flow of the unfolding narrative, and the interacting roles of the protagonists within it. It traces an early Christian storyteller’s single-minded presentation of God, Jesus Christ, the call to discipleship, and the Christian Church.

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  • Inner Life And Social Responsibility


    This final volume of his collected “sermon series,” concerns what is likely the most cherished aspect of Thurman’s thought, his emphasis on meditation, introspection, and self-discovery as the key to the religious life. He often spoke and wrote of his belief in a pervading sense of a divine presence, a presence that existed both within and outside of organized religions and religious institutions and could be found everywhere. But its most important location was within each of us.

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  • Enacting Integral Human Development


    “Integral Human Development” (IHD) is a term coined by Louis-Joseph Lebret OP and then used by Paul VI in his encyclical Populorum Progressio in 1967. It is, in a way, the Catholic approach to human development and has been adopted by Catholic Relief Services. Pope Francis has emphasized the idea with the creation of a special dicastery of which Cardinal Czerny is the new Prefect. Similar to Enacting Catholic Social Teaching, the book emphasizes practice and examples without being a simple “how-to” book.

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  • Triumph : The Power And The Glory Of The Catholic Church – A 2,000 Year His (Exp


    A Catholic Classic — UPDATED AND EXPANDED!

    For 2,000 years, Catholicism-the largest religion in the world and in the United States-has shaped global history on a scale unequaled by any other institution.

    Triumph offers an accessible, affirmative, and exciting entry into that history. Inside, you’ll discover the spectacular story of the Church from Biblical times and the early days of St. Peter-the first pope-to Pope John Paul the Great (already a saint), Pope Benedict XVI (a master theologian), and the controversies surrounding Pope Francis.

    It is a sweeping drama of Roman legions, great crusades, epic battles, toppled empires, heroic saints, and enduring faith, as well as Dark Age skullduggery, the Inquisition, the Renaissance popes, and the Protestant Revolt.

    A classic for twenty years — now updated and expanded — Triumph is a brawling, colorful history full of inspiring pageantry and spirited polemic that will exhilarate, amuse, and infuriate as it extols the power and the glory the Catholic Church and the gripping stories of some of its greatest men and women.

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  • Alex Blows His Top


    Alex has had a terrible day, with one thing after another going wrong. By the time he gets home from school, he is hungry and irritable, and he loses his temper with his little sister.

    In Alex Blows His Top, children will learn how to handle the tricky emotion of anger with the help of their Catholic Faith!

    Find more to help your children or students identify and manage the emotions they are feeling in the companion books Jane’s Dismal Day and Andrew Is Up All Night. Written by a Catholic school counselor, this series from OSV Kids provides a Catholic approach to emotions that integrates practical responses with spiritual guidance for handling emotions with the Lord’s help.

    By the end of each book in this series, children will learn what that particular emotion looks and feels like, and that the emotion itself is normal. Bible stories, wisdom from saints, and prayer are also included so that children can understand that even great heroes of the Bible and saints through the ages have felt the same way.

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  • Janes Dismal Day


    Jane has never been sadder. Her beloved family dog has died. Throughout the day, Jane finds nothing to smile about, nothing to laugh about. She almost feels mad at her friends who are having a good time.

    In Jane’s Dismal Day, children will learn how to handle the tricky emotion of sadness with the help of their Catholic Faith!

    Find more to help your children or students identify and manage the emotions they are feeling in the companion books Alex Blows His Top and Andrew Is Up All Night. Written by a Catholic school counselor, this series from OSV Kids provides a Catholic approach to emotions that integrates practical responses with spiritual guidance for handling emotions with the Lord’s help.

    By the end of each book in this series, children will learn what that particular emotion looks and feels like, and that the emotion itself is normal. Bible stories, wisdom from saints, and prayer are also included so that children can understand that even great heroes of the Bible and saints through the ages have felt the same way.

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  • Andrew Is Up All Night


    Andrew lies awake at night, worried about his first day of school. Moving to a new house in a new town at the beginning of summer was one thing. Starting at a new school is different. Instead of going to school in the morning, he just wants to hide in his bed with the covers over his head.

    In Andrew Is Up All Night, children will learn how to handle the tricky emotion of fear with the help of their Catholic Faith!

    Find more to help your children or students identify and manage the emotions they are feeling in the companion books Alex Blows His Top and Jane’s Dismal Day. Written by a Catholic school counselor, this series from OSV Kids provides a Catholic approach to emotions that integrates practical responses with spiritual guidance for handling emotions with the Lord’s help.

    By the end of each book in this series, children will learn what that particular emotion looks and feels like, and that the emotion itself is normal. Bible stories, wisdom from saints, and prayer are also included so that children can understand that even great heroes of the Bible and saints through the ages have felt the same way.

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  • Jesse Tree For Families


    The Jesse Tree is the family tree of Jesus Christ. Its name comes from Jesse, the father of King David, referring to the words of Isaiah: “But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom” (11:1). This prophecy refers to the coming of the Messiah from the family of King David. Over time it became tradition during Advent to review the family of Christ as a way of illustrating the story of salvation.

    The Jesse Tree for Families presents a lovely, achievable way to celebrate the liturgical season of Advent with your children. Each day focuses on a specific person from Jesus’ family tree with a meditation perfect for the whole family and a beautifully illustrated portrait, plus an ornament to hang on your family’s Jesse tree. Conversation starters and resources for parents are included, with the goal of helping your family grow in faith so that, together, you can prepare for the arrival of Christmas.

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  • Jesus Is Here


    When we go to church for Mass, we are visiting with Jesus. Throughout the Mass, Jesus is here with us.

    Jesus Is Here helps littles ones learn and follow along with the Mass in a fun and interactive way. Young Catholics will love the colorful illustrations and hands-on activities that teach them about the various parts of the liturgy through a simple, kid-friendly approach. Parents will love how this lift-the-flap book keeps children engaged at Mass and sparks their love of Jesus and the Eucharist.

    Perfect for families with young children to take along with them to Mass, this durable and dependable board book is sure to become a favorite keepsake.

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  • Intentional Catholic Family


    Catholic families today are busy. And not just busy, but B.U.S.Y.! There’s so much to be done. School, sports, shows, recitals, doctor appointments, grocery shopping, bills, jobs, Sunday Mass. All the things! Time to ponder and plan? Are you kidding?!

    Intentional Catholic Family is the resource your family has been searching for to help you get more intentional about your faith and reorient your family’s life around what matters most. Beginning with a mission, vision, and goals, and providing a year’s worth of Catholic education and practical inspiration, this book provides families of all shapes, sizes, and kinds with the relevant resources and the roadmap to go do it – to live out your faith according to the unique gifts God has given your family!

    Weekly exercises, easily completed around the dinner table on a Sunday evening, keep families on track and provide inspiration all year long. Not only does this book help families foster their Catholic identity, it assists parents and children in shaping a unique family identity.

    Intentional Catholic Family is #goals. This book is designed to meet families where they are and to support them in building the awareness, habits, and experiences that, over time, can change lives. This approach engages every family member and offers the best kind of belonging – to be a loved and valued part of a family with a clear identity and necessary role in the world.

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  • Science Reason And Faith


    Built into our very nature is a desire to know the world around us. The big questions of human existence are inescapable: Who am I? Why am I here, and where am I going? Why is there evil in the world? What is the meaning of life?

    This yearning for truth ultimately leads us to our Creator. God knows the longings of the human heart, and he reveals himself to us through creation, through Scripture, and ultimately through the Incarnation. Because God the Son became man, we have a person to look to in our pursuit of truth: Jesus Christ himself, who is Truth. Christ helps us see that truth is not just the object of science and reason but the reality that animates the mysterious and loving power of faith.

    In Science, Reason, and Faith, Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ, explores in depth the Bible and the intersection of three realms that the secular world tells us are separate and incompatible. Fr. Spitzer draws the modern reader’s attention to the many seeming conflicts between science, reason, and Catholic teaching. By tackling these difficult questions, he shows that it is precisely through the integration of science, reason, and faith that we can truly discover ourselves, our world, and our God.

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  • Gospel Of Peace


    Long-time activist, author and teacher of nonviolence, Father John Dear offers here the first ever commentary on the Synoptic Gospels from the perspective of active nonviolence, in the tradition of Gandhi and Dr. King. He walks through every line of the three synoptic Gospels pointing out Jesus’ practice and teachings of nonviolence each step of the way.

    Dear’s Jesus is like Gandhi and Dr. King–nonviolent to the core, a disarming, healing presence toward those in need and a revolutionary disrupter of the unjust status quo and a political threat to the ruling authorities who succeed in killing him, only to push Jesus to the heights of nonviolence through his death and resurrection. This original commentary brings a fresh new approach to the Gospels that will help all those who preach and engage in social ministries, and inspire everyone in this time of permanent warfare, gun violence, racism, poverty and climate change.

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  • New Heaven : Death, Human Destiny, And The Kingdom Of God


    Harvey Cox is one of America’s great public theologians of the past fifty years. In many bestselling books he has written on matters of religion and faith for a popular audience, including on secularism and belief, world religions, Jewish-Christian dialogue, liberation theology, Pentecostalism, Jesus, and biblical interpretation. In his new book he explores the question that underlies all religion: what is the point of life that ends in death? What are the different ways we think about the afterlife? What are we actually talking about when we talk about heaven?

    Interestingly, this is not a subject of great preoccupation in the Gospels. Jesus was concerned primarily with the Kingdom of God–about conforming the present world to the values and principles of God’s love and justice. How this has gravitated toward concern with “life after death” is one of the topics covered here. Cox draws on personal stories, including his youthful work as an assistant his uncle, an undertaker, approaches to death in other cultures and religions; and his own reflections on mortality.

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  • Solitude And Silence


    What can the lay person learn from the life of a monk? Solitude and Silence are two pillars of monastic life that many people quickly point to as the hardest and most confusing parts of this kind of religious consecration. However, the great spiritual writer Thomas a Kempis, author of The Imitation of Christ, helps us to understand that all Christians are called to some solitude and silence in our lives while not taking on a complete eremitical life. He recommends the systematic and intentional incorporation of solitude and silence in a manner which is consistent with each one’s vocation and state of life.

    It is important for us to cultivate these two habits in order to enter into contemplation and conversation with God. This vision of God may also be experienced (to varying degrees) even in this world, through the grace of contemplative prayer. And silence and solitude are the hallowed doors through which one must pass to arrive at this delightful and serene state of holy contemplation.

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  • Meditaciones Diarias Con El Es – (Spanish)


    El verso diario de las Escrituras y la oracion nos oferecen las oportunidad de desarrollar una relacion mas cercana con el Espiritu Santo y aplicar los frutos de nuestra meditacion a nuestra diaria.

    The daily verse of Scripture and prayer offer us the opportunity to develop a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit and apply the fruits of our meditation to our daily lives.

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  • Credo : Compendium Of The Catholic Faith


    The most up-to-date “catechism” in print! For the first time in over fifty years, a Catholic bishop has published his own comprehensive presentation of the Faith-what to believe, how to live, and how to pray as Christ taught.

    Sure to be a classic for generations to come, Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith offers a clear and readable summary of Catholicism as a whole, given in the pastoral style of the apostles. Using the simple and direct “Question-Answer” format so popular among instructors (and internet search engines), Bishop Athanasius Schneider shares a bold new articulation of timeless truths, while also engaging current issues with courage and kindness.

    After an Introduction outlining Christian identity and doctrine, Part I unpacks what Catholics believe, following the articles of the Apostle’s Creed. Part II explains the principles of right moral action, following the Commandments. Part III teaches on grace, the sacraments, prayer, and worship. Appendices include the five major Christian Creeds, and a stellar Index (plus unique headers and bleed tabs) makes navigating the book delightfully easy.

    Including treatments of several contemporary issues:

    *social media use,
    *personal technology,
    *science and evolution,
    *just war, death penalty,
    *gender ideology, modesty,
    *vaccines, health mandates,
    *world religions, true prayer,
    *faithful parenting, schooling,
    *religious liberty, free speech,
    *female clergy, Church scandal,
    *infallibility, magisterium, error,
    *pornography, sex education,
    *Sunday work, right worship,
    *Communism, Freemasonry,
    *globalism, transhumanism,
    *charismatic movement,
    *marijuana, drug use,
    *authentic renewal,
    *and more!

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  • Arthur The Clumsy Altar Server Rings The Bells


    Arthur the Clumsy Altar Server has fulfilled his dream to serve at Mass. He’s carried the crucifix and lit the candles. But Arthur’s favorite moment is when the whole church falls completely silent and a server rings those beautiful bells – the moment when the bread and wine become Jesus’ own Body and Blood.

    Finally, Fr. Cruz tells Arthur he can ring the bells that day. During Mass, when the big moment comes, Arthur is so captivated he can’t take his eyes off Jesus, really and truly present. So much so that he … forgets to ring the bells.

    “Arthur! The bells! Ring the bells!”

    Find out what happens next in the second installment of the Arthur the Clumsy Altar Server series. Through this endearing story, Arthur and readers alike will grow in understanding of the Blessed Sacrament and come to appreciate God’s closeness to us in the Eucharist.

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  • Saint Pauls Eight Steps To Happiness


    Here is the book that will help you climb St. Paul’s “eight steps,” to attain happiness, holiness, and Heaven. Best selling author Kevin Vost breaks open St. Paul’s life and spirituality through the lens of St. Thomas Aquinas as well as other saintly and noble men and women. You will see how human knowledge (e.g. science and philosophy) point to the truth of the Divine and how the virtues St. Paul proposes in his letter to the Philippians lead to abiding joy.

    In this gem of a book, Dr. Kevin Vost reveals hidden treasures such as:

    *Why St. Paul is a “four-in-one special” (You will never guess!)
    *Three intellectual virtues that help us discover important truths
    *Two fundamental senses of truth, and three vices opposed to truth
    *Eight aspects of the nature of truth according to Aquinas
    *Eight types of justice and how you can exercise them in your life
    *The link between modesty and latria, dulia, and hyperdulia (Do you know?)

    Each chapter unpacks one of these outstanding virtues and contains an invaluable “Summing Up” section. Further highlighted are exemplary individuals to imitate in their exercise of the heroic virtue, from St. Dominic to Our Lady and St. Joseph to St. Agnes of Rome and St. Brigid to Aristotle and Cicero. Also contained are several handy tables that break down the teachings of St. Paul and St. Thomas in connection to the Sacred Scriptures and your daily life for easy referencing.

    You will find the six types of grace and their effects that God is waiting to pour into your life. Most significantly, you will find our practical ways to develop each virtue, the fruits that result, and how to reap them in your daily life. Thus you will see how loveliness begets friendship and much more.

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  • Sacred Space For Advent And The Christmas Season 2023-24


    SKU (ISBN): 9780829455793ISBN10: 0829455795Irish JesuitsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2023Publisher: Loyola Press

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  • Saintly Rhymes Through The Year


    Heaven’s saints are holy,
    Each in their own way.
    Here you’ll find their stories to inspire you every day.

    Remembering these rhymes is simple as can be.
    They show how we can all be saints–
    Even you and me!

    Filled with colorful illustrations and catchy rhymes, Saintly Rhymes for Modern Times teaches your child that everyone is called to be a saint. These kid-friendly rhymes allow children to see the beauty of Christian holiness through the lives of our more recent saints.
    With these sixteen poems, nineteen holy men, women, and children will become your child’s friends in heaven!

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  • Oriens : A Pilgrimage Through Advent And Christmas 2023


    Make a life-changing pilgrimage, beginning this Advent.

    Oriens is a Latin word meaning “rising” and “dawn.” Your Oriens journey begins on the First Sunday of Advent and continues until the feast of the Presentation on February 2. Each day, you’ll take a step closer to “the dawn from on high.”

    Fr. Joel Sember is your leader on this pilgrimage, one in which you will learn what God is revealing to you through Scripture and prayer. With Oriens as your guidebook, you’ll learn how to pray and reflect more deeply. For each entry, you’ll read a Scripture passage, receive Fr. Joel’s guidance on how to pray with that passage, and find questions for reflection and journaling.

    If in years past you have felt like you weren’t really “doing” Advent and just skipping right to celebrating Christmas, this book will speak to you. If you utilized Oriens in previous years to intensify your Advent preparation and Christmas celebration, then you already know this book will open you up to God speaking directly into your heart.

    Welcome, Oriens pilgrim.

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  • Generous Lap : A Spirituality Of Grandparenting


    In this charming and inspiring work, Kathy Coffey reflects on the spiritual dimensions of grandparenting–how this stage of life may expand our hearts, enlarge our humanity, put us in touch with fundamental aspects of our selves, and allow opportunities for a more generous and fruitful life.

    She notes: “God uses this period in human life to transform us. The most cantankerous, self-absorbed jerks suddenly discover a sweeter side. The stern start spoiling relentlessly. The introverts pull out the photos, cute sayings, and stories. Those who thought their physical ailments were paralyzing sprint after the toddler heading for the street or hoist aging bodies up the jungle gym when a grandchild quails at the terrifying steepness of the slide. As ‘the child grows in wisdom, age, and grace, ‘ we get to marvel, and gradually grow into God’s loving self.

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  • Behold The Lamb Of God


    Many Catholics today don’t fully understand the Eucharist-the source and summit of our Faith.

    In Behold the Lamb of God, Dr. Edward Sri provides an easy-to-read overview of Catholic teaching on the Eucharist, taking readers through its key aspects in a simple and inspiring manner.

    In a straightforward question-and-answer format, this short book unpacks sixty common questions about the Eucharist. Readers will:

    *Discover why the Eucharist is called the “source and summit of the Christian life,” the “medicine of immortality,” and the “sacrament of love.”

    *Learn what the Eucharist is and when and how Jesus instituted it.

    *Explore the three main aspects of the Eucharist and what they mean: Holy Sacrifice, Real
    *Presence, and Holy Communion.

    *Receive practical steps to grow in devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist.

    Designed to accompany the National Eucharistic Revival, Behold the Lamb of God offers an accessible and engaging introduction to this central mystery of our Faith.

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  • Silent Compassion : Finding God In Contemplation


    In Silent Compassion: Finding God in Contemplation, Richard Rohr focuses on finding God in the depths of silence. Divine silence is more than the absence of noise; it has a life of its own. We are invited into its living presence to find the wholeness of being and peace it brings. This book will inspire you and show that the peace of contemplation is not something just for monks, mystics, and those divorced from the worries of the world, but rather for all people who can quiet their own mind to listen in the silence. What’s more, this silence can absorb paradoxes, contradictions, and the challenges of life, ultimately connecting us with the great chain of being. While different faiths use different languages and different words, silence can become a common place for all to experience God.

    In May 2013, the Festival of Faiths conference in Louisville, Kentucky, featured His Holiness the Dalai Lama in an event called “Sacred Silence: Pathway to Compassion.” Richard Rohr was selected as the Christian presence among a small group of “world renowned experts on contemplative practice and compassion.” Others represented Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Silent Compassion curates the Franciscan friar’s talks from that event as well as interviews that place his thoughts in the context of his larger work as founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation. This is an updated and expanded edition of Rohr’s original presentation on the subject.

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  • Tyranny Of The Banal


    In this book, David Deane proposes a renewal of Catholic moral theology by deconstructing dominant secular positions and restoring Catholic positions to their theological roots. In doing so, Deane makes space for a constructive Catholic moral theology restored to its foundations in the doctrine of the Trinity.

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  • Dying Without Fear


    Catholic theologian Paul Chaloux’s follow-up to Why All People Suffer focuses on the natural and spiritual concerns encountered in dying and death. Theologically rich yet easy to read, this book is emotionally charged and will speak to the needs of your heart, whether you are facing terminal illness, caring for a dying loved one, or grieving a loss. Dr. Chaloux uses his own experiences in dealing with Parkinson’s disease and the dying and death experiences of his family members going back four generations to help make sense out of and answer the natural and theological questions most people have concerning death and dying.

    The first section of the book lays out the theology of suffering and death. You will learn how they are critical to Providence, God’s great plan for the universe, and why everyone must suffer and die. You will also see how even the most horrific deaths can be used by God to bring about salvation for those who suffer those deaths and for others.

    The second section explores death and dying from the perspective of the dying, giving helpful advice on what to do with your remaining time and energy to maximize building love and growing in your relationship with God and others. Dr. Chaloux skillfully discusses both spiritual preparations and practical decisions, from healthcare choices to final wishes, providing a checklist of seven items that the dying should consider.

    The third section focuses on dying and death from the perspective of a surviving relative. It explains typical causes of death, the five needs of the dying, and the role of caregivers, with particular emphasis on “tough” cases such as dementia, suicide and the loss of a spouse, a parent, a child, or another close relative.

    Significantly, you will find why recalling the attributes of God will help you trust in His love for you.

    You will also discover:

    *A review of the Four Last Things and why they make life meaningful
    *Why suffering is an important part of the dying process and why all people must die
    *The four tasks of suffering that bring you from sin to salvation
    *How to gain the only currency that transcends Heaven and earth
    *How redemptive suffering and death are gifts that can lead to mercy and joy

    Dying without Fear will enlighten your perspective about suffering and death and about the relationship between God and man, so that you will truly be able to approach the final things without fear and to assist your loved ones in attaining peace on

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  • Becoming Wife : Saying Yes To More Than The Dress


    Whether you are preparing to be or are already a wife, you likely are immersed in the external reality of marriage. But being wife is so much more: It’s a call to holiness and a vocation of incredible significance.

    Becoming Wife explores what it means for a woman to fulfill this vocation. Catholic wife, mother, speaker, and author Rachel Bulman shares – like a friend over a cup of coffee – how being a wife is at once a calling and a purpose. The more a wife makes herself a gift to her husband, to her children, and to the world, the more she inevitably becomes the person God created her to be. She becomes more wife, more woman, more Christian. Thus, she fulfills her identity as a daughter of God and cultivates the soil from which her motherhood comes to fruition.

    By exploring the life of the Blessed Mother and the guidance of great minds in the Church, like Saint John Paul II and Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, this book unwraps the gift of becoming a wife and what it means to make a “total gift” of oneself through matrimony.

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  • Holy Silence : A Practical Guide To Recollection In God


    Fr. Basil Nortz masterfully builds upon the classic reflections of Sr. Marie-Aimee de Jesus, a nineteenth-century spiritual mystic and Carmelite nun, on the twelve degrees of silence. By cultivating these types of silence, you will find out how you can – even amid your busy days filled with chatter, commotion, and noise – listen to the voice of God.

    In these profound pages you will find ways to overcome your fear of silence and discover:

    *Keys to obeying God’s will
    *Kinds of silence that are holy and kinds that are unholy
    *Ten tips on what to do – and what to avoid – to bridle your senses
    *Seven ways to guard your imagination and foster recollection
    *How to direct your emotions with reason and foster silence of the heart
    *Effective ways of responding to injustice

    You will learn the one sinful attitude that cuts us off from the merciful forgiveness of God and will acquire ways to stop passing judgment against others. Additionally, you will learn the most important attitude that disposes us to God’s plans and allows us to enter into His love and converse with Him affectionately throughout the day. Moreover, you will find practical techniques for overcoming distractions in prayer and advice from the saints on methods of meditation to develop silence of the spirit.

    Above all, you will glean how to maintain peace of soul and live free from anxiety and despair, regardless of temptations or life’s battles. By relying totally on God, you will fearlessly rise after falls and begin again. You will begin to see the loving hand of God in all things, contemplate the light of His presence, and “be still” in the silence of His love.

    “Holy silence is what helps the soul acquire the strength necessary to bear the presence of the all-pure God, who is ipsum esse subsistens (subsistent being itself),” explains Fr. Nortz. “The intensity of that fullness, far from inspiring languid inaction, produces a vibrant joyfulness that St. John expresses in the book of Revelation in terms of the saints singing with full voice.”

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  • No Guilty Bystander


    Thomas Gumbleton, retired Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, has long served as an outstanding voice and witness for peace and justice in the Catholic Church. From his early opposition to the Vietnam war, his work on the Bishops’ historic pastoral on nuclear weapons, to his peacemaking missions and solidarity with marginalized communities around the globe, and his promotion of reform and renewal in the church, he has offered a prophetic model of faithful discipleship.

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  • Letters Of Adam Of Perseigne


    Abbot of the Cistercian monastery at Perseigne, Adam was a ‘director of souls’ in the late twelfth century. By his letters he counselled clerics and kings, nuns and nobles with affection, respect, and candor. Because his monastery lay in Normandy, he enjoyed close ties with Norman England and acted as an adviser to the crusader-king, Richard the Lion-hearted. Yet this intimate of the high-born was himself the son of a serf.

    Nothing certain is know of the education by which Adam rose from the peasantry, but he is an example of the way in which a young man could improve his station by entering clerical life. After being ordained priest, Adam found favor at the witty and sophisticated court of the Countess of Champagne.

    In his letters, Adam reveals that at some point he began to seek a disciplined life of prayer and entered a monastery of cannons regular. Dissatisfied there, he transferred to a Benedictine monastery, and then to a Cistercian abbey, likely Pontigny. His final choice may have been guided in large part by his great personal devotion to the infant Jesus and to His Mother, the patroness of the Cistercian Order. Marian devotion had grown rapidly in the twelfth century and was echoed in secular life by the increasing chivalric regard for ladies which found its greatest expression at the court of Champagne. In several of his letters Adam speaks tenderly of the virtues and graces of Saint Mary, giving eloquent voice to the popular love and admiration which swept across western Europe in the twelfth century.

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  • Reforming The Church


    “To walk together is the constitutive way of the Church; the figure that enables us to interpret reality with the eyes and heart of God; the condition for following the Lord Jesus and being servants of life in this wounded time.”
    -Pope Francis

    “Today, making an option for synodality one’s own means thinking systemically about the renewal and life of the ecclesial body, in the local churches, without limiting oneself to certain sectors or individual activities that would only make a partial change.”
    -from the introduction

    Reforming the Church analyzes ministries; participatory structures; pastoral institutions; the role of the laity, especially women and couples in the Church; formation programs in seminaries and their decision-making and decision-taking models, among other topics where concrete reform is needed. The book covers six perspectives: the synodal form of church; scripture and tradition-the consensus ecclesiae; pathways to renewed ministries; co-responsibility versus clericalism; reforming structures; and the future-an ongoing synodal spirituality.

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  • Saint Joseph Sunday Missal Prayerbook And Hymnal For 2024 American Edition


    Perfect Worship Aid for Personal or Parish Use…A Missal with a Rich History Meets Today’s Need

    For over 50 years, the New…St. Joseph Sunday Missal Prayerbook and Hymnal has accompanied countless Catholics in countless parishes as they approach the table of the Lord each Sunday.

    This Missal serves as a welcome companion to help the faithful participate more fully in the Mass–our greatest prayer.

    With this compact, personal Missal, the faithful will have at their fingertips the complete readings and prayers for all the Masses celebrated on the Sundays and Holydays of the Church Year. In addition, this Missal includes all the celebrations of the Sacred Paschal Triduum.

    Valuable Features:

    *Clear, Easy-to-Read Type
    *Two-color Order of Mass with Complete Prayers and Short Explanatory Texts
    *Over 50 Illustrations
    *Treasury of Prayers, including Illustrated Rosary and Stations of the Cross
    *Pastoral Help: Christ’s Presence in Liturgical Celebrations
    *Major Practices

    We invite and encourage you to enrich your Sunday worship–in church or at home–with your personal copy of our New…St. Joseph Sunday Missal Prayerbook and Hymnal for 2024.

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  • How The Saints Shaped History


    In every era of the Catholic Church, holy men and women have shaped history through their gifts and talents and, most importantly, through their resolute commitment to Jesus Christ. Some led armies, some founded monasteries, some lived a radical call to charity – and each one had a unique part to play.

    How the Saints Shaped History focuses on the essential role of the saints, as vessels of God’s grace, in moving the Church (and the world!) through her two-thousand-year history. Written especially for everyday Catholics hungry to learn more about the Faith, this book is both comprehensive and accessible. It tells the story of how more than 180 saints, from Saint Mary Magdalene to Pope Saint John Paul II, led the Church through many crises and back to her spiritual roots.

    As our Church continues to face crises, this book reminds us that we still have reason to hope in our own time. As the providential hand of God worked through the saints to shape history, each of us is called to become a new saint to shape the history of the Church today.

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  • Scrupulosity : Heal Your Mind, Unbind Your Soul, And Let God Work


    We are all called to reject sin, to grow in virtue, and, above all else, to love God with all that we are. But some souls suffer from anxiety and feelings of guilt because they see sin where there is none and struggle to embrace God’s love and mercy – a psychological and spiritual condition known as scrupulosity.

    In Scrupulosity: Heal Your Mind, Unbind Your Soul, and Let God Work, clinical psychologist Dr. Kevin Vost provides a comprehensive overview of the ancient and current psychological and theological understanding of scrupulosity and how those who suffer from it can find peace and healing. He guides the reader through the empowering effects of the sacraments, virtues, gifts of the Holy Spirit, and prayer, as well as scientific insights into the physical and emotional reality of scrupulosity. Along the way, he offers inspiration from the lives of saints.

    This book answers many common questions, such as:

    *What are the causes of scrupulosity?

    *How can I know if I have it?

    *How does it manifest in thoughts, emotions, and behaviors?

    *Does one outgrow scrupulosity over time?
    Christ does not want us to live this life with troubled hearts mired in fear. Ultimately, this book invites both the scrupulous and those who love them to attain greater spiritual and psychological peace.

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  • Ukraine Diary


    “As we reflected on our experience in Ukraine, I felt a deep desire to stay faithful to the Ukrainian people and to keep choosing not just for the individual poor, who need support, but also for the country that is so clearly marginalized in the family of nations.”

    In 1993-94, Henri Nouwen, the Dutch-born priest and spiritual writer, made two trips to recently-independent Ukraine. There he led retreats, observed the resurgence of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, and connected with local communities working with handicapped adults. These trips were deeply significant to Nouwen. And yet the full meaning of his observations may only now become clear.

    With extraordinary prescience, Henri identified in Ukraine certain spiritual and moral qualities struggling to assert themselves–exactly the qualities, almost thirty years later, that the Ukrainian people have mobilized in their struggle for freedom and independence. He found a people hungry for hope and healing, in need of the life-giving message he most wanted to share: that we are all “beloved of God,” and that God’s love meets us where we are most hurt, weak, and vulnerable.

    Read today, Nouwen’s previously unpublished work is like a time capsule, a message from the past with special meaning for today. In an introduction by Borys Gudziak, Archbishop-Metropolitan for the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, he notes: “This modest, seemingly simple book about a visit to a distant land is in fact a subtle tale of how encounter genuinely and radically changes the lives of people.” In his moving afterword, Nouwen’s brother Laurent Nouwen describes how for twenty-five years after Henri’s death he continued an outreach of solidarity and service to the people of Ukraine through the Henri Nouwen Foundation.

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  • To Thine Own Self Be True


    Richo has chosen twenty-tree components of humanness, each a topic of a chapter. He begins each chapter with a short section about the topic as it is described in psychology or spirituality. Then he presents quotations from Shakespeare on that theme. Every passage walks us into who we are and can be, both psychologically and spiritually. The quotations are wonderfully imaginative kick-offs into it. After each Shakespeare quotation is a short re-phrase in modern English. After each set of quotations, he presents a paragraph or two, based on the points made in them, meant to show how they can be springboards into becoming more sensitive to the topic.

    The book is divided into three parts. In Part One, the author explores who we are. In Part Two, he looks at what happens to us during a lifetime. In Part Three, he presents specific suggestions found in Shakespeare about how to put these themes into practice.

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  • Whole Language : The Power Of Extravagant Tenderness


    In a community struggling to overcome systemic poverty and violence, The Whole Language shows how those at Homeboy Industries fight despair and remain generous, hopeful, and tender. When Saul was thirteen years old, he killed his abusive stepfather in self-defense; after spending twenty-three years in juvenile and adult jail, he enters the Homeboy Industries training and healing programs and embraces their mission. Declaring, “I’ve decided to grow up to be somebody I always needed as a child,” Saul shows tenderness toward the young men in his former shoes, treating them all like his sons and helping them to find their way. Before coming to Homeboy Industries, a young man named Abel was shot thirty-three times, landing him in a coma for six months followed by a year and a half recuperating in the hospital. He now travels on speaking tours with Boyle and gives guided tours around the Homeboy offices. One day a new trainee joins Abel as a shadow, and Abel recognizes him as the young man who had put him in a coma. “You give good tours,” the trainee tells Abel. They both have embarked on a path to wholeness.

    Boyle’s moving stories challenge our ideas about God and about people, providing a window into a world filled with fellowship, compassion, and fewer barriers. Bursting with encouragement, humor, and hope, The Whole Language invites us to treat others–and ourselves–with acceptance and tenderness.

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