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Showing 1701–1750 of 2559 results

  • Cultural World Of The Prophets Year A The First Reading


    Preachers and liturgy planners will find The Cultural World of the Prophets a companion to John Pilch’s The Cultural World of Jesus Sunday by Sunday series and The Cultural World of the Apostles series. Each essay offers historical, literary, and Eastern Mediterranean cultural information about the first reading and responsorial psalm of the liturgy of each Sunday.

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  • Justice : A Global Adventure


    A fascinating introduction to social justice that applies fundamental principles to urgent issues and problems facing us today. From immigration to attitudes toward the elderly, Justice is a book of substance that is impossible to put down.

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  • Public Worship And Public Work


    In a time of increasing cultural pluralism and vast religious restructuring in the United States, Christian social ethics must take account of how values and commitments shape Christian communities. In this book Christian Scharen examines theological claims about the relationship of worship of three vibrant congregations. This book moves beyond two caricatures of the relationship between worship and social ethics. Rather than resolute portrayals of the Church as a reflection of its culture and context, and casual accounts of the Church’s liturgy forming a Christian witness over and against culture, this book lifts up congregational identity as an area of dynamic interaction between worship, social ethics, and culture.

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  • Formed In The Image Of Christ


    The Christian life is an imitation of Christ’s response to God, a religious response to God’s initiative. We are called to make all responses religion and morality acts of adoring worship and praise. This sacramental theology is the fundamental moral theology of Bernard Haring, C.Ss.R., whose contributions as a twentieth-century theologian have prepared the way of renewal in Catholic theology today.

    Part One of this book introduces Bernard Haring and his place in the history of Roman Catholic moral theology. Part Two examines the central concepts of Haring’s sacramental-moral theology: responsibility, Christ as Word of God and High Priest, the human person as word and worshiper, and the sacraments as dialogue and response. In Part III the author illustrates how Haring takes a minor category the virtue of religion and places it at the center of moral life.

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  • From The Heart Of The Church


    The Catholic social tradition is one of thinking and acting. Within this tradition stand the social encyclicals as unique manifestations of the Church’s ethical intuition and commitment to the Gospel as lived in society. This book provides a view of the social encyclical tradition within a broader understanding of Catholic theology. In From the Heart of the Church, Judith Merkle, S.N.D., de N., examines the social teaching of the Church since Leo XIII from the perspective of its links to the Church and its life. While the social encyclicals of the popes since Leo XIII form a key expression of the social teachings of the Church in the last century, this book also explores the roots of these teachings in the life and theology of the Church today.

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  • Hunger For The Word Year A


    We have all experienced hunger, whether it’s a need for spiritual guidance or physical nutrition. Our hunger for God’s Word can benefit those needing material sustenance. God’s Word calls us to nourish the physically hungry and poor, just as it nourishes our faith and sustains us in our struggle for justice.

    Hunger for the Word explores the Lectionary with a focus on anti-hunger advocacy, social activism, and political issues affecting marginalized people. Using insights, images, and stories from pastors, professors and lay people who are active in anti-hunger campaigns, this ecumenical book offers devotional connections to inequality issues, as well as themes to help in our struggle to understand and eliminate injustice. Hunger for the Word, edited by Larry Hollar of Bread for the World, brings concern for hunger and fairness into our daily religious life.

    With weekly sermon/homily reflections, Hunger for the Word is an invaluable resource for pastors, liturgical ministers and those interested in justice-oriented Bible study and spiritual growth. Also includes suggestions for musical worship, and ideas for children’s sermons to help spread God’s Word of activism, compassion, and integrity throughout the congregation.

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  • Coming Catholic Church


    Rather than chronicling the well-reported sexual abuse scandal or advocating a particular reform agenda, David Gibson shows how the crisis in the church is unleashing forces that will change American Catholicism forever.

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  • On Genesis (Reprinted)


    This volume brings these three works together for the first time in English and provides a valuable and comprehensive introduction to each one.

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  • Called To Question


    Prologue: The Journey From Religion To Spirituality

    Religion: A Finger Pointing At The Moon

    Spirituality: Beyond The Boundaries Of Religion

    The Inward Life: A Discovery Of The Obvious

    The God Within: Whom Shall I Say Sent Me?

    The Presence Of God: The Truth That Sets Us Free

    Prayer: Every Time I Do Get Time

    The Call Of God: An Echo In The Heart

    Insight: The Alchemy Of Experience

    Solitude: The Balm Of The Soul

    The Self: The Ground Of Our Becoming

    Commitment: The Place Of Change In The Spiritual Life

    Balance: Going Through Life Whole And Holy

    Darkness: A Way To Light

    Immersion In Life: The Other Side Of Inwardness

    Relationships: To Know And Be Known

    Friendship: A Gift Of Independence

    Listening: The Beginning Of Wisdom

    Resistance: The Gospel Imperative

    Justice: Passion For The Reign Of God

    Power In The Powerless: The Courage To Refuse Evil

    Feminist Spirituality: The Coming Of A New World

    Society And Women: The Loss Of The Soul

    Men And Women: The Discovery Of The Adult

    The Church And Women: Speaking In The Name Of God

    Ecology: The Other Side Of The Spiritual Life

    Nature: The Voice Of God Around Us

    Creation: The Process That Never Ends

    Dailiness: The Gifts Of The Mundane

    Struggle: The Search For God In Darkness

    Joy: The God Who Loves Laughter

    Sanctity: The Task Of Growing Into God


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    Called to Question: A Spiritual Memoir is Sr. Joan Chittister’s most personal and intense writing to date. Centered around a series of conversations with spiritual writers featured in her private journal, Sr. Joan looks at the common questions or dimensions of life as we know them in our daily lives-not answers as we’ve been given them-in an attempt to unravel their many meanings, to give them flesh, to honor their spiritual import now and here, in our time and in our own lives. By sharing the questions, doubts, and convictions in her own heart, Chittister explores the heart of faith itself and nurtures a spirituality that pushes readers beyond superficial questioning and unexamined faith.

    Following a moving prologue on the nature of faith, Called to Question is broken into six parts that explore key themes- the inward life, immersion in life, resistance, feminist spirituality, ecology, dailiness. Within each theme is a wide array of topics that embody Sr. Joan’s life’s work as a sociologist, theologian, Benedictine nun, rights activist, and spiritual guide to countless people throughout the world. Alive with the raw energy of a journal and polished with the skill of a master storyteller, each chapter is an engaging dialogue between Sr. Joan and many different wisdom sources about such topics as God’s existence and call, experience, struggle, justice, the role of women and men in society and church, living through doubt, and celebrating life. Called to Question is a rare and powerful invitation to look into the center of our own souls, name our questions about God and life, admit the worst, and pursue the best–even when we are unsure where that pursuit will take us.

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  • Fully Human Fully Divine


    A solid blend of theology and spirituality, this refreshing book introduces the reader — in an interactive way — to the humanity and divinity of Jesus. Furthermore, Fully Human, Fully Divine applies its significant points to the reader’s spiritual life.

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  • Catholicism In Dialogue



    The Conversation Begins

    The Historical Roots Of Interreligious Dialogue In The Church

    The Nature, Types And Fruits Of Dialogue

    Views Of Dialogue

    The Presence And Example Of Pope John Paul II

    The Official Magisterial Teaching Of The Church On Interreligious Encounter And Dialogue

    Contradictions In The Understanding Of The Church

    The Three Basic Positions On The Other Religious Traditions

    Tensions Between Mission And Dialogue

    Interreligious Encounter And Dialogue: The Existential Dialogue

    The Historical Horizon Of The Dialogue’s Possible Future

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    Mutual understanding between the faithful of the world’s great religions is no longer a luxury; all over the world, religions are challenged to find common ground in the cause of peace and justice, and in the face of war and exploitation. Meanwhile, stereotypes, antipathies and sectarian isolation continue to rob religion of the impact it can and should have in fostering a better world. Conversations across Traditions offers a fresh invitation to and model for interfaith dialogue.

    Drawing on his extensive knowledge and experience of ecumenical cooperation, Roman Catholic lay brother and monk Wayne Teasdale offers a strong and prophetic voice for interfaith dialogue that brings traditions together without watering them down. He offers a blueprint for combining the strengths and perspectives of various faiths in order to address the crises of poverty, racism, environmental pollution and moral indifference.

    Highly informative and compelling, this book is accessible to a wide audience, from the classroom to study groups and others who want to learn about conversing across traditions. Teasdale offers a valuable approach to teaching the Roman Catholic tradition in our pluralized, globalized world. At the same time, his spiritual insight and prophetic wisdom lead the reader into the frontier world of interfaith relations where confusion is always present, and faith, though not as secure as in isolation, is enriched by contact with the great world religions. This book is visionary, hopeful, and deeply inspiring as we walk into the uncharted future.

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  • Expositions Of The Psalms 99-120


    Fifth volume of the long-awaited translation of one of Augustine’s classics and a great work in Christian literature. Newly translated by Maria Boulding, O.S.B., whose masterful translation of Augustine’s Confessions in the same series has been praised as being “of a different level of excellence from practically anything else in the market.” (Bishop Rowan Williams, Monmouth, England)
    As the psalms are a microcosm of the Old Testament, so the Expositions of the Psalms can be seen as a microcosm of Augustinian thought. They recapitulate and focus the experiences of Augustine’s personal life, his theological reflections, and his pastoral concerns as Bishop of Hippo.

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  • Sources Of Christian Ethics 3rd Ed


    Recognized worldwide as one of the most important books in the field of moral theology, this book returns Christian ethics to its sources: the Gospel and the Holy Spirit.

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  • Mind Intent On God


    Alcuin of York was one of the most significant figures of the Anglo-Saxon Church alongside Bede and Cuthbert. This introductory selection from his extensive writings includes Alcuin’s prayers, poetry and prose. Douglas Dales is Chaplain and Head of RE at Marlborough College. His other published titles include “This is my Faith” and “Glory: the spiritual Theology of Michael Ramsey”.

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  • Expositions Of The Psalms 121-150


    Final volume of the long-awaited translation of one of Augustine’s classics and a great work in Christian literature. Newly translated by Maria Boulding, O.S.B., whose masterful translation of Augustine’s Confessions in the same series has been praised as being “of a different level of excellence from practically anything else in the market.” (Bishop Rowan Williams, Monmouth, England)
    As the psalms are a microcosm of the Old Testament, so the Expositions of the Psalms can be seen as a microcosm of Augustinian thought. They recapitulate and focus the experiences of Augustine’s personal life, his theological reflections, and his pastoral concerns as Bishop of Hippo.

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  • Gender And The Nicene Creed


    “A cogent and persuasive plea for a return to the full catholic tradition which would make a critical contribution to the debate about gender in matters of faith.”–The Most Rev. Desmond M. Tutu

    Writers of scripture and theologians have used scores of images to describe God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Yet only the patriarchal perspective seemed to survive and be taught. In this comprehensive reflection on the Nicene Creed, Geitz looks to the writings of theologians, mystics, and scholars throughout the centuries for a balanced and scholarly approach to an often divisive issue of Christians.

    Elizabeth Geitz writes, “My desire is to help us move from an initial emotional response to feminine tradition of the church to one that is based on sound biblical, historical and theological principles.”

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  • Catholic Prayer Book For Children


    With colorful, captivating illustrations, help boys and girls age 6 on up discover the beauty of prayer. Includes traditional and original prayers.

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  • Jesus Of Africa


    This comprehensive study of African Christology includes accounts of academic Christologies from French- and English-speaking Africa, but perhaps most importantly, reports on the views of ordinary Africans on Jesus and their relationship with him.

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  • Journeys Of Courage


    “Journeys of Courage” offers hope, inspiration, and courage for everyone in the larger community that is our world, from environmentalists to social activists to those of us struggling with problems in our families, our churches and local communities.

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  • Alfred Delp SJ


    Alfred Delp (1907-1945) was a German Jesuit condemned to death by the Nazis for anti-Hitler activities. While awaiting execution Delp composed this series of meditations on Advent, the Lord’s Prayer, the tasks of the future, the meaning of happiness, and other spiritual themes.

    Written on the edge of eternity, Delp’s reflections continue to bear a special power and poignancy. His words snow the ongoing relevance of the Gospel in an age of idolatrous power and capricious violence.

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  • Bede Griffiths : Essentials Writings


    Bede Griffiths (1906-1993) was an English Benedictine monk who settled in India in 1955 and went on to become one of the great mystical teachers of our time. In India he assumed the dress and ascetic disciplin of a Hindu holy man, and established a Christian community following the customs of an ashram. Through his immersion in the life and scriptures of India he found wisdom and inspiration for his own Christian faith.

    This book, which draws on his autobiographical volumes and his many other works, presents the ideal entry to the cosmic and mystical vision of a great spiritual guide.

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  • Saint Francis Prayer Book (Deluxe)


    With this guide you will pray the words that Francis taught his spiritual brothers and sisters to pray, explore Francis’s time and place and feel the joy and earnestness of the first Franciscans, and experience how it is possible to live a contemplative and active life, at the same time.

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  • Mystical Flora Of Saint Francis De Sales


    St. Francis de Sales’ classic guide to the Christian life using allegories of plants and flowers, illustrated with contemporary woodcuts of the plants and flowers themselves.

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  • Spiritual Exercises Of Saint Ignatius Of Loyola


    St. Ignatius of Loyola wrote the Spiritual Exercises between 1522 and 1524, and today, nearly five centuries later, Jesuits in training are still required to study it and follow its precepts during their first
    year in the novitiate.

    Not designed to be read cover to cover in one sitting, this book is made up of daily meditations meant to be closely examined in isolation over a period of about four weeks, under the guidance of a spiritual director. Though The Spiritual Exercises have traditionally been read primarily by those training for the priesthood, in recent years increasing numbers of lay people and non-Catholics are discovering its joys and insights.

    This method – edited by Father Elder Mullan (1865-1925) and published in 1914-is essential for anyone interested in strengthening his or her
    faith and relationship with God. Spanish priest and spiritual philosopher SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA (1491-1556) has been described by Pope Benedict XVI as “a man of God,” “a man of
    profound prayer,” and “a faithful servant of the Church.” The principal founder of the Society of Jesus, Ignatius was canonized in 1622.

    Already a classic for those using or studying the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola, this new revised and corrected edition of Fr Michael Ivens’s masterwork will be warmly welcomed.

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  • Lay Leaders Of Worship


    As the reliance on lay ministers increases, the study of the lay leader becomes crucial. In Lay Leaders of Worship, Kathleen H. Brown explores the possibilities and requirements for lay ministers by incorporating personal experience, Scripture, and expert studies. Brown describes the ministerial identity of a lay leader of worship in terms of authority, spirituality, skills, and relationships. Practical suggestions for the spiritual formation and growth of a lay leader of worship are also provided.

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  • Trinity : A New Living Spirituality


    Bestselling author Joseph Girzone returns to the reflections on his personal spirituality typical of Never Alone and A Portrait of Jesus, his most popular books since the original Joshua.

    With Trinity, Joseph Girzone guides readers to a deeper understanding of this foundational concept, explaining why it is not antiquated theological dogma, but a living expression of the very essence of God. He offers support and clarity to those who already believe in God, and invites those who profess not to believe on a journey to find “an image of a God who is believable, and perhaps, even lovable.”

    For centuries, Christians have struggled to understand the nature of God as three persons in one. But with grace similar to that which allowed Saint Patrick to explain the Trinity by using a shamrock, Girzone takes a step back from the most arcane explanations to offer a simple, useful understanding. He begins by showing the ways God was perceived by the ancient Hebrews and reveals how Jesus forever changed that image of God. As he chronicles the growth from the time of Jesus and the early Church, writing about the challenges Christianity faced from both within and without, Girzone elucidates the mysterious ways the Trinity works in the world and especially, in the Church, as an extension of Jesus’ presence in history. Writing with passion and insight, he helps readers understand how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit work within individuals as well, guiding them as they struggle along the pathways of life on Earth.

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  • Dialogues With Silence


    An intensely personal devotional book from Thomas Merton, the ultimate spiritual writer of our time, showing his contemplative and religious side through his prayers and rarely-seen drawings. The only Merton gift book available.

    Dialogues with Silence contains a selection of prayers from throughout Merton’s life–from his journals, letters, poetry, books–accompanied by all 100 of Merton’s rarely seen, delightful Zen-like pen-and-ink drawings, and will attract new readers as well as Merton devotees. There is no other Merton devotional like this, and the paperback edition will be elegantly designed and packaged.

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  • Precious As Silver


    SKU (ISBN): 9780877939986ISBN10: 0877939985George NiederauerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2004Publisher: Ave Maria Press

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  • Why Would Anyone Believe In God



    What Does It Mean To “believe”?

    Where Do Beliefs In Gods Come From? Religious Concepts As Minimally Counterintuitive

    Where Do Beliefs In Gods Come From? Finding Agents Everywhere

    Where Do Gods Come From? Additional Factors That Contribute To Gods’ Credibility

    How Religious Actions Enhance Belief In Gods

    The Naturalness Of Belief In God

    The Naturalness Of Believing In Minds: An Analog For Understanding Belief In God

    Why Would Anyone NOT Believe In God?

    In Conclusion

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    Because of the design of our minds. That is Justin Barrett’s simple answer to the question of his title. With rich evidence from cognitive science but without technical language, psychologist Barrett shows that belief in God is an almost inevitable consequence of the kind of minds we have. Most of what we believe comes from mental tools working below our conscious awareness. And what we believe consciously is in large part driven by these unconscious beliefs. Barrett demonstrates that beliefs in gods match up well with these automatic assumptions; beliefs in an all-knowing, all-powerful God match up even better. Barrett goes on to explain why beliefs like religious beliefs are so widespread and why it is very difficult for our minds to think without them. Anyone who wants a concise, clear, and scientific explanation of why anyone would believe in God should pick up Barrett’s book.

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  • Founders On God And Government


    Foreword: Religious Liberty
    Michael Novak

    Religion And The Common Good: George Washington On Church And State
    Vincent Philip Muoz
    One Public Religion, Many Private Religions: John Adams And The 1780 Massachusetts Constitution
    John Witte, Jr.
    The Religious Rhetoric Of Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas E. Buckley, S.J.
    Religion And Politics In The Thought Of James Madison
    Garrett Ward Sheldon
    John Witherspoon’s Revolutionary Religion
    Jeffry H. Morrison
    Benjamin Franklin And The Role Of Religion In Governing Democracy
    Howard L. Lubert
    James Wilson: Presbyterian, Anglican, Thomist, Or Deist? Does It Matter?
    Mark D. Hall
    George Mason’s Pursuit Of Religious Liberty In Revolutionary Virginia
    Daniel L. Dreisbach
    Catholic Politics And Religious Liberty In America: The Carrolls Of Maryland
    James R. Stoner
    Afterword: Revolutionary-Era Americans: Were They Enlightened Or Protestant? Does It Matter?
    Barry Alan Shain

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    In God We Trust?” The separation of church and state is a widely contested topic in the American political arena. Whether for or against, debaters frequently base their arguments in the Constitution and the principles of the American founding. However, Americans’ perception of the founding has narrowed greatly over the years, focusing on a handful of eminent statesmen.

    By exploring the work of nine founding fathers, including often overlooked figures like John Carroll and George Mason, The Founders on God and Government provides a more complete picture of America’s origins. The contributors, all noted scholars, examine the lives of individual founders and investigate the relationship between their religious beliefs and political thought. Bringing together original documents and analytical essays, this book is an excellent addition to the library of literature on the founding, and sheds new light on religion’s contributions to American civic culture.

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  • After The Passion Is Gone


    J. Shawn Landres And Michael Berenbaum
    Part One: The Context Of The Passion

    Introduction To Part One

    Almost A Culture War: The Making Of The Passion Controversy
    Mark Silk (Trinity College)
    Passionate Blogging: Interfaith Controversy And The Internet
    William J. Cork (Catholic Diocese Of Galveston-Houston)
    Living In The World, But Not Of The World: Understanding Evangelical Support For The Passion Of The Christ
    Leslie Smith (UCSB)
    The Passion Paradox: Signposts On The Road Toward Mormon Protestantization
    Eric Samuelsen (BYU)
    Is It Finished? The Passion Of The Christ And The Fault Lines In American Christianity
    Julie Ingersoll (University Of North Florida)
    Part Two: The Passion In Context

    Introduction To Part Two

    The Journey Of The Passion Play From Medieval Piety To Contemporary Spirituality
    Karen Jo Torjesen (Claremont Graduate University)
    The Gibson Code?
    Lorenzo Albacete (St. Joseph Seminary, Yonkers)
    “But Is It Art?”: A Prelude To Criticism Of Mel Gibson’s The Passion Of The Christ
    Robert A. Faggen (Claremont McKenna College)
    Antisemitism Without Erasure: Sacred Texts And Their Contemporary Interpretations
    Gary L. Gilbert (Claremont McKenna College)
    Theologizing The Death Of Jesus, Gibson’s The Passion, And Christian Identity
    Jeffrey S. Siker (Loyola Marymount University)
    Manly Pain And Motherly Love: Mel Gibson’s Big Picture
    David Morgan (Valparaiso University)
    Imago Christi: Aesthetic And Theological Issues In Jesus Films By Pasolini, Scorsese, And Gibson
    Lloyd Baugh, SJ (Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome)
    Part Three: Jews And Christians: Reframing The Dialogue

    Introduction To Part Three

    Theological Bulimia: Christianity And Its Dejudaization
    Susannah Heschel (Dartmouth College)
    A March Of Passion, Or, How I Came To Terms With A Film I Wasn’t Supposed To Like
    Stephen R. Haynes (Rhodes College)
    The Exposed Fault Line
    Richard L. Rubenstein (University Of Bridgeport)
    Crucifying Jesus: Antisemitism And The Passion Story
    Stephen T. Davis (Claremont McKenna College)
    Five Introspective Challenges
    David M. Elcott (American Jewish Committee)
    No Crucifixion = No Holocaust: Post-Holocaust Reflections On The Passion Of The Christ
    John K. Roth (Claremont McKenna College)
    The Passionate Encounter: The Ethics Of Affirming Your Faith In A Multi-Religious World
    Elliot N. Dorff (University Of Judaism)
    Reframing Difference: Evangelicals, Scripture, An

    Additional Info
    Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ topped box office charts and changed the American religious conversation. The controversies it raised remain unsettled. In After The Passion Is Gone: American Religious Consequences, leading scholars of religion and theology ask what Gibson’s film and the resulting controversy reveal about Christians, Jews, and the possibilities of interreligious dialogue in the United States. Landres and Berenbaum’s collection moves beyond questions of whether or not the film was faithful to the gospels, too violent, or antisemitic and explores why the debate focused on these issues but not others. The public discussion of The Passion shed light on a wide range of American attitudes–evangelical Protestant, mainline Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Jewish–about media and faith, politics and history, Jesus and Judaism, fundamentalism and victimhood. After The Passion Is Gone takes a unique view of vital points in Christian-Jewish relations and contemporary American religion

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  • In Pursuit Of Justice


    What Distinguishes A Christian-Democratic Point Of View?

    Civil Society And Human Development

    The Question Of Being Human

    E Pluribus Unum And Faith-Based Welfare Reform

    The Cause Of Racial Justice

    Equal Education For All

    Liberalism And The Environment

    Citizenship And Electoral Reform

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    This is a series of eight essays on diverse public policy concerns that asks the questions: What does racial justice, or environmental protection, or family policy look like when approached from a Christian-democratic perspective? And what about the civil-society questions of welfare, education, and political participation? The author, James W. Skillen, argues that the roots of a Christian-democratic approach are neither liberal nor conservative, but pluralistic, opening the way to a healthy regard for both social complexity and government’s responsibility to uphold political community.

    Published in cooperation with the Center for Public Justice

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  • End Of Illusions


    I The Peacemakers

    A Road Away From War
    Albert W. Palmer
    Putting Christianity In Cold Storage
    Albert W. Palmer
    On Saving Civilization
    Charles Clayton Morrison
    What Can America Do For Peace?
    Charles Clayton Morrison
    A War For Imperialism
    Charles Clayton Morrison
    The Same Old War
    John Haynes Holmes
    The Causes Of War–Hitler
    John Haynes Holmes
    Nazi Atrocities And The American War Fever
    Paul L. Blakely
    All Will Be Lost By War
    Paul L. Blakely
    A Clash Of Imperialisms
    Ernest Fremon Tittle
    What Can Christians Do?
    Georgia Harkness
    What, Then, Should Churches Do?
    Georgia Harkness
    Keeping Christ Above The Strife
    Harry Emerson Fosdick
    II The Prophets

    An End To Illusions
    Reinhold Niebuhr
    Why The Church Is Not Pacifist
    Reinhold Niebuhr
    Christian Faith And The World Crisis
    Reinhold Niebuhr
    First Letter To The French Protestants
    Karl Barth
    Second Letter To The French Protestants
    Karl Barth
    A Letter To Great Britain
    Karl Barth
    Five Mournful Years For Jewry
    Stephen S. Wise
    Enemy Of Human Freedom
    Stephen S. Wise
    The Crime Of Crimes
    Stephen S. Wise
    The Darkest Political Tyranny
    John Bennett
    Irresponsible Idealism
    Henry P. Van Dusen
    The Christian As Citizen
    Henry P. Van Dusen
    Defending Justice Despite Our Own Injustice
    Lynn Harold Hough
    The Barbarian Alternative
    Lewis Mumford
    The Aftermath Of Utopianism
    Lewis Mumford
    III The Gathering Storm

    War And Peace

    America’s Responsibility In The Present Crisis

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    The rise of Islamic radicalism has led to heated discussions about how best to address the threat of religious terror. Disputes covering the right and wrong of war with Iraq, and the even bigger war on terrorism, continue to rage across America. But this is not the first argument of this nature–America was faced with a similar moral dilemma on the eve of World War II. Fascism was conquering Europe, and religious leaders across the nation vehemently debated how to confront Nazi Germany.

    In The End of Illusions: Religious Leaders Confront Hitler’s Gathering Storm, Joseph Loconte brings together pieces from the most significant religious thinkers of the pre-war period. In these essays, the writers eloquently and passionately present their arguments for going to war or maintaining the peace. In doing so, they explore issues vibrantly relevant today, including the Christian cause for war, the problem of evil, and America’s role in the world. These urgently written pieces connect the past with the present and resonate with renewed clarity and poignancy

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  • Violence Of Love


    These selections from the sermons and writings of Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador share the message of a holy prophet of modern times.

    Three short years transformed Archbishop Oscar Romero from a conservative defender of the status quo into one of the church’s most outspoken voices of the oppressed. Though silenced by an assassin’s bullet, his spirit–and the challenge of his life–lives on. He was beatified by Pope Francis in 2015.

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  • Case For Chastity


    In twenty-six short topical chapters, teens and young adults share their questions and real-life experiences about sexual relationships. Their questions range from “How far is too far?” to “What’s wrong with cohabitation?” Two questions posed by many people of all ages both within and outside the Church are also treated: “Chastity sounds nice, but is it practical?” and “What do the Bible and celibate men know about sex anyway?”

    Teens will find A Case for Chastity a readable and informative book, and their parents and teachers, particularly catechists and DREs, will find it an invaluable resource.

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  • Beads And Strands


    Mercy Oduyoyes latest book gathers a wealth of insights under three headings–“”Africa and Redemption””; “”Global Issues in African Perspective””; and “”Women, Tradition, and the Gospel in Africa.”” She brings Akan and other African traditions into correlation with biblical stories to show the reader how African wisdom from a womans perspective offers deep insights into biblical episodes and themes.

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  • Mystery Of Faith


    In his familiar, conversational style, Father Himes invites the reader to consider ten basic truths of Catholicism. Beginning with discussions of Trinity, Grace, the Incarnation and Salvation, Himes moves into exploration of Church as the continuing presence of Jesus Christ in the world today. After discussing what Baptism and the baptismal commitment really involves, he focuses on Eucharist, showing the importance of the sacrament for personal growth and for the building of community. After discussing the Sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders, Himes explores the importance of the sacrament of reconciliation in the Christian community, and concludes with discussion of the great gift to the church that we know as tradition.

    Based on Father Himes’ popular video series, The Mystery of Faith, this book includes questions for reflection and discussion at the conclusion of each chapter. An excellent resource for small groups or parish learning communities seeking to revitalize and deepen their understanding of basic Catholic beliefs.

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  • Work Of The People


    The word “liturgy” literally means “the work of the people” — so the active participation of everyone in the congregation should be the goal of Christian worship. Designed to help you attain that sense of full partnership, The Work Of The People provides you with a full year’s worth of eloquent resources for thoughtful, reverent services. It’s a comprehensive collection of liturgical prayers and readings for 52 Sundays, with each week’s material based on a common subject (Freedom, Hospitality, Peace, and Stewardship are just a few examples). Written in everyday language that connects them to our daily lives, the prayers are conceived for congregational reading (either responsively or in unison) — and their thematic unity will lead to reflection and insight in addition to praise and celebration.

    The components for each week include:

    * call to worship
    * invocation
    * call to confession
    * prayer of confession
    * words of assurance
    * Psalm reading
    * offering sentences
    * prayer of dedication
    * benediction
    * scripture references (as possible texts for homilies based on the theme)

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  • Thespian Theology Cycle C


    Stimulate audiences to see the scriptural message in a new light with these inspiring sketches based on Cycle C lectionary readings for the Lent and Easter seasons. Originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group, the simple, easy-to-perform scenes in this latest installment of John TenBrook’s popular Thespian Theology series are an excellent tool for sharing the Gospel with unchurched people and getting them excited about Jesus Christ. Each skit is introduced by brief “Thespian Theological Thoughts” on the drama and the scripture texts. These versatile pieces can be staged as an alternative to the Sunday sermon or used for youth programs and other fellowship settings — they’re sure to enlighten audiences of all ages while leaving an indelible impression.

    Some of the intriguing titles include:
    * Dust Thou Art… Art Thou Dust? (Ash Wednesday)
    * Moses The Fig Tree (Lent 3)
    * The Spiritual Struggle Of Sidney Centurion (Passion/Palm Sunday)
    * “But I Wasn’t There… Ya Gotta Show Me!” (Easter 2)
    * Let Everyone Who Is Thirsty Come (Easter 7)

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  • Resistance And Theological Ethics


    Introduction: Contemporary Resistance Ethics
    Ronald H. Stone
    I Resistance To Social Forces

    Resistance And Economic Globalization
    Robert L. Stivers
    Globalization: Reform Or Resist?
    Gordon K. Douglass
    Environmental Movements As Forms Of Resistance
    Heidi Hadsell
    Resistance To Structural Adjustment Problems
    Laura Stivers
    Nationalism And International Migration
    Dana W. Wilbanks
    Resistance And Biotechnology Debates
    F. E. Bonkovsky
    Resistance To Military Neo-Imperialism
    Ronald H. Stone
    II Biblical And Historical Roots Of Resistance

    The Subversive Kingship Of Jesus In Luke
    Paul Hertig
    Reading Revelation Today: Witness As Active Resistance
    Brian K. Blount
    Nature, Resistance, And The Kingdom Of God
    John C. Raines
    Citizenship, Resistance, And St. Augustine
    Frances S. Adeney
    “Is God Dead?”: The Complexity Of Resistance
    Scott C. Williamson
    Korean Women’s Resistance: “If I Perish, I Perish”
    Young Lee Hertig
    III Theological Ethics Of Resistance

    Resistance, Affirmation, And The Sovereignty Of God
    Mark Douglas
    Fundamentalism And The Big Picture Bible
    Robert A. Chesnut
    Is This New Wine? Resistance Among Black Presbyterians
    Ronald E. Peters
    Spirit And Resistance: A Theological Perspective On Lillian Hellman
    Lora M. Gross
    Theology Of Resistance In Bonhoeffer And Tillich
    Matthew Lon Weaver
    Resisting Malpraxis In Religion
    Edward LeRoy Long, Jr.

    Additional Info
    Protestantism, at its best, grounds both its religious and its social critique in the faith of the prophets and the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as understood and lived by the church. Its teachings and desired practice stand in start contrast to complacent religion that seems to be at ease with imperial greed, domination, and violence.

    Resistance and Theological Ethics collects the edited and updated essays that emerged from the meeting of the Theological Educators for Presbyterian Social Witness in Geneva, Switzerland and southern France in 1999. Inspired there by the sixteenth century forces of renewal unleashed through resistance to an imperial church and society, the writings of these educators and ethicists combine to sound a clarion call for the church to stand in resistance to social, economic and political forces that threaten–while embracing those that foster–social justice, peace and human welfare.

    Each author emphasizes a specific call to nonviolent resistance against powers grounded in particular forms of sin: religious pride, greed, violence and domination. Divided into three parts, the book details social forces to be resisted, presents historical and biblical examples of resistance, and concludes with theological analysis and advocacy for action in contemporary American society.

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  • Lost Soul Of American Protestantism


    R. Laurence Moore
    The American Way Of Faith

    Confessional Protestantism

    Defining Conservatism Down

    The Intolerance Of Presbyterian Creeds

    The Sectarianism Of Reformed Polity

    The Irrelevance Of Luthern Liturgy

    Conclusion: Confessional Protestantism And The Making Of Hyphenated Americans

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    In The Lost Soul of American Protestantism, D. G. Hart examines the historical origins of the idea that faith must be socially useful in order to be valuable. Through specific episodes in Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Reformed history, Hart presents a neglected form of Protestantism–confessionalism–as an alternative to prevailing religious theory. He explains that, unlike evangelical and mainline Protestants who emphasize faith’s role in solving social and personal problems, confessional Protestants locate Christianity’s significance in the creeds, ministry, and rituals of the church.

    Although critics have accused confessionalism of encouraging social apathy, Hart deftly argues that this form of Protestantism has much to contribute to current discussions on the role of religion in American public life, since confessionalism refuses to confuse the well-being of the nation with that of the church. The history of confessional Protestantism suggests that contrary to the legacy of revivalism, faith may be most vital and influential when less directly relevant to everyday problems, whether personal or social.

    Clear and engaging, D. G Hart’s groundbreaking study is essential reading for everyone exploring the intersection of religion and daily life.

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  • Augustine And Politics


    Dedicatory Preface
    Thomas F. Martin O.S.A.
    John Doody, Kevin L. Hughes, And Kim Paffenroth
    Human Nature And Virtue In Relation To Politics

    United Inwardly By Love: Augustine’s Social Ontology
    Phillip Cary
    Truthfulness As The Bond Of Society
    Robert P. Kennedy
    Friendship As Personal, Social, And Theological Virtue In Augustine
    Kim Paffenroth
    Freedom Beyond Our Choosing: Augustine On The Will And Its Objects
    David C. Schindler
    Augustine’s Theory And Critique Of Politics

    Between The Two Cities: Political Action In Augustine Of Hippo
    Robert Dodaro O.S.A.
    Democracy And Its Demons
    Michael Hanby
    Local Politics: The Political Place Of The Household In Augustine’s City Of God
    Kevin L. Hughes
    Augustine And The Politics Of Monasticism
    Thomas F. Martin O.S.A.
    The Glory And Tragedy Of Politics
    Thomas W. Smith
    Augustinian Influence And Perspectives

    Toward A Contemporary Augustinian Understanding Of Politics
    Todd Breyfogle
    Sexual Purity, “the Faithful,” And Religious Reform In Eleventh-Century Italy: Donatism Revisited
    Louis I. Hamilton
    The Enchanted City Of Man: The State And The Market In Augustinian Perspective
    Eugene McCarraher
    Machiavelli’s City Of God: Civic Humanism And Augustinian Terror
    Paul Wright

    Additional Info
    The study of Augustine’s political teachings has suffered from a history of misreadings, both ancient and modern. It is only in recent years that the traditional lines of “Augustinian pessimism” have been opened to question. Scholars have begun to explore the broader lines of Augustine’s political thought in his letters and sermons, and thus have been able to place his classic text, The City of God, in its proper context. The essays in this volume take stock of these recent developments and revisit old assumptions about the significance of Augustine of Hippo for political thought. They do so from many different perspectives, examining the anthropological and theological underpinnings of Augustine’s thought, his critique of politics, his development of his own political thought, and some of the later manifestations or uses of his thought in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and today. This new vision is at once more bracing, more hopeful, and more diverse than earlier readings could have allowed.

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  • Augustine And Politics


    Dedicatory Preface
    Thomas F. Martin O.S.A.
    John Doody, Kevin L. Hughes, And Kim Paffenroth
    Human Nature And Virtue In Relation To Politics

    United Inwardly By Love: Augustine’s Social Ontology
    Phillip Cary
    Truthfulness As The Bond Of Society
    Robert P. Kennedy
    Friendship As Personal, Social, And Theological Virtue In Augustine
    Kim Paffenroth
    Freedom Beyond Our Choosing: Augustine On The Will And Its Objects
    David C. Schindler
    Augustine’s Theory And Critique Of Politics

    Between The Two Cities: Political Action In Augustine Of Hippo
    Robert Dodaro O.S.A.
    Democracy And Its Demons
    Michael Hanby
    Local Politics: The Political Place Of The Household In Augustine’s City Of God
    Kevin L. Hughes
    Augustine And The Politics Of Monasticism
    Thomas F. Martin O.S.A.
    The Glory And Tragedy Of Politics
    Thomas W. Smith
    Augustinian Influence And Perspectives

    Toward A Contemporary Augustinian Understanding Of Politics
    Todd Breyfogle
    Sexual Purity, “the Faithful,” And Religious Reform In Eleventh-Century Italy: Donatism Revisited
    Louis I. Hamilton
    The Enchanted City Of Man: The State And The Market In Augustinian Perspective
    Eugene McCarraher
    Machiavelli’s City Of God: Civic Humanism And Augustinian Terror
    Paul Wright

    Additional Info
    The study of Augustine’s political teachings has suffered from a history of misreadings, both ancient and modern. It is only in recent years that the traditional lines of “Augustinian pessimism” have been opened to question. Scholars have begun to explore the broader lines of Augustine’s political thought in his letters and sermons, and thus have been able to place his classic text, The City of God, in its proper context. The essays in this volume take stock of these recent developments and revisit old assumptions about the significance of Augustine of Hippo for political thought. They do so from many different perspectives, examining the anthropological and theological underpinnings of Augustine’s thought, his critique of politics, his development of his own political thought, and some of the later manifestations or uses of his thought in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and today. This new vision is at once more bracing, more hopeful, and more diverse than earlier readings could have allowed.

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  • Season Of Ash And Fire


    In addition to prayers and liturgies for Ash Wednesday through Ascension Day, this book includes suggested themes and symbols for the Sundays of Lent, daily Scripture readings for Lent and the fifty Days of Easter, household prayers for Lent and Easter, and an order for Lenten study groups. A Selected Scripture Index is included. This book has been designed for ease of use in both thematic and lectionary-based worship services.

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  • Roman Catholic Worship (Reprinted)


    A great deal has happened in Roman Catholic worship since Vatican II promulgated the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy on December 4, 1963. But the myth persists that very little happened in the four centuries between the end of the Council of Trent on December 4, 1563, and Vatican II. Roman Catholic Worship explores what occurred in those four hundred years before Vatican II and how the stage was set for all the changes that have come about since the council. It may be true that liturgical texts were frozen during those intervening centuries, but to assume that liturgical texts are the whole of liturgy is questionable. James White demonstrates that the worship life of Roman Catholicism was in constant transition during this entire period despite the intransigence of liturgical texts.

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  • Morally Complex World


    How can people celebrate the gospel of life in their daily lives? What about cloning? Is euthanasia morally acceptable in certain cases, such as terminal illness? In case of health reasons, mental illness, pregnancy due to rape, etc., is abortion morally acceptable? Are you in favor of the use of contraceptives, both natural and artificial?

    A Morally Complex World will not answer such complex questions in detail, but it does provide a framework for trying to grapple better with the first question of how we should lead our moral lives in general, as well as some of the concrete ethical issues the other three questions raise.

    A Morally Complex World is an accessible introduction to moral theology covering the methodology of moral theology; basic concepts such as conscience and moral agency; natural law, moral norms; how the Bible can be used in Christian ethics; how to dialogue on contested ethical issues; how to consider sin and moral failure; and finally, how to mediate moral principles and moral teaching in a pastorally sensitive manner in concrete life situations.

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  • John Henry Newman



    Biography Of John Henry Newman

    An Historical Overview Of Newman’s Theology Of Faith

    Human Faith Ad Divine Faith

    Human Certitude In Concrete Matters Of Truth

    Newman’s Mature Notion Of Catholic Faith

    Faith And Reason In Newman’s Nature Notion Of Catholic Faith


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    As one of the most outstanding Christian thinkers in history, John Henry Newman continues to influence theology, especially Catholic theology, long after his death in 1890. Yet, his writings on faith, particularly The Grammar of Assent, are difficult to read without guidance and direction. John Henry Newman: A View of Catholic Faith for the New Millennium provides both a comprehensive introduction to Newman’s theology and a thorough analysis of its relevance for the Church today.

    The first systematic analysis of Newman’s thought, this book skillfully weaves together the Cardinal’s diverse writings on faith with seminal secondary sources and presents an integrated view of his mature notion of Catholic faith. Enhanced by a detailed introduction, biographical sketch, and bibliography, this book explores John Henry Newman’s teaching on the relationship between faith and doubt, the role of the will in certitude, the relationship between faith and reason, the personal nature of faith, the function of the magisterium, the importance of dialogue, and the role of the conscience in decision-making. The concluding chapter examines the significance of Newman’s thought for Catholic theology today.

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  • 1 Day He Beckoned


    SKU (ISBN): 9780877939993ISBN10: 0877939993Antoinette BoscoBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: Ave Maria Press

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  • Good Goats : Healing Our Image Of God


    Why is it so important to heal our image of God? It is not so we’ll know what afterlife is like. Rather, it is because we become like the God we adore. We must understand God’s love and grace first and foremost, and in turn we will be able to love other people with grace. Studies have shown that this is true in many aspects of our lives. In marriage, for example, the more a couple experiences God as a lover, the more likely they are to enjoy a wholesome, loving marriage.

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