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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 201–248 of 248 results

  • Journeys On The Edges


    Thomas O’Loughlin’s fresh and original introduction to Celtic spirituality begins by questioning the very notion of a distinctively “Celtic” spirituality. Brilliantly re-examining the original sources, he argues that there is one over-arching theme giving them a unity–the idea of being “on the edge”, both culturally and geographically.

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  • Petrine Ministry And The Unity Of The Church


    In the context of the ecumenical dialogues which have taken place after the Second Vatican Council, few topics have generated as much discussion and reflection as that of the papacy. What has been the function of this service of unity? What are the foundations of its existence? What are its unrelinquishable elements which cannot change? What can be renewed in the manner in which the office is carried out?

    John Paul II’s encyclical “On Commitment to Ecumenism” (Ut unum sint) inspired these essays originally presented at a symposium in Rome. In this encyclical the Bishop of Rome recognizes the difficulty that the Petrine office holds for many on the ecumenical journey and exhorts Church leaders and theologians to engage [him] in a patient and fraternal dialogue on his ministry. This symposium was the first attempt to begin this dialogue in Rome with theologians from many Christian traditions: the oriental and orthodox, the Anglican, Lutheran, Reformed, Methodist, Baptist and Free Church traditions.

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  • Making Faith Sense


    Making faith-sense is a new term for an ancient practice. It is what the early Christians called mystical or wisdom theology: understanding life in the light of God’s participation recorded in the Gospels, recognizing the signs of God’s presence in everyday events and shaping one’s life accordingly. In Making Faith-Sense, Robert Kinast shows all who seek to unify their life experience around their belief in God how to follow that ancient practice. Drawing upon the award-winning process he has used with students for the ministry, Father Kinast explains how to make sense of family, work, and cultural experience from the perspective of Christian faith. Each chapter contains numerous real-life examples and practical guidelines that can be used privately or with a group.

    Making Faith-Sense begins with a discussion of wisdom theology and its revival in modern times, highlighting “the turn to experience” that characterizes feminist, liberation, and enculturated theologies. The methods for making faith-sense embrace three main components: experience, reflection, and action. The first section describes what is meant by experience, the value of narrating it, how to analyze it, and what to pay attention to so that experience will reveal its theological meaning. The second section explains the role of reflection, its similarity to prayer, techniques for connecting experience to theological tradition, and the most useful theological resources for making faith-sense. The third section affirms the importance of putting reflection into practice, of ensuring that action flows from reflection, of planning and evaluating the effect of one’s practice, and of using practice as the starting point for continuing the process of making faith-sense. Examples from work, family, and cultural life are used throughout to provide illustrations of these general points. A concluding chapter summarizes the reemergence of practical theology since the 1980s as an effort of church communities to make faith-sense of their collective lives.

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  • Community Of The Beautiful


    The Community of the Beautiful is not simply an analysis of Balthasar’s theology; there exists a more personal and concrete reason for a reconsideration of the connection between God and the beautiful. The experience of a particular living ecclesial tradition, the Latin Church of the Americas, may be a guide to a world that lost its confidence in the religious dimensions of the beautiful.

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  • Marks Of The Body Of Christ


    Martin Luther once listed seven “marks” of the church-those defining ecclesial features that show where the true church is to be found. This volume brings together essays by Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, and Orthodox theologians, each analyzing one of the seven tradional marks of the church and discussing how it is found, or not found, in our various churches today.

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  • College Students Introduction To The Trinity


    Where did the Holy Trinity originate as a doctrine? Why did this doctrine develop? How can Christians speak of God as three persons and also worship one God? This volume examines how the doctrine of the Trinity has been interpreted in Eastern Christianity, Western Chrsitianity, and by contemporary theologians, including feminists and process theologians.

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  • Different Touch : A Study Of Vows In Religious Life


    This work speaks of the challenges of religious life today where the essentials of Christian living and union with God are sought with a different touch. Reflecting on the history of religious life since the nineteenth century, Sister Judith comments on how each of the traditional vows shape the ongoing adult development of a religious, and she related these vows to current cultural and sociopolitical issues. A Different Touch is addressed both to those in religious formation and to congregations that are engaged in theological renewal.

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  • Targum Pseudo Jonathan Deuteronomy


    This volume on Deuteronomy represents the last volume of the Pentateuch in the Pseudo-Jonathan series. It includes the translation and notes of Pseudo-Jonathan of Deuteronomy as well a complete index. Many of the methods of translation unique to Pseudo-Jonathan noted in the Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers volumes are also found in Deuteronomy. The editors of Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Deuteronomy used a creative literary style that resulted in a text with a character independent of the other volumes. The question of when, where, and by whom the targum was composed is unanswerable. The present text of Pseudo-Jonathan is the result of much editing, reediting, copying, and recopying of the “original” manuscript. The only certain fact is the 16th-century date of the present manuscript.

    Those interested in the Aramaic tradition of biblical interpretation, and students of Jewish studies will find Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Deuteronomy an invaluable resource.

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  • Trinity And The Paschal Mystery


    Something quite extraordinary has happened in Catholic trinitarian theology in the last thirty years or so: the mystery of the Trinity is being approached by reflection on the paschal mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Astonishing though it may seem, the traditional Augustinian-Thomistic treatment of the trinity made no such direct reference to those Easter events, even though it was through them that Jesus’ disciples came to proclaim that Jesus is Lord and that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The redemptive significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection was clearly recognized, but not its revelatory significance.

    But here, in a radically new development, the death and resurrection of Jesus is perceived to have properly “theological” meaning; it is not just redemptive but revelatory of God’s being. A startling revitalized trinitarian theology emerges. “So what does this development contribute to trinitarian theology?” And “Why has this extraordinary development arisen at this stage in the tradition?” The Trinity and the Paschal Mystery answers these questions and examines and assesses this new development in relation to the classical tradition of trinitarian theology and offers a meta-methodological perspective from which to understand it.

    One of the few theologians who have pursued this innovative line of thought, Anne Hunt in The Trinity and the Paschal Mystery analyzes the works of four contemporary theologians. Franois Durrwell, C.SS.R., Ghislain Lafont, O.S.B., Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Sebastian Moore, O.S.B., have all written on this interconnection of the mysteries. Each expressed dissatisfaction with classical Latin trinitarian theology and sought a fuller, richer, and more adequate explication of the mystery. A vividly revitalized theology of the Trinity results, one that is constructed in a distinctly soteriological context. But the trinitarian theology which emerges is not only a soteriology. The triune God emerges with a distinctively “paschal character” when approached in this way and this profoundly affects an understanding of the divine perfections. Both aspects represent significant gains in the contemporary cultural and theological context.

    The Trinity and the Paschal Mystery is not only significant on a systematic and methodological level, it is also timely. Recent trinitarian theologies (e.g., LaCugna, Johnson, Boff, Weinandy, Coffey) do not deal with the Trinity-paschal mystery connection. Orthodox theology has v

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  • Salt Of The Earth



    The Catholic Faith: Words And Signs

    PART 1: Personal Biography
    Background And Vocation
    The Young Professor
    Bishop And Cardinal
    The Prefect And His Pope

    PART 2: Problems Of The Catholic Church
    Rome Under Fire
    On The State Of The Church
    The Situation In Germany
    Causes Of The Decline
    The Mistakes Of The Church
    The Canon Of Criticism

    PART 3: On The Threshold Of A New Era
    Two Thousand Years Of Salvation History-and Still No Redemption?
    Catharsis-A New Millennium-A Time Of Testing
    A “New Springtime Of The Human Spirit” For The Third Millennium
    Priorities Of The Church’s Development
    Future Of The Church-Church Of The Future
    The True History Of The World P. 276

    Additional Info
    SALT OF THE EARTH: The Church at the End of the Millennium
    An Interview with Peter Seewald

    Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, well-known Vatican prelate and head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
    Faith, gives a full-length interview to a secular journalist on a host of controversial and difficult issues
    facing Catholicism and Christianity at the end of the Millennium. He responds with candor and insight,
    giving answers that are often surprising and always thought-provoking on a series of wide-ranging topics
    regarding the present and future state of Christianity.

    Ratzinger begins by discussing his own life, including his family life, seminary studies, being a theology
    professor and writer, becoming a Bishop, Cardinal, and the Pope’s top authority on doctrine as head of the
    CDF. He then discusses the problems of the Catholic Church today, answering tough questions about the
    Church’s position on divorce, celibacy, contraception, abortion, women’s ordination, ecumenism, etc., and
    talks about the challenges and hopes of the future of the Church and the world at the beginning of the Third

    This is a rare and powerful in-depth interview of a renowned theologian and high ranking Vatican official on
    issues of critical importance for the Church and Christianity at the end of an age.

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  • How To Survive Being Married To A Catholic


    A lighthearted but honest look at Catholic attitudes, beliefs, and practices for those involved in an interfaith marriage.

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  • Saintly Celebrations And Holy Holidays


    Inside are many “pick-and-choose” ways to create heartfelt and fun family memories for every month of the year. Every idea is practical and possible–and has been family-tested for fun and excitement.

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  • Imaging The Divine


    Jesuit scholar, Lloyd Baugh, extends the fascination of artists throughout the ages with the person of Jesus Christ to contemporary cinema, tracing the treatment filmakers have given Jesus from the early days of the medium up to the present day.

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  • What You Should Know About Angels


    Artists, writers, and musicians have attempted to capture for us a glimpse of what they might be like. Philosophers, theologians, and clergy have surmised about their deeper importance within our faith-life. Yet most people still feel that angels are a mystery.

    The current popularity of angels is an enigma for many, including Sister Charlene Altemose. Like others, she asks, “Why is there a sudden interest in angels when the world seems so estranged from spiritual values?”

    Whatever the reason for their magnetic appeal, Altemose sees this interest as an opportunity to rediscover the role angels play in our lives. She invites us to explore four avenues that inform and inspire us toward a more familiar rapport with angels:

    Angels–A Mystery of Faith
    Angels in Tradition and Theology
    Angels in Human Imagination and Creativity
    Angels in Prayer and Human Experiences

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  • In Pursuit Of Love Second Edition (Revised)


    While retaining the basic structure of the original book, this new edition has been thoroughly updated in light of some official Catholic documents and other theological writings dealing with sexual morality that have appeared since 1986. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II’s encyclicals Veritatis splendor and Evangelium vitae, and the 1986 and 1992 statements of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on pastoral care of homosexuals and the issue of discrimination against them are among the more recent magisterial publications considered in this text.

    This edition also contains several new sections: the misuses of sex (adultery, pornography, prostitution, sexual violence); four rationales for viewing a committed love relationship as the only appropriate context for sexual intercourse; marriage as a sacrament and marital sexuality and love as embodiments of commitment, intimacy, and passion; and public policy and the civil rights of homosexuals. This edition also includes an expanded discussion of topics such as sexism, sexually transmitted diseases especially HIV/AIDS and the moral questions raised by new family-planning methods (Norplant, Depo-Provera), RU-486, postcoital hormonal interventions against pregnancy, the start of human life, and abortion.

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  • Scent Of Jasmine


    Peace is God’s gift to us, expressed fully in the person of Jesus Christ. It is the “scent of Jasmine”-the pleasing odor of a life offered as a sacrifice in love. The Scent of Jasmine encourages us to lay claim to Christ’s promise of peace, to make each day an experience of God and an experience of the gift of peace. A practical book, it gives facts, raises questions, and blends the liturgical cycle (contemporary devotions, saints, feast days, and sacraments) with the “secular” cycle of civic observances and recurring yearly events (school days, weddings, graduations). This linking of faith and daily life makes The Scent of Jasmine an ideal tool for all who take the gospel seriously, especially teachers, directors of adult education, and those involved in RCIA. When we learn to forgive our enemy, feed our brother, clothe our sister, and shelter our children, we will be living peace as our Christian responsibility and receiving peace as God’s gift.

    The twelve chapters mirror the twelve months of the year, and focus on key solemnities and modern events-such as the pro-life movement, the assassination of archbishop Oscar Romero, and the bombing of Nagasaki-that urgently remind us of the need for harmony. Quarterly introductions provide a seasonal summary. Short questions for reflection are useful for peace action and faith groups, as well as for individual readers, to help put ideas into action.

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  • Caminemos Con Jesus


    A Cuban theologian finds common threads in culture and faith.

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  • Jesuit Mystique


    This book probes what it means to be a Jesuit today by exploring the history of the Order, as well as its literary, spiritual, political, and educational contributions to contemporary society.

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  • Catechism Of The Catholic Church (Revised)


    Here it is – the first new Catechism of the Catholic Church in more than 400 years, a complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, Church tradition and teaching, and the lives of the saints. It comes with a complete index, footnotes and cross-references for a fuller understanding of every subject. Using the tradition of explaining what the Church believes, what she celebrates, what she lives and what she prays, the Catechism of the Catholic Chruch offers challenges for believers and answers for all those interested in learning about the mystery of the Catholic faith. Here is a positive, coherent and contemporary map for our spiritual journey toward transformation.

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  • On Loving God


    Perhaps Bernard’s most delightful tract, On Loving God posits that everything good in human persons is an expression of God’s love and by love the person may participate in the being of the triune God. In a new analytic commentary, Stiegman examines Bernard’s language, logic, and theology, demonstrating the vital importance of reading medieval authors on their own terms, without superimposing categories developed by later generations.

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  • Mystery Of Gods Word


    Those who preach the Word, those who proclaim it from a lectern, and those who hear it will all find something to inspire them to greater appreciation of the mystery of God’s Word in this collection of reflections.

    The reflections are developed around eight themes: “Jesus Began to Preach” addresses the mystery of the Word in salvation history. “Go and Proclaim the Gospel” makes the connection between the Word and the Church. “When I Found Your Words . . .” speaks to those who proclaim the Word. “We Preach Christ Jesus as Lord” reflects on the content of Christian preaching. “For Every Careless Word . . .” warns against confusing human words with the divine Word. “You Will Receive Power from the Holy Spirit” affirms the role of the Holy Spirit in the proclamation of the Word. “Welcome the Word” affirms the place of God’s Word in our everyday lives. “The Letter Brings Death But the Spirit Gives Life” attests to the role of the Spirit in the interpretation of the Bible and in the life of the Church.

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  • Ongoing Feast : Table Fellowship And Eschatology At Emmaus


    The Emmaus story of Luke 24 is pivotal to Luke-Acts. It both summarizes Luke’s Gospel and anticipates what is to follow. It is the central presentation of Luke’s recurring motif of Jesus’ table fellowship as a manifestation of the eschatological kingdom.

    Using literary critical analysis, the author shows the progressive development of this motif throughout Luke’s Gospel, with its culmination in the Emmaus account. This work departs from most Lukan scholarship in that it examines the motif without reference to Acts, justifying this approach in view of the climactic nature of Luke 24.

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  • Conscience Consensus And The Development Of Doctrine


    In the works collected here, including An Essay on the Development of Christian doctrine, A Letter Addressed to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, and On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine, John Henry Cardinal Newman, the great nineteenth-century English theologian, debunks a few Catholic myths:

    Myth #1: The teaching of the Catholic Church on faith and morals has never changed and never will change. Not so, this brilliant scholar says. For just as each era has new ways of understanding, so, too, must the Catholic Church always change in its understanding of faith and morals.

    Myth #2: Catholics have to do whatever the Pope says. To the contrary, according to Newman’s famous quip on after-dinner toasts, the ultimate obligation of Catholics is to conscience, not the Pope.

    Myth #3: It’s the bishops who teach, the laity who follows. Newman turns this notion upside down: The laity, he says, are the source and final seal of the church’s teaching; thus the bishops must listen to them.

    Never before collected in one volume, these classic works reveal Newman at his eloquent best as he speaks to the religious crises of our time.

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  • Christian Vision Of Humanity


    Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? How can we get there? These are the basic religious questions that we all ask amid the possibilities and limitations of life, it successes and failures, its blessings and tragedies. Christian faith has a particular vision of God, the world, and of humanity, a vision that issues from the person and ministry of Jesus Christ. He is the reason why Christians are convinced our lives do make sense, that we and our world are created in love and for love and that we are destined to find final healing and fulfillment together by sharing in God’s own devine life.

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  • Anthology Of Christian Mysticism


    Offers an excellent selection of texts from 55 significant figures in the mystical tradition from Origen to Karl Rahner. Each group of texts is preceded by introductions that are informative and reliable. “Very reader-friendly,”—Theological Studies. For the classroom or self-study.

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  • Language For A Catholic Church (Revised)


    Inclusive language is a concern that resonates deeply with the sense of conversion and welcome to a community that is inclusive. This treatment is sensitive, respectful and is sure to raise consciousness.

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  • Struggle To Be The Sun Again


    What are the distinctive theological challenges of Asian women to theology and the church? Struggle To Be the Sun Again offers answers to this crucial question as it articulates the specific contribution of emerging Asian women’s theology to the meaning of the gospel.
    Chung begins by examining the historical and social contexts of Asian women’s theology and their reflections on humanity. She then explores specific manifestations of these theologies in Christology, in Mariology, in spirituality. Chung concludes by analyzing the contribution of Asian women’s theology to contemporary theology, and its future.
    Struggle To Be the Sun Again provides a fine, readable introduction to emerging feminist theologies from Asia. It is an ideal text for classes in Asian, feminist, liberation, and third world theologies.

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  • Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered


    Affirms a radical Christian uniqueness over the pluralist argument.

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  • 40 Gospel Homilies


    At the dividing line between Antiquity and the Middle Ages, scholar-diplomat-pastor-writer-pope Gregory the Great drew on his profound knowledge of Scripture and his personal experience to preach the Gospel. These forty homilies show the practical concerns Gregory faced as well as the theological expectations he had of his flock.

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  • Spiritual Direction In The Early Christian East


    In a day when psychological counseling sometimes passes as `spiritual direction’, this book reminds us that early Christians–like Eastern Christians still today–were convinced that only someone with long and deep experience in prayer and discipline can dare to lead others along the way to God.

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  • Eucharist In The New Testament


    Print on demand title

    This examination of the Eucharist is divided into two parts. The first seeks to uncover the origins of the Eucharist and to trace developments in the earliest eucharistic practice and understanding. The second part studies the eucharistic theology of the New Testament writers.

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  • On Job : God Talk And The Suffering Of The Innocent


    The Latin American liberation theologian’s profound reading of the book of Job.

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  • Targum Jonathan Of The Former Prophets


    The attribution, by the Babylonian Talmud, of this Targum to Jonathan ben Uzziel is suspect on several counts: among others, the silence concerning Jonathan in the parallel passage in the Palestinian Talmud, and the fanciful suggestion that Onkelos=Aquila and Jonathan=Theodotion. The attribution, therefore, is not to be taken as historical fact. The Talmud may have been attempting to enhance the authority of the Targum by claiming authorship by a disciple of Hillel, which Jonathan was.

    It is generally agreed that the author of the Targum Jonathan is unknown; in fact, it is preferable to consider multiple authorship. For while language and translation techniques are uniform, there is variety from book to book.

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  • Targum Of Ezekial


    The Targum of Ezekiel, when critically analyzed, offers a vivid insight into an area of Jewish theological speculation stretching far back into the history of Jewish religious thought. The complexity of the document, however, compounded by a difficult Mosoretic text, abundant grammatical and syntactical problems, and an infusion of strange language and linguistic peculiarities, challenges the most incisive biblical analysts. Like the Book of Ezekiel, it poses literary, exegetical, and theological problems.
    The Targum belongs to the same genre as the other official Targumim, designated in Jewish Tradition as Onqelos on the Pentateuch and Jonathan on the Prophets. Its language, basically Palestinian Aramaic, was revised and edited in Babylon; its vocabulary, idiom, grammatical form, and rendering of the Hebrew text are essentially the same as we find in the official Targumim on the other books. But beyond this, the Targum of Ezekiel has some peculiarities distinctly its own.

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  • Dynamic Catholicism : A Historical Catchism


    A basic introduction to the Catholic faith and the historical evolution of the Church’s teachings–a superb, plain-language guide for Catholics or anyone seeking the essence of Catholicism.

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  • Old Testament Short Story


    The recent emphasis placed on the study of narrative has found its way into theological studies. Essentially, this volume is an exploration of narrative and of the significant fact that the Jewish and Christian communities have continued over the centuries to tell stories that they reverence as the Word of God.

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  • On Liturgical Theology


    Nearly everything that theologians write on liturgy, Father Kavanagh notes, is often called liturgical theology, although on closer examination such works appear to be either dogmatic theologies about the liturgy or systematic theologies making use of liturgical data. None truly reflects how liturgy shapes theology or is theology or even relates to theology.

    This work is Father Kavanagh’s effort to substantiate the existence of a truly liturgical theology. It will raise almost as many questions as it answers; but it will also further insight into theology and liturgy as it assays their relationship.

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  • West African Christianity


    In this fascinating re-evaluation of Christian history West African Christianity concentrates on the role of Africans as the principal agents of, and the significance of African materials in, the spread of Christianity from its earliest centuries. When examining Christianity in Africa other studies focus mainly on the organization of the missionary effort in Europe and America, seeing the rise of African Christianity as a direct consequence of external developments. Still others view Christianity as chiefly the unwitting begetter of nationalist reaction.

    In contrast to both of these approaches Dr. Sanneh analyzed the Christian religious theme by linking it to local religious responses and attitudes. He pays particular attention to the adaptation of religion in African societies and to parallels and exigencies in local traditions, with the Western missionary theme considered in the light of indigenous initiatives. He reviews developments in New Testament times and early Christianity in Egypt and North Africa, as well as paying special attention to the phenomenon of African Christian Independency.

    West African Christianity concludes with an examination of both Christianity and Islam in their African manifestation, demonstrating how “the African factor” emerges as a major category of transformation: preceding in importance “this missionary factor.”

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  • Human Experience Of God


    Departing from human experience the book deals with the theological underpinnings of religious experience, then draws practical conclusions or implications for the spiritual life.

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  • Art Of Preaching


    Preaching was a much admired, much studied, and much practiced art by both abbots and secular clergy. This handbook designed for training future preachers gives moderns an insight into the technique and the content of those twelfth-century sermons.

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  • Sermons On Conversion


    The burgundian reformer abbot draws a picture of the perfect frontier bishop, and holds him up as a model for bishops everywhere.

    Conversion is used here not in the modern sense of transferring from on ecclesiastical body to another, but in the patristic and monastic sense of metanoia, turning one’s entire being wholly to God.

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  • Sermons On The Song Of Songs 4


    These eighty-six sermons are among the most famous and most beautiful examples of medieval scriptural exegesis. In them the modern reader can catch a glimpse of the genius an entire generation found irresistible.

    Volumes available singly or as a set.

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  • Sermons On The Song Of Songs Volume 3


    These eighty-six sermons are among the most famous and most beautiful examples of medieval scriptural exegesis. In them the modern reader can catch a glimpse of the genius an entire generation found irresistible.

    Volumes available singly or as a set.

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  • Sermons On The Song Of Songs 1


    Taking up Saint Bernard’s unfinished sermon-commentary, Gilbert ruminates on verse 3:1-5:10 in forty-eight sermons, leaving the task to be finished by John of Ford.

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  • Pocket Catechism Saint Joseph Edition


    Rational Creatures
    The Holy Spirit
    The Church
    Man’s Last Ends
    Our Life On Earth
    The Ten Commandments
    The Commandments Of The Church
    The Supernatural Virtues
    The Holy Sacraments
    The Most Important Prayers
    The Mysteries Of The Rosary

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    Essential Catholic Teachings. This booklet will give to parents, children, teachers – in fact, all who are really concerned – the right answers about the essentials of the Catholic Faith.

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  • Interior Castle : Teresa Of Avila


    One of the most celebrated works on mystical theology in existence, as timely today as when St. Teresa of Avila wrote it centuries ago, this is a treasury of unforgettable maxims on self-knowledge and fulfillment.

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  • Sermons On The Song Of Songs Volume 1


    These eighty-six sermons are among the most famous and most beautiful examples of medieval scriptural exegesis. In them the modern reader can catch a glimpse of the genius an entire generation found irresistible.

    Volumes available singly or as a set.

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  • On Consulting The Faithful In Matters Of Doctrine


    On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine was first published in July, 1859, as an article in the Rambler. It was the immediate cause of great controversy both in Rome and in England. Newman did not withdraw his views, but the article was not reprinted or published in England since that time, and appeared only once in an American journal, Cross Currents. Scholars without access to Rambler archives have had to resort to a German translation, and the ordinary reader has had to rely on brief quotation and heresy.

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