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Christology (Theology of Jesus Christ the Son)

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  • Hypotheses About Jesus


    This famous classic, which sold more than one million copies in Italy alone when originally published, shows how reason, history, and experience confirm the truth of the Gospel. It will take you on a quest to uncover the obscure Jesus of history, challenge you to think about Christianity as a historical religion, and offer you a multitude of reasons to believe in the Christian faith. These pages – written by Vittorio Messori, a secular journalist who converted in adulthood from agnosticism – in fact rely purely on the evidence of facts and history.

    Raised in an atmosphere of rationalism, Messori shares the deeply personal and transformative experience he had one summer when facing life’s ultimate questions. His view on politics, society, and religion changed forever when he encountered the Jesus of the Gospels. This moved him to conduct a historical examination of the roots of Christianity and evaluate the truth of the Gospel, always in the light of faith and reason. This is what you are about to read.

    Messori adopts a compelling journalistic approach, drawing from Blaise Pascal and an array of philosophers, historians, and theologians. As he breaks open the Gospels, you will perceive his shift from doubt and indifference to fascinating discovery and wonder. You will also learn:

    *Ways in which science and archaeology point to belief in God

    *How Christ’s teachings provide universal insights on human nature and behavior

    *Logical arguments that debunk the views of mythologizers and critics

    *Three possible solutions for “the problem of Jesus”

    *Authentic answers to those skeptical of Jesus’ Messianic origins

    *How kerygma points to the proclamation of Christ even before the Gospels were written

    Messori also examines how Marxist ideology and Enlightenment philosophy stand up under the lens of historical scrutiny. He further discusses the roles of the apostles and women in the Gospels, along with eyewitness accounts. You will learn about the impact of Christianity on culture, how Christianity differs from other religions, and symbolism in Christian belief.

    Throughout this journey, you will observe how the message of Christ endures through time. Above all, you will see how the Gospels teach true equality and how our Lord offers the liberty that we all seek as He revolutionizes the world with His ever-present love.

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  • Extravagant Love : The Self-Emptying Of Jesus


    The theme of the book is the self-outpouring in love, or the kenosis, of Jesus Christ. The kenosis of the Son of God is at the heart of the identity of the Sisters of Jesus of Nazareth, for whom these reflections were initially composed. In baptism we are all plunged into the self-emptying life of Jesus and are called to live out this way of love in whatever situations we find ourselves. It is not surprising, then, that while the book was originally written to benefit a particular religious community it is, in fact, deeply significant to all followers of Jesus. Extravagant Love is not a sustained treatise on the kenosis of the Son of God. The mystery is too great for that. Rather, Ruth Burrows draws together scriptural and theological insights and her own lived experience of over seventy years as a Carmelite nun to offer various streams into the unfathomable ocean of God’s self-giving, ecstatic love. Each reflection is intended to begin in reading and to continue in prayerful pondering and contemplative wonder.

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  • Life Of Jesus Christ


    How often have you heard the Gospel at Sunday Mass and wondered, “What happens next?” Often, our only experience of the Gospels is of those isolated segments taken out of context, like unassembled pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, rather than the story of our Savior’s life.

    The Life of Jesus Christ: Understanding the Story of the Gospels aims to change that experience. Author Russell Shaw weaves together the events of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John’s narratives in chronological order to capture a true and rounded picture of Jesus’ life.

    The Life of Jesus Christ is the scriptural companion you’ve been searching for. Together, the four Gospels reveal Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, as a man of complexity and depth – compassionate but stern, who knew how to laugh and how to cry, a charismatic leader uninterested in worldly power, a subtle thinker who drew sublime messages from ordinary life. With Shaw guiding you, you’ll truly get to know the Son of God in a new way.

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  • No Irrelevant Jesus


    Is Jesus relevant for today? If you think not, don’t bother with this book. But if you think that Jesus might have something to say to today’s world, which Jesus comes to mind? Is he “gentle Jesus, meek and mild,” offering individual salvation but with no message for a suffering world? Is he to be remembered as a Zealot fighting for a hopeless cause or as an outstanding rabbi? Was he a prophet in the long series of Israel’s prophets or a religious founder like Muhammad or Gautama? Or was Jesus unique, a man utterly consumed by zeal for the reign of God, by the “fierce urgency of now,” the leader of a movement dedicated to God’s cause but committed to nonviolence and living for others? If we seek him, can we find him in the churches? In No Irrelevant Jesus, Gerhard Lohfink, author of the acclaimed Jesus of Nazareth, explores these questions and offers a resounding yes to the relevance of Jesus today.

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  • 4th Cup : Unveiling The Mystery Of The Last Supper And The Cross


    From the bestselling author of The Lamb’s Supper and Signs of Life comes an illuminating work on the Catholic Eucharist and its link to the Jewish Passover meal.

    Well-known Catholic theologian Dr. Scott Hahn explains Christ’s Paschal Sacrifice on the cross as the fulfillment of the traditional fourth cup used in the celebration of Passover, drawing symbolic parallels to the Last Supper and Christ’s death on Calvary. Through his scholarly insights and important biblical connections, Mass will come alive for you as never before!

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  • Sophia : The Hidden Christ Of Thomas Merton


    While numerous studies have celebrated Thomas Merton’s witness as an interfaith pioneer, poet, and peacemaker, there have been few systematic treatments of his Christology as such, and no sustained exploration to date of his relationship to the Russian Sophia” tradition. This book looks to Thomas Merton as a “classic” theologian of the Christian tradition from East to West, and offers an interpretation of his mature Christology, with special attention to his remarkable prose poem of 1962, Hagia Sophia. Bringing Merton’s mystical-prophetic Vision fully into dialogue with contemporary Christology, Russian sophiology, and Zen, as well as figures such as John Henry Newman and Abraham Joshua Heschel, the author carefully but boldly builds the case that Sophia, the same theological eros that animated Merton’s religious imagination in a period of tremendous fragmentation and violence, might infuse new vitality into our own.

    A study of uncommon depth and scope, inspired throughout by Merton’s extraordinary catholicity.

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  • Joseph Ratzinger In Cummunio Volume 2


    In this second volume in the series Joseph Ratzinger in Communio Pope Benedict XVI responds to many issues surrounding Christology and anthropology today, including resurrection, immortality, hope, technology, and secularism.

    As David Schindler notes in his introduction, “Cardinal Ratzinger — Pope Benedict XVI — rarely writes on any churchly matter that does not manifest its implications for man and culture, and vice versa. Indeed, this indissoluble linking is one of the main distinguishing features of his theology.” This is the penultimate volume in the series.

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  • Man Christ Jesus


    A personal encounter with Jesus in His full humanity. Only by experiencing a close, personal encounter with Jesus in his full humanity just as his first disciples did can we develop a true and salvific belief in the Christ of Faith. Cardinal Giacomo Biffi gives us an intimate portrait of Jesus so we can encounter Him in His full humanity just as his first disciples did and develop a true and salvific belief in the Christ of Faith.

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  • Fully Human Fully Divine


    A solid blend of theology and spirituality, this refreshing book introduces the reader — in an interactive way — to the humanity and divinity of Jesus. Furthermore, Fully Human, Fully Divine applies its significant points to the reader’s spiritual life.

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  • Death On A Friday Afternoon


    1. Coming To Our Senses
    2. Judge Not
    3. A Strange Glory
    4. Dereliction
    5. Witnesses
    6. The Sacrifice
    7. The Scars Of God
    Biblical References
    Select Bibliography

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    Numerous writers and composers have been captivated by the suggestiveness of Jesus’ Seven Last Words. But the beloved, recently deceased Fr. Richard John Neuhaus’s sustained exploration of these utterances is something altogether different. Through them he plumbs the depths of human experience and sets forth the central narrative of Western civilization-the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ-in a way that engages the attention of believers, unbelievers, and those who are not sure what they believe. Death on a Friday Afternoon is an invitation to the reader into a spiritual and intellectual exploration of the dark side of human experience with the promise of light and life on the far side of darkness.

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  • Exploring The Messianic Secret In Marks Gospel


    SKU (ISBN): 9781556129247ISBN10: 1556129246John PerryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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  • Exploring The Resurrection Of Jesus


    SKU (ISBN): 9781556126703ISBN10: 1556126700John PerryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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  • College Students Introduction To Christology


    Why did some people want Jesus dead, while others came to honor him as the Christ? What does it mean to say that “he was raised,” and how did this belief get started? What about the classical expressions of Jesus’ religious significance – “true God of true God, begotten, not made, one in being with the Father,” and “one person in two natures”? Where did they come from and what do they mean? Finally, what does belief in Jesus have to do with justice for the poor, the women’s movement, concern for the environment, and respect for other world religions? This book introduces the reader to the issues and questions that have given Christology, Christian reflection on Jesus’ religious significance, a whole new shape in recent years.

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  • Who Do You Say I Am


    Who Do You Say I Am? first reviews recent approaches to Christology, introducing a framework for discussions to follow. Next, the author addresses the question of what ought to be the point of departure of Christology: The New Testament? The historical Jesus? The interpretation of the disciples? Dupuis then traces the continuity between the functional Christology of the early church, and the onto logical Christology of later reflection. In the face of recent debates on the value of dogma, Dupuis shows what kind of logic is inherent in the elabor ation of christological dogma.

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  • Life Of Christ


    Widely proclaimed a classic work of Christian faith, Life of Christ has been hailed as the most eloquent of Fulton J. Sheen’s many books. The fruit of many years of reflection, prayer, and research, it is a dramatic and moving recounting of the birth, life, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Christ, and a passionate portrait of the God-Man, the teacher, the healer, and, most of all, the Savior, whose promise has sustained humanity for two millenia.

    With his customary insight and reverence, Sheen interprets the Scripture and describes Christ not only in historical perspective but also in exciting and contemporary terms — seeing in Christ’s life both modern parallels and timeless lessons. His thoughtful, probing analysis provides new insight into well-known Gospel events.

    An appealing blend of philosophy, history, and biblical exegesis, from the best-known and most-loved American Catholic leader of the twentieth century, Life of Christ has long been a source of inspiration and guidance. For those seeking to better understand the message of Jesus Christ, this vivid retelling of the greatest story ever lived is a must-read.

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