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Denominational Concerns

Showing 1–50 of 72 results

  • Catechism Of The Catholic Church Ascension Edition


    From the publisher of the popular Great Adventure Catholic Bible comes the first-ever edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church with the brand-new, specially designed Foundations of Faith approach!

    The Catechism contains the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith’s most foundational teachings applied to the modern day. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Ascension Edition makes the wisdom of this foundational document accessible through the Foundations of Faith approach.

    Now, everyone can learn and understand the teachings of the Catholic Faith.

    This exclusive, specially designed edition clearly shows the ancient roots of the Faith and, with The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) podcast, helps Catholics integrate the fullness of Catholic teaching into their daily lives.

    There has never been an edition of the Catechism so revolutionary for Catholics seeking to understand the teachings of the Catholic Faith. Reviewed by top experts, theologians, and scholars, this edition has built-in tools that have never been provided in any other edition.

    The result is a Catechism that will change your life as you come to understand why the Catholic Church teaches what it does.

    This version of the Catechism contains:

    *Carefully designed pages to make the majestic truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith readable, organized, and inviting

    *An original and specially designed color-coded approach that helps readers understand how everything in the Catechism is connected together

    *The Catechism at a Glance Chart woven within the text to show how the Catechism is structured and where to find key teachings of the Catholic Faith

    *Highlighted key words and visual references that help Catholics quickly identify major truths and easily find their place within the big picture of the Catechism

    *Dozens of callout boxes to highlight the books of Sacred Scripture and the writings of the Church that are the basis for the Catechism’s teachings

    *An exclusive, never-before-seen appendix, “Sources from Scripture and the Church,” with a clear introduction to hundreds of sources in the Catechism

    With a beautiful design to reflect the profound beauty of the Faith, this edition of the Catechism adorns the treasures of the Church’s wisdom with:

    *A smooth, white, leatherlike cover
    *Dazzling gold foil stamping
    *4 silky, color-coded ribbons

    This remarkable book, formed by Holy Scripture and 2000 years of Church Doctors, scholars, and th

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  • Whats Church All About


    This book explores the real questions that young people ask, including their negative and sometimes irreverent questions. It then provides four supplementary chapters based on advanced questions for adults and a vision for the Church of the future. It uses real stories to flesh out the intentions of Scripture and Church teaching, drawing also on contemporary culture and learning. It avoids Church-talk that means nothing to young people, but also unwraps the Church’s hidden treasures in an accessible way. The book has been influenced by both the recent synod on youth and the current discussions in the Plenary Council of the Church in Australia.

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  • Vatican Code : American Diplomacy In The Time Of Francis


    There are many who are intrigued by the institution of the Holy See under the pontificate of Pope Francis. The Vatican Code opens a curtain to the Holy See from a unique angle. It browses some of the highlights of the papacy from 2013 to 2017 as well as some of its murkier elements. It profiles some of the personalities and the daily and long-term innerworkings of the United States Embassy with the Vatican. The Vatican Code provides key insights into the sensitive negotiations of an American ambassador to the Holy See and will help readers understand the intricacies of this unique role.

    Ambassador Kenneth Hackett was born and raised in Boston, educated by the Jesuits at Boston College High School and Boston College. He did graduate study at New York University and took a sabbatical at the University of South Carolina. Following three and a half years with the Peace Corps in Ghana, he spent forty years with Catholic Relief Services (CRS), nineteen of which he was the chief executive officer and president. He was appointed as United States ambassador to the Holy See in August 2013.

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  • Amidst Us Our Bleoved Stands


    When it comes to baptism and the Lord’s Supper, many Baptists reject the language of sacrament. As a people of the book, the logic goes, Baptists must not let tradition supersede the Bible. So Baptists tend to view baptism and Communion as ordinances and symbols, not sacraments.

    But the history of Baptists and the sacraments is complicated. In Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands, Michael A. G. Haykin argues that earlier Baptists, such as Charles Spurgeon, stood closer to Reformed sacramental thought than most Baptists today do. More than mere memorials, baptism and Communion have spiritual implications that were celebrated by Baptists of the past. Haykin calls for a renewal of sacramental life in churches today-Baptists can and should be sacramental.

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  • Pandemic And The People Of God


    Weaves together insights from anthropology and theology to provide an analysis of the role of the Church in responding to the pandemic.

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  • Abide In Peace


    In a world and nation marked by suffering and division, Marcus Halley invites readers to explore rituals of healing and reconciliation in parish practice.

    How is Christian community fostered when healing and reconciliation are prayerfully and actively sought? How do the ancient rituals of healing practiced among us today form a community committed to the Way of Love, the Way of Healing? And how does such practice lead the Christian community to seek peace?

    The basics of Episcopal and Anglican worship in North America are explored in this Little Books series, which invites parishioners and newcomers to consider both the beauty of worship and Episcopal ethical commitments.

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  • Human Families : Identities, Relationships, And Responsibilities


    Presentations from the 2020 annual conference of the College Theology Society apply theological methodology and insights to pressing issues surrounding the theme of human families and Christianity. Topics include the impacts of economic inequality and insecurity on family and community life, the unique concerns and experiences of families of color, and the particular challenges facing migrant families within the ongoing global crisis.

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  • Liminal Papacy Of Pope Francis


    An expert on the papacy and Vatican II, Massimo Faggioli draws from world history, politics, papal biographies, and the documents of Vatican II for this incisive analysis of Francis’s developing pontificate. He notes that Francis’s is a liminal papacy, one that gives attention to the poor, to the peripheries, and to relations between the Vatican and other religions, with an emphasis on synodality and on the Church as the people of God. He also contrasts Francis with his immediate predecessor Benedict XVI and John Paul II, and shows his similarities with the spirit of John XXIII, the architect of Vatican II.

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  • Eating Together Becoming One


    In November 2015, Pope Francis called on theologians to explore whether normal Catholic practice should be changed to allow Christians, belonging to other churches, to share fully at the table when they take part in a Eucharist celebrated by Catholics. Thomas O’Loughlin provides his contribution to that challenge in this volume. He argues that the various ways of thinking about what we are doing in the liturgy should lead us to see intercommunion as enhancing our participation in the mystery of the Church and the mystery we celebrate.

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  • United States Catholic Catechism For Adults


    The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults is an adaptation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and it is presented to Catholics of the United States . . .

    It is our hope that this United States Catholic Catechism for Adults will be an aid and a guide for deepening faith. It may serve as a resource for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and for the ongoing catechesis of adults. It will also be of interest for those who wish to become acquainted with Catholicism. Finally, it can serve as an invitation for all the faithful to continue growing in the understanding of Jesus Christ and his saving love for all people.

    Includes the 2018 revision of no. 2267 promulgated by Pope Francis.

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  • Infiltration : The Plot To Destroy The Church From Within


    It took nearly two millennia for the enemies of the Catholic Church to realize they could not successfully attack the Church from the outside. Indeed, countless nemeses from Nero to Napoleon succeeded only in creating sympathy and martyrs for our Catholic Faith.

    That all changed in the mid-19th century, when clandestine societies populated by Modernists and Marxists hatched a plan to subvert the Catholic Church from within. Their goal: to change Her doctrine, Her liturgy, and Her mission.

    In this captivating and carefully documented book, Dr. Taylor Marshall pulls back the curtain on their nefarious plan, showing how these enemies of Christ strategically infiltrated the seminaries, then the priesthood, then the episcopacy, and eventually the cardinal-electors all with the eventual goal of electing one of their own as pope.

    You’ll come to see that the seemingly endless scandals plaguing the Church are not the result, as so many think, of cultural changes, or of Vatican II, but rather the natural consequences of an orchestrated demonic plot to destroy the Church.

    In these gripping pages, you’ll discover:

    *How popes of the 1800s discovered a plot to infiltrate the Church
    *How theologians suspected of being Modernists became Vatican powerbrokers.
    *How modifications in Catholic canon law enabled predator priests like Theodore McCarrick to stay in positions of power.
    *How Our Lady of La Salette gave a prophetic warning of the plot to infiltrate the Church.
    *How the chief architect of liturgical reforms was discovered to be a Freemason.
    *Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s role in exposing the Communist infiltration of the priesthood.
    *How the confusing history of the Third Secret of Fatima relates to the infiltration of the Catholic Church.
    *That Pope Paul VI explained that Vatican II was not infallible.
    *How Pope Paul VI revoked the voting rights of cardinals over 80, thus guaranteeing that all voting cardinals were appointed by him.
    *How the criteria for sainthood shifted from a person’s historical acts to his personal beliefs.
    *The complex roots of the St. Gallen Mafia and how they plotted to modify Catholic doctrine and elect Pope Fran

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  • Rise And Fall Of The Incomparable Liturgy


    Most histories of Church of England liturgy, for good reason, begin in the 1530s, and centre on the 1549 and 1552 Books of Common Prayer. That is important for initial doctrinal changes, and the establishment of the liturgical text, However, both liturgies were extremely short-lived, and the real history of the Book of Common Prayer as the Liturgy of the Church of England begins with the Elizabethan Settlement, 1559, and a long tenure of the enacted Elizabethan liturgy. The only revision of any note was that of 1662, and this revision lasted without serious challenge until the 19th century, and without legal alternative until the twentieth century. This study therefore concentrates on 1559 until the Report of the Royal Commission in 1906 which paved the way for liturgical revision.

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  • Will Pope Francis Pull It Off


    Pope Francis has made no secret of the fact that he seeks to reform the Catholic Church, especially the institutional components by which it is guided and governed. Standing in his way are institutional inertia, simplistic ideologies, scandals, and the resistance of some who will not readily relinquish power. Can he pull it off?

    In this smart and thoughtful book, priest-sociologist Rocco D’Ambrosio carefully considers the personality, convictions, and gifts the pope brings to the task. He explores the hurdles Francis faces, the tools at his disposal, and his prospects for success. The result is an institutional analysis of the Catholic Church in the Bergoglio era that promises rich, new insights and plenty of food for thought to every reader

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  • Polarization In The US Catholic Church


    It is no secret: the body of Christ in the United States is broken. While universality-and unity amid diversity-is a fundamental characteristic of Roman Catholicism, all-too-familiar issues related to gender, sexuality, race, and authority have rent the church. Healthy debates, characteristic of a living tradition, suffer instead from an absence of genuine engagement and dialogue. But there is still much that binds American Catholics. In naming the wounds and exploring their social and religious underpinnings, Polarization in the US Catholic Church underscores how shared beliefs and aspirations can heal deep fissures and the hurts they have caused. Cutting across disciplinary and political lines, this volume brings essential commentary in the direction of reclaimed universality among American Catholics.

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  • Whose Mass Is It


    When changes happen to the Catholic Mass, opinions are strong and diverse. Everyone feels in some way that the Mass is theirs. It is. Or is it? Whose Mass is it? And what should people do to claim it? Whether or not adult Catholics attend Mass regularly, they strongly bond with it. Within a single generation, English-speaking Catholics experienced the Second Vatican Council’s authorization for the first overhaul of the liturgy in four hundred years, and then, in 2011, they prepared for and implemented a revised vernacular translation. Each of these two events awakened strong feelings as people gradually became aware that someone else’s decision was going to affect the cornerstone of their spiritual life. In Whose Mass Is It? Paul Turner examines the impact of the Mass, the connections it makes, and its purpose in the lives of believers.

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  • Unfinished Council : Vatican 2 Pope Francis And The Renewal Of Catholicism


    The Second Vatican Council has become an indispensable reference point for understanding Roman Catholicism today. Yet in spite of its impact, Vatican II was in many ways an unfinished council. The council bishops were able to establish key pillars in the construction of a new vision for the church of our time, but, for various reasons, they were not able to draw those pillars together into a coherent unified structure. This volume describes both the council’s building project itself and the challenges facing the church today if we are to complete the project begun fifty years ago.

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  • Feasting On The Word Worship Companion Year B 2


    This is the sixth and final volume in the Feasting on the Word Worship Companion series, which provides liturgical pieces used in preparing for worship. It offers a multitude of poetic prayers and responsive readings for all parts of worship for churches that use the Revised Common Lectionary. In addition, the weekly entries include questions for reflection and household prayers for morning and evening that are drawn from the lectionary, allowing churches to include them in their bulletin for parishioners to use throughout the week.

    During times of the year when two different tracks of Old Testament texts are offered by the Revised Common Lectionary, this resource offers an entire set of materials for both tracks. Also, a CD-ROM is included with each volume that enables planners to easily cut and paste relevant readings, prayers, and questions into worship bulletins.

    Liturgy writers include:

    Kimberly L. Clayton, Director of Contextual Education, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia; Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    David Gambrell, Associate for Worship in the Office of Theology and Worship, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, Kentucky; Presbyterian Church(U.S.A.)
    Daniel M. Geslin, Pastor, Union Congregational Church of Hancock, Hancock, Maine; United Church of Christ
    Kimberly Bracken Long, Associate Professor of Worship, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia; Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    L. Edward Phillips, Associate Professor of Worship and Liturgical Theology, Candler School of Theology, Atlanta, Georgia; United Methodist Church
    Melinda Quivik, Liturgical Scholar, Houghton, Michigan; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
    Carol L. Wade, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington, Kentucky; Episcopal Church

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  • Rhythms Of Worship


    There are many books written for liturgical experts, but not many for laypeople. This book bridges that gap. In clear, everyday language, Waschevski and Stevens describe why Protestants worship and help to equip worship planners and leaders for excellence in their tasks. The authors explore the different elements of the worship service and how each expresses our Christ-centered faith. They also describe the feasts and festivals of the liturgical year, helping the reader understand and appreciate these special times and seasons in worship. An additional chapter considers music and arts in worship. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter invite discussion in local congregations. This book will be a valuable resource for pastors, worship committees, members, and all others who engage in worship planning and leadership.

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  • Rite Place : Kids Do Church Adults Do Too


    Ready-to-use liturgies with music, for all seasons of the church year

    * Offers a practical guide for child-directed, inclusive worship

    Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, Illinois has become a model for how to
    engage all generations in an experiential and fully inclusive Eucharistic liturgy. The
    Rite Place is a 30-minute service designed for young children and their households
    in response to the congregation’s desire to offer welcoming worship for all ages.
    This book has three parts: the theology of intergenerational worship, including
    pastoral issues and how a church might get started to implement such a model;
    the use of music as an integral piece to worship as formation; and complete
    liturgies for Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Maundy Thursday/
    Good Friday, Easter, and the Season of Pentecost/Summer that are accessible for
    other congregations to use in their own settings.

    For clergy, Christian educators, musicians, liturgists, Episcopal schools, chaplains,
    children’s hospitals, seminaries, and faith formation organizations.

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  • Feasting On The Word Worship Companion Year B 1


    Based on the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL), Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year B, Volume 1 provides liturgical pieces used in preparing for worship. Written and compiled by an ecumenical team of 11 seasoned liturgy writers, this resource offers a multitude of poetic prayers and responsive readings for all parts of worship and is meant to complement existing denominational resources. In addition, the weekly entries include questions for reflection and household prayers for morning and evening that are drawn from the lectionary, allowing churches to include them in their bulletin for parishioners to use throughout the week.

    During times of the year when two different tracks of Old Testament texts are offered by the RCL, this resource offers an entire set of materials for each track. Also, a CD-ROM is included with each volume that enables planners to easily cut and paste relevant readings, prayers, and questions into worship bulletins.

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  • Bright Field : Meditations And Reflections For Ordinary Time


    Covering the liturgical year outside Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, this collection of reflections, readings, poems and prayers focuses on the life and ministry of Jesus the rich subject matter of the lectionary readings during Ordinary Time. This is a subtantial, original and varied resource for the longest liturgical season.

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  • Feasting On The Word Worship Companion Year A 2


    Based on the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL), Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year A, Volume 2 provides liturgical pieces used in preparing for worship. Written and compiled by an ecumenical team of 11 seasoned liturgy writers, this resource offers a multitude of poetic prayers and responsive readings for all parts of worship and is meant to complement existing denominational resources. In addition, the weekly entries include questions for reflection and household prayers for morning and evening that are drawn from the lectionary, allowing churches to include them in their bulletin for parishioners to use throughout the week.

    During times of the year when two different tracks of Old Testament texts are offered by the RCL, this resource offers an entire set of materials for each track. Also, a CD-ROM is included with each volume that enables planners to easily cut and paste relevant readings, prayers, and questions into worship bulletins.

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  • Liturgical Spirituality : Anglican Reflections On The Churchs Prayer


    Of particular interest to scholars and practitioners across the Anglican Communion
    with contributions from a wide breadth of scholars

    Liturgical Spirituality is a collection of Anglican reflections on the spirituality of the liturgy,
    inviting readers into the Church’s patterns of prayer, seasons of the year, and sacramental
    action. With contributions from all over the world, from the North Atlantic to Australia,
    the collection helps develop a comprehensive understanding of contemporary Anglican

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  • Feasting On The Word Worship Companion Year A 1


    Based on the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL), Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year A, Volume 1 is an invaluable aid that provides liturgical pieces needed in preparing for worship each week. Written and compiled by a team of eleven ecumenical and seasoned liturgy writers under the creative leadership of Kimberly Bracken Long, this resource offers a multitude of poetic prayers and responsive readings for all parts of worship and is meant to complement existing denominational resources. In addition, the weekly entries include questions for reflection and household prayers for morning and evening that are drawn from the lectionary, allowing churches to include them in their bulletin for parishioners to use throughout the week.

    During times of the year when two different tracks of Old Testament texts are offered by the RCL, this resource offers an entire set of materials for each track. A CD-ROM is also included with each volume that enables planners to easily cut and paste relevant readings, prayers, and questions into worship bulletins.

    Liturgy Writers include:

    Kimberly L. Clayton, Director of Contextual Education, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia; Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    David Gambrell, Associate for Worship in the Office of Theology and Worship, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, Kentucky; Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    Daniel M. Geslin, Pastor, Sixth Avenue United Church of Christ, Denver, Colorado; United Church of Christ
    Kimberly Bracken Long, Assistant Professor of Worship, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia; Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    L. Edward Phillips, Associate Professor of Worship and Liturgical Theology, Candler School of Theology, Atlanta, Georgia; United Methodist Church
    Melinda Quivik, Liturgical Scholar, Houghton, Michigan; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
    Carol L. Wade, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington, Kentucky; Episcopal Church

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  • Liturgical Sense : The Logic Of Rite


    * A premier Anglican liturgical theologian reviews the history of the liturgical movement
    in North America and anticipates next steps in liturgical “sensibility”

    Louis Weil looks back on his work shaping the liturgical life of the Episcopal Church
    through his involvement with the development of The 1979 Book of Common Prayer-
    and looks forward to the future of the church and its liturgical life. Through stories and
    first-person anecdotes, Weil does “narrative theology” as only he can.

    Although most points of reference are to the 1979 BCP, the book is aiming at a more
    fundamental level-not just Episcopal or even Anglican liturgy, but liturgical rites as
    such: how do they “do what they do”?-or NOT do when they are done badly! “Liturgical
    Sense” is two dimensional: both the “common sense” of liturgical rites and also their
    “aesthetic sense.”

    It is Dr. Weil’s contention that in American culture we have an inherent inability to “think
    symbolically.” Dr. Weil seeks to encourage a return to “liturgical sense” across the church.

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  • Celebrating The Rites Of Initiation


    Celebrating Series Celebrating the Rites of Initiation continues the standard of scholarship set by Patrick Malloy’s Celebrating the Eucharist, and offers similar aids around issues of baptism and confirmation. It is an ideal book for students and practicing clergy who seek to strengthen their knowledge-and parochial practice-of baptismal theology.

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  • Liturgy Explained : New Edition (Revised)


    This completely new work replaces the best-selling but woefully outdated Morehouse classic by the same name. This fresh work explains the liturgy in all its aspects for the uninitiated and is written by a respected liturgics scholar in the Episcopal Church.

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  • Feasting On The Word Worship Companion Year C 2


    Based on the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL), Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year C, Volume 2 is an invaluable aid that provides liturgical pieces needed in preparing for worship each week. Written and compiled by a team of eleven ecumenical and seasoned liturgy writers under the creative leadership of Kimberly Bracken Long, this resource offers a multitude of poetic prayers and responsive readings for all parts of worship and is meant to complement existing denominational resources. In addition, the weekly entries include questions for reflection and household prayers for morning and evening that are drawn from the lectionary, allowing churches to include them in their bulletin for parishioners to use throughout the week.

    During times of the year when two different tracks of Old Testament texts are offered by the RCL, this resource offers an entire set of materials for each track. Also, a CD-ROM is included with each volume that enables planners to easily cut and paste relevant readings, prayers, and questions into worship bulletins.

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  • Give Up Something Bad For Lent (Student/Study Guide)


    Invites readers to focus on, with God’s help, eliminating habits or attitudes that may be destructive in their lives, such as envy, self-pity, procrastination, gossip, resentment, or negative thinking.
    Seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday
    Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, and closing prayer

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  • Vatican II : Universal Call To Holiness


    A collection of presentations from the Vatican II Conference, A Universal Call to Holiness, held at Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT. Seven of the presentations are based on the seven speeches given by several cardinals at the conclusion of the council on December 8, 1965.

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  • Feasting On The Word Worship Companion Year C 1


    A new worship resource in the acclaimed Feasting on the Word series

    The Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year C, Volume One, is the first of six volumes (two for each lectionary year) in a new series for worship leaders and pastors. Based on the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL), this book is an invaluable aid that provides all liturgical pieces needed in preparing for worship each week. A team of eleven ecumenical and seasoned liturgy writers, under the creative leadership of Kimberly Bracken Long, offer a multitude of poetic prayers and responsive reading for all parts of worship. In addition, drawn from the lectionary each week are a question for reflection and household prayers for morning and evening so churches can include them in their bulletin for parishioners.

    During times of the year when two different tracks of Old Testament texts are offered by the RCL, this resource offers an entire set of materials for each track. Also, a CD-ROM is included with each book and easily enables planners to cut and paste relevant readings, prayers, or questions into worship bulletins.

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  • Young And Catholic In America


    A collection of essays from young Catholics that provides a powerful description of the next generation of American Catholics.

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  • Enriching Our Worship 5


    This unique new service book includes liturgies for blessing and healing as related to childbearing and childbirth. It includes prayers, Scripture readings and hymn suggestions organized around the blessing of a pregnant woman; loss of a pregnancy; repentance and reconciliation for an abortion; difficult decisions, unexpected or unwanted pregnancy, loss of a child, termination of pregnancy, infertility, sterilization, and adoption.

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  • Ignatian Way : Key Aspects Of Jesuit Spirituality


    Although many books have been written on Ignatian Spirituality, most focus on highly specific and scholarly details, rendering them too academic and specialized for the average reader. This book remedies this problem by compiling a more general guide to the basic aspects of Ignatian spirituality. Addressing everything from the life of St. Ignatius Loyola to his Spiritual Exercises to dealing with contemporary world issues in a Jesuit spirit, it offers a comprehensive yet conversational approach to Ignatian spirituality. Whether studying or teaching at a Jesuit school, seeking spiritual direction on a retreat, discerning a possible vocation to the Society of Jesus, or simply seeking more exposure to Ignatian spirituality, this book is an invaluable guide.

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  • Living Miracles


    This is a collection of stories of men who answered a call to the priesthood through the influence of Pope John Paul II. Each chapter tells the stories of young priests and seminarians who trace their vocation, the origin of their priestly call, to John Paul’s reign of hope, and who bear the special stamp of his influence. These spiritual sons of John Paul the Great are his lasting legacy, his living miracles.

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  • Spiritual Masters For All Seasons


    Every age needs figures of spiritual inspiration but, in times of recession and uncertainty, they are essential in helping us to rise above despair and to search for God deep within ourselves. In this new book, Michael Ford invites four spiritual masters onto the same stage for the first time and shows how they speak, not only to our own times, but for all seasons. Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, Anthony de Mello and John O’Donohue all died suddenly at the height of their fame as spiritual masters but they continue to have immense followings. What was their secret and why do their legacies endure? Through unpublished interviews with some of the authors themselves, encounters with their friends and reflections from readers who have been inspired by their writings, Michael Ford journeys across the United States and Europe to assess their place in the world of contemporary spirituality. He goes behind the scenes of the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky to hear at first hand from monks who were novices under Merton; visits Lambeth Palace in London to discover Merton’s influence on the Archbishop of Canterbury; talks to people about how Nouwen, the proverbial wounded healer, helped them through depression because he had suffered himself; speaks to Jesuits who worked with de Mello in India and tries to find out how close the international storyteller came to Buddhism; and takes a walk with O’Donohue through landscapes in rural Ireland which feature in such books as Anam Cara and discusses the appeal of Celtic spirituality. Blending the spiritual with the journalistic, Michael Ford presents four unique writers as “Spiritual Masters for All Seasons.”

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  • Week That Changed The World


    This devotional for Lenten and Easter meditations is a synthesis of the four gospel accounts of the eight days of Jesus’ passion and resurrection.

    Uses the popular and contemporary TNIV translation
    Includes maps, notes, and user guide
    Preface by Robert Webber, noted evangelical scholar

    Beginning with Palm Sunday, the gospels record every day of Jesus’ life up to the time of his death and resurrection. These eight days are unparalleled in the canon of Scripture for their narrative power, their detail, and their focus. A unique synthesis of the four gospel accounts of the passion and resurrection of Christ is provided in this seamless and elegant narrative account of the Easter events, including every detail mentioned in all four Gospels, but without any unnecessary repetition or distracting references.

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  • Prayers For An Inclusive Church


    The author has prepared a special American edition of his book, first published in the UK, to conform to the calendar of the Episcopal Church.

    Prayers are appropriate to conclude the Prayers of the People in the Eucharist

    Includes a scriptural index keyed to the lectionary readings

    Includes 3 Eucharistic prayers, Eucharistic preface, general confession, and post-communion prayer for each season in the church year.

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  • Introducing The Lessons Of The Church Year (Revised)


    3rd edition of a known and trusted guide to Scripture for pastors, deacons, and lay people.

    Thoroughly revised and updated to the Revised Common Lectionary by an Episcopal and Lutheran scholar and church leader, author of many books.

    A one-volume resource with multiple uses: sermon preparation, public reading of scripture, sermon discussion groups, lectionary Bible study, Christian education planning, bulletins, and web sites.

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  • Book Of Mary


    “Of all the women in the Bible,” writes Nicola Slee, “Mary has been for me the most ambivalent, the most alien and yet, at some level, the most alluring. I’ve taken a long time to come to her-or for her to come to me. I grew up in a religious tradition-low church Methodism-in which Mary hardly featured, other than in the nativity story. Yet it is hardly possible to exist as an inhabitant of the western world, with even half an eye open to the visual and cultural heritage of Christendom, and not to have been in some way affected by this woman, the woman of the Christian tradition.”

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  • Saints Teach Us


    This is part of a new series of books that combines a rattle with a small board book to appeal to God’s littlest ones. The playful illustrations will delight little eyes as they see the parts of the Mass come to life in bright and vivid colors.

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  • Things He Carried


    The narrative of Holy Week is powerful and painful, and because we know how the story ends it’s easy to gloss over the difficult details, and stay in the comfort zone of our understanding. Stephen Cottrell brings home, vividly and poignantly, the physical reality of the passion story. This is a book to stimulate thought, provoke discussion and create space for contemplation.

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  • Better Get It In Your Soul


    This book offers hope to parishes searching for a way to make their liturgies more meaningful in the local context. Written by a priest and a musician who have worked together for many years in the Canterbury House ministry at the University of Michigan, this book describes methods that demonstrate a respect for others’ gifts and skills, discernment of spiritual needs, and welcoming the creative force of the Holy Spirit into the planning process. Though thoroughly based in the Book of Common Prayer liturgy, the experience and ideas presented here are described in ways that will be useful to all liturgical denominations.

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  • Book Of Common Prayer Personal Edition


    The perfect style for a wide variety of uses, such as pew book or special gift, the Personal Edition includes a Family Record section with certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. All bindings feature ribbon markers and gilded page edges. Includes Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • Liturgy For The Whole Church


    This fresh collection of group readings and simple dramas based on stories from scripture, together with meditations, story-telling methodology, and an instructed Eucharist, helps church leaders design liturgy for children and adults who worship together. Includes seasonal introductions, congregational readings, meditations, simple dramas, stories, simple sermons, and tableaux vivants.

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  • Our Lady Of Guadalupe


    The appearances of Our Lady of Guadalupe coincide with the birth of Hispanic culture in America and the evangelization of the continent. Written by one of the most recognized experts on themes associated with Guadalupe, this book carefully explains the symbols and signs contained in the Aztec narrative Nican Mopohua and the image of her. This work celebrates and encouarges Latinos to accept with pride their Christian heritage and the mix of cultures that live in the deepest part of their life.

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  • Book Of Common Prayer Personal Edition


    The perfect style for a wide variety of uses, such as pew book or special gift, the Personal Edition includes a Family Record section with certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. All bindings feature ribbon markers and gilded page edges. Includes Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • Book Of Common Prayer 1979 Gift Edition


    This gift edition of The Book of Common Prayer by Oxford University Press features a durable imitation leather cover, stained page edges, a ribbon marker, presentation page, and baptismal, confirmation and marriage certificates. It also includes the Revised Common Lectionary.

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  • Essential Pope Benedict 16th


    In 2006, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Bishop of Rome and took the name Benedict XVI. At age 78 he was personally surprised by his election, which delighted conservatives as a sign of continuity in the Church, and dismayed liberals, who had hoped for many changes upon the passing of John Paul II. This one-volume compendium, culled from Ratzinger’s writings and speeches, is the best source for understanding the concerns that will animate the agenda of this controversial pontiff.

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  • Celebrating The Eucharist


    In this first new Eucharistic customary in nearly 20 years, Patrick Malloy, an Episcopal priest and liturgical scholar, presents a clear, illustrated guide for the presider and other leaders of liturgy, contemporary in approach but based on ancient and classic principles of celebration.

    Like it predecessors, the 1979 Book of Common Prayer is long on telling the Church what to say, and short on telling it what to do. This leaves those with “choreograph” prayer book liturgies with a complex task and a powerful influence over the faith of the Church. The author begins with a concise theology of the liturgy that underpins all of his specific directives in the book.

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