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Showing 51–100 of 122 results

  • Month With Saint Augustine


    Saint Augustine of Hippo has inspired many people through his autobiographical work, The Confessions. These include the famous account of the conversion to Christianity of this man who went on to become a priest, bishop, and one of the fathers of the church.This short book contains sixty-two prayers and readings (one each morning and evening for a month). It will help readers to steep themselves in the writings and thoughts of this favorite saint, and the introduction will introduce Saint Augustine’s particular appeal. The special angle unique to this series of books is the way they accompany the reader on a month-long journey with a favorite saint or writer.

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  • Is God In My Top 10


    We often struggle to put God first in our lives, but distractions of various kinds can take us off track. In this book, Fr. Jerome Kodell, a Benedictine monk, shares the fruit of a long life of prayer as he helps us sort through our priorities. The short reflections here touch on a variety of topicsthe attitudes that will help us to pray, the tremendous gift of the word of God, the way to grow in humility and other virtues, and the reality of Lords great love and mercy for us. Each of the meditations provides plenty of food for thought and prayer. This book makes a perfect gift for anyone trying to live as a follower of Christ.

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  • Surrounded By Grace (Student/Study Guide)


    Pastors love to preach about grace. The essence of the Good News, grace is unmerited favor from the all-powerful Creator of the world. There is perhaps no more satisfying message to deliver.

    But does the average churchgoer really understand what grace means for them? Is it just another “Christianese” term that fails to resonate?

    Bill Thomas’ Surrounded by Grace: A Bible Study for Lent is a tool based on the Gospel of John to help pastors, small groups and congregations answer the question of what grace is in a modern context. From the story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana to his conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, Thomas uses John’s words to affirm that the Lord’s favor extends to all no matter how insignificant we see ourselves or our problems.

    Written to be utilized for individual or group study, or for worship services during the Lenten season, Surrounded by Grace encourages the imagination to ponder that there is no storm so great the Lord cannot overcome it; no pain so deep he will not sustain us through it; no death so final he will fail to resurrect us from it.

    Lessons Include:

    “Grace for Those Awkward Moments” (John 2:1-11)
    “Grace for the Broken Heart” (John 11:17-44)
    “Grace When Things Are Chaotic” (John 16:17-33)

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  • Forgiving Mother : A Marian Novena Of Healing And Peace


    Do you want to be well? That’s what Jesus asked the sick man at Bethesda. Wouldn’t it seem obvious that he wanted healing since he’d lingered pool-side for decades? Why else would he have been there?

    Do you want to be well? Believe it or not, for a very long time, my answer to that question was, “no.” I wanted to be vindicated, excused, hidden, and even at times patronized for the wounds I’d suffered from my mother’s mental illness.

    Mary is the answer to our need for healing. She cares about the pain we bear because of the way we’ve been treated and hurt by our mothers. She cares not only about the fact that the pain is there, but also about how to help us heal from it.

    Do you want to be well? Do you really want to be well? Are you ready to go through the work of effecting that healing? I think you are, otherwise you never would have picked up this book.

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  • Daily Companion For Men


    In these Scriptures, reflections, and prayers for each day, noted author Allan Wright succinctly encourages and challenges, guides and inspires men of every age. His own family and faith struggles are certain to speak to his readers.
    Dura-Lux cover

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  • Season Of Grace


    Every season of our lives is filled with God’s grace, but the aging process can cause believers to lose sight of the gifts that God offers each day. This book of seventy-five reflections can help older adults to remember all that God is doing in their lives, even as they adjust to new realities. Many of the reflections include stories about people who find deeper meaning in life as they age as well as those who discover new gifts from God and other gifts being renewed. Each reflection ends with a beautiful, heartfelt prayer. This is an encouraging and uplifting book that will bring joy to the hearts of its readers, giving them hope that God is always with them, even in difficult times.

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  • Abraham : A Journey Through Lent (Student/Study Guide)


    Abraham is a Lent book that takes the story of Abraham in Genesis as the basis for a series of six Lenten studies. Each chapter is followed by a set of questions arising from it, as well as suggested further reading.

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  • Treasury Of Marian Prayers


    We are gifted with many ways to pray with and to Mary. This beautiful book contains all the traditional Marian prayers from the Angelus and Regina Coeli to the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows. Arranged by topic and with fascinating background information, it also includes litanies, prayers that honor Mary’s various titles, intercessory prayers, including the oldest known prayer to Mary, and many beloved prayers written by saints. A lovely book for anyone seeking to understand Mary or deepen their relationship with this most faithful disciple, mother, Queen, and friend.

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  • Walking The Journey Of Lent Cycle A


    Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping and with mourning; mend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing.

    -Joel 2:12-13

    This famous passage of scripture proclaimed each Ash Wednesday provides the themes and sets the environment for the holy season of Lent. In its wisdom the Christian church provides its members a forty day period of preparation, emphasizing prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, for the great celebration of the Paschal Mystery, the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We who are privileged to bear the name Christian must use this annual time of renewal to reconnect ourselves to our God, the source of all that is good. Through a process of study, reflection, and discussion on the scripture passages that the church uses in its Sunday celebrations during this special time, an environment can be provided for us to discover and foster the renewal we all need. It is hoped that Walking the Journey of Lent: Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle A provides this specific opportunity.

    This Lenten Bible study can be a helpful and effective way for groups and individuals to reflect upon the scriptures and through this process prepare ourselves better for the greatest of all celebrations, Easter, when Jesus rises from the dead and brings all Christians the possibility of salvation. Like any effort in life that is meritorious, this Bible study will require some effort, but it need not and should not be a burden. Rather, in sharing with others, and allowing the Spirit of God to flow through us, we can come to greater insights as to what the scriptures might mean for us and how, most importantly, we can apply them to our lives.

    Chapters Included:

    Negotiating The Hurdles Of Life

    Allowing God To Change Us

    Christ Gives Us Hope

    Seeking The Light Of Christ

    Jesus Unchains Us

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  • My Pocket Devotions To The Sacred Heart


    This wonderful spiritual companion contains the most popular devotions to the Sacred Heart: the Novena, the Litany, and the 12 Promises. Handy for a purse or pocket, this booklet has a flexible, illustrated cover and reverent full-color illustrations. It is perfectly suited for both those who already pray these devotions and those who wish to begin praying them. Available in 80-copy display boxes.

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  • Word On The Street Year A


    In The Word on the Street, John Martens brings the Bible to where people live, in the church, at home, at work, and in the broader world. This collection of articles, which includes Scripture readings for Sundays of the liturgical year, offers readers a way in which the Bible can speak to them in light of their lives today.

    John Martens is known for his contributions to The Word, a popular column in America magazine. The Word on the Street is the first book (Year A) in a three-volume series that presents scriptural, liturgical, and preaching commentary for Sundays throughout the year.

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  • Daily Devotions For Die Hard Fans Notre Dame Fighting Irish


    Extra Point Publishers
    Daily Devotions for Die-Hard Fans: Notre Dame Fighting Irish combines the great passion of the Notre Dame fan with the grand passion of the fan of Christ in one set of devotions. The result is a book that is fun while it provides a time of reflection about God and your faith. Notre Dame’s most successful sports program had its genesis in an automobile accident. What safety Pat Terrell did has been voted the most memorable play in Irish football history. Each fall, Notre Dame stays true to a promise made decades ago. Notre Dame’s football players once refused to play in a bowl game. Head coach Randy Waldrum predicted exactly how his soccer team would win the 2010 national title. These stories and more are recounted here. Also appearing are Digger Phelps, Joe Montana, Knute Rockne, DeShone Kizer, Manti Te’o, Austin Carr, and many others. Their stories along with legendary games, improbable victories, and historical events are told with a twist: They are all tied to God’s story.

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  • Grace And Hope


    Prepare yourself to remember the meaning of Lent and celebrate Easter this season: grace for our past and present, hope for our future!

    Beginning with Ash Wednesday, Grace & Hope: A 40-Day Devotional for Lent and Easter will guide you through this holy season of self-reflection, prayer, fasting, and remembrance-all to prepare you for the hopeful words “It is finished!” and even more wondrous words, “He is risen!”

    Each short, engaging devotional will focus your heart and prepare your soul to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, using a faithful and relevant new translation of the Bible, The Passion Translation. It is an ideal devotional for your own personal, family, or small-group use. And daily Bible readings from The Passion Translation will deepen your understanding of God’s Word as you journey toward the cross.

    We trust this devotional and version of Scripture will kindle in you a burning, passionate desire for the One who bore our pain and shame, and give you a greater measure of grace and hope!

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  • Spring Meditations


    The first in a series of four seasonal meditations books, Spring Meditations explores religious topics in the context of modern-day living. The 12 reflections in this book follow the calendar season, rather than the liturgical season, with one reflection written for each week of the calendar year. Reflection questions will be provided for each week, to take the reader even deeper so they can apply the reading to their own life.

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  • Hope And A Whole Lotta Prayer


    Are you blessed with perfect teens? Teens who never argue, disobey, or talk back? Teens who do as they’re told the very first time, or even before you ask? If your answer is “yes,” then you can move on. This book isn’t for you.

    If, however, your answer is “keep dreaming,” “I wish,” an eye roll, or any variation of the word “no,” then this might be the book for you. A teenager’s life is full of change, turmoil, fights, hormones, overreactions, and ideas that seemed liked good ones at the time- But so is the life of a parent of a teen, and some days you just have to throw up your hands and ask God for help.

    This book will give you 365 days of reflections and prayers to help you get through a year of “What were you thinking?!”

    With God’s help, you might just find you can do all things – even raising a teenager.

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  • Pauses For Lent


    In this beautifully minimalist book, Trevor Hudson focuses on 40 single words – one for each day of the season of Lent. Each brief meditation pairs the word for the day with a scripture verse, brief insight, and a thought or action for the day. Each paus for Lent will refresh and challenge readers.

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  • Imitation Of Christ


    This classic shows readers how to follow Christ in their lives

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  • Like The First Morning


    In Like the First Morning, acclaimed author and teacher Michael J. Ortiz presents both a literary and a deeply personal approach to the Morning Offering, a popular form of daily prayer practiced by millions of Catholics worldwide. The book reveals the depth of this simple devotion, showing how a daily offering up of prayers, works, joys, and sufferings renews every aspect of life, and inspires the reader to live each day with greater intentionality and joy.

    Like the First Morning reflects upon the Morning Offering, a popular and beloved Catholic devotion prayed at the start of each day to consecrate the day to Christ. Michael Ortiz, a religion and English teacher and author of Swan Town, draws from theologians, popes, poets, novelists, philosophers, mystics, and saints to help readers to become more fully aware of the beauty of God’s creation and be more open to his grace.

    This unique book of Catholic spirituality consists of fourteen short, lyrical chapters, each centered on a key phrase of the prayer. The fresh approach to this ancient practice will appeal to those who seek inspiration to continue this form of daily prayer, as well as those who are unfamiliar with the devotion who want to deepen their prayer life.

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  • These 40 Days


    According to the Scriptures the devil tempted Jesus during a period of fasting and prayer that was preparation for Jesus’ public ministry and passion. Throughout the Bible, times of desert preparation often preceded significant ministry. This is why we observe the season preceding Easter as a time for spiritual focus. The rhythms of fasting and feasting, desert and oasis, discipline and joy are not only well known to God’s people but also essential components of spiritual growth.These Forty Days is a simple guide for the reading of Scripture, reflection, prayer, and response. By beginning each day with intention, these devotionals will shape each of your hours with a heightened sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s teaching and guidance.

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  • Bread And Wine


    Though Easter (like Christmas) is often trivialized by the culture at large, it is still the high point of the religious calendar for millions of people around the world. And for most of them, there can be no Easter without Lent, the season that leads up to it.

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  • Pilgrim Road : A Benedictine Journey Through Lent (Revised)


    Revised edition of a classic Lenten devotional guide from Morehouse

    * Includes a revised introduction and questions for reflection

    In the view of St. Benedict of Nursia, the Lenten journey is an inner pilgrimage with Christ
    into the deepest parts of ourselves, to be marked not so much by external observances,
    such as fasting and self-denial, as by a deepening of our relationship with God.

    Benedictine monk Albert Holtz develops that journey theme through meditations written
    during a fifteen-country pilgrimage while on sabbatical. At the heart of each reflection is
    the lesson it teaches about our inner spiritual journey. By applying Benedict’s monastic
    wisdom to the everyday concerns and aspirations of modern Christians, Pilgrim Road
    helps contemporary spiritual seekers travel along and experience the journey of Lent in
    the most positive, meaningful, and fruitful manner.

    For use as a Lenten devotional by individuals and groups.

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  • When God Died


    Mediations for Lent

    “Did Christ die as God, or did He die as man? The answer to such a question is that He died as neither. What gives efficacy to the cross is the fact that Christ died as the God-man….The blood He shed, therefore, has abiding efficacy, seeing that it was the blood of an extraordinary nature, namely, the blood of God and Man combined.”

    How could God, the deathless One, die? In When God Died, legendary Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer explores the person of Christ-both His divinity and humanity-in an effort to show the majesty of His death and resurrection, and what they mean to us today.

    This series of Lenten meditations will open your eyes to the purpose, power, and beauty of Christ’s crucifixion. Among the topics you will explore are:
    *The magnanimity and honor of Christ
    *The cleansing power of His blood
    *The sovereign power of His grace
    *The last seven words Christ spoke from the cross

    May we take the time to lovingly remember Christ’s sacrifice-the means of His extraordinary grace and power to save dying sinners-so that we may stand in rightful relationship with Christ, in awe of His holiness, power, and wisdom, with a heart of gratitude for all He has done.

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  • Bright Field : Meditations And Reflections For Ordinary Time


    Covering the liturgical year outside Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, this collection of reflections, readings, poems and prayers focuses on the life and ministry of Jesus the rich subject matter of the lectionary readings during Ordinary Time. This is a subtantial, original and varied resource for the longest liturgical season.

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  • Daily Companion For Young Catholics


    Young Catholics from age 12 to 25 will really enjoy this beautifully crafted book of daily reflections. Each day has a line or two from the Bible or Saint, a short reflection and a prayer. Perfect for the student who has a minute a day to keep connected to their faith.

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  • 40 Days With Jesus


    Honor the Easter season for 40 days with our Redeemer.

    The sanctity of Easter…how do you approach and honor this holy time of year? Now you can spend 40 days with Jesus-from leading up to His death on Good Friday, to celebrating His resurrection on Easter Sunday-and draw into worship and praise as never before. Select devotionals from Sarah Young’s bestselling Jesus Calling are compiled into this gift book to create an experience of closeness with the Savior during the Lenten season.

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  • Lent For Everyone Year A Matthew


    Lent for Everyone: Matthew, Year A provides readers with an inspirational guide through the Lenten season, from Ash Wednesday through the week after Easter. Popular biblical scholar and author N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation, brief reflection, and a prayer for each day of the season, helping readers ponder how the text is relevant to their own lives. By the end of the book, readers will have been through the entirety of Matthew, along with Psalm readings for each Sunday. Suitable for both individual and group study and reflection, Wright’s Lenten devotional will help make Matthew’s gospel your own, thoughtfully and prayerfully, and your journey through Lent a period of discovery and growth.

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  • Sisterhood Of Saints


    For Catholics, the saints are arguably our best role models for holy living. In this page-a-day book for women, Melanie Rigney gives us a wellspring of interesting and diverse female saints who aptly show the way to be better disciples of Christ. Through their lives and experiences, we find examples of how to meet the challenges of daily life, be strengthened in our faith, and, in the process, become the people God created us to be. You ll meet saints who may be familiar to you, such as Teresa of Avila, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Monica, Lucy, Agnes, and Katharine Drexel. With them, there are others less familiar, and many whom you will not have known before: Cunegund, Mechtildis of Edelstetten, Hildegard, Mary Magdalen Postel, Rose of Viterbo, Anna Pak A-gi of Korea, and Mary Faustina Kowalska.

    Each day, you ll find:
    *A brief bio of the saint
    *A reflection on how that saint s life applies to our lives today
    *A quote either from Scripture, the saint herself, or a resource about the saint
    *A challenge that echoes a particular highlight of the saint.

    Some of the women featured in this book are blesseds, but most are saints. All of them will inspire and guide you with their faithful witness to the love of God and a Gospel way of life.

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  • Prayers Papers And Play


    Prayers, Papers, and Play: Devotions for Every College Student is a college student devotional to be used throughout the academic year and into summer holidays. The devotions focus on a variety of common student experiences: academic struggles, working while attending school, leisure activities, internships, friendships, and more.

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  • Thoughts Matter : Discovering The Spiritual Journey


    Cassian taught that real intimacy with God in prayer demands renouncing one’s former way of life, the thoughts belonging to that former way of life, and one’s very idea of God. In Thoughts Matter, Mary Margaret Funk focuses on the second of these: renouncing the thoughts belonging to one’s former way of life. Her eight chapters focus on different “thoughts”-food, sex, anger, dejection, acedia (profound weariness of the soul), vainglory (taking credit for good actions), and pride.

    Funk explains well how failure to control these thoughts can undermine our spiritual life, and she instructs readers on how effectively to overcome these thoughts and to focus instead on thoughts in harmony with God’s will. The result is an experience of joy, hope, and freedom from enslavement to our appetites. Readers will come away enlightened, strengthened, and inspired to delve more deeply into a life of intimacy with God.

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  • Humility Matters : Toward Purity Of Heart


    Humility Matters makes the claims that humility is for a disciple of Jesus Christ what enlightenment is for a Buddhist, realization for a Hindu, surrender for a Muslim, and righteousness for a Jew. It is the unmistakable character of one who has accepted the vocation to undertake the spiritual journey. It is at the core of our experience of life in Christ.

    Meg Funk guides readers deeper into a life of humility by following the movement of what the early Christians called the four renunciations: to renounce our former way of life, our thoughts of our former way of life, our self-made thoughts of God, and our self-made thoughts of ourselves. With the help of the compelling examples of St. Benedict, St. Teresa of Jesus, and St. Therese of Lisieux, Funk shows the way to ongoing conversion of mind, heart, and way of life.

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  • Lectio Matters : Before The Burning Bush


    Lectio divina is a way of praying by sustained immersion into a revelatory text. While Scripture is the classic place of encounter with God, the text could also be the book of life or the book of nature.

    In Lectio Matters, respected spiritual guide Meg Funk accompanies the reader in exploring the various levels of lectio divina as taught by the ancient church writers and by sharing her own long experience. By means of this wisdom both ancient and new, lectio divina can become our burning bush, a real encounter with the living God, in which we take off our sandals and bow our brow to the ground.

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  • Tools Matters : Beginning The Spiritual Journey


    How can we tend the garden of our souls? Meg Funk turns to the wisdom of the desert fathers for the means of removing obstacles to spiritual growth, which include thoughts of food, sex, possessions, anger, dejection, and pride, among other preoccupations. Redirecting thought away from such weeds in the garden of the spirit can lead to a greater awareness of God and purity of prayer.

    This method to mental discipline may seem impossible at first, Funk admits, but those who succeed at it are rewarded with a liberating experience as they come to observe and control individual thought processes. Drawing on the writings of the fifth-century monk John Cassian, Funk goes on to explore deeply using such tools as memory, imagination, and rational thinking-tools right out of early Christianity-to work on inner healing. She also explains how other positive tools, such as ceaseless prayer, manual labor, and isolation, may lead to uncluttering the mind and purifying the heart.

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  • Discernment Matters : Listening With The Ear Of The Heart


    After fifty years of monastic life, prayer, and spiritual direction, Meg Funk knows what it means to listen with the ear of one’s heart to the Holy Spirit. In Discernment Matters, she shares what she has learned. This book is a resource for those who want to learn and practice discernment as taught by the early monastic tradition. It includes an accessible summary of teachings about discernment from monastic traditions of late antiquity, consideration of important tools for making decisions today, and practical examples from the lives of St. Benedict and St. Patrick, as well as from the experience of monastics today.

    With this fifth volume of the Matters Series, Funk completes one of the most comprehensive presentations of the spiritual life available today, demonstrating why this inner work is both necessary and such a joy.

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  • Totus Tuus : A Consecration To Jesus Through Mary With Blessed John Paul II


    “I am totally yours, and all that I have is yours.” – St. Louis de Montfort

    Amidst the Nazi occupation of Poland and long days in forced labor at a quarry and chemical plant, young Karol Wojtyla – the man who would become Pope John Paul II – made a discovery that would change his life. He read the 18th century spiritual writings of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort and prayed St. Louis’ thirty-three days of preparation for total consecration to Jesus through Mary. He understood anew that the purpose of a true devotion to Mary is to be directed into a deeper relationship with Jesus and the Holy Trinity. The consecration so marked his life that he would adopt St. Louis’ phrase Totus Tuus (Latin for “Totally Yours”) as his motto as bishop and later as pope.

    Blessed John Paul II’s adoption of this radical commitment to Jesus through Mary ignited a new flame in the hearts of countless Catholics all over the world.

    This fresh look at Marian consecration takes the themes and structures of St. Louis de Montfort’s preparation for total consecration and incorporates the teachings and insight of Blessed John Paul II, including prayer, contemplation, and resolutions that will open your heart to the life of the Holy Trinity. Through these thirty-three days of spiritual exercises you will discover how you can grow closer to Jesus through the heart of Mary, while becoming the very best version of yourself in a life of consecration.

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  • Fire Of Christs Love


    Why should we meditate on the cross? Because through the cross of Christ, we can begin to comprehend God’s all-consuming love for us. The short reflections in this book are taken from homilies presented by renowned evangelist Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa on Good Friday to the St. Peter’s Basilica over the last thirty years. Fr. Cantalamessa, who has been the preacher to the Papal Household since 1980, unfolds for us the mystery and the power of the cross. By willingly embracing the cross for our sake and then rising from the dead, Jesus has brought us salvation, healing, mercy, and the hope of eternal life. As Fr. Cantalamessa contemplates the intensity and reality of Christ’s love for us, he also shows us how to respond wholeheartedly with that same fire in our hearts.

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  • Day By Day With Saint Joseph


    Day by Day with St. Joseph from Catholic Book Publishing is a vital addition to the Spiritual Life Series. Sized for easy reading and transport, this inspiring book brings the reader closer to St. Joseph through daily minute-long meditations which include a Scripture passage, a brief reflection, and a concluding prayer to St. Joseph. Day By Day with St. Joseph was begun by Msgr. Joseph Champlin and completed by Msgr. Kenneth Lasch to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Catholic Book Publishing, Corp. in 2011. It enriches the reader’s relationship with St. Joseph by incorporating devotion to him into every day of the year. This beautiful volume is covered in brown imitation leather and has a ribbon for easy place-keeping.

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  • Minute Meditations For Each Day


    This very attractive book offers a short Scripture text, a practical reflection, and a meaningful prayer for each day of the year. Illustrated and printed in two colors. Includes ribbon marker.

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  • Lent For Everyone Year C Luke


    From one of the world’s leading scholars and Christian writers, stirring reflections for Lent.

    “Lent for Everyone may be a profitable way for readers to follow Jesus in their Lenten study.” Lois Sibley, Episcopal Journal
    Lent for Everyone: Luke, Year C provides readers with an inspirational guide through the Lenten season, from Ash Wednesday through the week after Easter. Popular biblical scholar and author N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation, brief reflection, and a prayer for each of the days of the season, helping readers ponder how the text is relevant to their own lives today. By the end of the book readers will have been through the entirety of Luke, along with Psalm readings for each Sunday. Suitable for both individual and group study and reflection, Wright’s Lenten devotional will help you make Luke’s gospel your own, thoughtfully and prayerfully, and your journey through Lent a period of rich discovery and growth.

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  • Lent For Everyone Year B Mark


    Lent for Everyone: Mark, Year B provides readers with a gentle guide through the Lenten season, from Ash Wednesday through the week after Easter. Popular biblical scholar and author N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation, brief reflection, and a prayer for each of the days of the season, helping the reader ponder how the text is relevant to their own life today.
    Suitable for both personal and group reflection, Wright’s guide through Lent will make the Bible–and the season–come alive in inspiring new ways.

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  • Ancient Christian Devotional


    Ancient Christian Commentary Citations
    Prayer Citations
    Biographical Sketches
    Index Of Names And Sources
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    Reading the writings of early church fathers points us to the deep joy that awaits us in Christ when we drink deeply from Scripture, the only water that can give us true life. This guide for reflection combines excerpts from the writings of the church fathers as found in the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture with a simple structure for daily or weekly reading and prayer. Included are fifty-two weeks of readings following the weekly lectionary cycle B which can be read in order or by thematic interest. Each day you will also find a simple opening and closing prayer drawn from the prayers and hymns of the ancient church. Come and find the deep nourishment God offers.

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  • Saints On Call


    “I’m overwhelmed. No one knows what I’m going through. How can I grow spiritually when daily life is hectic and family life is demanding?”

    Sometimes the trials of motherhood make us feel isolated and inadequate. Other times the triumphs bring us the greatest happiness. Moms seek holiness (and sanity!) through these daily joys and struggles, but it’s not always easy. How can we see these experiences with eyes of faith and better realize that we are not alone? Where can we find inspiration for prayer and friends for our journeys of motherhood? The saints! Christine Gibson’s Saints on Call will help mothers in every walk of life to pray and to reflect on the opportunities for holiness found in daily life.

    Designed with the on-the-go mom in mind, the over 50 reflections included in this book are helpfully categorized so that it’s easy to find the saintly woman who has borne the burdens of motherhood before. In just a few minutes, read of her life, learn from her example, and be led with her in prayer for the needs of your day. From the practical problems of daily life to the spiritual struggles that come with every mother’s vocation, keep these Saints on Call!

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  • Daily Prayer Rosary


    This book brings together two ancient Christian traditions: daily prayer based on the songs and psalms of the Bible, and prayer with beads. Prayer beads are used all over the world in a staggering variety of forms. Combining the rosary with the songs of the Bible offers a contemplative approach to praying scripture in a tactile way. Using psalms and canticles from Common Worship, complete prayer outlines are provided for Morning, Prayer During the Day, Evening and Night Prayer during Ordinary Time. In addition, eight outlines are given for the seasons of the Christian year: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, All Saints to Advent. Here is all you need in one volume for cultivating a habit of daily prayer with the scriptures throughout the day and throughout the year. For those familiar with the rosary and for those who have never used one before, this is an ideal devotional companion.

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  • From Preparation To Passion


    From Preparation to Passion Devotional and Reflective Meditations Celebrating the Lenten Season Based On the Lectionary and Celebrated African-American Sacred Songs and Hymnody There are many devotional books written to help communities of faith and individuals to observe the season of Lent in a devout manner. Here within is another resource that is intended to allow you to truly engage yourself in the preparation and propel you into a Holy passion for Christ by the time you reach Easter. This push to a deeper passion may be enhanced through the connection of the celebrated African-American sacred songs and church hymns. From Preparation to Passion will be a resource you will want to use in subsequent years, as it offers insights through the meditative readings on the message that the music and the Word of God brings! From Preparation to Passion includes meditations highlighting sacred songs such as: “My Tribute,” “God Is,” “O Didn’t It Rain,” “I love Thy Kingdom Lord,” and more! Excerpt: Jesus’ avowal that the church is a “House of Prayer” rather than a den of thieves still applies. As present day pilgrims, prayer should stand as the “sweet communion” that draws us into a deeper love for the church and “her heavenly ways.”

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  • Eucharist And The Rosary


    Matthew Swaim takes a unique approach to Rosary devotion in exploring the many facets of the mysteries of the Rosary found in the Mass. Follow Matthew as he discovers a new dimension to the traditional devotion of Rosary prayer. Meditations on scripture through the Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous, and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary become ever new and inspirational when connected directly to the celebration of the Eucharist. All twenty mysteries of the rosaries are considered and each chapter offers suggestions at the end to help you deepen your awareness of Christ’s love

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  • In The Silence


    In its fullest essence … Eucharistic Adoration is “God and Man reaching out for each other, at the same time!”

    During Eucharistic Adoration, and through our prayers, we “watch and wait,” we remain “silent” in His Presence and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist. By worshiping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be!

    This wonderful book contains over 50 prayers specifically written for our time at Eucharistic Adoration. These prayers speak from the heart and allow it to be fully open to Christ’s presence. Author Vandy Brennan Nies offers prayers of gratitude, affirmation of faith, petition and much more, all straight from the day-to-day experience of human life.

    Designed to be carried anywhere, In the Silence, offers simple prayers for each of us.

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  • Living The Christian Year


    Bobby Gross presents chapters on each season of the liturgical year, accompanied by weekly devotions based on the Sunday readings of the lectionary cycle. His book offers a flexible weekly format, designed to let you break the devotions down any way you want to.

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  • Mercy Minutes : Daily Gems Of Saint Faustina To Transform Your Prayer Life


    Daily Gems of St. Faustina to Transform Your Prayer Life. Arranged and introduced by Rev. George W. Kosicki, CSB.

    You’ll be inspired throughout the year with this new devotional. Each daily entry includes brief passages from the Diary of St. Faustina in key themes from her spiritual life. Start the devotional on any day and use it in any year since it follows a generic calendar year.

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  • Whens God Gonna Show Up


    This delightful book is written to entertain and inspire the faithful to see Jesus Christ in their everyday lives. When’s God Gonna Show Up? is a question asked by a four-year-old to his mother when their family was in church for Eucharistic Adoration. His mother is the author of this joyous book, and she writes of understanding God’s incredible love for us by trying to understand the information God has given to us.

    When’s God Gonna Show Up? reinforces the fact that as children of God, we’ll spend our lives finding the path God has chosen for us and hearing God’s voice in silence and also in the voices of strangers and loved ones. This book of loving, heart-warming short stories is organized by liturgical season and cites related Scripture passages and includes questions for personal reflection or group discussion.

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  • My Daily Spiritual Companion


    This finely crafted pocket-sized book provides a practical and permanent way to record the birthdays and anniversaries of friends and loved ones. A spiritual thought, inspired by the Saint-of-the-Day, appears on each page for every day of the year. There is ample space to include personal reflections or notes. A final prayer brings a meaningful conclusion to the daily remembrance.

    Each month begins with the flower-of-the-month-beautifully hand drawn, printed in two colors, and accompanied by a spiritual or Biblical text.

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  • Word Became Flesh


    The Word Became Flesh is a devotional from the Gospel of John for the 40 days of Lent. It traces the life of Christ from the 1st chapter of John through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

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