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  • Shouting Joy To The Storm Cycle C


    How are we to respond when the violent storm of change rolls into our lives?

    Should we hide from the storm? Hide in the status quo?

    As this volume of sermons reminds us, that is not the way of the Christ.Followers of Jesus are called to believe that our greatest treasure ought not be found in the comfort of worldly life as we make it. The Lord calls us instead to step outside and face the coming storm, as he did.

    When we do, we face all manner of fears in a world that does not like its order challenged. Mockery when we follow God; poverty when we stop worshipping money; grief when we are vulnerable enough to love the oppressed.

    Shouting Joy to the Storm reminds us that, just as the Father partnered with the Son to bring him through the storm of Calvary, so he will bring us through our storms. We are not in this for a mere lifetime. We are in it for the long haul.

    “They shall no more be a prey to the nations, nor shall the beasts of the land devour them. They shall dwell securely, and none shall make them afraid (Ezekiel 34:28, ESV).”

    Sermons include:
    *Long View – The Long Haul(Luke 13:31-35)
    *What Is Truth? (John 18:1-19, 42)
    *Death Shall Be No More (John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6)

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  • Passion Of The King Of Glory


    Part I: Jesus’ Life And Ministry
    1. Life For The Dying
    2. Wild With The Hope
    3. Behold The Lamb Of God
    4. One Hundred And Fifty Gallons
    5. Destroy This Temple
    6. Zeus And The Pharisees
    7. Herod’s Half Brother’s Wife
    8. Famous
    9. Lord Of The Sabbath
    10. Only Say The Word
    11. The Death Of John
    12. The Storm Treader
    13. Bread Of Life
    14. You Are The Christ
    15. Before Abraham Was Born
    16. Born Blind
    17. The Good Samaritan
    18. The Leaven Of The Pharisees
    19. Lost Things Found
    20. Lazarus Of Bethany
    21. A World Upside Down
    22. The Living Legend

    Part II: Holy Week, Death, Resurrection
    23. The King’s Coronation
    24. Hosanna
    25. The Vinedresser’s Tree
    26. Indignation
    27. John’s Baptism
    28. The Scent Of Opulence
    29. Thirteen Men
    30. The Last Cup
    31. Trial At Night
    32. The Reckoning
    33. What Is Truth?
    34. Crucifixion
    35. The Forgotten Day
    36. He Is Not Here
    37. Flesh And Bone
    38. Do You Love Me?
    39. Behold The Man Of Sorrows
    40. Behold The King Of Glory

    Additional Info
    “His was a ministry of incarnation-touching the infected, dining with sinners, defending the defenseless. The sick needed a physician, and the Physician had come.”Enter into the greatest story ever told. In this carefully researched retelling of the story of Jesus, pastor Russ Ramsey invites us to rediscover our wonder at Jesus’ sinless life, brutal death, and glorious resurrection. Featuring forty short chapters recounting key episodes from Jesus’ time on earth, this book expands on the biblical narrative in a fresh and creative way-giving us a taste of what it would have been like to walk next to Jesus and experience his earthly ministry firsthand.Also including The Advent of the Lamb of God and The Mission of the Body of Christ, the Retelling the Story series explores the narrative arc of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation in compelling language that is faithful to the text of Scripture. The stories are told afresh to help readers hide God’s word in their hearts by way of their imaginations.

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  • Stations Of The Cross For Children


    Designed with colorful illustrations and kid-friendly narratives and prayers, each station takes about two minutes to complete. Optional prayers and Scripture references offer many ways to adapt and expand the stations for older kids.

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  • Surrounded By Grace (Student/Study Guide)


    Pastors love to preach about grace. The essence of the Good News, grace is unmerited favor from the all-powerful Creator of the world. There is perhaps no more satisfying message to deliver.

    But does the average churchgoer really understand what grace means for them? Is it just another “Christianese” term that fails to resonate?

    Bill Thomas’ Surrounded by Grace: A Bible Study for Lent is a tool based on the Gospel of John to help pastors, small groups and congregations answer the question of what grace is in a modern context. From the story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana to his conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, Thomas uses John’s words to affirm that the Lord’s favor extends to all no matter how insignificant we see ourselves or our problems.

    Written to be utilized for individual or group study, or for worship services during the Lenten season, Surrounded by Grace encourages the imagination to ponder that there is no storm so great the Lord cannot overcome it; no pain so deep he will not sustain us through it; no death so final he will fail to resurrect us from it.

    Lessons Include:

    “Grace for Those Awkward Moments” (John 2:1-11)
    “Grace for the Broken Heart” (John 11:17-44)
    “Grace When Things Are Chaotic” (John 16:17-33)

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  • Lent Talks : Seasonal Selections From Radio 4


    A selection of the best from BBC Radio 4’s Lent Talks over the last ten years. With a dynamic introduction from BBC Head of Radio for Religion and Ethics, Christine Morgan, six well-known personalities invite readers to reflect on a range of thoughts and themes from a number of different perspectives. From writer James Runcie’s reflection on the passion through the prism of mystery drama to Ann Widdecombe MP’s exploration of the “greater good’, this blissfully brief and entertaining book will provide something for everyone in the busy lead up to Easter. WEEK ONE – JAMES RUNCIE – MYSTERY First broadcast as part of the BBC Lent Talks 2015, director, literary curator and writer of The Grantchester Mysteries, James Runcie looks at the passion through the prism of mystery drama. WEEK TWO – BONNIE GREER – NAMES A gem of BBC Lent Talks 2014 archive, this talk sees playwright, novelist and critic Bonnie Greer reflect on the power of names. WEEK THREE – ANN WIDDECOMBE – GOODNESS Taken from the 2008 Lent Talks series, former MP, TV personality and author Ann Widdecombe reflects on the examples set by Jesus in his decision to go to the cross. WEEK FOUR – GILES FRASER – SACRIFICE First broadcast as part of the BBC Lent Talks 2010, Rev Dr Giles Fraser, Church of England priest, journalist and broadcaster, invites readers to reflect on the nature of sacrifice. WEEK FIVE – ALEXANDER MCCALL SMITH – ABANDONMENT Taken from the Lent Talks 2013, author Alexander McCall Smith explores the sense of being abandoned as you grow older. WEEK SIX – NICK BAINES – VISION Marking the beginning of the Lent Talks 2012, author, broadcaster and Bishop of Leeds, Nick Baines reflects on the challenges of finding a new narrative for the individual and community.

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  • Embracing The Uncertain


    Just turning on the news lets us know we are living in uncertain times. Economic instabilities, eruption of violence, and natural catastrophes can alter the lives and landscapes of entire communities. Our individual lives are often just as unsteady: relationships can break, plans can falter, and confidence can fail. Uncertainty can definitely be uncomfortable. Many of us prefer stability and a predictable future to an unknown fate. We are wired to want to control our destiny. The reality is that in our fast-changing, unpredictable world there are few guarantees in life. It’s those who are willing to embrace uncertainty and make the risky decision to follow Jesus despite the many “unknowns” who will reap the greatest rewards. Embracing the Uncertain invites readers this Lent to engage and wrestle with life’s uncertainties, not ignore them. This 40-day devotional journey is the perfect companion piece to the book and includes Scripture, reflections, and prayers for each day to help you renew your heart during Lent.

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  • Embracing The Uncertain


    Just turning on the news lets us know we are living in uncertain times. Economic instabilities, eruption of violence, and natural catastrophes can alter the lives and landscapes of entire communities. Our individual lives are often just as unsteady: relationships can break, plans can falter, and confidence can fail. Uncertainty can definitely be uncomfortable. Many of us prefer stability and a predictable future to an unknown fate. We are wired to want to control our destiny. The reality is that in our fast-changing, unpredictable world there are few guarantees in life. It’s those who are willing to embrace uncertainty and make the risky decision to follow Jesus despite the many “unknowns” who will reap the greatest rewards. Embracing the Uncertain invites readers this Lent to engage and wrestle with life’s uncertainties, not ignore them. The first six chapters focus on six post-Transfiguration, pre-Passion stories in the Gospels. Each of these stories are signposts in the gospel narrative, pointing down at a world filled with uncertainty, but pointing us forward to a cross that can show us how to follow Jesus with courage, hope, and obedience. Includes discussion questions that can be used in small-group Bible study session or for personal growth. A seventh chapter focuses on the resurrection of Jesus, affirming the certainty of our hope in Christ.

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  • Embracing The Uncertain (Large Type)


    Just turning on the news lets us know we are living in uncertain times. Economic instabilities, eruption of violence, and natural catastrophes can alter the lives and landscapes of entire communities. Our individual lives are often just as unsteady: relationships can break, plans can falter, and confidence can fail. Uncertainty can definitely be uncomfortable. Many of us prefer stability and a predictable future to an unknown fate. We are wired to want to control our destiny. The reality is that in our fast-changing, unpredictable world there are few guarantees in life. It’s those who are willing to embrace uncertainty and make the risky decision to follow Jesus despite the many “unknowns” who will reap the greatest rewards. Embracing the Uncertain invites readers this Lent to engage and wrestle with life’s uncertainties, not ignore them. The first six chapters focus on six post-Transfiguration, pre-Passion stories in the Gospels. Each of these stories are signposts in the gospel narrative, pointing down at a world filled with uncertainty, but pointing us forward to a cross that can show us how to follow Jesus with courage, hope, and obedience. Includes discussion questions that can be used in small-group Bible study session or for personal growth. A seventh chapter focuses on the resurrection of Jesus, affirming the certainty of our hope in Christ.

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  • Journey To Jerusalem (Student/Study Guide)


    In this imaginative retelling, John Pritchard explores the Gospel of Luke by looking through the eyes of the disciple John. The Journey to Jerusalem follows Luke’s account from Luke 9:51, as Jesus “set his face to go to Jerusalem.” Perfect for individual or group study, The Journey to Jerusalem provides weekday readings for Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday, along with a poem for each Saturday. Questions for reflection and discussion are also included.

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  • Way Of The Carmelites


    Carmelite spirituality is based on a deep relationship with God in prayer, focusing on the presence of God within us, and leading to a life permeated by closeness with God and concern for our neighbour. This book, rich in reflection on the Bible, is a spiritual companion and guide for Lent, and indeed the rest of the year, that will introduce readers to the riches of Carmel. Prayer, in the Carmelite tradition, is friendship with God. It is being alone with God in a silent communion of love open to the Spirit. With our eyes fixed on the vulnerability of Jesus and on his unrequited love for us, we are transformed, and strengthened to give ourselves as he did. Our contemplation is the source of our practical action. The discussion questions at the end of each chapter facilitate this practical approach. ‘To take up the treasures of Carmelite spirituality, and embark with Jesus on the Lenten experience of forty days in the desert, is a journey that can be enormously enriching and even life-changing.’ From the Prologue

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  • Walking The Journey Of Lent Cycle B


    What does the film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial have to do with Lent?

    Richard Gribble, CSC offers the image of this loveable alien stranded on a world that does not accept him to remind us that we, too, are separated from our true home. E.T.’s urge to “phone home” is one to which we can all relate.

    The Lenten season is a time to “retune our communication system” in an earnest effort to seek God, holding on to hope no matter the trials that come our way. Though we face struggle and even death, the promise of the Lenten season is new life and a return to the home where we truly belong.

    Each lesson in Walking the Journey of Lent: Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle B is bolstered by opening and closing prayers, contextual scripture and discussion questions.

    Lessons Include:

    “Coming Home” for Ash Wednesday
    “The Paradox of Death” for Palm Sunday
    “Filling Ourselves with Christ” for Easter

    “What I find most valuable is Fr. Gribble’s ability to find contemporary books or figures or situations that make his reflections quite concrete and easy to understand. It is an enviable gift for a homilist.” – Fr. Bill Williams, Pastor of St. Peter Parish, Plymouth, MA

    “Through his use of real-life stories, engaging reflections, thought-provoking discussion questions, and opening and concluding prayers for each week, Fr. Gribble leads us to the conclusion of Lent where Jesus unchains us from the bondage of sin and we find theglory to which suffering leads us. Fr. Gribble’s booklet will enhance the Lenten spiritual journeyof anyone seeking healing and new life in the risen Christ.” – Fr. Jim Fenstermaker, C.S.C., Pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Easton, MA

    “If you are looking to deepen your relationship with the Lord this Lent, look no further. Walking the Journey of Lent is a perfect tool to use. Fr. Rick’s questions will helpyou to move towards action, change of self, or ministry to others. You cannot help but grow spiritually by reading thisbook. I can’t wait for Lent!” – Fr. Joseph K. Raeke, Pastor of Christ the King, Our Lady of Lourdes &Saint Edith Stein Parishes, Brockton, MA

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  • Easter Earthquake : How Resurrection Shakes Our World


    Like a news reporter announcing breaking news, Matthew reports that on the first Easter morning, a great earthquake shook the earth. An angel descended from heaven, rolled back the stone from the entrance to Jesus’ tomb, and sat on the stone. This is the second earthquake recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. The first one took place on Friday, when the noonday sky turned black and Jesus died. Matthew says, “The earth shook, and the rocks were split.” In Easter Earthquake, James Harnish invites us to place Easter at the center of our Lenten journey. This study explores how Christ’s resurrection shakes some of our most basic assumptions about ourselves and God. Harnish reverses the usual focus of Lenten studies by starting at the empty tomb and seeing the entire journey in light of the resurrection. This different perspective on the passion can bring fresh energy into our lives as followers of Christ.

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  • Abraham : A Journey Through Lent (Student/Study Guide)


    Abraham is a Lent book that takes the story of Abraham in Genesis as the basis for a series of six Lenten studies. Each chapter is followed by a set of questions arising from it, as well as suggested further reading.

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  • Great Lent For Teens Large Print (Large Type)


    The Great Lent is divided into seven weeks, each commencing with a significant event on Sunday. Each week holds a significant event in the life of Christ from which we can extract meaning and apply a practical message to our own lives.

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  • Coloring Lent


    Experience the stories of Lent in a vibrant, new way this spring as you Color Lent!

    The journey of Lent-from Ash Wednesday to Easter-is traditionally one of prayer, repentance, spiritual discipline, and meditation. But coloring?

    Now you’re invited to add the spiritual practice of “coloring the Bible” on your Lenten journey. Engage both sides of your brain as you read the scripture and color your way through each day of Lent with evocative illustrations of God’s Resurrection story, from the Old Testament prophecies of Emmanuel to Jesus’ victorious appearances after his crucifixion to the loyal Disciples. Dozens of drawings will draw you deeper into the story and your own place in it.

    From the Introduction: “This moment of Easter is Good News for this Jesus, who is fully human and fully God, yet it is even better news for the world: God has not only moved into the world with humans but the fullness of God has taken on flesh. As you color these pages, then, consider how your fingertips, your palms, your body have now become the house of God, and following the stories of the Hebrew and New Testaments, consider how we might also walk the same journey of Jesus.”

    Grab your crayons, colored pencils and pens, and prepare to deepen your journey to Easter this year with Coloring Lent.

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  • Walking The Journey Of Lent Cycle A


    Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping and with mourning; mend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing.

    -Joel 2:12-13

    This famous passage of scripture proclaimed each Ash Wednesday provides the themes and sets the environment for the holy season of Lent. In its wisdom the Christian church provides its members a forty day period of preparation, emphasizing prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, for the great celebration of the Paschal Mystery, the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We who are privileged to bear the name Christian must use this annual time of renewal to reconnect ourselves to our God, the source of all that is good. Through a process of study, reflection, and discussion on the scripture passages that the church uses in its Sunday celebrations during this special time, an environment can be provided for us to discover and foster the renewal we all need. It is hoped that Walking the Journey of Lent: Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle A provides this specific opportunity.

    This Lenten Bible study can be a helpful and effective way for groups and individuals to reflect upon the scriptures and through this process prepare ourselves better for the greatest of all celebrations, Easter, when Jesus rises from the dead and brings all Christians the possibility of salvation. Like any effort in life that is meritorious, this Bible study will require some effort, but it need not and should not be a burden. Rather, in sharing with others, and allowing the Spirit of God to flow through us, we can come to greater insights as to what the scriptures might mean for us and how, most importantly, we can apply them to our lives.

    Chapters Included:

    Negotiating The Hurdles Of Life

    Allowing God To Change Us

    Christ Gives Us Hope

    Seeking The Light Of Christ

    Jesus Unchains Us

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  • Restored Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Often we make a mess of our lives and wonder if there is any redemption. In this six-week study, pastor and author Tom Berlin helps us see our mess through the eyes of Christ to find redemption and restoration. Using Scripture, devotional tools, and the writings of Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, St. Augustine, John Wesley, Evelyn Underhill, and others, Berlin encourages reflection and meditation through our own brokenness. Only then can we focus on the cross as the place where we truly surrender control, leave our mess, and find redemption. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the 6-week study for Lent, including session plans and discussion questions, as well as multiple format options.

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  • Restored : Finding Redemption In Our Mess


    Often we make a mess of our lives and wonder if there is any redemption. In this book, pastor and author Tom Berlin helps us see our mess through the eyes of Christ to find redemption and restoration. Using Scripture, devotional tools, and the writings of Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, St. Augustine, John Wesley, Evelyn Underhill, and others, Berlin encourages reflection and meditation through our own brokenness. Only then can we focus on the cross as the place where we truly surrender control, leave our mess, and find redemption.
    Chapters include:
    This Is a Real Mess
    Who Left This Mess?
    Bless This Mess
    No Messing Around
    Address This Mess
    The Message in the Mess

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  • Way Other Than Our Own


    Lent recalls times of wilderness and wandering, from newly freed Hebrew slaves in exile to Jesus’ temptation in the desert. God has always called people out of their safe, walled cities into uncomfortable places, revealing paths they would never have chosen. Despite our culture of self-indulgence, we too are called to walk an alternative path-one of humility, justice, and peace. Walter Brueggemann’s thought-provoking reflections for the season of Lent invite us to consider the challenging, beautiful life that comes with walking the way of grace.

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  • Worship In Light Of The Cross


    John Indermark urges us to focus on the cross, its imprint on how we worship as a community, and how it transforms our discipleship. This 6-week study inspires us to connect corporate worship with our daily lives. He organizes the daily readings according to the components of corporate worship: gathering, invocation, confession, proclamation, creed, response, and sacrament.

    Key Features:
    Leaders’ Guide helps you share this worship experience with your community of faith
    Daily readings are key in preparing you for worship experiences
    Each daily reading includes a reflection question or action
    Includes ideas for creating a weekly worship center to emphasize each week’s theme

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  • Surprise Surprise Surprise Cycle A


    But What Of Lazarus? (John 11:1-45)
    For The Glow Of It (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21)
    Friday (John 18:1-19:42)
    Learning To Walk In The Dark And Remembering The Dark Is As Day To God (Matthew 26:14– 27:66)
    Nicodemus Came By Night (John 3:1-17)

    Additional Info
    Two voices, fourteen sermons…

    The lives of David and Marian Plant have been intertwined for 46 years, their mutual ministries, for even longer. Their voices were shaped by their ministry experiences that began together in shared, co-pastorate positions, and then matured into individual settled ministry positions and then again, moved into their own specialties of the last 20 years: Marian, in the teaching ministry and David in the interim and church revitalization ministry. Marian’s voice is one practiced well from a traditional setting of pulpit with written text in hand. David’s voice is one practiced in a relational style of informal conversation, often done without notes, and in back and forth dialogue with the gathered worshipers.

    Their latest work, Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! provides fourteen cycle A gospel sermons for Lent/Easter. In these sermons you will see the mix of the lives of the Plants, committed to social justice, the important context of the role of the church as that which speaks for Christ, and the importance of the need for individuals to take up the challenge of living their faith more fully. There is no doubt that their mutual passions for addressing the ills befalling our culture and our world were foremost on their minds, and they could not but help influence one another’s work by virtue of their lives lived in the practice of ministry and marriage. They offer these words to you, as colleagues in ministry, even if only a sentence is valuable to you.

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  • Grace And Hope


    Prepare yourself to remember the meaning of Lent and celebrate Easter this season: grace for our past and present, hope for our future!

    Beginning with Ash Wednesday, Grace & Hope: A 40-Day Devotional for Lent and Easter will guide you through this holy season of self-reflection, prayer, fasting, and remembrance-all to prepare you for the hopeful words “It is finished!” and even more wondrous words, “He is risen!”

    Each short, engaging devotional will focus your heart and prepare your soul to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, using a faithful and relevant new translation of the Bible, The Passion Translation. It is an ideal devotional for your own personal, family, or small-group use. And daily Bible readings from The Passion Translation will deepen your understanding of God’s Word as you journey toward the cross.

    We trust this devotional and version of Scripture will kindle in you a burning, passionate desire for the One who bore our pain and shame, and give you a greater measure of grace and hope!

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  • Easter Fire : Fire Starters For The Easter Weekday Homily


    Widely embraced by homilists and those interested in reflecting more deeply on the daily Lectionary readings, Bishop Richard Sklba’s Fire Starters: Igniting the Holy in the Weekday Homily has served as a practical resource for preparing engaging weekday homilies for Ordinary Time. After much anticipation, Bishop Sklba and coauthor Fr. Joseph Juknialis now offer Easter Fire, a welcome companion to support anyone called to preach at Easter weekday Masses.

    Easter Fire provides the biblical citations and summary phrases for the reading and the gospel plus the refrain from the psalm each day. After each citation, the authors offer a series of meaningful insights based on Scripture scholarship, their own prayerful reflection on the texts, and years of preaching and pastoral experience. These brief “bullet point” entries provide nuggets of knowledge and inspiration that will stimulate personal prayer and spark homily possibilities for the preacher every day.

    Easter Fire will ignite sparks that can be enflamed by God’s Spirit, to not only enrich the spiritual journey but to add light and warmth for the preparation of weekday homilies during the Easter season.

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  • Make Room : A Child’s Guide To Lent And Easter


    Encourage your children to learn the importance of Lent and Easter with Make Room: A Child’s Guide to Lent and Easter by Laura Alary, and illustrated by Ann Boyajian. Make Room presents Lent as a special time for creating a welcoming space for God. Episodes from the life of Jesus are woven together with a child’s wondering and reflections on how these stories might shape our own choices and actions throughout the season. Lent can be a difficult for season for children, unlike advent, which is filled with delightful anticipation and growing light, Lent is a journey through dark and frightening places. This book offers suggestions on simple and practical activities like cleaning a room, making bread and soup, turning off the television, clearing clutter, or inviting a neighbor for supper, that encourage kids to learn how to live like Jesus.

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  • 40 Days Of Decrease


    “What are you giving up for Lent?” we are asked. Our minds begin to whirl: Chocolate? Designer coffee? Social media? Forty days later, some feel disappointed in their efforts (it was a limited-time blend . . . ), some feel surprised by their success (didn’t even miss it . . . ), but perhaps precious few feel spiritually renewed.

    Can such fasts alone truly prepare us to celebrate Easter? Or any other chosen time of reflection during the year?

    Or could it be that before we can be duly awed by resurrection, we need to daily honor crucifixion?

    40 Days of Decrease emphasizes a different type of fast. What if you or your church fasted comparison? What if your family fasted accumulation? What if your office fasted gossip?

    40 Days of Decrease guides readers through a study of Jesus’ uncommon and uncomfortable call to abandon the world’s illusions, embrace His kingdom’s reality, and journey cross-ward and beyond.

    Each daily, 1000-word entry will include:
    *a devotional based on Jesus’ cross-ward life;
    *a reflection question to guide journaling or group discussion;
    *a fast to inspire a tangible response;
    *a thought-provoking Lenten quote;
    *a sidebar into the historical development of Lent.

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  • Lent And Easter Wisdom From Pope Francis


    Christians know that suffering cannot be eliminated, yet it can have meaning and become an act of love and entrustment into the hands of God who does not abandon us. -Pope Francis in Lumen Fidei, or The Light of Faith (56) Pope Francis has captivated the world with his humility, compassion, and gift for communication. Lent might seem like it’s a time to reflect on all the bad in the world, but as Pope Francis shows us, there is so much more. Within this despair, we find our greatest hope, which holds us up until the joy of Easter arrives. As you read these meditations for every day of the Lent and Easter season, reflect on the powerful words of Pope Francis and the accompanying Scripture, prayer, and action. Make the journey from suffering toward the healing and transformation found in Jesus’ resurrection.

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  • 10 Creative Things Kids Can Do For Lent


    It can be hard enough figuring out what you should do for Lent, so how do you help your kids have a meaningful experience? Instead of another year without chocolate and candy, try out these 10 different (and easy) ways of getting your kids actively engaged in Lent and thinking about their Catholic faith in new ways.

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  • John Youth Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


    The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels. It includes some of the loftiest and most loved verses in all the Bible: “And the Word became flesh…,” “For God so loved the world…,” “You who are without sin cast the first stone…,” “I am the resurrection and the life…,” “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” The writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the gospel is that his readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in his name.” This Lent, join Adam Hamilton and experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal while exploring the major themes of John while reading the entire Gospel of John. Everything needed to conduct a six-session study of the Gospel of John including current examples that have meaning to young people ages 13-18. Can be used with the adult-level DVD.

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  • John Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels. It includes some of the loftiest and most loved verses in all the Bible: “And the Word became flesh…,” “For God so loved the world…,” “You who are without sin cast the first stone…,” “I am the resurrection and the life…,” “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” The writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the gospel is that his readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in his name.” This Lent, join Adam Hamilton and experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal while exploring the major themes of John while reading the entire Gospel of John. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the bible study program including session plans and discussion questions, as well as multiple format options. This guide centers around the book, the videos, and Scripture.

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  • Pauses For Lent


    In this beautifully minimalist book, Trevor Hudson focuses on 40 single words – one for each day of the season of Lent. Each brief meditation pairs the word for the day with a scripture verse, brief insight, and a thought or action for the day. Each paus for Lent will refresh and challenge readers.

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  • These 40 Days


    According to the Scriptures the devil tempted Jesus during a period of fasting and prayer that was preparation for Jesus’ public ministry and passion. Throughout the Bible, times of desert preparation often preceded significant ministry. This is why we observe the season preceding Easter as a time for spiritual focus. The rhythms of fasting and feasting, desert and oasis, discipline and joy are not only well known to God’s people but also essential components of spiritual growth.These Forty Days is a simple guide for the reading of Scripture, reflection, prayer, and response. By beginning each day with intention, these devotionals will shape each of your hours with a heightened sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s teaching and guidance.

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  • Bread And Wine


    Though Easter (like Christmas) is often trivialized by the culture at large, it is still the high point of the religious calendar for millions of people around the world. And for most of them, there can be no Easter without Lent, the season that leads up to it.

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  • Pilgrim Road : A Benedictine Journey Through Lent (Revised)


    Revised edition of a classic Lenten devotional guide from Morehouse

    * Includes a revised introduction and questions for reflection

    In the view of St. Benedict of Nursia, the Lenten journey is an inner pilgrimage with Christ
    into the deepest parts of ourselves, to be marked not so much by external observances,
    such as fasting and self-denial, as by a deepening of our relationship with God.

    Benedictine monk Albert Holtz develops that journey theme through meditations written
    during a fifteen-country pilgrimage while on sabbatical. At the heart of each reflection is
    the lesson it teaches about our inner spiritual journey. By applying Benedict’s monastic
    wisdom to the everyday concerns and aspirations of modern Christians, Pilgrim Road
    helps contemporary spiritual seekers travel along and experience the journey of Lent in
    the most positive, meaningful, and fruitful manner.

    For use as a Lenten devotional by individuals and groups.

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  • 40 Days 40 Ways


    If you’re looking for a new Lenten experience, here are forty fresh ideas. Some will challenge you to deepen your prayer life; others will open your mind to new ways to serve others. Each of the forty ways includes a reflection to help you understand more about Lent and why it matters. You’ll learn how to have a more creative experience of Lent. You’ll discover positive, proactive ways to take action instead of the same old routine of giving something up. The result will be spiritual transformation and a closer walk with Christ-not only during Lent but throughout the year.

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  • When God Died


    Mediations for Lent

    “Did Christ die as God, or did He die as man? The answer to such a question is that He died as neither. What gives efficacy to the cross is the fact that Christ died as the God-man….The blood He shed, therefore, has abiding efficacy, seeing that it was the blood of an extraordinary nature, namely, the blood of God and Man combined.”

    How could God, the deathless One, die? In When God Died, legendary Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer explores the person of Christ-both His divinity and humanity-in an effort to show the majesty of His death and resurrection, and what they mean to us today.

    This series of Lenten meditations will open your eyes to the purpose, power, and beauty of Christ’s crucifixion. Among the topics you will explore are:
    *The magnanimity and honor of Christ
    *The cleansing power of His blood
    *The sovereign power of His grace
    *The last seven words Christ spoke from the cross

    May we take the time to lovingly remember Christ’s sacrifice-the means of His extraordinary grace and power to save dying sinners-so that we may stand in rightful relationship with Christ, in awe of His holiness, power, and wisdom, with a heart of gratitude for all He has done.

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  • Navigating The Sermon Cycle A


    In this special edition for the Sundays in Lent and Easter of Cycle A, the writers and editors of “Charting the Course,” an integral part of Emphasis: A Lectionary Preaching Journal from CSS Publishing Company, delve into the heart of the lectionary readings, providing you, the pastor with in-depth lectionary-based commentary; relating several fresh, solid ideas — based squarely on the lectionary texts — for creating sermons that speak powerfully to your audience. The team of writers looks for overall topics for the seasons of Lent and Easter in the Cycle A church year that hold the readings together. Then, they zero in on the theme and the specific scripture links, suggesting directions for the sermon and worship service. Since a single application for each week may not provide what you are looking for at that particular time, Navigating the Sermon in most cases suggests several ideas, giving you the opportunity to select the one that matches your specific needs.

    This book is like having a dedicated, thoroughly versed sermon research and sermon resource team right in your own study to help you create riveting sermons that are truly yours and that speak powerfully to your audience.

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  • Forgiveness : A Lenten Study


    Forgiving others and humbly asking for forgiveness are central disciplines for all Christian believers. Lent, a time to reflect on our Christian journey, is an appropriate time to deepen our understanding and practice of forgiveness. Marjorie J. Thompson, author of the best-selling book Soul Feast, takes a close look at our understanding of forgiveness in this encouraging study. In six brief chapters, Thompson addresses such questions as the following:
    Is forgiveness a Christian duty under all circumstances? Or are there situations when Christians do not need to forgive?
    Is forgiveness a matter between individuals, or is it meaningful only in the context of communities?
    Is forgiving the best route to healing for the injured?
    How do we get past emotional barriers to real forgiveness?

    Using biblical examples and real-life situations, Thompson illustrates each chapter’s theme in an informative and engaging way. A study guide is also included at the back of the book that is appropriate for either individual reflection or group discussion. With clarity, insight, and sensitivity, this book is the perfect resource for examining both our ability to forgive and our own need for forgiveness.

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  • Last Words Of Jesus


    Much has been written on the last words of Jesus, the traditional phrases taken from Scripture that depict the final moments of Jesus’s life as he dies on the cross. In this new take on the last words, author Dan Horan brings a fresh perspective to this time-honored meditation as he challenges readers to look at their lives through the lens of Jesus s suffering and death. Yet interlaced with suffering, the focus throughout is on the immense love of God for human beings, shown in the gift of Jesus, God made flesh.

    In his preface, Horan writes: “In a world that remains irrevocably shaped by the suffering of the human condition, the misunderstanding between groups and cultures symbolized by the horrific events of September 11, we need to hear Christ’s words anew. He gives us a different look into these words by drawing on works by other noted scholars and spiritual writers, then fashioning a view of these phrases that s contemporary and thought-provoking.

    An ideal Lenten companion, especially during Holy Week, The Last Words of Jesus will also serve as a useful meditation throughout the year on the deep love Jesus bore for us in taking on the human condition.

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  • People Of The Passion (Student/Study Guide)


    It is a simple theological truth: We become more like Jesus when we draw close to him. People of the Passion unpacks this tenet in a powerful examination of some of the main characters of Jesus’ final days: Mary, Mother of Jesus; Mary Magdalene; Pilate; Nicodemus; Peter; and Judas. Throughout each chapter, Dr. Randall explores our perceptions and our knowledge of these individuals, pointing out how each played significant roles in exposing themes of faithfulness, gratitude, conflict, power, and betrayal.

    People of the Passion calls us to embrace the “grace and opportunity of Lent,” for when we pause to examine our hearts and spirits within our collective narrative of fallen humanity, we are reminded that “we are an Easter people.” And in this, we celebrate Christ’s resurrection, understanding that everything about our redemption hinges upon the most significant event in human history: Easter morning.

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  • 40 Days With Jesus


    Honor the Easter season for 40 days with our Redeemer.

    The sanctity of Easter…how do you approach and honor this holy time of year? Now you can spend 40 days with Jesus-from leading up to His death on Good Friday, to celebrating His resurrection on Easter Sunday-and draw into worship and praise as never before. Select devotionals from Sarah Young’s bestselling Jesus Calling are compiled into this gift book to create an experience of closeness with the Savior during the Lenten season.

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  • Lent For Everyone Year A Matthew


    Lent for Everyone: Matthew, Year A provides readers with an inspirational guide through the Lenten season, from Ash Wednesday through the week after Easter. Popular biblical scholar and author N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation, brief reflection, and a prayer for each day of the season, helping readers ponder how the text is relevant to their own lives. By the end of the book, readers will have been through the entirety of Matthew, along with Psalm readings for each Sunday. Suitable for both individual and group study and reflection, Wright’s Lenten devotional will help make Matthew’s gospel your own, thoughtfully and prayerfully, and your journey through Lent a period of discovery and growth.

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  • Give Up Something Bad For Lent (Student/Study Guide)


    Invites readers to focus on, with God’s help, eliminating habits or attitudes that may be destructive in their lives, such as envy, self-pity, procrastination, gossip, resentment, or negative thinking.
    Seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday
    Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, and closing prayer

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  • Lent For Everyone Year C Luke


    From one of the world’s leading scholars and Christian writers, stirring reflections for Lent.

    “Lent for Everyone may be a profitable way for readers to follow Jesus in their Lenten study.” Lois Sibley, Episcopal Journal
    Lent for Everyone: Luke, Year C provides readers with an inspirational guide through the Lenten season, from Ash Wednesday through the week after Easter. Popular biblical scholar and author N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation, brief reflection, and a prayer for each of the days of the season, helping readers ponder how the text is relevant to their own lives today. By the end of the book readers will have been through the entirety of Luke, along with Psalm readings for each Sunday. Suitable for both individual and group study and reflection, Wright’s Lenten devotional will help you make Luke’s gospel your own, thoughtfully and prayerfully, and your journey through Lent a period of rich discovery and growth.

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  • Lent For Everyone Year B Mark


    Lent for Everyone: Mark, Year B provides readers with a gentle guide through the Lenten season, from Ash Wednesday through the week after Easter. Popular biblical scholar and author N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation, brief reflection, and a prayer for each of the days of the season, helping the reader ponder how the text is relevant to their own life today.
    Suitable for both personal and group reflection, Wright’s guide through Lent will make the Bible–and the season–come alive in inspiring new ways.

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  • Mosaic : When God Uses All The Pieces A Lenten Study For Adults


    Focuses on how God uses the brokenness in people’s lives to make them better

    Seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday

    Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, and closing prayer

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  • Word Has Come Down


    Lent holds a central place in the worship of many Christians. After the joyful celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany, it is vital for Christians to set aside time to repent, meditate, and reflect on the fact that Jesus’ life was a buildup to the ultimate sacrifice of himself on the Cross for our sins. In The Word Has Come Down, Huener guides participants through the ashes of repentance of Ash Wednesday, journeying through the Last Supper of Maundy Thursday and the crucifixion of Good Friday, culminating in the revelation of the risen Jesus at Easter. Along the way, Huener stops to look at each of the main characters in these events, people like Caiaphas, Peter, Judas, Pontius Pilate, and the women at the tomb, allowing each one to tell their side of the story. Huener explores each character in detail, allowing each one to flesh out this central event in Christian history. Whether used for congregational worship, small group study, or personal Lenten devotions, The Word Has Come Down will draw its readers into the beauty, agony, and triumph of Lent and Easter. Beth Huener is the pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Oregon, Ohio, a suburb of Toledo. She has also served at other Lutheran parishes in Ohio and West Virginia.

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  • Mindful Meditations For Every Day Of Lent And Easter


    Based on the daily scripture readings for Lent – following the liturgical cycles for A, B, & C – this book helps you explore the depths of your being, your relationship to Christ, and your association with others during this time of spiritual preparation.

    Each day you focus on one scriptural theme. A reflection then reaches out to us in our busy lives to consider what the Word has to offer us during the holidays. Next, a thought to ponder brings home the message for you – to really apply the reading and reflection to your life. Now say a prayer, an offering and petition to the Lord; finally a practice, a chance to change your daily routine in simple ways to bring God’s love to your life and prepare for the paschal mystery and Easter season.

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  • Hard To Dance With The Devil On Your Back (Student/Study Guide)


    Looks at transcendent struggle in the lives of believers while helping readers enter the continually crumbling world surrounding Jesus and the disciples in the days preceding Easter.
    Seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday
    Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, a closing prayer, and a focus for the coming week.

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  • To The Cross And Beyond


    In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — the First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the gospel lesson, we return to the fountainhead, bringing the congregation back to where Christianity began. Like the first disciples, we walk with Jesus, hearing his words and witnessing his miracles as we journey to the Cross.

    To the Cross and Beyond takes us through Jesus’ final days on earth as recounted in the Sundays of Lent and Easter. David O. Bales explores some of the gospel’s best-known moments as Jesus journeys to Jerusalem and, ultimately, to the Cross and then the empty tomb.

    This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
    Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
    Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
    Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
    Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotions

    This insightful collection of sermons includes:
    Looking Down on God
    Putting the World Back Together
    Jesus’ Prayer: The Pause in the Battle
    … and many more!

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  • Show And Tell Cycle A


    In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — The First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the first reading, the congregation returns to the heritage of our faith as described in the Old Testament, as well as in the New Testament book of Acts. We travel with the children of Israel as they take their first steps in faith, reliving the highs and lows of that journey with them. Through studying this part of scripture, we can see our own journey of faith played out by an entire nation.

    Show-and-Tell guides us through some of the earliest accounts in the Bible in Genesis and Exodus, as well as the prophetic words of Isaiah and Ezekiel. During the Easter season, the first readings also explore the beginnings of Christianity as recounted in Acts. By taking us back to the beginning, Dr. Everett offers insight and encouragement into how we can live out our faith today.

    This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
    Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
    Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
    Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
    Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotions

    Sermons in this volume include:
    Will This Be on the Test?
    A Breath of Fresh Air
    Stuck in Park
    … and many more!

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