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Showing 1151–1200 of 2559 results

  • Saints On Call


    “I’m overwhelmed. No one knows what I’m going through. How can I grow spiritually when daily life is hectic and family life is demanding?”

    Sometimes the trials of motherhood make us feel isolated and inadequate. Other times the triumphs bring us the greatest happiness. Moms seek holiness (and sanity!) through these daily joys and struggles, but it’s not always easy. How can we see these experiences with eyes of faith and better realize that we are not alone? Where can we find inspiration for prayer and friends for our journeys of motherhood? The saints! Christine Gibson’s Saints on Call will help mothers in every walk of life to pray and to reflect on the opportunities for holiness found in daily life.

    Designed with the on-the-go mom in mind, the over 50 reflections included in this book are helpfully categorized so that it’s easy to find the saintly woman who has borne the burdens of motherhood before. In just a few minutes, read of her life, learn from her example, and be led with her in prayer for the needs of your day. From the practical problems of daily life to the spiritual struggles that come with every mother’s vocation, keep these Saints on Call!

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  • Daily Prayer Rosary


    This book brings together two ancient Christian traditions: daily prayer based on the songs and psalms of the Bible, and prayer with beads. Prayer beads are used all over the world in a staggering variety of forms. Combining the rosary with the songs of the Bible offers a contemplative approach to praying scripture in a tactile way. Using psalms and canticles from Common Worship, complete prayer outlines are provided for Morning, Prayer During the Day, Evening and Night Prayer during Ordinary Time. In addition, eight outlines are given for the seasons of the Christian year: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, All Saints to Advent. Here is all you need in one volume for cultivating a habit of daily prayer with the scriptures throughout the day and throughout the year. For those familiar with the rosary and for those who have never used one before, this is an ideal devotional companion.

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  • Praying With The Jesuits


    A Jesuit priest and teacher presents a rich treasury of materials for prayer and meditation produced by a great cloud of Jesuit witnesses beginning with St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, and continuing right to the present day.

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  • New American Bible Concise Concordance (Revised)


    The Concise Concordance is a useful word index to all 73 books of the New American Bible Revised Edition. Arranged in alphabetical order, it shows the book, chapter, and verse location of the most prominent words in the NABRE and supplies several words of the context in which each word is found.

    This volume is the perfect accompaniment for anyone studying the NABRE. It provides helpful access to texts most significant to personal and professional Scripture research, regardless of the reader’s familiarity with this particular translation.

    The New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) brings to culmination the work of nearly 100 scholars, including translators, editors, and a subcommittee of Catholic bishops who provided extensive review of the biblical text over a period of many years. The NABRE is the first major amendment to the New American Bible translation since 1991. It features:

    *The first update of the Old Testament since 1970, taking into account recent archaeological and textual discoveries.
    *Complete revision of the Psalter.

    A handy, affordable reference volume for anyone reading or studying the NABRE
    Two-column text

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  • Carmelite Tradition


    Eight hundred years ago Albert of Jerusalem gave the hermit-penitents of Mount Carmel a way of life to follow. Since then, this rule has inspired and formed mystics and scholars, men and women, lay and ordained to seek the living God. In The Carmelite Tradition Steven Payne, OCD, brings together representative voices to demonstrate the richness and depth of Carmelite spirituality. As he writes, “Carmelite spirituality seeks nothing more nor less than to ‘stand before the face of the living God’ and prophesy with Elijah, to ‘hear the word of God and keep it’ with Mary, to grow in friendship with God through unceasing prayer with Teresa, to ‘become by participation what Christ is by nature’ as John of the Cross puts it, and thereby to be made, like Therese of Lisieux, into instruments of God’s transforming merciful love in the church and society.”

    The lives and writings in The Carmelite Tradition invite readers to stand with these holy men and women and seek God in the hermitage of the heart.

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  • Prophetic Dialogue : Reflections On Christian Mission Today


    A collection of essays that demonstrates that to be effective in the twenty-first century, mission must be prophetic as it encounters other cultures and religious traditions.

    When we speak as mission as dialogue, then, we are about as far away from imagining mission as conquering the world for Christ and missionaries as marines of the Catholic Church as we probably can get. There has indeed been a radical shift, both in the world in which the church does mission and within the church s own consciousness of the goodness and even holiness of that world. These words from one of the essays in this superb collection clearly demonstrate the changing of mission today.

    In this volume, Fathers Bevans and Schroeder address a primary challenge faced by Christians missioners today: How can they bring the Christian tradition to interact respectfully and effectively with members of other cultures and traditions from around the globe and still be prophetic?

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  • Studying The Life Of Saint Francis Of Assisi


    Hugo’s workbook is a proven resource that has guided people at all academic levels through a study of the life and writings of St. Francis using primary sources in translation. The worksheets can be done by individuals or in groups or seminars. General readers will enjoy learning about St. Francis and how hagiography shaped the public stories of medieval saints in general. Formation directors who need to teach the life and writings of St. Francis should not be without this extraordinary sourcebook with its readymade lesson plans.

    This Second Edition is a thorough revision that is totally compatible with Francis of Assisi: Early Documents. It includes new scholarship and new bibliographic references. More than half the worksheets of the previous edition have been revised, and others have been added.

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  • 15 Days Of Prayer With Therese Of Lisieux


    A Carmelite nun who joined the convent at the young age of fifteen, Saint Therese of Lisieux lived a cloistered life of obscurity. Though she preferred hidden sacrifice during her short life, her words, her legacy, and her ‘little way’ have made her one of the more popular saints of today.

    Therese’s road was one of suffering, spiritual childhood, abandonment to the benevolence of the Lord, trials of faith, periods of painful spiritual barrenness, and a life devoted entirely to love and to the Church. She felt within herself the music of holiness, and she let it resound in her heart until it made her whole life an offering of love.

    Enjoy your time with Therese of Lisieux, and be prepared to be surprised as you journey with one of the most beloved spiritual figures of our time.

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  • Read Aloud Book Of Bible Stories (Revised)


    Originally published: The nursery book of Bible stories. London: T.C. and E.C. Jack, between 1907 and 1922. With minor editorial revisions.

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  • Selected Writings On Grace And Pelagianism


    Of the different controversies that preoccupied Augustine during his lifetime, Pelagianism was indisputably the most important for the subsequent history and theology of the western Church. It touched on any number of issues central toA Christianity, most notably grace, predestination, original sin and baptism, all of which in turn could be reduced to the fundamental question of the exact nature of the relationship between God and his human creation. The six major treatises presented in this volume amply illustrate Augustine’s struggle with the theological problems that Pelagianism raised. They begin with the Miscellany of Questions in Response to Simplician. Although written in 396, before Pelagianism even appeared on the scene, this work shows in a few pages the remarkable evolution of Augustine’s thought on the matter of grace and the position at which he arrived and to which he clung for the rest of his life. The two final treatises, The Predestination of the Saints and The Gift of Perseverance,A written in 428/429 shortly before Augustine’s death, indicate where the position that he had elaborated more than thirty years before was fatefully destined to take him. The three middle treatises show Augustine in the process of refining — but not altering — his thinking in the face of what he rightly saw as Pelagianism’s terrible threat to orthodox Christianity’s central tenets.

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  • Pope Benedict 16 And The Liturgy


    A prominent and inescapable feature of Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate is the importance which has been given to the sacred liturgy, in its actual celebration, as well as in the pope’s Magisterium and theological writings. Not only have we witnessed the reappearance of many elements used in older, but recently-abandoned papal liturgies, but also what amounts to be the virtual liberation of the ‘Old Latin Mass’. This has come as a great surprise to many people in the Church, some of whom almost regard it, and the pope’s liturgical theology, as a betrayal of recent liturgical reforms. On the other hand, others have viewed these liturgical changes, and the emphasis which Pope Benedict places upon the liturgy in the life of the Church, as positive developments, leading to a more correct understanding of the Second Vatican Council within ‘the hermeneutic of continuity’ and reform, and the notion of ‘organic development’. But, in the midst of conflicting interpretations, how are we to understand these developments and Pope Benedict XVI’s re-affirmation of what we now call the usus antiquior? In this book Dr Anselm J. Gribbin explores these and other related questions by examining the liturgical theology of Pope Benedict XVI in his magisterial teachings and writings, particularly in the post-synodal exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis, the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, and The Spirit of the Liturgy. Gribbin, in an extensive, and detailed analysis, indicates that the liturgical theology of Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger points the way forward for the Church in the field of liturgy. He also addresses the fundamentally important question of the relationship between the liturgical writings of Pope Benedict XVI as a theologian, and his Magisterium as the supreme pontiff of the Catholic Church, and that the latter is best understood with recourse to the former.

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  • Exodus


    So resounding is its message that echoes of the Exodus are heard throughout the Old and New Testaments and the present. Exodus names and terms permeate our biblical and liturgical vocabularies: Pharaoh, Moses, Aaron, burning bush, “I AM,” plagues, Passover, manna, Ten Commandments, forty days and forty nights, Ark of the Covenant. The Exodus experience, indeed, is central to both Jewish and Christian traditions. Exodus is, as Mark Smith reminds us, not only an ancient text but also “today’s story, calling readers to work against oppression and to participate in a covenant relationship with one another and God.” With Smith as their experienced guide, readers are able to march through this basic book of the Bible with textual difficulties solved and stacked up like a wall to their right and left, just as the Israelites “marched on dry land through the midst of the sea with the water like a wall to their right and to their left” (14:29). Undoubtedly, when finished, readers will be closer to the Promised Land than when they started.

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  • Creating Rituals : A New Way Of Healing For Everyday Life


    Practical advice on creating rituals, a healing and transformative means of helping a person or a group to maneuver with confidence through times of transition.

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  • Gods Invitation : Meditations On A Covenant Relationship


    Offers a way to enter more deeply into relationship with God through meditations that bring the stories of the Old Testament into our lives today.

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  • Pause For Thought


    Fresh, new themes of reflection in the areas of prayer, Jesus, and God, by a prominent theologian and speaker.

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  • Biblical Inspiration


    The theme of this study is the doctrine of biblical inspiration as developed and understood within Anglo-American scholarship over the past forty years.

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  • Father Of The Fatherless


    This book is a critical biography of Father Nelson Henry Baker of Buffalo, New York.

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  • Prayer In The Digital Age


    The digital age is an age of information overload. In this noisy, technology-driven world, full of important news and urgent messages, spending silent time in prayer can seem impossible.

    In his second book, Matt Swaim brings to light the obstacles to prayer inherent in our digitally-connected culture and explores both the challenges and benefits of living a Christian life in the 21st century. Drawing on the spiritual wisdom of such masters as St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Therese of Lisieux, and Venerable Pope John Paul II, Swaim provides practical suggestions for learning how to “unplug” and incorporate prayer into one’s daily life.

    Delve into how technology truly affects our faith:
    In a culture suffering from information overload, what’s the difference between knowing facts about God and actually knowing God?
    How does our desire to be entertained interfere with knowing God as He really is, rather than just as we want to perceive Him?
    What are the distinctions between employing media and information as tools to aid evangelization and spiritual growth while avoiding a purely consumer approach to the faith?
    How can information overload deaden our ability to listen?

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  • Life Entwined With Lilys


    A Caritas Press Title

    Life Entwined with Lily’s A dark day in Beth Lovely’s past casts a mournful shadow over her entire future. And although Beth has revealed her unspeakable secret to no one, her Aunt Lily is unwittingly responsible for a resuscitating breath of new hope. And so comes an unpredictable and satisfying conclusion to a trilogy that chronicles Lily’s impact on three generations of family.

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  • Wherever Lily Goes


    A Caritas Press Title

    Wherever Lily Goes Terry Lovely isn’t expecting any great rewards for her decision to uproot her family, move halfway across the country and take care of her sister Lily, who has Down Syndrome. What Terry will eventually discover, however, is that Lily will give more than she will ever take, including a certain something Terry doesn’t even know is missing.

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  • Willing Heart


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594712487ISBN10: 1594712484Marci AlborghettiBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2011Publisher: Ave Maria Press

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  • Dangerous Dozen : 12 Christians Who Threatened The Status Quo But Taught Us


    Change is never easy, and it is most threatening to those in institutional power, whether in society or the Church. Yet there are times when transformation is sorely needed, and it usually takes “troublemakers” to help bring it about.
    This book explores twelve of these fascinating–at times, intimidating–men and women. These Christian change agents were not afraid to challenge structures that would divide and repress, showing the world a different way of living. Throughout history, others have sought to canonize and control these individuals, but their faith, their vision, their courage continues to inspire us today … if we let them.

    Each profile includes a glimpse into the person’s life and lasting legacy, historical reactions to each person’s extraordinary actions, questions for reflection, and suggestions for further study. Profiles include:
    The Apostle Paul
    Mary Magdalene
    Francis of Assisi
    Thomas Cranmer
    Archbishop Oscar Romero
    Dorothy Day
    … and more

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  • Christian Future And The Fate Of Earth


    Like no other religious thinker, Thomas Berry has been a prophetic voice regarding Earth s destruction and the urgent need for human response from the Christian community. This book collects Berry s signature views on the interrelatedness of both Earth s future and the Christian future. He ponders why Christians have been late in coming to the issue of the environment. He reflects insightfully on how the environment must be seen as a religious issue, not simply a scientific or economic problem.

    In powerful and poetic language Berry presents a compelling vision of the sacredness of the universe and the interrelatedness of the Earth community. Drawing on Thomas Aquinas and Teilhard de Chardin he brings the Christian tradition into a cosmology of care for the whole of creation.

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  • Teilhard De Chardin And Eastern Religions


    An in-depth examination of Teilhard de Chardin’s knowledge of the Middle and Far East, especially China, his comments on eastern religions, and his comparative reflections on mysticism and spirituality.

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  • Mary A Mother Waiting


    Written in three-line blank verse, this work explores Mary’s role in Jesus’ growth and formation as a mother raising and encouraging her unique son.

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  • Virtue


    A comprehensive introduction to virtue ethics in general and some important particular virtues in moral theology and the Christian life.

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  • Contemplative Ethics An Introduction


    A manifesto for contemplative ethics, which seeks to integrate spirituality and morality, contemplation and action, goodness and holiness in the lives of believers and the people they serve.

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  • Maronites : The Origins Of An Antiochene Church A Historical And Geographic


    The Maronite Church is one of twenty-two Eastern Catholic Churches in communion with the Pope of Rome. Her patriarch is in Lebanon. Forty-three bishops and approximately five million faithful make up her presence throughout the world.

    The story of Maron, a fifth-century hermit-priest, and the community gathered around him, later called the Maronites, tells another fascinating story of the monastic and missionary movements of the Church. Maron’s story takes place in the context of Syrian monasticism, which was a combination of both solitary and communal life, and is a narrative of Christians of the Middle East as they navigated the rough seas of political divisions and ecclesiastical controversies from the fourth to the ninth centuries.

    Abbot Paul Naaman, a Maronite scholar and former Superior General of the Order of Lebanese Maronite Monks, wisely places the study of the origins of the Maronite Church squarely in the midst of the history of the Church. His book, The Maronites: The Origins of an Antiochene Church, published during the sixteenth centenary of Maron’s death, offers plausible insights into her formation and early development, grounding the Maronite Church in her Catholic, Antiochian, Syriac, and monastic roots.

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  • Daily Roman Missal Burgundy (Revised)


    First Published over 15 years ago, the Daily Roman Missal is an essential resource for anyone who wants to grow closer to the Eucharist. An ideal traveling companion and a great fit for your glove box, briefcase, backpack, or carry-on, the DRM is a complete source for following the Mass, studying it more closely, and reflecting on its profound beauty and grace.

    This new Seventh Edition includes the responses and liturgical texts from the new English translation of the Third Edition of the Order of Mass; all prayers, antiphons, and other texts for the seasons of the liturgical year; the Proper and Commons of Saints; Masses for the Dead; and many Ritual, Votive, and other Masses. It includes all readings (New American Bible with Revised New Testament) from Sunday and weekday Masses, the Proper and Commons of Saints; and many from the Ritual, Votive, Various Needs, and Masses for the Dead. All this plus over 200 pages of devotions and prayers complete this dignified, one-volume hand missal.

    Features of this Seventh Edition of DRM:

    Prayers, antiphons, and readings (A-B-C cycle for Sundays, two-year cycle for weekdays) for all Masses throughout the liturgical year;
    English (new translation) and Latin texts side-by-side for the Order of Mass (including the four Eucharistic Prayers), the Entrance and Communion Antiphons, the response to the Responsorial Psalm, the Sequence, the Alleluia verse before the Gospel, and many devotions and prayers;
    Masses for all the saints on the General Roman Calendar, adapted for use in the dioceses of the United States of America;
    Foreword by Rev. Msgr. James P. Moroney, Consultor to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments;
    Liturgical Calendar of dates through 2023;
    Durable, Smyth-sewn binding that lays flat from cover to cover when open
    Six placeholder ribbons;
    Padded covers with leather-wrapped boards (Genuine Leather and Bonded Leather editions only); and
    Gilded edges (Genuine Leather and Bonded Leather editions only).

    Available in a variety of covers: Genuine Leather, Bonded Leather, or Hardcover.

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  • Word Has Come Down


    Lent holds a central place in the worship of many Christians. After the joyful celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany, it is vital for Christians to set aside time to repent, meditate, and reflect on the fact that Jesus’ life was a buildup to the ultimate sacrifice of himself on the Cross for our sins. In The Word Has Come Down, Huener guides participants through the ashes of repentance of Ash Wednesday, journeying through the Last Supper of Maundy Thursday and the crucifixion of Good Friday, culminating in the revelation of the risen Jesus at Easter. Along the way, Huener stops to look at each of the main characters in these events, people like Caiaphas, Peter, Judas, Pontius Pilate, and the women at the tomb, allowing each one to tell their side of the story. Huener explores each character in detail, allowing each one to flesh out this central event in Christian history. Whether used for congregational worship, small group study, or personal Lenten devotions, The Word Has Come Down will draw its readers into the beauty, agony, and triumph of Lent and Easter. Beth Huener is the pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Oregon, Ohio, a suburb of Toledo. She has also served at other Lutheran parishes in Ohio and West Virginia.

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  • Origins Of Feasts Fasts And Seasons In Early Christianity


    The liturgical year is a relatively modern invention. The term itself only came into use in the late sixteenth century. In antiquity, Christians did not view the various festivals and fasts that they experienced as a unified whole. Instead, the different seasons formed a number of completely unrelated cycles and tended to overlap and conflict with one another. In early Christianity, the fundamental cycle was that of the seven-day week. Taken over from Judaism by the first Christians, this was centered on Sunday rather than the sabbath. As the early Church established its identity, the days of the week set aside for fasting came to be different from those customary among the Jews. There also existed an annual cycle related to Easter.

    Drawing upon the latest research, the authors track the development of the Church’s feasts, fasts, and seasons, including the sabbath and Sunday, Holy Week and Easter, Christmas and Epiphany, and the feasts of the Virgin Mary, the martyrs, and other saints.

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  • Mindful Meditations For Every Day Of Lent And Easter


    Based on the daily scripture readings for Lent – following the liturgical cycles for A, B, & C – this book helps you explore the depths of your being, your relationship to Christ, and your association with others during this time of spiritual preparation.

    Each day you focus on one scriptural theme. A reflection then reaches out to us in our busy lives to consider what the Word has to offer us during the holidays. Next, a thought to ponder brings home the message for you – to really apply the reading and reflection to your life. Now say a prayer, an offering and petition to the Lord; finally a practice, a chance to change your daily routine in simple ways to bring God’s love to your life and prepare for the paschal mystery and Easter season.

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  • Hard To Dance With The Devil On Your Back (Student/Study Guide)


    Looks at transcendent struggle in the lives of believers while helping readers enter the continually crumbling world surrounding Jesus and the disciples in the days preceding Easter.
    Seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday
    Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, a closing prayer, and a focus for the coming week.

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  • To The Cross And Beyond


    In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — the First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the gospel lesson, we return to the fountainhead, bringing the congregation back to where Christianity began. Like the first disciples, we walk with Jesus, hearing his words and witnessing his miracles as we journey to the Cross.

    To the Cross and Beyond takes us through Jesus’ final days on earth as recounted in the Sundays of Lent and Easter. David O. Bales explores some of the gospel’s best-known moments as Jesus journeys to Jerusalem and, ultimately, to the Cross and then the empty tomb.

    This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
    Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
    Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
    Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
    Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotions

    This insightful collection of sermons includes:
    Looking Down on God
    Putting the World Back Together
    Jesus’ Prayer: The Pause in the Battle
    … and many more!

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  • Show And Tell Cycle A


    In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — The First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the first reading, the congregation returns to the heritage of our faith as described in the Old Testament, as well as in the New Testament book of Acts. We travel with the children of Israel as they take their first steps in faith, reliving the highs and lows of that journey with them. Through studying this part of scripture, we can see our own journey of faith played out by an entire nation.

    Show-and-Tell guides us through some of the earliest accounts in the Bible in Genesis and Exodus, as well as the prophetic words of Isaiah and Ezekiel. During the Easter season, the first readings also explore the beginnings of Christianity as recounted in Acts. By taking us back to the beginning, Dr. Everett offers insight and encouragement into how we can live out our faith today.

    This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
    Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
    Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
    Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
    Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotions

    Sermons in this volume include:
    Will This Be on the Test?
    A Breath of Fresh Air
    Stuck in Park
    … and many more!

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  • Gospel Of Matthew (Reprinted)


    This engaging commentary on the Gospel of Matthew is the fifth of seventeen volumes in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), which will cover the entire New Testament. This volume, like each in the series, relates Scripture to life, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry.

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  • I See The Rhythm Of Gospel


    SKU (ISBN): 9780310718192ISBN10: 0310718198Toyomi Igus | Illustrator: Michele WoodBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 2010Publisher: Zondervan

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  • Every Pilgrims Guide To Walking To Santiago De Compostela


    Every year, some 200,000 people set out on the world’s most famous pilgrimage route – ‘the Camino’, designated a World Heritage Site in 1993. Actually a network of paths with numerous starting places in France and throughout Europe, all routes converge to lead along Spain’s northern coast to Santiago de Compostela. Here the shrine of St James, the patron saint of pilgrimage, was discovered in the 9th century. Already the preferred guide for German and Spanish pilgrims, this new English edition is co-published with the Confraternity of St James, the UK’s leading organisation for promoting pilgrimage to Santiago. A mix of practical information and spiritual inspiration for walkers, it offers a stage-by-stage guide pointing out places of interest along the way; practical tips for walkers; prayers, blessings and spiritual exercises to nourish the pilgrim spirit and deepen the pilgrimage experience. It is illustrated throughout with maps and photographs, and conveniently pocket sized.

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  • Where The Hell Is God


    Combines professional insights along with the author’s own experience and insights to speculate on how believers can make sense of their Christian faith when confronted with tragedy and suffering.

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  • Peacebuilding : Catholic Theology Ethics And Praxis


    Peacebuilding refers to a range of topics, ranging from conflict prevention to post-conflict reconciliation. In this volume a strong cast of Catholic theologians, ethicists, and scholar-practitioners join to examine the challenge of peacebuilding in theory and practice. While many of the essays deal with general themes of reconciliation, forgiveness, interreligious dialogue, and human rights, there are also case studies of peacebuilding in such diverse contexts as Colombia, the Philippines, the Great Lakes region of Africa, Indonesia, and South Africa. This volume will be of interest to all scholars engaged in developing a theology and ethic of just peace, as well as students seeking to understand the interaction between theology, ethics, and lived Christianity.

    Contributors include: John Paul Lederach; Maryann Cusimano Love; Daniel Philpott; William Headley and Reina Neufeldt; Todd Whitmore; Peter-John Pearson; Thomas Michel; Kenneth Himes; Lisa Sowle Cahill; Peter Phan; and David O Brien.

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  • Wondrous Encounters : Scripture For Lent


    During these forty days of Lent, let’s allow ourselves to be known! All the way through. Nothing to hide from, in ourselves, from ourselves, or from God. –from the Introduction.
    Richard Rohr, one of today’s most prophetic voices, invites us to self-disclosure and to enter the wondrous divine dialogue with clarity, insight–and holy desire! These daily meditations for Lent are his gift to us for our transformation into our original image and likeness, which is the very image of God.

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  • My Golden Book Of Prayers


    This “Golden Book” simply and beautifully introduces young children to some favorite well-known prayers. With golden padded cover, gilded edges, and ribbon marker. CPSIA compliant.

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  • Come Out My People


    Wes Howard-Brook presents the Bible as a struggle between two competing religions: not Judaism and Christianity, but the religion of creation versus the religion of empire. Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, these two religions battled for the hearts and minds of the people in claiming radically divergent views of who YHWH is and what it looks like to be YHWH’s people. Though Jesus was killed by the upholders of empire, his resurrection was the definitive vindication of the religion of creation. A consequence, those who follow his path can accept no violence or domination toward people or creation in his name. While many recent scholars have studied the imperial context of the New Testament, this is the first book to trace this theme throughout the entire Bible.

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  • Butlers Lives Of The Saints June


    This original work has been updated for it is most urgent that a thorough revision be undertaken, completely rewritten and with substantial amendments to the selection of entries. These amendments have been made necessary, first by the major reform of the Roman Calendar, and by the unprecedented number of canonizations and beatifications of recent decades. To these factors must be added the ongoing revision of the Roman Martyrology in progress at the Congregation of Divine Worship in Rome, which has altered a number of dates for commemoration, and which this new revision follows.

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  • From Preparation To Passion


    From Preparation to Passion Devotional and Reflective Meditations Celebrating the Lenten Season Based On the Lectionary and Celebrated African-American Sacred Songs and Hymnody There are many devotional books written to help communities of faith and individuals to observe the season of Lent in a devout manner. Here within is another resource that is intended to allow you to truly engage yourself in the preparation and propel you into a Holy passion for Christ by the time you reach Easter. This push to a deeper passion may be enhanced through the connection of the celebrated African-American sacred songs and church hymns. From Preparation to Passion will be a resource you will want to use in subsequent years, as it offers insights through the meditative readings on the message that the music and the Word of God brings! From Preparation to Passion includes meditations highlighting sacred songs such as: “My Tribute,” “God Is,” “O Didn’t It Rain,” “I love Thy Kingdom Lord,” and more! Excerpt: Jesus’ avowal that the church is a “House of Prayer” rather than a den of thieves still applies. As present day pilgrims, prayer should stand as the “sweet communion” that draws us into a deeper love for the church and “her heavenly ways.”

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  • Catholics On Call


    What do you really want to do with your life? Who do you want to be in your life? How does God speak to you about your life? This volume, like the Catholics on Call program at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, raises these important questions. The highly respected essayists shed light on the variety of vocational paths in the church while providing insights about discernment, ministry, and prayer. They seek to offer young men and women information, guidance, and inspiration as they discern a life of ministry-and help them to discover that discerning a vocation is not a matter of choosing the more appealing of a variety of options; rather, it is an openness to discovering God’s will.

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  • Finding Your Hidden Treasure


    The most important journey in life is the journey inward, to the depths of our own bing. It is a journey we are all invited to make. It takes us beyond words and images into silence. The silence allows the restless mind to become still and in the stillness we enter a new world. We return to our hearts. Here we find our true selves. We discover an ancient way of finding God that has almost become lost. Slowly, we realize that we are in union with the source of life and love itself. Our whole life changes. Our goal now is to take God’s love to others in our everyday lives.

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  • Saint John Neumann


    Richard Boever has creatively written a biography of Saint John Neumann in the first person, as if the saint were speaking to the reader. This book invites each of us to accompany Saint John Neumann along his path of faithful discipleship, deepening our own commitment of discipleship in living out our unique vocation in Christ.

    Justin Cardinal Rigali July 15, 2010

    Saint John Neumann: His Writings and Spirituality is the great story of a poor immigrant who rose from priest to bishop and became known for his spirituality, patience, and service. He was the first canonized male saint from the United States, laid the foundation of the Catholic school system in the United States, and introduced the Forty Hours devotion. This book will provide a fresh determination and devotion to your personal prayer and reflection.

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  • Lay Ecclesial Ministry


    Amy Hoey

    Part I: Response To Co-Workers In The Vineyard Of The Lord

    Co-Workers In The Vineyard Of The Lord: A Pastoral Perspective On Its Reception
    H.Richard McCord, Jr.
    The Theological Reception Of Co-Workers In The Vineyard Of The Lord
    Richard R. Gaillardetz
    Part II: Mining Our Theological Tradition

    Ministry In The New Testament
    Emil A. Wcela
    Being A Ministering Church: Insights From History
    Thomas F. O’Meara
    Theology Of Lay Ecclesial Ministry: Future Trajectories
    Edward P. Hahnenberg
    Lay Ecclesial Ministry And Ritual
    Catherine Vincie
    Lay Ecclesial Ministry And Parish Leadership Options: Canonical Reflections In Light Of Co-Workers In The Vineyard
    Sharon A. Euart
    Part III: Mining Our Spiritual Tradition

    Spirit Guides And Table Companions: Saints As Models For Lay Ecclesial Ministers
    Regina Bechtle
    Formation For Lay Ministry: Learnings From Religious Life
    Juliana Casey
    Part IV: Implications For Pastoral Practice

    The Call Of Co-Workers In The Vineyard Of The Lord For Cultural Diversity In Lay Ecclesial Ministry Formation Programs
    William H. Johnston
    Adopting Effective Human Resource Development Strategies For The Catholic Church In The United States
    Michael J. O’Loughlin With Michael J. Brough
    Strengthening Ministerial Leadership: Perspectives From Systems Theory
    Zeni Fox

    Additional Info
    The role of lay ecclesial ministers-professionally prepared laity who serve in leadership roles-is becoming critically more important in the life of the Catholic church. In Lay Ecclesial Ministry, theologians and pastoral leaders from diverse disciplines provide a deeper understanding, envision future direction, and offer inspiration for these new ministers and the community of the church.

    Building on the themes of the first official document addressing lay ecclesial ministry, Co-workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2005, this book delves deeply into key topics. Authors reflect on dimensions of the Catholic tradition to enrich our understanding of this new reality of lay ministry in the church, to envision future developments, and to offer inspiration. Contributors draw on a variety of theological perspectives, including canon law, church history, ecclesiology, liturgy, and scripture, to ground understanding of lay ecclesial ministry within the Catholic tradition and to chart direction for further response to this newly emergent ministry. The book also offers inspiration and models of service to lay ministers, looking to stories of the saints and communities of vowed religious.

    Lay Ecclesial Ministry is an essential resource for the Catholic community in understanding and building upon this new and increasingly important component of church life.

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  • Culture Inculturation And Theologians


    “The split between the Gospel and culture is without doubt the drama of our time,” wrote Paul VI in 1975. Since that time there has been an increasingly urgent awareness that inculturation is an indispensable task of the church. But inculturation, the dialogue between church and cultures, demands first of all that we who would enter into the dialogue understand what “culture” itself means and what dialogue entails. To that end, cultural anthropologist Father Gerald Arbuckle gives us this important volume.

    He traces the history of the development of the concept of “culture,” and the too-often negative, rarely positive effects of encounters between church and culture.
    He explores how Jesus Christ approached the cultures of his time, and outlines the current treatment of culture and inculturation in church documents and in Catholic theology.
    He shows that modest progress in understanding has recently stalled, and there are even forces working to turn that progress into regress.
    He concludes with a description of inculturation as it needs to happen-and a sharp critique of those who resist. With a sense of prophetic hope, Arbuckle seeks to help us bridge the lamentable split between Gospel and culture, the drama that continues to unfold in our time.

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