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Showing 1551–1600 of 2559 results

  • And God Said Play Ball


    This book is entertaining and educational: fanciful and inspirational. And God Said, “Play Ball!” makes the Bible more approachable by relating it to a game loved by both children and adults. It also shows that baseball is not only a game, but a never-ending series of lessons about life, as well. The book is divided into 18 chapters, each representing one half inning of a baseball game. In each half inning a topic is explored, with parallels being drawn between the Bible and the game. Author Gary Graf has been a baseball fan for more than 40 years and a Catholic longer than that. You won’t find a more inspiring gift for the baseball fan in your life.

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  • Wounded For Us


    By focusing on the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf — and powerfully linking it to our lives today — this comprehensive resource offers a compelling approach to observing Lent that truly prepares worshipers to experience Easter’s new hope, new possibilities, and new life. Based on the ancient tradition of the five wounds of Christ, Wounded For Us identifies places where we find ourselves hurting, then connects them to one of the wounds Jesus suffered and explores how Christ’s resurrection offers reconciliation and healing.

    Wounded For Us draws an imaginative analogy between Jesus’ wounds and these areas in our lives where we are wounded:
    * Head (crown of thorns) — our thoughts
    * Side (piercing) — our spirit and emotions
    * Back (scourging) — our hopes and dreams
    * Hands (nails) — our relationships
    * Feet (nails) — our actions

    With sermon and worship material for Ash Wednesday, the Sundays in Lent, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, Wounded For Us provides a complete package with everything needed for developing meaningful, thematically unified services throughout the Lenten season. Each sermon suggests an action plan that applies the “cure” of the gospel to our wounds, and reproducible outlines that help the congregation focus on the main themes are also included.

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  • Lent Holy Week Easter And The Great 50 Days


    This long-awaited companion volume to Howard E. Galley’s classic The Ceremonies of the Eucharist provides clergy, liturgical assistants, and altar guild members with clear, step-by-step guidance for the liturgies of Lent and Easter. In addition to background material for the traditions and theology of each season, Mitchell includes specific preparations and instructions for each liturgy of the paschal cycle-Ash Wednesday through Pentecost-as well as Tenebrae, the Way of the Cross, the Vigil of Pentecost, the liturgies of the catechumenate, and the chrism mass. He also provides helpful ideas for how the often complex liturgies of these seasons can be done simply and well by small congregations.

    Based on the liturgies of The Book of Common Prayer and the latest edition of The Book of Occasional Services, this ceremonial guide also draws on the paschal liturgies of other Anglican traditions, including those in Canada’s Book of Alternative Services.

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  • Augustine And Literature


    Robert P. Kennedy, Kim Paffenroth, John Doody, And Marylu Hill
    Literature To The Sixteenth Century

    The Weight Of Love: Augustinian Metaphors Of Movement In Dante’s Souls
    Phillip Cary
    “Se Onne Isne Wealsteal Wise Ge Ohte”: An Augustinian Reading Of The Early English Meditation “The Wanderer”
    Mary Agnes Edsall
    “There’s A Divinity That Shapes Our Ends”: An Augustinian Reading Of Hamlet
    Eric Plumer
    Literature Of The Seventeenth Century

    St. Augustine And The Metaphysical Poets
    Barry L. Craig
    Eloquence For The Age Of Enlightenment: Fenelon’s Saint Augustine
    Christine A. Jones
    Justifying The Ways Of God And Man: Theodicy In Augustine And Milton
    John Savoie
    Nineteenth Century Literature

    The Senescence Of The World: Augustine’s Idea Of History And Ibsen’s Emperor And Galilean
    Thomas F. Bertonneau
    “Descend That You May Ascend”: Augustine, Dostoevsky, And The Confessions Of Ivan Karamazov
    Paul J. Contino
    “Eat Me, Drink Me, Love Me”: Eucharist And The Erotic Body In Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market
    Marylu Hill
    “Words, Those Precious Cups Of Meaning”: Augustine’s Influence On The Thought And Poetry Of Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J.
    Emily Taylor Merriman
    A Season In Hell, Or The Confessions Of Arthur Rimbaud
    Glenn Moulaison
    Feminine Wisdom In Augustine And Goethe’s Faust
    Kim Paffenroth
    Twentieth Century Literature

    Faulkner’s Augustinian Sense Of Time
    Seemee Ali
    Augustinian Physicality And The Rhetoric Of The Grotesque In The Art Of Flannery O’Connor
    Debra Romanick Baldwin
    Marking The Frontiers Of World War II With “Stabilized Disorder”: Rebecca West Reads St. Augustine
    Mary Anne Schofield
    Confessional Ethics In Augustine And Ralph Ellison
    Mark Shiffman

    Additional Info
    The influence of Christianity on literature has been great throughout history, as has been the influence of the great Christian, Augustine. Augustine and Literature considers the influence of Augustine on the theory and practice of an academic discipline of which he himself was not a practitioner-literature, especially poetry and fiction. The essays in this volume explore the many influences of Augustine on literature, most obviously in terms of themes and symbols, but also more pervasively perhaps in proving that literature strives for meaning through and beyond the fictional or metaphorical surface. The authors discussed in these essays, from Dante and Milton to O’Connor and Faulkner, all demonstrate a common concern that literature must be attentive to the highest things and the deepest journeys of the soul. Together these essays offer a compelling argument that literature and Augustine do belong together in the common task of guiding the soul toward the truth it desires.

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  • Essential Moral Handbook (Revised)


    Everything you need for understanding and practicing the Catholic faith in today’s world.

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  • Spirituality And Mysticism


    A wise and trustworthy introduction to spirituality and mysticism, their meaning, and their importance for our age.

    James Wiseman introduces spirituality as the “experience of anyone trying to live according to the highest ideals of his or her tradition.” At a second level it involves “the formulation of a teaching about that experience” and then scholarly reflection on the first two levels.

    In Spirituality and Mysticism Wiseman explores the biblical origins and patristic development of a distinct Christian spirituality, through the middle ages and into modernity. He ends with reflections on how the new experience of being a world Christian body has brought in the richness of African, Asian, and Latin American experiences.

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  • Scriptures The Cross And The Power Of God


    This collection of nine meditations from renowned biblical scholar and Anglican Bishop Tom Wright carries the Holy Week from its solemn beginnings to the dramatic conclusion on Good Friday and Easter.

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  • Reading Salvation : Word Worship And The Mysteries


    This inaugural issue captures something of the enormity of what the Church claims for Scripture. To read Scripture is to be “reading salvation”. Here we encounter the living Word of God who desires to lead all humankind to worship and communion in the mystery of His own divine life.

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  • Thomas Merton Encyclopedia



    An indispensable guide to the life and thought of one of the spiritual giants of the twentieth century.

    The authoritative essays, with 350 entries and 50 illustrations, written by top Merton scholars, are arranged alphabetically and cover the following themes:
    Merton’s books
    Essential themes that emerge from his books
    Persons who were important in his life
    The places where he lived out his life

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  • Missions And Money (Revised)


    Money is required for mission, but wealth can distort the process of making manifest the person of Jesus. First published in 1991, Missions and Money became a much-discussed book in Christian missionary circles. Here, Bonk offers new reflections in the light of a changed situation, one marked by increases in the number of short-term missioners and huge increases in the numbers of Asians, Africans, and Latin Americans who are leaving their homelands to serve as missionaries to other peoples. Included are two new essays by Christopher J. H. Wright on the righteous rich in the Hebrew Bible and by Justo Gonzalez on faith and wealth in the Christian Bible and the early church.

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  • Word Into Life Year B (Revised)


    The Word into Life is a valuable tool that will help leaders of Christian initiation groups “break open” the word of God proclaimed in the Sunday liturgy. Whether group participants are adults, adolescents, or children, The Word into Life offers commentary and questions for discussion to bring the Sunday Scriptures alive

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  • Being Catholic : How We Believe Practice And Think


    A bishop is not only a spiritual shepherd but a teacher. In this book the author teaches in clear, concise language the basic beliefs and practices of Catholics and what shapes a Catholic’s thinking. The book discusses:
    How We Believe
    How We Practice
    How We Think

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  • Rabbi Looks At Jesus Parables



    The Search For Paradise

    Jesus Teaches In His Hometown Synagogue

    The Parable Of The Sower

    Jesus Teaches Of The Wheat And The Weeds

    Other Parables About The Kingdom Of God

    More Parables About The Kingdom Of God

    Parables About Servants And Workers

    Parables About Lamps, Lights, Salt And Cities

    Parables About Vineyards, Orchards And Fields

    Parables Dealing With Sheep And Money

    The Parable Of A Rich Man Who Decided To Enjoy Himself

    Parables About Dinners And Banquets

    Parables About Fathers And Sons

    Special People

    The Parable Of The Priest, The Levite, And The Samaritan

    The Rich Man, The Beggar, And The Unclean Spirit

    Two Parables In John

    The Last Parables


    The Secrets Jesus Taught



    About The Author

    Additional Info
    Intended to appeal to both Christians and Jews,A Rabbi Looks at Jesus’ Parables is an introduction to the teachings of Jesus, and compares the similarities and differences in Jesus’ thinking to other Jewish sources from first-century Palestine. Each chapter uncovers hidden messages within each of Jesus’ parables, and discusses each parable within its first-century religious and historical context. The book attempts to build bridges of understanding between Christians and Jews by exploring the notion that we share a common history

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  • Galilean Journey : The Mexican American Promise


    The groundbreaking work in Hispanic theology, relates the story of the Galilean Jesus to the story of a new mestizo people.

    In this work, which marked the arrival of a new era of Hispanic/Latino theology in the United States, Virgilio Elizondo described the “Galilee principle”: “What human beings reject, God chooses as his very own”. This principle is well understood by Mexican-Americans, for whom mestizaje — the mingling of ethnicity, race, and culture — is a distinctive feature of their identity. In the person of Jesus, whose marginalized Galilean identity also marked him as a mestizo, the Mexican-American struggle for identity and new life becomes luminous.

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  • On Christian Belief


    The seven works of Saint Augustine that are contained in this volume all deal with the problem of faith in God. They were written over the course of three decades, beginning with True Religion (390) and extending to the Enchiridion of Faith, Hope and Charity (c.421). Hence this selection of writings provides an impressive insight into the intellectual and spiritual development of one of the greatest of all Western minds, as it grappled with a question that has never ceased to preoccupy and stimulate Western thought: Is it reasonable to believe in God, and what form might such belief take?

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  • Key Moments In Church History




    Jesus Of Nazareth

    The Early Church

    The Church Gives Birth To The New Testament

    The Constantinian Era

    The Council Of Chalcedon

    The Crusades, The Inquisition, Saint Dominic And St. Francis Of Assisi

    The Protestant Reformation

    The Council Of Trent

    Ultramontanism And The First Vatican Council

    Pius X And The Modernist Crisis

    John XXIII And The Second Vatican Council

    Epilogue: The Current State Of The Church

    Additional Info
    Spanning from the birth of Christianity through the Crusades and the Protestant Reformation to John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council, Key Moments in Church History is a brief and accessible guide to the origins and evolution of the Catholic Church. In this insightful and informative look at eleven of the most significant periods in church history, Finley not only helps readers understand the context and characters of the past, but sheds light on the current and future Church. The result is a hopeful and inspirational reading experience that is ideal for personal reflection or group use

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  • Rahner Beyond Rahner



    Introduction: Improbable Encounters?
    Paul Crowley, S.J.
    Part One: Encounters With Religions

    Rahner Beyond Rahner: A Comparative Theologian’s Reflections On Theological Investigations
    Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
    The Body Of Blessing
    Thomas Sheehan
    Constraints On The Theological Absorption Of Plurality
    Catherine Bell
    Karl Rahner’s Legacy And The Prospects For Muslim-Christian Understanding
    David Pinault
    Part Two: Encounters With Cultures

    From The Kulturkampf To China’s Cultural Christians
    George Griener, S.J.
    Guadalupe’s Challenge To Rahner’s Theology Of Symbol
    Nancy Pineda-Madrid
    Rethinking Rahner On Grace And Symbol: New Proposals From The Americas
    Robert Lassalle-Klein
    Religious Disillusionment In A Land Of Illusions
    Michael McCarthy, S.J.
    Part Three: Encounters With Theology, Ethics And Spirituality

    Rahner’s Theology Of The Cross
    Lois Malcolm
    Rahner, Ethics And Cultures
    David DeCosse
    Rahner And The Avatar: The Challenge From Popular Religions
    Mark F. Fischer
    The Stillpoint: Autoeroticism Or Grace?
    G. Donald Maloney
    Afterword: Where Do We Go From Here? Rahner In The Pacific Rim And Beyond
    Tom Powers, S.J

    Additional Info
    One hundred years after the birth of Karl Rahner, the contributors to this book ask whether and how Rahner’s theology can address new religious and cultural realities in the twenty-first century, particularly those realities found on what has come to be called the Pacific Rim. Stretching from California and Latin America, and across the Pacific Ocean to Asia, this geographic region manifests an incredible cultural and religious diversity, but also many points of intersection and interpenetration, resulting in new forms of religion and spirituality. The theological categories generated by Rahner, such as the anonymous Christian and even the notion of a world church, meet steep challenges when read in contexts very different from that of Germany and the theological currents of the Atlantic. At the same time, the encounter between Rahner and the Pacific Rim results in fresh readings of Rahner not previously imagined, not only in places like China and Mexico, but even Los Angeles.

    Anchored by a seminal essay by Francis X. Clooney, S.J. (Harvard), contributors, include Thomas Sheehan (Stanford), Catherine Bell (Santa Clara), and George Griener, S.J. (Berkeley). Each essay examines the possibilities and limitations of Rahner’s theology in this newly configured Pacific world.

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  • Church Ethics And Its Organizational Context


    Jean M. Bartunek And James F. Keenan
    Part I. New Ways Of Understanding The Crisis

    Section 1: The Crisis And The Scandal

    Understanding The Crisis In The Church
    Paul Lakeland
    The Sexual Abuse Scandal As Social Drama
    Jean M. Bartunek
    Section 2: The Context Of The Church In The United States

    The Six Stages Of Catholicism In America
    James M. O’Toole
    The Struggle To Preserve Religious Capital: A Sociological Perspective On The Catholic Church In The United States
    Michele Dillon
    Section 3. The Church And Leadership: Perspectives On Reform

    Ecclesiological Perspectives On Church Reform
    Richard R. Gaillardetz
    Looking Good Vs. Being Good: Pitfalls Of Maintaining Perceptions Of Strong Leadership Following Organizational Scandals
    Kimberly D. Elsbach
    Part II. Ethics, Organizations, And Church Culture

    Section 1: Framing Professional Relationships In The Church

    Toward An Ecclesial Professional Ethics
    James F. Keenan
    Renewing The Psychological Contracts Of The Clergy And Laity
    Denise M. Rousseau
    Section 2: Organizational Perspectives On Morality And Ethics

    Organizational Morality
    C. R. Hinings And Michael K. Mauws
    Ethics Codes, Intervention And Corruption Reform Methods For Ecclesial Professionals
    Richard P. Nielson
    Section 3: Proposing An Ethical Code?

    A Professional Code Of Ethics Reflecting The Nature Of A Christian Vocation And An Understanding Of Leadership In The Church
    Francis J. Butler
    A Professional Code Of Ethics?
    Richard M. Gula S.S.
    Section 4: Civil And Canonical Cautions

    Toward An Ecclesiastical Professional Ethic: Lessons From The Legal Profession
    Daniel R. Coquillette And Judith A. McMorrow
    “Turning Pro:” Theologico-Canonical Hurdles On The Way To A Professional Ethic For Church Leaders
    John P. Beal
    Section 5: Reflections On An Ethical Church Culture

    Reflections On Ethics Organizations, And Church Culture
    James E. Post
    An Ethical Church Culture
    Patricia M. Y. Chang
    Biographical Sketches

    Additional Info
    Church Ethics and Its Organizational Context is the first book to provide a broadly interdisciplinary approach to understanding the leadership crisis in the Catholic Church in the wake of the sex abuse scandal and how it was handled. Well-known scholars, religious clergy, and laymen in the trenches of church formation and leadership come together from the disciplines of organizational behavior, theology, sociology, history, and law, to foster the creation of a new code of ethics that is both ecclesial and professional. Touching on issues of governance, authority, accountability, and transparency, this volume goes on to specifically explore whether and how professional ethics can shape the identity and actions of Church leaders, ministers, and their congregations.

    While evoked by the sex scandal in the Church, the essays in this book raise questions that have implications far beyond this current issue, to much broader issues such as the role of professionalism in ethics and what it means for an organization to engage in moral action.

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  • Contemporary Varieties Of Religious Experience



    Evolution Of A Pluralist

    James’s Conversion Typology




    Between Me And My God

    Additional Info
    First published in 1902, William James’s Varieties of Religious Experience is considered a classic in religious studies and the psychology of religion. But how has James’s classic study weathered decades of development in psychology and behavioral sciences? Do the assertions about religious experience in the Varieties still ring true in light of neuro-cognitive and neuro-hormonal research, resiliency studies, studies of temperament, and traumatic studies? By extending William James’s own research throughout the century since its publication this volume seeks to answer those questions. In doing so, it revolutionizes our understanding of James’s own view of psychology and reveals the extraordinary value of James’s perspective for religion, psychology, and spirituality today. In doing so, it offers vital insights for pastoral care and faith development at both the individual and congregational level.

    From the Introduction by James Fowler:

    Drawing on the authenticity of her own experience, Bridgers carries us into a remarkably clear and well documented account that traces William James’s evolution as a psychologist, philosopher, and a deeply engaged inquirer into the dynamics of spiritual development and transformation… This book has a major contribution to make. Bridgers’s study illumines the horizons of contemporary research in the study of religious experience, in all its varieties, and in the context of globalization.

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  • Church Ethics And Its Organizational Context


    Jean M. Bartunek And James F. Keenan
    Part I. New Ways Of Understanding The Crisis

    Section 1: The Crisis And The Scandal

    Understanding The Crisis In The Church
    Paul Lakeland
    The Sexual Abuse Scandal As Social Drama
    Jean M. Bartunek
    Section 2: The Context Of The Church In The United States

    The Six Stages Of Catholicism In America
    James M. O’Toole
    The Struggle To Preserve Religious Capital: A Sociological Perspective On The Catholic Church In The United States
    Michele Dillon
    Section 3. The Church And Leadership: Perspectives On Reform

    Ecclesiological Perspectives On Church Reform
    Richard R. Gaillardetz
    Looking Good Vs. Being Good: Pitfalls Of Maintaining Perceptions Of Strong Leadership Following Organizational Scandals
    Kimberly D. Elsbach
    Part II. Ethics, Organizations, And Church Culture

    Section 1: Framing Professional Relationships In The Church

    Toward An Ecclesial Professional Ethics
    James F. Keenan
    Renewing The Psychological Contracts Of The Clergy And Laity
    Denise M. Rousseau
    Section 2: Organizational Perspectives On Morality And Ethics

    Organizational Morality
    C. R. Hinings And Michael K. Mauws
    Ethics Codes, Intervention And Corruption Reform Methods For Ecclesial Professionals
    Richard P. Nielson
    Section 3: Proposing An Ethical Code?

    A Professional Code Of Ethics Reflecting The Nature Of A Christian Vocation And An Understanding Of Leadership In The Church
    Francis J. Butler
    A Professional Code Of Ethics?
    Richard M. Gula S.S.
    Section 4: Civil And Canonical Cautions

    Toward An Ecclesiastical Professional Ethic: Lessons From The Legal Profession
    Daniel R. Coquillette And Judith A. McMorrow
    “Turning Pro:” Theologico-Canonical Hurdles On The Way To A Professional Ethic For Church Leaders
    John P. Beal
    Section 5: Reflections On An Ethical Church Culture

    Reflections On Ethics Organizations, And Church Culture
    James E. Post
    An Ethical Church Culture
    Patricia M. Y. Chang
    Biographical Sketches

    Additional Info
    Church Ethics and Its Organizational Context is the first book to provide a broadly interdisciplinary approach to understanding the leadership crisis in the Catholic Church in the wake of the sex abuse scandal and how it was handled. Well-known scholars, religious clergy, and laymen in the trenches of church formation and leadership come together from the disciplines of organizational behavior, theology, sociology, history, and law, to foster the creation of a new code of ethics that is both ecclesial and professional. Touching on issues of governance, authority, accountability, and transparency, this volume goes on to specifically explore whether and how professional ethics can shape the identity and actions of Church leaders, ministers, and their congregations.

    While evoked by the sex scandal in the Church, the essays in this book raise questions that have implications far beyond this current issue, to much broader issues such as the role of professionalism in ethics and what it means for an organization to engage in moral action.

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  • Rahner Beyond Rahner



    Introduction: Improbable Encounters?
    Paul Crowley, S.J.
    Part One: Encounters With Religions

    Rahner Beyond Rahner: A Comparative Theologian’s Reflections On Theological Investigations
    Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
    The Body Of Blessing
    Thomas Sheehan
    Constraints On The Theological Absorption Of Plurality
    Catherine Bell
    Karl Rahner’s Legacy And The Prospects For Muslim-Christian Understanding
    David Pinault
    Part Two: Encounters With Cultures

    From The Kulturkampf To China’s Cultural Christians
    George Griener, S.J.
    Guadalupe’s Challenge To Rahner’s Theology Of Symbol
    Nancy Pineda-Madrid
    Rethinking Rahner On Grace And Symbol: New Proposals From The Americas
    Robert Lassalle-Klein
    Religious Disillusionment In A Land Of Illusions
    Michael McCarthy, S.J.
    Part Three: Encounters With Theology, Ethics And Spirituality

    Rahner’s Theology Of The Cross
    Lois Malcolm
    Rahner, Ethics And Cultures
    David DeCosse
    Rahner And The Avatar: The Challenge From Popular Religions
    Mark F. Fischer
    The Stillpoint: Autoeroticism Or Grace?
    G. Donald Maloney
    Afterword: Where Do We Go From Here? Rahner In The Pacific Rim And Beyond
    Tom Powers, S.J

    Additional Info
    One hundred years after the birth of Karl Rahner, the contributors to this book ask whether and how Rahner’s theology can address new religious and cultural realities in the twenty-first century, particularly those realities found on what has come to be called the Pacific Rim. Stretching from California and Latin America, and across the Pacific Ocean to Asia, this geographic region manifests an incredible cultural and religious diversity, but also many points of intersection and interpenetration, resulting in new forms of religion and spirituality. The theological categories generated by Rahner, such as the anonymous Christian and even the notion of a world church, meet steep challenges when read in contexts very different from that of Germany and the theological currents of the Atlantic. At the same time, the encounter between Rahner and the Pacific Rim results in fresh readings of Rahner not previously imagined, not only in places like China and Mexico, but even Los Angeles.

    Anchored by a seminal essay by Francis X. Clooney, S.J. (Harvard), contributors, include Thomas Sheehan (Stanford), Catherine Bell (Santa Clara), and George Griener, S.J. (Berkeley). Each essay examines the possibilities and limitations of Rahner’s theology in this newly configured Pacific world.

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  • Day By Day With Saint Benedict


    Kardong, editor of American Benedictine Review, has spent years wrestling with the meaning and implications of Benedict’s Rule. Here he gives bite-size ruminations on all manner of topics in an accessible 366-day format. Makes a convenient springboard for deeper investigation.

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  • Clearing Season : Reflections For Lent


    Cities across the world celebrate the day-before with colorful parades and over-the-top parties. Then Wednesday arrives … Sigh. Lent. has. begun.

    You hear about devout friends giving up seemingly innocent things in life (like chocolate) or stressing out to live a more perfect life during six grueling weeks – for reasons you don’t completely understand. Sermons about penitence are preached, and guilt soaks the congregation.

    Sound like a good time?! It’s time to rethink Lent.

    Or at least see it for the positive opportunity it offers. It’s spring-cleaning for the soul! Lent offers you time to pause, consider, and renew your relationship with God – an altogether hopeful (not dreary) experience.

    “To arrive at newness of life, we first name parts of our lives that are shrouded in darkness,” writes Parsons. “To put it very dramatically,… your first order of business is to break your heart for God. We walk through some muck so that we can leave it behind and find Easter joy beyond…. With God’s help we will clear the darkness away and begin to experience greater joy and newness of life.”

    Sure, there’s work to be done during Lent, but it’s the gentle, gradual work of opening one’s heart and mind to grace. A Clearing Space will move you week by week from “wilderness to holy ground,” using a personal tone that will stir and challenge personal reflection.

    Parsons includes exercises for small groups, as well as questions at the end of each chapter for individual reflection. Also included is an appendix of spiritual practices for Lent you may not have considered before.

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  • Myth Of Religious Superiority


    In this challenging book, the leading exponents of the idea that all religions are a refraction of a truth no single tradition can exclusively reveal discuss what to make of that conviction in today’s world of interreligious strife.

    For nearly twenty years the views of pluralists on the fundamental equality of all religions seemed to hold sway in academia. As many attacked that view as mistaken, its proponents listened to their critics. The seventeen contributors to this volume argue from a variety of perspectives for the continued soundness and relevance of the pluralist paradigm.
    Overall these essays try to make the case that the next step in interreligious interchange ought to be the development of a multifaith, pluralistic theology of religion.

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  • Practical Theology : On Earth As It Is In Heaven


    SKU (ISBN): 9781570756146ISBN10: 1570756147Terry VelingBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2005Publisher: Orbis Books

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  • Catherine Of Siena (Reprinted)


    Introduction to the prayer and ministry of St. Catherine

    Makes accesible to a large reading public the extraordinary sensitivity and affection of Catherine of Siena, gifts grounded in love.

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  • Thomas Merton : Prophet Of Renewal


    SKU (ISBN): 9780879070106ISBN10: 0879070102John BambergerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2005Monastic WisdomPublisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Key Moments In Church History




    Jesus Of Nazareth

    The Early Church

    The Church Gives Birth To The New Testament

    The Constantinian Era

    The Council Of Chalcedon

    The Crusades, The Inquisition, Saint Dominic And St. Francis Of Assisi

    The Protestant Reformation

    The Council Of Trent

    Ultramontanism And The First Vatican Council

    Pius X And The Modernist Crisis

    John XXIII And The Second Vatican Council

    Epilogue: The Current State Of The Church

    Additional Info
    Spanning from the birth of Christianity through the Crusades and the Protestant Reformation to John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council, Key Moments in Church History is a brief and accessible guide to the origins and evolution of the Catholic Church. In this insightful and informative look at eleven of the most significant periods in church history, Finley not only helps readers understand the context and characters of the past, but sheds light on the current and future Church. The result is a hopeful and inspirational reading experience that is ideal for personal reflection or group use

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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton


    Maisie Ward’s biography of Gilbert Keith Chesterton has long been a cornerstone in Chesterton studies, as well as in the publishing house she and her husband, Frank Sheed, founded in 1926. Originally published in 1942, just six years after Chesterton’s untimely death, this book combines Ward’s unique perspective as the author’s friend and publisher with an examination of his personal correspondence and interviews with his closest friends and family. Here are Chesterton’s childhood and school days, the friendship and foolery of youth, his early theological development, high spirited love letters, the variety and richness of his travel and life abroad, his lectures, his writings, and his indominable spirit. A Sheed & Ward Classic, this re-release of Ward’s definitive biography is sure to delight existing “Chestertonians” and introduce a new generation to one of Catholicism’s brightest lights.

    From the new introduction by Andrew Greeley:

    “This book had a decisive impact on me and on my life when I read it at the age of sixteen–and not merely because my fictional detective Blackie Ryan is an American cousin of GKC’s Father Brown. Ms. Ward’s biography introduced me not only to a world of literature of which I had been unaware, but to a perspective on literature and life which was enormously attractive because it confirmed many of the insights, instincts, inclinations, biases, and loves which were knocking around in my adolescent skull. I have been a Chestertonian all my life in part because I had been one without knowing it even before I read Ms. Ward’s biography.”

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  • Problems With Atonement


    The origins of atonement are found in Paul’s writings. Popular Christian theology has understood them to mean that God demanded a bloody victim to pay for human sin. In Problems with Atonement Stephen Finlan examines the Christian doctrine of atonement and current debates about it. He considers its biblical foundation in Pauline texts, the Old Testament background, and the theological questions under discussion about atonement. He provides ancient historical background and raises questions, such as whether the Incarnation must be understood through the lens of atonement.

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  • Sacred Is The Call


    Presented by Mercy Center, a leading spiritual direction program in the United States, this handbook addresses questions asked by every spiritual direction trainer about how to present key topics. It also provides guidance for individual seekers looking to further their own spiritual growth. Contributors include such luminaries as Mary Ann Scofield, Jim Neafsey, Don Bisson, Jim Keegan SJ, Bill Creed SJ, Lucy Abbott Tucker, Maria Bowen, Joe Driskill, and Jim Bowler. Topics include contemplative listening, discernment, the wisdom of the body, ethics, male and female perspectives, sexuality, and prayer. Each contribution features reflection questions and suggestions for further reading.

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  • With One Voice (Reprinted)


    Every Sunday morning people all over the world look up at a screen, open a hymnal, or simply take a breath … and sing. Why? Are people just participating in the service or is there something more behind church music? With One Voice examines the theology of song in worship and looks at how music is used to relate to God. Whatever the style, song has the power to bring believers into the company of the Savior himself and allows them to participate in the very redemption of all creation. Between these pages, worship leaders, church musicians, and all churchgoers will discover not just the history of song in worship but why believers continue to sing in worship today.

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  • Cave Of The Heart


    This book wanders through the life of Swami Abhishiktananda (1910-1973), the name adopted by Friar Henri le Saux after he emigrated to India, in 1948. Also, learn about the unique spiritual path he launched, integrating Christian and Hindu elements.

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  • Whats Faith Got To Do With It


    A black Episcopal priest and theologian explores the history of “platonized” Christianity that results in distortions of the Gospels, including racism, classicism, sexism and the violence they inspire and condone.

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  • Gospel Of John


    No other book of the New Testament has attracted as much attention from commentators as the Fourth Gospel. It has stirred minds, hearts, and imaginations from Christianity’s earliest days. In The Gospel of John, Francis Moloney unfolds the identifiable “point of view” of this unique Gospel narrative and offers readers, heirs to its rich and widely varied interpretative traditions, relevance for their lives today. Includes an updated bibliography as an appendix.

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  • Jesus Ben Sira Of Jerusalem


    Questions of vocation and character formation become important to students as they continue to receive higher education. Jesus Ben Sira combines secular wisdom from Near Eastern wisdom sources and divine revelations from the Hebrew Bible to create the Book of Sirach. By applying form criticism to Ben Sira’s book, Daniel J. Harrington provides students with historical information of the psychological and sociological context underlying Ben Sira’s teachings, as well as an understanding of how Ben Sira’s ancient wisdom can contribute to personal and social formation in the 21st century.

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  • Towards A Truly Catholic Church


    How should we understand church? Is it visible or invisible, one or many, local or universal, hierarchical or congregational in its structure, sacramental or biblical in its expression? Different Christians–whether Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, or Evangelical–tend to approach these foundational questions through the lenses of their own histories and traditions. Some place great weight on the Church’s Christological foundations, and thus on history. Others place more emphasis on the dynamic work of the Spirit, with its capacity to introduce the new and the unexpected. Others see an original diversity of ecclesiologies, grounding a contemporary pluralism of confessions. These lenses color not just how Christians see the church today, but also how they imagine it for tomorrow.

    In Towards a Truly Catholic Church, Thomas Rausch, SJ, draws on these different voices to develop a theology for the church that builds on the work of the Vatican II, is ecumenical in its approach, and envisions the church in the context of globalization. In an increasingly interconnected world, Rausch offers hope that tomorrow’s church will be a world church, a communion that reconciles unity in diversity.

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  • Jonahs Journeys


    The book of Jonah has been richly commented upon by centuries of Christians and Jews. Writers of prose and poetry have loved it as well as those interested in liturgy. Jonah is a small book, and yet it is placed with issues that have shown themselves existentially powerful over time and among readers of many types and cultures. In essence, Jonah’s journey’s among interpreters have had a great deal of territory to explore.

    In Jonah’s Journey’s, Barbara Green, O.P., focuses on the character Jonah and explores the variety of ways in which the prophet and the book have been represented and understood by various interpreters. The question of how readers construct meaning is central to the text.

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  • 1 Thessalonians Philippians 2 Thessalonians Colossians Ephesians


    Vincent M. Smiles provides a fresh look at the early Church and the faith with which they approached their dynamic, diverse community. With a brief introduction to each letter, Smiles brings to light issues such as authorship, dating, and historical situation. Smiles focuses on similarities and contrasts-such as eschatology, ecclesiology and the status of women–within these diverse, yet unified letters.

    A reading of these letters as “partners in a conversation” provides both an understanding and inspiration for today’s Christian society: inspiration to meet our challenges in faith with the same creativity as did the early Church.

    With an understandable, yet comprehensive manner, this commentary will appeal to those interested in the changing early Church and its ancient wisdom.

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  • Praying With The Desert Mothers


    Fourth- and fifth-century desert mothers in the Mediterranean region, known as ammas (spiritual mothers), were the founders of Christian community in the early church. Praying with the Desert Mothers introduces the lives, sayings, and stories of these remarkable spiritual elders. It enriches readers’ lives and compels them to return in meditation and prayer. For each topic a true story is drawn from a modern person’s experience of seeking God. This tapestry of stories of the desert ammas is woven together with theological insights, discussion of genres of literature, historical views on women, and reflective approaches to the wisdom tradition.

    Praying with the Desert Mothers combines scholarship and reflection for praying, meditating, and living the wisdom of spiritual practices today. Chapters are “Introduction to the Desert Mothers,” “Ammas as Midwives of Wisdom,” “Ammas as Scripture Scholars,” “Heralds in the Desert,” “Desert as Idyllic Garden,” “The Pearl of Great Price,” “Humility and the Manifestation of Thoughts,” “Penthos and Tears-Signs of Conversion,” “The Hidden Life,” “Prayer and Hospitality”; and concludes with “The Visitation” and a complete bibliography on the desert ammas.

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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton


    Maisie Ward’s biography of Gilbert Keith Chesterton has long been a cornerstone in Chesterton studies, as well as in the publishing house she and her husband, Frank Sheed, founded in 1926. Originally published in 1942, just six years after Chesterton’s untimely death, this book combines Ward’s unique perspective as the author’s friend and publisher with an examination of his personal correspondence and interviews with his closest friends and family. Here are Chesterton’s childhood and school days, the friendship and foolery of youth, his early theological development, high spirited love letters, the variety and richness of his travel and life abroad, his lectures, his writings, and his indominable spirit. A Sheed & Ward Classic, this re-release of Ward’s definitive biography is sure to delight existing “Chestertonians” and introduce a new generation to one of Catholicism’s brightest lights.

    From the new introduction by Andrew Greeley:

    “This book had a decisive impact on me and on my life when I read it at the age of sixteen–and not merely because my fictional detective Blackie Ryan is an American cousin of GKC’s Father Brown. Ms. Ward’s biography introduced me not only to a world of literature of which I had been unaware, but to a perspective on literature and life which was enormously attractive because it confirmed many of the insights, instincts, inclinations, biases, and loves which were knocking around in my adolescent skull. I have been a Chestertonian all my life in part because I had been one without knowing it even before I read Ms. Ward’s biography.”

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  • Gifts Of The Desert


    In his previous book The Mountain of Silence, Markides introduced us to the essential spiritual nature of Eastern Orthodoxy in a series of lively conversations with Father Maximos, the widely revered charismatic Orthodox bishop and former abbot of the isolated monastery on Mount Athos. In Gifts of the Desert, Markides continues his examination of Easter Orthodox mystical teachings and practices and captures its living expression through visits to monasteries and hermitages in Greece and America and interviews with contemporary charismatic elders, both male and female.

    Markides’s pursuit of a deeper understanding of Orthodoxy takes him to the deserts of Arizona and a stay at a new monastery in Sedona; to the island of Cyprus and a reunion with Father Maximos; on a pilgrimage to holy shrines aboard a cruise ship in the Aegean Sea; and finally to the legendary Mount Athos, home to more than two thousand Orthodox monks. Markides relates his journey and reflections in a captivating style while providing important background material and information on historical events to give readers a highly accessible, in-depth portrait of a tradition little known in the West.

    Gifts of the Desert will appeal to a wide range of people, from Christians seeking insights into their religion and its various expressions to scholars interested in learning more about the mystical way of life and wisdom that have been preserved on Mount Athos since the fall of the Byzantine Empire and the Great Schism that separated the Eastern and Western Churches. Perhaps most important, however, is the bridge it offers contemporary readers to a Christian life that is balanced between the worldly and the spiritual.

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  • Butlers Lives Of The Saints


    There is no greater authority on the saints than Alban Butler, and his enormous research has been the standard reference on the subject for the last two and a half centuries. This new adaptation of Butler’s multi-volume book presents a modernized text for today’s reader and provides an illuminating guide both for Catholics and those of other denominations, omitting the difficult ecclesiastical terminology of the original text.

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  • We Walk The Path Together


    Through reflections on the Vietnamese Zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh, and the medieval Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart, writer Brian Pierce reveals the benefits of openness as a spiritual practice. By drawing analogies between Christian and Buddhist teachings, he identifies the common ground on which to grow in compassionate understanding and interfaith dialogue.

    Blending Christian tradition with the concrete spiritual practices of Buddhism, this work emphasizes the importance of seeing with a contemplative and compassionate vision. By sharing accounts of individuals who transcended their own suffering to embrace a more compassionate and understanding view of others, Pierce celebrates the moments of harmonious communion that draw us together.

    This beautifully written book is a model for respectful listening and a spiritual resource for prayerful meditation and scholarly study.

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  • Sheed And Ward Anthology Of Catholic Philosophy



    What Is Catholic Philosophy?

    The Bible: Verses

    Plato: Dialogues

    Aristotle: Treatises

    The Patristic Era


    Aristides The Philosopher: A Defense Of Christianity

    Justin Martyr: From Philosophy To Christianity

    Irenaeus: Freedom And Evil

    Clement Of Alexandria: Philosophy And Christianity

    Tertullian: Athens And Jerusalem

    Minucius Felix: A Pagan-Christian Debate

    Origen: First Principles

    Plotinus: Absolute Beauty

    Gregory Of Nyssa: Not Three Gods

    Augustine: Confessions

    Augustine: Christian Doctrine

    Augustine: Freedom And Evil

    Augustine: God’s Providence

    Pseudo-Dionysius: Mystical Theology

    Boethius: Foreknowledge And Freedom

    The Middle Ages


    Avicenna: Essences

    Anselm: The Ontological Argument

    Averros: The Incoherence Of The Incoherence

    Moses Maimonides: Guide For The Perplexed

    Roger Bacon: Experimental Science

    Peter Of Spain: Logic

    Bonaventure: The Mind’s Journey To God

    Thomas Aquinas: The Existence Of God

    Thomas Aquinas: Natural Law

    Thomas Aquinas: The Principles Of Nature

    Thomas Aquinas: On Being And Essence

    Thomas Aquinas: Can War Be Just?

    Meister Eckhart: The Nearness Of The Kingdom

    John Duns Scotus: Universals

    Margaret Porette: Mirror Of Simple Souls

    William Of Ockham: Against Theistic Proofs

    Renaissance Through Nineteenth


    Ignatius Of Loyola: Principle And Foundation

    Francisco Suarez: Essence And Existence

    Galileo Galilei: Physics And Religion

    Pierre Gassendi: Against The Aristotelians

    Rene Descartes: I Think, Therefore I Am

    Blaise Pascal: The Wager

    Nicolas Malebranche: Occasionalism

    John Henry Newman: Loving God

    Josef Kleutgen: Scholastic Philosophy

    Vatican I: Constitution On The Catholic Faith

    Pope Leo XIII: The Revival Of Thomism

    The Twentieth Century And Beyond


    The Vatican: Twenty-Four Thomistic Theses

    Maurice Blondel: Action

    Max Scheler: The Problem Of Eudaemonism

    G. K. Chesterton: Orthodoxy

    Pierre Rousselot: Intelligence

    Joseph Marechal: Transcendental Thomism

    Pierre Teilhard De Chardin: Evolution And Christianity

    Jacques Maritain: Existence And The Existent

    Etienne Gilson: God And Modern Philosophy

    Gabriel Marcel: Ontological Mystery

    Edith Stein: Woman’s Special Value

    Charles Hart: Neothomism In America
    Additional Info
    The Sheed & Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy is a thorough introduction to the evolution of Catholic philosophy from Biblical times to the present day. The first comprehensive collection of readings from Catholic philosophers, this volume aims to sharpen the understanding of Catholic philosophy by grouping together the best examples of this tradition, both well-known classics and lesser-known selections. The readings emphasize themes integral to the Catholic tradition such as the harmony of faith and reason, the existence and nature of God, the nature of the human person and the nature of being, and the objectivity of the moral law.

    Each reading includes a brief introduction and is historically placed within five major groups–1) Preliminaries, including readings from the Bible, Plato and Aristotle, 2) The Patristic Era, selections from Aristides to Boethius, and a heavy focus on Augustine, 3) The Middle Ages, readings from the early Moslem and Jewish thinkers to William of Ockham, with an emphasis on Aquinas, 4) The Renaissance through the Nineteenth Century, including Suarez, Descartes, Pascal, Newman, and Pope Leo XIII, and 5) The Twentieth Century and Beyond, including Maritain and Lonergan, Blondel and Marcel, Geach and Rescher, and others like Chesterton and Teilhard.
    The first comprehensive collection of readings from Catholic philosophers

    -Includes both well-known classics and lesser-known selections

    -Emphasizes themes integral to the Catholic tradition

    Eighty-two readings are arranged historically, reads as a “Who’s Who” of the Catholic intellectual tradition

    -Includes selections from Biblical times to the modern era

    -Essays are divided into five groups, each group beginning with an introduction to prepare the reader for the flow of ideas and the philosophers’ place in history

    -Each essay also contains a short introduction that includes biographical information on the philosopher

    Ideal for courses in:

    -Philosophy of Religion

    -Introduction to Philosophy



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  • Catholic Church In State Politics


    Introduction: The Governor And The Archbishop

    History: From John Carroll To The Maryland Catholic Conference

    Organization: State Catholic Conferences As Dual Structures

    Issues: The Seamless Garment In Action

    Legitimacy: Political Influence And The Catholic Watergate

    Discourse: Liberally Clothing The Naked Public Square

    Conclusion: Catholic Political Advocacy In Secular Society: Future Challenges


    Additional Info
    What role, if any, should religion play in politics? By what authority and methods does the Catholic Church apply its teachings to public policy discourse? How do Bishops and lay leaders work together in Catholic conferences, and how do they work with political leaders? What impact do they have?

    The political advocacy of the American Catholic Bishops at the state level is one of the Church’s best-kept secrets. In this groundbreaking work, David Yamane reveals the rich history, accomplishments, and challenges of bishops and their lay colleagues in local politics. Through sociological analysis, up-to-date examples, and personal interviews, Yamane explains how the local Catholic advocacy organizations in thirty-three states and Washington, D.C., negotiate the tension between the prophetic demands of faith and the political realities of secular political institutions. The Catholic Church in State Politics invites readers to understand better the role of religion in the public square.

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  • Sheed And Ward Anthology Of Catholic Philosophy



    What Is Catholic Philosophy?

    The Bible: Verses

    Plato: Dialogues

    Aristotle: Treatises

    The Patristic Era


    Aristides The Philosopher: A Defense Of Christianity

    Justin Martyr: From Philosophy To Christianity

    Irenaeus: Freedom And Evil

    Clement Of Alexandria: Philosophy And Christianity

    Tertullian: Athens And Jerusalem

    Minucius Felix: A Pagan-Christian Debate

    Origen: First Principles

    Plotinus: Absolute Beauty

    Gregory Of Nyssa: Not Three Gods

    Augustine: Confessions

    Augustine: Christian Doctrine

    Augustine: Freedom And Evil

    Augustine: God’s Providence

    Pseudo-Dionysius: Mystical Theology

    Boethius: Foreknowledge And Freedom

    The Middle Ages


    Avicenna: Essences

    Anselm: The Ontological Argument

    Averros: The Incoherence Of The Incoherence

    Moses Maimonides: Guide For The Perplexed

    Roger Bacon: Experimental Science

    Peter Of Spain: Logic

    Bonaventure: The Mind’s Journey To God

    Thomas Aquinas: The Existence Of God

    Thomas Aquinas: Natural Law

    Thomas Aquinas: The Principles Of Nature

    Thomas Aquinas: On Being And Essence

    Thomas Aquinas: Can War Be Just?

    Meister Eckhart: The Nearness Of The Kingdom

    John Duns Scotus: Universals

    Margaret Porette: Mirror Of Simple Souls

    William Of Ockham: Against Theistic Proofs

    Renaissance Through Nineteenth


    Ignatius Of Loyola: Principle And Foundation

    Francisco Suarez: Essence And Existence

    Galileo Galilei: Physics And Religion

    Pierre Gassendi: Against The Aristotelians

    Rene Descartes: I Think, Therefore I Am

    Blaise Pascal: The Wager

    Nicolas Malebranche: Occasionalism

    John Henry Newman: Loving God

    Josef Kleutgen: Scholastic Philosophy

    Vatican I: Constitution On The Catholic Faith

    Pope Leo XIII: The Revival Of Thomism

    The Twentieth Century And Beyond


    The Vatican: Twenty-Four Thomistic Theses

    Maurice Blondel: Action

    Max Scheler: The Problem Of Eudaemonism

    G. K. Chesterton: Orthodoxy

    Pierre Rousselot: Intelligence

    Joseph Marechal: Transcendental Thomism

    Pierre Teilhard De Chardin: Evolution And Christianity

    Jacques Maritain: Existence And The Existent

    Etienne Gilson: God And Modern Philosophy

    Gabriel Marcel: Ontological Mystery

    Edith Stein: Woman’s Special Value

    Charles Hart: Neothomism In America
    Additional Info
    The Sheed & Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy is a thorough introduction to the evolution of Catholic philosophy from Biblical times to the present day. The first comprehensive collection of readings from Catholic philosophers, this volume aims to sharpen the understanding of Catholic philosophy by grouping together the best examples of this tradition, both well-known classics and lesser-known selections. The readings emphasize themes integral to the Catholic tradition such as the harmony of faith and reason, the existence and nature of God, the nature of the human person and the nature of being, and the objectivity of the moral law.

    Each reading includes a brief introduction and is historically placed within five major groups–1) Preliminaries, including readings from the Bible, Plato and Aristotle, 2) The Patristic Era, selections from Aristides to Boethius, and a heavy focus on Augustine, 3) The Middle Ages, readings from the early Moslem and Jewish thinkers to William of Ockham, with an emphasis on Aquinas, 4) The Renaissance through the Nineteenth Century, including Suarez, Descartes, Pascal, Newman, and Pope Leo XIII, and 5) The Twentieth Century and Beyond, including Maritain and Lonergan, Blondel and Marcel, Geach and Rescher, and others like Chesterton and Teilhard.

    The first comprehensive collection of readings from Catholic philosophers

    -Includes both well-known classics and lesser-known selections

    -Emphasizes themes integral to the Catholic tradition

    Eighty-two readings are arranged historically, reads as a “Who’s Who” of the Catholic intellectual tradition

    -Includes selections from Biblical times to the modern era

    -Essays are divided into five groups, each group beginning with an introduction to prepare the reader for the flow of ideas and the philosophers’ place in history

    -Each essay also contains a short introduction that includes biographical information on the philosopher

    Ideal for courses in:

    -Philosophy of Religion

    -Introduction to Philosophy



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  • Small Christian Communities


    How can churches in America, modeling the oldest Christian communities, renew themselves form within? They can look to examples of thriving small Christian communities within their own country and throughout the world. This inspiring book shows what is happening now across six continents to give pastors and lay leaders of every denomination encouragement through useable examples from their counterparts around the world.

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  • Life Balance : A Five Session Course On Rest Work And Play For Lent (Student/Stu


    Church House Publishing

    21st century living is hectic. Getting the right ‘life balance’ between rest, work and play seems almost impossible. In five interactive sessions, Life Balance aims to help groups explores:”How to build Sabbath time into the crazy pressures of everyday life. ‘How ‘Sabbath attitudes’ can transform the way we spend our time.”Each session contains enough material for a 90-minute session and includes guidelines for group study, with full background notes for leaders, interactive activities, questions for discussion and multimedia ideas, and ideas for practical action.

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  • Jesus And Virtue Ethics


    The Histories Of Moral Theology And New Testament Ethics

    Methods: The New Testament And Moral Theology

    The Kingdom Of God As Horizon And Goal: Who Ought We To Become?

    Discipleship As Context: Who Are We?

    The Sermon On The Mount And Christian Virtue Ethics: How Do We Get There?

    Love As The Primary Value

    Sin As Failure To Love

    Politics From A Marginal Perspective

    Justice And Social Justice

    Embodiment And Community As The Context For Sexual Ethics

    Marriage And Divorce

    Celibacy, Homosexuality, And Abortion

    The Bible And Nature: Friends Or Foes?

    Additional Info
    Jesuits Daniel Harrington and James Keenan have successfully team-taught the content of this landmark study to the delight of students for years. In this book they take the fruits of their own experiences as theologians, writers, teachers, mentors, and friends to propose virtue ethics as a bridge between the fields of New Testament Studies and Moral Theology.

    Answering the call of the Second Vatican Council for moral theology to “draw more fully on the teaching of Holy Scripture,” the authors examine the virtues that both flow from Scripture and provide a lens by which to interpret Scripture. By remaining true to both the New Testament’s emphasis on the human response to God’s gracious activity in Jesus Christ and to the ethical needs and desires of Christians in the twenty-first century, the authors address key topics such as discipleship, the Sermon on the Mount, love, sin, politics, justice, sexuality, marriage, divorce, bioethics, and ecology.

    Covering the entire sweep of ethical teaching from its foundations in Scripture and especially in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to its goal or “end” with the full coming of God’s kingdom, the authors invite readers more deeply into an appreciation of the central biblical themes and how, based on the themes, Catholic Christian moral theology bears on general ethical issues in culture. Complete with reflection questions and suggestions for further reading, this book is essential reading for professors, students, pastors, preachers, and interested Catholics.

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