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Showing 1651–1700 of 2559 results

  • On Prayer And Contemplation


    St. Clement Of Rome
    St. Justin Martyr
    St. Gregory Of Nyssa
    John Cassian
    St. Augustine
    St. Thomas Aquinas
    St. Gregory Of Sinai
    St. Catherine Of Siena
    St. Ignatius Of Loyola
    St. Teresa Of Avila
    St. John Of The Cross
    Blessed John Henry Newman
    St. Elizabeth Of The Trinity
    St. Edith Stein

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    This is a rich, informative, and inspiring compendium of the Christian tradition of prayer and contemplation from the earliest days of the Church to the present day. Included are selections from St. Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, St. Clement of Rome, St. Gregory of Nyssa, John Cassian, St. Augustine, St. Gregory of Sinai, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Julian of Norwich, Brother Lawrence, St. Francis de Sales, St. Vincent de Paul, Lancelot Andrewes, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Edith Stein, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Pope John Paul II.

    Levering has selected readings that capture how Christian saints and spiritual leaders through the ages have understood what prayer is, why we pray, and how we pray. The selections also integrate the Eastern Orthodox and Western understandings of prayer and contemplation. The book is perfect for study, meditation, and inspiration

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  • On Prayer And Contemplation


    St. Clement Of Rome
    St. Justin Martyr
    St. Gregory Of Nyssa
    John Cassian
    St. Augustine
    St. Thomas Aquinas
    St. Gregory Of Sinai
    St. Catherine Of Siena
    St. Ignatius Of Loyola
    St. Teresa Of Avila
    St. John Of The Cross
    Blessed John Henry Newman
    St. Elizabeth Of The Trinity
    St. Edith Stein

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    This is a rich, informative, and inspiring compendium of the Christian tradition of prayer and contemplation from the earliest days of the Church to the present day. Included are selections from St. Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, St. Clement of Rome, St. Gregory of Nyssa, John Cassian, St. Augustine, St. Gregory of Sinai, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Julian of Norwich, Brother Lawrence, St. Francis de Sales, St. Vincent de Paul, Lancelot Andrewes, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Edith Stein, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Pope John Paul II.

    Levering has selected readings that capture how Christian saints and spiritual leaders through the ages have understood what prayer is, why we pray, and how we pray. The selections also integrate the Eastern Orthodox and Western understandings of prayer and contemplation. The book is perfect for study, meditation, and inspiration

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  • Doctrine Of Deification In The Greek Patristic Tradition


    1. Introduction
    2. Deification In The Graeco-Roman World
    3. The Jewish Paradigm: From Ezekiel To The Yored Merkavah
    4. The Earliest Christian Model: Participatory Union With Christ
    5. The Alexandrian Tradition I: Christian Schools And Study-Circles
    6. The Alexandrian Tradition II: The Imposition Of Episcopal Control
    7. The Cappadocian Approach: Divine Transcendence And The Ascent Of The Soul
    8. The Monastic Synthesis: The Achievement Of Maximus The Confessor
    9. Epilogue

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    Deification in the Greek patristic tradition was the fulfillment of the destiny for which humanity was created – not merely salvation from sin but entry into the fullness of the divine life of the Trinity. This book, the first on the subject for over sixty years, traces the history of deification from its birth as a second-century metaphor with biblical roots to its maturity as a doctrine central to the spiritual life of the Byzantine Church. Drawing attention to the richness and diversity of the patristic approaches from Irenaeus to Maximus the Confessor, Norman Russell offers a full discussion of the background and context of the doctrine, at the same time highlighting its distinctively Christian character.

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  • Becoming Fully Human



    What Is A Simple Life? Matthew 6:30

    When Is War Unjust? Isaiah 2:4

    What Are The Blessings Of Diminishment? Psalm 23:6

    What Is Sanctity? Matthew 5:48

    How Is Caring For The Earth Spiritual? Revelations 7:3

    What Can Christians Learn From The Koran, Dhammapada, Bhagavad Gita, Lotus Sermons? John 17:21

    When Is Care For The Self / Care For The Other Excessive? Matthew 22:39

    How Does One Balance Patient Waiting And Action On Behalf Of Justice? Luke 18:11

    What Does It Mean To Be Faithful In The Face Of Failure? Psalm 78:1

    What Does It Mean To Be Enlightened? Proverbs 1:20

    How Can We Be Grateful In The Midst Of Violence, Suffering, And Loss? Psalm 107: 1

    Do The Little Things Matter? Ecclesiastes 1:2-3

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    Drawing from the folklore and scripture of other cultures, as well as her own monastic tradition, Sister Joan Chittister develops a spirituality that understands what it means to be human and the importance of seeing others for what they truly are-sacred.

    Centered around twelve questions–from “What does it mean to be enlightened?” to “How is caring for the earth spiritual?”–Becoming Fully Human reveals that no matter our color, economic or social status, or religion, we are all dealing with the same human desires, fears, needs, feelings and hopes. Coming to see the heart of the other allows us to see our own, which in turn leads us to live lives dedicated to respect, holiness, balance, and peace.

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  • God I Have Issues


    “It’s a great idea to pray with our emotions. The core of our Christian faith is our belief in an incarnate God. We believe that God loves us so much that he became one of us. He desired so much to be part of our lives that he stepped into the murky waters of humanity.”-from the Introduction

    Human lives-and human issues-run the gamut from addiction and anger to weariness and worries. God, I Have Issues is a gentle call to prayer in the midst of our good and bad times, trusting our problems and joys to a God who wishes to share them all with us. Each “issue” opens with a Scripture passage (and lists others that are related) and contains a reflection, “prayer pointers” and “words to take with you.”

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  • Queen Mother : A Biblical Theology Of Marys Queenship


    An in-depth presentation of how the queen-mother theme in the Davidic kingdom sheds light on the role of Mary as heavenly Queen. Challenging yet accessible, this compelling read will bear much fruit for those looking to ground their faith in a deeper knowledge of Scripture.

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  • Roll Back The Stone


    Create memorable services that help worshipers experience the profound sadness of the crucifixion as well as the marvelous joy of the risen Christ with this diverse collection of ready-to-use dramatic material. With ample selections for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter, there’s something special here for congregations of any size or worship style. Copying privileges are included for all segments. Included are:

    * A Travesty Of Justice: In The Shadow Of The Cross (Kathy Martz), a series of six meditations in which an unusual assortment of “eyewitnesses” – the thorn, robe, nail, spear, shroud, and stone – tell about their extraordinary encounters with Jesus. Designed for use in Lenten vesper services, these spiritual contemplations examine the events leading up to the crucifixion from a unique perspective. Each user-friendly monologue comes with a brief scripture reading and a prayer.

    * Live From Jerusalem (John O. Eby), a short Palm Sunday play that helps audiences envision what it would have been like to be on the scene of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Tying biblical prophecy together with a contemporary view, television-style news anchors and correspondents vividly portray the chaos and uncertainty of the first day of Passover while speculating on how simmering conflicts will be resolved – leaving audiences to ponder the question “What comes next?”

    * Maundy Thursday Testimonies (David H. Covington), a brief set of dramatic readings depicting the Passion events and their meaning from the viewpoint of four characters: Mary Magdalene, Thomas, Judas, and Peter. An excellent vehicle for members to participate in worship, these moving monologues provide an especially powerful contribution to the Maundy Thursday service.

    * God On Trial, Or…? (John O. Eby), a courtroom drama for Good Friday which portrays Jesus’ trial before Pilate ? with the novel twist of Beelzebub as the prosecutor, questioning several witnesses who level accusations against Jesus. While it is ostensibly Jesus who is on trial, it gradually becomes clear that everyone else (including all of us) is actually on trial before him ? giving new and deeper meaning to Christ’s plea, “Father, forgive them, for they do not understand what they are doing!”

    * Sons Of Thunder (Carol Secord), a brief Good Friday sketch in which James and John struggle to come to grips with the stark reality of the crucifixion. As they bitterly lash out in anger and frustration at those who abandoned Jesu

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  • Hey Joseph


    Create stimulating, family-oriented Lenten worship that captivates the imagination with this engaging “dramily” series. Six humorous sketches, interwoven with brief homilies highlighting key points, update the familiar Old Testament story of Joseph and his brothers for contemporary audiences ? providing an instructive and entertaining resource for midweek programs. Additional messages and dramas for Holy Week and Easter Sunday shift the focus to Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection.
    By touching on such universal experiences as family squabbles, sibling rivalry, parental favoritism, jealousy, hatred, false accusations, reconciliation, trust, and healing, Hey Joseph! is certain to resonate with the people in the pews. It offers pastors, worship leaders, and drama groups a thematically unified total package that’s flexible and easy to adapt for any size church. A complete list of simple props is included, along with helpful illustrations for constructing “Joseph’s Granary,” which may be stocked with food donations for local pantries.

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  • Envoy Of The Messiah (Student/Study Guide)


    In his new book Envoy of the Messiah, Stephen Pimentel completes the journey he began in the popular Witnesses of the Messiah.

    Envoy of the Messiah invites the reader to walk in the footsteps of St. Paul in his mission to the Gentiles, as told in Acts of the Apostles 16-28. Through nine lessons, each including stimulating discussion questions, the reader is challenged to encounter Christ in the early Church and to follow the example of St. Paul in their lives today. Written in accessible language, yet filled with helpful information and scriptural references, this book is perfect for beginners as well as more advanced biblical scholars.

    Scripture scholar and popular author Steve Ray praises Envoy of the Messiah for its clarity and theological insight: “Stephen Pimentel’s book takes you through the recorded travels and teachings of St. Paul as revealed by Luke. He provides interesting insights and theological understanding useful to both the average reader and the scholar. This book is easy to read, yet full of helpful information and Scriptural detail. It is too bad we can’t insert most of this book into our Bibles as footnotes.”

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  • Spirituality Of The Beatitudes (Revised)


    The Beatitudes offer a summary of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount-a succinct summary of his essential teaching. In probing the meaning of these eight verses, Michael Crosby cuts to the heart of Matthew’s Gospel: a spiritual message that is at once personal and deeply social. Crosby posits that Matthew’s Gospel was written for a more affluent church community. As such, his Gospel offers a particularly telling challenge to First-World Christians. To pray in the spirit of the Beatitudes is to answer a radical call to conversion: a journey into God’s Reign of peace, justice, mercy, and renewal.

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  • Lent And Easter Wisdom From Henri J M Nouwen


    Thought-provoking words from renowned spiritual writer, Henri J. M. Nouwen, lead readers along a journey of conversion during Lent and Easter week. These periods of penance and celebration, lavish with rituals, help us become more sensitive to our own weaknesses and Christ’s victory over sin. Through it all, Father Nouwen comforts and reassures us with reminders that God loves and accepts us even in our human state.

    Each daily reflection–from Ash Wednesday through the Second Sunday of Easter–begins with thoughts from Father Nouwen on an appropriate theme, supported by Scripture, prayer, and a suggested activity for spiritual growth.

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  • Essential Catholic Handbook (Revised)


    This invaluable book for those who want a topical summary of “what it means to be Catholic,” is now even more useful. This expanded edition includes a new Introduction, the current list of holy days of obligation observed in the United States, the Prayer for Vocations preferred by Pope John Paul II, a new section on how to prepare for a sick call, an index, and much more.

    An important reference work for any interested Catholic, especially those involved in church ministry.Includes a glossary of key terms and cross-referenced to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

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  • Pius War : Responses To The Critics Of Pius XII


    Joseph Bottum
    Pius XII And The Jews
    David G. Dalin
    Dismantling The Cross
    Robert Louis Wilken
    A Dangerous Thing To Do
    Ronald Rychlak
    A New Syllabus Of Errors
    Justus George Lawler
    Desperately Seeking Culprits
    Russell Hittinger
    The Land Of What If
    Kevin M. Doyle
    Something Deeply Shameful
    John Jay Hughes
    How Not To Deal With History
    John S. Conway
    To Avoid Worse Evils
    Rainer Decker
    Bigotry’s New Low
    Michael Novak
    Pius XII And The Nazis
    Joseph Bottum
    Annotated Bibliography Of Pius XII, The Second World War, And The Holocaust
    William Doino Jr

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    In the brutal fight that has raged in recent years over the reputation of Pope Pius XII-leader of the Catholic Church during World War II, the Holocaust, and the early years of the Cold War-the task of defending the Pope has fallen primarily to reviewers. These reviewers formulated a brilliant response to the attack on Pius, but their work was scattered in various newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals-making it nearly impossible for the average reader to gauge the results. In The Pius War, Weekly Standard’s Joseph Bottum has joined with Rabbi David G. Dalin to gather a representative and powerful sample of these reviews, deliberately chosen from a wide range of publications. Together with a team of professors, historians, and other experts, the reviewers conclusively investigate the claims attacking Pius XII. The Pius War, and a detailed annotated bibliography that follows, will prove to be a definitive tool for scholars and students-destined to become a major resource for anyone interested in questions of Catholicism, the Holocaust, and World War II.

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  • Works Of Mercy


    Mercy Distinguishes Catholic Morality
    The Corporal Works Of Mercy
    The Corporal Works Of Mercy
    Visit The Prisoner
    Shelter The Homeless
    Feed The Hungry
    Give Drink To The Thirsty
    Bury The Dead
    Visit The Sick
    Clothe The Naked
    Meditation On Mercy In The Light Of September 11, 2001
    Burying The Dead
    The Spiritual Works Of Mercy
    The Spiritual Works Of Mercy
    A Reconciling Spirit
    Being Vigilant
    Meditation On Priesthood In Light Of The Church’s Scandals
    Being A Minister Of Mercy
    Mercy And The Eucharistic Liturgy
    The Entrance Rite
    The Liturgy Of The Word
    The Liturgy Of The Eucharist

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    In The Works of Mercy: The Heart of Catholicism, Father James Keenan, S.J., reveals mercy as God’s principle way of loving us and our way of loving one another. A masterful guide, Keenan invites us to journey with him through Scripture, tradition, and lived witness to better understand why and how mercy is the heart of Catholicism. Like other Christian traditions, Catholic moral theology is rooted in natural law, Scripture, the Ten Commandments, and ethical principles. But what distinguishes Catholicism is its emphasis on the virtue of mercy as the center of moral living.

    In the first two of three parts, Father Keenan explores modern applications of the corporal works of mercy–visiting the prisoner, sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, visiting the sick, clothing the naked, burying the dead–and the spiritual works of mercy–reconciling, being vigilant for the spiritual needs of one’s neighbor, and praying. Because we are called by God’s mercy into the church, the third part of the book looks at the effective work of mercy in the prayer of the church, particularly in the Eucharist. Complete with meditations on September 11, 2001, and the priesthood in light of the scandals in the church, The Works of Mercy provides a bridge between the past and the present and is must reading for students, parish groups, and individual readers seeking to live their faith in the everyday world.

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  • Season For The Spirit


    Experience forty days of self-discovery through theological reflections and prayers. While it aims to assist a daily practice of personal prayer, it is also widely used by groups who pledge to meet regularly so that members can share their thoughts, reactions, and spiritual experiences.

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  • Queen Of The Cosmos (Revised)


    “The Blessed Mother has been permitted by God to come here [because] she knows what is coming in the future. She is calling all Gods children back on the path to Heaven.” Ivan Dragicevic, a visionary over twenty years ago, in the tiny mountain village of Medjugorje, Bosnia, six young people began to report seeing visions of the Virgin Mary. Since then, the beauty of Heaven and the importance of prayer, conversion, and reconciliation have been revealed to them through Marys appearances. Queen of the Cosmos provides an opportunity to hear the messages of the mother of Christ through in-depth interviews with the six visionaries of Medjugorje. Their experiences have changed the lives of thousands of people who have found truth, encouragement, and solace in the words of the Blessed Mother. This new edition includes an afterword by the author, giving an update on both the lives of the visionaries and the visions they receive.

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  • Book Of Steps


    Intentionally anonymous and lacking concrete details of historical and cultural setting-and for many years suspected of messalianism-this collection of thirty memre [discourses] has been long recognized as an important, yet understudied, work of the fourth century Syriac Church.

    The Liber Graduum records the ups and downs of a real christian community and is not a theoretical projection. The author meanders through many themes, but always calls the readers back to the steps of Uprightness and Perfection.

    “So it is also with a person once he has lowered himself from all things that are on earth, has broken his mind night and day, who counts everyone else better than himself, has emptied himself from all he possessed and kisses the feet of his enemies. Our Lord will look upon this person’s lowliness and send him the Spirit, the Paraclete, and he shall know the whole truth.” (translation of the script on the cover)

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  • Meaning Of Tradition


    Some Christians claim to reject Tradition in preference to a supposedly “Bible only” Christianity. Catholics, on the other hand, venerate Tradition, yet often without adequately understanding it. In this masterful book, the great theologian Yves Congar explains why Tradition is an inescapable aspect of a fully biblical Christian faith. He explores the various forms of Tradition and discusses the relationship between Scripture and Tradition, as well as the role of the Magisterium of the Church. The Meaning of Tradition clears up misconceptions held by many Evangelical Christians and even some Catholics on this important subject. Congar’s study of Tradition greatly contributed to the teaching of Vatican II and to a deeper appreciation of the Church Fathers.

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  • Targum Of Psalms


    This work provides the first translation into English of the Targum of Psalms, together with an introduction, a critical apparatus listing variants from several manuscripts and their printed editions, and annotations.

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  • On Christian Dying


    St. Ignatius Of Antioch
    St. Polycarp Of Smyrna
    The Martyrs Of Gaul
    St. Anthony
    St. Ambrose
    St. Augustine
    St. Thomas Aquinas
    St. Catherine Of Siena
    St. Catherine Of Genoa
    St. Thomas More
    St. John Of The Cross
    St. Francis De Sales
    St. Joseph Cafasso
    Blessed John Henry Newman
    St. Therese Of Lisieux

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    Is there an art of dying well? If human lives have a meaning–and we experience them as profoundly meaningful–then so must our deaths and the deaths of our loved ones. Too often we are tempted to ignore our own mortality and fill our lives with distracting and strenuous activity. Yet, despite all our efforts, death plays an inescapable role in shaping our lives. Whether due to ordinary circumstances, a life-threatening diagnosis, military service, or even religious or ethnic persecution, we are called at times to have the courage to accept the possibility of death.

    On Christian Dying gathers original texts from the great saints and teachers of the Christian tradition to present 2000 years of theological wisdom on death and dying. Editor Matthew Levering mines the best of classical thought with selections that offer both ancient and contemporary Christians as models for emulation. He includes writings from Ignatius of Antioch, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Catherine of Siena, Thomas More, John Henry Newman, and St. Therese of Liseux, among others.

    This volume explores the questions: What is a “good” death? How can we live life to prepare for it? What happens to those who have died? What is “martyrdom”? How should a Christian understand death in light of Christ’s cross? How are those who have died related to the living?

    Distinguished by its historical scope, accessible appeal for classroom and seminary use, and the spiritually profound accounts of Christian death and dying, On Christian Dying will be of value to anyone interested in the ultimate meanings of life or facing their own death or that of a loved one.

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  • Psalms For Zero Gravity


    In this his twenty-first book, Father Edward Hays presents 148 original psalm-prayers. Like the psalms of David, they are richly lyrical, speaking to the heart, soul and mind. The reflections that follow each psalm are guides to the spiritual life for all who desire to learn better how to pray. Some day in the third millennium, perhaps sooner than we think, we will emigrate from planet Earth to a new life in space. Like all space travelers, we will have to acclimate ourselves to living in a gravity-free environment. Yet even without leaving home, all of us are at various times emigrants in the journey of life. Daily life creates forms of gravity we often take for granted until sickness, divorce, the loss of a job or the death of a loved one cause a temporary loss of grounding. Falling in love or crossing over one of life’s borders at various ages or stages of living can also make us temporary emigrants into zero gravity. These psalms give a holy voice both to life’s intoxicating joy and devastating grief and agony. As psalms of the New Testament, these prayers sing of that radical shift in gravity created by the parables and teaching of Jesus, who turned our values upside down. These psalms call us, like medieval troubadours, to the gravity-free joy of falling in love with God, while grounding us in the wholesome soil of daily life.

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  • Adams Return : The Five Promises Of Male Initiation


    Richard Rohr, a leader in the men’s spirituality movement, shares the key concepts of traditional male initiation, and shepherds readers toward an awakening into a conscious, alert, and mature masculinity. A catalyst for a transforming revelation of true self-from a master.

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  • Many Faces One Church


    Mark Stelzer
    Introduction: The New Faces Of The American Catholic Church
    Peter C. Phan
    A New Ecclesial Reality And A New Way Of Doing Theology: Heralding A Pentecost
    Mark Stelzer
    Thinking About The Church: The Gift Of Cultural Diversity To Theology
    Kevin F. Burke
    Black Catholics In The United States: A Subversive Memory
    Diana Hayes
    Reflecting On America As A Single Entity: Catholicism And U.S. Latinos
    Roberto S. Goizueta
    Devotion To Our Lady Of Guadalupe Among Mexican Americans
    Jeanette Rodriguez
    “Presence And Prominence In The Lord’s House”: Asians And Pacific People In The American Catholic Church
    Peter C. Phan
    Understanding Church And Theology In The Caribbean Today
    Gerald Boodoo

    About The Contributors

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    Many Faces, One Church: Cultural Diversity and the American Catholic Experience both captures and facilitates a seismic shift in the who, what, where, when, why, and how of Catholic theology today. Along with a diverse group of theologians who represent the many faces of the church, editors Peter C. Phan and Diana Hayes recast the story of the church in America by including immigrant groups either forgotten or ignored and, in light of these new and not-so-new voices, retooling the theological framework of Catholicism itself.

    That the American Catholic Church is an “immigrant church” is not news. What is news, however, is how diverse the immigrant church really is and how much work there is to be done to include their voices in theological discourse and training. Beyond the German and Irish immigrants, what of other European immigrant groups such as the Italians, Poles, Lithuanians, Czechs, Slovaks, and Eastern-rite Catholics? Where are the stories of the older presence of native Mexican, Native American, and African-American Catholics in this country? And more recently, of Asian-American Catholics, especially the Chinese, the Japanese, and the Filipinos, of the nineteenth and early twentieth century? And more recently still, Catholic immigrants have come from El Salvador, Guatemala, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, India, and the Pacific Islands. What impact are these immigrants having on American society and religious groups?

    Many Faces, One Church is a profound attempt to address these key questions and their implications for the Catholic way of being church, worshipping, and practicing theology. The result of three years of conferences sponsored by Elms College exploring the “new faces” of the American Catholic Church, this thoughtful collection highlights opportunities and challenges lying ahead as the American Church tries to respond to the continuing presence of new immigrants in its midst. Many Faces, One Church is a beginning of a long but exciting journey in which the strangers welcomed today into the bosom of the American Catholic Church will be themselves the hosts to welcome, with equal warmth and generosity, the new strangers into their midst so that hosts and guests are truly one.

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  • Many Faces One Church


    Mark Stelzer
    Introduction: The New Faces Of The American Catholic Church
    Peter C. Phan
    A New Ecclesial Reality And A New Way Of Doing Theology: Heralding A Pentecost
    Mark Stelzer
    Thinking About The Church: The Gift Of Cultural Diversity To Theology
    Kevin F. Burke
    Black Catholics In The United States: A Subversive Memory
    Diana Hayes
    Reflecting On America As A Single Entity: Catholicism And U.S. Latinos
    Roberto S. Goizueta
    Devotion To Our Lady Of Guadalupe Among Mexican Americans
    Jeanette Rodriguez
    “Presence And Prominence In The Lord’s House”: Asians And Pacific People In The American Catholic Church
    Peter C. Phan
    Understanding Church And Theology In The Caribbean Today
    Gerald Boodoo

    About The Contributors

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    Many Faces, One Church: Cultural Diversity and the American Catholic Experience both captures and facilitates a seismic shift in the who, what, where, when, why, and how of Catholic theology today. Along with a diverse group of theologians who represent the many faces of the church, editors Peter C. Phan and Diana Hayes recast the story of the church in America by including immigrant groups either forgotten or ignored and, in light of these new and not-so-new voices, retooling the theological framework of Catholicism itself.

    That the American Catholic Church is an “immigrant church” is not news. What is news, however, is how diverse the immigrant church really is and how much work there is to be done to include their voices in theological discourse and training. Beyond the German and Irish immigrants, what of other European immigrant groups such as the Italians, Poles, Lithuanians, Czechs, Slovaks, and Eastern-rite Catholics? Where are the stories of the older presence of native Mexican, Native American, and African-American Catholics in this country? And more recently, of Asian-American Catholics, especially the Chinese, the Japanese, and the Filipinos, of the nineteenth and early twentieth century? And more recently still, Catholic immigrants have come from El Salvador, Guatemala, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, India, and the Pacific Islands. What impact are these immigrants having on American society and religious groups?

    Many Faces, One Church is a profound attempt to address these key questions and their implications for the Catholic way of being church, worshipping, and practicing theology. The result of three years of conferences sponsored by Elms College exploring the “new faces” of the American Catholic Church, this thoughtful collection highlights opportunities and challenges lying ahead as the American Church tries to respond to the continuing presence of new immigrants in its midst. Many Faces, One Church is a beginning of a long but exciting journey in which the strangers welcomed today into the bosom of the American Catholic Church will be themselves the hosts to welcome, with equal warmth and generosity, the new strangers into their midst so that hosts and guests are truly one.

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  • Living The Catholic Social Tradition


    Bishop John J. Leibrecht
    Monika K. Hellwig
    Part I: Framing Essays

    Living The Catholic Social Tradition: Introduction And Overview
    Kathleen Maas Weigert
    Social Change Strategies For The Future Of Metropolitan Areas
    David Rusk
    From Industrialization To Globalization: Church And Social Ministry
    Thomas J. Massaro, S.J.
    Catholic Social Teaching: Starting With The Common Good
    Todd David Whitmore
    Part II: Case Studies

    Introduction To Case Studies
    Rev. Robert J. Vitillo
    Young Visionaries In The South Bronx
    Alexia K. Kelley
    The Resurrection Project
    William P. Bolan
    The Neighborhood Development Center
    Steven M. Rodenborn
    Oakland Community Organizations’ “Faith In Action”: Locating The Grassroots Social Justice Mission
    Joseph M. Palacios, S.J.
    COPS: Putting The Gospel Into Action In San Antonio
    Patrick J. Hayes
    Coalition Of Immokalee Workers
    Kathleen Dolan Seipel
    Baltimore: BUILD And The Solidarity Sponsoring Committee
    Kathleen Dolan Seipel
    Students Against Sweatshops
    Christopher C. Kelly
    Resource Section

    About The Authors

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    In a time when the global and national economies seem to favor so few and harm so many, when the threats to the common good are so prevalent and so deep, how do people of faith think about these issues and act with those who are most vulnerable? Living the Catholic Social Tradition: Cases and Commentary addresses these challenges through contemporary theory and research conducted within the framework of the rich Catholic social tradition.

    Co-editors Kathleen Maas Weigert and Alexia Kelley combine four essays from leading scholars with eight concrete case studies based on community social justice projects across the country. This unique combination of theory and reflective practice provides university students and adult learners with a framework for understanding the Catholic social tradition and a demonstration of its positive social impact on the people it serves.

    The reader first learns about the challenges facing Catholic universities in educating the current generation about the Catholic social tradition. The next essays provide insights into the ways in which the tradition frames and contributes to social change; approaches to understanding the key concepts and documents that make up the tradition; and an understanding of the forces confronting change agents in major metropolitan areas. Undertaken by younger scholars and activists, the eight case studies tackle the issues that grass roots groups and visionary leaders face as they try to bring about positive change in their communities.

    Living the Catholic Social Tradition will help readers assess and address different social justice issues within the framework of Catholic social thought. In that process, readers are called upon to think how they might not only contribute to the tradition, but develop it further, thus bringing the Catholic social tradition alive in contemporary times.

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  • Joseph Of Nazareth


    Saint Joseph passes through the Gospel without our hearing him utter as much as a single word. But God had selected him for a special mission: to look after two of the greatest treasures who have ever been on earth – Jesus and Mary. The figure of Joseph is also an incentive God has given us to stir up hope in the ordinary person.
    Joseph of Nazareth is a series of reflections on the life of Saint Joseph in the light of faith and based on revelation. At the end, the reader’s love for and devotion to this great saint will have grown considerably. For Joseph, the last of the patriarchs, shows how any one of us can come to be a great saint.

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  • Did Adam And Eve Have Belly Buttons (Revised)


    With more than 110,000 copies sold, Did Adam & Eve Have Belly Buttons? is the number one book for Catholic teens. It offers today’s young Catholic 200 clear and insightful answers to questions about the Catholic faith. This book captures the attention of teens by directly addressing their concerns, misconceptions, and challenges. The revised edition adds over 500 Bible and 800 Catechism references, and has the Imprimatur.

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  • Bridging The Great Divide


    Preface: Cultivators Of A Flourishing Garden Of Life

    Building A Bridge Across The Great Divide

    The Virtue Of Bi-Polar Extremism

    The Trouble With A Beige Catholicism

    Paths And Practices: Recovering An Embodied Christianity


    Lex Orandi, Lex Vivendi: The Liturgy As A Source For The Moral Life

    The Trouble With Beige Churches: A Critique Of The Influence Of Cartesian Modernity On Contemporary

    The Liturgical Act And The Church Of The Twenty-first Century

    At The Feet Of The Masters

    The Christian Humanism Of Karol Wojtyla And Thomas Aquinas

    Thomas Aquinas’s Christological Reading Of God And The Creature

    God As Artist

    Genesis And Joyce: Narratives Of Sin, Grace And Theonomy: An Essay In Honor Of Andrew Greeley On His Seventieth Birthday

    Preaching The Message

    “I’m Waiting; I’m Waiting”: An Advent Meditation

    The Grandfather And The Voice From The Whirlwind: A Meditation On Preaching The Problem Of Suffering

    Three Paths Of Holiness

    A Sermon For Children Of The Seventies

    The Way Of Nonviolence

    Thomas Merton’s Metaphysics Of Peace

    Creation, Transsubstantiation And The Grain Of The Universe: A Contribution To Stanley Hauerwas’s Ekklesia Project

    “Comes A Warrior”: A Christmas Meditation

    Priesthood And Ministry

    Priest As Bearer Of The Mystery

    Priest As Doctor Of The Soul

    Mystagogues, World-Transformers And Interpreters Of Tongues: A Reflection On Collaborative Ministry In The Church

    Evangelizing The American Culture

    Additional Info
    Bridging the Great Divide: Musings of a Post-Liberal, Post-Conservative Evangelical Catholic represents a pivotal moment in the life of the Catholic community. As the Church seeks to maintain its unique witness, nurture the faithful, and evangelize, a new generation of American Catholics has emerged. No longer the “next generation,” these new leaders came of age after the Second Vatican Council and, like many others, no longer find compelling the battles between the liberals and conservatives throughout the post-conciliar period.

    Today’s faithful are searching for an expression of Catholic Christianity that is vibrant, colorful, provocative, counter-cultural, deeply rooted in the tradition, and full of the promise of the Good News. In this timely and prophetic book, Father Robert Barron–himself a member of the younger generation–has minted a new vernacular and blazed a new way that goes bridges the great divide and gives voice to the concerns of post-liberal, post-conservative, evangelical believers.

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  • Jesus And The Gospel In Africa


    This selection of writings by the late African scholar Kwame Bediako is the best source for insights into the Christ of present-day African history and the Jesus of African faith, showing how intimately bound together are the message of Jesus and the struggle for democracy. Bediako puts flesh on the idea that Christianity is today “lived in local languages long before it is translated into English and French.” Students and teachers of mission as well as those working in the field will find this an invaluable introduction to understanding Christianity as lived by countless Africans in a high stakes search for liberation and peace.Jesus and the Gospel in Africa offers astute insight into the Christ of present-day African history and the Jesus of African faith. Bediako shows how intimately bound are the message of Jesus and the struggle for African democracy. Presents an excellent introduction to understanding Christianity as lived by countless Africans.

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  • Liturgy Of Motherhood


    Introduction: Motherhood And Liturgy: What’s The Connection

    Advent: Waiting In Hope

    Christmas & Epiphany: A Child Is Born To Us

    Lent: The Disciplines Of Motherhood

    Holy Week And Easter: Dying And Rising

    Pentecost: The Spirit At Work

    Ordinary Time: Living Motherhood Day To Day



    Additional Info
    The Liturgy of Motherhood: Moments of Grace is a unique invitation to mothers and parents to pause and reflect on the rhythms, cycles, symbols, and rituals that define who they are, both as caregivers and members of a larger community. Using the liturgical year as her framework, Kathleen Finley explores the spirituality of many kinds of mothers and the ways that various aspects of the Christian tradition–from the Advent wreath to the Beatitudes, the Paschal mystery of Christ’s death and Resurrection to the daily celebration of the Sacraments–shed their light on the daily and unique holiness of motherhood.

    Both the actions of motherhood and the rituals of the liturgy reaffirm in our lives the communion, connection, and timeless presence in any relationship of love. In each chapter, Finley connects the themes and practices of the season to particular aspects of a mother’s spirituality, a spirituality that is communal, incarnational, nurturing, patient, among other qualities. She offers to her readers the voices of real women recounting their own experiences of motherhood alongside classic and contemporary Christian models.

    Including passages from Scripture, questions for reflection, and suggestions for further resources, The Liturgy of Motherhood provides a way for mothers–and for all of us–to further develop the daily richness of our relationships as a “domestic church” within the Christian tradition

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  • Please Dont Drink The Holy Water


    “If heaven’s a banquet,will I have to do dishes?”

    That’s all Catholic mom Susie Lloyd wants to know. Marriage and motherhood have taught her the rest, including the things that are most important in life: “Metaphysical realities like the existence of God can get along without my help. Cleaning the bathroom can’t.”

    Homeschooling her kids has left Susie wise beyond her years: she’s learned why pi is square instead of round, and searched out the best places to buy a cow’s eyeball for the science fair. “In fact,” she says, “Socrates had it easy. His students never interrupted him to go to the bathroom or ask when lunch was.”

    Susie’s husband is always there to support her: “Greg tells me education would have no purpose if kids didn’t start out ignorant. He seems to think that will keep me from strangling them.”

    Yet she’s always patient, even when strangers gawk at her and her five daughters and ask: “Are they all yours?”, “Are you done yet?”, “Don’t you have a TV?”

    Susie tells them that raising five girls isn’t really so hard (at least not until they’re teenagers). After all, “Daughters don’t have the same needs as sons. They can live for days on hors d’oeuvres.”

    So come along for a ride in Susie’s full-size van as she faces the trials of Family Rosary and tangles with snide education experts, gruff confessors, and relatives who tell her it’s time to wake up and join the “real world.”

    But Susie’s already in the Real World: a happy Catholic family on its way to heaven!

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  • Karl Rahner : Spiritual Writings


    Karl Rahner (1904-84), a Jesuit priest, was one of the most influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century. A major force at Vatican II, his writings effected a paradigm shift in modern theology. Yet it was the experience of prayer and a deeply mystical faith that animated and inspired his scholarship.

    This anthology, which includes selections never before available in English, shows that if Rahner was an important theologian, it was because he was more fundamentally a modern spiritual master.

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  • Finding My Way Home


    Four soul-searching essays from Henri Nouwen explore how weakness and waiting connect us with God’s power and reveal the path of peace and community. An invitation to set aside worldly struggles and in trusting service, to be surprised by joy.

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  • On Earth As It Is In Heaven Matthew Year A


    With a goal of transcendent awareness, John Shea presents this commentary on the Sunday Gospel readings for those who are drawn to the spiritual wisdom of the Gospels. Ideal for Christian preachers and teachers, and Christians who meditate on the Gospels, Shea’s book takes a literary-spiritual approach. He analyzes the mindsets of characters and how Jesus complimented, critiqued, praised these mindsets, to inspire meditation, reflection, and spiritual development. On Earth as It Is in Heaven, Year A is the first book of a four-volume set, The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers. This set is a Lectionary-based resource that references both Roman Catholic and Revised Common Lectionaries, making it useful and interesting to various Christian denominations. A Scripture index makes Shea’s insightful reflections accessible for personal reflection on the Gospel texts as well as other uses outside of liturgical preparation. With wisdom relevant to our contemporary world, The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers: On Earth as It Is in Heaven will find its way to the top of your resource list.

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  • Advent And Christmas Wisdom From Henri J M Nouwen


    The inspiring words of Henri J. M. Nouwen guide the faithful on a spiritual journey through the Advent and Christmas season in this book of waiting, hope, anticipation, and celebration. Each day of the Advent season (28 in all, to accommodate the varying number of days in the season) and each day of Christmas (12 in all, ending with Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist) contain a pertinent excerpt from the writings of Father Nouwen, a related quotation from Scripture, a prayer for the day, and a suggested activity that offers a concrete response to mark the season.

    Advent and Christmas Wisdom is indeed an easy-to-use, daily program to celebrate the momentous arrival of the Christ Child and the joyous news of our salvation. It is also an ideal book for the individual seeking active participation in the season and a renewal of faith for the start of the liturgical year.

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  • Whispers Of Gods Love


    Many people have felt the presence of a loved one who has died, and Catholics have a strong belief in the communion of saints. This collection of gentle stories will be a comforting reminder that at death, life has not ended – it has merely changed.

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  • Rise Let Us Be On Our Way


    Following the success of the international bestseller Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Pope John Paul II provides the world with a glimpse into his past in RISE, LET US BE ON OUR WAY. Chronicling the years he spent as a bishop and later archbishop in Krakow, Poland through his election as the first Polish Pope in 1978, he recounts everything from communist efforts to suppress the church in Poland to his efforts to adopt a new and more open style of pastoral ministry. With recollections on his life as well as his thoughts on the issues facing the world now, Pope John Paul II offers words of wisdom in this book that will appeal to people of any faith looking to strengthen their spirituality

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  • Surprised By Canon Law


    From time to time, all Catholics have them: nagging questions about church life, often prompted by some personal encounter or challenging situation:

    Is a layperson allowed to preach a homily?
    Is a pastor required to report to someone regarding parish finances or is he on his own?
    It seems like the parish council is running your parish. Does it have the authority to do so?
    Must a child be baptized in a church, or may the baptism take place at home?

    Surprised By Canon Law tackles these and many other questions, all of which have been formally addressed by the Roman Catholic Church’s Code of Canon Law. The Code – the internal legal system that governs the church’s day-to-day workings – deals with far-flung concerns of interest to the person-in-the-pew.

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  • Good Care Painful Choices


    Reviews the issues involved in most of the principal medical-ethical dilemmas that face our society from a multi-disciplinary point of view. Updated to reflect the many changes that have occurred in medical-ethical issues.

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  • Following In The Footsteps Of Christ


    The Anabaptists were the largest, most significant of the “radical” movements that paralleled the Protestant reforms of the 16th century. Their program was distinctive in its insistence upon baptism of adult believers, a visible life of discipleship, an ascetic way of life, and a commitment to nonviolence. This vision clashed with the ruling civil and church authorities, whether Catholic or Protestant, who persecuted them violently. Despite persecution and ostracism the Anabaptist tradition lives on in diverse forms whether among the Amish, the Hutterites, the Bruderhof, or the Mennonites.

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  • When You Teach At A Catholic School


    Teachers in Catholic schools are called to do more than instruct in a particular subject area. You are called to witness to the Catholic faith and to ready your students to be socially active and responsible, moral, literate, and to reflect Christian values in daily life in and out of the classroom.

    Dunlap provides inspiration and practical tips for teachers who want to share their faith insight into the ministry of teaching – for teachers, school staff and administration, and parent-teacher organizations.

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  • Visions And Healing In The Acts Of The Apostles


    Trances, visions, healing miracles: permeating the biblical records are these altered states of consciousness, through which some early Christians experienced God. Today’s rituals and liturgies are related to those experiences, which have become significant elements in the Christian tradition and mysticism. Pilch uses cultural anthropology, cognitive neuroscience, and medical anthropology to interpret these past events, and to explore the contemporary liturgical potential of this new understanding. Backed with solid, scientific insights, this interdisciplinary book will help the reader gain appreciation of our ancestors’ faith and the power of Scripture and liturgy.

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  • Hearing The Word Of God Year A


    The commentaries on the Lectionary readings in Hearing the Word of God are an attempt not only to hear the Word of God in Scripture but also to suggest ways that the Sunday readings might continue to nurture faith and life. Inevitably they reflect the time in which they were first written-as a popular weekly column in America from November 2000 to Advent 2001.

    Hearing the Word of God includes Scripture readings for the Sunday, followed by a reflection on the reading, and concludes with “Praying with Scripture,” a series of questions and meditations to guide readers in making a personal application of the reflection.

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  • Seasons In The Word Liturgical Homilies Year A


    Seasons in the Word: Liturgical Homilies, Year A completes a three-volume collection of homilies covering the Lectionary, including feast days. The book results from decades of prayerful preaching on the Sunday Scriptures by Fr. John Sandell to congregations in the Diocese of Fargo.
    Useful for priests in their own homiletic preparation, Seasons in the Word is also for lay people who wish to prepare for the upcoming Sunday readings and for individual reflection.

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  • Passionate Troubadour



    Most lives of the saints are written backward, beginning with the saint’s achieved holiness. This lively story begins at the beginning, with Francis as a very human and, therefore, flawed man, a hopeless romantic who is slowly and painfully drawn by grace toward a destiny he does not desire.

    More than simply picturing the patron saint of poverty, peace, ecology and animals, this book depicts Francis as a holy model for becoming fully oneself as a unique individual. From the age of fourteen until his death, this passionate man is forced to wrestle with his opposing personalities. On the one hand he is an ascetic influenced by the negative theology of his day. On the other hand he is a poet, troubadour, and joyful lover of life.

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  • Our Guardian Angels


    SKU (ISBN): 9780899428451ISBN10: 0899428452George BrundageBinding: BoardsPublished: July 2004Saint Joseph Carry Me Along Board BooksPublisher: Catholic Book Publishing

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  • Gifts Of God


    SKU (ISBN): 9780899428437ISBN10: 0899428436George BrundageBinding: BoardsPublished: July 2004Saint Joseph Carry Me Along Board BooksPublisher: Catholic Book Publishing

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  • Interior Castle


    Celebrated for almost five centuries as a master of spiritual literature, 16th-century saint, Teresa of Avila, is one of the most beloved religious figures in history.

    Overcome one day by a mystical vision of a crystal castle with seven chambers, each representing a different stage in spiritual development, Teresa immediately wrote The Interior Castle. Probably her most important and widely studied work, it guides the spiritual seeker through each stage of development until the soul’s final union with the divine. Free of religious dogma, this modern translation renders St. Teresa’s work a beautiful and practical set of teachings for seekers of all faiths in need of spiritual guidance. It also places this classic in a contemporary context, reasserting its spiritual and literary importance even after more than 400 years.

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  • Newmans Approach To Knowledge


    This book is probably the most extensive and in-depth analysis of Newman’s philosophy to be published in the last forty years. It shows beyond doubt the importance of Newman’s contribution to contemporary philosophy and will certainly go to furthering his cause for recognition as one of the more significant philosophers of the nineteenth century.

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  • Prayer In All Things


    Witness and share in the Benedictine tradition of central Minnesota. Those who share the land of Saint Benedict’s (Monastery and College) in Saint Joseph, and Saint John’s (Abbey, University, Preparatory School, and Liturgical Press) in Collegeville, invite you to experience the prayerfulness of Benedictine spirituality and community. The monastic communities, students, professors, oblates, and friends of these two campuses bring together their humble, honest Benedictine values of “Prayer and Work” and hospitality to create this collection which reaches beyond the campus grounds. Prayers are grouped under New Testament quotations, and inspiring photos invite meditation and prayerful listening. The assortment of works is as diverse as the lives of the contributors, including prayers for times of day, moments of rest, thanksgiving, and petition.

    This campus prayer book is perfect for college students, alumni/alumnae, professors, oblates, and anybody who feels a bond with College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University, or the larger Benedictine community.

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