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Showing 1751–1800 of 2559 results

  • Alleluia Is The Song Of The Desert


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561012503ISBN10: 1561012505Lawrence HartBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2003Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Lent And Easter Wisdom From Fulton J Sheen


    Sheen’s sparkling wit and keen intellect made him one of most popular spokesmen for Catholicism in American history. These 50 passages and prayers lead the reader on a guided retreat of austerity and renewal as each comes face to face with the implications of Jesus’ life and ministry.

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  • No Room At The Table


    A cry that touches our hearts and awakens our desire to help – in some way – the hundreds of thousands of children around the world who are at risk. Overwhelmed by poverty, war, hunger and separation from family, they are not allowed to be children. They carry guns, they sell themselves to buy food, they live on the streets. Donald Dunson tells the stories of our children from New Orleans to the Sudan. Each chapter profiles three or four individuals as it probes an issue affecting children children including hunger and poverty, was and sexual exploitation, homelessness and the need for love. No Room at the table concludes with a list of resources for involvement and action. It is an eye – and heart – opening work.

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  • Documents Of The Baptismal Liturgy (Revised)


    A brilliant collection of early liturgies that demonstrates how the rite of baptism evolved in the early church. The texts are classified geographically with chapters on the ante-Nicene church, Byzantium, Syria, Armenia, Rome, Milan, Spain, Africa, Gallican documents, the Sarum rite, and more.

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  • Praying The Scriptures


    Praying the Scriptures sets a number of biblical prayers in the context of biblical revelation so that they are seen as celebrations of God’s great saving deeds of the Exodus and the Resurrection. Thus they bring us into the very heart of the experience of salvation in that ultimate prayer-event that is the Eucharist. In this context prayers of petition become acts of trust in the goodness of the God who entered our world definitively in the person of Jesus Christ, while prayers of gratitude convert the lives of believers from fear and guilt to courage and joy.

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  • Other Hand Of God


    If the Spirit is not equal to the Father and the Son, can the Trinity survive? Is the role of the Spirit in salvation as important as that of the Son? Why was the divinity of the Spirit problematic in the early Church? If the Son, Jesus Christ, is “the way the truth and the life,” what role does the Spirit have in God’s reaching out to touch the Church and the world? Is there any contact with, any experience of God, apart from the Spirit? In what sense is the Spirit the goal of the Christian life? The Other Hand of God addresses these theological queries.

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  • Worship : A Primer In Christian Ritual


    What is worship? Keith F. Pecklers, S.J., answers this important theological question by focusing on the basics of Christian worship. Beginning with the definitions of such terms as “ritual” and “liturgy” he writes in a very readable style about the historical/theological foundations of worship, tracing the evolution of Christian liturgy from the earliest centuries of the Christian era up to the reforms of Vatican II.
    Pecklers focuses on such liturgical issues of importance in our post-Vatican II Church as: inculturation, popular religion, and the social responsibility that authentic worship requires. He also considers some key social issues of the twenty-first century and their impact on our worship: the break-up of the stable parish community and decline in church attendance; the clergy shortage and priestless parishes; ecumenical liturgical cooperation and interreligious dialogue; the credibility of preaching; and how worship welcomes or excludes the marginated.

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  • American Catholics And Civic Engagement


    Peter Steinfels
    Part 1: Catholic Thought In The American Context

    The Common Good & Catholic Social Thought
    John A. Coleman
    Pluralism & The Common Good: A Response
    Jane Mansbridge
    Catholic Social Thought & The American Experience
    Stephen J. Pope
    Contending With Liberalism
    William A. Galston
    Catholics And The Liberal Tradition
    Michael Lacey & William M. Shea
    Part 2: Catholic Institutions In The American Public Square

    The Catholic Parish In The Public Square
    Philip J. Murnion
    What Do State Catholic Conferences Do?
    William Bole
    The Limits Of Coalitions And Compromises: The California State Catholic Conference
    Edward E. Dolejsi
    Catholic Health Care & The Challenge Of Civic Society
    Clarke E. Cochrane
    Part 3: Catholics In The Public Square: Autobiographies

    Pro-life, Pro-family, Pro-poor
    Mary Jo Bane
    State House Politician
    David Carlin
    On The Beat In The South Bronx And Central America
    David Gonzalez
    Politics And Polling
    Dotty Lynch
    A Journalist’s Calling
    Don Wycliff
    Look For The Real Story
    Paul Moses
    Family, Faith And Union
    Kirk Adams
    The Workers’ Worker
    John J. Sweeney
    Family, Good Fortune And Stewardship
    Thomas J. Donnelly
    God Deals With Me Through My Clients
    W. Shepherdson Abell
    Part 4: Catholics In The Voting Booth

    How Catholic Is The Catholic Vote?
    David C. Leege & Paul D. Mueller
    There Is No Catholic Vote-And It’s Important
    E.J. Dionne, Jr.
    Catholic Republicans
    Kate O’Beirne
    Communitarian Lite
    William Bole

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    Sheed & Ward, in partnership with the Commonweal Foundation and with funding from the Pew Charitable Trust, proudly presents the first of two volumes in a groundbreaking series called American Catholics in the Public Square. The result of a three-year study sponsored by Pew aimed at understanding the contributions to U.S. civic life of the Catholic, Jewish, mainline and evangelical Protestant, African-American, Latino, and Muslim communities in the United States, the two volumes in this series gather selected essays from the Commonweal Colloquia and the joint meetings organized by the Commonweal Foundation and The Faith and Reason Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington. Participants in the Commonweal colloquia and the joint meetings–leading Catholic scholars, journalists, lawyers, business and labor leaders, novelists and poets, church administrators and lobbyists, activists, policy makers and politicians–produced approximately forty-five essays presented at ten meetings that brought together over two hundred and fifty participants. The two volumes in the American Catholics in the Public Square Series address many of the most critical issues now facing the Catholic Church in the United States by drawing from the four goals of the colloquia-to identify, assess, and critique the distinctive elements in Catholicism’s approach to civic life; to generate concrete analyses and recommendations for strengthening Catholic civic engagement; to encompass a broad spectrum of political and social views of Catholics to encourage dialogue between Catholic leaders, religious and secular media, and political thinkers; to reexamine the long-standing Catholic belief in the obligation to promote the common good and to clarify how Catholics may work better with those holding other religious or philosophical convictions toward revitalizing both the religious environment and civic participation in the American republic.

    This first volume, American Catholics and Civic Engagement: A Distinctive Voice, includes a general introduction by Peter Steinfels and is structured in four parts, each of which include a brief overview. Part One, Catholic Thought in the American Context, explore the fundamental concepts that underlie Catholic social thought and their relevance to American public debate and public policy-the intellectual tools with which Catholics have often participated in the public square. Part Two, Catholic Institutions in the American Public Square, reveal

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  • Essays Of A Catholic


    SKU (ISBN): 9780895554635ISBN10: 0895554631Hilaire BellocBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2003Publisher: Tan Books Print On Demand Product

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  • Practical Commentary On Holy Scripture


    This book is a great introductory Bible study all by itself – for it brings out the Catholic teachings that are hidden in Sacred Scripture! A famous book – one which received recommendations from 14 bishops when first published and which went through at least 16 editions – this commentary is not a work for scholars, but rather a very practical book for the ordinary Catholic.

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  • Faith : A History Of Christianity


    Beginning with the birth of Jesus and tracing the religion established by his followers up to the present day, The Faith is a comprehensive exploration of the history of Christianity. Judiciously covering all the signal moments without bogging down in minutia, author Brian Moynahan’s superbly written and generously illustrated book is of central importance to Christians, historians, and anyone interested in a faith that shaped the modern world.
    Moynahan’s research uses little-known sources to tell a magnificent story encompassing everything from the early tremulous years after Jesus’ death to the horrors of persecution by Nero, from the growth of monasteries to the bloody Crusades, from the building of the great cathedrals to the cataclysm of the Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation, from the flight of pilgrims from Europe in pursuit of religious freedom to the Salem Witch Trials, from the advent of a traveling pope to the rise of televangelists.

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  • G K Chesterton


    Introducing Humor Into The Divine
    1. Habits Of Heart
    2. Habits Of Mind
    3. Habits Of Soul
    4. Habits Of Observance
    5. Habits Of Discernment
    6. Habits Of Belief
    7. Habits Of Debate

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    G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936), was one of the great Catholic writers of the twentieth century. He brought a distinctive Catholic perspective to scores of books and articles even to the genre of detective novels in the famous Father Brown mysteries. As this collection shows, Chesterton’s writing contains a spiritual dimension. In his ability to combine matters of great seriousness with great humor, the contours of his distinctive and paradoxical spirituality emerge.

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  • Didache : Text Translation Analysis And Commentary


    In this study edition, Aaron Milavec provides an overview of his pioneering efforts to surface the hidden unity governing the progression of topics in the Didache, a mid-first-century pastoral program for training converts. Milavec’s commentary uses literary and sociological insights to reconstruct the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 C.E. His analytic, Greek-English side-by-side, gender-inclusive translation is included as well as a description of how the only surviving manuscript was discovered. Women’s voices and women’s issues surface throughout. His study questions, bibliography, and flowcharts enable even first-time users to grasp the functional and pastoral genius of the Didache.

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  • James


    In his commentary on the letter of James, Hartin offers a unique approach toward understanding a much-neglected writing. Refusing to read the letter of James through the lens of Paul, Hartin approaches the letter in its own right. He takes seriously the address to “the twelve tribes in the Dispersion” (1:1) as directed to Jews who had embraced the message of Jesus and were living outside their homeland, Israel. At the same time, Hartin shows how this letter remains true to Jesus’ heritage. Using recent studies on rhetorical culture, Hartin illustrates how James takes Jesus’ sayings and performs them again in his own way to speak to the hearers/readers of his own world.

    Hartin examines the text, passage by passage, while providing essential notes and an extensive explanation of the theological meaning of each passage. The value of this commentary lies in its breadth of scholarship and its empathic approach to this writing. The reader will discover new and refreshing insights into the world of early Christianity as well as a teaching that is of perennial significance.

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  • Justification And The Future Of The Ecumenical Movement


    On October 31, 1999, in Augsburg, Germany, officials of the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church signed two documents, an Official Common Statement with its Annex and the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. The Lutheran Churches belonging to the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church were declaring publicly and in a binding manner that a consensus in basic truths of the doctrine of justification exists between Lutherans and Catholics.

    Within four months of the Augsburg signing, the Yale University Divinity School and the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale sponsored a theological conference “Justification and the Future of the Ecumenical Movement.” The goal of the conference was to begin testing the wider import of the Joint Declaration.

    The essays in Justification and the Future of the Ecumenical Movement explore the larger implications of the Joint Declaration. The majority of the chapters are the presentations made at Yale in 2000. Three of the chapters were written later than the Yale conference and are included in this collection to expand the range of the discussion and to add new insights.

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  • Bread Of Life Cup Of Salvation



    Food, Glorious Food

    The Eucharist In The New Testament

    A (Very) Brief History Of The Mass

    The Entrance Rite

    Celebrating The Liturgy Of The Word

    The Readings For Mass

    The Preparation Of The Gifts

    The Eucharistic Prayer

    The Communion Rite

    A Theological Reflection


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    Bread of Life, Cup of Salvation is an invitation to a deeper appreciation for the celebration of the Mass and a greater conviction of its importance for our ordinary living-out of Christian faith in daily life. Taking into account the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the new edition of the General Instruction on the Roman Missal, Fr. John Baldovin, S.J., centers his lucid commentary on the Mass around the most recent official documents and provides an up-to-date survey of the historical development of the Mass from the New Testament to the present. Clear, concise, and accessible, Bread of Life, Cup of Salvation is an informative and powerful reflection on the meaning of the Eucharist for us today.

    This book responds to questions such as What are the orgins of the Mass? How did the Mass develop into what we know today? Why do we have several readings from Scripture at every Mass? Why do we always read a passage from the Gospels last? Why is the Eucharistic Prayer called the center and highpoint of the celebration of the Eucharist? What difference does it make if communion is distributed from the tabernacle or consecrated at the Mass at which people are receiving? Why do we have more than one Eucharistic Prayer? Is it important that people are offered communion in both kinds–the Body and the Blood of Christ? Why did the Mass get its popular name from the dismissal (missa)? Why was it important to recover the exchange of peace?

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  • Bread Of Life Cup Of Salvation



    Food, Glorious Food

    The Eucharist In The New Testament

    A (Very) Brief History Of The Mass

    The Entrance Rite

    Celebrating The Liturgy Of The Word

    The Readings For Mass

    The Preparation Of The Gifts

    The Eucharistic Prayer

    The Communion Rite

    A Theological Reflection


    Additional Info
    Bread of Life, Cup of Salvation is an invitation to a deeper appreciation for the celebration of the Mass and a greater conviction of its importance for our ordinary living-out of Christian faith in daily life. Taking into account the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the new edition of the General Instruction on the Roman Missal, Fr. John Baldovin, S.J., centers his lucid commentary on the Mass around the most recent official documents and provides an up-to-date survey of the historical development of the Mass from the New Testament to the present. Clear, concise, and accessible, Bread of Life, Cup of Salvation is an informative and powerful reflection on the meaning of the Eucharist for us today.

    This book responds to questions such as What are the orgins of the Mass? How did the Mass develop into what we know today? Why do we have several readings from Scripture at every Mass? Why do we always read a passage from the Gospels last? Why is the Eucharistic Prayer called the center and highpoint of the celebration of the Eucharist? What difference does it make if communion is distributed from the tabernacle or consecrated at the Mass at which people are receiving? Why do we have more than one Eucharistic Prayer? Is it important that people are offered communion in both kinds–the Body and the Blood of Christ? Why did the Mass get its popular name from the dismissal (missa)? Why was it important to recover the exchange of peace?

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  • Awakening : Conversations With The Masters


    From the bestselling author of Awareness and The Way to Love comes a classic reissue of lessons to inspire readers every day of the year.

    With more than two million books sold and countless admirers throughout the world, Anthony de Mello is regarded as one of the most influential religious teachers of the past fifty years. Since his death in 1987, widespread recognition of his work’s enduring value has continued to grow. In Awakening, de Mello explores “the wisdom that cannot be conveyed in human speech.” Through 365 meditations, blending the mystical traditions of both East and West, he creates the lessons of a profound “master” to his “pupil,” illustrating our common need for harmony and enlightenment. The daily parables, sometimes cryptic and often witty, are not meant so much to instruct as to awaken the understanding deep within the human heart.

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  • God And Mammon And What Was Lost


    Franois Mauriac, winner of the 1952 Nobel Prize in literature, is one of the most prominent Catholic novelists of the modern era, yet in the English speaking world he is known primarily for only one novel, 1927’s Therese Desqueyroux. In this new translation of two other seminal works by Mauriac, the 1930 novel What Was Lost and its theoretical basis, the 1929 essay God and Mammon, Raymond N. MacKenzie re-introduces Mauriac to the English speaking world. Featuring a scholarly introduction by MacKenzie that provides background on Mauriac’s religious and artistic struggles, this new edition will delight scholars of Mauriac as well as contemporary readers previously unfamiliar with his work.

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  • Listen With The Heart


    Chittister presents an insightful, personal call to reach beyond the immediacy of a moment in everyday life and savor the sacred rituals that underlie it.

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  • Theology At The Eucharistic Table


    As a theologian and Benedictine monk, Jeremy Driscoll has found ongoing inspiration in the regular celebration of the Eucharist, the power of the celebration bringing security and depth to this theological reflections and research. Theology at the Eucharistic Table is a collection of Driscoll’s studies that have the unifying theme of the Eucharist.

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  • Treasures Of Darkness


    I will give you the treasures of darkness and riches hidden in secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, who calls you by your name. This verse from Isaiah led priest Barbara Mosse to question our assumptions about the dark times in life. We tend to associate darkness with the absence of God, yet the season of Advent is all about the unseen workings of God in preparation for new life and new hope. This book explores the many gifts of God that can be found not only during this season, but also at those times in life when we feel engulfed in darkness.

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  • We Drink From Our Own Wells


    A significant event in the development of liberation theology is the publication of “We Drink from Our Own Wells: The Spiritual Journey of a People” by Gustavo Gutierrez. Gustavo’s book fulfills the promise that was implicit in his “A Theology of Liberation” which appeared in Spanish in 1971 and soon became a charter for many Latin American theologians and pastoral workers.

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  • Credible Signs Of Christ Alive


    This accessible and stirring book not only introduces readers to the work of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), the domestic antipoverty and social justice program sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, but also inspires us to service. With John P. Hogan as our guide, we are invited to walk with those who serve and those who are served in confronting the daily reality of poverty as well as the root causes and structures that cause it. Written with the skill of a journalist and the passion of a social justice reformer, Credible Signs of Christ Alive highlights six exemplary CCHD-funded projects that represent successful joint efforts between the working poor–including whites, African-Americans, Latin Americans, and a variety of immigrant groups including, Africans, Asians, Hispanics, and Russians–and the non-poor. Complete with case studies, reflection questions, suggested actions, contacts, and optional further reading, this book tells the story behind the poverty statistics, mines the hope behind the headlines, and makes real the power of faith to transform the world.

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  • Who Is Jesus


    Who is Jesus? This is the fundmental question for christology. The earliest Christians used various titles, most of them drawn from the Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures, to express their faith in Jesus. They called him prophet, teacher, Messiah, Son of David, Son of Man, Lord, Son of God, Word of God, and occasionally even God. In Who Is Jesus? Thomas Rausch focuses on the New Testament’s rich variety of christologies.
    Who Is Jesus? covers the three quests for the historical Jesus; the methods for retrieving the historical Jesus; the Jewish background; the Jesus movement; his preaching and ministry, death and resurrection; the various New Testament christologies; and the development of christological doctrine from the New Testament period to the Council of Chalcedon. Clear and accessible, comprehensive and coherent, a perfect volume for anyone, both new students and knowledgable seminary professors looking for a wonderful summary.

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  • King Sauls Asking


    Who should lead us? Who should we, as a community, look to for guidance? These questions, as old as humankind, followed the Israelite community upon their return from the Exile: Should they return with Davidic kingship or without it? Their answer was King Saul. Reading Israel’s first king as a riddle or the epitome of Israel’s experience with kingship, King Saul’s Asking explores the characterization of the figure Saul, the question of the apparent silence of God, the multiple complexities of responsibility for kingship, and the readers’ opportunities for transformation. It provides a new approach to the Old Testament, supplying the reader with not only an in-depth character study but also an interesting, insightful read, and opportunity for transformation.

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  • Swift Lord You Are Not


    Some poets begin very early to write great poetry. Arthur Rimbaud wrote one of his best poems at 15, Percy Shelley published his first book of poetry at 18. But Kilian McDonnell, O.S.B., did not start until he was 75, after decades of writing as a professional theologian. Now 82 he gives us Swift, Lord, You Are Not, poems of the struggle to find God-waiting for the silence of God to break. He does not write pious verse, or inspirational poetry, but of wrestling with the illusive God. His themes are mostly biblical and monastic. He closes with an essay Poet: Can You Start at Seventy-Five? in which he describes the literary decisions he makes within the monastic context-decisions he needs to make with some dispatch. At 75 he does not have decades to mature. He writes with a new language.

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  • Discernment : The Art Of Choosing Well (Revised)


    Making good decisions are among the most difficult challenges in life. In Discernment: The Art of Choosing Well, readers will find a comprehensive guide to making choices, either individually or in groups. It is based on the time-tested spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the sixteenth-century founder of the Jesuits who developed a systemic way of considering and making choices.

    The author, a renowned teacher of Ignatian spirituality, leads readers on a journey of self-reflection, focusing on the process of discernment rather than on the particular problem at hand.

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  • Gift Of Grandparenting


    Each of the ten reflections in The Gift of Grandparenting focuses on opportunities for sharing the gifts that each generation holds for the other – opportunities to play, to teach, to grow, to trust, to serve, to limit, to heal, to remember, to love, and to dance. Softcover, 188 pages.

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  • Persecution Of The Catholic Church In The Third Reich


    Dramatic proof of the Catholic Church’s resistance to Hitler’s persecution of Catholic individuals and institutions is furnished in this volume, compiled and first published in 1941. It offers an explicit refutation of accusations that the Vatican was complicit in the crimes committed by the Nazis and remained silent against their oppression.

    An anonymous German Catholic, well placed within the church hierarchy, used his position to compile documents as evidence of the National Socialist Party’s campaign to destroy Catholicism and of the official Vatican response to events and propaganda of the time.

    The U.S. national Catholic journal of opinion, Commonweal, featured the book shortly after publication in 1941, saying “Here are the writings and speeches of the Pope and the German hierarchy, the official decrees and instructions of the Government, and the speeches and teachings of the [Nazi] Party. The cumulative weight of this testimony is sufficient to establish the German persecution as the worst, because it is the most efficient, of modern times.”

    Writers at America magazine, the Roman Catholic journal of opinion and commentary, also recognized the importance of this volume soon after it was published: “Complete and devastating . . . The facts are authentic and incontrovertible. The documents are likewise authentic and thoroughly substantiated. . . . To anyone who thinks there is no persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany, we recommend this volume.”

    Pelican has published several other books of the era that focus on the Nazi campaign to expunge all traces of religion or religious thought from politics through a thorough campaign against all religion. Hitler Came for Niemoeller (pb), by Leo Stein, is an account of Lutheran pastor Martin Niemoeller’s eight-year imprisonment and his struggle to preserve the church from the hands of a murderous juggernaut. The Voice of Destruction (pb), originally published in 1940, presents an early view of Hitler and his plans for German supremacy and was written by Hermann Rauschning, who worked closely with Hitler until he resigned from the Danzig senate in 1934

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  • Celtic Model Of Ministry


    Why is the Christian Church declining in numbers and effectiveness in the 21st century? An experienced clergyman and Celtic scholar writes the decline is caused by a crisis of individualism, a crisis of faith, and a crisis of lifestyle. The response to the crisis is provided by Celtic spirituality and the way of ministry of early Celtic Christians in Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Brittany, and the Isle of Man. The early Celtic communities provide a model for ministry today in the local congregation and a way for the successful future of the Church.

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  • Communion With Non Catholic Christians


    How should a Catholic pastor respond to non-Catholics who wish to have Communion without conveying harshness, scrupulosity, legalism, or rudeness? Intended to help Christians recognize the present provisional norms and to seek new possibilities in eucharistic sharing. Communion with Non-Catholic Christians examines the risks, challenges, and opportunities involved in the admission of Communion to non-Catholic Christians.

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  • Advent And Christmas With The Saints


    Advent and Christmas with the Saints offers spiritual sustenance from those holy men and women whom we honor because of their close spiritual relationship with God. Readers walk day-by-day with the saints, recalling the Scriptures they read, meditating on the thoughts they had, praying as they might have prayed, and talking openly with God. Christians looking for a way to re-spiritualize their Christmas practices, prayer groups, small-faith communities, Bible study classes, teachers, clergy, and religious will cherish this guide to refocusing on the “reason for the season,” the birth of the Messiah.

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  • Catholic Babys Baptismal Bible


    A Baptismal Bible for a Catholic baby that comes complete with certificate and family history pages. Gold edges. Padded Hardcover. Gift boxed.

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  • Blessing Of The Table


    Blessings of the Table is a book of seasonal and special occasion table blessings for adults and children.

    Christian groups and families, as well as those who live alone, will find in these readings and prayers a time-honored way to sanctify mealtime and spiritualize daily experiences as they honor the Lord in a special way at the daily meal.

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  • Preaching To Adults Teens And Children


    SKU (ISBN): 9780893905873ISBN10: 0893905879Editor: Celebrating The LectionaryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2003Publisher: Resource Publications Inc.

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  • Prayers Of Our Faith


    “This prayer collection provides a rich selection of devotional material that will deepen understanding of the central truths of our faith and nurture spiritual growth. Chosen for their timelessness and beauty, these are prayers that can be memorized and used over and over again. Many of them have inspired and sustained Christian worship for centuries. Compiled as a gift companion to “”This is My Faith””, though a volume that can also stand alone, “”Prayers of Our Faith”” will make an ideal confirmation gift for candidates of all ages.”

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  • Dynamic Equivalence : The Living Language Of Christian Worship



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    In studying the history of the vernacular in worship beginning with the Christian Scriptures, Dynamic Equivalence uncovers the power of a living language to transform communities of faith.
    How we pray when we come together for common worship has always been significant, but the issue of liturgical language received unprecedented attention in the twentieth century when Latin Rite Roman Catholic worship was opened to the vernacular at Vatican II. Worshiping in one’s native tongue continues to be of issue as the churches debate over what type of vernacular should be employed.

    Dynamic Equivalence traces the history of liturgical language in the Western Christian tradition as a dynamic and living reality. Particular attention is paid to the twentieth century Vernacular Society within the United States and how the vernacular issue was treated at Vatican II, especially within an ecumenical context.

    The first chapter offers a short history of the vernacular from the first century through the twentieth. The second and third chapters contain a significant amount of archival material, much of which has never been published before. These chapters tell the story of a mixed group of Catholic laity and clergy dedicated to promoting the vernacular during the first half of the twentieth century. Chapter Four begins with a survey of vernacular promotion in the Reformation itself, explores the issue of vernacular worship as an instrument of ecumenical hospitality and concludes with some examples of ecumenical liturgical cooperation in the years immediately preceding the Council. The final chapter treats the vernacular debate at the Council with attention to the Vernacular Society’s role in helping with the implementation of the vernacular.

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  • Come Creator Spirit


    Written particularly for the Charismatic Renewal in the English-speaking world, Come, Creator Spirit is a helpful guide for a better understanding of the Holy Spirit. In this detailed commentary on the famous hymn Veni Creator, sung at the beginning of every new year, ecumenical council, and priestly ordination, Father Raniero Cantalamessa describes the Paraclete and gives praise to its glory. Progressing through the hymn line by line, he provides insights, reflections, hymnography of Christian traditions, and testimonies of the saints. This book describes the Church’s experience of the Spirit of today, as well as the past. The biblical and theological base of the hymn opens the reader to the perspectives and inspirations in this book. Its vision of the Holy Spirit in the history of salvation emerges as the reader progresses through the reading. In the celebration of the ecumenical character of Veni Creator, this book draws from Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic traditions for all those who wish to seek a better understanding of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Women Who Hear Voices


    More than a few people today scoff at the notion of “religious experience.” What the believer accepts as God acting in human lives, the skeptic attributes to delusion or hysteria-especially when the believer is a woman. Indeed, the possibility of self-deception in the realm of religious experience is sufficiently great that even devotees tread softly around it. At what point does mindless enthusiasm come to an end and actual, transcendent reality begin?

    Sidney Callahan, a psychologist, author and Christian ethicist, describes authentic religious experience as the work of “a creative God of love who gives totally and renounces coercion.” Human beings, she says, “are wired for relationship.” They move instinctively toward a dynamic presence who abides within the world and in human affairs. In this Madeleva Lecture delivered at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, Callahan affirms not only the reality but the usefulness of private religious experiences, especially those of “women barred from hierarchical authority,” which, she says, “can be a rich source of strength for the church.” Beginning with the insights of William James and Rudolf Otto, and borrowing from contemporary theologians Karl Rahner and John E. Thiel, Callahan describes the way religious “signals” emerge into society through the attentive reflection of individuals. And the world is better for it. “Women who hear voices and see visions and have prophetic and intimate religious experiences,” she states, “have given witness to God’s justice and equality while affirming God’s maternal love.”

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  • Catholic Book Of Prayers (Large Type)


    Today’s most popular general prayerbook. Contains many favorite prayers – for every day, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary, and the Saints, and a summary of our Faith. Designed especially for Catholic adults and those with limited vision.

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  • Christianity With An Asian Face


    11 Chapters

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    Drawing on the twin themes of liberation and inculturation, Peter Phan explicates a new theology forged in the cauldron of the encounter between two vastly different cultures. He devotes particular attention to the meaning of Christ for Asian Americans and the emergence of new christological titles Jesus as Eldest Son and Ancestor.
    Phan also explores his personal roots to sketch the contours for Vietnamese American theology, an expression of faith caught between the Dragon and the Eagle.

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  • Miracles Of The Bible


    SKU (ISBN): 9780899425238ISBN10: 0899425232Lawrence Lovasik | Editor: Jude WinklerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2003Saint Joseph Childrens Picture BookPublisher: Catholic Book Publishing

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