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  • Sermons On The Song Of Songs Volume 2


    Taking up Saint Bernard’s unfinished sermon-commentary, Gilbert ruminates on verse 3:1-5:10 in forty-eight sermons, leaving the task to be finished by John of Ford.
    This volume contains sermons 16 through 32.

    To encounter a person who makes holiness attractive is an enviable experience. Such a person was Gilbert of Hoyland, abbot of the Cistercian monastery of Swineshead in Lincolnshire, a friend of Aelred of Rievaulx, and the continuator of the sermons on the Song of Songs begun by Bernard of Clairvaux.

    When the great saint of Clairvaux died in 1153, his sermon commentary had reached only the first four verses of chapter three of the Canticle. Gilbert took up the task, but left the commentary unfinished at his death. It was brought to completion by another English abbot, John of Ford.

    Those who know and admire Bernard’s eloquence and contemplative insight will enjoy making the acquaintance of his successors. While conscious of continuing Bernard’s work and remaining true to his spirit, they infused their sermons with their own personalities and shared their own rich experiences of God. As Lawrence C. Braceland says in his introduction to this first English translation of Gilbert’s work, ‘Gilbert is an experience. He has found the Beloved.’

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  • Sermons On The Final Verses Of The Song Of Songs Volume I


    In completing the sermon-commentary begun by Bernard and continued by Gilbert of Hoyland, John ’emerges as a lively and original commentator, writing sensitively from a deep experience of the spiritual and monastic life. Carrying on where his great predecessors, including Saint Bernard, left off, John knows grace and its counterpart humility, are central to all Christian spirituality; he also has an exceptionally keen awareness of the church as a body whose members share in each other’s treasures and rejoice in each other’s blessings’.

    This volume contains sermons 1 through 14.

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  • Way Of The Mystics


    First time in print: Howard Thurman’s sermon series on mystics, from St. Francis to Buddha, William Blake to Gandhi, figures who, in his words, have an acute experience of the Divine Life and a commitment to the world and its transformation.

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  • Ambassadors For Christ Cycle B


    What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? This is the question that John Jamison asks throughout this Lenten season. During this time where we remember Jesus’ final weeks and actions before his death and resurrection, we must ask ourselves how we can live more like Jesus did, and how we are showing God’s presence to the world? Jamison uses a unique mix of historical fact and modern examples throughout his sermons to show his congregation the many ways that the disciples had lived in Jesus’ example, and how we can do the same. Although we all have those days where we may not act in a way that is befitting of Jesus, Jamison reminds us that there are no requirements for who can be saved by God’s love, for he sent his son to die for all people. So, do what you can today, and do your best to help others using the gifts that God has given you. Remember that nobody is without God’s grace, and that you should love others as you are loved by your Father in heaven.

    “The pastor lay awake with the feeling that tonight, he had seen the church as it was meant to be. He had seen those people doing what he believed Jesus would have done. He had been a pastor for many years, but what he saw tonight amazed him. As he walked into his office and joined that nine o’ clock meeting, he was exhausted, but he felt like the church, and he, had been reborn.”

    Sermon titles include:

    Seventeen sermons based on the Second lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary (Cycle B) for the seasons of Lent and Easter are included in this single volume. The reader will find these messages inspiring, thought-provoking and comforting. The content of this book will be useful for sermon preparation, study groups and for personal devotions.

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  • Shouting Joy To The Storm Cycle C


    How are we to respond when the violent storm of change rolls into our lives?

    Should we hide from the storm? Hide in the status quo?

    As this volume of sermons reminds us, that is not the way of the Christ.Followers of Jesus are called to believe that our greatest treasure ought not be found in the comfort of worldly life as we make it. The Lord calls us instead to step outside and face the coming storm, as he did.

    When we do, we face all manner of fears in a world that does not like its order challenged. Mockery when we follow God; poverty when we stop worshipping money; grief when we are vulnerable enough to love the oppressed.

    Shouting Joy to the Storm reminds us that, just as the Father partnered with the Son to bring him through the storm of Calvary, so he will bring us through our storms. We are not in this for a mere lifetime. We are in it for the long haul.

    “They shall no more be a prey to the nations, nor shall the beasts of the land devour them. They shall dwell securely, and none shall make them afraid (Ezekiel 34:28, ESV).”

    Sermons include:
    *Long View – The Long Haul(Luke 13:31-35)
    *What Is Truth? (John 18:1-19, 42)
    *Death Shall Be No More (John 13:31-35, Revelation 21:1-6)

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  • Surprise Surprise Surprise Cycle A


    But What Of Lazarus? (John 11:1-45)
    For The Glow Of It (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21)
    Friday (John 18:1-19:42)
    Learning To Walk In The Dark And Remembering The Dark Is As Day To God (Matthew 26:14– 27:66)
    Nicodemus Came By Night (John 3:1-17)

    Additional Info
    Two voices, fourteen sermons…

    The lives of David and Marian Plant have been intertwined for 46 years, their mutual ministries, for even longer. Their voices were shaped by their ministry experiences that began together in shared, co-pastorate positions, and then matured into individual settled ministry positions and then again, moved into their own specialties of the last 20 years: Marian, in the teaching ministry and David in the interim and church revitalization ministry. Marian’s voice is one practiced well from a traditional setting of pulpit with written text in hand. David’s voice is one practiced in a relational style of informal conversation, often done without notes, and in back and forth dialogue with the gathered worshipers.

    Their latest work, Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! provides fourteen cycle A gospel sermons for Lent/Easter. In these sermons you will see the mix of the lives of the Plants, committed to social justice, the important context of the role of the church as that which speaks for Christ, and the importance of the need for individuals to take up the challenge of living their faith more fully. There is no doubt that their mutual passions for addressing the ills befalling our culture and our world were foremost on their minds, and they could not but help influence one another’s work by virtue of their lives lived in the practice of ministry and marriage. They offer these words to you, as colleagues in ministry, even if only a sentence is valuable to you.

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  • Monastic Sermons


    In addition to his eighty-six Sermons on the Song of Songs and the Sermons on the Liturgical Year, in which he follows the calendar from Advent through autumn, Bernard of Clairvaux composed these ‘sermons on various subjects’. His choice and handling of subject matter provides insights into Bernard the abbot more than to Bernard the public figure and renown preacher.

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  • Word Has Come Down


    Lent holds a central place in the worship of many Christians. After the joyful celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany, it is vital for Christians to set aside time to repent, meditate, and reflect on the fact that Jesus’ life was a buildup to the ultimate sacrifice of himself on the Cross for our sins. In The Word Has Come Down, Huener guides participants through the ashes of repentance of Ash Wednesday, journeying through the Last Supper of Maundy Thursday and the crucifixion of Good Friday, culminating in the revelation of the risen Jesus at Easter. Along the way, Huener stops to look at each of the main characters in these events, people like Caiaphas, Peter, Judas, Pontius Pilate, and the women at the tomb, allowing each one to tell their side of the story. Huener explores each character in detail, allowing each one to flesh out this central event in Christian history. Whether used for congregational worship, small group study, or personal Lenten devotions, The Word Has Come Down will draw its readers into the beauty, agony, and triumph of Lent and Easter. Beth Huener is the pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Oregon, Ohio, a suburb of Toledo. She has also served at other Lutheran parishes in Ohio and West Virginia.

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  • To The Cross And Beyond


    In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — the First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the gospel lesson, we return to the fountainhead, bringing the congregation back to where Christianity began. Like the first disciples, we walk with Jesus, hearing his words and witnessing his miracles as we journey to the Cross.

    To the Cross and Beyond takes us through Jesus’ final days on earth as recounted in the Sundays of Lent and Easter. David O. Bales explores some of the gospel’s best-known moments as Jesus journeys to Jerusalem and, ultimately, to the Cross and then the empty tomb.

    This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
    Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
    Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
    Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
    Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotions

    This insightful collection of sermons includes:
    Looking Down on God
    Putting the World Back Together
    Jesus’ Prayer: The Pause in the Battle
    … and many more!

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  • Show And Tell Cycle A


    In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — The First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the first reading, the congregation returns to the heritage of our faith as described in the Old Testament, as well as in the New Testament book of Acts. We travel with the children of Israel as they take their first steps in faith, reliving the highs and lows of that journey with them. Through studying this part of scripture, we can see our own journey of faith played out by an entire nation.

    Show-and-Tell guides us through some of the earliest accounts in the Bible in Genesis and Exodus, as well as the prophetic words of Isaiah and Ezekiel. During the Easter season, the first readings also explore the beginnings of Christianity as recounted in Acts. By taking us back to the beginning, Dr. Everett offers insight and encouragement into how we can live out our faith today.

    This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
    Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
    Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
    Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
    Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotions

    Sermons in this volume include:
    Will This Be on the Test?
    A Breath of Fresh Air
    Stuck in Park
    … and many more!

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  • In The Name Of The Father


    The celebration of the Latin or Tridentine mass, otherwise known as the Extraordinary Form, is an increasingly common practice in Roman Catholic churches throughout the world. Once the only rite in use which Catholics around the world knew from childhood, its usage ended with the Second Vatican Council’s ruling that liturgy should be celebrated in peoples’ own languages. The Latin mass thus became the preserve of various traditionalist societies.Two years ago the Pope declared that the celebration of the Latin mass was to be restored and regularly offered alongside the modern mass. aaToday, priests trained in the modern rite are learning how to celebrate the Latin mass and there is a demand for liturgical resources to accompany it, especially as it follows a different calendar and lectionary. It has an introduction by Mgr Anthony Conlon, Chaplain of the Latin Mass Society, one of a number of societies dedicated to promoting the use of the Extraordinary Rite.

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  • Courage To Carry On


    Using the Hebrew scriptures and the book of Acts as a guide, David Webb journeys through the First Readings from the Revised Common Lectionary for the Lent and Easter seasons. The Courage to Carry On not only draws people into a deeper appreciation and understanding of the meaning of Lent and Easter, it also offers insight into living the Christian life in today’s world. Ideal for sermon inspiration and preparation as well as small group Bible study and personal reflection and meditation, The Courage to Carry On is a valuable addition to any library.
    Some of the sermons included in this collection are:
    * Relentless Grace
    * A Precious Gift
    * Salvation Is Coming
    * The Church’s DNA
    * Confident Faith

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  • Sermons For Advent And The Christmas Season


    The 12th century abbot and contemplative reminds Christians still today that Christmas celebrates the awesome condescension of God-with-us, not a commercial carnival.

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  • Reconciliation


    Prepare everyone in your congregation for a meaningful Lenten season with this collection of six sermon outlines, accompanied by program suggestions, worship aids, and a dramatic reading based on Mark’s passion narrative. The resources all stress the theme of reconciliation – with ourselves, between ourselves and God, in our families, in our churches, in our churches, in our communities, and in the world.

    A companion daily worship and study guide is available.

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  • Victory Of Faith


    These sermons for Lent and Easter are based on second lesson texts from the epistles, including First and Second Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians, Hebrews and Philippians.

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  • Turning Points


    In these nine sermons preachers will find brilliant use of story to illustrate the Lenten message. Beringer focuses on different journeys throughout the New Testament and examines the “turning points” recorded there.

    As is stated in the introduction, our Christian faith is a pilgrim faith. The author shows in modern parables how we are called by Christ to be a people on the move with him through time to eternity and the Kingdom of God. He shows that we are travelers on the road of faith, never quite arriving at our destination, but always growing and being transformed by each encounter with the living God.

    Following each sermon is a set of discussion questions based on the preceding sermon and the scripture on which the sermon is based. These questions can be copied into the bulletin to help the congregation follow the sermon, used as small group discussion starters, distributed to worshipers as they leave church or be printed in weekly newsletters to reinforce the message given the previous Sunday.

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  • Restoring The Future Cycle A


    Drawing upon thoughtfully mined biblical insights and his alert attention to contemporary culture, Rob Elder has crafted sermons that not only disclose some unexpected angles of vision on Lent and Easter, but also serve as models for preaching on neglected and overlooked texts. These are not the usual texts and these are not the expected words for the seasons of Lent and Easter, but it is sometimes what we do not expect to see and hear that delights us most. Robert J. Elder is currently the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Salem, Oregon.

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  • Living Vertically Cycle C


    Through fascinating anecdotes and stories drawn from his experience as a campus minister, John Brittain applies the Gospel readings from the Revised Common Lectionary to contemporary life. His powerful and insightful messages proclaim the good news in everyday situations — they’ll hold listeners’ attention from beginning to end.

    Titles include:
    And Now The News — Luke 13:1-9
    A Tale Of Two Crosses — Luke 22:14-23:56
    Believing Is Seeing — John 20:19-31
    How Can They Do That? — John 14:23-29
    Christo-centric Or Ego-centric? — John 17:20-26
    … and more!

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  • Ashes To Ascension Cycle B


    These sermons lift up the themes of suffering, reconciliation, and the unmerited goodness of God extended to all through Jesus Christ. Stroman never loses sight of the kerygma in his tightly packed messages. He addresses a world where hatred and violence prevail with the message of divine love, which has enriched souls and kindled faith throughout the centuries.

    Titles include:
    Beginning The Journey To Calvary — 2 Corinthians 5:20b
    Once And For All — 1 Peter 3:18a
    Promises — Promises — Romans 4:21
    The Right Person For The Job — Hebrews 5:5-10
    Life – And Then Some — 1 John 5:9-13
    … and more!

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  • From This Day Foward Cycle B


    God is into relationships, and he restores them by grace and love. Paul Kummer picks up the covenant/marriage/renewal themes in these scriptural texts and creatively develops them into inspiring messages of love and hope.

    Sermon titles include:
    Forsaking All Others — Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
    A New Name — Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
    Our Jealous Husband – Exodus 20:1-17
    Something Old, Something New — Jeremiah 31:31-34
    Shameless Passion — Isaiah 50:4-9a
    … and more!

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  • Call Of Wild Geese


    The brief, unforgettable homilies in this second collection of monastic homilies speak of the human realities and are no less applicable to persons in the parish than they are to monks. A profound devotion to Christ underlies them all. Some are startling; all are challenging and marked by spontaneity and exquisite imagery. Preached after more than nine years in solitude, these short sermons reflect a mature experience with a unique mix of wry humor and utter seriousness.

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  • Cross Resurrection And Ascension Cycle A


    This book of sermons moves from the desert of Ash Wednesday to the cross of Calvary on Good Friday, to the empty tomb on Easter, and finally to Jesus’ return to the Father. Richard Gribble’s preaching style is vibrant and relevant to the person in the pew. The deeply spiritual content is punctuated by poignant story illustrations that illustrate the scriptural text and enlighten the listener.

    Preachers will find this book inspiring for their own sermons, while lay readers will discover rich insights to the Bible for their personal study and devotions.

    Contents include:
    Ash Wednesday: The Journey To Freedom Begins
    First Sunday In Lent: Greed Leads To Destruction
    Fourth Sunday In Lent: Looking To The Heart
    Maundy Thursday: Carrying On The Tradition
    Easter Sunday: Our Need To Talk With The Son
    Seventh Sunday Of Easter: The Community Of Life
    Ascension Sunday: Completing The Master’s Work
    … and others.

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  • Whispering The Lyrics Cycle A


    Based on texts from the Revised Common and Catholic lectionaries, Thomas Long provides inspirational messages to motivate and help preachers through their most difficult preaching time of the year, the seasons of Lent and Easter.

    The road to Easter takes us through the most sacred stretch of the Gospel story, and the narratives simply overwhelm us … Congregations who blithely assume that their pastor eagerly relishes the chance to preach the passion and resurrection of Jesus are, for the most part, mistaken. To be sure the pews are more crowded as Easter approaches, the choirs are well-rehearsed and in full voice, and an electric charge courses through the sanctuary, but the preacher stands there with the obligation to proclaim the truths of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and it seems, at one and the same time, to be a set of claims too little to go on in a secular and cynical age and a range of mysteries too profound to speak. (from author’s foreword)

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  • Power To Change Cycle B


    “Christians today need to hear more about the possibility that we don’t have to stay the way we are,” writes Durwood L. Buchheim. “God is not finished with us or with our world. So, Christians can live hopefully, expectantly and boldly. There is power to change. The Lent-Easter texts point in that direction.”

    The 15 sermons in this book are based on First Lesson texts. Lenten season sermons are based on six Old Testament books. Except for Easter Sunday, Easter season sermons are based on The book of Acts. The sermons follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

    Christianity is about caring and sharing … We are the people of God’s future. We are to be signs of hope to those around us. Under the power of God’s great grace, we can begin to live that way now. (from the Easter 2 sermon)

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  • Called To Jerusalem Sent To The World Cycle A


    In the broken places of our lives, when hope is lost and courage falters … in that moment God comes to those who will listen. Always he meets us in our desolation, offering us an alternative to our defeat. (from the sermon “A Chance To Live Again”

    The 17 sermons in this book are based on First Lesson texts, from six Old Testament books and the book of Acts. They follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

    “In a culture increasingly driven to receive more than it gives, self-sacrifice is less and less popular,” writes Theodore F. Schneider. “We want much, but we are willing to risk little…. We are called to join with God for good, taking the risks, carrying the cross.”

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  • Preparation And Manifestation Cycle A


    There really is good new! God is still eager to save. Prepare yourself for his coming into your life. He is already present. It is all here; the secret to the good and happy life is already manifest and present. (from the sermon “We Must Be Blind!”)

    The 21 sermons in this book are based on Gospel texts, primarily from Matthew and John. Sermons follow the Revised Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionaries.

    In his messages, Mark Ellingsen connects preparation through penitence and the new life given in baptism. “The gospel lessons assigned for the season provide excellent occasions to practice such liturgical proclamation,” writes Ellingsen. “Penitence and preparation happen in the presence of Christ and the new life he gives. Thus they are Gods work.”

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  • Come And See Cycle C


    As a Cycle C Lenten-based resource, Come And See provides many opportunities for congregations.

    It offers a pre-Lenten Mission Fair, which may be held during the second Sunday of Epiphany. The Fair is an invitation to deeper discipleship during Lent.

    It offers mid-week Lenten programs. These are playlets and inductive Bible studies. Each playlet has parts for three adults. Each Bible study follows Scriptures from Mark with helpful study questions. Playlets and Bible studies focus on evangelism worship, education, social concerns and stewardship.

    It offers six sermons to be used for Ash Wednesday and the five Sundays of Lent.

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  • Grace Words From The Cross


    “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they are doing.” –Luke 23:34

    As in Luke 23:34, John R. Brokhoff offers “words of grace” in this series of sermons for Lent, Holy Week, or Good Friday. The messages are based on passages from Luke, John, and Matthew.

    This book offers four options: as a series of six messages for Lent and one for Holy Week; a series of sermons for each day of Holy Week; a three-hour Good Friday service; for personal meditation and reflection.

    Themes are:
    The first word — mercy.
    The second word — promise.
    The third word — concern.
    The fourth word — fidelity.
    The fifth word — need.
    The sixth word — completion.
    The seventh word — commitment.

    Scriptures are from, the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.

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  • Greatest Wonder Of All Cycle C


    ohn Braaten takes biblical passages from the Lent and Easter season and weaves them into messages for today’s Christians. This book of sermons follows Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic Lectionaries. The 17 messages include texts from Matthew, Luke, and John.

    Sermon titles include:
    The Pitfalls Of Practicing Piety — Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
    Our Christian I.D. — Luke 4:1-13
    The King Who Came To Die — John 19:16b-22
    A Strange Kind Of Glory — John 13:31-35

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  • Palms And Thorns Cycle B


    “Liturgy,” which literally means “the work of the people,” sums up all the ways people have responded to God, including hymns, prayers, laments, invocations and confessions of faith.

    14 Worship Services The Liturgical Witness Of The New Testament contemporizes and brings to life these various forms of worship as the author draws unique canticles, prayers, hymns and responsive petitions from the books of the New Testament. Each New Testament book is allowed to speak with its own voice. For example, the service based on Luke gives voice to the Gospel by the use of four canticles (psalms), and Luke’s own version of the Words of Institution and his truncated version of the Lord’s Prayer are included.

    Also included are a helpful index listing the worship services according to their use in the lectionary and ten sermons for use with these liturgies.

    Contents include:
    Through The Desert Clear A Highway! — The Liturgical Witness Of Luke
    One Lord, One Body — The Liturgical Witness Of The Corinthian Letters
    Lordship And Unity — The Liturgical Witness Of Colossians
    God Is Love — The Liturgical Witness Of First John
    Worthy The Lamb — The Liturgical Witness Of Revelatio

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  • Channeling Grace : Sermons For Lent And Easter Sundays In Ordinary Time Cyc



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  • Sevenfold Path To Peace


    Jesus made peace by the blood of his cross. What more appropriate theme for a Lenten preaching series could there be than “The Sevenfold Path to Peace”? Here is a sample of this skillful proclaimer’s insight (from the first sermon):
    “I saw a sixth grader, on his way up the alley to school, throw a firecracker over the fence of our yard and into the chicken coop. I was as angry as I ever have been in my whole life. The chase was on! Down the alley, a hesitating wonder as to how he had vanished into thin air, spotting him darting from under a bush like a rabbit, over a five-and-a-half foot wall, then over a six-and-a-half foot back wall, I took the gate, across the church parking lot, and finally trapped him under the camper parked in a neighbor’s yard. Winded and outaged, I yelled that I wanted to “kill” him, but instead took him to the school principal to do the disciplining. I didn’t like the feeling that raged in me. I was even frightened by it. I certainly experienced the truth of the words of Eleanor of Aquitaine: “We are the origin of war.””
    Messages include:
    – Is Peace Attainable?
    – Desire Peace
    – Peacemaking: Active, not Passive
    – Peace as Shalom
    – The Gift of Peace
    – Peace Through Sacrifice
    – Proclaim Peace

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