Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)
Showing 51–100 of 469 resultsSorted by latest
How To Think Like Aquinas
$18.95Add to cartIn these pages, you’ll learn St. Thomas Aquinas’s unique powers of intellect and will, and how he can train us to perfect them. Best-selling author of The One-Minutea Aquinas offers here a fully guided, illustrated tutorial of exercises to perfect your intellectual powers of memory, understanding, logical reasoning, shrewdness, foresight, circumspection, practical wisdom, and so much more that lead to happier and holier lives. You’ll also learn:
-The connections between thinking, happiness, and holiness
-How to perfect intellectual powers you may not know you possess
-Why a failure to understand human nature impairs our ability to understand anything
-The three fundamental acts of practical wisdom
-The eight parts of prudence every Catholic should keep in stock
-How training our memories can make us deeper thinkers
-How critical thinking alone is insufficient for reaching the truth
-Why Catholics should cherish reason as well as faith #&8212 and know how to use it!
-How to spot twenty common logical fallaciesHow thinking like Aquinas can inoculate you from twenty damaging isms and worldviews wreaking havoc in our world today.
Stumbling In Holiness
$29.95Add to cartIn Stumbling in Holiness, professor and theologian Brian P. Flanagan addresses the ways in which both holiness and sinfulness condition the life of the pilgrim church. The book is rooted in a liturgical-theological explanation of how the church prays through its continuing need for repentance and purification, as well as its belief in its present and future participation in the life of the Holy One. After reviewing some of the ways in which past theologians have tried to explain the coexistence of ecclesial holiness and sinfulness, Flanagan suggests that, even if we can have confidence that God will fully sanctify the church in the reign of God, our ecclesiology must always attend to both the sanctity we already experience in the church and the sinfulness that is part of our continuing journey toward that reign.
According To The Scriptures
$19.95Add to cartLetter & Spirit is an annual journal of Catholic Biblical Theology. We strive to publish work that is academically rigorous but accessible to the motivated lay reader. This twelfth volume, According to the Scriptures: The Mystery of Christ in the History of Salvation, is focused on current exegesis as well as the pre-modern reception of St. Paul.
Articles include “A Few Obscure Men: Augustine’s Reception of Saint Paul’s Ignobilitas” by Fr. David Vincent Meconi, S.J.; “The Spiritual Experience of St. Paul in the Monastic Theology of St. Bernard” by Fr. Thomas Esposito, O.Cist.; “Paul’s Rhetorical Purpose in Ephesians 4:9-10: Upsilon Vector Mimesis” by William Bales; and “Exegesis and Ecclesiology in Augustine’s City of God” by John Cavadini.
His Angels At Our Side
$18.95Add to cartMeet the mighty spirits sent by God to enlighten and guide us, defend us from harm, and lead us on the path to eternal life. Learn how angels are invisibly present at every moment of your life, and how they can pray with you and for you, amplifying your praise by reflecting it directly to God face-to-face
Angels do not form a separate universe – they are an integral part of our own world sent forth for the sake of our salvation. They are pure spirits who communicate to us God’s grace, His goodness, and His truth.
In these pages, Fr. Horgan unveils the surprising role of the angels in our lives – and what you must do to gain their help. You’ll learn how to imitate the angels in prayer and how they offer you the enlightenment and the encouragement God so desperately wants to give you. By praying with the angels, you will be strengthened for what lies ahead, better able to discern and do the Lord’s will in all your actions. You’ll also learn:
*Why the Church teaches that the angels were created at the time of creation
*The responsibilities of the angels at every Mass
*The key difference between spirits and angels
*Seven habits you must develop to grow closer to God through His angels
*The difference between Archangel Gabriel’s apparitions to Mary and Zechariah
*How St. Joseph can expose you to the inspirations of the angels
*The difference in the way humans and angels think
*How you can imitate the warrior nature of the angels
*The three ways you must respond to your angel’s guardianship
*The five roles that every angel takes in their service for the Lord
*The surprising ways in which angelic warfare is carried out -
Theology Of The Presence And Absence Of God
$49.95Add to cartIn a consumer-driven and technologized world, can we still experience the mystery of God? This book answers yes by exploring the rich resources of the Christian tradition of thinking and speaking about God. Focusing on God’s dialectical character–divine availability (“presence”) and divine excess (“absence”)–and the belief that “God is love” (1 John 4:16), professor Anthony J. Godzieba tracks how God became a problem in Western culture, then responds by showing how human experience is open to divine transcendence and how that openness encounters the revelation of God as Trinity. The book’s contemporary edge comes from its insistence that belief as embodied performance is the most authentic way to participate in the mystery of God’s love, which is “the answer to the mystery of the world and human beings” (Walter Kasper).
Living Tradition : Catholic Social Doctrine And Holy See Diplomacy
$30.00Add to cartOn the world stage, the Holy See acts as both a religious and a political actor. As the head of over 1.2 billion Catholics, the pope is a widely recognized spiritual authority. Politically, the Holy See maintains diplomatic relations with other states and actively participates in international organizations such as the United Nations.
By What Authority (Revised)
$24.95Add to cartFew topics are as important, or as controversial, as the proper role and exercise of authority in the Roman Catholic Church. Inspired by Pope Francis’s bold rereading and determined implementation of the teaching of Vatican II, Richard Gaillardetz has completely revised and expanded his book By What Authority? It offers a helpful introduction to the nature and forms of church authority and their relationship to authentic Christian belief and discipleship. Gaillardetz offers theologically clear and pastorally insightful considerations of:
-the character of divine revelation, the authority of Scripture and tradition
-the role of the pope and bishops in preserving the Christian faith
-the levels of church teaching authority, the central faith witness of all the baptized
-the possibility of disagreements with church teaching, and the proper relationship between -theologians, the magisterium, and the whole people of God
-the authority of the believing community and the controversial questions that arise when -there are conflicting interpretations of church teaching. -
Evolving Humanity And Biblical Wisdom
$24.95Add to cartAs humans, we long to surpass our own limitations. In Evolving Humanity and Biblical Wisdom, Marie Sabin equates this longing to our desire for wisdom, calling it “sharing in divinity.” Taking us through both the Old Testament and New Testament in pursuit of this wisdom, reflecting also on the writings and perspective of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Sabin explores the questions of where to find Wisdom, what it might look like, and then connects the Wisdom of the Spirit to the Wisdom of the Earth.
Reading the Scriptures through Teilhard’s lens poses a new way of seeing the relationship between “the spirit” and “the world”: no longer does sharing in divinity require withdrawal from the world; instead, it involves wholehearted engagement. Scholars and seekers alike will find something enriching in Sabin’s words.
Mystic In You
$14.99Add to cartWhat is a mystic? Bruce Epperly defines mystics as people who see holiness in everyday life. God comes to us in the moment-by-moment adventures of daily living, he says. We can be mystics without leaving our families, disengaging from daily responsibilities, becoming a priest, or joining a monastic order. Epperly shows how we can experience the living God in the midst of daily life and never again take everyday events for granted. Bruce Epperly introduces readers to 12 individuals or groups of mystics through the ages – St. Francis of Assisi – The desert mothers and fathers – Benedict of Nursia – The Celtic mystics – Hildegard of Bingen – Mechtild of Madgdeburg – Brother Lawrence – The Baal Shem Tov – Howard Thurman – Etty Hillesum – Rumi – Julian of Norwich Each chapter describes the each mystic’s life, spiritual experiences and worldview, and provides spiritual exercises to help us experience the mystic firsthand. Through his conversational, down-to-earth approach, Epperly inspires us to realize that we can encounter God wherever we are, whatever we are doing.
Pauses For Pentecost
$12.99Add to cartPentecost is a holy day when Christians commemorate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the early followers of Jesus Christ. Originating from a Greek word meaning “50th day,” Pentecost occurred 50 days after Christ’s resurrection. Before the events of Pentecost, Jesus had followers, but there was no movement that could really be called the church. Pentecost is considered the birthday of the church. In Pauses for Pentecost, Trevor Hudson leads readers to focus on one word and scripture verse each day. He invites us to pause for just a few minutes to read the brief daily reflection and do a simple practice. The beauty of this book is its simplicity, and the thoughtful meditations guide us to a deeper understanding of the meaning of Pentecost.
Old English Rule Of Saint Benedict
$29.95Add to cartSt. thelwold (904/9 -984), abbot of Abingdon and bishop of Winchester, made the first translation of the Rule of Saint Benedict into English (or, indeed, into any vernacular language) as part of the tenth-century English Benedictine Reform. This movement dramatically affected the trajectory of religious life in early medieval England and influenced the ways in which secular power was conceived and wielded in the kingdom. thelwold’s translation into Old English reworks Benedict’s Latin text through numerous silent additions, omissions, and instances of explanatory material, revealing an Anglo-Saxon ecclesiastical and political reformer intent on making this foundational Latin text more readily accessible to the new monks and nuns of the Reform and to the laity. Presented with related texts composed in Old English, this volume makes thelwold’s transformation of Benedict’s Rule available in Modern English translation for the first time.
Dark Halo : The Whore Of Babylon Revealed
$16.49Add to cartIs it possible that the largest body of Christian believers, Roman Catholics, have fallen from their place in heaven? Dark Halo takes the readers on a fantastic voyage, down the hallowed halls of St. Peters Basilica in the heart of Rome, and behind closed doors in the Vatican to reveal that the horrors and atrocities of the Roman Catholic Church have echoed down the ages, right into our modern times. From world-wide blatant idolatry and necromancy, to homosexuality and pedophilia, to a Pope who is on a mad quest to combine all religions into one universal faith; you will see the Roman Catholic Church as you have could never have imagined. But just being a church that has secretly turned against God is not enough to prove that Catholicism is the Great Whore described by the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation. Dark Halo uses the new and cunning theological concept to decipher this impossible vision and gives strong and compelling evidence that only the Roman Catholic faith meets all over the descriptions given in prophecy for the enigmatic Whore of Babylon. The author draws comparisons to many other great theologians who not only believed that that this was the case, but bled and died for this belief, such as Martin Luther and James Calvin. Dark Halo brings the reader what their pastor will not preach about on a Sunday morning, but something that is even more important and relevant to the modern Christian; a true understanding of their place in prophecy and the coming end-times.
Lost In Translation
$17.95Add to cartn this book, Gerald O’Collins, SJ, takes a systematic look at the 2010 English translation of the Roman Missal and the ways it fails to communicate what the Second Vatican Council mandated: the full participation of priest and people. Stemming from the unsatisfactory principles prescribed by the Vatican instruction Liturgiam Authenticam (2001), this book:
*tells the story of the maneuverings that sidelined the 1998 translation approved by eleven conferences of English-speaking bishops
*criticizes the 2010 translation, and
*illustrates the clear superiority of the 1998 translation, the “Missal that never was”Includes a chapter by John Wilkins, editor of The Tablet (1982 – 2003).
Light Of Christ
$19.95Add to cartThe Light of Christ provides an accessible presentation of Catholicism that is grounded in traditional theology, but engaged with a host of contemporary questions or objections. Inspired by the theologies of Irenaeus, Thomas Aquinas and John Henry Newman, and rooted in a post-Vatican II context, Fr. Thomas Joseph White presents major doctrines of the Christian religion in a way that is comprehensible for non-specialists: knowledge of God, the mystery of the Trinity, the Incarnation and the atonement, the sacraments and the moral life, eschatology and prayer.
At the same time, The Light of Christ also addresses topics such as evolution, the modern historical study of Jesus and the Bible, and objections to Catholic moral teaching. Touching on the concerns of contemporary readers, Fr. White examines questions such as whether Christianity is compatible with the findings of the modern sciences, whether historical Jesus studies disrupt or confirm the teaching of the faith, and whether history confirms the antiquity of Catholic claims.
This book serves as an excellent introduction for young professionals with no specialized background in theology who are interested in learning more about Catholicism, or as an introduction to Catholic theology. It will also serve as a helpful text for theology courses in a university context.
As Fr. White states in the book’s introduction: “This is a book that offers itself as a companion. I do not presume to argue the reader into the truths of the Catholic faith, though I will make arguments. My goal is to make explicit in a few broad strokes the shape of Catholicism. I hope to outline its inherent intelligibility or form as a mystery that is at once visible and invisible, ancient and contemporary, mystical and reasonable.”
Holy Cross Life Giving Tree
$24.95Add to cart* Historical perspective of the image of the cross as one of life instead of death * Resource for Lent, gaining a new understanding of Holy Cross Day and/or Hildegaard of Bingen What would Christianity be like if the principle of a new creation were its guiding idea, and the Cross as Life-Giving Tree its central image? After exploring this principle’s deep roots in tradition, worship, and art, this book proposes Hildegard of Bingen’s concept of virditas-“green-ness”-as a way to know it in daily life. It claims the Cross as healer of division, both among followers of Jesus and among the nations. Holy Cross, Life-Giving Tree is illustrated with Cross images from throughout the Christian world and compares eastern Christian liturgies of the Cross with those of the west. It recounts the origins of the early Jerusalem cult of the Cross, and invites readers to meditate on Scripture passages used by ancient artists. Each of its six chapters ends with reflection questions for going deeper. Holy Cross, Life-Giving Tree is designed for use by study groups or by individuals.
Hell And The Mercy Of God
$34.95Add to cartIf God is truly merciful and loving, perfect in goodness, how can he consign human beings created in his own image to eternal torment in hell? God’s goodness seems incompatible with inflicting horrible evil upon those who oppose his will and defy his law. If to this paradox we add the metaphysical requirement that God be perfect in goodness, the eternal evil of hell seems to be contradictory to God’s own nature.
Catholic philosopher Adrian Reimers takes on these challenges in Hell and the Mercy of God, drawing on relevant sources from Aristotle to Aquinas, from Dante to Tolkien, from Wagner to John Paul II, along with Billie Holliday, The Godfather, and the music of George Gershwin. He presents a philosophical theology, grounded in Scripture, of the nature of goodness and evil, exploring various types of pain, the sev-en capital sins, the resurrection of the body, the meaning of mammon, the core meaning of idolatry, the psychology of Satan and those who choose his path, and the moral responsibility of the human person.
These reflections illuminate the intelligibility of orthodox Catho-lic teachings on the goodness of God and the reality of hell. Hell is not an arbitrary imposition set up for human rule-breakers but a contin-uation of a freely chosen way of life manifest even in this world. Ex-amples from history, art, and contemporary culture lead the author to conclude that anyone who does not believe in the reality of hell is not paying enough attention. And yet, mercy and hope remain triumphant, because, just as Christ offers entrance into paradise to the “good thief” Dismas on the cross, God continues to offer repentance and salvation to all who live.
General Principles Of Sacramental Theology
$34.95Add to cartGeneral Principles of Sacramental Theology addresses a current lacuna in English-language theological literature. Bernard Leeming’s highly respected book Principles of Sacramental Theology was published more than sixty years ago. Since that time, there has been a noted decrease, especially in English-language sacramental theology, in treatments of the basic topics and principles?such as the nature of the sacraments of signs, sacramental grace, sacramental character, sacramental causality, sacramental intention, the necessity and number of the sacraments, sacramental matter and form, inter alia?which apply to all of the sacraments.
Rather than deconstruct the Church’s tradition, as many recent books on the sacraments do, Roger Nutt offers a vibrant presentation of these principles as a sound foundation for a renewed appreciation of each of the seven sacraments in the Christian life as the divinely willed means of communion and friendship between God and humanity. The sacraments bestow and nourish the personal communion with Jesus Christ that is the true source of human happiness. Recourse to the patrimony of Catholic wisdom, especially St. Thomas Aquinas, can help to highlight the sacraments and their significance within the plan of salvation.
This book will be of use in seminary, graduate, and undergraduate courses. It is further offered as a source of hope to all those seeking deeper intimacy with God amidst the confusion, alienation, and disappointment that accompanies life in a fallen world. The sacraments play an irreplaceable role in pursuing a Universal Call to Holiness that is so central to Vatican II’s teaching.
Speaking With Aquinas
$29.95Add to cartAccording to Thomas Aquinas, the Eucharist is meant to build up the unity of the church. This desired ecclesial unity is, however, not often given adequate treatment. In Speaking with Aquinas, David Farina Turnbloom seeks to describe the relationship between the celebration of the Eucharist and the unity of the church. By examining Aquinas’s treatment of grace and virtues, this book allows the reader to understand Aquinas’s eucharistic theology within the context of the spiritual life of the church. In the end, Turnbloom retrieves a Thomistic theology of the Eucharist that arises from Aquinas’s concern for the virtuous life of the church, rather than a eucharistic theology that too narrowly focuses on theories of transubstantiation.
Generous Symphony : Hans Urs Von Balthasars Literary Revelations
$49.00Add to cartHans Urs von Balthasar, one of the preeminent theologians of Roman Catholic theology in the modern era, constructed a theological world suffused by the literary, a vision carried across over 16 volumes of his magnum opus. A Generous Symphony offers a balanced appraisal of Balthasar’s literary achievement and explicates Balthasar’s literary criticism as a distinctive theology of revelation, which offers possibilities for understanding how divine presence may be manifested outside the canonical boundaries of Christian tradition.
The structure of A Generous Symphony is a chronological presentation of the Balthasarian canon of imaginative literature, which allows readers to see how social and historical interests guide Balthasar’s readings in the pre-Christian, medieval, and modern eras. While other books have examined the systematic theology of Balthasar, this book will examine the important question of how students of literature, like Balthasar, can be transformed into theologians by attending to the implicit presence of Christ in what Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poem “As kingfishers catch fire . . .” called “the ten thousand places.” Balthasar’s deep investment in the uniqueness of Christian revelation is underlined, while, at the same time, his aesthetic sympathies cause him to invest literature with ‘quasi-sacramental’ status.
Children Of God In The World
$39.95Add to cartO’Callaghan has written much more than a textbook, since he is after nothing less than an integrated view of the whole of human existence. His book is replete with analysis of Scripture and the insights of the great-est philosophers and theologians, ancient and modern; and he is at home with the most recent literature in English, Italian, Spanish, German, and French. But readers should rejoice that what O’Callaghan here offers us is not less than a textbook. Indeed, this is a textbook in the finest tradition of the genre, profoundly instructive for teachers and students alike. At the heart of this book stands the grace by which Christ transforms human nature and history. This book belongs in every classroom and on every desk where the truth about human existence is sincerely sought by the light of reason elevated by faith.
Our Beloved Brother Paul
$19.95Add to cartThe St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology and Dr. Scott Hahn present the eleventh annual edition of Letter & Spirit with the theme “Our Beloved Brother Paul.” The articles, while academic in nature, are easily accessible to the average reader and can be read with great profit, both spiritually and in coming to learn the truths of the Catholic faith more deeply.
Practice Of Catholic Theology
$29.95Add to cartThere is no other book I know of quite like this one. The Practice of Catholic Theology is a how-to guide for doing theology. It is a model of astringent clarity, an education in how to make distinctions. In showing to what the Catholic theologian is bound, Paul Griffiths also shows in what way the Catholic theologian is free. The distinction between dogmatic and speculative theology, for example, allows Griffiths to make some startling proposals in disagreement with the majority tradition, such as his argument that the ability to do good theology is independent of the moral vir-tues of the theologian. There is no better invitation to the art and science of theology.
Systematic Theology : A Roman Catholic Approach
$29.95Add to cartSystematic theology seeks to understand and render more intelligible the central doctrines of faith and to show how they are related to each other. It tries to demonstrate how these doctrines are rooted in Scripture and develop in the history of the church; most important, it strives to more adequately express and sometimes reinterpret the church s doctrinal tradition, always in the interest of better communicating the mystery of salvation and bringing it into a dialogue with culture. The present text is intended to be concise and accessible, an introduction that explores basic themes in Catholic systematic theology from a biblical, historical, and contemporary perspective, always aware of today s theological pluralism.”
Laying The Foundation
$28.95Add to cartLaying the Foundation: A Handbook of Catholic Apologetics and Fundamental Theology is a classic text by the late Fr. Joseph Clifford Fenton, a highly respected author, professor, and theologian of the twentieth century.
“This book appeared in 1942 under the rather unimposing title We Stand with Christ: an Essay in Catholic Apologetics. It should have become a classic. It is, I believe, the greatest work of apologetics produced in a time of superstar apologists such as F. J. Sheed, Ronald Knox, and Fulton Sheen. It represents the high point of apologetics as well as a gold standard for subsequent works of fundamental theology.”-from the foreword by Scott Hahn, Franciscan University of Steubenville.
Christ Our Passover
$19.95Add to cartThe St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology and Dr. Scott Hahn present the tenth annual edition of Letter & Spirit with the theme “Christ Our Passover.” The articles, while academic in nature, are easily accessible to the average reader and can be read with great profit, both spiritually and in coming to learn the truths of the Catholic faith more deeply.
Bible Basics For Catholics
$12.79Add to cartJohn Bergsma’s popular Bible Basics for Catholics, which has sold more than 60,000 copies, offers readers an accessible vision of salvation history as it unfolds in the Bible, showing how the Bible points us to the saving life and work of Jesus. This new edition includes an additional chapter on covenant fulfillment in the Book of Revelation.
John Bergsma brings to his theology a combination of academic expertise, pastoral wisdom, and unique playfulness. Bible Basics for Catholics is based on Bergsma’s popular Introduction to Theology course at Steubenville. As a teacher, Bergsma has an uncanny ability to make complex ideas understandable and faith-inspiring while staying true to both Catholic teaching and biblical scholarship. Readers will begin to see the Christian understanding of salvation by walking through the Old Testament, going through the great stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, the great kings and prophets of Israel, and culminating in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Living Mission Interculturally
$29.95Add to cartOur globalized world increasingly brings together people of many different cultures, though not always harmoniously. In recent decades, multinational companies have sought more efficient strategies for authentic intercultural collaboration. But in today’s multicultural world-church, faith communities too-from local parishes to international religious communities-are faced with the challenge of intercultural living. The social sciences have developed some constructive approaches, but people of faith also need to build their endeavors on a sound biblical and theological foundation. Living Mission Interculturally integrates sociology/anthropology with practical theology, reminds us that good will alone is not enough to affect change, and points to a way of intercultural living underpinned by faith, virtue, and new skills.
Choice Of Jesus Forsaken
$13.95Add to cartIn the first part the author analyzes what constitutes love for Jesus forsaken according to Chiara Lubich. She then tries to understand how the faithful can participate in this mystery of Christ by studying two authors of the New Testament, St. Paul and St. John. The author is Florence Gillet with an introduction by Piero Coda. Translated by Bill Hartnett from the book published in Italy by Citta Nuova.
Christs Gift Our Response
$24.95Add to cartSacramental theology has often been a challenging area of conversation between Catholics and Protestants. In Christ’s Gift, Our Response, Benjamin Durheim envisions a collaborative way forward, forging a conversation between two contemporary approaches to the connection between sacraments and ethics.
Drawing primarily from Louis-Marie Chauvet and the Finnish school of Luther interpretation, Durheim constructs a mutually enriching theological dialogue. Beyond comparison and contrast, this is an attempt to draw these theologies together as sources for each other, rather than as competitors.
Benjamin Durheim received his PhD from Boston College and is an adjunct instructor of theology at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. He has published articles on liturgical and sacramental theology, especially as they relate to issues of Christian identity and ecumenical conversation.
Holy Yet Sinful Church
$22.95Add to cartThis text examines three key moments in the developing theology of the church’s holiness and sinfulness in the twentieth century: the ressourcement movement of the 1930s to the 1950s, the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), and the pontificate of John Paul II (1978-2005). The aim of this text is to make accessible the works of Emile Mersch, Henri de Lubac, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, and Charles Journet that discuss the holiness and sinfulness of the church and to demonstrate how these works were influential in composing the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium.
The author then considers how this developing theology is put into practice in Pope John Paul II’s millennial program, which centers on admitting that the church in its members has sinned and needs to seek forgiveness.
Exploring Catholic Theology (Reprinted)
$30.00Add to cartRobert Barron is one of the Catholic Church’s premier theologians and author of the influential The Priority of Christ. In this volume, Barron sets forth a thoroughgoing vision for an evangelical catholic theology that is steeped in the tradition and engaged with the contemporary world. Striking a balance between academic rigor and accessibility, the book covers issues of perennial interest in the twenty-first-century church: who God is, how to rightly worship him, and how his followers engage contemporary culture. Topics include the doctrine of God, Catholic theology, philosophy, liturgy, and evangelizing the culture. This work will be of special interest to readers concerned about the so-called “new atheism.”
New Politics : Catholic Social Teaching For The Twenty First Century
$25.00Add to cartFor more than a century the Catholic Church has closely scrutinized the economic certainties of capitalism and communism. As a result, it has slowly developed an entirely new position from which today to survey the capitalist leviathan. What this book sets out to do is to chronicle that development and highlight the insights it has formed which have a particular resonance for the world as it enters the . twenty-first century. Michael Walsh describes developments from Rerum Novarum to Vatican II, and Brian Davies the work of John XXIII and Vatican II itself. Julian Filochowski looks at the early social doctrine of Paul VI, and the encyclicals of John Paul II are discussed by Ian Linden, Clifford Langley and Julie Clague. Finally, Paul Vallely looks into the new millennium beyond John Paul II. The book is an important contribution to political and social thought at the beginning of the new millennium. Authoritative, positive and open, its appeal is far from restricted to Catholics or even Christians. Its distinguished contributors offer suggestions for a thought which might combine economic efficiency with social concerns to create a more compassionate community. The tools are there for those with the foresight and courage to take them up. Paul Vallely writes on current social, ethical and political issues for The Independent. He is also the Chair of the Catholic Institute for International Relations and of Traidcraft Exchange.
More Than You Could Ever Imagine
$24.95Add to cartWhat we are destined for in Christ and in the communion of saints is beyond what most can even begin to imagine. With the help of St. Paul, St. John of the Cross, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and Teilhard de Chardin, Fr. Bernie Owens provides an engaging sketch of our spiritual journey. In More Than You Could Ever Imagine, Owens offers a glimpse of what we shall become, both individually and as a human race, transformed in Christ. More Than You Could Ever Imagine is ideal reading for pastors, spiritual directors, instructors and students of formation programs and college courses of theology and religious studies; so too for anyone, Christian or non-Christian, wanting to grow in their knowledge of our journey to God. It will also be of much interest to clients of psychologists who are open to the spiritual journey.
On The Side Of The Poor
$28.00Add to cartFor many years the theology of liberation, which emerged from Latin America in the 1970s, was viewed with suspicion and even hostility in Rome. In this historic exchange, Father Gustavo Gutierrez, one of the original architects of liberation theology, and Cardinal Gerhard Muller, current Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, offer a new and positive chapter. Cardinal Muller, who as a student of Gutierrez spent many summers working in Peru, writes with deep feeling and conviction about the contributions of liberation theology to church teaching-particularly in its articulation of the preferential option for the poor.
In his own contribution here, Gutierrez lays out the essential ideas of liberation theology, its ecclesial location, and its fresh enunciation of the gospel for our time.
There Is No Rose
$27.00Add to cartMary continues to be a source of theological interest and concern for Catholics and Protestants alike. For Catholics, Mariology was codified in a set of dogmas over the centuries; yet many Catholics remain unaware of the biblical, historical, and theological matrix that gave rise to the magisterial teaching. Protestants, with some exceptions, remain skeptical of Marianism in Catholic theology, viewing such as intrusions upon biblical doctrine and faith or unnecessary accretions threatening of sound Christian theology. Aidan Nichols, OP, attempts to address this “puzzlement” of Mary. Working through the biblical, patristic, and medieval sources, Nichols introduces readers to the robust scriptural and theological bases for the Church’s celebration of Mary in its doctrine and liturgy, alongside the work of the Councils and the magisterium, to argue for the crucial relevance of Mary in the theological articulation of the gospel, the celebration and practice of the liturgy, and the sacramental life of the Church. The present study aims to contribute to the revival of a more full-blooded Marian teaching and attempts to take the path set by ressourcement theology in recovering the robust voice of witness to Mary.
No Turning Back
$29.95Add to cartJesus’ prayer on behalf of his of followers is “that all may be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be one in us” (John 17:21). No Turning Back illustrates significant developments in ecumenism during the thirty-plus years of ecumenical theologian Margaret O’Gara’s own engagement in ecumenical dialogue.
This collection of selected papers from the final fifteen years of O’Gara’s work before her untimely death in 2012 aims
*to illustrate the broad lines of ecumenism for general readers
*to share concrete details of recent ecumenical developments with specialist readers
*to encourage both groups of readers in their commitment to the pursuit of full communion among the Christian churchesAn invaluable resource for academic and ecclesial specialists in ecumenism, teachers and students of theology and religious studies, Christian ministers, and all educated Christian adults who take seriously Jesus’ prayer “that all may be one.”
Sorting Out Catholicism
$19.95Add to cartFocolare, Community of Sant’Egidio, Neocatechumenal Way, Legionaries of Christ, Communion and Liberation, Opus Dei. These are but a few of the most recognizable names in the broader context of the so-called ecclesial movements. Their history goes back to the period following the First Vatican Council, crosses Vatican II, and develops throughout the twentieth century. It is a history that prepares the movements’ rise in the last three decades, from John Paul II to Francis. These movements are a complex phenomenon that shapes the Church now more than before, and they play a key role for the future of Catholicism as a global community, in transition from a Europe-centered tradition to a world Church.
Sing Of Mary
$29.95Add to cartThis study analyzes Marian congregational song in the Roman Catholic Church in the United States from 1854 to 2010, focusing not only on the texts and music, but also on the contexts out of which these songs came. Marian devotion before 1854 is explored as well as pertinent developments in the Roman Catholic Church-particularly Vatican II-and other cultural developments. Through the quantitative and qualitative analysis of these songs, this work develops a broader understanding of how Marian congregational song developed, persisted, and changed as a mediator of Marian devotion.
The survey of 120 hymnals offers a fascinating perspective on how Marian congregational song changed before and after Vatican II. These songs were so meaningful to generations of Roman Catholics and then they seem to disappear after Vatican II. This work seeks to answer the question of why?
Appealing to both lay people and academics, readers are given a clear and full understanding of Marian congregational song. Also included is a chapter that explores how Marian congregational song can be meaningful to a wide range of Christians through the Magnificat.
Sacraments And Justice
$16.95Add to cartSacraments and Justice offers a fresh approach to the seven sacraments in the Roman Catholic tradition. The authors assembled here, each of them highly regarded sacramental and liturgical theologians, synthesize the best creative thinking in the theology of sacraments, their symbols, their link with justice-God’s order for the world here and now-and their power to permeate another reality so intensely that something new happens.
Educated Catholics, or Catholics looking for a first-rate education on the sacraments, as well as parish teams, study groups, and Catholic educators, will cheer this volume as solid and incisive, while at the same time accessible and engaging. Each contributor is an academic who writes with a human touch about the gracious promise embedded in sacraments. They include:
*John Baldovin, SJ, on baptism
*Edward Hahnenberg on confirmation
*Michael Driscoll on Eucharist
*Doris Donnelly on penance
*Thomas Scirghi, SJ, on holy orders
*Natalie Weaver on marriage
*Paul Turner on anointing of the sick -
Theology Of Cardinal Walter Kasper
$29.95Add to cartCardinal Walter Kasper’s contributions to theology, ecumenism, Jewish-Christian relations, and the pastoral life of the church have shaped Catholicism in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Acknowledging this, Pope Francis has praised Kasper’s “profound and serene” theology.
In The Theology of Cardinal Walter Kasper: Speaking Truth in Love, leading theologians from across the United States and Canada explore the full scope of Kasper’s thought on topics such as the character of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, Christology, theological method, and the nature of the church-world relationship. Kasper himself presents four previously unpublished texts: on the interpretation of Vatican II, on forgiveness, on Christian hope, and on the approach to theology today.
This volume originated at a conference, at which Kasper was an active participant, in honor of his eightieth birthday. It provides an introduction to Kasper’s thought and also an overview of major issues in contemporary Catholic theology.
How Human Is God
$19.95Add to cartWalter Cardinal Kasper has written, “It is time, it is the right time, to speak of God.” This book invites readers to use their God-given ability to work through important questions that many people have about God today: Why is God so angry in the Bible? Is the biblical God male or female (or what)? Who is Satan? Why do people suffer?
By exploring the Bible’s answers to these and other biblical questions, people can come to understand better their living and loving God.
Theology For Ministry
$21.95Add to cartTheology for Ministry is for beginning ministry students, seasoned lay leaders, and anyone in between who wants to learn more about the faith that feeds their call to serve. Six easy-to-read chapters introduce the main areas of theology that every lay minister ought to know: the notion of vocation, the doctrine of God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, church, and ministry. By sharing personal stories and simple examples, Edward Hahnenberg brings the Bible to life and dusts off ancient church doctrines-revealing the many ways our tradition can inspire the work of lay ministers today.
Becoming Beholders : Cultivating Sacramental Imagination And Actions In Col
$36.95Add to cartCatholic colleges and universities have long engaged in conversation about how to fulfill their mission in creative ways across the curriculum. The “sacramental vision” of Catholic higher education posits that God is made manifest in the study of all disciplines.
Becoming Beholders is the first book to share pedagogical strategies about how to do that. Twenty faculty-from many religious backgrounds, and in fields such as chemistry, economics, English, history, mathematics, sociology and theology-discuss ways that their teaching nourishes students’ ability to find the transcendent in their studies.
Partaking Of God
$24.95Add to cartThe natural world around us is in crisis. We know it has a dynamic, evolutionary character. How might we understand this world in relationship to God?
Partaking of God builds on the foundations of the dynamic trinitarian theology of Athanasius. It develops into a theology of the Word as the divine Attractor and the Spirit as the Energy of Love in evolutionary emergence. Then it explores God’s suffering with creatures, the humility of God in creation, church teaching on the human soul in relation to neuroscience, and grace and original sin in relationship to evolution. It culminates in a Christian theology of ecological conversion.
On First Principles
$25.00Add to cartOrigen’s On First Principles is a foundational work in the development of Christian thought and doctrine: it is the first attempt in history at a systematic Christian theology. For over a decade it has been out of print with only expensive used copies available; now it is available at an affordable price and in a more accessible format.
Give Me Children Or I Shall Die
$59.00Add to cartIn the subsistence agricultural social context of the Hebrew Bible, children were necessary for communal survival. In such an economy, children’s labor contributes to the family’s livelihood from a young age, rather than simply preparing the child for future adult work. Ethnographic research shows that this interdependent family life contrasts significantly with that of privileged modern Westerners, for whom children are dependents. This text seeks to look beyond the dominant cultural constructions of childhood in the modern West and the moral rhetoric that accompanies them so as to uncover what biblical texts intend to communicate when they utilize children as literary tropes in their own social, cultural, and historical context.
Embedded Grace : Christ History And The Reign Of God In Schleiermachers Dog
$59.00Add to cartScholars are now at work not only rethinking Schleiermacher’s relation to the modern and contemporary theological tradition, but re-examining the dogmatic intricacies and commitments within his texts. Situated within this revisionist milieu, the author takes up the important issue of the coordination of grace and history in Schleiermacher, arguing for its significance in understanding the dynamics of Schleiermacher’s dogmatics and its grounding and realization in Christology.
The project not only continues the recasting of Schleiermacher’s work in its wider context, but unpacks the dogmatic network within the paramount texts, as well as bringing crucial texts to the fore often neglected in English language scholarship. As such, this volume performs an innovative rethinking of revelation, grace, history, Christology, and ecclesiology in Schleiermacher, with particular attention to the pivotal dogmatic volume, The Christian Faith, and the unpublished Ethics. A commanding volume for scholars and students in modern and contemporary theology.
Augustine Of Canterbury
$27.99Add to cartAugustine’s mission to Britain in 597 was a pivotal event in English Christianity. Yet little is known about Augustine himself and even less about his leadership. Robin Mackintosh evaluates varied sources to produce a coherent narrative of Augustines mission, his journey through Merovingian France, and the outcomes for British Christianity.
Esther And The Politics Of Negotiation
$49.00Add to cartWas Esther unique-an anomaly in patriarchal society? Conventionally, scholars see ancient Israelite and Jewish women as excluded from the public world, their power concentrated instead in the domestic realm and exercised through familial structures. Rebecca S. Hancock demonstrates, in contrast, that because of the patrimonial character of ancient Jewish society, the state was often organized along familial lines. The presence of women in roles of queen consort or queen is therefore a key political, and not simply domestic, feature.
Attention to the narrative of Esther and comparison with Hellenistic and Persian historiography depicting “wise women” acting in royal contexts reveals that Esther is in fact representative of a wider tradition. Women could participate in political life structured along familial and kinship lines. Further, Hancock’s demonstration qualifies the bifurcation of “public” (male-dominated) and “private” (female-dominated) space in the ancient Near East.
Judgment According To Works In Romans
$59.00Add to cartGiving careful exegetical attention to Paul’s letter to the Romans, Kevin W. McFadden shows that Paul wrote the letter to remind Roman Christians of his gospel because of his vocation as apostle to the Gentiles. The letter simultaneously demonstrates the guilt of the world and calls Paul’s audience to live out the implications of the gospel. The theme of judgment thus appears in two distinct ways. Paul opposes justification by works of law, but simultaneously affirms–as did most of the early Christian movement, McFadden argues–a final judgment according to works. These are not contradictory observations but belong together in a cohesive understanding of Paul’s theology and of his purpose in the letter. McFadden turns at last to the implications of his study for a reassessment of Protestant interpretation of Paul, and of the present impasse in interpretation caused by hasty or inexact generalizations made within the “New Perspective.”