Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)
Showing 101–150 of 469 resultsSorted by latest
Waiting And Being
$59.00Add to cartThe problem of creation and grace has a long history of contention within Protestant and Catholic theology, involving not only internecine conflict within the traditions but fueling, as well, ecumenical debates that have continued a dogmatic divide. This volume traces out that conflict in modern Catholic and Protestant dogmatics and provides a historical genealogy that situates the origin of the problem within different emphases in the thought of St. Augustine. The author puts forward an argument and reconstruction of the problem that overcomes the longstanding abstractions, elisions, and divisions that have characterized the theological discussion. What is called for is a reclamation of the reading of Augustine in Aquinas and Luther, a recovery of an ethical metaphysics, and a Christological reconstruction of being and otherness as the path toward a concrete union of creation and grace.
Christ And Analogy
$59.00Add to cartAs one of the pillars of the nouvelle theologie movement, a main influence upon the Second Vatican Council, and one of the few figures to complete a full-scale multi-volume systematics, Hans Urs von Balthasar is undoubtedly one of the towering figures of twentieth-century theology. Until now, the structural undergirding of von Balthasar’s main contribution, a weighty 15-volume, three-part “triptych” dogmatics, has not been assessed. In this volume, the author presents an analysis of von Balthasar’s work in dogmatics and provides the structural linchpin for understanding the whole of this massive (and massively important) systematic theology by reconstructing the metaphysics of von Balthasar. Taking the person of Jesus Christ as the metaphysical starting point, the project highlights the fundamental connections to key doctrinal, historical, and philosophical issues. This is a critical volume for professors, scholars, and students in systematic theology, philosophical theology, and the study of twentieth-century Catholic and Protestant theology and history.
Queering The Ethiopian Eunuch
$49.00Add to cartWere eunuchs more usually castrated guardians of the harem, as florid Orientalist portraits imagine them, or were they trusted court officials who may never have been castrated? Was the Ethiopian eunuch a Jew or a Gentile, a slave or a free man? Why does Luke call him a “man” while contemporaries referred to eunuchs as “unmanned” beings? As Sean D. Burke treats questions that have received dramatically different answers over the centuries of Christian interpretation, he shows that eunuchs bore particular stereotyped associations regarding gender and sexual status as well as of race, ethnicity, and class. Not only has Luke failed to resolve these ambiguities; he has positioned this destabilized figure at a key place in the narrative-as the gospel has expanded beyond Judea, but before Gentiles are explicitly named-in such a way as to blur a number of social role boundaries. In this sense, Burke argues, Luke intended to “queer” his reader’s expectations and so to present the boundary-transgressing potentiality of a new community.
Interpreting Angel Motif In Prophetic And Apocalyptic Literature
$59.00Add to cartMelvin traces the emergence and development of the motif of angelic interpretation of visions from late prophetic literature (Ezekiel 40-48; Zechariah 1-6) into early apocalyptic literature (1 Enoch 17-36; 72-82; Daniel 7-8). Examining how the historical and socio-political context of exilic and post-exilic Judaism and the broader religious and cultural environment shaped Jewish angelology in general, Melvin concludes that the motif of the interpreting angel served a particular function. Building upon the work of Susan Niditch, Melvin concludes that the interpreting angel motif served a polemical function in repudiating divination as a means of predicting the future, while at the same time elevating the authority of the visionary revelation. The literary effect is to reimagine God as an imperial monarch who rules and communicates through intermediaries-a reimagination that profoundly influenced subsequent Jewish and Christian tradition.
Sign Of The Gospel
$69.00Add to cartThe theology of the sacraments is one of the most contested parts in Barth’s theology, none more so than the doctrine of baptism. Barth’s proposals on baptism have generated intense conversation and disagreement, not only on its application to Protestant and ecumenical theology but even on its own consistency with Barth’s larger dogmatic project. McMaken takes up this controversial question, sets it in its proper context within the history of doctrine and Barth’s systematic work, and argues for a constructive reclamation of infant baptism that accords with Barth’s overarching theological concerns and insights, notably from Barth’s mature theological commitments. Pivotally, this volume claims that a reorientation of the doctrine of baptism opens up a new perspective on the practice of infant baptism on the basis of Barth’s theology; this new perspective, as well, holds the potential for wide, ecumenical application as a form of the proclamation of the gospel and a vital dimension of the church’s missional vocation. A commanding volume for scholars and students in systematic theology, ecumenical studies, and sacramental theology.
Early Arabic Christian Contributions To Trinitarian Theology
$49.00Add to cartThe doctrine of the Trinity is the keystone of Christian faith and teaching, yet most of the secondary accounts on the development of this crucial doctrine do not extend beyond Nicaea and pay scant attention to vital cultural traffic. In this volume, the author examines the exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity in a set of texts from key Arabic Christian thinkers from the eighth and ninth centuries and demonstrates that fresh thinking of this cornerstone doctrine occurred in the new context of a regnant Islamic culture; in this context, Christian theologians discovered the salience of the Nicene doctrine while engaging a new religious partner. The author provides an overlooked angle on the history of Trinitarian theology and brings attention to several profound Christian figures rarely found in Western accounts.
Divine Eloquence And Human Transformation
$59.00Add to cartKey to a theology of scripture are the important issues of history, consciousness, rhetoric, and how theology functions in relation to interpretation of Christianity’s religious texts.Seeking to address a critical problem in theology and the interpretation of scripture raised by modern historical consciousness, Ben Fulford argues for a densely historical and theological reading of scripture centered in a Christological rubric. The argument herein uncovers a figural pattern of divine action and presence in the sacred texts.
Tracing the problem through the modern theological heritage, the author turns to a comparative account of theologically patterned reading represented by patristic theology in Gregory of Nazianzus and postliberal theology in its pivotal founder, Hans Frei. The book addresses the challenge of historicity and historical consciousness, argues for the relevance of pre-modern approaches to scripture, and offers a fresh and extensive account of two salient figures from the early and contemporary tradition, thus enacting a theology of retrieval as a resource on a present issue of vital importance.
City Of God 11-22
$39.95Add to cartAlong with his Confessions, The City of God is undoubtedly St. Augustine’s most influential work. In the context of what begins as a lengthy critique of classic Roman religion and a defense of Christianity, Augustine touches upon numerous topics, including the role of grace, the original state of humanity, the possibility of waging a just war, the ideal form of government, and the nature of heaven and hell. But his major concern is the difference between the City of God and the City of Man – one built on love of God, the other on love of self. One cannot but be moved and impressed by the author’s breadth of interest and penetrating intelligence. For all those who are interested in the greatest classics of Christian antiquity, The City of God is indispensible.
This long-awaited translation by William Babcock is published in two volumes, with an introduction and annotation that make Augustine’s monumental work approachable. Books 11-22 offer Augustine’s Christian view of history, including the Christian view of human destiny. The INDEX for Books 1-22 (both volumes of The City of God) is contained in this edition.
Faith Understood : An Introduction To Catholic Theology
$15.95Add to cartDiscover the basic principles of authentic biblical interpretation. Learn why the Magisterium, the official teaching authority of the Church, is indispensable for correctly interpreting the Bible and the writings of the Church fathers, doctors, and saints. Find out why Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium are the only three legs of the theological tripod that preserves the whole truth about God. See why faith and reason, science and theology, the natural and the supernatural are always agreeable. Explore the Incarnation and its primary Christological heresies that threatened the early Church. Unlock one of the most misunderstood areas of Catholic theology in the person of Mary. Unravel the mystery of eschatology–the “last things”–judgment, purgatory, hell, and heaven. Great for college students, adult faith formation programs, and motivated Catholics aspiring to learn more about their faith.
Imprimatur given by Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas.
Imagining The Kingdom (Reprinted)
$26.99Add to cartHow does worship work? How exactly does liturgical formation shape us? What are the dynamics of such transformation? In the second of James K. A. Smith’s three-volume theology of culture, the author expands and deepens the analysis of cultural liturgies and Christian worship he developed in his well-received Desiring the Kingdom. He helps us understand and appreciate the bodily basis of habit formation and how liturgical formation–both “secular” and Christian–affects our fundamental orientation to the world. Worship “works” by leveraging our bodies to transform our imagination, and it does this through stories we understand on a register that is closer to body than mind. This has critical implications for how we think about Christian formation.
Treasure In The Field
$19.95Add to cartRobert Krieg’s aim in Treasure in the Field is to help readers understand better the nature of the salvation that God offers to humanity and become more conscious of it in their lives. That is, he intends not only to impart information and ideas found in Scripture, church teaching, and theology but also to illumine our own experiences.
Krieg retrieves the Bible’s teaching on salvation and expresses it in contemporary terms. Drawing deeply from Scripture, he defines salvation as God’s gift of personal identity, of wholeness. In this perspective, God calls us not to invent ourselves but to discover ourselves as God intends us to be. Those who gradually make this discovery become grateful recipients who give themselves and their talents for the well-being of other people and creation.
Joseph Ratzinger In Cummunio Volume 2
$33.99Add to cartIn this second volume in the series Joseph Ratzinger in Communio Pope Benedict XVI responds to many issues surrounding Christology and anthropology today, including resurrection, immortality, hope, technology, and secularism.
As David Schindler notes in his introduction, “Cardinal Ratzinger — Pope Benedict XVI — rarely writes on any churchly matter that does not manifest its implications for man and culture, and vice versa. Indeed, this indissoluble linking is one of the main distinguishing features of his theology.” This is the penultimate volume in the series.
Foundations Of Spirituality
$18.95Add to cartHow does the Holy come to meet the human? Or, said another way, how does God work with the physical, psychic, and spiritual persons that each of us are?
Scholarly approaches to spirituality often overlook the need for a sound anthropology as the base for explaining conversion, the dynamic of grace, and the effects of conversion in virtue theory. In Foundations of Spirituality, longtime educator Carla Mae Streeter provides a more adequate account of what it means to be a person before God. By mining the insights of Bernard Lonergan on human consciousness and the virtue theory of Thomas Aquinas, she presents a clear and integrated incarnational spirituality.
Streeter argues that God works with precisely what God has made, enhancing it rather than overriding or disposing of it. The basic premise of this book is that every person is called to holiness, which comes about through the relationship of the human with the Divine. It is a divine summons heard and responded to by a human being.
Trinity 101 : Father Son And Holy Spirit
$13.99Add to cartTrinity 101 offers readers a basic approach to the Trinity as history portrays it, as a doctrinal concept, and how it is revealed in the Scripture. This is highly useful to those seeking a starting point of Catholic theological study of the Trinity, from high school age onwards; and also to educated Catholic adults who are drawn to this topic. James Papandrea writes in an engaging and accessible style on the theological background of the Trinity.
Life Of The Vows
$44.95Add to cartAs novice master of the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani in Kentucky, Thomas Merton presented weekly conferences to familiarize his charges with the meaning and purpose of the vows they aspired to undertake. In this setting, he offered a thorough exposition of the theological, canonical, and above all spiritual dimensions of the vows.
Merton set the vows firmly in the context of the anthropological, moral, soteriological, and ecclesial dimensions of human, Christian, and monastic life. He addressed such classical themes of Christian morality as the nature of the human person and his acts; the importance of justice in relation to the Passion of Christ, to friendship and to love; and self-surrender as the key to grace, prayer and the vowed life. Merton’s words on these topics clearly spring from a committed heart and often flow with the soaring intensity of style that we have come to expect in his more enthusiastic prose.
The texts of these conferences represent the longest and most systematically organized of any of numerous series of conferences that Merton presented during the decade of his mastership. They may be the most directly pastoral work Merton ever wrote.
Called To Love
$17.00Add to cartChristianity has long been regarded as viewing the body as a threat to a person’s spiritual nature and of denying its sexual dimension. In 1979, Pope John Paul II departed from this traditional dichotomy and offered an integrated vision of the human body and soul. In a series of talks that came to be known as “the theology of the body,” he explained the divine meaning of human sexuality and why the body provides answers to fundamental questions about our lives.
In Called to Love, Carl Anderson, chairman of the world’s largest catholic service organization, and Fr. Jose Granados discuss the philosophical and religious significance of “the theology of the body” in language at once poetic and profound. As they explain, the body speaks of God, it reveals His goodness, and it also speaks of men and women and their vocation to love. Called to Love brings to life the tremendous gift John Paul II bestowed on humanity and gives readers a new understanding of the Christian way of love and how to embrace it fully in their lives.
$24.95Add to cartDrawing on the wisdom and teaching experience of highly respected theologians, the Engaging Theology series builds a firm foundation for graduate study and other ministry formation programs. Each of the six volumes-Scripture, Jesus, God, Discipleship, Anthropology, and Church-is concerned with retrieving, carefully evaluating, and constructively interpreting the Christian tradition. Comprehensive in scope and accessibly written, these volumes, used together or independently, will stimulate rich theological reflection and discussion. More important, the series will create and sustain the passion of the next generation of theologians and church leaders.
What does it mean to be human in the twenty-first century? Susan Ross explores this question through the lens of human desires: for God, freedom, knowledge, love, and pleasure, but also for power, consumer goods, self-gratification, and money. Beginning with biblical narratives of human desires, she goes on to consider how ancient, medieval, and modern thinkers have wrestled with the various ways that human beings have sought fulfillment in the world and in God.
The twenty-first century brings new questions and continuing challenges:
In a world of increasing complexity and fragmentation, can we still talk about the “self”?
How have feminism and new thinking about sexuality changed the ways we think about ourselves?
How do we maintain our humanity in the face of monstrous human evil?
What do the findings of science say about our uniqueness as human beings?
Anthropology: Seeking Light and Beauty offers a path through the many conflicting views of humanity, suggesting a fuller way of living as we try to follow the example of Jesus. -
Gateway To Heaven
$39.95Add to cartThis first volume lays out all the Marian doctrines and their evolution in a clear and easy-to-follow format as well as providing two chapters on patristic and medieval devotion. Doctrines discussed include Mary’s divine motherhood and its impact on Christology; Mary’s virginity – before, during, and after the birth of Jesus; intercession and mediation, and Marian co-redemption. It provides, for the first time, extensive citations from original works, both patristic and medieval, many of which have never appeared in English before. Thus, it gives a firsthand insight into the figure of Mary and her religious and cultural importance. The author’s principal purpose is to focus on the internal dynamics of Christianity in the development of Marian doctrine and devotion so that, without pushing a Catholic or even Christian point of view, the book seeks to counter erroneous interpretations that are all too frequently found in well-known and oft-cited works.
See How She Loves Us
$16.95Add to cartSee How She Loves Us is an amazing collection of apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ranging across 23 countries – and 2 millennia – the visions chronicled here show Mary’s deep love for mankind, her Son, and the Church.
Joan Carroll Cruz has meticulously researched fifty apparitions of Our Lady. Discover lesser known apparitions like Our Lady of La Vang in Vietnam and Our Lady of Las Lajas in Columbia, and learn more about the visions of Mary at Fatima, Lourdes, and Guadalupe. Approved by the local bishops or the Vatican, these miracles show Mary’s great love for man, her constant intercession on our behalf, and her role as protector of the Church.
Perfect for Catholics and non-Catholics alike. See How She Loves Us sheds light on the many mysteries of the Catholic Church and Catholics’ love for the Blessed Mother.
Conversations With Saint Benedict
$24.95Add to cartThe Rule of Saint Benedict meets contemporary culture-the connection points and the sticking points between the two are the focus of Conversation with Saint Benedict. Renowned Benedictine scholar Terrence Kardong considers various aspects of modern culture that he considers worrisome and the light that Benedict’s Rule might shed on them for Christians today. He also takes up specific aspects of the Rule itself that he finds difficult to deal with. This book, then, offers a rich interplay that does not shrink from recognizing both strengths and weaknesses in our culture as well as in Benedict’s own ideas.
Among the many topics that Kardong tackles are:
laughter and tears
monastic garb
cell phones
channel surfing -
Limits Of Hospitality
$19.95Add to cartPracticing hospitality is central to building a civil society, not to mention living a Christian life. It can be enriching and joy-filled, but it can also be profoundly demanding and sometimes even dangerous. In The Limits of Hospitality, Jessica Wrobleski explores the ethical questions surrounding the practice of hospitality, particularly hospitality that is informed by Christian theological commitments.
While there is no algorithm that distinguishes between ethically “legitimate” and “illegitimate” boundaries, the variety of circumstances in which hospitality is relevant and the nature of hospitality itself make advocating firm and fixed boundaries difficult. How much more so for Christians, for whom the practice of hospitality should be a manifestation of agape, a participation in God’s eschatological welcome extended to all people through Jesus Christ!
Are limits to hospitality, then, merely a regrettable concession to our finite and fallen condition? Wrobleski offers a rich theological reflection that will interest anyone who has a role in the practice of hospitality in community-whether such communities are families, households, churches, educational institutions, or nation-states.
Created To Worship
$19.99Add to cartFor pastors and worship leaders, planning a meaningful, relevant, and theologically rich communal worship experience for their local churches is of the upmost importance. They are forced to consider how to meet the demands of the modern congregation without getting in the way of what God is doing through worship.
Created to Worship: God’s Invitation to be Fully Human is a resource that provides a theology of worship in the Wesleyan tradition that will help church leaders consider and be discerning in both how they plan for a worship service, as well as the actual planning that goes into crafting a meaningful and authentic experience. It will teach them to ask, and answer the question, What does God want to say and do today?
Trinity 2nd Edition Study Edition
$44.95Add to cartAugustine knows by faith that God is a trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and he is seeking as far as possible to understand what he believes. In the first seven books Augustine begins by searching the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments for clues to understanding and then argues in the language of philosophy and logic to defend the orthodox statement of the doctrine against the Arians.
In the last eight books Augustine seeks to understand the mystery of the divine Trinity by observing an analogous trinity in the image of God, which is the human mind; and in so doing, he also suggests a program for the serious Christian of spiritual self-discovery and renewal.This second edition is newly produced, now featuring convenient footnotes rather than the previously used endnotes.
Keys To The Council
$24.95Add to cartAs the church marks the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, too few Catholics have an adequate grasp of what the council contributed to the life of the church. The problem is understandable. The Second Vatican Council produced, by far, more document pages than any other ecumenical council. Consequently, any attempt to master its core teachings can be daunting. There is a danger of missing the forest for the trees. With this in mind, Keys to the Council identifies sixteen key conciliar passages, central texts that help us appreciate the vision of the council fathers.
Sacraments And Worship
$55.00Add to cartThe church’s development and use of sacraments has evolved in many ways from the days of the early church to the present. This sourcebook presents key theological texts that played a role in those movements. Johnson traces the history and theology of individual sacraments along with their liturgical context in the church’s worship, while contributing helpful background notes to give the reader the full breadth and depth of the church’s thought on these important topics. The book will be a useful resource to those studying the history of Christian worship and the development of the sacraments.
Night Of The Confessor
$17.00Add to cartTomas Halik is a wise guide for the post-Christian era, and never more so than in his latest work, a thought-provoking and powerful reflection on the relationship between faith, paradox, change, and resurrection.
As the challenges of cultural secularization and dwindling congregation size confront religious communities across North America and Europe, and the Catholic Church in particular, Tomas Halik is a prophetic voice of hope. He has lived through the political oppression and intolerance of religion that defined Communist Czechoslovakia, and he draws from this experience to remind readers that not only does crisis lead to deeper understanding but also that any living religion is a changing religion. The central messages of Christianity have always seemed impossible, from peace and forgiveness in the face of a harsh world to love and self-sacrifice despite human selfishness to the victory of resurrection through the defeat of the cross. Acceptance of paradox therefore is the way forward, Halik explains. It is a difficult way that offers an unclear immediate future, but it is ultimately the only honest way.
Transforming Mission : Paradign Shifts In Theology Of Mission (Anniversary)
$45.00Add to cartDavid Bosch’s Transforming Mission, now available in over a dozen languages, is widely recognized as an historic and magisterial contribution to the study of mission. Examining the entire sweep of Christian tradition, he shows how five paradigms have historically encapsulated the Christian understanding of mission and then outlines the characteristics of an emerging postmodern paradigm dialectically linking the transcendent and imminent dimensions of salvation. In this new anniversary edition, Darrel Guder and Martin Reppenhagen explore the impact of Bosch’s work and the unfolding application of his seminal vision.
Homilies On The Gospels
$29.95Add to cartHildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) is increasingly recognized as one of the most noteworthy and interesting theologians of the Middle Ages. Translated here for the first time from Latin into English, Hildegard’s Homilies on the Gospels is essential for comprehending this twelfth-century mystic’s coherent theological vision. It establishes her as the only known female systematic exegete of the Middle Ages.
Hildegard’s sisters recorded and preserved her informal preaching in this collection of homilies on twenty-seven gospel pericopes. As teacher and superior to her sisters, Hildegard probably spoke to them in the chapter house, with the scriptural text either before her or recited from memory, according to Benedictine liturgical practice. Among her topics here are the themes of salvation history, the drama of the individual soul, the struggle of virtues against vices, and the life-giving and animating force of greenness (uiriditas).
Pope Benedict 16 And The Liturgy
$24.95Add to cartA prominent and inescapable feature of Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate is the importance which has been given to the sacred liturgy, in its actual celebration, as well as in the pope’s Magisterium and theological writings. Not only have we witnessed the reappearance of many elements used in older, but recently-abandoned papal liturgies, but also what amounts to be the virtual liberation of the ‘Old Latin Mass’. This has come as a great surprise to many people in the Church, some of whom almost regard it, and the pope’s liturgical theology, as a betrayal of recent liturgical reforms. On the other hand, others have viewed these liturgical changes, and the emphasis which Pope Benedict places upon the liturgy in the life of the Church, as positive developments, leading to a more correct understanding of the Second Vatican Council within ‘the hermeneutic of continuity’ and reform, and the notion of ‘organic development’. But, in the midst of conflicting interpretations, how are we to understand these developments and Pope Benedict XVI’s re-affirmation of what we now call the usus antiquior? In this book Dr Anselm J. Gribbin explores these and other related questions by examining the liturgical theology of Pope Benedict XVI in his magisterial teachings and writings, particularly in the post-synodal exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis, the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, and The Spirit of the Liturgy. Gribbin, in an extensive, and detailed analysis, indicates that the liturgical theology of Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger points the way forward for the Church in the field of liturgy. He also addresses the fundamentally important question of the relationship between the liturgical writings of Pope Benedict XVI as a theologian, and his Magisterium as the supreme pontiff of the Catholic Church, and that the latter is best understood with recourse to the former.
Sign Of The Cross
$17.99Add to cartMillions of Christians around the world use the sign of the Cross-and have done so for centuries-as a gesture of blessing. It is practiced when alone, during worship, before sleep, upon waking, before eating, before travel, and many other times throughout the day. But, what does it mean? Where did it originate? What did the sign of the Cross mean to the first Christians, and how has this simple movement of the hand evolved over the centuries?
The sign of the Cross is literally a tracing of the Cross of Christ onto the body. By so doing, Christians invite the mystery of the Cross into their everyday lives. Now and for the first time, young Greek scholar Andreas Andreopoulos explains the tremendous meaning, mystery, and history of this dramatic gesture shared by Christians worldwide. This readable account will fascinate and inspire all who desire to know more about the inherited spiritual practices of everyday life.
Peacebuilding : Catholic Theology Ethics And Praxis
$40.00Add to cartPeacebuilding refers to a range of topics, ranging from conflict prevention to post-conflict reconciliation. In this volume a strong cast of Catholic theologians, ethicists, and scholar-practitioners join to examine the challenge of peacebuilding in theory and practice. While many of the essays deal with general themes of reconciliation, forgiveness, interreligious dialogue, and human rights, there are also case studies of peacebuilding in such diverse contexts as Colombia, the Philippines, the Great Lakes region of Africa, Indonesia, and South Africa. This volume will be of interest to all scholars engaged in developing a theology and ethic of just peace, as well as students seeking to understand the interaction between theology, ethics, and lived Christianity.
Contributors include: John Paul Lederach; Maryann Cusimano Love; Daniel Philpott; William Headley and Reina Neufeldt; Todd Whitmore; Peter-John Pearson; Thomas Michel; Kenneth Himes; Lisa Sowle Cahill; Peter Phan; and David O Brien.
Hope Abundant : Third World And Indigenous Womens Theology
$36.00Add to cartIn 1988 Virginia Fabella from the Philippines and Mercy Amba Oduyoye from Ghana coedited With Passion and Compassion: Third world Women Doing Theology, based on the work of the Women s Commission of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT). The book has been widely used as an important resource for understanding women s liberation theologies, in Africa, Asia, and Latin America emerging out of women s struggles for justice in church and society. More than twenty years have passed and it is time to bring out a new collection of essays to signal newer developments and to include emerging voices.
Divided into four parts Context and Theology; Scripture; Christology; and Body, Sexuality, and Spirituality these carefully selected essays paint a vivid picture of theological developments among indigenous women and other women living in the global South who face poverty, violence, and war and yet find abundant hope through their faith.
Way Of Simplicity
$24.95Add to cartIn The Way of Simplicity Esther de Waal reveals the riches of the Cistercian (Trappist) tradition and its relevance for today’s world.
The book draws not only on such twelfth-century writers as Bernard of Clairvaux and Aelred of Rievaulx, but also on Thomas Merton and many contemporary Cistercians.
These Cistercian men and women wrote on matters of perennial concern: the true self, growth, integration, friendship, the love of God, and above all the life of prayer.
Anyone wishing to explore Cistercian spirituality will find this book an illuminating and practical guide.
Jesus Began To Preach (Revised)
$19.95Add to cartIn this volume, a thoroughly revised and expanded version of The Mystery of God’s Word, Father Raniero Cantalamessa engages the profound idea of the Eternal Word that becomes Life. The main and constant focus of the book is to show how the word of God illuminates and engages our existence. Cantalamessa uses the words of Scripture, particularly those of Jesus, to reflect on the meaning of a God who speaks, a God who is in relationship with humanity. By encountering these words in prayer and liturgy, we are invited to allow them into our minds and hearts so that we may be bearers of the word of God in the world.
Spiritual Friendship
$21.95Add to cartSpiritual friendship is today the best known and perhaps most influential of the thirteen surviving works of Aelred, abbot of the great English Cistercian abbey of Rievaulx from 1147-1167. This fresh new translation makes the work crisply readable, allowing the intellectual and Christian insight of this great Cistercian teacher and writer to speak clearly to today’s seekers of love, wisdom, and truth.
Come And See
$29.95Add to cartCome and See is a look inside the mind of a monk. Monastic spirituality is a universal spirituality that is the common inheritance of every human being, it is a search for God. From the atheist to the saint there is in the heart of all creatures a desire for ultimate meaning, a desire for God. In this sense everyone has the heart of a monk. As you read this book you will meet some of the great themes of monastic life: silence, solitude, community life, prayer. You will also be helped to find your most authentic self, the self Thomas Merton spoke of when he said at the center of our being is a point of nothingness, a point of pure truth. The place of the heart is highlighted in these conferences and homilies as an ancient theme so relevant to the modern person.
From Altar Throne To Table
$143.00Add to cartThis book investigates one of the most successful liturgical reforms in Catholic history. Only a century ago, faithful, practicing Catholics received Holy Communion only once a year, now, among American English-speaking Catholics, Holy Communion is a routine, weekly devotional practice. This book explains how and why this ritual sea-change happened.
Keeping Faith In Practice
$76.99Add to cartKeeping Faith in Practice is an addition to SCM’s growing Practical and Pastoral Theology list. Most books in this field are written by authors from various Protestant backgrounds. Catholic teachers in this field are frequently asked by colleagues for suggestions of Catholic resources, and find themselves at a loss. The central subject of this book is an exploration of how theology engages with the dimension of practice in the life of the Church and contemporary society and culture. The book covers the main focal points of a Catholic view of pastoral/practical theology – its foundations and different fields.
Divine Worship And Human Healing
$34.95Add to cartWould many believers consider a wake or funeral an act of worship? What does it mean to say that in anointing the sick or administering Viaticum to the dying humans are healed? Such questions plumb the biblical and traditional depths of the paschal mystery. Just as Jesus’ ministry at the social-religious margins revealed the center of his faith in God’s reign, so also the church’s ministry to sickness and death reveals much about the baptismal and eucharistic worship so central to its entire life.
In Divine Worship and Human Healing Bruce Morrill turns to the rites serving the sick, dying, deceased, and grieving to show why sacramental liturgy is so fundamental to the life of faith. Readers will appreciate both his compelling narratives from actual pastoral experience and his engagement with biblical, theological, historical, and social-scientific resources. Morrill invites readers to discover how the liturgical ministry of healing discloses God’s merciful love amid communities of faith.
Grammars Of Resurrection
$34.95Add to cartDrawing upon an array of resources-ranging from historical research to postmodern trends in philosophy and theology-this comprehensive study situates the resurrection at the center of theological reflection. A reclamation of the resurrection as the basic grammar for Christian theological self-understanding.
Ignatian Way : Key Aspects Of Jesuit Spirituality
$16.95Add to cartAlthough many books have been written on Ignatian Spirituality, most focus on highly specific and scholarly details, rendering them too academic and specialized for the average reader. This book remedies this problem by compiling a more general guide to the basic aspects of Ignatian spirituality. Addressing everything from the life of St. Ignatius Loyola to his Spiritual Exercises to dealing with contemporary world issues in a Jesuit spirit, it offers a comprehensive yet conversational approach to Ignatian spirituality. Whether studying or teaching at a Jesuit school, seeking spiritual direction on a retreat, discerning a possible vocation to the Society of Jesus, or simply seeking more exposure to Ignatian spirituality, this book is an invaluable guide.
Ministerial Priesthood In The Third Millennium
$24.95Add to cartDrawn from the main talks given at a Year of the Priest symposium at The Catholic University of America, Ministerial Priesthood in the Third Millennium explores the mystery of the priesthood in light of the Church’s theological and spiritual heritage.
Frontiers In Catholic Feminist Theology
$34.00Add to cartWhat does it mean to be a Catholic woman with feminist commitments today, and what insights can be garnered from that context? In this first attempt in a generation at a collective framework for Catholic feminist theology, a group of theologians formulate a new contextual approach to and criteria for systematic theology and apply those insights as they tackle three key topics: Theological Anthropology, Christology, and Ecclesiology.
Key to their endeavor is specific focus on contemporary discipleship, a special cricitcal methodology and relationship to the Catholic Christian tradition, and a specific sensitivity to academic and ecclesial hegemonies. The result in each case is an honest exploration of the tradition, a contextualization of the locus in the lives of women today, and an attempt at a constructive vision with which to move forward.
Contributors: Susan Abraham, Rosemary Carbine, Teresa Delgado, Elizabeth Groppe, Jeanine Hill-Fletcher, Elena Procario-Foley, Michele Saracino, and Laura Taylor.
Introduction To Theology In Global Perspective
$36.00Add to cartAn exciting, comprehensive guide to doing theology as part of the Catholic ecclesial community in today’s global world.
First, this is a book about doing theology, emphasizing not so much content but theology as an activity, a process. Second, this is a book about doing Catholic theology, that is to say anchored in Scripture but also as interpreted by ecclesial Tradition and Magisterium, theology rooted in the experience that the divine is to be found in a sacramental world and community. At a third level, Bevans describes systematic theology as reflection upon the central teachings of the church — creation, sin, redemption, Trinity, anthropology, salvation and eternal life, ecclesiology. And all this is done in the light of a fourth key insight, the contextual nature of theology, as it makes sense of life in a global world shot through with cultural and religious plurality.
This book bears the hallmark of Bevans’s work and experience teaching and doing pastoral work on five continents, bringing together insights garnered over a lifetime.
Medieval Exegesis Volume 3
$69.99Add to cartFor many years, biblical scholars had been convinced that the middle ages was marked by a so-called pre-critical understanding of the Bible, with only a handful of isolated exceptions – like Andrew of St. Victor – popping up as precursors of the historical-critical method. Here, however, Henri de Lubac draws on extensive documentation that demonstrates that even among the Victorines the traditional exegesis involving an interplay between the literal and spiritual senses of Scripture is a constant throughout medieval exegesis. The one exception – a radically important one, de Lubac readily admits – was Joachim of Flora, whose doctrine is considered in the final chapter of this volume.
This third volume of Fr. de Lubac’s Medieval Exegesis cover volume two, part one of his French volume and includes both the original Latin notes and an English version of the sources.