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Alejandro Trillo

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  • Vices And Virtues


    Behind every virtue is a vice. Likewise, behind every vice is a virtue that, when developed and strengthened, can overcome the vice, writes Fr. Ortega, an authority in moral behavior. In Vices and Virtues, he reveals how to leverage faults and weaknesses to forge virtues. In this three-part how-to guide, readers will get to know themselves with honesty, learn to accept themselves and their faults in humility, and begin to improve their lives by cultivating virtues. It might seem like an impossible task, but you’ll have help and motivation from the highest source. Developing virtue can help you achieve balance in your life and holiness.

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  • Vicios Y Virtudes – (Spanish)


    28 Chapters

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    Este libro es una guia para que el lector pueda conocerse con sinceridad, aceptarse con serenidad y superarse con paciencia, tenacidad y realismo. Parte de la conviccion de que el crecimineto personal se basa, en buena medida, en el arte de aprovechar las faltas y debilidades para forjar virtudes. Tras un interesantisimo recorrido por los principales vicios del hombre contemporaneo, presenta en contrapartida las virtudes necesarias para los tiempos que vivimos.

    This book is a self-evaluation guide to help readers to know themselves with honesty, then journey to accept themselves and improve their lives. Father Alejandro Ortega Trillo helps us understand what a vice is and how it can potentially affect our lives as he teaches us to accept our faults and build something positive from them.

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