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    Catholic Bibles

    • Great Adventure Catholic Bible Notetaking Edition Second Edition


      The Catholic Bible that Teaches You How to Read It, Now in Its Second Edition.

      The Great Adventure Catholic Bible makes the complexity of reading the Bible simple. The only version that incorporates Jeff Cavins’ color-coded Bible Timeline(R) Learning System within the words of Scripture, this Bible shows Catholics how to read the Word of God they so deeply desire to understand. The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition now includes more color-coded features than ever before.

      With exclusive color coding, insightful articles, detailed charts, and more, The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition leads Catholics page by page, chapter by chapter, through the story of Scripture. It reveals the big picture of salvation history and shows how everything ties together, making Scripture easier to read and remember. It takes away the confusion of not knowing where to begin and the frustration of not understanding what you’re reading.

      After years of struggling to read and understand Scripture, hundreds of thousands of Catholics have discovered a deeper relationship with God through this one-of-a-kind Bible. There has never been another Bible like it.

      Don’t Just Read the Words of the Bible … Understand Them.


      Understand where each book belongs within salvation history with color coding based on The Bible Timeline(R) Learning System, created by biblical scholar Jeff Cavins

      [NEW!] Follow along with the chart-topping podcast using The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)(TM) featuring Jeff Cavins reading plan

      [NEW!] Make connections between the Catholic Faith’s two most important books with color-coded Catechism references according to the Foundations of Faith approach

      See the key details of every time period with 12 Timeline charts that provide a visual overview of the Bible, including: important characters, key events, geography, major covenants, world rulers, and contemporary events in secular history

      Start every time period with an understanding of the historical and literary context using 12 articles that give an overall summary of each period of salvation history

      [NEW!] Start every book with a footnote introducing the main themes, literary style, author, story, and more, including 32 entirely new footnotes

      Never miss an important moment in Scripture with 70 key event callouts that provide a brief description of milestones in the biblical narrative

      Understand the big picture of God’s amazing plan f

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    • Great Adventure Catholic Bible Second Edition


      The Catholic Bible that Teaches You How to Read It, Now in Its Second Edition.

      The Great Adventure Catholic Bible makes the complexity of reading the Bible simple. The only version that incorporates Jeff Cavins’ color-coded Bible Timeline(R) Learning System within the words of Scripture, this Bible shows Catholics how to read the Word of God they so deeply desire to understand. The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition now includes more color-coded features than ever before.

      With exclusive color coding, insightful articles, detailed charts, and more, The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition leads Catholics page by page, chapter by chapter, through the story of Scripture. It reveals the big picture of salvation history and shows how everything ties together, making Scripture easier to read and remember. It takes away the confusion of not knowing where to begin and the frustration of not understanding what you’re reading.

      After years of struggling to read and understand Scripture, hundreds of thousands of Catholics have discovered a deeper relationship with God through this one-of-a-kind Bible. There has never been another Bible like it.

      Don’t Just Read the Words of the Bible … Understand Them.

      Understand where each book belongs within salvation history with color coding based on The Bible Timeline(R) Learning System, created by biblical scholar Jeff Cavins

      [NEW!] Follow along with the chart-topping podcast using The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)(TM) featuring Jeff Cavins reading plan

      [NEW!] Make connections between the Catholic Faith’s two most important books with color-coded Catechism references according to the Foundations of Faith approach

      See the key details of every time period with 12 Timeline charts that provide a visual overview of the Bible, including: important characters, key events, geography, major covenants, world rulers, and contemporary events in secular history

      Start every time period with an understanding of the historical and literary context using 12 articles that give an overall summary of each period of salvation history

      [NEW!] Start every book with a footnote introducing the main themes, literary style, author, story, and more, including 32 entirely new footnotes

      Never miss an important moment in Scripture with 70 key event callouts that provide a brief description of milestones in the biblical narrative

      Understand the big picture of God’s amazing plan for humanity w

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    • Great Adventure Catholic Bible Second Edition Large Print


      The Catholic Bible that Teaches You How to Read It, Now in Its Second Edition.

      The Great Adventure Catholic Bible makes the complexity of reading the Bible simple. The only version that incorporates Jeff Cavins’ color-coded Bible Timeline(R) Learning System within the words of Scripture, this Bible shows Catholics how to read the Word of God they so deeply desire to understand. The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition now includes more color-coded features than ever before.

      With exclusive color coding, insightful articles, detailed charts, and more, The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition leads Catholics page by page, chapter by chapter, through the story of Scripture. It reveals the big picture of salvation history and shows how everything ties together, making Scripture easier to read and remember. It takes away the confusion of not knowing where to begin and the frustration of not understanding what you’re reading.

      After years of struggling to read and understand Scripture, hundreds of thousands of Catholics have discovered a deeper relationship with God through this one-of-a-kind Bible. There has never been another Bible like it.

      Don’t Just Read the Words of the Bible … Understand Them.

      Understand where each book belongs within salvation history with color coding based on The Bible Timeline(R) Learning System, created by biblical scholar Jeff Cavins

      [NEW!] Follow along with the chart-topping podcast using The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)(TM) featuring Jeff Cavins reading plan

      [NEW!] Make connections between the Catholic Faith’s two most important books with color-coded Catechism references according to the Foundations of Faith approach

      See the key details of every time period with 12 Timeline charts that provide a visual overview of the Bible, including: important characters, key events, geography, major covenants, world rulers, and contemporary events in secular history

      Start every time period with an understanding of the historical and literary context using 12 articles that give an overall summary of each period of salvation history

      [NEW!] Start every book with a footnote introducing the main themes, literary style, author, story, and more, including 32 entirely new footnotes

      Never miss an important moment in Scripture with 70 key event callouts that provide a brief description of milestones in the biblical narrative

      Understand the big picture of God’s amazing plan for humanity w

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    • Great Adventure Catholic Bible Second Edition


      The Catholic Bible that Teaches You How to Read It, Now in Its Second Edition.

      The Great Adventure Catholic Bible makes the complexity of reading the Bible simple. The only version that incorporates Jeff Cavins’ color-coded Bible Timeline(R) Learning System within the words of Scripture, this Bible shows Catholics how to read the Word of God they so deeply desire to understand. The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition now includes more color-coded features than ever before.

      With exclusive color coding, insightful articles, detailed charts, and more, The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition leads Catholics page by page, chapter by chapter, through the story of Scripture. It reveals the big picture of salvation history and shows how everything ties together, making Scripture easier to read and remember. It takes away the confusion of not knowing where to begin and the frustration of not understanding what you’re reading.

      After years of struggling to read and understand Scripture, hundreds of thousands of Catholics have discovered a deeper relationship with God through this one-of-a-kind Bible. There has never been another Bible like it.

      Don’t Just Read the Words of the Bible … Understand Them.

      Understand where each book belongs within salvation history with color coding based on The Bible Timeline(R) Learning System, created by biblical scholar Jeff Cavins

      [NEW!] Follow along with the chart-topping podcast using The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)(TM) featuring Jeff Cavins reading plan

      [NEW!] Make connections between the Catholic Faith’s two most important books with color-coded Catechism references according to the Foundations of Faith approach

      See the key details of every time period with 12 Timeline charts that provide a visual overview of the Bible, including: important characters, key events, geography, major covenants, world rulers, and contemporary events in secular history

      Start every time period with an understanding of the historical and literary context using 12 articles that give an overall summary of each period of salvation history

      [NEW!] Start every book with a footnote introducing the main themes, literary style, author, story, and more, including 32 entirely new footnotes

      Never miss an important moment in Scripture with 70 key event callouts that provide a brief description of milestones in the biblical narrative

      Understand the big picture of God’s amazing plan for humanity w

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    • Great Adventure Catholic Bible Second Edition


      The Catholic Bible that Teaches You How to Read It, Now in Its Second Edition.

      The Great Adventure Catholic Bible makes the complexity of reading the Bible simple. The only version that incorporates Jeff Cavins’ color-coded Bible Timeline(R) Learning System within the words of Scripture, this Bible shows Catholics how to read the Word of God they so deeply desire to understand. The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition now includes more color-coded features than ever before.

      With exclusive color coding, insightful articles, detailed charts, and more, The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Second Edition leads Catholics page by page, chapter by chapter, through the story of Scripture. It reveals the big picture of salvation history and shows how everything ties together, making Scripture easier to read and remember. It takes away the confusion of not knowing where to begin and the frustration of not understanding what you’re reading.

      After years of struggling to read and understand Scripture, hundreds of thousands of Catholics have discovered a deeper relationship with God through this one-of-a-kind Bible. There has never been another Bible like it.

      Don’t Just Read the Words of the Bible … Understand Them.

      Understand where each book belongs within salvation history with color coding based on The Bible Timeline(R) Learning System, created by biblical scholar Jeff Cavins

      [NEW!] Follow along with the chart-topping podcast using The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)(TM) featuring Jeff Cavins reading plan

      [NEW!] Make connections between the Catholic Faith’s two most important books with color-coded Catechism references according to the Foundations of Faith approach

      See the key details of every time period with 12 Timeline charts that provide a visual overview of the Bible, including: important characters, key events, geography, major covenants, world rulers, and contemporary events in secular history

      Start every time period with an understanding of the historical and literary context using 12 articles that give an overall summary of each period of salvation history

      [NEW!] Start every book with a footnote introducing the main themes, literary style, author, story, and more, including 32 entirely new footnotes

      Never miss an important moment in Scripture with 70 key event callouts that provide a brief description of milestones in the biblical narrative

      Understand the big picture of God’s amazing plan for humanity w

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    • Sacraments Of Initiation Catholic Bible Comfort Print


      Celebrate the important milestones of the Catholic faith with the Holy Scriptures. This edition features a presentation page along with full-colour pages to record significant sacraments of initiation such as Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. The Bible also includes helpful resources and prayer guides to encourage spending time with the Scripture to gain a deeper understanding of the faith and connect with God.Features include:Complete Catholic BibleFull-colour presentation pages to record Baptism, First Communion, and ConfirmationArticles on fundamental Catholic beliefs and practicesBible book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical contextAnglicised textOfficial imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church by the Canadian Conference of Catholic BishopsClear and readable 9-point Catholic Comfort Print

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    • Catholic Bible Personal Size Comfort Print


      Esta preciosa edición de la Biblia Católica le invita a leer las Escrituras diariamente y a escuchar la voz de Jesús.Lo suficientemente pequeña como para llevarla al trabajo o a la escuela, pero excepcionalmente legible gracias al tipo de letra especial diseñado exclusivamente para la Biblia de América, la Biblia Católica, tamaño personal perfecta para todos los que desean pasar tiempo en la Palabra de Dios.Sobre la Biblia de AméricaEsta traducción completa de los textos originales está aprobada por la Conferencia Episcopal de México y con la autoridad de las Conferencias Episcopales de Colombia y Chile. Su carácter pastoral, una importante consideración del equipo de traducción, formado por más de 40 destacados estudiosos de la Escritura, la convierte en una excelente opción tanto para los laicos como para los religiosos y sacerdotes.CaracterísticasCanon católico completo de la traducción Biblia de AméricaExclusivo tipo de letra Comfort Print (R) de Editorial CatólicaFormato de texto bíblico a dos columnasCitas de pasajes paralelosVocabulario bíblicoInterior a dos coloresColección de mapas a todo colorHermosa cubierta en Leathersoft con cierreCatholic Bible (Spanish language), personal size, Café, Leathersoft, with zipperThis beautiful edition of the Catholic Bible invites you to read Scripture daily and hear the voice of Jesus.Small enough to carry with you to work or school, yet exceptionally readable thanks to the special typeface designed exclusively for the la Biblia de América, the Catholic Bible, Personal Size is perfect for all who desire to spend time in the Word of God.About la Biblia de AméricaThis complete translation from the original texts is approved by the Episcopal Conference in Mexico and with the authority of the Episcopal Conferences in Colombia and Chile. Its pastoral character, an important consideration of the translation team of more than 40 leading Scripture scholars, makes it an excellent choice for laypeople as well as for religious and priests.Complete Catholic BibleCatholic Comfort Print (R)typefaceDouble Column formatParallel Passage QuotesExtensive cross-referencing throughout the biblical textFull color mapsTwo-color interior textBeautiful Leathersoft presentation with zipper

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    • Living Word Catholic Womens Bible


      Do you long to connect with a variety of women just like you who live the Word of God in the world each day?

      That connection is what makes the Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible different from other Bibles for women: it includes almost four-hundred pages of special features created for women by women-more than forty scholars, teachers, religious, authors, ministers, and speakers-such as Leah Darrow, Sarah Christmyer, Johnnette Benkovic Williams, and Sr. Maria Kim-Ngan Bui, FSP-who come from a variety of backgrounds and reflect the diversity of the Catholic faith. You can walk through scripture in community with other women who seek to become closer to God by reading his Word and living it in their daily lives.

      The stunning beauty of the Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible also makes it stand out among its peers. The extraordinary and elegant design enhances your reading experience by connecting various features throughout the text including fifty profiles of women in the Bible, ninety-seven Living in the Light of Faith essays, Take it to Heart questions for reflection and journaling, and quotations from saints and holy women. The tranquil colors and other design elements help you feel at home in the Bible.

      Christmyer, codeveloper of the Great Adventure Bible program, is the general editor of the Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible. Other contributors include Sr. Sara Butler, MSBT, Meg Hunter-Kilmer, Catherine Cavadini, Shannon Wimp Schmidt, Lisa Cotter, Sonja Corbitt, and Martha Fernandez Sardina.

      The contributions received an imprimatur from Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend and were reviewed by Catholic biblical scholars including Christmyer, Cavadini, Mary Healy, Pia de Solenni, and Jennifer Grillo.

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    • Catholic Bible Extra Large Print Edition Comfort Print


      This extra-large-print edition of the Holy Scriptures invites you meet God in its pages. The exclusive Catholic Comfort Print text is designed in a classic two-column design accommodated by a wide-page format and includes extensive cross-references and thousands of study notes by Catholic scholars. The New American Bible Revised Edition received the imprimatur of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for study and devotional reading.Features include:Complete Catholic canon of the BibleBook introductions and outlines provide literary, historical, and cultural background for each book of the BibleDouble-column Scripture layout with extra-large textCross-references and thousands of study notes at the end of each bookDurable Smyth-sewn binding lies flat in your hand or on your deskSatin ribbon marker so you can easily navigate and keep track of where you were readingExceptionally readable 12-point print sizeExclusive Catholic Comfort Print typefaceOfficial imprimatur of the Roman Catholic ChurchThe New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) Catholic Bible is officially approved for liturgical use for the majority of the world’s English-speaking Catholics. The NABRE is the culmination of decades of work by nearly 100 scholars, theologians, and bishops. A triumph of clarity, accuracy, and literary beauty, this indispensable resource can be part of all Catholic Christians’ libraries so they can make a regular practice of reading and studying it.

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    • Ave Catholic Notetaking Bible


      The Ave Catholic Notetaking Bible combines exceptional readability, generous margins for journaling and notetaking, and a variety of special features designed to deepen your understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

      Thoughtfully crafted by the world’s premier Bible designers and featuring the trusted and elegant Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition, this Bible is perfect for men and women, for individuals and groups, and for high school classrooms and adult faith formation.

      Comprehensive cross-references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church–a feature unique to this Bible–will help you explore the scriptural foundations of Catholic faith and practice. Essays and reading guides from leading Catholic teachers and scholars will enrich your experience of reading and reflecting on the Word of God. And the beautiful, single-column text design will make this Bible a joy to read.

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    • Saint Joseph Edition NCB Family Edition


      This Saint Joseph Family Edition is a distinguished addition to the New Catholic Bible (NCB) offerings. The translation of the complete Old and New Testaments is fresh, faithful, and reader friendly. This edition boasts a distinctive, easy-to-read, and inviting 13-pt. typeface, the largest of any Catholic Family Bible in a comparable size. Its rich, extensive, and insightful footnotes are in a highly readable font.

      Intended to be used in Catholic families for daily prayer and meditation, as well as private devotion, this Saint Joseph Edition comes in an impressive 8 1/2? x 11? format, features gold page-edging; specially designed, full-color end papers; two decorative ribbons, and is durably bound in white padded imitation leather.

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    • Catholic Bible Large Print Edition


      Featuring large, readable print, this beautiful Catholic Bible features Smyth-sewn binding, cross-references and thousands of study notes. With the easy-to-read Comfort Print typeface, exclusively designed for the NAB, this is one of the most readable editions of the Catholic Scriptures available-ideal for Mass and personal study.Features include:Complete Catholic Bible, including the Deuterocanonical booksUp-to-date revisions by scholars covering the latest findings in archeology and biblical studiesIntroductions and outlines provide literary, historical, and cultural background for each book of the BibleCross-references and thousands of study notes explain what you are readingDouble-column Scripture layoutDurable Smyth-sewn binding lays flat in your hand or on your deskTwo satin ribbon markersExceptionally readable 11-point print sizeExclusive Catholic Comfort Print typefaceOfficial imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church

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    • Saint Joseph Edition NCV New Testament And Psalms


      We are pleased to offer our popular NCV New Testament and Psalms together in one volume. Both texts are complete, and therefore their best and most-lauded features remain: readability; copious, well-written, and informative footnotes; photographs; maps; and the words of Christ in red. This New Catholic Version translation, in conformity with the Church’s translation guidelines, is intended to be used by Catholics for daily prayer and meditation, as well as private devotion and group study. The NCV New Testament and Psalms is available in four different bindings

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    • Catholic Companion Edition Librosario Large Print


      The only Bible with a crucifix embossed in the front cover and pray-along rosary embossed in back cover, this large print, imitation leather, Revised Edition of the NAB from Fireside is the perfect gift for RCIA, Bible study, or special occasions.

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    • Catholic Companion Edition Librosario Large Print


      The only Bible with a crucifix embossed in the front cover and pray-along rosary embossed in back cover, this large print, imitation leather, Revised Edition of the NAB from Fireside is the perfect gift for RCIA, Bible study, or special occasions.

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    • Didache Bible


      The Didache Bible presents extensive commentaries on all books of the Holy Bible based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It includes the complete text of Sacred Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, using the Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition. This Bible version is considered by many Catholic leaders and authors, including Peter Kreeft and Scott Hahn, as the most beautiful English translation of the Bible today.

      *Twenty-seven full-color biblical maps, including the journeys of Jesus Christ.
      *Common questions about the Faith answered in 106 apologetical explanations.
      *Comprehensive, forty-four-page glossary and a topical index.
      *Available in leather or hardcover
      *Useful for students and adults studying Scripture.
      *Ideal for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Catholic Faith.
      *Accessible by all people in its level of scriptural scholarship.
      *Large 6″ x 9″ size
      *Both editions are sewn

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    • Biblia De America


      This complete translation, approved by the Episcopal Conference in Mexico and with the authority of the Episcopal Conferences in Colombia and Chile, is from the original texts. Its pastoral character, an important consideration of the translation team of more than 40 leading Biblical specialists, makes it an excellent choice for laypeople, religious, and priests.

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    • Catholic Companion Edition Librosario


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556653131ISBN10: 1556653131Translation: New American Bible Revised Edition (NLanguage: EnglishColor: BlackBinding: ImitationBoxedIndexedPresentation BiblePublished: April 2012Publisher: Fireside Catholic Publishing

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    • Catholic Wedding Edition


      This New American Bible Revised Edition is the most appropriate gift your Church can give to mark the occasion of the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. When the included wedding readings are proclaimed directly from their own family Bible, it adds special significance to both the ceremony AND the Bible.

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    • New Catholic Answer Librosario Edition Large Print Bible NABRE


      The New Catholic Answer Bible – Librosario

      This Bible features the Fireside Catholic Publishing exclusive Librosario cover. The only Bible with a Pray-Along-Rosary on the back cover. This New American Bible Revised Edition recently released by the Catholic Bishops of the United States features clear and concise explanations of the Catholic Church’s teachings on critical issues where they are found in scripture. Questions such as: Aren’t Statues a form of Idolatry, Where is Penance found in the Bible, Aren’t all Christians Saints?, and Many, many more. Large print text is easily read. Features include: Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; Celebration of the Eucharist and Page-edge Indexing.

      Great study Bible and the ideal gift for confirmations, graduations and RCIA.

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    • New Catholic Answer Librosario Edition Large Print Bible NABRE


      The New Catholic Answer Bible – Librosario

      This Bible features the Fireside Catholic Publishing exclusive Librosario cover. The only Bible with a Pray-Along-Rosary on the back cover. This New American Bible Revised Edition recently released by the Catholic Bishops of the United States features clear and concise explanations of the Catholic Church’s teachings on critical issues where they are found in scripture. Questions such as: Aren’t Statues a form of Idolatry, Where is Penance found in the Bible, Aren’t all Christians Saints?, and Many, many more. Large print text is easily read. Features include: Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; Celebration of the Eucharist and Page-edge Indexing.

      Great study Bible and the ideal gift for confirmations, graduations and RCIA.

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    • Fireside Catholic Youth Bible Next NABRE


      The Fireside Catholic Youth Bible-NEXT a complete New American Bible Revised Edition recently released by the United States Catholic Bishops. It features articles on subjects of concern to teenagers with an emphasis on what the scriptures teach regarding those subjects. This Bible explains what Catholic teens need to know and why they need to know it. A collection of insightful articles is presented in seven unique sections including: Your Decision / Your Reward; What Does the Bible Say About?; Roots of Our Faith; Saints Relate; 1 on 1with Christ; What Jesus Did; What Jesus Said and Putting My Faith Into Action. Features include: a Presentation Page; the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; the Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; the Three Year Cycle of Readings; The Celebration of the Eucharist; Terms of the Mass; Basic Prayers and Practices of Our Catholic Faith and Page-edge Indexing.

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    • Fireside Catholic Youth Bible Next NABRE


      The Fireside Catholic Youth Bible-NEXT a complete New American Bible Revised Edition recently released by the United States Catholic Bishops. It features articles on subjects of concern to teenagers with an emphasis on what the scriptures teach regarding those subjects. This Bible explains what Catholic teens need to know and why they need to know it. A collection of insightful articles is presented in seven unique sections including: Your Decision / Your Reward; What Does the Bible Say About?; Roots of Our Faith; Saints Relate; 1 on 1with Christ; What Jesus Did; What Jesus Said and Putting My Faith Into Action. Features include: a Presentation Page; the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; the Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; the Three Year Cycle of Readings; The Celebration of the Eucharist; Terms of the Mass; Basic Prayers and Practices of Our Catholic Faith and Page-edge Indexing.

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    • Compact Revised Edition


      The NABRE Compact Edition is a light and portable version of Oxford’s popular Catholic Bible. Durable binding, compact size, and supremely affordable value make this a perfect edition for school and church use.

      The Compact Edition is available in three attractive bindings: black duradera (with a zipper closure), black/blue pacific duvelle, and paperback. Printed on smooth, durable paper in a clear typeface and easy-to-navigate format, the NABRE Compact Edition is easy to use and fits perfectly in a purse or bag.

      This slim, portable edition is packed with all the same trusted features that have made Oxford New American Bible volumes the best Bible versions available.

      The New American Bible Revised Edition:
      The New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) brings to culmination the work of nearly 100 scholars, including translators, editors, and a subcommittee of Catholic bishops who provided extensive review of the biblical text over a period of many years. The NABRE is the first major amendment to the New American Bible translation since 1991. It features:
      *The first update of the Old Testament since 1970, taking into account recent archaeological and textual discoveries.
      *Complete revision of the Psalter.

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    • Live Youth Bible Catholic Edition


      Most youth Bibles are just teen versions of adult Bibles. Live takes an all-new, teen-centered approach. It includes a wealth of experiences and activities that help teens discover surprising things about God, see God involved in their lives, and express their faith creatively – both in the pages of the Bible and on the tie-in Web site. This is the only youth Bible with content created by teenagers. Art, photos, and other creative forms of self-expression from youth are packed into this Bible as a launching point to drive teens into the Bible. Teens will see how God works in the lives of other teens and be encouraged to express their faith, too. This youth Bible takes ‘interactive’ to an entirely new level. Teenagers who use the LIVE Bible will find: – Student art, student poems, an interactive tie-in Web site, sidebars that spark teen creativity, ‘Try This’ features that encourage teens to live out their faith, and quotes and profiles of famous people of faith. – Creative space to express their thoughts, feelings, or questions by writing right on the pages, doodling, pasting pictures, and more – An invitation to join the community online. Teens are encouraged to visit the Web site revealed inside and post their art, writing, and insights into how God is working in their lives. – Two-color interior (blue/black) – New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Catholic Edition text – the most trusted, accepted, and accurate translation of the Bible on the market, approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

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    • Saint Joseph Edition NCB Family Edition


      This Saint Joseph Family Edition is a distinguished addition to the New Catholic Bible (NCB) offerings. The translation of the complete Old and New Testaments is fresh, faithful, and reader friendly. This edition boasts a distinctive, easy-to-read, and inviting 13-pt. typeface, the largest of any Catholic Family Bible in a comparable size. Its rich, extensive, and insightful footnotes are in a highly readable font.

      Intended to be used in Catholic families for daily prayer and meditation, as well as private devotion, this Saint Joseph Edition comes in an impressive 8 1/2? x 11? format, features gold page-edging; specially designed, full-color end papers; two decorative ribbons, and is durably bound in white padded imitation leather.

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    • NRSV XL Catholic Edition


      For those who appreciate easy-to-read print, we now introduce three XL Editions of this beloved translation. Combining the latest trends in design with a larger print size, the NRSV XL, NRSV Catholic Edition, and NRSV XL with Apocrypha offer beautiful styling with a wonderful reading experience. No one will feel relegated to ugly and bulky larger print editions by purchasing and XL. Overall, these special large-print settings make the Bible a wonderful reading experience.

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    • Catholic Bible


      SKU (ISBN): 9781935302032ISBN10: 1935302035Translation: Douay-Rheims Bible (DRB) (DRV)Language: EnglishColor: BlackBinding: LeatherWords of Jesus Christ in Red LettersPresentation BiblePublished: July 2009Publisher: Tan Books

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    • Ignatius Bible 2nd Edition


      A completely new design and typeset edition of the popular Ignatius Revised Standard Version-Catholic Edition Bible, with minor revisions to some of the archaic language used in the first edition. This revised version is a contemporary English translation without dumbing-down the text. This second edition of the RSV doesn’t put the biblical text through a filter to make it acceptable to current tastes and prejudices, and it retains the beauty of the RSV language that has made it such a joy to read and reflect on the Word of God. Now the only Catholic Bible in standard English is even more beautiful in word and design!

      Completely re-designed and newly typeset with 9 point font size. Wider margins and improved line-spacing for comfortable reading.
      The RSV, second Catholic edition is the only Bible translation that uses standard (non-feminist) English and is in conformity with the Church’s translation guidelines found in the Vatican document, Liturgiam Authenticam

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    • Ignatius Bibe Compact Edition


      An elegant, beautifully crafted compact edition of the popular Ignatius Bible, RSV Catholic version. At only 4.5″x 6.5″, it’s easy to pack when on the move, yet features readable type, along with other special features.

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    • Saint Joseph New Testament Vest Pocket Edition


      SKU (ISBN): 9780899426501ISBN10: 0899426506Translation: New American Bible (NAB)Language: EnglishColor: BrownBinding: PaperFont size: 8Published: July 1999Publisher: Catholic Book Publishing

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    • Student Edition


      Affordable edition of the New American Bible translation with features designed especially for students.

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