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Showing 701–750 of 1961 results

  • Holy Yet Sinful Church


    This text examines three key moments in the developing theology of the church’s holiness and sinfulness in the twentieth century: the ressourcement movement of the 1930s to the 1950s, the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), and the pontificate of John Paul II (1978-2005). The aim of this text is to make accessible the works of Emile Mersch, Henri de Lubac, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, and Charles Journet that discuss the holiness and sinfulness of the church and to demonstrate how these works were influential in composing the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium.

    The author then considers how this developing theology is put into practice in Pope John Paul II’s millennial program, which centers on admitting that the church in its members has sinned and needs to seek forgiveness.

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  • Renewing The Mind


    No other living tradition has been thinking about thinking longer than the Catholic Church. With carefully selected readings from classical, patristic, medieval, modern, and contemporary sources, Renewing the Mind proposes the Catholic tradition as the noblest and best hope for a recovery of humane learning in our time. Edited by theologian and philosopher Ryan N.S. Topping, this anthology draws from a range of classical and contemporary philosophers – from Plato and Aristotle, Augustine and Aquinas, Newman to Chesterton to Benedict XVI – to reconstruct and illustrate the enduring vitality of the Catholic tradition of thinking about thinking. Parts One, Two, and Three take up the essential characteristics which define all learning activity: its purpose (or end), its form and content (or curriculum), and its method (or pedagogy). With an eye to meeting the challenge of the present crisis in education, Part Four illustrates the contemporary renewal of Catholic education. Included are selections that speak not only to liberal or general education but to a variety of contexts in which Catholics are called to study or teach: at home, at school, in college, or in the seminary. Renewing the Mind includes an introductory essay on the history and renewal of Catholic education, followed by 38 selections each with an introduction, biography, and study questions; adorning the text throughout are illustrations from the National Gallery of Art. Educators of children and college students will find this an essential guide to the best of what has been said about what it means to be conformed to the mind of Christ.

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  • Family The Church And The Real World


    Family life is both messy and holy!

    If you embrace only the holiness, or if you just get lost in the messiness, then you miss the fullness of the experience that is living as a family – both in the domestic church and the Institutional Church. Here you’ll find inspiration from Scripture and modern advice that does more than just tell you how family life is “supposed” to be. This book gives you real, practical wisdom on how to navigate the holy messiness of family life.

    Insights have been gathered from experts in every area of family life, including: Dr. Sean Reynolds, Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak, Lisa Hendey, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, Dr. Don Paglia, Christopher West, Fr. Andrew Wisdom, Dr. Tom Neal, and Greg and Jennifer Willits. You’ll discover that Catholic Church teaching on marriage and family is rooted in our ultimate calling – to love with all we can muster, even through those messy moments.

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  • Picture Book Of Saints (Expanded)


    Now in a padded hardcover edition, this beautiful and inspiring volume by a well-known author, teacher, and missionary will bring joy to young and old. The book contains the lives of over 100 popular Saints, and each is made more memorable by a twofold portrayal in word and picture. The life of each Saint is carefully and simply written in an informal, pleasing style that will delight parents, teachers, and the children with whom they share these pages. The glorious, full-color illustrations are strikingly beautiful and marked by their fine detail.
    July 2015 – Updated and Expanded Digitally Re-mastered

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  • Project Holiness : Marriage As A Workshop For Everyday Saints


    Project Holiness: Marriage as a Workshop for Everyday Saints celebrates the holiness of the ordinary and the goodness of married discipleship. Vatican II’s Lumen Gentium reminds Catholics of the universal call to holiness. Each person-lay and ordained alike-shares this vocation to holiness, this call to sainthood. For most adult Catholics, it is within the context of vowed, married life that the joyful and challenging path to sainthood is traveled. Based on an extensive qualitative study of long-lasting Catholic marriages, Bridget Burke Ravizza and Julie Donovan Massey examine the virtues, values, and practices that ground flourishing marriages and lead married partners to holiness.

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  • What Does It Mean To Be Catholic


    What does it mean to be Catholic? Many people, both non-Catholics and even Catholics themselves, really don’t know. This accessible book by Jack Mulder is ideal for all who are curious to know more about Catholicism.

    Writing in a conversational style, Mulder clearly portrays the main contours of the Catholic faith. For readers who have ever wondered what exactly the Roman Catholic Church teaches about predestination, original sin, the Virgin Mary, abortion, same-sex marriage, and other issues, Mulder explains all that – and much more – in simple language.

    Mulder, who was raised in the Protestant tradition and converted to Catholicism later in life, speaks from the perspective of having wrestled with his own beliefs over the years. With solid information – and without proselytizing – Mulder’s What Does It Mean to Be Catholic? presents a truly fresh perspective on the distinctive features of the Catholic faith.

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  • Exploring Catholic Theology (Reprinted)


    Robert Barron is one of the Catholic Church’s premier theologians and author of the influential The Priority of Christ. In this volume, Barron sets forth a thoroughgoing vision for an evangelical catholic theology that is steeped in the tradition and engaged with the contemporary world. Striking a balance between academic rigor and accessibility, the book covers issues of perennial interest in the twenty-first-century church: who God is, how to rightly worship him, and how his followers engage contemporary culture. Topics include the doctrine of God, Catholic theology, philosophy, liturgy, and evangelizing the culture. This work will be of special interest to readers concerned about the so-called “new atheism.”

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  • American And Catholic


    The Catholic Church in America was built in the missions of the West, the slums of New York, and the heartland of the Midwest by ordinary believers forging extraordinary lives. C. Walker Gollar tells their stories, which become the story of the Church.

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  • Imitation Of Christ


    This classic shows readers how to follow Christ in their lives

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  • Gospel Of John (Reprinted)


    In this addition to the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, two well-respected New Testament scholars interpret the Gospel of John in its historical and literary setting as well as in light of the Church’s doctrinal, liturgical, and spiritual tradition. They unpack the wisdom of the Fourth Gospel for the intellectual and spiritual transformation of its readers and connect the Gospel with a range of witnesses throughout the whole history of Catholicism. This volume, like each in the series, is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry.

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  • Stand Your Ground


    On the Sunday morning after the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s killer, black preachers across America addressed the questions his death raised for their communities: “Where is the justice of God? What are we to hope for?”

    In this timely and compelling book, Kelly Brown Douglas examines the myths and narratives underlying a “stand-your-ground” culture, taking seriously the social as well as the theological questions raised by this and similar events, from Ferguson, Missouri to Staten Island, New York.
    But the author also brings another significant interpretative lens to this text: that of a mother. She writes: “There has been no story in the news that has troubled me more than that of Trayvon Martin’s slaying. President Obama said that if he had a son his son would look like Trayvon. I do have a son and he does look like Trayvon.”
    In the face of tragedy and indifference, Kelly Brown Douglas arms the truth of a black mother’s faith in these times of “stand your ground.”

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  • Catholic Picture Bible (Revised)


    Over 100 Catholic Bible Stories for boys and girls written in simple, clear language that is easy to understand.
    April 2015 – Updated and Digitally Re-mastered

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  • Moments To Remember


    This book offers a faith perspective for reflection upon the experience of aging, drawing especially upon the wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola. It provides the reader with a context for understanding their spiritual journey and a variety of reflection questions aimed at deepening their gratitude and hope. The book uses poetry and quotations of well known people to affirm the reader s reflection process.

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  • Approaching The Canticle


    This is a summary of the Spiritual Canticle of St. John of the Cross in contemporary language, with emphasis on the meaning of its symbolic language.

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  • Reclaiming Humility : Four Studies In The Monastic Tradition


    Does humility have a place in contemporary life? Were Enlightenment thinkers wrong to reject humility as a “monkish virtue” (Hume) arising from a “slave morality” (Nietzsche)? Australian theologian Jane Foulcher recovers the counter-cultural reading of humility that marked early Christianity and examines its trajectory at key junctures in the development of Western monasticism. Humility emerges not as a moral virtue achieved by human effort but as a way opened by grace-as a divine “climate” (Christian de Cherge) that we are invited to inhabit. From fourth-century Egypt to twentieth-century Algeria, via Saint Benedict and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Dr. Foulcher’s compelling analysis of theology and practice challenges the church to reclaim Christian humility as essential to its life and witness today.

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  • Listening Community : A Commentary On The Prologue And Chapter 1-3 Of Bened


    This new book by Sister Aquinata Bockmann discusses the Prologue and chapters 1, 2, and 3 of the Rule of St. Benedict. In a lectio regulae she plumbs the depths of Benedict’s vision. Listen, the first word of the Prologue, is a keyword that describes the main stance of the individual monastic, the superior, and the entire community. Listening to the Scriptures and in them to Christ guides individuals and the community on how to “run on the way of God’s commandments” toward the goal of communal life in and with Christ. The first three chapters of the Rule concretize the principles of this communal spirituality of listening: the importance of a rule and a pastor for maintaining the community’s attentiveness to life; the superior’s responsibility to listen to individuals within the community; and the mutual listening between leader and community members, regardless of their age.
    As in her earlier books Sister Aquinata proves to be a true guide into the spirit of Benedict’s Rule, which provides sound principles for listening in common in a community of life.

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  • Knowing The Natural Law


    Recent discussions of Thomas Aquinas’s treatment of natural law have focused upon the “self-evident” character of the first principles, but few attempts have been made to determine in what manner they are selfevident. On some accounts, a self-evident precept must have, at most, a tenuous connection with speculative reason, especially our knowledge of God, and it must be untainted by the stain of “deriving” an ought from an is. Yet Aquinas himself had a robust account of the good, rooted in human nature. He saw no fundamental difference between is-statements and ought-statements, both of which he considered to be descriptive. Knowing the Natural Law traces the thought of Aquinas from an understanding of human nature to a knowledge of the human good, from there to an account of ought-statements, and finally to choice, which issues in human actions. The much discussed article on the precepts of the natural law (I-II, 94, 2) provides the framework for a natural law rooted in human nature and in speculative knowledge. Practical knowledge is itself threefold: potentially practical knowledge, virtually practical knowledge, and fully practical knowledge. This distinction within practical knowledge, typically overlooked or underutilized, reveals the steps by which the mind moves from speculative knowledge all the way to fully practical knowledge. The most significant sections of Knowing the Natural Law examine the nature of ought-statements, the imperative force of moral precepts, the special character of per se nota propositions as found within the natural law, and the final movement from knowledge to action.

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  • Vices And Virtues


    Behind every virtue is a vice. Likewise, behind every vice is a virtue that, when developed and strengthened, can overcome the vice, writes Fr. Ortega, an authority in moral behavior. In Vices and Virtues, he reveals how to leverage faults and weaknesses to forge virtues. In this three-part how-to guide, readers will get to know themselves with honesty, learn to accept themselves and their faults in humility, and begin to improve their lives by cultivating virtues. It might seem like an impossible task, but you’ll have help and motivation from the highest source. Developing virtue can help you achieve balance in your life and holiness.

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  • Sexo Espiritualidad Y Plenitud – (Spanish)


    Son pocos los temas que suscitan conversaciones tan incomodas y complicadas como la sexualidad humana. “Los catolicos todavia identifican el sexo con la palabra no”, escribe el P. Charles E. Bouchard, lo cual es “triste, porque la fe catolica tiene mucho mas que decir que eso”.

    El sexo no es una realidad puramente fisica; es tambien sacramental y es capaz de llevar gracia y bendiciones al matrimonio. En Sexo, espiritualidad y plenitud, el P. Bouchard analiza los mitos, las preguntas dificiles y los retos de la enseanza catolica sobre la sexualidad. Con un estilo sencillo y accesible, y usando el metodo de preguntas y respuestas aborda temas como ciertas practicas sexuales, la planeacion familiar, el aborto, el divorcio, la homosexualidad, el celibato, la castidad y como vivir en el mundo moderno sin traicionar la propia moral y fe.

    This book tackles tough questions about sexuality, morality, and Christian living in the twenty-first century. As Fr. Bouchard writes, “Many of the questions we will address would never even have been asked, let alone answered, in a Catholic book prior to the 1960s.” In an easy-to-follow Q & A format, Fr. Bouchard answers the most commonly asked questions about divorce, homosexuality, moral living, Catholic sexuality, and living in the modern world without compromising your faith.

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  • Like The First Morning


    In Like the First Morning, acclaimed author and teacher Michael J. Ortiz presents both a literary and a deeply personal approach to the Morning Offering, a popular form of daily prayer practiced by millions of Catholics worldwide. The book reveals the depth of this simple devotion, showing how a daily offering up of prayers, works, joys, and sufferings renews every aspect of life, and inspires the reader to live each day with greater intentionality and joy.

    Like the First Morning reflects upon the Morning Offering, a popular and beloved Catholic devotion prayed at the start of each day to consecrate the day to Christ. Michael Ortiz, a religion and English teacher and author of Swan Town, draws from theologians, popes, poets, novelists, philosophers, mystics, and saints to help readers to become more fully aware of the beauty of God’s creation and be more open to his grace.

    This unique book of Catholic spirituality consists of fourteen short, lyrical chapters, each centered on a key phrase of the prayer. The fresh approach to this ancient practice will appeal to those who seek inspiration to continue this form of daily prayer, as well as those who are unfamiliar with the devotion who want to deepen their prayer life.

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  • New Catholic Picture Bible (Revised)


    Now in a padded hardcover edition, here are Catholic stories taken from the Holy Bible, intended for the whole family and easy to understand. The first part treats the Old Testament-from Adam to Christ-and contains the most important and memorable events in God’s dealings with man during that time. The second part contains sixty stories from the New Testament that narrate beautifully the life, teachings, and work of Our Lord and Savior. These simply written stories, praised by leading Catholic educators for their style, will delight children time after time.
    April 2015 – Updated and Digitally Re-mastered

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  • Things Unknown To Lily


    A Caritas Title

    Charlotte was willing to accept whatever suffering came her way, just to be with the man she loves. But she could never have foreseen how difficult it was going to be to weather the louring tempests of her husband’s depression. Mystified by why her devotion is not enough to make John happy, she carries the burden of his sadness, unaware that it is a long-ago secret, kept from his aunt Lily, that prevents him from surrendering to the joy born of true love. Healing is about to come from an unlikely place, as it often does with anyone who has known Lily and grows to understand that something quite unexpected can change everything.

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  • Revelation (Reprinted)


    In this addition to the well-received Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), seasoned New Testament scholar and popular speaker Peter Williamson interprets Revelation from within the living tradition of the Church for pastoral ministers, lay readers, and students alike. The seventeen-volume CCSS series, which will cover the entire New Testament, relates Scripture to Christian life today, is faithfully Catholic, and is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively in teaching, preaching, evangelization, and other forms of ministry. Drawn from the best of contemporary scholarship, series volumes are keyed to the liturgical year and include an index of pastoral subjects.

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  • Reimagining The Ignatian Examen


    Jesuit speaker and author Mark Thibodeaux, SJ, guides you through new and unique versions of the Examen, totally flexible and adaptable to your personal daily life. Reimagining the Ignatian Examen-the only book of its kind-will lead you through a fresh and stimulating reflection on your past day, your present state-of-being, and your spiritual desires and needs for tomorrow.

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  • Mans Guide To A Life Worth Living (Student/Study Guide)


    St. Paul has earned the right to speak to men. He knows what it takes to live a life worthy of your calling. A mature man in everyday life is one who physically and spiritually provides for and protects his family. Do not leave this task to someone else. Learn how to be the man God is calling you to be through the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians. This Bible study on Ephesians will unlock what Paul says about the keys to a life worth living in: marriage, family, business, sexuality, money, friendships, and getting to heaven.

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  • 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told


    In The Second Greatest Story Ever Told bestselling author Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, reveals St. John Paul II’s witness for our time. Building on the prophetic voices of Margaret Mary Alacoque, Thrse of Lisieux, Maximilian Kolbe, and Faustina Kowalska, The Second Greatest Story Ever Told is more than a historical account of the Great Mercy Pope. This book expounds on the profound connection between Divine Mercy and Marian consecration. It serves as an inspiration for all those who desire to bear witness to the mercy of God, focused on Christ and formed by Mary. Now is the time of mercy. Now is the time to make John Paul’s story your own.

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  • At Play In Creation


    In this series of deeply meditative retreat conferences, Christopher Pramuk leads the reader through a sustained meditation on Wisdom-Sophia, the feminine face of God’s presence alive in the world, who speaks and sings in the writings of Thomas Merton. With the sensitivity of a poet and the intellectual acuity of a seasoned teacher and Catholic theologian, Pramuk invites readers to taste and see for themselves the hidden presence of Christ and the dynamism of Love at play in creation; the biblical and mystical tradition from East to West calls this presence Sophia. Looking beyond Merton to seek out her presence in the silent and broken landscapes of our world today, Pramuk shows Sophia above all to be the bearer of hope in an age of unspeakable violence and planetary destruction.

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  • Spirit Soul Body


    A perennial problem for spiritual traditions of all sorts is dualism-either a positing of a false distance between the Divine and the created or a rejection of creation and the human body. Many contemporary spiritual seekers have sensed this problem and sought to remedy it through myriad solutions drawn from various spiritual traditions and secular wisdom, both Eastern and Western.

    Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam, explores Christianity’s contribution to the discussion. He offers a revisioning and rearticulation of this teaching, based on the prophetic seminal work of Bede Griffiths, toward a practical and integral spirituality that reverences all aspects of our being human-spirit, soul, and body.

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  • Mother Teresa Of Calcutta


    Mother Teresa’s life sounds like a legend. The Albanian girl who entered an Irish order to go to India as a missionary and became an “Angel of the Poor” for countless people. She was greatly revered by Christians as well as Muslims, Hindus and unbelievers, as she brought the message of Christian love for one’s neighbor from the slums of Calcutta to the whole world.

    Fr. Leo Maasburg was there as her close companion for many years, traveling with her throughout the world and was witness to countless miracles and incredible little-known occurrences. In this personal portrait of the beloved nun, he presents fifty amazing stories about her that most people have never heard, wonderful and delightful stories about miracles, small and great, that he was privileged to experience at Mother Teresa’s side. Stories of how, without a penny to her name, she started an orphanage in Spain, and at the same time saved a declining railroad company from ruin, and so many more.

    They all tell of her limitless trust in God’s love, of the way the power of faith can move mountains, and of hope that can never die. These stories reveal a humorous, gifted, wise and arresting woman who has a message of real hope for our time. It’s the life story of one of the most important women of the 20th century as it’s never been told before.

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  • Tiempo Para Dios – (Spanish)


    Lent is a time to reflect on the meaning of our existence as Christians, a time to discover who we really are. It’s also a time to renew our focus on God as the center of our lives. Based on the daily Scripture readings for Lent, Time for God: Meditations for Lent helps you explore the depths of your being, your relationship to Christ, and your association with others during this time of spiritual preparation.

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  • Imagining Abundance : Fundraising Philanthropy And A Spiritual Call To Serv


    Fundraising is ministry-a transformative ministry that challenges all people to realize their own gifts and how they can be used for the benefit of the church. In Imagining Abundance, Kerry Robinson focuses on reasons why each of us are called to be stewards. We act because we’re excited about what it is that we do for the church and where we’re called by God to be, we want others to be just as excited about what that is, and we want people to be partners with us in that ministry.
    In Imagining Abundance, Kerry Robinson offers an inspirational and practical guide to effective fundraising that is ideal for anyone invested in a faith community. Bishops, provincials, pastors, ministers, executive and development directors and trustees of faith-based organizations will benefit from this healthy approach to the activity of fundraising that situates successful development in the context of ministry and mission.

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  • Woman The Mystery Of Mary As Mediatrix In The Teaching Of Fulton J Sheen


    As the Church approaches the apex of the most extraordinary Marian age in history, the Holy Spirit is unveiling the deepest secrets concerning His Bride, who revealed herself to St. Bernadette as The Immaculate Conception. The visions granted to St. Catherine Laboure in 1830, which led to the molding of the Miraculous Medal, and the teachings of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe emphasized an inseparable relation between Mary as The Immaculate Conception and her special role as Mediatrix of all graces. How do we best understand the full import of this role and its relevance to a Church navigating through the most turbulent seas in her history? Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, called by many “a prophet for our times,” provides some of the most penetrating insights into this mystery, so that no matter what one’s prior understanding is of the Mother of God, they will never look at her the same way again. Enjoy fresh and invigorating insights into the mystery of the one chosen to bridge a fallen humanity with the Holy Trinity…the one whose unique place in the history of salvation is unveiled by the singular title…”The Woman.”

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  • Augustine And The Catechumenate (Revised)


    St. Augustine (354-430), one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Christianity, was also a struggling North African pastor who had a flair for teaching and who meditated deeply on the mysteries of the human heart. This study examines a little-known side of his career: his work as a teacher of candidates for baptism. This reconstruction of Augustine’s catechumenate provides fresh perspectives on the day-to-day life of the early church and on the vibrancy and eloquence of Augustine the preacher and teacher.In this new edition, both the text and notes have been revised from top to bottom to better reflect the state of contemporary scholarship on Augustine, on liturgical studies, and on the catechumenate, both ancient and modern. This edition also includes new findings from some of the recently discovered sermons of Augustine and incorporates new perspectives from recent research on early Christian biblical interpretation, debates on the Trinity, the evolution of the liturgy, and much more.

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  • At The Heart Of The Liturgy


    From 1991 to 2012, Nathan D. Mitchell was the author of the “Amen Corner” that appeared at the end of each issue of Worship. Readers of Worship grew accustomed to Nathan’s columns as invitations to rethink the practice of Christian worship through a liturgical theology that was interdisciplinary, aesthetic, and attentive to history. With the soul of a poet, Nathan was always on the lookout for the turn of phrase, the image, stanza, or metaphor from other classic wordsmiths that could capture the liturgical insight he wanted to explore.For the first time, this volume assembles some of the most important of these columns around the themes of body, Word, Spirit, beauty, justice, and unity. In addition, Nathan’s former students offer substantive commentary through essays that invite the reader to consider how the themes raised by Nathan might develop in the coming years.This collection is a must-read both for those who admired Nathan’s contribution to liturgical studies and for a newer generation of scholars seeking to discern the frontiers of liturgical theology.Nathan D. Mitchell is an emeritus professor of liturgy in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame.  In 1998, Mitchell was presented with the Berakah Award from the North American Academy of Liturgy for his contribution to the field. His many publications include the following books: Cult and Controversy; Eucharist as a Sacrament of Initiation; Liturgy and the Social Sciences; Real Presence: The Work of Eucharist; and, more recently, Meeting Mystery and The Mystery of the Rosary: Marian Devotion and the Reinvention of Catholicism.

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  • Suspended Middle : Henri De Lubac And The Renewed Split In Modern Catholic


    Has been called “the most exciting book ever written on de Lubac”

    French Jesuit Henri de Lubac (1896-1991) was arguably the most revolutionary theologian of the twentieth century. He proposed that Western theology since the early modern period had lost sight of the key to integrating faith and reason – namely, the truth that all human beings are naturally oriented toward the supernatural.

    Originally published in 2005, John Milbank’s Suspended Middle defends de Lubac’s provocative thesis and rebuts its many critics. In this second edition Milbank has expanded and clarified his argument throughout to take greater account of new critiques of de Lubac. The future of the Christian faith is at stake, says Milbank, as he urges his readers to recover and reinvigorate de Lubac’s biblical-theological-philosophical vision.

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  • What Do I Say


    Talking with those who are dying can be difficult even in the best of circumstances. There is a need for guiding family members of the terminally ill, as well as friends, caregivers, and even those more experienced in talking with the dying-clergy, pastoral ministers, hospice workers, and medical personnel-in understanding the best ways this can be done. What Do I Say? provides that guidance. It comes from the heart of author Margrit Anna Banta who, in her work as a pastoral minister with the dying and terminally ill, noted the lack of an accessible resource for family and friends caring for a loved one that can help them in their conversations with the dying person.

    What Do I Say? covers both practical matters and spiritual and emotional topics, always mindful of the fact that many people in their final days are not able to talk about or express what they are going through. It touches on areas that should be addressed before someone dies, such as a will, DNR orders, funeral planning, and other topics, and gives suggestions for what to do if someone is non-communicative or unconscious. The last chapter includes prayers to say when family and friends visit with their loved one.

    This is not a comprehensive end-of-life planning or medical guide, but a brief overview of how to communicate with someone who is dying. Above all, the book stresses that conveying a sense of loving presence and a willingness to listen are usually what is most needed.

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  • Living In The House Of God


    “How should we live in this house of God? We know that the way a building is shaped also helps in determining the way those within it live and relate. We are indeed formed by what we form. Qualities such as integrity, hospitality, humanity and beauty in a place will enable its dwellers to live lives in which such qualities are evident. The way we understand who we are and how we live will be reflected in our places and vice versa. Our places become bearers of meaning and memory.” -From Chapter 1
    In Living in the House of God, Margaret Malone draws on her study of and research on the Rule of Saint Benedict to show the ways in which this ancient rule can illuminate modern life. The broad gamut of topics this book examines-from Benedictine life as sacrament to Augustine’s influence on Benedict to obedience and the art of listening, among others-is itself a witness to the generous flexibility of the Rule, as Benedict proposes a way of life that truly corresponds to the deepest needs of the whole of human nature.

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  • No Turning Back


    Jesus’ prayer on behalf of his of followers is “that all may be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be one in us” (John 17:21). No Turning Back illustrates significant developments in ecumenism during the thirty-plus years of ecumenical theologian Margaret O’Gara’s own engagement in ecumenical dialogue.

    This collection of selected papers from the final fifteen years of O’Gara’s work before her untimely death in 2012 aims

    *to illustrate the broad lines of ecumenism for general readers
    *to share concrete details of recent ecumenical developments with specialist readers
    *to encourage both groups of readers in their commitment to the pursuit of full communion among the Christian churches

    An invaluable resource for academic and ecclesial specialists in ecumenism, teachers and students of theology and religious studies, Christian ministers, and all educated Christian adults who take seriously Jesus’ prayer “that all may be one.”

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  • Sorting Out Catholicism


    Focolare, Community of Sant’Egidio, Neocatechumenal Way, Legionaries of Christ, Communion and Liberation, Opus Dei. These are but a few of the most recognizable names in the broader context of the so-called ecclesial movements. Their history goes back to the period following the First Vatican Council, crosses Vatican II, and develops throughout the twentieth century. It is a history that prepares the movements’ rise in the last three decades, from John Paul II to Francis. These movements are a complex phenomenon that shapes the Church now more than before, and they play a key role for the future of Catholicism as a global community, in transition from a Europe-centered tradition to a world Church.

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  • Sing Of Mary


    This study analyzes Marian congregational song in the Roman Catholic Church in the United States from 1854 to 2010, focusing not only on the texts and music, but also on the contexts out of which these songs came. Marian devotion before 1854 is explored as well as pertinent developments in the Roman Catholic Church-particularly Vatican II-and other cultural developments. Through the quantitative and qualitative analysis of these songs, this work develops a broader understanding of how Marian congregational song developed, persisted, and changed as a mediator of Marian devotion.

    The survey of 120 hymnals offers a fascinating perspective on how Marian congregational song changed before and after Vatican II. These songs were so meaningful to generations of Roman Catholics and then they seem to disappear after Vatican II. This work seeks to answer the question of why?

    Appealing to both lay people and academics, readers are given a clear and full understanding of Marian congregational song. Also included is a chapter that explores how Marian congregational song can be meaningful to a wide range of Christians through the Magnificat.

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  • Sacraments And Justice


    Sacraments and Justice offers a fresh approach to the seven sacraments in the Roman Catholic tradition. The authors assembled here, each of them highly regarded sacramental and liturgical theologians, synthesize the best creative thinking in the theology of sacraments, their symbols, their link with justice-God’s order for the world here and now-and their power to permeate another reality so intensely that something new happens.

    Educated Catholics, or Catholics looking for a first-rate education on the sacraments, as well as parish teams, study groups, and Catholic educators, will cheer this volume as solid and incisive, while at the same time accessible and engaging. Each contributor is an academic who writes with a human touch about the gracious promise embedded in sacraments. They include:
    *John Baldovin, SJ, on baptism
    *Edward Hahnenberg on confirmation
    *Michael Driscoll on Eucharist
    *Doris Donnelly on penance
    *Thomas Scirghi, SJ, on holy orders
    *Natalie Weaver on marriage
    *Paul Turner on anointing of the sick

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  • Inspiration And Truth Of Sacred Scripture


    In his 2009 post-synodal apostolic exhortation Verbum Domini, Pope Benedict XVI pointed out that “theological reflection has always considered inspiration and truth as two key concepts for an ecclesial hermeneutic of the sacred Scriptures” and that there is today the need “for a fuller and more adequate study of these realities, in order to better respond to the need of interpreting the sacred texts in accordance with their nature.”

    The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture: The Word That Comes from God and Speaks of God for the Salvation of the World is the contribution of the Pontifical Biblical Commission toward a more adequate understanding of the concepts of inspiration and truth that respects both the nature of the Bible and its significance for the life of the Church.

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  • Discovering The Human Person


    A longtime friend and student of the late Pope John Paul II, Stanislaw Grygiel in this book reflects on the pope’s life and thought, giving new insight into his character and his vision of beauty as the path that leads us to God.More than simply biographical information about John Paul II — who was Bishop Karol Wojtyla before he became pope — or a dry academic analysis of his teaching, Discovering the Human Person derives from Grygiel’s extensive firsthand interaction with Wojtyla. Grygiel reflects on the importance of communion as the ground of John Paul II’s life, particularly in response to the communist environment that surrounded him in Poland. He also addresses the pope’s call for a new evangelization, his understanding of marriage and family, and the relationship of those to a genuine, healthy understanding of nation and state.

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  • Libros Historicos : Josue Jueces Ruth 1 Y 2 De Samuel 1 Y 2 De Reyes 1 Y 2 – (Sp


    This book in the Liguori Catholic Bible Study series examines the Israelites’ story from the time of Joshua leading the people into the Promised Land through the rise and fall of kings and the impact of the prophets Elijah and Elisha. The Israelites’ covenant with God and Mosaic law are recurring themes in these narratives and reflections. As readers explore these biblical books with Fr. William Anderson, they will more fully understand their own relationship to God in devotion, obedience, worship, and prayer.

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  • Lets Begin With A Prayer


    Let’s Begin with a Prayer provides a variety of prayers for all types of religious gatherings. From board meetings to book clubs, large assemblies to small groups, this brand new book of original prayers will become your best resource for bringing groups together in prayer to the Spirit for help furthering their mission. Each prayer starts with a Scripture quote and includes a short meditation. Prayer topics include:
    – Collaboration
    – Team-building
    – Diversity
    – Feast days and saint celebrations
    – Holidays (New Year’s, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, July 4
    )- Liturgical seasons
    – Virtues
    – Gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit
    – Healing, grief

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  • Advent And Christmas Wisdom From Saint Therese Of Lisieux


    Even though she is a Doctor of the Church, St. Therese of Lisieux is more well-known for being the “little flower” of Jesus. Through her “little way,” she has inspired many Catholics to love God simply, devoutly, and with great love. St. Therese believed that no act of faith is too small for God. Loving God in this way wasn’t always easy for St. Therese, but even through her suffering and death at age twenty-four she tried to love God with all her heart.

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  • Spiritual Genius Of Thomas Merton


    Thomas Merton was a man of contradictions: assertive yet elusive, committed to the stability of the monastic life but a wanderer at heart, a man who came to symbolize in a unique way his country and century. Still today, perhaps more than ever, he fascinates us with his spiritual genius and brilliant insights into the heart and soul of humankind. Merton’s life was a search on many levels and, as such, it offers readers guidance on their own spiritual quests.
    “The Spiritual Genius of Thomas Merton” is a blend of literary and theological appreciation that is critical in the best sense and always relevant. Through an analysis of Merton’s major journal and poetic writings, Padovano gives us an original and fresh look at Merton’s reconciliation between his inner nature and the life he chose to live. Merton reached out to an astonishing variety of people, indelibly affecting the character of his times, an effect that is present even today.
    First published in 1982 as “The Human Journey: Thomas Merton, Symbol of a Century,” Padovano’s book has been critically acclaimed as “a wonderful glimpse of Merton” and “a skillful blend of literary analysis and biography.” Now updated for a new generation of readers, this new edition commemorates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Merton (January 31, 2015).

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  • Humble Confidence : Spiritual And Pastoral Guidance From Karl Rahner


    The influential German Jesuit theologian, Karl Rahner (1904-84), famously claimed that the more scientific theology is the more spiritually and pastorally relevant it will be. This book attempts to demonstrate the truth of this claim by drawing together resources scattered throughout Rahner’s voluminous writings in order to make his wisdom more available for people seeking a deeper spirituality and a more effective pastoral ministry. The book also provides summaries of Rahner’s main ideas on anthropology, God, Christ, and the Church, with an emphasis on their practical significance. Finally, it serves as a response to those critics who claim that Rahner is passe by emphasizing the power of his theology to illumine contemporary issues with the light of the Gospel.

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  • Origins Of Christmas (Revised)


    When was Christmas first celebrated? How did December 25 become the date for the feast? How did the Bible’s “magi from the East” become three kings named Melchior, Caspar, and Balthasar who rode camels from three different continents to worship the newborn Christ? How did the Feast of the Nativity generate an entire liturgical season from Advent to Candlemas? Why did medieval and Renaissance artists portray Joseph as an old man? When did the first Christmas music appear? And who was the real Saint Nicholas?These and many other questions are answered in The Origins of Christmas. The story of the origins of Christmas is not well known, but it is a fascinating tale. It begins when the first Christians had little interest in Christ’s Nativity, and it finishes when Christmas had become an integral part of Christian life and Western culture.The Origins of Christmas covers a variety of topics in a concise and accessible style, and is suitable for group discussions.

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  • Epistolas Universales Y Apocal – (Spanish)


    La Iglesia primitiva crecio de manera notable. Paso, de consistir en un punado de discipulos a convertirse en toda una comunidad de seguidores que llevaro a la Iglesia a convertirse en una institucion capaz de atender a una multitud de fieles. Este volumen expone esas cartas que fueron dirigidas a la Iglesia catolica (palabra griega que significa universal). En estos textos de enfoque general, todos los cristianos del mundo se sienten aludidos. A traves de cada carta, los autores sagrados nos alientan como comunidad y nos comparten pautas para vivir como verdaderos cristianos.

    The early Church’s growth from a handful of disciples to a large community of followers forced the Church to become an institution that could cope with large numbers. In this volume, Father William A. Anderson probes several New Testament letters that were addressed to the ‘catholic,’ or universal, Church. General in nature, these letters welcomed and addressed all Christians. Through them, the writers were able to encourage whole communities and provide instruction on Christian living.

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