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Showing 1601–1650 of 2282 results

  • Catholic Babys Baptismal Bible


    A Baptismal Bible for a Catholic baby that comes complete with certificate and family history pages. Gold edges. Padded Hardcover. Gift boxed.

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  • Blessing Of The Table


    Blessings of the Table is a book of seasonal and special occasion table blessings for adults and children.

    Christian groups and families, as well as those who live alone, will find in these readings and prayers a time-honored way to sanctify mealtime and spiritualize daily experiences as they honor the Lord in a special way at the daily meal.

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  • Preaching To Adults Teens And Children


    SKU (ISBN): 9780893905873ISBN10: 0893905879Editor: Celebrating The LectionaryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2003Publisher: Resource Publications Inc.

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  • Prayers Of Our Faith


    “This prayer collection provides a rich selection of devotional material that will deepen understanding of the central truths of our faith and nurture spiritual growth. Chosen for their timelessness and beauty, these are prayers that can be memorized and used over and over again. Many of them have inspired and sustained Christian worship for centuries. Compiled as a gift companion to “”This is My Faith””, though a volume that can also stand alone, “”Prayers of Our Faith”” will make an ideal confirmation gift for candidates of all ages.”

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  • Dynamic Equivalence : The Living Language Of Christian Worship



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    In studying the history of the vernacular in worship beginning with the Christian Scriptures, Dynamic Equivalence uncovers the power of a living language to transform communities of faith.
    How we pray when we come together for common worship has always been significant, but the issue of liturgical language received unprecedented attention in the twentieth century when Latin Rite Roman Catholic worship was opened to the vernacular at Vatican II. Worshiping in one’s native tongue continues to be of issue as the churches debate over what type of vernacular should be employed.

    Dynamic Equivalence traces the history of liturgical language in the Western Christian tradition as a dynamic and living reality. Particular attention is paid to the twentieth century Vernacular Society within the United States and how the vernacular issue was treated at Vatican II, especially within an ecumenical context.

    The first chapter offers a short history of the vernacular from the first century through the twentieth. The second and third chapters contain a significant amount of archival material, much of which has never been published before. These chapters tell the story of a mixed group of Catholic laity and clergy dedicated to promoting the vernacular during the first half of the twentieth century. Chapter Four begins with a survey of vernacular promotion in the Reformation itself, explores the issue of vernacular worship as an instrument of ecumenical hospitality and concludes with some examples of ecumenical liturgical cooperation in the years immediately preceding the Council. The final chapter treats the vernacular debate at the Council with attention to the Vernacular Society’s role in helping with the implementation of the vernacular.

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  • Come Creator Spirit


    Written particularly for the Charismatic Renewal in the English-speaking world, Come, Creator Spirit is a helpful guide for a better understanding of the Holy Spirit. In this detailed commentary on the famous hymn Veni Creator, sung at the beginning of every new year, ecumenical council, and priestly ordination, Father Raniero Cantalamessa describes the Paraclete and gives praise to its glory. Progressing through the hymn line by line, he provides insights, reflections, hymnography of Christian traditions, and testimonies of the saints. This book describes the Church’s experience of the Spirit of today, as well as the past. The biblical and theological base of the hymn opens the reader to the perspectives and inspirations in this book. Its vision of the Holy Spirit in the history of salvation emerges as the reader progresses through the reading. In the celebration of the ecumenical character of Veni Creator, this book draws from Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic traditions for all those who wish to seek a better understanding of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Women Who Hear Voices


    More than a few people today scoff at the notion of “religious experience.” What the believer accepts as God acting in human lives, the skeptic attributes to delusion or hysteria-especially when the believer is a woman. Indeed, the possibility of self-deception in the realm of religious experience is sufficiently great that even devotees tread softly around it. At what point does mindless enthusiasm come to an end and actual, transcendent reality begin?

    Sidney Callahan, a psychologist, author and Christian ethicist, describes authentic religious experience as the work of “a creative God of love who gives totally and renounces coercion.” Human beings, she says, “are wired for relationship.” They move instinctively toward a dynamic presence who abides within the world and in human affairs. In this Madeleva Lecture delivered at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, Callahan affirms not only the reality but the usefulness of private religious experiences, especially those of “women barred from hierarchical authority,” which, she says, “can be a rich source of strength for the church.” Beginning with the insights of William James and Rudolf Otto, and borrowing from contemporary theologians Karl Rahner and John E. Thiel, Callahan describes the way religious “signals” emerge into society through the attentive reflection of individuals. And the world is better for it. “Women who hear voices and see visions and have prophetic and intimate religious experiences,” she states, “have given witness to God’s justice and equality while affirming God’s maternal love.”

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  • Catholic Book Of Prayers (Large Type)


    Today’s most popular general prayerbook. Contains many favorite prayers – for every day, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary, and the Saints, and a summary of our Faith. Designed especially for Catholic adults and those with limited vision.

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  • Christianity With An Asian Face


    11 Chapters

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    Drawing on the twin themes of liberation and inculturation, Peter Phan explicates a new theology forged in the cauldron of the encounter between two vastly different cultures. He devotes particular attention to the meaning of Christ for Asian Americans and the emergence of new christological titles Jesus as Eldest Son and Ancestor.
    Phan also explores his personal roots to sketch the contours for Vietnamese American theology, an expression of faith caught between the Dragon and the Eagle.

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  • Diario Santa Maria Faustina Ko – (Spanish)


    The Diary is a dramatic telling of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska’s amazing encounter with The Divine Mercy – our Lord Jesus Christ. On Mercy Sunday 2006, Pope Benedict XVI said, “The mystery of the merciful love of God was the center of the pontificate of my venerable predecessor [Pope John Paul II] … evidencing that the devotion to Divine Mercy is not a secondary, but an integral dimension of a Christian’s faith and prayer.”

    The Diary chronicles God’s invitation to turn to His mercy as a source of hope for the world. In it, we are reminded to trust in the Divine Mercy of Jesus and seek His forgiveness. And as Christ is merciful, so, too, are we instructed to be merciful to others.

    The message of Divine Mercy has become an integral part of Catholic faith, including the celebration of the Feast of Divine Mercy on the Sunday after Easter as Jesus had requested of St. Faustina. The Diary is truly a book that inspires people to turn with trust to Jesus and guides the reader through an intimate journey of prayer and devotion that ultimately leads to God’s mercy.

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  • Miracles Of The Bible


    SKU (ISBN): 9780899425238ISBN10: 0899425232Lawrence Lovasik | Editor: Jude WinklerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2003Saint Joseph Childrens Picture BookPublisher: Catholic Book Publishing

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  • Life Of Antony The Coptic Life And The Greek Life


    SKU (ISBN): 9780879079024ISBN10: 0879079029Athanasius Of Alexandria | Translator: Tim Vivian | Translator: Anastasios AthanassakisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Teresa Of Avila


    Includes an extensive introduction covering Teresa’s life and the relevance of her writings.

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  • Letters Of Saint Bernard Of Clairvaux


    This classic translation of the correspondence of Bernard is reprinted with a new introduction which takes into account the wealth of scholarship which has appeared in the last forty years. Professor Kienzle discusses the translation of medieval and monastic letter-writing and provides a new chronology and select bibliography.

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  • Witness To Integrity


    Witness to Integrity is a first-person account of the historic dispute between the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters (I.H.M.) and James Francis McIntyre, the Cardinal Archbishop of Los Angeles. Former Mother General of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters and president of the Immaculate Heart Community, Anita Caspary, I.H.M., tells her story of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters’ motivations and struggles in their claim for authority and freedom to live a Christian life in accordance with their consciences. The conflicts that lead a part of the Immaculate Heart Sisters’ Community to become an ecumenical community are described with vividness.

    Anita Caspary’s personal narrative reflections provide in-depth details of the story that has captured media attention in books, television documentaries, and plays. In addition, the use of original sources from the Immaculate Heart Community archives that have not been open to the public assists in producing new insights and correcting inaccuracies and myths.

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  • What Makes Us Catholic


    What makes a Catholic a Catholic? According to Thomas Groome, an expert on the essential ingredients of Catholic Christianity, Catholics share certain vital features of life and identity. What Makes Us Catholic explains and illuminates that character, and invites Catholics of all kinds to connect more deeply and imaginatively with their own culture and spirituality.

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  • Immersed In The Sacred


    SKU (ISBN): 9780877939627ISBN10: 0877939624Kathy CoffeyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2003Publisher: Ave Maria Press

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  • 50 Years In A Jealous Marriage


    An honest story of one man’s life in the Roman Catholic priesthood. This is a book that challenges all of those on either side who claim to have a corner on the Truth.

    Through this candid and challenging look at celibacy, Father James Lex provides a compelling and emotional portrait of the Roman Catholic priesthood at the dawn of the vocation’s third millennium.

    A lifetime struggle with celibacy is a lifetime struggle to stay whole inside a jealous marriage. As with any marriage, Lex’s has been a creative interplay of weakness and strength, of finding and asserting power, and of knowing how and when to submit. This book is the story of any of America’s more than 46,000 active and more than 20,000 inactive priests. It is a book about learning the rules and unlearning them….about learning to love and to let go…about forgiveness and yearning…about the choices people make everyday. Fifty Years in a Jealous Marriage chronicles a transformation — the transformation of a young, naive, eager to please, seminarian into a mature and surprisingly sane, truly catholic, Roman Catholic priest.

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  • Pontius Pilate : Portraits Of A Roman Governor


    Pontius Pilate examines the portraits of this Roman governor found in the Gospels. Unlike some discussions of Pilate, this one takes Pilate’s role as governor and representative of Roman imperial power seriously. It views Pilate predominantly as a strong, efficient, and astute governor, not as a weak and indecisive man, pressured into killing Jesus against Pilate’s convictions. The conclusion considers some of the ethical and theological issues the scenes involving Pilate raise for contemporary readers.

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  • Every Pilgrims Guide To Englands Holy Places


    England’s rich spiritual history is portrayed in this informative pocket travel companion covering more than a thousand places that can be visited today. Great cathedrals and abbeys, simple chapels, martyrs’ memorials, pilgrim shrines and famous resting places are all featured in this book which connects us to our deepest spiritual roots, reveals the vast holy land lying beneath our feet and tells the stories of the men and women who shaped it.

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  • Divine Mercy Message And Devotion Single (Large Type)


    Outlining The Divine Mercy message and devotion in an easy-to-follow format, this booklet provides an overview to one of the Catholic Church’s fastest growing movements. Includes all elements and prayers of The Divine Mercy message and devotion.

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  • Saint Teresa Of Avila


    All through her life Marcelle Auclair assiduously studied the writings of Teresa of Avila. She admired in her an essentially “modern” woman: inventive, practical, gallant and intrepid, with tremendous organizational capacities, whose genius permitted her to break through the restrictions of her time. Madame Auclair decided to retranslate the saint’s writings and to write her life. With characteristic determination, she attempted to obtain the seemingly impossible (it had never been done before) – an authorization from the Holy See to enter the Carmelite cloisters in Spain and to gather authentic background material for her projected work. The permission was granted. On her return to Paris she gave up all her professional obligations and for two years virtually went into retreat, devoting her entire time to the accomplishment of what is no doubt the most vivid existing biography of this great saint.

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  • Sacred Encounters With Jesus


    Sacred Encounters with Jesus is a discerning and comprehensive account of how people still experience Christ today. What is surprising to me is that no one has previously taken the trouble to collect and explain the meaning of these experiences. This fascinating book conveys a wealth of both religious and psychological wisdom.” –From the Foreword by Morton Kelsey The nature of these sacred encounter experiences is that Jesus heals and transforms people just as he ministered to his brokenhearted and defeated disciples. The reader will enter into the miraculous experience of the terminally ill girl who was healed by Jesus’ touch after her parents had already said their final good-byes, will share the shock of a psychotherapist who turned to see Jesus walking beside her one day, and will feel the incredulous wonder of a woman who reached up and touched Jesus’ hair as he knelt beside her and prayed. These experiences raise the possibility that some people will readily accept and others will summarily dismiss-that Jesus can be experienced as directly and as personally today as when he walked the earth 2,000 years ago.

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  • Rule Of Benedict For Beginners


    Benedictine spirituality is simple and down to earth. Not only does the Benedictine lifestyle fit well within the walls of the monastery, its interpretation of life is also suitable to other forms of society. In The Rule of Benedict for Beginners, Wil Derkse reveals how elements from Benedictine spirituality and the Benedictine lifestyle may be fruitful outside the monastery to strengthen the quality of societal living and working.

    The Rule of Benedict for Beginners is a useful source of life orientation and lifestyle for those interested in living by the Rule. It applies the monastic vows to life within organizations and examines the valuable elements of Benedictine leadership and Benedictine time management.

    Chapter one sketches Derkse’s own acquaintance with the Benedictine lifestyle. Chapter two examines the basic patterns of Benedictine spirituality in order to translate these patterns into nonmonastic contexts. Inspired leadership, listening decision-making, fruitfully prospering human resources, and sensible time management are themes in the remaining chapters.

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  • Christianity Rediscovered : Twenty Fifth Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    1. One Hundred Years In East Africa
    2. The Masai
    3. A Time To Be Silent And A Time To Think
    4. A Tune To Speak And A Time To Act
    5. What Do You Think Of The Christ?
    6. The Response
    7. A Time For Laughter And A Time For Tears
    8. Churches: The New, The Young, And The Particular
    9. Signs Of The Times
    10. The Winds Of Change
    169 Pages

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    The extraordinary story of how, among the Masai in Tanzania, an American missioner “rediscovers” the gospel message.
    Dear Bishop,
    …Suddenly I feel the urgent need to cast aside all theories and discussions, all efforts at strategy-and simply go to these people and do the work among them for which I came to Africa.
    …just go and talk to them about God and the Christian message. Outside of this, I have no theory, no plan, no strategy, no gimmick, no idea of what will come. I feel rather naked. I will begin as soon as possible…

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  • 124 Prayers For Caregivers


    In 124 Prayers for Caregivers, an author with a solid background in counseling offers an emphatic and encouraging presentation of prayerful responses to serving God in the role of caregiver. Includes prayers, brief quotations from the Bible or other sources, several lines of reflection, and a closing petition. Those seeking growth as caregivers in need of prayers that express their desire to “give everything over to God” will find strength and consolation in this book.

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  • Van Gogh And God


    SKU (ISBN): 9780829406214ISBN10: 0829406212Cliff EdwardsBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 2002Publisher: Loyola Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Hidden Women Of The Gospels


    A shepherdess who raced to the manger…a bride who saw Jesus turn water into wine…these are among the more than twenty rich imaginings of women hinted at in the Gospels, whose stories will enthrall and inspire.

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  • Confessions (Reprinted)


    “Boulding’s fresh new translation of this classic captures the essence of Augustine’s struggle to integrate faith and understanding as his heart seeks to rest in God.”
    Publishers Weekly, RBL

    “Augustine,,s Confessions has been much translated: but it is no exegeration to say that Sister Maria Boulding,,s version is of different level of excellence from practically anything else on the market.”
    Rowan William, Bishop of Monmouth

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  • Toward A Christian Theology Of Religious Pluralism


    The results from a lifetime of study, reflection and experience in both Europe and Asia is this comprehensive examination of Christian theological understandings of world religious pluralism.

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  • Doing Local Theology


    Clemens Sedmak’s Doing Local Theology, presents the construction of “local theologies” as an enterprise that is not just for Latin Americans, Asians, or Africans. Nor just for theologians. Instead, it is the art of thinking theologically about any local church and implementing a process that grounds people intentionally and aesthetically in the deepest Christian dimensions of their daily lives. This book is beautifully written and will become a standard in courses on method in theology, foundations of ministry, and adult discussion groups. Theologizing, in Sedmak’s terms, is reflection on people’s everyday world, on everyday occurrences, and on local realities. Most of all, he shows how the everyday is where people encounter God in their relationships with one another, their larger communities, and the very physical environment we live in. If Robert Schreiter’s monumental Constructing Local Theologies provides theoretical underpinning on the nature of local theologies, Clemens Sedmak shows that it is an art in which people learn to understand themselves and find full freedom as God’s daughters and sons.

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  • Acts : The Gospel Of The Spirit


    Prolific author Justo Gonzalez takes us deeper into the idea that the Acts of the Apostles is really the Acts of the Holy Spirit. He inserts the text into its social context, discussing each verse in terms of its social, spiritual, and theological implications. This is a commentary ideally suited both to illuminating the book of Acts and to attuning readers to the on-going acts of the Spirit in our own time.

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  • Way Of The Cross (Revised)


    The Way of the Cross is a glorious meditative journey in which readers are led to meet themselves through re-experiencing the Passion of Christ. Each of the 14 meditations concludes with an original prayer. This revised edition is enhanced by 14 of the author’s own powerful line drawings.

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  • Truth Of Catholicism


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060937584ISBN10: 0060937580George WeigelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2002Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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  • Sermons To The People


    A superb new translation brings the words of Augustine the preacher stirringly to life!

    When the great Saint Augustine was called from his country home to become Bishop of Hippo in the fourth century, his new responsibilities took him away from the solitude of his writing and into the glare of the public eye. The author of two of the greatest works of religious literature, Confessions and City of God, Augustine became a shepherd to the people, inspiring and enlightening them with his sermons. His skills as a speaker were as great-if not greater-than his skills as a writer. According to his friend Possidius, “Those who read what Augustine wrote on the divine topics do get something out of them. But those who saw and heard him in person-they were the ones who got heaven and Earth.”

    Sermons to the People collects the homilies on the liturgical seasons of the Church Saint Augustine delivered over the course of his lifetime. This Image edition includes the first sermons in that vast collection: from Advent, Christmas, New Year’s, and the Epiphany. Newly translated by William Griffin, they address timeless concerns, including the problems of materialism and the intellectual difficulties of faith. Griffin renders the sermons with such immediacy, it is as though he had been present when Augustine spoke to his flock.

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  • Dorothy Day : Writings For Commonweal


    Dorothy Day has been described as “the most significant, interesting, and influential person in the history of American Catholicism.” Outside The Catholic Worker (which she edited from 1933 to her death), Day wrote for no other publication so often and over such an extended period-covering six decades-as the independent Catholic journal of opinion, Commonweal.

    Gathered here for the first time are Day’s complete Commonweal pieces, including articles, reviews, and published letters-to-the-editor. They range from the personal to the polemical; from youthful enthusiasm to the gratitude of an aged warrior; sketches from works in progress; portraits of prisoners and dissidents; and a gifted reporter’s dispatches from the flash points of mid-twentieth-century social and economic conflict. Day’s writing offers readers not only an overview of her fascinating life but a compendium of her prophetic insights, spiritual depth, and unforgettable prose.

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  • 130 Fun Facts From Gods Wonder Filled World


    130 Fun Facts From God’s Wonder-Filled World is a fascinating foray into facts and tidbits about saints, symbols, human animals, and animal animals, plus inorganic goodies like rocks, coal, sand, water, and computers. Whimsical illustrations will delight readers from 8 to 80.

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  • Good News From North Haven


    This charming collection of slice-of-life stories about the Rev. David Battles and life in a mythical Midwest town caused a sensation when it was first released. With over 55,000 copies in print and a review in the New York Times, it remains a favorite for Christian readers.

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  • Life Of The Beloved


    An invitation to acknowledge our brokenness and awaken to the abiding love that God has for us, this classic explains the spiritual life in simple terms, avoiding theology and technical language. One of Nouwen’s greatest legacies to seekers of all backgrounds.

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  • Radical Gratitude


    Mary Jo Leddy’s latest book is a meditation on the miracle of the everyday and a guide to discovering what is most real in oneself. That process leads to “radical gratitude” that allows the spirit to soar and experience a great paradox. The freer one becomes, the more one appreciates the earthy things that give true joy and become the path to greater authenticity. For Leddy, ever the wise spiritual director, the path to that authenticity and gratitude also becomes the path to a deeper relationship with the God of ordinary grace. Ever aware of the way zealots morale about changing the world, while themselves being slaves of anger and the need for external order to compensate for an inner void, Leddy unfolds the Christian life as a Way of responding to ordinary grace that in time will make an extraordinary difference. “In radical gratitude, ” she notes, “the vicious dissatisfaction with life is broken. We begin to recognize what we have rather than what we don’t … we awaken to another way of being, another kind of economy, the great economy of grace in which each person is of infinite value and worth.”

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  • Mother Maria Skobtsova


    Mother Maria Skobtsova (1891-1945) has emerged as one of the most fascinating religious figures of the twentieth century. As an Orthodox nun in Paris her home was at once a soup kitchen for the needy, a center for the renewal of Orthodox thought, and–under Nazi occupation–a haven for the rescue of Jews. For the latter cause she ended her life in a concentration camp. Like the Catholic Dorothy Day, her writings reflect her deep commitment to the gospel mandate that unites love of God and love of neighbor.

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  • No Longer Slaves


    No Longer Slaves brings the ancient New Testament message into conversation with African American culture. Twenty centuries after Paul penned Galatians, American culture in general and American Christianity in particular continue to struggle with the problem of race relations. Our challenges are not identical to those faced by Paul and the Galatians. Yet, when one reads Galatians through the lens of African American experience, striking similarities emerge.

    In No Longer Slaves, Brad Braxton helps us see that race relations is a central issue in Galatians. Paul believes that Christ came in order to unite Jews and Gentiles. The church was intended to be a multi-ethnic community in which persons of different backgrounds co-existed harmoniously. Any effort to compel Gentiles to live as Jews is an invalidation of the freedom of the Gospel. Galatians offers us a portrait of an early Christian leader and community sorting out complex social issues.

    No Longer Slaves explores the concept of liberation in African American experience. It entails a discussion of American slavery. Rather than depicting African Americans simply as victims of the crimes of slavery and segregation, Braxton describes the creative cultural and religious responses of African Americans to their oppression. He employs a type of reader-response theory that considers the experiences of the reading community as a lens through which texts are read. His discussion of methodology exposes the reader to some of the issues in the current debate without becoming burdensome to the non-specialist.

    The remainder of the book is an interpretation of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Although Braxton takes seriously the original context of Galatians and his exegesis engages the Greek text, he offers a contemporary theological reading that privileges the history, experiences, and concerns of African Americans. Those who are concerned about the connection between Christianity and ethnicity will find this interpretation intriguing and challenging.

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  • Recovering The Riches Of Anointing


    Recovering the Riches of Anointing is a collection of the papers presented at an international symposium sponsored by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) as part of a long-term exploration of topics of theological and pastoral concern in pastoral care of the sick. This book looks at the anointing of the sick from the vantage point of theology, history, and canon law.

    Since Vatican II the training and commissioning of lay Eucharistic ministers has enabled the sick and dying to receive the nourishment of Christ’s body and blood regularly in their confinement at home or an institution. The sacraments of penance and the anointing of the sick, however, have become less and less available as the number of ordained priests in chaplaincy is decreasing. In response to this pastoral problem Bishop Richard J. Sklba, auxiliary bishop of Milwaukee, suggested that the NACC gather theologians together to explore the history and practice of this sacrament and other rituals in the rich tradition of the Church. Thus the papers concerning this particular sacramental ministry were written and delivered at this conference.

    Recovering the Riches of Anointing will be helpful for professional ministers of pastoral care; professional pastoral, liturgical, and sacramental theologians; and those engaged in pastoral ministry formation.

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  • Hearing The Word Of God Year B


    During the four decades since Vatican II the Catholic community has been transformed into a Bible reading, Bible praying church which continues to attract new or renewed members. Hearing the Word of God contributes to the Gospel in its liturgical context by offering ideas and perspectives that are useful for preaching or in personal prayer and reflection.

    The commentaries on the lectionary readings in Hearing the Word of God first appeared as a popular weekly column in America, covering Cycle B. Since some of the Sundays in the Cycle were displaced by particular feasts, reflections on these Sundays have also been added.

    Hearing the Word of God includes Scripture readings for the Sunday, followed by a reflection on the reading and concludes with “Praying with Scripture,” a series of questions and meditations to guide readers in making a personal application of the reflection.

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  • Bright Promise Failed Community


    SKU (ISBN): 9780739102923ISBN10: 0739102923Joseph VaracalliBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2002Publisher: STL/FaithWorks Print On Demand Product

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  • Marriage And The Catholic Church


    It is an open secret that marriage is in crisis in the United States and that the marriages of Catholics are not significantly different from other marriages. In Marriage and the Catholic Church Michael Lawler confronts the difficult questions in the Catholic theology of marriage.

    Lawler, among the leading Catholic voices on the theology of marriage, does not shy away from the difficult questions, but confronts them honestly, historically accurately, and pastorally. He highlights a Catholic approach to premarital relationships, to marriage, to divorce, and to remarriage. He examines the relationship of marriage and sacrament, faith and sacrament, friendship in marriage, divorce and remarriage, cohabitation, family, interchurch marriages, and the changing models of marriage in the Catholic tradition. The whole offers a fresh look at the Catholic theology of marriage for a new millennium.

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  • Show Yourself To My Soul


    Out of Bengal and the Hindu spiritual tradition comes a Nobel prize-winning mystical poet whose time for broad, popular acceptance has come. William Butler Yeats fell in love with these poems almost a 100 years ago, the Nobel Committee honored them with their literature prize in 1913 and just recently The Utne Reader cited Tagore as one of today’s most overlooked spiritual writers. This new edition is important because its lyrical translation has been made from Tagore’s original Bengali and because it makes the entire collection of 157 Gitanjali, or “song offerings” available to a wider audience for the first time. Rabindranath Tagore wrote with the insight and emotion that so characterizes Kahlil Gibran, with the mystical passion that has made Jalaluddin Rumi so popular and with a simplicity and depth that remains fresh and attractive to today’s seekers.

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  • Weight Of A Mass


    When a poor devout widow begs for a scrap of bread from a rich faithless baker, she promises to participate in the king’s wedding mass as payment for the baker’s generosity. The baker writes “One Mass” on a scrap of paper and places it on his scale to determine how much bread it is worth. To his and the entire town’s surprise, nothing in the shop, not even the gigantic wedding cakes made for the king, outweighs the simple piece of paper representing the true worth of a mass. Luminous old-world watercolor paintings grace the interior of the book and gold foil artwork lends an air of solemnity and sacred beauty to the story.

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  • Expositions Of The Psalms 73-98


    Fourth volume of the long-awaited translation of one of Augustine’s classics and a great work in Christian literature. Newly translated by Maria Boulding, O.S.B., whose masterful translation of Augustine’s Confessions in the same series has been praised as being “of a different level of excellence from practically anything else in the market.” (Bishop Rowan Williams, Monmouth, England)
    As the psalms are a microcosm of the Old Testament, so the Expositions of the Psalms can be seen as a microcosm of Augustinian thought. They recapitulate and focus the experiences of Augustine’s personal life, his theological reflections, and his pastoral concerns as Bishop of Hippo.

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  • God Knows Caregiving Can Pull You Apart


    12 Chapters

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    But How to Keep It All Together?

    A great and courageous question! That’s what this book is all about. It’s for those who have crossed the threshold of “if” in regards to caregiving, and moved on now to the “how” of it.

    Each chapter that follows focuses on a different way to “keep it together” while giving care to a loved one.

    Included in each chapter are brief explanations about how a particular way might look or work for you, short quotes for inspiration, stories about how others have gone about it, and a number of exercises that you can use to pause and reflect, regroup, and expand your caregiving repertoire.

    Because journaling in particular can be such a useful exercise for caregivers, and because its tools (paper, writing utensil) are compact and simple enough to be brought into almost any setting, most chapters will include at least one journaling suggestion. Many caregivers have told me that journaling-writing in a completely non-judgmental way about their lives and having one certain safe place to express their experience in all its complexity-gives them valuable insights that might not be gained as easily in any other way. All exercises, however, including journaling ideas, are only suggestions.

    This is a book that need not be rushed through. In fact, it will probably serve you better if you wander through it slowly and thoughtfully, perhaps even in a spirit of well-deserved leisure. It might sit on your bedside table, get tucked alongside a favorite armchair, or travel with you in a purse, briefcase, or satchel. Its quotations and stories are intentionally brief, that they might easily be remembered for inspiration or sustenance at just the right moment.

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