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Charles Bouchard

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  • Sexo Espiritualidad Y Plenitud – (Spanish)


    Son pocos los temas que suscitan conversaciones tan incomodas y complicadas como la sexualidad humana. “Los catolicos todavia identifican el sexo con la palabra no”, escribe el P. Charles E. Bouchard, lo cual es “triste, porque la fe catolica tiene mucho mas que decir que eso”.

    El sexo no es una realidad puramente fisica; es tambien sacramental y es capaz de llevar gracia y bendiciones al matrimonio. En Sexo, espiritualidad y plenitud, el P. Bouchard analiza los mitos, las preguntas dificiles y los retos de la enseanza catolica sobre la sexualidad. Con un estilo sencillo y accesible, y usando el metodo de preguntas y respuestas aborda temas como ciertas practicas sexuales, la planeacion familiar, el aborto, el divorcio, la homosexualidad, el celibato, la castidad y como vivir en el mundo moderno sin traicionar la propia moral y fe.

    This book tackles tough questions about sexuality, morality, and Christian living in the twenty-first century. As Fr. Bouchard writes, “Many of the questions we will address would never even have been asked, let alone answered, in a Catholic book prior to the 1960s.” In an easy-to-follow Q & A format, Fr. Bouchard answers the most commonly asked questions about divorce, homosexuality, moral living, Catholic sexuality, and living in the modern world without compromising your faith.

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  • Sexuality And Morality


    This candid question-and-answer book tackles the tough, yet common, issues, challenges, questions, and complaints of sexuality, morality, and Christian living in the 21st century. As the author notes, “many of the questions we will address below would never have been asked, let alone answered, in a Catholic book prior to the 1960s!” In his simple, easy-to-follow style, Fr. Bouchard covers every topic-from divorce, abortion, homosexuality, celibacy, and Church teaching, to how to live in the modern world without compromising your morals or faith.

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