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Christian Living

Showing 101–150 of 194 results

  • Way Of Imperfection


    Foreword By Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix,
    Foreword By Reverend Jaroslaw Zaniewski
    Introduction-Saints And The Humble Of Heart

    Part 1-To Decend Into The Heart Of One’s Own Poverty
    1-The Path Of Strength
    2-The Way Of Weakness
    3-The Way Of The Spirit

    Part 2-Holiness Surges From The Depths
    4-To Pray From The Bottom Of The Ladder
    5-In Our Empty Hands
    6-Witnesses Of God’s Poverty
    7-Priests Poor Of Heart For The Holiness Of The Poor
    8-The Little Way For The Imperfect

    Conclusion-It Is A Career Toward The Bottom

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    Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix, describes as follows: “Instead of striving for perfection by our own means and through our willpower, the author introduces us to the way of imperfection; to descend into the heart of one’s own poverty to discover God’s unconditional love and mercy. God does not love us because we are good, but because He is good”

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  • Heaven Starts Now


    Publisher Marketing: Michigan pastor Fr. John Riccardo helps us dive into the Scriptures so that we can apply them to our daily lives. In his inspiring and incisive way, Fr. Riccardo addresses the obstacles we all face in becoming mature disciples. How do we learn to forgive? How do we combat fear and understand suffering? How do we worship the Lord, love others as Christ loves us, and fully surrender our lives to God? If you’ve enjoyed Fr. Riccardo’s gifts of teaching and preaching through his broadcasts and podcasts, this book is for you!

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  • Faith Beyond Belief


    A personal, surprising, and heart-warming book wherein two spiritual masters of our time advance the central questions of life and faith.

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  • Summer Meditations


    The second in a series of four seasonal meditations books, Summer Meditations explores religious topics in the context of modern-day living. The 12 reflections in this book follow the calendar season, rather than the liturgical season, with one reflection written for each week of the calendar year. Reflection questions will be provided for each week, to take the reader even deeper so they can apply the reading to their own life.

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  • Global War On Christians


    unparalleled knowledge of world affairs and religious insight to investigate the troubling worldwide persecution of Christians.
    From Iraq and Egypt to Sudan and Nigeria, from Indonesia to the Indian subcontinent, Christians in the early 21st century are the world’s most persecuted religious group. According to the secular International Society for Human Rights, 80 percent of violations of religious freedom in the world today are directed against Christians. In effect, our era is witnessing the rise of a new generation of martyrs. Underlying the global war on Christians is the demographic reality that more than two-thirds of the world’s 2.3 billion Christians now live outside the West, often as a beleaguered minority up against a hostile majority– whether it’s Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia, Hindu radicalism in India, or state-imposed atheism in China and North Korea. In Europe and North America, Christians face political and legal challenges to religious freedom. Allen exposes the deadly threats and offers investigative insight into what is and can be done to stop these atrocities.
    This book is about the most dramatic religion story of the early 21st century, yet one that most people in the West have little idea is even happening: The global war on Christians, writes John Allen. We re not talking about a metaphorical war on religion in Europe and the United States, fought on symbolic terrain such as whether it s okay to erect a nativity set on the courthouse steps, but a rising tide of legal oppression, social harassment and direct physical violence, with Christians as its leading victims. However counter-intuitive it may seem in light of popular stereotypes of Christianity as a powerful and sometimes oppressive social force, Christians today indisputably form the most persecuted religious body on the planet, and too often its new martyrs suffer in silence.
    This book looks to shatter that silence.

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  • Red White Blue And Catholic


    When’s the last time you consciously thought about being an American citizen? The last time you thought about being both a citizen and a Christian? If you’re like most Americans, it probably had something to do with a hot button political issue, and it came up around the time you were headed to a voting booth.

    But, as Stephen P. White says, most of how we live as Catholic citizens doesn’t happen in a voting booth. Most of the ways in which we shape our nation happen elsewhere. The Church’s work of evangelization and her contribution to the good of society are inseparable, and as Catholic citizens we are called to do more than vote.

    Think of this book as a Catholic guide to faithful citizenship for the 364 days of the year that aren’t the first Tuesday in November. As Catholic citizens, we are called to be sensitive to the needs of our neighbors. We are called to care about both physical poverty and spiritual poverty. But most importantly, we are called to follow Christ.

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  • Saying Yes : Discovering And Responding To Gods Will In Your Life


    Spiritual director Fr. Haase highlights in a singular way that authentic Christian discernment requires daily listening to the megaphone God uses to communicate with us: the nitty-gritty of everyday life. Like the persistent widow in Luke’s parable (chapter 18), God invites each of us to respond uniquely to the dream of the kingdom. And then God waits. When our response is not forthcoming, God returns and invites again. And again, if necessary.

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  • 40 Days Of Decrease


    “What are you giving up for Lent?” we are asked. Our minds begin to whirl: Chocolate? Designer coffee? Social media? Forty days later, some feel disappointed in their efforts (it was a limited-time blend . . . ), some feel surprised by their success (didn’t even miss it . . . ), but perhaps precious few feel spiritually renewed.

    Can such fasts alone truly prepare us to celebrate Easter? Or any other chosen time of reflection during the year?

    Or could it be that before we can be duly awed by resurrection, we need to daily honor crucifixion?

    40 Days of Decrease emphasizes a different type of fast. What if you or your church fasted comparison? What if your family fasted accumulation? What if your office fasted gossip?

    40 Days of Decrease guides readers through a study of Jesus’ uncommon and uncomfortable call to abandon the world’s illusions, embrace His kingdom’s reality, and journey cross-ward and beyond.

    Each daily, 1000-word entry will include:
    *a devotional based on Jesus’ cross-ward life;
    *a reflection question to guide journaling or group discussion;
    *a fast to inspire a tangible response;
    *a thought-provoking Lenten quote;
    *a sidebar into the historical development of Lent.

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  • Chiara Lubichs Communitarian Way To Holiness


    Explores the concept expressed by Chiara Lubich that the Lord doesn’t ask us for an individual holiness, but for a communitarian holiness in which each person must help their neighbor to become a saint. This collective way of sanctity is explored on the thematic elements of John 17:11b-19.

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  • Spring Meditations


    The first in a series of four seasonal meditations books, Spring Meditations explores religious topics in the context of modern-day living. The 12 reflections in this book follow the calendar season, rather than the liturgical season, with one reflection written for each week of the calendar year. Reflection questions will be provided for each week, to take the reader even deeper so they can apply the reading to their own life.

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  • Ignation Journey Of The Cross


    This book is a collection of fifteen spiritual exercises for people who seek to experience God in everyday life with the help if Ignatian discernment. At times, life looks like a way of the cross. Pain is there, uninvited. Art and beauty have long been able to deepen our spirituality. By contemplating a work of art, we are invited to follow step by step the downward path of the disfigured Christ, who configures us in His glorious transfiguration. This Ignatian journey follows the steadfast rhythm of a bronze way of the cross, in which artist Werner Klenk has captured with astonishing and disarming power the essence of a Christian life-style made of encounters.

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  • Monastic Practices : Second Edition (Revised)


    For three decades, Monastic Practices has been a valued resource for English-speaking aspirants to monastic life. In this second edition, updated and expanded, Charles Cummings, OCSO, explores the common practices of the monastic life in order to rediscover them as viable means of leading persons to a deeper encounter with God. How do monks and nuns occupy themselves throughout the day? Have they modernized their lifestyle or is it still cluttered with medieval customs? Could any of the monastic practices be of use to those outside the monastery? A certain wisdom is necessary to know how to use such practices and how to give oneself to them until they lead one to God. After long monastic experience, Cummings shows us how the ordinary things we do constitute our path to God. In the art of living life, he argues, we are always beginners, searching for God through our concrete circumstances and actions.

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  • Reclaiming Humility : Four Studies In The Monastic Tradition


    Does humility have a place in contemporary life? Were Enlightenment thinkers wrong to reject humility as a “monkish virtue” (Hume) arising from a “slave morality” (Nietzsche)? Australian theologian Jane Foulcher recovers the counter-cultural reading of humility that marked early Christianity and examines its trajectory at key junctures in the development of Western monasticism. Humility emerges not as a moral virtue achieved by human effort but as a way opened by grace-as a divine “climate” (Christian de Cherge) that we are invited to inhabit. From fourth-century Egypt to twentieth-century Algeria, via Saint Benedict and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Dr. Foulcher’s compelling analysis of theology and practice challenges the church to reclaim Christian humility as essential to its life and witness today.

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  • Vices And Virtues


    Behind every virtue is a vice. Likewise, behind every vice is a virtue that, when developed and strengthened, can overcome the vice, writes Fr. Ortega, an authority in moral behavior. In Vices and Virtues, he reveals how to leverage faults and weaknesses to forge virtues. In this three-part how-to guide, readers will get to know themselves with honesty, learn to accept themselves and their faults in humility, and begin to improve their lives by cultivating virtues. It might seem like an impossible task, but you’ll have help and motivation from the highest source. Developing virtue can help you achieve balance in your life and holiness.

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  • These 40 Days


    According to the Scriptures the devil tempted Jesus during a period of fasting and prayer that was preparation for Jesus’ public ministry and passion. Throughout the Bible, times of desert preparation often preceded significant ministry. This is why we observe the season preceding Easter as a time for spiritual focus. The rhythms of fasting and feasting, desert and oasis, discipline and joy are not only well known to God’s people but also essential components of spiritual growth.These Forty Days is a simple guide for the reading of Scripture, reflection, prayer, and response. By beginning each day with intention, these devotionals will shape each of your hours with a heightened sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s teaching and guidance.

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  • Encounter Jesus : From Discovery To Discipleship


    The authors of Encounter Jesus believe that what’s really being asked is: “Now that I’ve discovered Jesus, how do I become his disciple? What do I have to do to continue to encounter him?” An encounter with Jesus is a very significant experience, and Fr. Dave and Deacon Ralph show readers how to move from discovering their faith to following Jesus wherever he leads them along the path of discipleship.

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  • From Fear To Faith


    What if I fail this test? What if I lose my job? What if I’m not good enough to go to heaven? For anyone who has ever felt weighed down with worry, Gary Zimak lights the path to freedom.

    Even though the Bible tells us to “be not afraid” but it’s next to impossible to follow that advice when faced with the big – and small – “what-ifs” of life. Chronic worrier Gary Zimak is no stranger to fear and anxiety, and in From Fear to Faith he shares his process for overcoming common and wearying fears and embracing the calm strength of faith through his 5-P method. As Gary says writes, by doing what we can and letting God take it from there, we can start feeling less anxious and more at more at peace today!

    Through biblical examples, prayers, and personal stories, Gary Zimak will help you start the journey from fear to faith as soon as you’re ready. From what to pack to who needs to join you on the ride Gary ensures you’re prepared for whatever anxiety-inducing situations meet you on your journey.

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  • Cloud Of Unknowing


    The Cloud of Unknowing is a fourteenth-century work of Christian mysticism that explores contemplative prayer and serves as a spiritual guide to those looking to explore these aspects of their faith. The text’s unknown author has provided insight into the mystical life that has served as an inspiration to many, including the modern Centering Prayer Movement. The Cloud directs the reader to know God better not through knowledge but through a contemplation driven by love and devoid of wordly thoughts and desires.In this modern translation Fr. Dennis Billy brings The Cloud into language easily accessible to the modern Christian and includes background information and his own reflections to assist the reader in contemplation. In a world where we have all the knowledge we could want at our fingertips, it is hard to sit back and contemplate on faith and love alone, but it is only through silence and love-driven contemplation that we can truly know God. The Cloud serves as a guide to lead us there.

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  • Choosing Happiness


    In Choosing Happiness, Lizzie talks about some of these obstacles and how she managed to choose happiness. From fighting with friends to college applications and learning how to live on your own, Lizzie offers her own stories and advice on how to handle whatever life throws at you. With social media and celebrities giving us their own examples of what it means to “grow up” and be successful, Lizzie shows us how it’s sometimes better to stand outside the crowd, even if that means we sometimes have to stand alone.

    While it’s easy to give up or give in to social pressure, Lizzie shows us how choosing our happiness is better, and how with faith, prayer, friends, a good attitute–and late-night taco runs–you can overcome anything.

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  • Finding Happiness Through Faith


    The world is facing a phase of religious change. The paradox: while many long for spirituality, churches are becoming more and more empty as many individualize their faith experience. Yet we all long for community, and Christianity has a long history of joy-filled and vibrant communities of faith. Learning to fully comprehend and love the Christian faith is necessary if we want to know true joy and happiness.

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  • For Love Of Animals


    For Love of Animals is an honest and thoughtful look at our responsibility as Christians with respect to animals. Many Christians misunderstand both history and their own tradition in thinking about animals. They are joined by prominent secular thinkers who blame Christianity for the Western world’s failure to seriously consider the moral status of animals.This book explains how traditional Christian ideas and principles-like nonviolence, concern for the vulnerable, respect for life, stewardship of God’s creation, and rejection of consumerism-require us to treat animals morally. Though this point of view is often thought of as liberal, the book cites several conservatives who are also concerned about animals. Camosy’s Christian argument transcends secular politics.The book’s starting point for a Christian position on animals-from the creation story in Genesis to Jesus’ eating habits in the Gospels-rests in Scripture. It then moves to explore the views of the Church Fathers, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and current discussions in both Catholic and Protestant theology. Ultimately, however, the book is concerned not with abstract ideas, but with how we should live our everyday lives. Should Christians eat meat? Is cooperation with factory farming evil? What sort of medical research on animals is justified? Camosy also asks difficult questions about hunting and pet ownership.This is an ideal resource for those who are interested in thinking about animals from the perspective of Christian ethics and the consistent ethic of life. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter and suggestions for further reading round out the usefulness of this important work.

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  • 5 Steps To Living Christian Unity


    For as long as Christian churches and communities have been divided, there are those who have looked for ways to heal the fractures. Callan Slipper offers five ways for Christians to approach one another on the path toward unity. (1) Recognize the need; (2) Start from being united; (3) Proceed one person at a time, with love; (4) Don’t make yourself the measure of truth. Truth is a person. It is Jesus; (5) embrace the cross, and let Jesus’ love transform division. His observations come from years of experience with ecumenists, and his optimism that unity is inevitable is evidence that faith and hope undergird the challenges that abide our daily choice to build Christian unity by the way we love one another.

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  • Strange Gods : Unmasking The Idols In Everday Life


    Elizabeth Scalias Strange Gods offers readers a surprising look at the ways in which modern people still commit the sin of idolatry in their everyday lives. While literal golden calves no longer dot the landscape, Scalia shows readers that idolatry is alive and kicking, causing havoc and unhappiness. Scalia describes how legitimate loves become obsessively twisted into idols: spiritually deforming hate is very often conceived in love. We love our country; we love our community; we love our church; we love our traditions; we love our perception of ourselves; we love life; we love babies. Because we love these things, we are willing to engage in activities that support them. But sometimes . . . we become fully-enthralled activists, with our perspectives so narrowed that there leaves little room for give-and-take, or dialogue. Our blinders cut off our peripheral vision until mercy becomes invisible; there is only room for battle. Identifying idolatry in a number of everyday experiencesfriendships that become needy or possessive, commitments political and religious that grow so intense they lead to hatred of others, to name a fewScalia points to the incarnation of Christ and authentic worship of him as a way out of idolatry and into peace, happiness, and love.

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  • Arte De Vivir – (Spanish)


    Hay gente que vive y gente que es vivida; hay gente que vive y gente que sobrevive; hay gente que vive sin darse cuenta de que vive, sus multiples ocupaciones los absorben. Vivir no es facil, vivir es, en pocas palabras, un arte. Este libro es una compilacion de las charlas radiofonicas ofrecidas por el P. Eduardo Gonzalez y que llevan por titulo: “El arte de vivir”. De forma amena, las charlas nos instruyen sobre las actitudes, los sentimientos y las formas de pensar que nos ayudaran a vivir con plenitud dando a Dios y a nuestras familias el lugar que les corresponde. Quiere convertirse en un artista para su vida? Aqui encontrara valiosos consejos.

    This book is a compilation of Fr. Eduardo Gonzalez’ radio programs called ” The Art of Living”. The main idea of Fr. Gonzalez’ talks is that Catholics have to live fully their lives, striving to be better and enjoying everyday by living as God wants them to live. He talks about family life, Christian love, faith, tolerance, etc. Subjects are explained in a simple way which is very suitable for the hispanic audience.

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  • Worriers Guide To The Bible


    Do you worry about ideas, moments and situations incessantly? When you listen to Scripture, do you wonder if it is truly possible not to worry?

    Gary Zimak writes that “anxiety can be a blessing.” If you are wondering what he means by this, then this is the book for you. In times of confusion, despair, doubt, fear, persecution, sickness, and troubles consider what the Word of God says. Zimak brings Scripture to life in A Worrier’s Guide to the Bible: 50 Verses to Ease Anxieties. So “pray, hope, and don’t worry” (Padre Pio), for we are a “people of hope.”

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  • Confessions : A Translation For The 21st Century


    The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered the all time number one Christian classic. Augustine undertook his greatest piece of writing with the conviction that God wanted him to make this confession. The Confessions are, in fact, an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer. Augustine was probably forty-three when he began this endeavor. He had been a baptized Catholic for ten years, a priest for six, and a bishop for only two. His pre-baptismal life raised questions in the community. Was his conversion genuine? The first hearers were captivated, as many millions have been over the following sixteen centuries. His experience of God speaks to us across time with little need of transpositions. This new translation masterfully captures his experience.

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  • Messy Quest For Meaning


    Drawing on lessons learned from Catholic monks and saints as well as his own experience, Stephen Martin has crafted five unique practices to help Catholics and other seekers grapple with life’s truly important questions and discover their calling in the world.

    The Messy Quest for Meaning is one of the first books to tap into the wisdom of the Catholic spiritual tradition to help readers discern a vocation that will not only provide them with a livelihood but also just might help save their lives.

    Martin first tells of his own struggle to find meaning and purpose in his life and then details the five transforming practices that he learned, over time, from the Trappist monks with whom he studied, interviewed, and prayed:
    1. Follow your own desires and discover what really attracts you.
    2. Hone in on what matters most to you and channel your passions.
    3. Let go through an act of humility and accept where your desires lead instead of where you want to steer yourself.
    4. Realize that you are not likely to find or to fulfill your vocation solely by yourself but that you need to find it in community.
    5. Journey into the unexplored regions of your community and, even more significantly, your own heart, mind, and soul.

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  • Symbols That Surround Us


    Learn the what, why, and how about symbols that you see in church. What do they mean, why are they are important, and how can they can help you grow in faith? Includes reflections and questions that connect symbols with daily living. Christian symbols, imagery, and ritual gesture date back to the time of Jesus, yet they still have meaning today. Discover their meaning and grow in your faith!

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  • Living The Justice Of The Triune God


    While many works on the Trinity have been published in recent years, and many more on ethics and social justice, Living the Justice of the Triune God is distinctive for its focused attention to the vital relationship between the two in theology and Christian living. It represents the collaboration of two theologians already well regarded not only for their important scholarly work but also for their keen ability to present that work in ways that draw out the challenging practical implications for believers today.

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  • Seek First The Kingdom


    SKU (ISBN): 9781612785059ISBN10: 1612785050Donald WuerlBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 2011Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor Inc.

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  • Ignatian Adventure : Experiencing The Spiritual Exercises Of Saint Ignatius (Rev


    There is no better guide than St. Ignatius Loyola if one desires to discover how faith and everyday life can thrive together. In The Ignatian Adventure, Kevin O’Brien, SJ, follows St. Ignatius’s lead and offers today’s time-strapped individual a unique way of “making” the Spiritual Exercises in daily life.
    The first part of O’Brien’s book provides helpful background information, including a brief history of St. Ignatius, an explanation of the Spiritual Exercises and their purpose, and a description of different ways to make the Exercises. The book’s core offers 32 weeks of prayer and meditations to draw participants into a deeper encounter with God.
    But what truly sets this book apart from other 19th annotations is how O’Brien has woven throughout the chapters his own personal accounts of living out the Exercises in everyday life. Through his deeply moving stories, readers discover how the Exercises intersect with the real world.
    The Ignatian Adventure is an ideal resource for spiritual directors, but its user-friendly, down-to-earth style also makes it perfect for any individual seeking a deeper life of prayer.

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  • Vicios Y Virtudes – (Spanish)


    28 Chapters

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    Este libro es una guia para que el lector pueda conocerse con sinceridad, aceptarse con serenidad y superarse con paciencia, tenacidad y realismo. Parte de la conviccion de que el crecimineto personal se basa, en buena medida, en el arte de aprovechar las faltas y debilidades para forjar virtudes. Tras un interesantisimo recorrido por los principales vicios del hombre contemporaneo, presenta en contrapartida las virtudes necesarias para los tiempos que vivimos.

    This book is a self-evaluation guide to help readers to know themselves with honesty, then journey to accept themselves and improve their lives. Father Alejandro Ortega Trillo helps us understand what a vice is and how it can potentially affect our lives as he teaches us to accept our faults and build something positive from them.

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  • Emotions God Gave You


    In this insightful and easy-to-read book, Catholic therapist Art Bennett and his wife Laraine explain how our emotions affect us and how our thoughts, attitudes, and behavior can affect our emotions.

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  • Willing Heart


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594712487ISBN10: 1594712484Marci AlborghettiBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2011Publisher: Ave Maria Press

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  • Catholics On Call


    What do you really want to do with your life? Who do you want to be in your life? How does God speak to you about your life? This volume, like the Catholics on Call program at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, raises these important questions. The highly respected essayists shed light on the variety of vocational paths in the church while providing insights about discernment, ministry, and prayer. They seek to offer young men and women information, guidance, and inspiration as they discern a life of ministry-and help them to discover that discerning a vocation is not a matter of choosing the more appealing of a variety of options; rather, it is an openness to discovering God’s will.

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  • Epiphany Of Love


    Catholic moral theology faces a radical challenge in this age of moral upheaval. No longer must it simply respond to specific questions about particular matter, nor elaborate some method for the formulation of norms. The challenge now is instead no less than comprehending the mystery of human action in its proper dynamism.

    Livio Melina here guides the reader on a path that seeks to recover the integrality of moral experience and its place in Christian existence. This path aims at rediscovering in moral action an epiphany of love and attempts to help us recognize a profound synergy between human and divine action.

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  • Practice Of The Presence Of God


    The original guide to “practicing the presence of God”

    “We must not grow weary of doing little things for the love of God, who looks not on the great size of the work, but on the love of it.”

    In this classic work, which has instructed and inspired millions, a humble 17th-century monk reveals the secrets of daily, moment-by-moment fellowship with God.

    “In the way of God, thoughts count very little,” writes Brother Lawrence, who spent much of his monastic life in the kitchen. “Love does it all.” Full of realistic honesty, friendliness, and simplicity, Brother Lawrence shows that it is possible to meet God amongst the pots and pans-in the ordinary, daily events of life. This edition, rendered from the original French into graceful, contemporary English, will nourish and delight all those who seek to practice the presence of God.

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  • Art Of Loving


    Here is a small volume with a collection of texts drawn from the writings of Chiara Lubich. Her simple down-to-earth language draws us into the very meaning of evangelical love and challenges us to start living it. The same ideas shine through each of these lines, a paradigm which she was fond of using during her last days on this earth, in her urgency to spread the Gospel message of unity and peace to everyone. A few simple phrases compose her Art of Loving, which are drawn from the Gospels and disclose the secret of human fulfillment which is found in divine love. ‘Love everyone,’ ‘Be the first to love,’ ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ‘Love each other as I have loved you,’ ‘Make yourself one.’ The universal message of Love is the message of Christianity and it is the Golden Rule of all the Great Religions. It is a message that is written into the DNA of every person, even those who seem far from God. This small book is like a daily handbook for anyone who wishes to answer the call of Love each day in today’s ever-changing society, a call that Chiara Lubich believed to be the primary vocation of every human person and our personal and collective fulfillment.

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  • Saving Jesus From The Church


    The marriage of bad theology and hypocritical behavior by the church has eroded our spiritual lives. Taking the best of biblical scholarship, Meyers recasts core Christian concepts in an effort to save Christianity from its obsession with personal salvation. Not a plea to try something brand new, but rather the recovery of something very old, Saving Jesus from the Church shows us what it means to follow Jesus’s teachings today.

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  • Loving Creation : Christian Spirituality Earth Centered And Just


    How can we bring about the profound conversion of mind and heart that is necessary if we are to protect and preserve our planet at this critical point in history? Loving Creation shows that only when we are touched by God will we find new ways of relating to all other species and the Earth itself. Rich in tradition, the book draws from ancient and contemporary sources to fashion a holistic Christian spirituality, one that unites ecological concerns with social justice, personal struggles with those of the planet, theological reflection with scientific findings, and everyday grace with global outreach.

    Filled with stories and practical suggestions, Loving Creation will serve as a handbook for prayer, guiding its readers to a broader vision of Christian maturity and a solid hope in the Spirit’s power to shape us into the people we are meant to be. A work of practical theology, it builds on the ecological thinking of recent decades, while taking a fresh look at key areas of an Earth-centered spirituality emotion, imagination, wonder, desire, asceticism, and legacy. In the process, the book suggests ways to incorporate greater ecological awareness into classical spiritual practices.

    Loving Creation faces directly the force of our cultural dark nights, but grounds our faith in the future that God desires for our universe. Clear and readable, it will provide the spiritual foundation for sustained ecological action.

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  • Tree Full Of Angels


    1. Little-Great-One, Come Home
    2. Frail And Glorious
    3. Gather Up The Crumbs
    4. The Prayer Of A Woman Who Understood Crumbs
    5. Into The Eye Of God
    6. A Handful Of Flour, A Little Oil
    7. A Tree Full Of Angels
    8. Finding God In The Mailbox
    9. Feasting At The Table Of Daily Life P. 135

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    The Benedictine tradition and practice of divine reading made accessible for everyone.

    This is a book about seeing and harvesting. Seeing the holy in the ordinary! Harvesting angels out of the crumbs! Spending your days in the fast lane of life impairs the quality of your seeing. If you want to see to the depths, you will need to slow down. You live in a world of theophanies. Holiness comes wrapped in the ordinary. There are burning bushes all around you. Every tree is full of angels. Hidden beauty is waiting in every crumb. Life wants to lead you from crumbs to angels, but this can happen only if you are willing to unwrap the ordinary by staying with it long enough to harvest its treasure.

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  • Wisdom Distilled From The Daily


    Wise and enduring spiritual guidelines for everyday living — as relevant today as when The Rule was originally conceived by St. Benedict in fifth century Rome.

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  • Catholic Heart Day By Day


    You are not alone on this pilgrimage of faith

    These stories of grace and courage will find their way into your heart each morning. They may even influence the way that you treat others. They have the power to slowly transform your life over the course of the next year.

    The Catholic Heart is about the living love, action, and heroism of everyday Christians. Father Richard’s stories will take you from Nazi Germany to the American Heartland to the Jordan River; from Pearl Harbor to the beaches at Normandy; from ancient Israel to the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin in Bosnia-Herzegovina. You will encounter some extraordinary Catholics including America’s Elizabeth Ann Seton, Maximilian Kolbe, and Edith Stein. You will hear a child’s words of trust in God, the last words of a martyred priest, the favorite prayer of Pope John Paul II, and the startling words of Mother Teresa to the U.S. Congress. As Father Richard chronicles the Catholic heart of faith, you will find your own faith rekindled.

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  • Living The Mystery


    In this book, following the highly successful Unfolding the Mystery, Abbot Hugh reflects before his monastic brethren on some of the elements common to the life of all Christians – from baptism to the hope of eternal life. Here it is a question of Living the Mystery, that is, of allowing the revelation of Christ in us, present in the Church, to take possession of our whole life, personal and social.

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  • Sacramental Life : Spiritual Formation Through The Book Of Common Prayer


    Using the Book of Common Prayer, David A. deSilva explores how we are spiritually formed by the sacraments of baptism, eucharist, marriage and last rites.

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  • Saints At The Dinner Table


    “I aimed to create recipes that would appeal to most people, would not require a master’s in culinary arts to prepare and that would entertain as well as inform. My hope is that you feel inspired too and that this book serves as a friendly guidebook in your own quest to connect with-and even break bread with (as our Christian tradition calls us to do)-some of our most beloved saints! Prepare the meals with your family and bring the saints alive at your dinner table.” -from the Introduction

    Do you want to reconnect with family and friends and stimulate mealtime talk? Consider hosting dinners for your nearest and dearest and one of twelve saints who inspired award-winning baker and recipe innovator Amy Heyd. In Saints at the Dinner Table Heyd cooks up a delicious menu of meals that all your loved ones will relish. She dedicates each chapter to a saint who in some way inspired her to create original recipes for a complete meal-from salad to main course to dessert. Heyd combines a brief introduction to each saint, a reflection, an inspired menu, a dinner prayer and questions for meaningful dinner discussion. You won’t want to wait to serve Saints at the Dinner Table at family dinner nights, book club discussions, parties with a twist and as a special gift for newlyweds, anniversaries, birthdays and more.

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  • Catholic Worker After Dorothy


    When Dorothy Day died in 1980, many people assumed that the movement she had founded would gradually fade away. But the current state of the Catholic Worker movement–more than two hundred active communities–reflects Day’s fierce attention to the present moment and the local community. “These communities have prospered,” according to Dan McKanan, “because Day and Maurin provided them with a blueprint that emphasized creativity more than rigid adherence to a single model.” Day wanted Catholic Worker communities to be free to shape their identities around the local needs and distinct vocations of their members. Open to single people and families, in urban and rural areas, the Catholic Worker and its core mission have proven to be both resilient and flexible. The Catholic Worker after Dorothy explores the reality of Catholic Worker communities today. What holds them together? How have they developed to incorporate families? How do Catholic Workers relate to the institutional church and to other radical communities? What impact does the movement have on the world today?

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  • Essential Sermons


    The Works of St. Augustine, A Translation for the 21st Century initiated by the late Fr. John Rotelle, OSA has made available to the English-speaking world an unprecedented number of Augustine’s works formerly available only in Latin. There has been an explosion in Augustinian scholarship throughout the last five decades. Until recently, the secondary literature tended to focus on Augustine’s major treatises: the Confessions, The Trinity, Teaching Christianity, and the City of God, the works commonly available in modern language translation. Now a plethora of lesser known works including his sermons and letters has provided new insight into this complex and talented theologian. The eleven volumes of Augustine’s popular sermons (Sermones ad populum) including the recently discovered Dolbeau sermons expertly translated by Fr. Edmund Hill (1910-1997) in clear, contemporary English showcase Augustine the brilliant speaker and engaging preacher of the Word and have proven an indispensable resource for contemporary scholarship. Peter Brown and other leading Augustine scholars have turned to the sermons as an indispensable source to nuance and reappraise their earlier positions. Hill’s translation and extensive notes have received many accolades by scholars but professors have clamored for a one volume anthology in paperback form that would be affordable to students and that could be used as required texts in teaching undergraduates, graduate students and seminarians. Fr. Doyle has undertaken that task and has carefully chosen an anthology that is representative of the bishop’s finest preaching on a wide range of subjects including God, Christ, sin, grace, conversion, martyrdom, sacraments, marriage, wealth, poverty, Christmas, Easter and living the Christian life. Students and preachers alike will discover Augustine’s masterful interpretation of the Word of God and creative skills in engaging the people of God by using the finest rhetorical skills available to his time based on the principles taught by Cicero. To engage Christians the preacher must first capture their attention (delectare) in order to teach (docere) fundamental saving truths to persuade (flectere) them to live a life of discipleship and put into practice such high ideals. Essential Sermons will include mostly whole sermons with a brief introduction but in some cases powerful excerpts from lengthy homilies that would have been impossible to incorporate in a one volume work. Fr. Doyle has written

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  • Listen With Your Heart


    For today’s hungry Christians, teachings on the Rule of Saint Benedict by one of the twentieth century’s best-loved Catholic writers.

    “Benedict is saying, ‘Wake up! Open your eyes! Open your ears! Let the divine life and light invade you so that your life is filled with aspiration, joy and hope.'” – M. Basil Pennington

    At Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery in Conyers, Georgia, Abbot Basil Pennington gave weekly talks to the monks on the Rule of Saint Benedict. Now, readers and listeners are able to sit and learn from one of the most important spiritual teachers of the last century. The talks have been lovingly transcribed and organized into book form, and they have also been exquisitely preserved on a single compact disk.

    This ancient Rule, written in the sixth century, continues to be a guide for men and women wishing to live a Christian life. Beginning with the prologue, Abbot Basil reads and comments on selected passages, providing the monks with insights into applying them in daily living. He takes the Latin phrases from the Rule and translates them into wisdom for the journey. Using his own monastic experiences, Basil illustrates how the Rule is more than a guide – it is a way of life to be lived in love for Jesus Christ and in service to others.

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  • Remember Jesus Christ


    What place does Christ have in modern society? Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, the preacher to the papal household, asked that question in a series of Advent and Lent meditations presented to Pope Benedict XVI. In Remember Jesus Christ, which is based on these meditations, he argues that the church must become “fishers” of men before becoming “shepherds” of men. It must proclaim, as the apostles did, that “Jesus Christ is Lord!” And the essential core of that proclamation is the passion and death of Jesus, because God is love, and the cross of Christ is supreme proof of that love, Scripture, personal testimonies, and allusions to works of art reinforce Cantalamessa’s powerful and prophetic message, leaving readers with hope and expectant faith in the future of Christianity in the modern world.

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