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Eduardo Gonzalez

  • Tiempo Para Dios – (Spanish)


    Our imagination allows us to experience the joy and excitement surrounding the resurrection of Jesus. Our imagination also opens up a way for us to understand what it means to be a Christian witness in the world today. The Scripture-based meditations in Time for God: Meditations for Easter will help you prepare for and deepen your experience of the Easter season.

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  • Tiempo Para Dios – (Spanish)


    Lent is a time to reflect on the meaning of our existence as Christians, a time to discover who we really are. It’s also a time to renew our focus on God as the center of our lives. Based on the daily Scripture readings for Lent, Time for God: Meditations for Lent helps you explore the depths of your being, your relationship to Christ, and your association with others during this time of spiritual preparation.

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  • Tiempo Para Dios Adviento – (Spanish)


    En el Adviento y en la Navidad nos ponemos en contacto con Jesus de Nazaret, quien supo de movimiento y de caminos aun desde antes denacer. Ya en el seno de su madre viaja rumbo hacia Belen. Huye, exiliado, junto con Jose y Maria, a Egipto. Desde entonces, sus discipulos tambien habremos dealistar las sandalias y el baston- La vida es un viaje y la libertad no tiene precio. Nuestro mejor pan para darle sentido a nuestro peregrinar y para satisfacer nuestra hambre- es la Palabra.

    Estas paginas son una fraterna invitacion a dejar que el Senor del tiempo toque nuestra jornada diaria, ponga su mano en nuestra historia, para que entonces, nuestro tiempo sea divino y humano. Haz de tu tiempo algo sorprendente porque lo ordinario ya no es suficiente- porque nuestro tiempo ya no es nuestro; esta hipotecado, le pertenece a toda la humanidad- es tiempo para Dios.

    Christian joy is the constant awareness of the loving presence of Jesus, the Son of God, in our hearts. Advent is a time when we open our minds and hearts to search for the light of love, compassion, and peace in the Word of God. It is a time set aside for more intentional reading of the Word of God-reading that leads to personal reflection, prayer, contemplation, and humble service to others. Advent challenges us to remove the barriers of arrogance, sadness, selfishness, and greed that hinder us from welcoming Christ with joy and living in communion with him and our brothers and sisters.

    The true meaning of Advent and Christmas finds its voice in “Tiempo Para Dios” for Every Day of Advent and the 12 Days of Christmas. From the First Sunday of Advent through Christmas and Epiphany for each liturgical year (A, B, and C), this book will help prepare for and deepen our experience this holy season.

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  • Arte De Vivir – (Spanish)


    Hay gente que vive y gente que es vivida; hay gente que vive y gente que sobrevive; hay gente que vive sin darse cuenta de que vive, sus multiples ocupaciones los absorben. Vivir no es facil, vivir es, en pocas palabras, un arte. Este libro es una compilacion de las charlas radiofonicas ofrecidas por el P. Eduardo Gonzalez y que llevan por titulo: “El arte de vivir”. De forma amena, las charlas nos instruyen sobre las actitudes, los sentimientos y las formas de pensar que nos ayudaran a vivir con plenitud dando a Dios y a nuestras familias el lugar que les corresponde. Quiere convertirse en un artista para su vida? Aqui encontrara valiosos consejos.

    This book is a compilation of Fr. Eduardo Gonzalez’ radio programs called ” The Art of Living”. The main idea of Fr. Gonzalez’ talks is that Catholics have to live fully their lives, striving to be better and enjoying everyday by living as God wants them to live. He talks about family life, Christian love, faith, tolerance, etc. Subjects are explained in a simple way which is very suitable for the hispanic audience.

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