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  • Strangers In The Bible


    Strangers in the Bible explores ways of overcoming the boundaries between exegesis and ethics without abolishing or blurring those boundaries. It makes a unique contribution by combining in a single book the epistemological debates, the methodology, and the results related to using Scripture to delve into an ethics issue.

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  • True Crime And The Justice Of God


    Utilizing the tools of forensic science and Christian theological ethics, this book resituates prominent criminal cases within their social and forensic contexts. Particular attention is given to the ways in which patterns of systemic ignorance and social inequity sustain anti-blackness and violence against women in society at large and in daily life. Explores the Western phenomena of true crime and its impact on the Christian moral imagination. This project sits in direct conversation with the following three bodies of literature: 1) theological and moral engagement of criminal justice, 2) theological engagement of popular media, and 3) forensic science in the media.

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  • Enacting Catholic Social Tradition


    Provides a needed emphasis on the fact that CST stems not from arbitrary laws laid down by Church leaders, but rather from moral guidance directly inspired by Scripture, especially the command to love Christ and the neighbor, even if doing so is extremely difficult in real-life situations. Through the use of multiple examples encountered both in parishes and in the secular world (e.g., racism, vegetarianism, taxation), the book gives helpful counsel on being mindful of particularity and contextual concerns.

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  • Losing Our Dignity


    There is perhaps no more important value than fundamental human equality. And yet, despite large percentages of people affirming the value, the resources available to explain and defend the basis for such equality are few and far between. In his newest book Charles Camosy provides a thoughtful defense of human dignity.

    Telling personal stories like those of Jahi McMath, Terri Schiavo, and Alfie Evans, Camosy, a noted bioethicist and theologian, uses an engaging style to show how the influence of secularized medicine is undermining fundamental human equality in the broader culture. And in a disturbing final chapter, Camosy sounds the alarm about the next population to fall if we stay on our current trajectory: dozens of millions of human beings with dementia.

    Heeding this alarm, Camosy argues, means doing two things. First, making urgent and genuine attempts to dialogue with a secularized culture which cannot see how it is undermining one of its most foundational values. Second, religious communities which hold the Imago Dei sacred must mobilize their existing institutions (and create new ones) to care for a new set of human beings our throwaway culture may deem non-persons.

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  • Street Homelessness And Catholic Theological Ethics


    Spanning five continents this collection will deepen contemporary understandings of, and approaches to, Catholic theological ethics and the global crisis of homelessness. Topics include global strategies for combating homelessness, local ethical responses, and advocacy for special populations such as women, orphans, and veterans.

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  • Conversion : Spiritual Insights Into An Essential Encounter With God


    This book by the acclaimed spiritual writer Fr. Haggerty offers penetrating observations into the phenomenon of Christian conversion. Arranged as a collection of concise, meditative reflections on various topics associated with conversion, it takes up many issues that are not often linked in spirituality to the crucial moment of a soul’s return to God in conversion. The repercussions of sin, the proper understanding of mercy, the importance of a more radical response to the will of God, are naturally given attention. But, more unusually, the reflections in this book also treat other issues that ensue in the immediate aftermath of a conversion that can make the difference between a mediocre life with God and a truly holy life.

    The focus in certain chapters on love for the poor, on simplicity of lifestyle, on devotion to the Eucharist, as special graces that awaken in the immediate period after a conversion, is not commonly noted. The treatment of a “second conversion” in life is likewise a provoking contribution to enhance our desire to cross a decisive threshold of greater depth in our relations with God. The prospect of embracing a deep passion for God in our lives is the thematic undercurrent within the pages of this work.

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  • Vision Of Justice


    A Vision of Justice: Engaging Catholic Social Teaching on the College Campus draws together the insights of social scientists, historians, and theologians in order to introduce readers to central topics in Catholic Social Teaching and to provide concrete examples of how it is being put into action by colleges and college students. The authors bring their disciplinary backgrounds and knowledge of Catholic Social Teaching to the exploration of the issues, making the book suitable for use in a wide range of courses and settings. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter help readers to think about issues raised in the essays and to think creatively about Catholic Social Teaching in an ever-changing world. The authors invite readers to join them in engaging contemporary thought and experience in the light of Catholic Social Teaching and the college campus.

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  • For Love Of Animals


    For Love of Animals is an honest and thoughtful look at our responsibility as Christians with respect to animals. Many Christians misunderstand both history and their own tradition in thinking about animals. They are joined by prominent secular thinkers who blame Christianity for the Western world’s failure to seriously consider the moral status of animals.This book explains how traditional Christian ideas and principles-like nonviolence, concern for the vulnerable, respect for life, stewardship of God’s creation, and rejection of consumerism-require us to treat animals morally. Though this point of view is often thought of as liberal, the book cites several conservatives who are also concerned about animals. Camosy’s Christian argument transcends secular politics.The book’s starting point for a Christian position on animals-from the creation story in Genesis to Jesus’ eating habits in the Gospels-rests in Scripture. It then moves to explore the views of the Church Fathers, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and current discussions in both Catholic and Protestant theology. Ultimately, however, the book is concerned not with abstract ideas, but with how we should live our everyday lives. Should Christians eat meat? Is cooperation with factory farming evil? What sort of medical research on animals is justified? Camosy also asks difficult questions about hunting and pet ownership.This is an ideal resource for those who are interested in thinking about animals from the perspective of Christian ethics and the consistent ethic of life. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter and suggestions for further reading round out the usefulness of this important work.

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  • Virtue


    A comprehensive introduction to virtue ethics in general and some important particular virtues in moral theology and the Christian life.

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  • Contemplative Ethics An Introduction


    A manifesto for contemplative ethics, which seeks to integrate spirituality and morality, contemplation and action, goodness and holiness in the lives of believers and the people they serve.

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  • Peacebuilding : Catholic Theology Ethics And Praxis


    Peacebuilding refers to a range of topics, ranging from conflict prevention to post-conflict reconciliation. In this volume a strong cast of Catholic theologians, ethicists, and scholar-practitioners join to examine the challenge of peacebuilding in theory and practice. While many of the essays deal with general themes of reconciliation, forgiveness, interreligious dialogue, and human rights, there are also case studies of peacebuilding in such diverse contexts as Colombia, the Philippines, the Great Lakes region of Africa, Indonesia, and South Africa. This volume will be of interest to all scholars engaged in developing a theology and ethic of just peace, as well as students seeking to understand the interaction between theology, ethics, and lived Christianity.

    Contributors include: John Paul Lederach; Maryann Cusimano Love; Daniel Philpott; William Headley and Reina Neufeldt; Todd Whitmore; Peter-John Pearson; Thomas Michel; Kenneth Himes; Lisa Sowle Cahill; Peter Phan; and David O Brien.

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  • Ethics Of The Word


    Introduction: As I See And Hear It

    Part 1: A Church In Need Of Living The Truth In Love
    Chapter 1: Ethics Inside The Church: Looking Back, Looking Forward
    Chapter 2: Proposing An Ethics Of The Word
    Chapter 3: Learning An Ethics Of The Word
    Chapter 4: Silence In The Ethics Of The Word

    Part 2: The Humanity Of Our Discourse
    Chapter 5: The Human Voice
    Chapter 6: Memory
    Chapter 7: Conscience
    Chapter 8: A Critical Challenge: Recovering Christian Dialogue
    Chapter 9: Modeling Christian Dialogue: The First International Cross-Cultural Discourse On Theological Ethics (Padova, Italy, July 2006)

    Part 3: Forms Of Christian Discourse
    Chapter 10: Teaching
    Chapter 11: Conversations
    Chapter 12: Civil Discourse
    Chapter 13: Being Called
    Chapter 14: Taking Vows
    Chapter 15: Apologizing
    Chapter 16: Appreciating The Limits Of Language
    Chapter 17: Reporting The Truth To Hurt Another
    Chapter 18: Lying And The Obligation To Get The Story Right

    Part 4: Words
    Chapter 19: Beautiful Words, Good Words
    Chapter 20: Words Of Death And Gratitude
    Chapter 21: Challenging Words
    Chapter 22: Words Of Life
    Chapter 23: Words Of Greeting And Farewell

    Part 5: Faith, Hope, And Love
    Chapter 24: The Language Of Faith
    Chapter 25: The Language Of Hope
    Chapter 26: The Language Of Love

    Additional Info
    In Ethics of the Word beloved priest and author James F. Keenan, S.J., discusses the power of the Word in the Catholic Church. In the ongoing wake of the priest abuse scandals, Father Keenan argues that we need new ways to build trust and open communication in the Church on all levels-from bishops to parishioners. Keenan’s engaging style blends stories, Scripture, and theology to show readers the importance of both speaking and listening. The book covers topics ranging from difficult confrontations to apologies to the language of faith, hope, and love.

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  • Jesus And Virtue Ethics


    The Histories Of Moral Theology And New Testament Ethics

    Methods: The New Testament And Moral Theology

    The Kingdom Of God As Horizon And Goal: Who Ought We To Become?

    Discipleship As Context: Who Are We?

    The Sermon On The Mount And Christian Virtue Ethics: How Do We Get There?

    Love As The Primary Value

    Sin As Failure To Love

    Politics From A Marginal Perspective

    Justice And Social Justice

    Embodiment And Community As The Context For Sexual Ethics

    Marriage And Divorce

    Celibacy, Homosexuality, And Abortion

    The Bible And Nature: Friends Or Foes?

    Additional Info
    Jesuits Daniel Harrington and James Keenan have successfully team-taught the content of this landmark study to the delight of students for years. In this book they take the fruits of their own experiences as theologians, writers, teachers, mentors, and friends to propose virtue ethics as a bridge between the fields of New Testament Studies and Moral Theology.

    Answering the call of the Second Vatican Council for moral theology to “draw more fully on the teaching of Holy Scripture,” the authors examine the virtues that both flow from Scripture and provide a lens by which to interpret Scripture. By remaining true to both the New Testament’s emphasis on the human response to God’s gracious activity in Jesus Christ and to the ethical needs and desires of Christians in the twenty-first century, the authors address key topics such as discipleship, the Sermon on the Mount, love, sin, politics, justice, sexuality, marriage, divorce, bioethics, and ecology.

    Covering the entire sweep of ethical teaching from its foundations in Scripture and especially in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to its goal or “end” with the full coming of God’s kingdom, the authors invite readers more deeply into an appreciation of the central biblical themes and how, based on the themes, Catholic Christian moral theology bears on general ethical issues in culture. Complete with reflection questions and suggestions for further reading, this book is essential reading for professors, students, pastors, preachers, and interested Catholics.

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  • Resistance And Theological Ethics


    Introduction: Contemporary Resistance Ethics
    Ronald H. Stone
    I Resistance To Social Forces

    Resistance And Economic Globalization
    Robert L. Stivers
    Globalization: Reform Or Resist?
    Gordon K. Douglass
    Environmental Movements As Forms Of Resistance
    Heidi Hadsell
    Resistance To Structural Adjustment Problems
    Laura Stivers
    Nationalism And International Migration
    Dana W. Wilbanks
    Resistance And Biotechnology Debates
    F. E. Bonkovsky
    Resistance To Military Neo-Imperialism
    Ronald H. Stone
    II Biblical And Historical Roots Of Resistance

    The Subversive Kingship Of Jesus In Luke
    Paul Hertig
    Reading Revelation Today: Witness As Active Resistance
    Brian K. Blount
    Nature, Resistance, And The Kingdom Of God
    John C. Raines
    Citizenship, Resistance, And St. Augustine
    Frances S. Adeney
    “Is God Dead?”: The Complexity Of Resistance
    Scott C. Williamson
    Korean Women’s Resistance: “If I Perish, I Perish”
    Young Lee Hertig
    III Theological Ethics Of Resistance

    Resistance, Affirmation, And The Sovereignty Of God
    Mark Douglas
    Fundamentalism And The Big Picture Bible
    Robert A. Chesnut
    Is This New Wine? Resistance Among Black Presbyterians
    Ronald E. Peters
    Spirit And Resistance: A Theological Perspective On Lillian Hellman
    Lora M. Gross
    Theology Of Resistance In Bonhoeffer And Tillich
    Matthew Lon Weaver
    Resisting Malpraxis In Religion
    Edward LeRoy Long, Jr.

    Additional Info
    Protestantism, at its best, grounds both its religious and its social critique in the faith of the prophets and the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as understood and lived by the church. Its teachings and desired practice stand in start contrast to complacent religion that seems to be at ease with imperial greed, domination, and violence.

    Resistance and Theological Ethics collects the edited and updated essays that emerged from the meeting of the Theological Educators for Presbyterian Social Witness in Geneva, Switzerland and southern France in 1999. Inspired there by the sixteenth century forces of renewal unleashed through resistance to an imperial church and society, the writings of these educators and ethicists combine to sound a clarion call for the church to stand in resistance to social, economic and political forces that threaten–while embracing those that foster–social justice, peace and human welfare.

    Each author emphasizes a specific call to nonviolent resistance against powers grounded in particular forms of sin: religious pride, greed, violence and domination. Divided into three parts, the book details social forces to be resisted, presents historical and biblical examples of resistance, and concludes with theological analysis and advocacy for action in contemporary American society.

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  • Religion And Disability


    SKU (ISBN): 9781556127137ISBN10: 1556127138Editor: Marilyn BishopBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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