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James Wallace

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  • Ministerio De Los Lectores (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    Emphasizing both spiritual and speaking preparation, this book will help experienced and beginning lectors in the ministry of proclaiming the word of God. Wallace offers insight to various understandings of the lector’s work (job, ministry, vocation), and reflects on the mystery of God who speaks to–and through–us in the Word. Includes ideas for ongoing technique development, as well as a guide to meeting the needs of the text, listeners, and liturgical setting.

    Divided into three parts, this work begins with Part One, The Lector–What’s in a Name?

    Sections in Part Two, God’s Word Spoken to Us are: “The Word of the Lord,” “The Word of God and the Bible,” “The Word of God and the Liturgy,” “The Word of God and the Lectionary,” and “The Word of God and the Lector.” Sections in Part Three, God’s Word Spoken Through Us are “Spiritual Preparation,” “Speaking Preparation” (includes “The Requirements of the Text,” “The Requirements of the Listeners,” “The Requirements of the Setting”), “From Skill to Art: Three Suggestions.” Concludes with a Final Word.

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  • Preaching To The Hungers Of The Heart


    Preaching to the Hungers of the Heart is about words, most particularly it is a book about the Word, the living Word of God, found in the Scriptures, and embodied once and for all in the person of Jesus, the Word made flesh.
    In Preaching to the Hungers of the Heart Fr. James Wallace offers a nuanced consideration of the homily as nourishment. He focuses on three common liturgical contexts: feasts of the Lord, feasts of Mary and the saints, and the sacramental rites. He relates the preaching that occurs within each area to one of the heart’s basic hungers: for wholeness (the great feasts of the Lord), for guidance (feasts of Mary and the saints), and for meaning (various rites). He also addresses the spirituality of the preacher as it is worked out in the process of preparation.

    For preachers and students in schools of ministry who are preparing to preach Preaching to the Hungers of the Heart will serve as a useful tool to help satisfy the hunger to preach the Gospel. It includes homilies that provide excellent starting points for preachers looking for ideas.

    Chapter one considers the image of feeding God’s people with the Word of God. Chapter two, considering the innermost hunger of the human person, looks to the preaching that takes place on the great feasts of the Lord and how such preaching can nourish the hunger for wholeness. Chapter three returns to the hunger for meaning already mentioned and extends to the other sacramental celebrations the homily’s capacity to meet this hunger, including those addressed by the various sacramental celebrations of the Church such as baptisms, wedding, funerals, rites of reconciliation, and anointing of the sick. Chapters four and five present the homily as responding to the hunger to belong. The final chapter considers one other hunger of the heart, unique to the preacher, referred to by John Paul II as a “hunger to preach the gospel” (Pastores Dabo Vobis, no. 28).

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