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Mary Misrahi

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  • Epistemological Principles And Roman Catholic Rites


    Ordination is a complex process that links ministry, local church, confession of faith, and communion. This process is communitarian, liturgical and juridical, and through these traits, sacramental. Father Puglisi explores the notion that Christian (both Catholic and Protestant) ordination cannot be reduced to a simple rite of installation or to the acceptance of a charge, but is an ecclesial process whereby a Christian receives a charisma for the edification of the Church.

    Father Puglisi analyzes the liturgical and canonical institutions in three periods (the ancient and Medieval period, the period of the Reformation, and the contemporary period) to recover an understanding of the complex structure of ordination and the implicit connection between ordained ministry and the structuring of the Church. Volume I explores the meaning of the episcopal and presbyteral ministry according to the ordination rituals from the early Church (the apostolic tradition) until the eighth century, and the resulting structuring of the Church. Chapters study documents from that time period and their theological reflection.

    Separate volumes will address each of the three periods. A fourth volume will offer an English translation of the liturgical rites examined in the first three volumes. It will also include an extensive bibliography of sources and secondary literature, a comparison of the structure of the two liturgical offices of ordination/installation of a bishop and of a presbyter, of the prayers of ordination or installation, of the examination of the elect and of the use of biblical readings in each of the liturgical rites.

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  • Short Dictionary Of The Psalms


    Can the psalm found in the Sunday liturgy truly nourish our prayer? A Short Dictionary of the Psalms helps Christians who pray the psalms to return to the sources of these ancient inspired texts and understand them better and thus to participate more fully in this great school of prayer and the interior life that the Church has received from Israel.

    The psalms have deeply influenced, and continue to influence, Jewish and Christian prayer. A Short Dictionary of the Psalms helps all those who are exposed to the psalms to enter more readily into their theological and spiritual world. In this practical work, Father Prevost takes an in-depth look at forty words in the psalms, chosen largely because of their frequency but also because of the diversity of meanings that modern users might assume. He encourages looking at the psalms that were composed in the past to ask ourselves how they can contribute to our own prayer today.

    Each of the forty words are examined from two perspectives. The first gives etymological and semantic information on the meaning of the root and the words compounded from it. The second section is devoted almost exclusively to the use of the word or the root in the Psalter, and identifies its characteristic meanings. A series of separate short essays serves as general introductions to the Psalter to help readers with problems that may be encountered when using the psalms as prayer in today’s world. The word study is done on the original Hebrew, but a table in the back of the book allows those who don’t know or are unfamiliar with Hebrew to learn the words’ and themes’ English equivalents.

    A Short Dictionary of the Psalms helps the faithful enter into the world of the Psalter through the gateway of the specific words that constitute the characteristic vocabulary of the psalms. This small volume provides the tool to savor the psalms and more readily internalize their meaning.

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