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P. William Anderson

  • Cartas De San Pablo 1 – (Spanish)


    In Roman and Galatians, the primary issue Paul addresses is how to assimilate the Old and New covenants. The communities, a mixture of Jews and Gentiles, were beginning to live their Christian faith together. As their traditions and newfound teachings would clash, arguments would arise. Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians reads like a letter from a concerned parent who wishes to share wisdom-and a warning-with his or her children. For Paul has received some disturbing news about the people he knows well and loves. Therefore, this first letter reflects Paul’s own suffering as well as his desire to have the Corinthians change their ways. The Spanish-language study is a condensed series of 12 books introducing each and every book of the Bible, providing insight into the Sacred Words of antiquity, and inviting us to discover the living Word and its impact on our daily lives. With narrative, study and questions, reflections, keynotes, and prayer, your understanding of the Scripture will be deepened with the introduction to the spiritual practice of lectio divina.

    Cual fue la razon de que Pablo escribiera a los romanos y a los galatas? Cual era la situacion de la iglesia de Corinto? Cuales eran las principales dificultades que atravesaba la iglesia de Filipos? De que manera nos invita la lectio divina a orar con estos pasajes de la Escritura? Las cartas paulinas que se explican en este libro tratan de la respuesta del Apostol a las interrogantes e inquietudes de las primeras comunidades cristianas de Roma, Galacia, Corinto y Filipos. En cada una de ellas resuena de una manera u otra un mensaje central y comun: existe una vida nueva que se nos ofrece en Cristo Jesus y en la recepcion y experiencia de los dones del Espiritu Santo. Vida nueva que implica ser un solo pueblo a pesar de las diferencias, reconociendo en el amor el mas hondo y grande llamado de Dios a los cristianos y permitiendo al Espiritu Santo acompanarnos y actuar a traves de nosotros.

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  • Cartas De San Pablo II Y Carta – (Spanish)


    In many ways, Paul was an activist with the message to live as peaceful followers of Christ. Unfortunately, Paul had to confront others who believed he was rejecting his Jewish roots, and his message of peace caused him a great deal of suffering. Paul preaches of unity, love for Christ, moral living, and the Second Coming. He warns of false teachers, promotes vigilance in the wait for Christ, and blesses these communities throughout his letter writing, from his earliest letters, up until those he penned shortly before his death. Paul’s encouragement, his advice for faithful living, and his love for Christ speak to us today as clearly as they did for the early Christians. The Spanish-language study is a condensed series of 12 books introducing each and every book of the Bible, providing insight into the Sacred Words of antiquity, and inviting us to discover the living Word and its impact on our daily lives. With narrative, study and questions, reflections, keynotes, and prayer, your understanding of the Scripture will be deepened with the introduction to the spiritual practice of lectio divina.

    Que razones motivaron la redaccion de las cartas del Cautiverio, las cartas pastorales y la carta a los hebreos? Que incognitas e interrogantes inquietaban a las primeras iglesias? Que respuestas podemos encontrar a dichas preguntas en estas cartas? De que manera nos invita la lectio divina a orar con estos pasajes de la Escritura? Las cartas a los tesalonicenses, a Filemon, a los colosenses, a los efesios, a Timoteo, a Tito y a los hebreos nos presentan respuestas a diversas problematicas: interrogantes respecto de determinadas situaciones pastorales, diferencias relacionadas con la estructura de la Iglesia y desconocimiento del alcance y de las implicaciones del sacerdocio de Cristo. A lo largo de las cartas que se analizan en este numero podemos ver como la Iglesia iba desarrollando la comprension de si misma, de su estructura interna y de su jerarquia. En resumen, podemos encontrar mayor sentido de lo que representa nuestro fundador, Cristo sacerdote y su esposa la Iglesia.

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