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Pastoral Helps

Showing 51–100 of 115 results

  • Hard To Dance With The Devil On Your Back (Student/Study Guide)


    Looks at transcendent struggle in the lives of believers while helping readers enter the continually crumbling world surrounding Jesus and the disciples in the days preceding Easter.
    Seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday
    Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, a closing prayer, and a focus for the coming week.

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  • To The Cross And Beyond


    In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — the First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the gospel lesson, we return to the fountainhead, bringing the congregation back to where Christianity began. Like the first disciples, we walk with Jesus, hearing his words and witnessing his miracles as we journey to the Cross.

    To the Cross and Beyond takes us through Jesus’ final days on earth as recounted in the Sundays of Lent and Easter. David O. Bales explores some of the gospel’s best-known moments as Jesus journeys to Jerusalem and, ultimately, to the Cross and then the empty tomb.

    This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
    Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
    Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
    Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
    Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotions

    This insightful collection of sermons includes:
    Looking Down on God
    Putting the World Back Together
    Jesus’ Prayer: The Pause in the Battle
    … and many more!

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  • Show And Tell Cycle A


    In each of Sunday’s assigned lectionary readings — The First, Second, and Gospel lessons — we are invited to view the glorious narrative of scripture through three different, yet harmonious, perspectives. In the first reading, the congregation returns to the heritage of our faith as described in the Old Testament, as well as in the New Testament book of Acts. We travel with the children of Israel as they take their first steps in faith, reliving the highs and lows of that journey with them. Through studying this part of scripture, we can see our own journey of faith played out by an entire nation.

    Show-and-Tell guides us through some of the earliest accounts in the Bible in Genesis and Exodus, as well as the prophetic words of Isaiah and Ezekiel. During the Easter season, the first readings also explore the beginnings of Christianity as recounted in Acts. By taking us back to the beginning, Dr. Everett offers insight and encouragement into how we can live out our faith today.

    This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:
    Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations
    Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary
    Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture
    Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotions

    Sermons in this volume include:
    Will This Be on the Test?
    A Breath of Fresh Air
    Stuck in Park
    … and many more!

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  • In The Name Of The Father


    The celebration of the Latin or Tridentine mass, otherwise known as the Extraordinary Form, is an increasingly common practice in Roman Catholic churches throughout the world. Once the only rite in use which Catholics around the world knew from childhood, its usage ended with the Second Vatican Council’s ruling that liturgy should be celebrated in peoples’ own languages. The Latin mass thus became the preserve of various traditionalist societies.Two years ago the Pope declared that the celebration of the Latin mass was to be restored and regularly offered alongside the modern mass. aaToday, priests trained in the modern rite are learning how to celebrate the Latin mass and there is a demand for liturgical resources to accompany it, especially as it follows a different calendar and lectionary. It has an introduction by Mgr Anthony Conlon, Chaplain of the Latin Mass Society, one of a number of societies dedicated to promoting the use of the Extraordinary Rite.

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  • 110 Fun Facts About Gods Creation


    Like all of the Fun Facts books, 110 Fun Facts About God’s Creation: Is it Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral? is filled with questions, answers, and fun things to do. Read about eating lunch with grasshoppers and yawning like a hippopotamus. Find out what you might have in common with some very unusual animals, vegetables, and minerals as you explore our amazing planet.

    Why Teachers Love the Fun Facts Series:
    Vignette style offers a great daily read-aloud on a variety of topics
    Symbols, saints, and Bible stories are presented in terms children understand

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  • Following Love Into Mystery Feasts Funerals Weddings


    Wisdom, wit, and Sacred Writ are the outstanding interactive hallmarks of this fourth and final volume in The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers series. In the same style and format as the first three volumes, Shea presents evocative reflections to enhance Scripture-based preaching and teaching for liturgical feast days, funerals, and weddings. Christian preachers and teachers and anyone interested in the spiritual life will find Feasts, Funerals, and Weddings an insightful and relevant resource.

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  • Homilies For Weekdays


    Homilies for Weekdays: Solemnities, Feasts, and Memorials is a requested and welcome addition to the first two volumes of weekday homilies by Father Don Talafous, OSB. Here, he offers creative homily suggestions for solemnities, feasts, and obligatory memorials that fall on weekdays. Readers will deeply appreciate the faithful representation of the Scripture readings and their practical applications for Christian living.

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  • Darkness Yielding : Liturgies Prayers And Reflections For Christmas Holy We (Exp


    This rich resource of ready to use liturgies and reflections for the richest seasons of the Christian year sold out within a year. Its timeless qualities found a ready and eager readership among all looking for fresh inspiration for these annual celebrations. aaThis new edition includes extra seasonal reflections from Rowan Williams and Martyn Percy, and a new liturgy for Maundy Thursday from Jim Cotter. In addition it offers: probing reflections by outstanding thinkers to inspire preaching and personal devotion, complete liturgies for a Christmas Eve vigil, Maundy Thursday foot washing and watch, a Good Friday devotional service, an Easter Eve vigil, a dawn celebration of the Resurrection, a set of meditations on the Stations of the Cross and the Seven Words from the Cross, and seven Good Friday addresses by WH Vanstone.

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  • Courage To Carry On


    Using the Hebrew scriptures and the book of Acts as a guide, David Webb journeys through the First Readings from the Revised Common Lectionary for the Lent and Easter seasons. The Courage to Carry On not only draws people into a deeper appreciation and understanding of the meaning of Lent and Easter, it also offers insight into living the Christian life in today’s world. Ideal for sermon inspiration and preparation as well as small group Bible study and personal reflection and meditation, The Courage to Carry On is a valuable addition to any library.
    Some of the sermons included in this collection are:
    * Relentless Grace
    * A Precious Gift
    * Salvation Is Coming
    * The Church’s DNA
    * Confident Faith

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  • Sermons For Advent And The Christmas Season


    The 12th century abbot and contemplative reminds Christians still today that Christmas celebrates the awesome condescension of God-with-us, not a commercial carnival.

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  • Life And Work Of A Priest


    A famous, former vicar and now ‘jobbing’ bishop deftly illustrates how the glory of God, the pain of the world, and the renewal of the Church underpin the priest’s many roles, including spiritual explorer, friendly irritant, creative leader, and mature risk-taker.

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  • Holy Moses


    In Holy Moses, Arley Fadness takes the reader on a trip with Moses and the Hebrew people. This collection of six family-oriented Lenten services creates excitement and anticipation in children and adults alike as they retell and relive the greatest salvation event in the Old Testament. The Exodus experience is relived and remembered while being applied to the lives of modern Christians.

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  • Priesthood Of The Faithful


    The New Testament describes the baptized as a “holy priesthood” and “a priestly people.” Vatican II clearly taught that the baptized become “a holy priesthood.” Their personal fidelity and lives led in loving obedience to the Gospel become “spiritual sacrifices” offered along with the body of the Lord in the Eucharist. The Priesthood of the Faithful explores this key doctrine of Christian faith and examines its significance for the spiritual growth and revitalization of the church. It focuses on the prophetic, pastoral, and priestly roles of the faithful with the aim of helping people experience their own lives as the fruitful blossoming of Christ’s grace in the world.

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  • Hey Joseph


    Create stimulating, family-oriented Lenten worship that captivates the imagination with this engaging “dramily” series. Six humorous sketches, interwoven with brief homilies highlighting key points, update the familiar Old Testament story of Joseph and his brothers for contemporary audiences ? providing an instructive and entertaining resource for midweek programs. Additional messages and dramas for Holy Week and Easter Sunday shift the focus to Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection.
    By touching on such universal experiences as family squabbles, sibling rivalry, parental favoritism, jealousy, hatred, false accusations, reconciliation, trust, and healing, Hey Joseph! is certain to resonate with the people in the pews. It offers pastors, worship leaders, and drama groups a thematically unified total package that’s flexible and easy to adapt for any size church. A complete list of simple props is included, along with helpful illustrations for constructing “Joseph’s Granary,” which may be stocked with food donations for local pantries.

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  • On Earth As It Is In Heaven Matthew Year A


    With a goal of transcendent awareness, John Shea presents this commentary on the Sunday Gospel readings for those who are drawn to the spiritual wisdom of the Gospels. Ideal for Christian preachers and teachers, and Christians who meditate on the Gospels, Shea’s book takes a literary-spiritual approach. He analyzes the mindsets of characters and how Jesus complimented, critiqued, praised these mindsets, to inspire meditation, reflection, and spiritual development. On Earth as It Is in Heaven, Year A is the first book of a four-volume set, The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers. This set is a Lectionary-based resource that references both Roman Catholic and Revised Common Lectionaries, making it useful and interesting to various Christian denominations. A Scripture index makes Shea’s insightful reflections accessible for personal reflection on the Gospel texts as well as other uses outside of liturgical preparation. With wisdom relevant to our contemporary world, The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers: On Earth as It Is in Heaven will find its way to the top of your resource list.

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  • When You Teach At A Catholic School


    Teachers in Catholic schools are called to do more than instruct in a particular subject area. You are called to witness to the Catholic faith and to ready your students to be socially active and responsible, moral, literate, and to reflect Christian values in daily life in and out of the classroom.

    Dunlap provides inspiration and practical tips for teachers who want to share their faith insight into the ministry of teaching – for teachers, school staff and administration, and parent-teacher organizations.

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  • Visions And Healing In The Acts Of The Apostles


    Trances, visions, healing miracles: permeating the biblical records are these altered states of consciousness, through which some early Christians experienced God. Today’s rituals and liturgies are related to those experiences, which have become significant elements in the Christian tradition and mysticism. Pilch uses cultural anthropology, cognitive neuroscience, and medical anthropology to interpret these past events, and to explore the contemporary liturgical potential of this new understanding. Backed with solid, scientific insights, this interdisciplinary book will help the reader gain appreciation of our ancestors’ faith and the power of Scripture and liturgy.

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  • Hearing The Word Of God Year A


    The commentaries on the Lectionary readings in Hearing the Word of God are an attempt not only to hear the Word of God in Scripture but also to suggest ways that the Sunday readings might continue to nurture faith and life. Inevitably they reflect the time in which they were first written-as a popular weekly column in America from November 2000 to Advent 2001.

    Hearing the Word of God includes Scripture readings for the Sunday, followed by a reflection on the reading, and concludes with “Praying with Scripture,” a series of questions and meditations to guide readers in making a personal application of the reflection.

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  • Cultural World Of The Prophets Year A The First Reading


    Preachers and liturgy planners will find The Cultural World of the Prophets a companion to John Pilch’s The Cultural World of Jesus Sunday by Sunday series and The Cultural World of the Apostles series. Each essay offers historical, literary, and Eastern Mediterranean cultural information about the first reading and responsorial psalm of the liturgy of each Sunday.

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  • Hunger For The Word Year A


    We have all experienced hunger, whether it’s a need for spiritual guidance or physical nutrition. Our hunger for God’s Word can benefit those needing material sustenance. God’s Word calls us to nourish the physically hungry and poor, just as it nourishes our faith and sustains us in our struggle for justice.

    Hunger for the Word explores the Lectionary with a focus on anti-hunger advocacy, social activism, and political issues affecting marginalized people. Using insights, images, and stories from pastors, professors and lay people who are active in anti-hunger campaigns, this ecumenical book offers devotional connections to inequality issues, as well as themes to help in our struggle to understand and eliminate injustice. Hunger for the Word, edited by Larry Hollar of Bread for the World, brings concern for hunger and fairness into our daily religious life.

    With weekly sermon/homily reflections, Hunger for the Word is an invaluable resource for pastors, liturgical ministers and those interested in justice-oriented Bible study and spiritual growth. Also includes suggestions for musical worship, and ideas for children’s sermons to help spread God’s Word of activism, compassion, and integrity throughout the congregation.

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  • Lay Leaders Of Worship


    As the reliance on lay ministers increases, the study of the lay leader becomes crucial. In Lay Leaders of Worship, Kathleen H. Brown explores the possibilities and requirements for lay ministers by incorporating personal experience, Scripture, and expert studies. Brown describes the ministerial identity of a lay leader of worship in terms of authority, spirituality, skills, and relationships. Practical suggestions for the spiritual formation and growth of a lay leader of worship are also provided.

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  • Work Of The People


    The word “liturgy” literally means “the work of the people” — so the active participation of everyone in the congregation should be the goal of Christian worship. Designed to help you attain that sense of full partnership, The Work Of The People provides you with a full year’s worth of eloquent resources for thoughtful, reverent services. It’s a comprehensive collection of liturgical prayers and readings for 52 Sundays, with each week’s material based on a common subject (Freedom, Hospitality, Peace, and Stewardship are just a few examples). Written in everyday language that connects them to our daily lives, the prayers are conceived for congregational reading (either responsively or in unison) — and their thematic unity will lead to reflection and insight in addition to praise and celebration.

    The components for each week include:

    * call to worship
    * invocation
    * call to confession
    * prayer of confession
    * words of assurance
    * Psalm reading
    * offering sentences
    * prayer of dedication
    * benediction
    * scripture references (as possible texts for homilies based on the theme)

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  • Ministry At The Margins


    1. Movement And Mission
    2. Meaning And Communication
    3. Sense And Nonsense
    4. Merging Agendas
    5. Proclaiming Good News
    6. Gift-Exchange And The Gospel
    7. A Place For Strangers
    8. Missionary As Stranger
    193 Pages

    Additional Info
    These pages are for those who seek to realize the potential of their Baptism. This demands the centrifugal movement of lives, but its authenticity is not simply measured by geography. The movement is explicitly to the other (ethnically, religiously, economically or otherwise disadvantaged or exploited: the poor), and it serves to proclaim, explicitly or implicitly, by word or witness, the Good New of Jesus Christ and the pomise of the Realm of God. As Gustavo Gutierrez once said provocatively, the aim of mission is ” to convince the poor that God loves them.”

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  • Transforming Self And Community


    Both spiritual direction and pastoral counseling tend to be partially responsive to client needs and expectations. Many of the theories underlying the practice of spiritual direction and pastoral counseling are based more on psychology than spirituality. They minimize or exclude character and moral concerns and may even unintentionally foster individualism and spiritual narcissism. Transforming Self and Community offers an approach to spiritual direction and pastoral counseling that is holistic, that integrates spiritual and moral constructs with the psychological and emphasizes all aspects of transformation, including social transformation.

    The integrative approach in Transforming Self and Community provides psychological, spiritual, and moral perspectives for understanding and assisting individuals with their spiritual journey of development. It describes and illustrates clinically useful guidelines for the practice of spiritual direction and pastoral counseling. It includes case studies as well as figures, tables, and charts that highlight and summarize main text points.

    Transforming Self and Community is primarily for professionals who practice, teach, or are learning how to do spiritual direction or pastoral counseling. Nevertheless, spiritual seekers, clients, or prospective clients of spiritual direction or pastoral counseling will also find this book enlightening.

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  • Understanding Student Affairs At Catholic Colleges And Universities


    In response to the growing concern over nurturing Catholic identity at Catholic colleges and universities and an outcome of the Lilly-funded Institute for Student Affairs at Catholic Colleges and Universities (ISACC), this book is the first of its kind to focus not only on student affairs in Catholic higher education but on lay men and women who received training at secular institutions. An essential book for administrators, staff, and faculty at Catholic institutions of higher learning.

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  • Celtic Eucharist


    SKU (ISBN): 9780819218964ISBN10: 0819218960Compiled by: Brendan O’MalleyBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: January 2002Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • Wheres Noah


    Where’s Noah? features the classic biblical story of Noah, the flood, and God’s salvation in a worship format that engages all generations. This resource features monologues, brief pithy sermons, the exchange of animal tokens, crossword puzzles, an Easter Sunrise play, and other creative worship/learning experiences.

    Worship leaders, clergy, and drama players will find this a refreshing series for congregational unity and growth.

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  • Reconciliation


    Prepare everyone in your congregation for a meaningful Lenten season with this collection of six sermon outlines, accompanied by program suggestions, worship aids, and a dramatic reading based on Mark’s passion narrative. The resources all stress the theme of reconciliation – with ourselves, between ourselves and God, in our families, in our churches, in our churches, in our communities, and in the world.

    A companion daily worship and study guide is available.

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  • Artisans Of The Crucifixion


    These dramatic monologues offer a unique perspective on Jesus’ crucifixion. Viewed through the eyes of a Blacksmith, Carpenter, Stone Mason, Tanner, and Basket Maker, the presentations introduce the congregation to those who crafted items used in the crucifixion. These monologues are flexible, and few if any props are necessary.

    Use these dramatic monologues for a unique perspective on the events of Jesus’ crucifixion. Viewed through the eyes of a Blacksmith, Carpenter, Stone Mason, Tanner, and Basket Maker, the presentations introduce the congregation to those who crafted the whip, wove the crown of thorns, forged the nails, constructed the cross, and chiseled out the tomb.

    Pastors can present these monologues themselves or assign them to church members. They have the flexibility of being performed very simply or quite elaborately. Few if any props are necessary.

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  • Onward Through The Fog


    The Sundays of Lent don’t have to be boring! Follow the lectionary and provide your congregation with exciting worship experiences by using these positive yet sensitive dialogue sermons based on Cycle A of the Revised Common Lectionary. Wit and scripture are combined to encourage Christian growth and prod listeners into making a personal commitment. In addition to six sermon dialogues, worship planning aids are included for each Sunday, along with an Ash Wednesday worship service.

    In addition to six sermon dialogues, worship planning aids are included for each Sunday, plus an Ash Wednesday worship service with the theme-setting sermon, “Onward! Through The Fog!”

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  • Victory Of Faith


    These sermons for Lent and Easter are based on second lesson texts from the epistles, including First and Second Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians, Hebrews and Philippians.

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  • Behold The Man


    Behold The Man is a sermon/study series for Lent inspired by the words of Pontius Pilate about Jesus. The theme is carefully explored from the First Sunday in Lent through Easter Sunday.

    For each Sunday a sermon, prayer, children’s sermon, order of worship and discussion questions are provided.

    The purpose of these messages is to enable us to look at Jesus in the crucial times of his life and ministry. In beholding him as he was then we will be able to see him now.

    Sections include:
    * Behold the Man Who Was Tempted As We Are
    * Behold the Man Who Takes Away Sin
    * Behold the Man Who Taught By The Sea
    * Behold the Man Who Trained Disciples
    * Behold the Man Who Turned Toward Jerusalem
    * Behold the Man Who Tried To Be King
    * Behold the Man Who Took The Victory

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  • Turning Points


    In these nine sermons preachers will find brilliant use of story to illustrate the Lenten message. Beringer focuses on different journeys throughout the New Testament and examines the “turning points” recorded there.

    As is stated in the introduction, our Christian faith is a pilgrim faith. The author shows in modern parables how we are called by Christ to be a people on the move with him through time to eternity and the Kingdom of God. He shows that we are travelers on the road of faith, never quite arriving at our destination, but always growing and being transformed by each encounter with the living God.

    Following each sermon is a set of discussion questions based on the preceding sermon and the scripture on which the sermon is based. These questions can be copied into the bulletin to help the congregation follow the sermon, used as small group discussion starters, distributed to worshipers as they leave church or be printed in weekly newsletters to reinforce the message given the previous Sunday.

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  • Spirituality Of The Psalms


    The psalms offer a harmony to life and a rhythm that keeps us peacefully in tune with the intense fervor of life. In The Spirituality of the Psalms, Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P., looks at the structure of the psalms to explain how they can have bearing in our lives today. He describes how we can apply the psalms to our spiritual lives and integrate the psalms in the Church’s prayer life and ministry.

    The Spirituality of the Psalms is the last work of Stuhlmueller which was uncompleted upon his death in 1994. He had completed a first draft of all but two chapters, 12 and 13, which Timothy Lenchak, S.V.D., added from Stuhlmueller’s commentary Psalms 1 and 2. The completed text was then edited, revised, and updated by Carol Dempsey, O.P., who did so with care so as not to lose Stuhlmueller’s “voice” and “hand” in the text.

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  • Parish As Covenant


    Drawing from over thirty years of studying and helping to shape churches, dioceses, religious communities, and pastoral ministries nationwide, Thomas Sweetser, S.J., argues that contemporary parishes are “caught in a Church system that is not working.” In The Parish as Covenant: A Call to Pastoral Partnership, he proposes a dual-focus system of parish leadership which creates a healthier, more collaborative environment for leaders, assistants, and parishioners, and helps ensure a successful transition when pastors and administrators are replaced.

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  • Restoring The Future Cycle A


    Drawing upon thoughtfully mined biblical insights and his alert attention to contemporary culture, Rob Elder has crafted sermons that not only disclose some unexpected angles of vision on Lent and Easter, but also serve as models for preaching on neglected and overlooked texts. These are not the usual texts and these are not the expected words for the seasons of Lent and Easter, but it is sometimes what we do not expect to see and hear that delights us most. Robert J. Elder is currently the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Salem, Oregon.

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  • Pastoral Liturgy New Handbook


    A guide to liturgy and worship in the Church of England within the framework of ‘Common Worship’, which combines theory, theology and history with a strong sense of the realities of parish life and pastoral practice. It explores the way in which liturgy can reflect the life of the church and the wider world, and the new opportunities for churches at a local level to own and shape the liturgy they use. This book is essential reading for anyone involved in worship in the Church of England, and who wants the worship of their church to be the best they can offer, based on clear liturgical principles. It is also practical and detailed – Michael Perham covers clothing and colours, children’s role in worship, the cycle of the Christian year, the timing of services, the use of church space and other elements that go to make up the feel of an individual church. The book has its roots in two of Michael Perham’s earlier works, ‘Liturgy Pastoral and Parochial’ and ‘Lively Sacrifice’, though much of the material is quite new, and fills its role as key texts for anyone interested in the liturgy of the Church of England.

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  • Parables For Preachers Year C


    The parables of Jesus are puzzling sayings and stories with world-transforming potential. Parables for Preachers offers an understanding of how parables work and a fresh variety of possible meanings not only for Jesus’ original audience and for the early Christians for whom Matthew, Mark, and Luke wrote but also for contemporary Christians as well. The Gospel parables are analyzed in the order in which they appear in the Lectionary, making this book an indispensable resource for preachers, teachers, catechists, liturgy planners, and Bible study groups.

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  • Preaching The New Lectionary Year C


    The Lectionary is made up of selected passages from the Bible, placed within a literary and liturgical context. This new context calls for a consideration of the liturgical character and setting of the Lectionary readings. Preaching the New Lectionary: Year C, offers readers that interpretation.
    Preaching the New Lectionary is unique. First, it employs a literary-liturgical way of interpreting all the readings of each Sunday and major feast of the liturgical year, including the often overlooked responsorial psalm. Second, it explicitly situates the interpretation of each day within the theology of its respective liturgical season. This theology is drawn from the specific themes of the readings that comprise that particular year rather than from more general themes associated with the season. The meaning of the entire season becomes the context for understanding the individual parts of it. Third, the lections are also read in sequential order from the first Sunday of that season to the last. This reading interprets the function of the literary forms, thus providing yet another way of interpreting the riches of the readings.

    This way of reading and understanding the Lectionary has potential for liturgical ministry. It can quicken the religious imagination of homilists, thus providing fresh new possibilities for liturgical preaching. It offers creative insights for those involved in the liturgical preparation for the celebration of feasts and seasons. It can also act as a valuable resource for liturgical catechesis. The insights included in Preaching the New Lectionary contribute toward enhancing the liturgical lives of the faithful.

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  • Why Do We Suffer


    Addressing difficult questions in a readable, pastoral style, Father Harrington helps you draw meaningful and personal connections between Scripture and your own experience. Why Do We Suffer? helps you understand the concepts and context of suffering in the Bible.

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  • Living Vertically Cycle C


    Through fascinating anecdotes and stories drawn from his experience as a campus minister, John Brittain applies the Gospel readings from the Revised Common Lectionary to contemporary life. His powerful and insightful messages proclaim the good news in everyday situations — they’ll hold listeners’ attention from beginning to end.

    Titles include:
    And Now The News — Luke 13:1-9
    A Tale Of Two Crosses — Luke 22:14-23:56
    Believing Is Seeing — John 20:19-31
    How Can They Do That? — John 14:23-29
    Christo-centric Or Ego-centric? — John 17:20-26
    … and more!

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  • Communion Of The Sick (Large Type)


    Valuable booklet for Extraordinary Ministers both in English and Spanish. Includes all appropriate readings as well as pastoral instructions and guidelines. Commentary, History, and Appendices by the Rev. Joseph M. Champlin. In two colors

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  • Compete Childrens Liturgy Book


    Year A
    Year B
    Year C

    Additional Info
    This is the perfect resource for parishes who schedule a children’s liturgy of the word. It is geared to ages 4-7 and for each week of the Lectionary cycle there is a hand-out activity sheet that involves children in the scriptural message. There are also notes and directions for liturgy leaders.

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  • Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us


    We all participate in the Church’s mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to the world. In this statement, the bishops present a pastoral plan to help Catholics advance in their role as disciples, by awakening a renewal in the ministry of adult faith formation and helping all to grow to the full maturity of Christ. In four parts, the plan examines the challenges and opportunities faced today, the key qualities of a mature faith, the principles and approaches for providing sound adult faith formation, and the critical roles of parish leadership and diocesan support.

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  • Education For Ministry


    SKU (ISBN): 9781556125669ISBN10: 1556125666George SchnerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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  • Liturgical Sermons Volume 2 Guerric Of Igny


    SKU (ISBN): 9780879072322ISBN10: 0879072326Guerric Of Igny | Translator: Monks At Mount St. Bernard AbbeyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Cistercian FathersPublisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Ashes To Ascension Cycle B


    These sermons lift up the themes of suffering, reconciliation, and the unmerited goodness of God extended to all through Jesus Christ. Stroman never loses sight of the kerygma in his tightly packed messages. He addresses a world where hatred and violence prevail with the message of divine love, which has enriched souls and kindled faith throughout the centuries.

    Titles include:
    Beginning The Journey To Calvary — 2 Corinthians 5:20b
    Once And For All — 1 Peter 3:18a
    Promises — Promises — Romans 4:21
    The Right Person For The Job — Hebrews 5:5-10
    Life – And Then Some — 1 John 5:9-13
    … and more!

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  • From This Day Foward Cycle B


    God is into relationships, and he restores them by grace and love. Paul Kummer picks up the covenant/marriage/renewal themes in these scriptural texts and creatively develops them into inspiring messages of love and hope.

    Sermon titles include:
    Forsaking All Others — Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
    A New Name — Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
    Our Jealous Husband – Exodus 20:1-17
    Something Old, Something New — Jeremiah 31:31-34
    Shameless Passion — Isaiah 50:4-9a
    … and more!

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  • Practice What You Preach


    SKU (ISBN): 9781580510646ISBN10: 1580510647James Keenan | Joseph KotvaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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  • Cross Resurrection And Ascension Cycle A


    This book of sermons moves from the desert of Ash Wednesday to the cross of Calvary on Good Friday, to the empty tomb on Easter, and finally to Jesus’ return to the Father. Richard Gribble’s preaching style is vibrant and relevant to the person in the pew. The deeply spiritual content is punctuated by poignant story illustrations that illustrate the scriptural text and enlighten the listener.

    Preachers will find this book inspiring for their own sermons, while lay readers will discover rich insights to the Bible for their personal study and devotions.

    Contents include:
    Ash Wednesday: The Journey To Freedom Begins
    First Sunday In Lent: Greed Leads To Destruction
    Fourth Sunday In Lent: Looking To The Heart
    Maundy Thursday: Carrying On The Tradition
    Easter Sunday: Our Need To Talk With The Son
    Seventh Sunday Of Easter: The Community Of Life
    Ascension Sunday: Completing The Master’s Work
    … and others.

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