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Richard Gribble

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  • Walking The Journey Of Lent Cycle B


    What does the film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial have to do with Lent?

    Richard Gribble, CSC offers the image of this loveable alien stranded on a world that does not accept him to remind us that we, too, are separated from our true home. E.T.’s urge to “phone home” is one to which we can all relate.

    The Lenten season is a time to “retune our communication system” in an earnest effort to seek God, holding on to hope no matter the trials that come our way. Though we face struggle and even death, the promise of the Lenten season is new life and a return to the home where we truly belong.

    Each lesson in Walking the Journey of Lent: Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle B is bolstered by opening and closing prayers, contextual scripture and discussion questions.

    Lessons Include:

    “Coming Home” for Ash Wednesday
    “The Paradox of Death” for Palm Sunday
    “Filling Ourselves with Christ” for Easter

    “What I find most valuable is Fr. Gribble’s ability to find contemporary books or figures or situations that make his reflections quite concrete and easy to understand. It is an enviable gift for a homilist.” – Fr. Bill Williams, Pastor of St. Peter Parish, Plymouth, MA

    “Through his use of real-life stories, engaging reflections, thought-provoking discussion questions, and opening and concluding prayers for each week, Fr. Gribble leads us to the conclusion of Lent where Jesus unchains us from the bondage of sin and we find theglory to which suffering leads us. Fr. Gribble’s booklet will enhance the Lenten spiritual journeyof anyone seeking healing and new life in the risen Christ.” – Fr. Jim Fenstermaker, C.S.C., Pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Easton, MA

    “If you are looking to deepen your relationship with the Lord this Lent, look no further. Walking the Journey of Lent is a perfect tool to use. Fr. Rick’s questions will helpyou to move towards action, change of self, or ministry to others. You cannot help but grow spiritually by reading thisbook. I can’t wait for Lent!” – Fr. Joseph K. Raeke, Pastor of Christ the King, Our Lady of Lourdes &Saint Edith Stein Parishes, Brockton, MA

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  • Walking The Journey Of Lent Cycle A


    Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping and with mourning; mend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing.

    -Joel 2:12-13

    This famous passage of scripture proclaimed each Ash Wednesday provides the themes and sets the environment for the holy season of Lent. In its wisdom the Christian church provides its members a forty day period of preparation, emphasizing prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, for the great celebration of the Paschal Mystery, the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We who are privileged to bear the name Christian must use this annual time of renewal to reconnect ourselves to our God, the source of all that is good. Through a process of study, reflection, and discussion on the scripture passages that the church uses in its Sunday celebrations during this special time, an environment can be provided for us to discover and foster the renewal we all need. It is hoped that Walking the Journey of Lent: Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle A provides this specific opportunity.

    This Lenten Bible study can be a helpful and effective way for groups and individuals to reflect upon the scriptures and through this process prepare ourselves better for the greatest of all celebrations, Easter, when Jesus rises from the dead and brings all Christians the possibility of salvation. Like any effort in life that is meritorious, this Bible study will require some effort, but it need not and should not be a burden. Rather, in sharing with others, and allowing the Spirit of God to flow through us, we can come to greater insights as to what the scriptures might mean for us and how, most importantly, we can apply them to our lives.

    Chapters Included:

    Negotiating The Hurdles Of Life

    Allowing God To Change Us

    Christ Gives Us Hope

    Seeking The Light Of Christ

    Jesus Unchains Us

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  • Father Of The Fatherless


    This book is a critical biography of Father Nelson Henry Baker of Buffalo, New York.

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  • Journey Of Lent


    This book provides scripture-based reflections for each day of the Lenten season. It is an uplifting work for those who wish to enrich their personal prayer and meditation. It shows the Lenten season in its intended light — as a period of preparation, where we ready ourselves spiritually for life as Christians.

    In this, Gribble provides a daily challenge to the one who is searching for a way to draw closer to God in everyday life. With each day’s reading he includes scripture passages, a theme and keenly stimulating thoughts for reflection.

    More than simply a collection for personal meditation, it is also ideal for teaching and preaching illustrations.

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  • Cross Resurrection And Ascension Cycle A


    This book of sermons moves from the desert of Ash Wednesday to the cross of Calvary on Good Friday, to the empty tomb on Easter, and finally to Jesus’ return to the Father. Richard Gribble’s preaching style is vibrant and relevant to the person in the pew. The deeply spiritual content is punctuated by poignant story illustrations that illustrate the scriptural text and enlighten the listener.

    Preachers will find this book inspiring for their own sermons, while lay readers will discover rich insights to the Bible for their personal study and devotions.

    Contents include:
    Ash Wednesday: The Journey To Freedom Begins
    First Sunday In Lent: Greed Leads To Destruction
    Fourth Sunday In Lent: Looking To The Heart
    Maundy Thursday: Carrying On The Tradition
    Easter Sunday: Our Need To Talk With The Son
    Seventh Sunday Of Easter: The Community Of Life
    Ascension Sunday: Completing The Master’s Work
    … and others.

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