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Saint Augustine

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  • Essential Expositions Of The Psalms


    Essential Expositions of the Psalms is a collection distilled from the 6-volume set in the Works of Saint Augustine. As the psalms are a microcosm of the Old Testament, so the Expositions of the Psalms can be seen as a microcosm of Augustinian thought. In the Book of Psalms are to be found the history of the people of Israel, the theology and spirituality of the Old Covenant, and a treasury of human experience expressed in prayer and poetry. So too does the work of expounding the psalms recapitulate and focus the experiences of Augustine’s personal life, his theological reflections and his pastoral concerns as Bishop of Hippo.

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  • City Of God 11-22


    Along with his Confessions, The City of God is undoubtedly St. Augustine’s most influential work. In the context of what begins as a lengthy critique of classic Roman religion and a defense of Christianity, Augustine touches upon numerous topics, including the role of grace, the original state of humanity, the possibility of waging a just war, the ideal form of government, and the nature of heaven and hell. But his major concern is the difference between the City of God and the City of Man – one built on love of God, the other on love of self. One cannot but be moved and impressed by the author’s breadth of interest and penetrating intelligence. For all those who are interested in the greatest classics of Christian antiquity, The City of God is indispensible.

    This long-awaited translation by William Babcock is published in two volumes, with an introduction and annotation that make Augustine’s monumental work approachable. Books 11-22 offer Augustine’s Christian view of history, including the Christian view of human destiny. The INDEX for Books 1-22 (both volumes of The City of God) is contained in this edition.

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  • Confessions : A Translation For The 21st Century


    The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered the all time number one Christian classic. Augustine undertook his greatest piece of writing with the conviction that God wanted him to make this confession. The Confessions are, in fact, an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer. Augustine was probably forty-three when he began this endeavor. He had been a baptized Catholic for ten years, a priest for six, and a bishop for only two. His pre-baptismal life raised questions in the community. Was his conversion genuine? The first hearers were captivated, as many millions have been over the following sixteen centuries. His experience of God speaks to us across time with little need of transpositions. This new translation masterfully captures his experience.

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  • Trinity 2nd Edition Study Edition


    Augustine knows by faith that God is a trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and he is seeking as far as possible to understand what he believes. In the first seven books Augustine begins by searching the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments for clues to understanding and then argues in the language of philosophy and logic to defend the orthodox statement of the doctrine against the Arians.
    In the last eight books Augustine seeks to understand the mystery of the divine Trinity by observing an analogous trinity in the image of God, which is the human mind; and in so doing, he also suggests a program for the serious Christian of spiritual self-discovery and renewal.

    This second edition is newly produced, now featuring convenient footnotes rather than the previously used endnotes.

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  • Homilies On The First Epistle Of John


    Saint Augustine’s ten homilies on the First Letter of John are among his greatest and most influential works. John and Augustine both develop the same central theme – love –and in these homilies Augustine uses John’s epistle as a point of departure for exploring the meaning and implications of love with his customary profundity, passion and analytic rigor. As with John, a context of dissension and conflict within the Christian community (the Donatist breakaway from Catholic unity), gives his preaching a tone of urgency and poignancy. Anyone who reads these homilies, universally viewed as classics, cannot fail to be moved and challenged both intellectually and emotionally.

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  • Essential Sermons


    The Works of St. Augustine, A Translation for the 21st Century initiated by the late Fr. John Rotelle, OSA has made available to the English-speaking world an unprecedented number of Augustine’s works formerly available only in Latin. There has been an explosion in Augustinian scholarship throughout the last five decades. Until recently, the secondary literature tended to focus on Augustine’s major treatises: the Confessions, The Trinity, Teaching Christianity, and the City of God, the works commonly available in modern language translation. Now a plethora of lesser known works including his sermons and letters has provided new insight into this complex and talented theologian. The eleven volumes of Augustine’s popular sermons (Sermones ad populum) including the recently discovered Dolbeau sermons expertly translated by Fr. Edmund Hill (1910-1997) in clear, contemporary English showcase Augustine the brilliant speaker and engaging preacher of the Word and have proven an indispensable resource for contemporary scholarship. Peter Brown and other leading Augustine scholars have turned to the sermons as an indispensable source to nuance and reappraise their earlier positions. Hill’s translation and extensive notes have received many accolades by scholars but professors have clamored for a one volume anthology in paperback form that would be affordable to students and that could be used as required texts in teaching undergraduates, graduate students and seminarians. Fr. Doyle has undertaken that task and has carefully chosen an anthology that is representative of the bishop’s finest preaching on a wide range of subjects including God, Christ, sin, grace, conversion, martyrdom, sacraments, marriage, wealth, poverty, Christmas, Easter and living the Christian life. Students and preachers alike will discover Augustine’s masterful interpretation of the Word of God and creative skills in engaging the people of God by using the finest rhetorical skills available to his time based on the principles taught by Cicero. To engage Christians the preacher must first capture their attention (delectare) in order to teach (docere) fundamental saving truths to persuade (flectere) them to live a life of discipleship and put into practice such high ideals. Essential Sermons will include mostly whole sermons with a brief introduction but in some cases powerful excerpts from lengthy homilies that would have been impossible to incorporate in a one volume work. Fr. Doyle has written

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