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Social Issues

Showing 1–50 of 88 results

  • Keeping Hope Alive


    For over fifty years, the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr., a Baptist minister, activist, and organizer, has worked for civil rights, peace, and the promise of true democracy. From his years in the Civil Rights movement, his work as founder of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, and as an international ambassador for human rights, he has left an indelible mark on the history of our time. These speeches and sermons, delivered both to the downtrodden and the powerful, from Senegal and Bangkok to Chicago include the famous speeches he delivered at the Democratic Party conventions of 1984 and 1988 following his historic campaigns for the presidential nomination.

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  • Localism : Coming Home To Catholic Social Teaching


    One of the most misunderstood – and misrepresented – elements of the Catholic Church is her social teaching. It is all too often misconstrued and even held hostage by speculative economic theories and partisan politics. When G. K. Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc, and their colleagues endeavored to promote the ideas of property ownership and independence one hundred years ago, it was frequently misinterpreted due to the terminology used. Here, at last, is a clear explanation of authentic Catholic social teaching, with balanced and practical applications that incorporate morality, justice, and freedom.

    This outstanding collection features contributions from some of the finest thinkers in Christianity today, who illustrate the transformative impact of centralization in politics, history, literature, and culture and offer real-life accounts about the success of localism in America and beyond. You will learn:

    *What distributism is, and what it is not
    *Chesterton’s secret to preserving the seed of civilization
    *The true definition of freedom and what it really entails
    *How localism is in harmony with America’s founding principles
    *Five important lessons from “living on the land”
    *Ways technology has eroded localism

    The authors show how solutions tend to originate with the family and involve taking an active role in what most directly affects the family, whether in commerce, government, or education. They explain how to develop a truly localist economy – and why you should – and they emphasize the indispensable role of fathers in this crucial task. They also spell out why building a local community is key to preserving faith, heritage, creativity, beauty, and rational politics. Additionally, the authors propose wise methods for strengthening marriages and educating children in modernity.

    Other topics include suggestions on how to live cooperatively, develop a more agrarian lifestyle for your family, ease into homesteading, and cultivate an environmental ethic compatible with the faith. You will also find practical ways to revitalize your church and foster a healthier way of life for future generations. Whether you are a Christian or not, this book will open your eyes to “what’s wrong with the world” and give you powerful ideas for making it a better place.

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  • Finding Faith In Business


    Celeste Harvey and Andrew Gustafson have brought together seminal essays from a range of thinkers, including Pope Francis and Chiara Lubich, all exploring the intersection of faith and business.

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  • Great Campaign : Against The Great Reset


    “It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo,” says Samwise Gamgee. “Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something. That there is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”

    Many have likened the past few years to a dystopian novel or a thriller movie due to unprecedented oppression, violence, loss of rights, and weaponization of science and technology at the hands of powerful people with dark intentions. It’s coming into ever-clearer focus that the unified, global pandemic response – the forced lockdowns, vaccine and mask mandates, fear-filled media coverage, and restrictions on public worship – stripped citizens of their civil liberties and transformed our society.

    Leaving no stone unturned, award-winning film producer and human rights activist Jason Jones incisively lays out a full-scale campaign against this “Great Reset” to help equip you with the armor to protect and defend yourself, your loved ones, and all those vulnerable to the antihuman designs of global elites who have demonstrated a propensity for trampling basic human rights to achieve their one-world vision. Jones exposes the stealth tactics of the Great Reset leaders and reveals what they really mean by their “build back better” and “you’ll own nothing and like it” slogans. Reflecting on historical precedents dating back to biblical times, Jones sounds a red alert and offers a plan for pushing back against the political, Church, and corporate apostasy still unfolding around us.

    The incessant fear-mongering and propagandizing by the radical reformers, Jones explains, is undermining the health of the nation and robbing young people of their ability to reason and experience authentic love. But we can reverse course, he argues, and the time to do so is now.

    In this prescient work, you will find examples of people – past and present – who heroically model ways to overcome the mightiest walls of resistance. You will learn:

    *The five “ideologies of evil” that constitute a genuine pandemic (You will be shocked!)
    *Three forgotten aspects of piety that need restoration
    *How victimization has made victims of us all
    *The secret to living the gospel and avoiding cooperating with evil
    *Practical ways to strengthen families and communities through subsidiarity
    *Why the right to private property is essential to preserving human dignity

    Through the lens of the Gospels and classical thin

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  • Ecological Spirituality


    Ecology & Justice Series

    The popular author of Quantum Theology and Evolutionary Faith offers a new way of spiritual becoming for a world facing environmental crises.

    The changes that we must make to address the complex ecological crises today are unlikely to happen if we do not experience a spiritual revolution. In Ecological Spirituality, Diarmuid O’Murchu invites readers to the revolutionary work of a life-promoting spirituality for our time. He explores how we must move beyond understandings of holiness that emphasize detachment from our world in favor of something beyond.

    In his welcoming style O’Murchu reintroduces readers to the long history of humanity’s relationship with the creative Spirit of God, including and transcending religious traditions in a growing horizon of faith. As we rediscover the sacred here on Earth, we are called to connect spirit with Spirit, discerning and living an ecologically-focused spirituality for the well-being of creatures and ecosystems around the planet.

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  • Citizens Yet Strangers


    It’s hard — and getting harder — to discern the proper relationship between our Catholic Faith and American political life. Democrat, Republican, third party, or independent — how do we make sense of it all?

    Citizens Yet Strangers resets the framework of how we engage with politics as Catholics. As author Kenneth Craycraft argues in this book, American Catholics have been more influenced by classical liberal political theory (of both the “conservative” and “liberal” variety) than by historic Catholic moral theology. While some incidental policy positions of the Democratic and Republican parties converge with Catholic moral teaching, for most Catholics, their respective positions are directed by their party affiliation, not by Catholic moral doctrine.

    Craycraft explains how Catholic theology transcends partisan politics, and he challenges Catholics to move away from the individualist liberal impulses of American political identity, whether on the left or the right. Avoiding the common cliches that prevent us from examining the role our faith should play in our public actions, this book dives deeper into the very way we orient our moral and political lives.

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  • Laudate Deum : Apostolic Exhortation To All People Of Good Will On The Clim


    In his historic encyclical of 2015, Laudato Si’ On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis firmly established ecological concerns as central to the agenda of Catholic Social Teaching. Along with a spiritual framework on care for creation, he outlined issues of climate change, biodiversity, the peril facing our oceans, access to fresh water, and sustainable food, and offered a comprehensive guide to integral ecology.

    Eight years later comes a shorter but even more urgent call in the form of this new apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, which focuses specifically on the “climate crisis” of our time. Disappointed that not enough has been done in the intervening years, he addresses the irreversible effects of increasing global temperatures, the decrease in ice sheets, and other signs of the times. He critiques the “technocratic paradigm,” the ongoing addiction to a fossil-fuel economy, and the “weaknesses of international politics,” while leveling particular criticism at those who sow resistance and confusion. For all people of good will, it is a call to face the preeminent crisis of our times and to draw on all our spiritual wisdom, scientific knowledge, and political will to meet the challenge.

    As Erin Lothes Biviano writes in her introduction, Pope Francis here writes as a prophet, priest, poet, and most of all “a pastor, deeply concerned for people throughout the world, and above all for the poor.” Selections from Laudato Si’ focusing on pastoral, theological, and spiritual themes are also included in this edition, enhancing its value for study and reflection.

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  • Enacting Integral Human Development


    “Integral Human Development” (IHD) is a term coined by Louis-Joseph Lebret OP and then used by Paul VI in his encyclical Populorum Progressio in 1967. It is, in a way, the Catholic approach to human development and has been adopted by Catholic Relief Services. Pope Francis has emphasized the idea with the creation of a special dicastery of which Cardinal Czerny is the new Prefect. Similar to Enacting Catholic Social Teaching, the book emphasizes practice and examples without being a simple “how-to” book.

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  • How To Remake The World Neighborhood By Neighborhood


    How to Remake the World Neighborhood by Neighborhood is the solution to the social breakdown felt across the country and around the world today. It narrates the story and philosophy of Community Renewal International (CRI), an organization founded in Shreveport, Louisiana. In the places where it has taken root, people build new friendships and begin to restore the bonds that sustain communities so that they thrive. Crime rates plummet. People come out of their homes and grow connections with their neighbors. They become active, caring participants in their societies.

    The late Millard Fuller, co-founder of Habitat for Humanity, once described CRI as “the premier community renewal building model in the nation,” and his wife and co-founder Linda Fuller writes, “Mack McCarter shares the courageous steps he took to fuse love and caring into relationships, using the best elements of society to improve neighborhoods, cities and our futures.”

    The book tells the story of how McCarter returned to his home town of Shreveport after many years as a pastor in Texas. He found a city that was racially divided and suffering from violence. With a small group of like-minded people, he intentionally and proactively began engaging with people in the city’s most violent and dangerous neighborhood. Over time, studying the history of the rise and fall of civilizations and applying that research to the practical question of community renewal, he developed a replicable system. Today, Black and white, Republican and Democrat, men and women–all who have become part of the “We Care Team,” now over 50,000 strong, have remade entire neighborhoods and repaired the fabric of society

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  • Against War : Building A Culture Of Peace


    From the beginning of his papacy, Pope Francis has made concern and action for peace and nonviolence one of his signature themes. From his travels to Iraq and other war-torn regions to his prophetic homilies in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he has called the world to pursue a different path. Now, with the recent crisis in the Ukraine, his powerful voice is more prophetic and necessary than ever.

    “Faced with the images of death that come to us from Ukraine, it is difficult to hope. Yet there are seeds of hope. There are millions who do not aspire to war, who do not justify war . . . . Millions of young people who are asking us to do everything possible and seemingly impossible to stop the war, to stop all wars. It is in thinking first of all of them, of young people and children that we must repeat together: Never again war! And together we must commit ourselves to building a world that is more peaceful because it is more just, where it is peace that triumphs and not the folly of war; justice, and not the injustice of war; mutual forgiveness, and not the hatred that divides and makes us see the other, the person who is different from us, as an enemy.” –Pope Francis

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  • All One In Christ


    What does the Catholic Church teach about racism? What should Catholics think about Critical Race Theory, which is currently being widely promoted in the name of antiracism

    All One in Christ lucidly explains the Church’s clear and consistent condemnation of racism, showing that the condemnation is not a recent development but deeply rooted in centuries of papal teaching and Scholastic theology.

    This book also demonstrates that Critical Race Theory, far from being a remedy for racism, is, in fact, a new and insidious form of racism that cannot be reconciled with the social teaching of the Church and the call of Christ. Edward Feser exhorts Catholics to oppose Critical Race Theory–precisely because they are opposed to racial injustice. They must reaffirm that all human beings are rational creatures capable of knowledge and charity and redemption from sin through grace.

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  • Millennial Nuns : Reflections On Living A Spiritual Life In A World Of Soci


    Discover how to engage in a faith-filled life in the era of social media from a group of young, consecrated Catholic sisters.Friend. Artist. Writer. Businesswomen. Advocate. Scholar. The women whose pieces are included in this book hold many different titles. But they all share two important characteristics. First, they are all young women. Second, they are all consecrated religious of the Catholic order the Daughters of Saint Paul. They are millennial nuns. More and more people–especially millennials–are turning to religion as a source of comfort and solace in our increasingly chaotic world. But rather than live a cloistered life of seclusion, the Daughters of Saint Paul actively embrace social media, using platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to evangelize, collectively calling themselves the #MediaNuns. In this “funny and poignant” (Colleen Carroll Campbell, award-winning author of The Heart of Perfection) memoir, eight of these Sisters share their own discernment journeys, struggles, and crises of faith that they’ve overcome, and episodes from their daily lives. Through these reflections, the Sisters also offer practical takeaways and tips for living a more spiritually-fulfilled life, no matter your religious affiliation. In a collection as diverse and varied as the Daughters of Saint Paul themselves, Millennial Nuns will appeal to anyone looking to discover more about balancing faith with the modern age.

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  • True Crime And The Justice Of God


    Utilizing the tools of forensic science and Christian theological ethics, this book resituates prominent criminal cases within their social and forensic contexts. Particular attention is given to the ways in which patterns of systemic ignorance and social inequity sustain anti-blackness and violence against women in society at large and in daily life. Explores the Western phenomena of true crime and its impact on the Christian moral imagination. This project sits in direct conversation with the following three bodies of literature: 1) theological and moral engagement of criminal justice, 2) theological engagement of popular media, and 3) forensic science in the media.

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  • Enacting Catholic Social Tradition


    Provides a needed emphasis on the fact that CST stems not from arbitrary laws laid down by Church leaders, but rather from moral guidance directly inspired by Scripture, especially the command to love Christ and the neighbor, even if doing so is extremely difficult in real-life situations. Through the use of multiple examples encountered both in parishes and in the secular world (e.g., racism, vegetarianism, taxation), the book gives helpful counsel on being mindful of particularity and contextual concerns.

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  • Forever In Thy Path


    Forever in Thy Path makes the case that the God of biblical revelation is today’s God of black liberation and that black liberation will realize itself given that the eternal power of God’s liberating presence will ultimately defeat the historical power of white supremacy. In this book the author employs “path” as a metaphor to denote the trek of black people on its liberating journey from the holds of ships to today. It affirms black strivings for freedom as consistent with divine will despite those strivings’ branding as iconoclastic and ungodly by the white Christian establishment.

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  • Resurrection Hope : A Future Where Black Lives Matter


    The author of Stand Your Ground explores the spiritual/moral illness of white supremacy, its corruption of Christian faith, and the basis for a “resurrection” hope in the Black Lives Matter movement.

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  • Martin Luther King And The Trumpet Of Conscience Today


    Explores Martin Luther King’s series of speeches, “The Trumpet of Conscience,” on the intertwined issues of racism, militarism, and materialism, in light of contemporary issues such as economic inequality, the refugee crisis, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, that demand a faith-based justice-centered response.

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  • Faith And Reckoning After Trump


    Leading progressive religious figures and scholars assess the impact of the past four years, and contemplate the way forward, exploring such themes as the role of the Catholic Church/vote; the role of Evangelical Christians; the Black Lives Matter and MeToo movements; climate change; immigration; and peace and justice.

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  • Christianity Corrupted : The Scandal Of White Supremacy


    Examines oppressive Christian theologies and the normalization of white privilege in the United States, from the Reformed notion of election and Enlightenment theories of race as well as the movements that resisted, from the abolitionists to the Civil Rights Movement and Black Lives Matter.

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  • Losing Our Dignity


    There is perhaps no more important value than fundamental human equality. And yet, despite large percentages of people affirming the value, the resources available to explain and defend the basis for such equality are few and far between. In his newest book Charles Camosy provides a thoughtful defense of human dignity.

    Telling personal stories like those of Jahi McMath, Terri Schiavo, and Alfie Evans, Camosy, a noted bioethicist and theologian, uses an engaging style to show how the influence of secularized medicine is undermining fundamental human equality in the broader culture. And in a disturbing final chapter, Camosy sounds the alarm about the next population to fall if we stay on our current trajectory: dozens of millions of human beings with dementia.

    Heeding this alarm, Camosy argues, means doing two things. First, making urgent and genuine attempts to dialogue with a secularized culture which cannot see how it is undermining one of its most foundational values. Second, religious communities which hold the Imago Dei sacred must mobilize their existing institutions (and create new ones) to care for a new set of human beings our throwaway culture may deem non-persons.

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  • Earth Cries Out


    The Earth Cries Out describes best practices of faith communities responding to the impending climate and sustainability emergency, and presents the next steps for people of belief in the years following Laudato Si’. Twelve sustainability challenges, ranging from energy and water consumption to land use and socially responsible investing, are each introduced by the cutting-edge sustainability practices of a faith tradition, followed by discussion of the issue’s global importance. Far from a litany of sustainability woes, the book is inspired by a vision of communities of faith that are models of sustainable living.

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  • Catholic Social Teaching


    Here is an affordable and helpful guide to understanding what Catholic Social Teaching says and how it relates to global issues. It discusses sources, history, and key themes of the CST tradition, as well as implications of CST for the ethics of war and peace, forced migration, and social reconciliation. Each chapter concludes with reflection questions.

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  • Facing Apocalypse : Climate, Democracy, And Other Last Chances


    Drawing on John’s prophetic Apocalypse, theologian Catherine Keller unveils a “dreamreading” of our current global crisis-particularly the threat of climate change and ecological devastation. She shows that John’s gospel is not a foretelling of future events, but a parable of our present reality, which exposes the deep spiritual roots of these threats.

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  • Fratelli Tutti : On Fraternity And Social Friendship


    In his third encyclical, Fratelli tutti, Pope Francis reflects on a topic of great importance: human solidarity and friendship. Following his election to the papacy, Pope Francis first greeted the world with the words fratelli e sorelle – “brothers and sisters.” In this encyclical, he continues to address all men and women as his brothers and sisters, calling us to consider what our common brotherhood requires of us.

    Pope Francis has shown repeatedly that he is dedicated to promoting friendship among all people. Fratelli tutti follows his 2019 signing of the Document on Human Fraternity in Abu Dhabi. And at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, Pope Francis prayed for the salvation of all people in his extraordinary “Urbi et Orbi” address in an empty St. Peter’s Square.

    The Holy Father calls us to live out our Christian duty to see the face of Jesus in our neighbors, recognizing everyone we meet as a brother or sister. In this encyclical, Pope Francis reminds us of our “(blessed) common belonging.” By fostering a genuine affection for all, we reaffirm the dignity of every human person created in the image and likeness of God.

    The OSV edition includes discussion questions, which are perfect for individual or group study.

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  • Hunger For Hope


    The chaotic individualism of these times demands a prayer practice that summons a communal prophetic action with those who are marginalized in our fractured economic system and broken world. Written by the author of A Nun on the Bus, this book explores the quest for a justice that works for all and explores what it means to be holy in today’s world.

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  • Clear Conscience : A Catholic Guide To Voting


    Vote with Confidence and Without Regret

    Clear Conscience: A Catholic Guide to Voting identifies the responsibilities of Catholics to our Faith and to our country as we make voting decisions. It provides thorough guidance to help Catholics navigate the most important issues facing our nation, issues that are ultimately decided by all of us as voters.

    The United States was born out of revolution, and its founding principles are still revolutionary. Our historically unprecedented Declaration of Independence and Constitution enshrine the legal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for every person. But the interpretation of these truths today varies widely across the fascinating tapestry of America.

    Our freedoms as citizens in a democracy are both a wonderful privilege and a lofty responsibility. As the political climate grows more confusing with the rising concerns and demands of different groups, where do we as Catholics stand?

    Through the insights in Clear Conscience, you will learn:

    *What the rights of every person are
    *Our responsibility to uphold and defend those rights
    *How to understand specific political issues
    *How the Catholic tradition has contributed to a free and just society

    This book will not tell you who to vote for. That is a decision only you can make. Instead, it will give you the guidance you need to vote with a clear conscience.

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  • Meal That Reconnects


    In The Meal that Reconnects, Dr. Mary McGann, RSCJ, invites readers to a more profound appreciation of the sacredness of eating, the planetary interdependence that food and the sharing of food entails, and the destructiveness of the industrial food system that is supplying food to tables globally. She presents the food crisis as a spiritual crisis–a call to rediscover the theological, ecological, and spiritual significance of eating and to probe its challenge to Christian eucharistic practice. Drawing on the origins of Eucharist in Jesus’s meal fellowship and the worship of early Christians, McGann invites communities to reclaim the foundational meal character of eucharistic celebration while offering pertinent strategies for this renewal.

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  • Street Homelessness And Catholic Theological Ethics


    Spanning five continents this collection will deepen contemporary understandings of, and approaches to, Catholic theological ethics and the global crisis of homelessness. Topics include global strategies for combating homelessness, local ethical responses, and advocacy for special populations such as women, orphans, and veterans.

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  • Two Hands Of Yes And No


    Drawing on examples from modern world history, including resistance to the Nazis, the Civil Rights struggle in the USA, and recent protests by young people around gun violence, the authors offer a compelling introduction to the theory and practice of nonviolence.

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  • How To Keep From Losing Your Mind


    SKU (ISBN): 9781505113525ISBN10: 1505113520Deal HudsonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2019Publisher: Tan Books

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  • Harm Healing And Human Dignity


    Harm, Healing, and Human Dignity is a faith formation resource to help small groups in parishes and schools, as well as individual believers, reflect on the Catholic call to restorative justice. Through Scripture, Catholic teaching, eye-opening statistics, and personal stories, each chapter prompts prayerful consideration of the place of human dignity and the common good as we respond to crime, incarceration, and the death penalty in the United States.

    Prepared in cooperation with the highly regarded Catholic Mobilizing Network for the Abolition of the Death Penalty, Harm, Healing, and Human Dignity will help Catholics consider what it means to choose hope over death and redemption over vengeance. It’s a choice that can foster healing, transform relationships, and build the culture of life to which our Catholic faith calls us.

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  • Climate Generation : Awakening To Our Children’s Future


    Join a mother discovering the reality of climate change and how she can protect her children and their world. Lorna Gold’s journey brings hope for effective communal action.

    Environmentalist Lorna Gold issues a clarion call to take immediate action on climate change or risk bequeathing a stark legacy to future generations. Lorna shares her personal journey in coming to understand what ‘climate change’ means to her both as an activist and as a mother who is fearful for her children’s prospects in a world that hovers on the brink of destruction. Rather than simply lament the grave situation facing our planet, however, Climate Generation offers the reader hope and a manifesto for change.

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  • Catholic Bioethics And Social Justice


    Catholic health care is one of the key places where the church lives Catholic social teaching (CST). Yet the individualistic methodology of Catholic bioethics inherited from the manualist tradition has yet to incorporate this critical component of the Catholic moral tradition. Informed by the places where Catholic health care intersects with the diverse societal injustices embodied in the patients it encounters, this book brings the lens of CST to bear on Catholic health care, illuminating a new spectrum of ethical issues and practical recommendations from social determinants of health, immigration, diversity and disparities, behavioral health, gender-questioning patients, and environmental and global health issues.

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  • Blind Spot : War And Christian Identity


    Blind Spot is a remarkable book, well-written and totally engaging. Ranaghan tackles the complex subject of war and Christian identity in a straightforward and thought-provoking way. It will bring you face to face with this reality.

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  • Renouncing Violence


    Written from her deep experience in the monastic tradition, Sister Mary Margaret Funk shows us that, with faith and our given vocations, we are more than strong enough to resist and renounce the violence in the world around us. This book offers, both for personal use and for the broader community, a teaching for our troubled times, a teaching that empowers the reader to renounce violence in all its bold and subtle forms. As a concrete example, Funk retrieves the practice and symbolism of using holy water to bless, cleanse, and free us from violence wherever it is emerging–in our personal lives and in our world. This practice has thrived in the monastic tradition and has a language with a voice.

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  • Good Intentions : A History Of Catholic Voters Road From Roe To Trump


    The 2016 presidential election was unlike any other in American history. Polls tell us that millions of American Catholics who care about moral issues and who descended from immigrants supported Donald Trump. Why didn’t Trump’s rhetoric on immigration and his promises to close the borders trouble more American Catholics? Despite his own vulgar behavior, his unconcealed selfishness, or his still-recent support for abortion rights, why were some serious Catholics drawn to Trump? In Good Intentions, Steven P. Millies uncovers the history of how American Catholics behaved the way they did in 2016, and he offers some practical reflections about how to put Catholic faith to better use in American politics.

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  • Global War On Christians


    unparalleled knowledge of world affairs and religious insight to investigate the troubling worldwide persecution of Christians.
    From Iraq and Egypt to Sudan and Nigeria, from Indonesia to the Indian subcontinent, Christians in the early 21st century are the world’s most persecuted religious group. According to the secular International Society for Human Rights, 80 percent of violations of religious freedom in the world today are directed against Christians. In effect, our era is witnessing the rise of a new generation of martyrs. Underlying the global war on Christians is the demographic reality that more than two-thirds of the world’s 2.3 billion Christians now live outside the West, often as a beleaguered minority up against a hostile majority– whether it’s Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia, Hindu radicalism in India, or state-imposed atheism in China and North Korea. In Europe and North America, Christians face political and legal challenges to religious freedom. Allen exposes the deadly threats and offers investigative insight into what is and can be done to stop these atrocities.
    This book is about the most dramatic religion story of the early 21st century, yet one that most people in the West have little idea is even happening: The global war on Christians, writes John Allen. We re not talking about a metaphorical war on religion in Europe and the United States, fought on symbolic terrain such as whether it s okay to erect a nativity set on the courthouse steps, but a rising tide of legal oppression, social harassment and direct physical violence, with Christians as its leading victims. However counter-intuitive it may seem in light of popular stereotypes of Christianity as a powerful and sometimes oppressive social force, Christians today indisputably form the most persecuted religious body on the planet, and too often its new martyrs suffer in silence.
    This book looks to shatter that silence.

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  • Red White Blue And Catholic


    When’s the last time you consciously thought about being an American citizen? The last time you thought about being both a citizen and a Christian? If you’re like most Americans, it probably had something to do with a hot button political issue, and it came up around the time you were headed to a voting booth.

    But, as Stephen P. White says, most of how we live as Catholic citizens doesn’t happen in a voting booth. Most of the ways in which we shape our nation happen elsewhere. The Church’s work of evangelization and her contribution to the good of society are inseparable, and as Catholic citizens we are called to do more than vote.

    Think of this book as a Catholic guide to faithful citizenship for the 364 days of the year that aren’t the first Tuesday in November. As Catholic citizens, we are called to be sensitive to the needs of our neighbors. We are called to care about both physical poverty and spiritual poverty. But most importantly, we are called to follow Christ.

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  • Delivered : True Stories Of Men And Women Who Turned From Porn To Purity


    Deliverance from pornography is possible-and these true stories prove it.

    *The pious Catholic man whose fairytale marriage was almost destroyed by his fierce addiction…
    *The young woman who escaped a broken and abusive childhood only to become ensnared in porn’s seamy underworld…
    *The couple who tried everything to beat the pain and shame of porn in their home…
    *The female musician who thought porn was a guy thing until she got hooked herself…
    *…and five other inspiring tales of liberation from the ravages of pornography.

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  • Gregorian Symposium On Sexual Abuse Of Minors


    This symposium will contribute to greater decisiveness, transparency, and awareness of the responsibility of all in Catholic Church in dealing with the difficult question of sexual abuse.

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  • My Peace I Give You


    Dawn Eden, internationally known speaker and author of the bestselling The Thrill of the Chaste, shows how the lives of the saints have given her hope and aided her journey of spiritual healing after childhood sexual abuse. One in four American women and one in six American men report having been sexually abused during childhood and My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints provides a much-needed resource for spiritual healing from the isolating effects of these wounds.

    Eden uses her own story as a backdrop to introduce numerous holy people- like Laura Vicua, Thomas Aquinas and Bernard of Clairvaux-who suffered sexual abuse or sexual inappropriateness, as well as saints such as Ignatius of Loyola who suffered other forms of mistreatment and abandonment. Readers seeking wholeness will discover saints with wounds like their own, whose stories bear witness to the transforming power of grace. Eden explores different dimensions of divine love-sheltering, compassionate, purifying, etc.-to help those sexually wounded in childhood understand their identity in the abiding love of Christ.

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  • Universe Bends Toward Justice


    In these passionate and wide-ranging essays Obery Hendricks offers a challenging engagement with spirituality, economics, politics, contemporary Christianity, and the abuses committed in its name. Among his themes: the gap between the spirituality of the church and the spirituality of Jesus; the ways in which contemporary versions of gospel music sensationalize today s churches into social and political irrelevance; how the economic principles and policies espoused by the religious right betray the most basic principles of the same biblical tradition they claim to hold dear; the domestication of Martin Luther King s message to foster a political complacency that dishonors King s sacrifices. He ends with a stinging rebuke of the religious right s idolatrous patriotism in a radical manifesto for those who would practice the politics of Jesus in the public sphere.

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  • Walking With The Poor (Revised)


    In this revised and updated edition of a modern classic, Bryant Myers shows how Christian mission can contribute to dismantling poverty and social evil. Integrating the best principles and practice of the international development community, the thinking and experience of Christian nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and a theological framework for transformational development, Myers demonstrates what is possible when we cease to treat the spiritual and physical domains of life as separate and unrelated.

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  • Christian Future And The Fate Of Earth


    Like no other religious thinker, Thomas Berry has been a prophetic voice regarding Earth s destruction and the urgent need for human response from the Christian community. This book collects Berry s signature views on the interrelatedness of both Earth s future and the Christian future. He ponders why Christians have been late in coming to the issue of the environment. He reflects insightfully on how the environment must be seen as a religious issue, not simply a scientific or economic problem.

    In powerful and poetic language Berry presents a compelling vision of the sacredness of the universe and the interrelatedness of the Earth community. Drawing on Thomas Aquinas and Teilhard de Chardin he brings the Christian tradition into a cosmology of care for the whole of creation.

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  • God Creation And Climate Change


    Theologians and ethicists reflect on the most serious crisis of our time.

    The magnitude of the problem of environmental degradation and climate change requires a complete rethinking and reorienting of our way of being in the world. Responding to the environmental crisis requires not only a conversion of the will but even more fundamentally a transformation of the imagination that is, the capacity to think of other ways of being, thinking, and acting in the world. These essays, by a distinguished group of Catholic scholars, assess the gravity of the situation and offer resources from the biblical and theological traditions for the necessary mobilization of will and the conversion of our imaginations.

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  • Introducing Catholic Social Thought


    After offering a description of the general historical development of Catholic social thought, Thompson provides five chapters that each deal with a specific theme: faithful citizenship, economic justice, human rights, war and peace and the consistent ethic of life, and care for the earth. Each chapter identifies key documents and explores their meaning and how they are applied today. Stories of key practitioners include figures ranging from Cesar Chavez and Mother Teresa to John Leary and Dorothy Stang.

    Written by an experienced teacher in accessible language, Introducing Catholic Social Thought is appropriate for courses in Catholic social teaching, Christian ethics, and social justice for undergraduates and non-religion majors, as well as for adult and parish study groups.

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  • Racial Justice And The Catholic Church


    A leading black Catholic moral theologian addresses the thorny issue of racial justice past and present.

    Confronting racism is difficult but essential work if we are to heal the brokenness in our society and our church. In the author’s words, “We all are wounded by the sin of racism. . . . How can we struggle together against an evil that harms us all?” Racial Justice and the Catholic Church examines the presence of racism in this country from its early history through the Civil Rights Movement and the election of Barack Obama. It also explores how Catholic social teaching has been used-and not used-to promote reconciliation and justice.

    Massingale writes from an abiding conviction that the Catholic faith and the black experience make essential contributions in the continuing struggle against racial injustice that is the work of all people. His book is essential reading for all those concerned with justice and healing in our world.

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  • Trails Of Hope And Terror


    A conversation on the challenges of immigration that includes the voices of recent immigrants, the documented and the undocumented.

    Miguel De La Torre, the son of an undocumented immigrant and now a U.S. citizen and a professor of Christian ethics, seeks to develop a constructive conversation on immigration by examining significant issues and by presenting first-person accounts of the experiences of immigration. De La Torre’s goal is to initiate a civil conversation that can replace the politics of fear that now dominates discussions of immigration.

    Each of seven sections (Borders, Economics, Myths, Family Values, the Politics of Fear, Christian Perspectives, Ethical Responses) opens with an examination of an issue and then includes a story or testimony by an undocumented immigrant, a story by someone who works with the undocumented, and a poem, prayer, or a song that expresses the hope and the terror involved in crossing the border. This combination of analysis, story, and artistic expression opens up the complexities of immigration for undergraduates and for all Christians.

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  • Palestinian Christian Cry For Reconciliation


    A Palestinian Christian Arab, who is also a citizen of Israel, provides a sharp analysis of the conflict, centered on the land and its meaning for all the region’s inhabitants.

    In this powerful sequel to Justice and Only Justice Naim Ateek focuses on events since the intifada of 1987, including the unrestrained violence of both suicide bombers and military forces. In an uncompromising style he draws on scripture, raising up biblical figures such as Samson, Jonah, Daniel, and Jesus as he examines issues of ownership of the land. Finally, Ateek presents a nonviolent strategy to achieve a peace that will promote justice for the Palestinians and security for both Israel and Palestine.

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  • Catholic Perspectives On Crime And Criminal Justice


    Drawing upon Catholic social teaching, traditional writings, and Sacred Scripture, this book presents a Catholic perspective of crime and criminal justice in America. Specifically, it presents a policy framework for the criminal justice system describing how and why police, courts, and corrections should adopt the tenets of restorative and community justice. In addition, it presents how certain crime-related issues would be addressed under a Catholic perspective, particularly focusing on the death penalty, abortion, euthanasia, and so-called victimless crimes.

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