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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 101–150 of 427 results

  • Gateway To Heaven


    This first volume lays out all the Marian doctrines and their evolution in a clear and easy-to-follow format as well as providing two chapters on patristic and medieval devotion. Doctrines discussed include Mary’s divine motherhood and its impact on Christology; Mary’s virginity – before, during, and after the birth of Jesus; intercession and mediation, and Marian co-redemption. It provides, for the first time, extensive citations from original works, both patristic and medieval, many of which have never appeared in English before. Thus, it gives a firsthand insight into the figure of Mary and her religious and cultural importance. The author’s principal purpose is to focus on the internal dynamics of Christianity in the development of Marian doctrine and devotion so that, without pushing a Catholic or even Christian point of view, the book seeks to counter erroneous interpretations that are all too frequently found in well-known and oft-cited works.

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  • See How She Loves Us


    See How She Loves Us is an amazing collection of apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ranging across 23 countries – and 2 millennia – the visions chronicled here show Mary’s deep love for mankind, her Son, and the Church.

    Joan Carroll Cruz has meticulously researched fifty apparitions of Our Lady. Discover lesser known apparitions like Our Lady of La Vang in Vietnam and Our Lady of Las Lajas in Columbia, and learn more about the visions of Mary at Fatima, Lourdes, and Guadalupe. Approved by the local bishops or the Vatican, these miracles show Mary’s great love for man, her constant intercession on our behalf, and her role as protector of the Church.

    Perfect for Catholics and non-Catholics alike. See How She Loves Us sheds light on the many mysteries of the Catholic Church and Catholics’ love for the Blessed Mother.

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  • Limits Of Hospitality


    Practicing hospitality is central to building a civil society, not to mention living a Christian life. It can be enriching and joy-filled, but it can also be profoundly demanding and sometimes even dangerous. In The Limits of Hospitality, Jessica Wrobleski explores the ethical questions surrounding the practice of hospitality, particularly hospitality that is informed by Christian theological commitments.

    While there is no algorithm that distinguishes between ethically “legitimate” and “illegitimate” boundaries, the variety of circumstances in which hospitality is relevant and the nature of hospitality itself make advocating firm and fixed boundaries difficult. How much more so for Christians, for whom the practice of hospitality should be a manifestation of agape, a participation in God’s eschatological welcome extended to all people through Jesus Christ!

    Are limits to hospitality, then, merely a regrettable concession to our finite and fallen condition? Wrobleski offers a rich theological reflection that will interest anyone who has a role in the practice of hospitality in community-whether such communities are families, households, churches, educational institutions, or nation-states.

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  • Created To Worship


    For pastors and worship leaders, planning a meaningful, relevant, and theologically rich communal worship experience for their local churches is of the upmost importance. They are forced to consider how to meet the demands of the modern congregation without getting in the way of what God is doing through worship.

    Created to Worship: God’s Invitation to be Fully Human is a resource that provides a theology of worship in the Wesleyan tradition that will help church leaders consider and be discerning in both how they plan for a worship service, as well as the actual planning that goes into crafting a meaningful and authentic experience. It will teach them to ask, and answer the question, What does God want to say and do today?

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  • Trinity 2nd Edition Study Edition


    Augustine knows by faith that God is a trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and he is seeking as far as possible to understand what he believes. In the first seven books Augustine begins by searching the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments for clues to understanding and then argues in the language of philosophy and logic to defend the orthodox statement of the doctrine against the Arians.
    In the last eight books Augustine seeks to understand the mystery of the divine Trinity by observing an analogous trinity in the image of God, which is the human mind; and in so doing, he also suggests a program for the serious Christian of spiritual self-discovery and renewal.

    This second edition is newly produced, now featuring convenient footnotes rather than the previously used endnotes.

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  • Keys To The Council


    As the church marks the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, too few Catholics have an adequate grasp of what the council contributed to the life of the church. The problem is understandable. The Second Vatican Council produced, by far, more document pages than any other ecumenical council. Consequently, any attempt to master its core teachings can be daunting. There is a danger of missing the forest for the trees. With this in mind, Keys to the Council identifies sixteen key conciliar passages, central texts that help us appreciate the vision of the council fathers.

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  • Sacraments And Worship


    The church’s development and use of sacraments has evolved in many ways from the days of the early church to the present. This sourcebook presents key theological texts that played a role in those movements. Johnson traces the history and theology of individual sacraments along with their liturgical context in the church’s worship, while contributing helpful background notes to give the reader the full breadth and depth of the church’s thought on these important topics. The book will be a useful resource to those studying the history of Christian worship and the development of the sacraments.

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  • Transforming Mission : Paradign Shifts In Theology Of Mission (Anniversary)


    David Bosch’s Transforming Mission, now available in over a dozen languages, is widely recognized as an historic and magisterial contribution to the study of mission. Examining the entire sweep of Christian tradition, he shows how five paradigms have historically encapsulated the Christian understanding of mission and then outlines the characteristics of an emerging postmodern paradigm dialectically linking the transcendent and imminent dimensions of salvation. In this new anniversary edition, Darrel Guder and Martin Reppenhagen explore the impact of Bosch’s work and the unfolding application of his seminal vision.

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  • Homilies On The Gospels


    Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) is increasingly recognized as one of the most noteworthy and interesting theologians of the Middle Ages. Translated here for the first time from Latin into English, Hildegard’s Homilies on the Gospels is essential for comprehending this twelfth-century mystic’s coherent theological vision. It establishes her as the only known female systematic exegete of the Middle Ages.

    Hildegard’s sisters recorded and preserved her informal preaching in this collection of homilies on twenty-seven gospel pericopes. As teacher and superior to her sisters, Hildegard probably spoke to them in the chapter house, with the scriptural text either before her or recited from memory, according to Benedictine liturgical practice. Among her topics here are the themes of salvation history, the drama of the individual soul, the struggle of virtues against vices, and the life-giving and animating force of greenness (uiriditas).

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  • Selected Writings On Grace And Pelagianism


    Of the different controversies that preoccupied Augustine during his lifetime, Pelagianism was indisputably the most important for the subsequent history and theology of the western Church. It touched on any number of issues central toA Christianity, most notably grace, predestination, original sin and baptism, all of which in turn could be reduced to the fundamental question of the exact nature of the relationship between God and his human creation. The six major treatises presented in this volume amply illustrate Augustine’s struggle with the theological problems that Pelagianism raised. They begin with the Miscellany of Questions in Response to Simplician. Although written in 396, before Pelagianism even appeared on the scene, this work shows in a few pages the remarkable evolution of Augustine’s thought on the matter of grace and the position at which he arrived and to which he clung for the rest of his life. The two final treatises, The Predestination of the Saints and The Gift of Perseverance,A written in 428/429 shortly before Augustine’s death, indicate where the position that he had elaborated more than thirty years before was fatefully destined to take him. The three middle treatises show Augustine in the process of refining — but not altering — his thinking in the face of what he rightly saw as Pelagianism’s terrible threat to orthodox Christianity’s central tenets.

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  • Pope Benedict 16 And The Liturgy


    A prominent and inescapable feature of Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate is the importance which has been given to the sacred liturgy, in its actual celebration, as well as in the pope’s Magisterium and theological writings. Not only have we witnessed the reappearance of many elements used in older, but recently-abandoned papal liturgies, but also what amounts to be the virtual liberation of the ‘Old Latin Mass’. This has come as a great surprise to many people in the Church, some of whom almost regard it, and the pope’s liturgical theology, as a betrayal of recent liturgical reforms. On the other hand, others have viewed these liturgical changes, and the emphasis which Pope Benedict places upon the liturgy in the life of the Church, as positive developments, leading to a more correct understanding of the Second Vatican Council within ‘the hermeneutic of continuity’ and reform, and the notion of ‘organic development’. But, in the midst of conflicting interpretations, how are we to understand these developments and Pope Benedict XVI’s re-affirmation of what we now call the usus antiquior? In this book Dr Anselm J. Gribbin explores these and other related questions by examining the liturgical theology of Pope Benedict XVI in his magisterial teachings and writings, particularly in the post-synodal exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis, the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, and The Spirit of the Liturgy. Gribbin, in an extensive, and detailed analysis, indicates that the liturgical theology of Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger points the way forward for the Church in the field of liturgy. He also addresses the fundamentally important question of the relationship between the liturgical writings of Pope Benedict XVI as a theologian, and his Magisterium as the supreme pontiff of the Catholic Church, and that the latter is best understood with recourse to the former.

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  • Virtue


    A comprehensive introduction to virtue ethics in general and some important particular virtues in moral theology and the Christian life.

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  • Peacebuilding : Catholic Theology Ethics And Praxis


    Peacebuilding refers to a range of topics, ranging from conflict prevention to post-conflict reconciliation. In this volume a strong cast of Catholic theologians, ethicists, and scholar-practitioners join to examine the challenge of peacebuilding in theory and practice. While many of the essays deal with general themes of reconciliation, forgiveness, interreligious dialogue, and human rights, there are also case studies of peacebuilding in such diverse contexts as Colombia, the Philippines, the Great Lakes region of Africa, Indonesia, and South Africa. This volume will be of interest to all scholars engaged in developing a theology and ethic of just peace, as well as students seeking to understand the interaction between theology, ethics, and lived Christianity.

    Contributors include: John Paul Lederach; Maryann Cusimano Love; Daniel Philpott; William Headley and Reina Neufeldt; Todd Whitmore; Peter-John Pearson; Thomas Michel; Kenneth Himes; Lisa Sowle Cahill; Peter Phan; and David O Brien.

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  • Epiphany Of Love


    Catholic moral theology faces a radical challenge in this age of moral upheaval. No longer must it simply respond to specific questions about particular matter, nor elaborate some method for the formulation of norms. The challenge now is instead no less than comprehending the mystery of human action in its proper dynamism.

    Livio Melina here guides the reader on a path that seeks to recover the integrality of moral experience and its place in Christian existence. This path aims at rediscovering in moral action an epiphany of love and attempts to help us recognize a profound synergy between human and divine action.

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  • Explorations In Spirituality


    A distinctive exposition of the main elements of the study of Christian spirituality that also underlines the essentially socially transformative nature of the Christian spiritual tradition.

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  • Spiritual Friendship


    Spiritual friendship is today the best known and perhaps most influential of the thirteen surviving works of Aelred, abbot of the great English Cistercian abbey of Rievaulx from 1147-1167. This fresh new translation makes the work crisply readable, allowing the intellectual and Christian insight of this great Cistercian teacher and writer to speak clearly to today’s seekers of love, wisdom, and truth.

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  • Come And See


    Come and See is a look inside the mind of a monk. Monastic spirituality is a universal spirituality that is the common inheritance of every human being, it is a search for God. From the atheist to the saint there is in the heart of all creatures a desire for ultimate meaning, a desire for God. In this sense everyone has the heart of a monk. As you read this book you will meet some of the great themes of monastic life: silence, solitude, community life, prayer. You will also be helped to find your most authentic self, the self Thomas Merton spoke of when he said at the center of our being is a point of nothingness, a point of pure truth. The place of the heart is highlighted in these conferences and homilies as an ancient theme so relevant to the modern person.

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  • From Altar Throne To Table


    This book investigates one of the most successful liturgical reforms in Catholic history. Only a century ago, faithful, practicing Catholics received Holy Communion only once a year, now, among American English-speaking Catholics, Holy Communion is a routine, weekly devotional practice. This book explains how and why this ritual sea-change happened.

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  • Worship Architect (Reprinted)


    There are many books available on the topic of worship today, but few provide a comprehensive, practical method for worship design. Constance M. Cherry, a worship professor and practitioner, provides worship leaders with credible blueprint plans for successfully designing worship services that foster meaningful conversation with God and the gathered community. Readers will learn how to create services that are faithful to Scripture, historically conscious, relevant to God, Christ-centered, and engaging for worshipers of all ages in the twenty-first century. The book sets forth basic principles concerning worship design and demonstrates how these principles are conducive to virtually any style of worship practiced today in a myriad of Christian communities. It will also work well as a guide for worship-planning teams in local churches and provide insight for worship students, pastors, and church leaders involved in congregational worship.

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  • Mary 101 : Tradition And Influence


    Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer provides a readable overview of the Christian tradition of Jesus’ mother, Mary, clarifying the main points by tracing the historical background and tying the tradition to the concerns of modern Christians.

    We first meet Mary in Scripture, as chapter one unfolds. From there, the following chapters look at the Church teaching, prayers and devotions, Mary’s appearances to the world (apparitions), and the great images of Mary in art. The final chapter introduces the international scope of Marian concerns in the world.

    Each chapter begins with an essential background for the material to be covered. The end of each chapter offers reflection questions, suggestions for further reading, and notes that give credit to various resources used.

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  • Spirit In Worship Worship In The Spirit


    The Spirit in Worship-Worship in the Spirit represents an essential contribution, from the field of liturgical studies, to the vibrant retrieval of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in contemporary theology. The fifteen authors of this volume are scholars and practitioners from a wide range of traditions, including Pentecostal and charismatic communities as well as voices from outside the modern West. Together they articulate a richly diverse understanding of the presence of the Holy Spirit, grounded both in the practice of worship and in the scholarly reflection that attends to this practice of faith.

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  • Divine Worship And Human Healing


    Would many believers consider a wake or funeral an act of worship? What does it mean to say that in anointing the sick or administering Viaticum to the dying humans are healed? Such questions plumb the biblical and traditional depths of the paschal mystery. Just as Jesus’ ministry at the social-religious margins revealed the center of his faith in God’s reign, so also the church’s ministry to sickness and death reveals much about the baptismal and eucharistic worship so central to its entire life.

    In Divine Worship and Human Healing Bruce Morrill turns to the rites serving the sick, dying, deceased, and grieving to show why sacramental liturgy is so fundamental to the life of faith. Readers will appreciate both his compelling narratives from actual pastoral experience and his engagement with biblical, theological, historical, and social-scientific resources. Morrill invites readers to discover how the liturgical ministry of healing discloses God’s merciful love amid communities of faith.

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  • Grammars Of Resurrection


    Drawing upon an array of resources-ranging from historical research to postmodern trends in philosophy and theology-this comprehensive study situates the resurrection at the center of theological reflection. A reclamation of the resurrection as the basic grammar for Christian theological self-understanding.

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  • Ignatian Way : Key Aspects Of Jesuit Spirituality


    Although many books have been written on Ignatian Spirituality, most focus on highly specific and scholarly details, rendering them too academic and specialized for the average reader. This book remedies this problem by compiling a more general guide to the basic aspects of Ignatian spirituality. Addressing everything from the life of St. Ignatius Loyola to his Spiritual Exercises to dealing with contemporary world issues in a Jesuit spirit, it offers a comprehensive yet conversational approach to Ignatian spirituality. Whether studying or teaching at a Jesuit school, seeking spiritual direction on a retreat, discerning a possible vocation to the Society of Jesus, or simply seeking more exposure to Ignatian spirituality, this book is an invaluable guide.

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  • Ministerial Priesthood In The Third Millennium


    Drawn from the main talks given at a Year of the Priest symposium at The Catholic University of America, Ministerial Priesthood in the Third Millennium explores the mystery of the priesthood in light of the Church’s theological and spiritual heritage.

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  • Handbook On Guadalupe


    This is the most authoritative, complete and up-to-date book on all the facts, history and devotion of the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It includes the latest research and contributions from numerous Guadalupe experts including Fr. Christopher Rengers, Dr. Charles Wahlig, Janet Barber, Fr. Martinus Cawley and many others. Articles on over 35 topics, both scholarly and popular, include the historical roots of Guadalupe, scientific studies of the tilma, miracles and conversions, and much more. It offers the most in-depth treatment available of the biblical, liturgical, sociological, historical and scientific evidence on the Image and Our Lady’s message for today. Includes many color photos.

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  • Frontiers In Catholic Feminist Theology


    What does it mean to be a Catholic woman with feminist commitments today, and what insights can be garnered from that context? In this first attempt in a generation at a collective framework for Catholic feminist theology, a group of theologians formulate a new contextual approach to and criteria for systematic theology and apply those insights as they tackle three key topics: Theological Anthropology, Christology, and Ecclesiology.

    Key to their endeavor is specific focus on contemporary discipleship, a special cricitcal methodology and relationship to the Catholic Christian tradition, and a specific sensitivity to academic and ecclesial hegemonies. The result in each case is an honest exploration of the tradition, a contextualization of the locus in the lives of women today, and an attempt at a constructive vision with which to move forward.

    Contributors: Susan Abraham, Rosemary Carbine, Teresa Delgado, Elizabeth Groppe, Jeanine Hill-Fletcher, Elena Procario-Foley, Michele Saracino, and Laura Taylor.

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  • Introduction To Theology In Global Perspective


    An exciting, comprehensive guide to doing theology as part of the Catholic ecclesial community in today’s global world.

    First, this is a book about doing theology, emphasizing not so much content but theology as an activity, a process. Second, this is a book about doing Catholic theology, that is to say anchored in Scripture but also as interpreted by ecclesial Tradition and Magisterium, theology rooted in the experience that the divine is to be found in a sacramental world and community. At a third level, Bevans describes systematic theology as reflection upon the central teachings of the church — creation, sin, redemption, Trinity, anthropology, salvation and eternal life, ecclesiology. And all this is done in the light of a fourth key insight, the contextual nature of theology, as it makes sense of life in a global world shot through with cultural and religious plurality.

    This book bears the hallmark of Bevans’s work and experience teaching and doing pastoral work on five continents, bringing together insights garnered over a lifetime.

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  • Medieval Exegesis Volume 3


    For many years, biblical scholars had been convinced that the middle ages was marked by a so-called pre-critical understanding of the Bible, with only a handful of isolated exceptions – like Andrew of St. Victor – popping up as precursors of the historical-critical method. Here, however, Henri de Lubac draws on extensive documentation that demonstrates that even among the Victorines the traditional exegesis involving an interplay between the literal and spiritual senses of Scripture is a constant throughout medieval exegesis. The one exception – a radically important one, de Lubac readily admits – was Joachim of Flora, whose doctrine is considered in the final chapter of this volume.

    This third volume of Fr. de Lubac’s Medieval Exegesis cover volume two, part one of his French volume and includes both the original Latin notes and an English version of the sources.

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  • Sacraments : An Interdisciplinary And Interactive Study


    What are the sacraments, really?

    For centuries, the religious lives of Catholics and other Christians have revolved around church rituals with generally accepted individual and social effects. What, precisely, are those effects, and how are they produced? Traditional theology used Greek philosophy to understand the sacraments and how they work. But is there no other way to understand them? In fact, there are a number of ways, and this book invites you to look at the sacraments through a variety of lenses: psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, theology, morality, and spirituality.

    As the introduction to this volume challenges, “If you read this book, and especially if you engage in the interactive study to which it invites you, your understanding of sacraments will be changed forever.”

    To help personalize your investigation, the author has created a web site with thought-provoking questions that encourage you to interact with the ideas being proposed in this volume.

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  • Desiring The Kingdom (Reprinted)


    Philosopher James K. A. Smith embarks on a journey to reshape the whole notion of Christian education in Desiring the Kingdom. This text is the first of three volumes that will ultimately provide a comprehensive theology of culture. The entire set will address crucial concerns in ontology, anthropology, epistemology, and political philosophy. Desiring the Kingdom focuses on the themes of liturgy and desire. The author contends–as did Augustine–that human beings are “desiring agents”; in other words, we are what we love. Postmodern culture is saturated with liturgy, but in places such as malls, stadiums, and universities. While these structures influence us, they do not point us to the best of ends. Smith aims to recover a worldview based on counter-formation to these secular liturgies. His ultimate purpose is to re-vision Christian education as a formative process and redirect us to the summum bonum (the highest good)–namely, God himself. Desiring the Kingdom will reach a wide audience; professors and students in courses on theology, culture, philosophy, and worldview will welcome this contribution. Pastors, ministers, and other church leaders will appreciate Desiring the Kingdom as well.

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  • Believing In Jesus (Revised)


    Leonard Foley wrote Believing in Jesus to help “born Catholics” come to a deeper understanding of the beliefs and practices they have held all their lives and to help those who approach the Catholic Church for the first time. He wrote, “I hope this book will help some scared and scarred people and challenge others.”

    Now in its sixth edition, the best-selling Believing in Jesus captures the Christian’s continuing journey of faith, ever new, ever alive-yet always founded on God’s steadfast love for us. In a lively style Foley covers the complete spectrum of the Catholic faith, leading the reader from early Old Testament times through a world starting over in Jesus, and looking ahead to the time when Jesus will come again and we will share fully in his life.

    This edition is updated to reflect the latest church documents and events and is cross-referenced to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Discussion questions will help readers to delve more deeply into the mysteries of the faith, and the expanded resources section provides ample opportunities for further exploration. Believing in Jesus is an indispensable guide to the faith we cherish.

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  • Creation And Scientific Creativity


    This work focuses on the close link joining science and religion, despite the differences between them. Through his study of modern science, theology, and history, Stanley Jaki showed that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive. The problems arise because of those ideologies which seek to eliminate God from the ultimate equation. Jaki highlighted the Christian origins of the modern natural sciences. He showed that the concept of the cosmos as both contingent and rational, together with the acceptance that God could work through secondary causes, provided the unique environment for the natural sciences to flourish, from the Middle Ages onwards. He explored the crucial role played by belief in creation out of nothing and in time, reinforced by faith in the Incarnation, in enabling this birth of science.

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  • Holy Ground : A Liturgical Cosmology


    Now available in paperback, Holy Ground illumines how the central symbols and interactions of Christian liturgy yield a new understanding and experience of the world and contribute to a refreshed sense of ecological ethics-a Christian sense of the holiness of the earth itself.

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  • Great Divide : Catholic Doctrine And Biblical Truth A Chronological History


    This book is a brief, chronological history of when and by whom, non-biblical ideas entered the Church and how those false ideas became official doctrines in what would emerge over the centuries as the Roman Catholic Church. These doctrines crystallized over the gradual abandonment of the exclusive authority of the Bible in the life of the Church by the establishment of doctrines based on human tradition. There is much pressure today by the Roman Catholic Church on Protestant Evangelicals of all persuasions, to set aside doctrinal differences and “evangelize together” so that the world will see a “united” Church. Yet the Bible clearly teaches that the Church of Jesus Christ is to be the pillar and foundation of the truth in the midst of society (1 Timothy 3:15). How can we abandon the truth for the sake of “unity” and think that we can actually accomplish God’s will for His Church. Does the truth really matter?

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  • Spirit And Life


    Spirit and Life: Interpreting the Bible in Ordinary Time is the newest book by well-known and respected scholar and author Scott Hahn. Published by Emmaus Road, these nine essays provide fresh insights into important biblical themes. Topics in this volume include:

    Scripture as God s symphony
    Pope Benedict s Scripture-based teaching on the person and prayer of Jesus
    The connection of Scripture, liturgy, and the Church
    The liturgical sense of God s Word
    The theme of fulfillment in Matthew s Gospel
    Church authority within a scriptural context
    A biblical approach to the Pentecostal phenomena
    A paradox? Christ as Majestic Judge vs. Christ as the Lamb
    Hahn shows that Scripture is not a dead letter but rather a great, living gift from God. Indeed, it is spirit and life to those who will unwrap and embrace it. Spirit and Life: Interpreting the Bible in Ordinary Time provides the reader with a greater appreciation of the Living Word.

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  • Wayfaring : A Gospel Journey In Everyday Life


    In this latest book from internationally best-selling author Margaret Silf, we are guided through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. With a nuanced understanding of Ignatian spiritually, Silf connects the structure of creation, incarnation, death, and resurrection to an experiential journey through the events and stories that are our map and compass for the route, whatever our tradition. Silf’s candid personal anecdotes, thoughtful reflection questions, and charming metaphors assist us on our own journeys of faith and prayer. This book is an ideal gift for fans of Ignatian spirituality, interfaith spiritual seekers, and lovers of Silf’s compelling prose.

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  • Ministry That Transforms


    Ministry is transformative action. As Christians, when we do something in service-engaging the needs of our sisters and brothers in the name of Jesus Christ-we minister for the reign of God. The Romero House volunteers, whose narratives undergird this volume, actively construct a theology of ministry while undergoing a powerful sense of personal transformation. In Ministry That Transforms, Kathleen McAlpin:

    Showcases the Romero House group and her program of Integration for Ministry that provides adult education and ministry formation
    Lays out a transformative Contemplative Theological Reflection Process leading to conversion, contemplation, and holiness through practice and dialogue
    Enlists Scripture, social justice concerns, and a cast of critical thinkers in the theology of ministry
    Anyone involved in ministry-whether in formation programs, in parishes, or in social justice activities-will welcome this creative, process-oriented framework for ministerial theology and faith development, a framework that is firmly grounded in the minister’s grassroots experience.

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  • Spiritual Writings Of Raphael Cardinal Merry Del Val


    Raphael, Cardinal Merry del Val, Secretary of State to Pope St. Pius X from 1903 to 1914, was born in the Spanish Embassy in London in 1865, the son of a distinguished Spanish diplomat. His father’s family was partly Irish, his mother’s part Spanish, part English. Brought up and educated in England, Merry del Val remained devoted to the cause of the conversion of England throughout his life – writing the prayer for this end which Pope Leo XIII included in his encyclical of 1895 to the English people, Amantissima Voluntatis. When Merry del Val had gone to Rome in 1885 to complete his studies for the priesthood, his potential was immediately recognized by Pope Leo XIII, who insisted that he be enrolled in the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy (for the formation of priests to serve in the papal diplomatic corps, or the Secretariat of State). Merry del Val spoke and wrote faultless Latin, English, Spanish, French, and Italian, while his studies at the Gregorian University and the Academia were to give him qualifications in theology, philosophy and canon law. He was ordained a priest in 1888.Cardinal Merry del Val also led a penitential, hidden life, and was a great director of souls, spending hours in the confessional, preaching retreats, receiving over forty converts into the Church in the period 1894-1904, and working tirelessly in the Sacred Heart Association he had founded for destitute boys in 1889, to protect and nurture souls.
    This collection of spiritual writings focuses on his labors as a shepherd of souls. The letters of direction he wrote to his penitents, converts and spiritual children demonstrate that he was a simple, practical, direct, and effective shepherd. These writings form a comprehensive guide to the spiritual life suitable to lay Catholics who are taking the call to personal holiness very seriously.

    Harriet Murphy taught modern languages at London, Dublin, Cork, and Warwick universities, publishing on Goethe and Elias Canetti, before she began research at the Secret Vatican Archives. A member of the Society of St. Pius X, the Society of St. Catharine of Siena, and the Latin Mass Society, she contributes to Christian Order and Mater Dei, specializing in the intersection between literature, theology, and politics.

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  • School Of Compassion


    In The School of Compassion, Deborah M. Jones engages with the Catholic Church’s contemporary attitude towards animals. This is the fullest sustained study of the subject in that faith tradition. It begins by exploring the history of the Church’s ideas about animals. These were drawn largely from significant readings of Old and New Testament passages and inherited elements of classical philosophies. Themes emerge, such as the renewal of creation in the apocryphal legends, in the Desert Fathers, and in Celtic monasticism. The spirituality of St Francis of Assisi, the legal status of animals, and liturgies of the Eastern Catholic Churches also shed light on the Church’s thinking. The British Catholic tradition – which is relatively favourable to animals – is considered in some detail. The second part of the book provides a forensic examination of the four paragraphs in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which relate particularly to animals. Finally, major contemporary issues are raised – stewardship, anthropocentrism, and gender – as well as key ethical theories. The revisits some teachings of Aquinas, and explores doctrinal teachings such as that of human beings created in the ‘image of God’, and, with a nod to the Orthodox Tradition, as the ‘priests of creation’. These help form a consistent and authentically Catholic theology which can be viewed as a school of compassion towards animals. The joy of this book is that it helps Catholic Christians to re-engage with the issue of animals by utilising the riches from within their own tradition….And what Dr Deborah Jones has discovered is a remarkably more complex, infinitely richer, and considerably more animal-friendly Catholic tradition than might be supposed by the usual caricatures. This book is the fullest systematic treatment of the moral status of animals within the Roman Catholic tradition. It is the result of painstaking scholarship, wide reading, and, most of all, insightful theological exploration. It builds on the work of others, like myself, and provides a stream of fresh perspectives on our lives with God’s other creatures. It is a deeply Catholic work, and I pray that it strikes a deep chord within the Catholic community here and overseas. Revd Professor Andrew Linzey Deborah M Jones is general secretary of the international organisation Catholic Concern for Animals and a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, with a doctorate in animal theology. She has also worked as editor of the

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  • Return To Rome (Reprinted)


    What does it mean to be evangelical? What does it mean to be Catholic? Can one consider oneself both simultaneously? Francis Beckwith has wrestled with these questions personally and professionally. He was baptized a Catholic, but his faith journey led him to Protestant evangelicalism. He became a philosophy professor at Baylor University and president of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). And then, in 2007, after much prayer, counsel, and consideration, Beckwith decided to return to the Catholic church and step down as ETS president.

    This provocative book details Beckwith’s journey, focusing on his internal dialogue between the Protestant theology he embraced for most of his adult life and Catholicism. He seeks to explain what prompted his decision and offers theological reflection on whether one can be evangelical and Catholic, affirming his belief that one can be both.

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  • Purgatory : Explained By The Lives And Legends Of The Saints (Reprinted)


    Purgatory Explained. You would never dream so much is known about Purgatory. Not only is the basic teaching of the Church given here, but also countless true stories of apparitions and revelations on Purgatory from the lives of St. Margaret Mary, St. Gertrude, St. Bridget of Sweden, the Cure of Ars, St. Lidwina of Schiedam, etc.

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  • American Indian Liberation


    How Eurocentric understandings of Jesus and God clash with American Indian worldviews-and how Christian Indians define themselves and their faith today.

    A leading Christian Indian theologian describes the oppression suffered by American Indians since the arrival of European colonists, whose worldview and attempts to convert the native population brought both literal and spiritual decimation. Not surprisingly, the methodology, language, and understandings of Christian beliefs of the colonists-and the majority society since the colonial period-largely failed to “Christianize” the native population, and indeed make Christianity incomprehensible to them.

    “‘What can the death of a man 2000 years ago possibly have to do with people who live today?’ Covered in black grease, my brother looked up from the engine of an old truck long enough to ask a serious theological question. He had been raised a Christian Indian, but had begun incorporating traditional spiritual practices, including the Sun Dance, back into his life for several years. . . . ‘Why do you dance?’ was the question I asked in return. . . His only reply as he dove back into the engine compartment was, ‘Oh!… Yeah.'”

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  • Theology Brewed In An African Pot


    Offers an intriguing introduction to Christian doctrine from an African perspective.

    Using a framework of excerpts from Chinua Achebe’s seminal novel, Things Fall Apart, the author introduces the major themes of Christian doctrine: God, Trinity, creation, grace and sin, Jesus Christ, church, Mary, the saints, inculturation, and spirituality. While explaining basic Christian beliefs, Theology Brewed in an African Pot also clarifies the differences between an African view of religion and a more Eurocentric understanding of religion.

    Accessible and engaging to students and specialists alike, each of the eleven short chapters ends with three discussion questions followed by one or two African prayers.

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  • Mystery And Destiny Of The Church


    The history of salvation revealed. This remarkable book explores the reality of God’s loving intervention in creation and illuminates His millennia-long plan for redeeming it. Sister Rosena Marie takes the Church’s founding and structure, its sacraments and its teachings, and the evangelistic mission it carries out unto this day, and explains the part they play in God’s plan for our salvation.

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  • Inklings Of Heaven


    The author explores and systematizes the eschatology of C.S. Lewis and subjects it to theological scrutiny. Although there are many books on Lewis, there are few that make a rigorous and critical assessment of his theology, and none-until now-that examine his eschatology in depth.

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  • Mary Of The Celts


    Breeze offers an indispensable guide to Marian iconography in Celtic Britain and Ireland in this thorough study of Celtic Marian poetry.

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  • Spiritual Freedom : Gods Life Changing Gift


    “Be men and women of freedom! But remember: Human freedom is a freedom wounded by sin. It is a freedom which itself needs to be set free. Christ is its liberator.” – John Paul II, from the introduction

    No matter where you are on your journey of faith, God wants you to be freer. “There is always more freedom, more grace, more forgiveness, more mercy, more God,” Father Dave Pivonka says.

    But can you be freer than you already are? Maybe you’re in a position to do whatever you want, whenever you want, the common definition of freedom. Maybe you’ve tried to free yourself from bad habits, had no luck and decided to accept the status quo. Maybe you want greater freedom but can’t quite get there. Maybe you feel like God has given up on you and freedom is the least of your concerns.

    This book not only defines the true nature of freedom, it also gives you the practical tools you need to achieve the conversion, healing and restoration that God has for you.

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  • Hospitality And The Other


    Yong shows what happens when the revolutionary practices of Jesus and the early church are applied to Christian relations with persons of other faiths.

    Building careful Biblical scholarship and insights into the practices of Jesus and the early church, launched on the day of Pentecost, Amos Yong: (1) shows that the religious “other” is not a mere object for conversion in the Scriptures but a neighbor to whom hospitality must be extended and from whom Christians should be open to receiving hospitality; and (2) argues that the practices of the Christian community must reflect this insight if they are to be faithful to the trinitarian God of Jesus Christ.

    In a book that will be pivotal in the shift to a new paradigm of theology of religion, interreligious interchange, and missionary theory and practice, this subversive case is all the more impressive in not reducing Christian theological categories to modern, scholarly vogues. Instead, he shows how contemporary practice needs to catch up with the revolutionary Biblical notion of extending hospitality beyond every boundary of faith, nation, and ethnicity.

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  • Faith In History And Society


    This now classic book presented on the 30th anniversary of its first appearance is universally acknowledged as the great classic of Metz’s remarkable career, and indeed of all political theology. It is presented here in a new translation with an extensive study guide for readers and teachers.

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