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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 251–300 of 427 results

  • King Sauls Asking


    Who should lead us? Who should we, as a community, look to for guidance? These questions, as old as humankind, followed the Israelite community upon their return from the Exile: Should they return with Davidic kingship or without it? Their answer was King Saul. Reading Israel’s first king as a riddle or the epitome of Israel’s experience with kingship, King Saul’s Asking explores the characterization of the figure Saul, the question of the apparent silence of God, the multiple complexities of responsibility for kingship, and the readers’ opportunities for transformation. It provides a new approach to the Old Testament, supplying the reader with not only an in-depth character study but also an interesting, insightful read, and opportunity for transformation.

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  • Communion With Non Catholic Christians


    How should a Catholic pastor respond to non-Catholics who wish to have Communion without conveying harshness, scrupulosity, legalism, or rudeness? Intended to help Christians recognize the present provisional norms and to seek new possibilities in eucharistic sharing. Communion with Non-Catholic Christians examines the risks, challenges, and opportunities involved in the admission of Communion to non-Catholic Christians.

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  • Targum Of Canticles


    Written in the eighth century, C.E. Targum Canticles offers one of the classic interpretations of the Song of Songs. In the relationship between the bridegroom and the bride in the Song, with its rhythm of communion, estrangement and reconciliation, the Targumist discovers allegorical history of God’s relationship to Israel from the first exodus from Egypt, to the final exodus from exile when the Messiah comes. The Targum of Canticles was one of the Song of Songs as the special reading for Passover. It was adapted in the medieval and early modern periods by Christian scholars who saw in the Song a cryptic history of Christ’s relationship to the Church. Targum Caticles has played a central role in the interpretation of one of the most puzzling books of the Bible.

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  • Christianity With An Asian Face


    11 Chapters

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    Drawing on the twin themes of liberation and inculturation, Peter Phan explicates a new theology forged in the cauldron of the encounter between two vastly different cultures. He devotes particular attention to the meaning of Christ for Asian Americans and the emergence of new christological titles Jesus as Eldest Son and Ancestor.
    Phan also explores his personal roots to sketch the contours for Vietnamese American theology, an expression of faith caught between the Dragon and the Eagle.

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  • Wounded Innocence : Sketches For A Theology Of Art


    What is the theological significance of art? Why has the Church always encouraged the arts? What is so profoundly human about the arts? In A Wounded Innocence Alejandro R. Garcia-Rivera answers these questions in a series of “sketches” that are mixed spiritual and theological reflections on various works of art written in a poetic style. These reflections explore the relationship between the multi-dimensional spiritual and the arts.

    The first “sketch,” “The Beginning of Art,” introduces the rest that go on to explore further the human, artistic, and theological implications of a wounded innocence. Each “sketch” reflects on a particular human work of art. Some are conventional works of art. Others may never find their way into a museum but, then, that is one of the implications coming out of this book. A museum does not define what a work of art is, its human depth does. In these deeply studied yet spiritually written reflections on each work of art, it is hoped that the reader will find his and her own creative depth described, perhaps even revealed.

    A Wounded Innocence is both inspiring and informative. Readers will learn about art, spirituality, and theology, and will find themselves inspired to look at works of art, and even to produce a work of art. It sets a new way of doing theology that is at the same time spiritual. More importantly, Garcia-Rivera describes a theology of art.

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  • Catholicism In The Third Millennium Second Edition (Reprinted)


    What is Catholicism? And where is the Catholic Church headed in the third millennium? These two questions provide the structure for Thomas Rausch’s Catholicism in the Third Millennium. Here Rausch combines a faithful presentation of the tradition with a critical theological reflection and interpretation of where the Church is today and where it might be moving.
    Catholicism in the Third Millennium offers an appreciation of the forces and movements that have shaped, and continue to influence, the ongoing change and development of Roman Catholicism. Chief among these is the influence of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) in reshaping Catholicism.

    This revised edition includes updated text from Rausch’s Catholicism at the Dawn of the Third Millennium particularly the final chapter on “The Unfinished Agenda” of Vatican II. Each chapter concludes with focus questions developed by Catherine E. Clifford of St. Paul’s University, Ottawa. This experience of guided reading provides readers with a broad survey of Roman Catholic faith and practice in its contemporary context.

    For readers who wish to compare particular passages of this volume with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, an outline is provided in an appendix, with references to the appropriate sections of the Catechism. A second appendix offers a glossary of terms used in the book, while a third appendix lists a number of basic works for further investigation of Catholic faith and life.

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  • Pontius Pilate : Portraits Of A Roman Governor


    Pontius Pilate examines the portraits of this Roman governor found in the Gospels. Unlike some discussions of Pilate, this one takes Pilate’s role as governor and representative of Roman imperial power seriously. It views Pilate predominantly as a strong, efficient, and astute governor, not as a weak and indecisive man, pressured into killing Jesus against Pilate’s convictions. The conclusion considers some of the ethical and theological issues the scenes involving Pilate raise for contemporary readers.

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  • Sacred Encounters With Jesus


    Sacred Encounters with Jesus is a discerning and comprehensive account of how people still experience Christ today. What is surprising to me is that no one has previously taken the trouble to collect and explain the meaning of these experiences. This fascinating book conveys a wealth of both religious and psychological wisdom.” –From the Foreword by Morton Kelsey The nature of these sacred encounter experiences is that Jesus heals and transforms people just as he ministered to his brokenhearted and defeated disciples. The reader will enter into the miraculous experience of the terminally ill girl who was healed by Jesus’ touch after her parents had already said their final good-byes, will share the shock of a psychotherapist who turned to see Jesus walking beside her one day, and will feel the incredulous wonder of a woman who reached up and touched Jesus’ hair as he knelt beside her and prayed. These experiences raise the possibility that some people will readily accept and others will summarily dismiss-that Jesus can be experienced as directly and as personally today as when he walked the earth 2,000 years ago.

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  • Toward A Christian Theology Of Religious Pluralism


    The results from a lifetime of study, reflection and experience in both Europe and Asia is this comprehensive examination of Christian theological understandings of world religious pluralism.

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  • Doing Local Theology


    Clemens Sedmak’s Doing Local Theology, presents the construction of “local theologies” as an enterprise that is not just for Latin Americans, Asians, or Africans. Nor just for theologians. Instead, it is the art of thinking theologically about any local church and implementing a process that grounds people intentionally and aesthetically in the deepest Christian dimensions of their daily lives. This book is beautifully written and will become a standard in courses on method in theology, foundations of ministry, and adult discussion groups. Theologizing, in Sedmak’s terms, is reflection on people’s everyday world, on everyday occurrences, and on local realities. Most of all, he shows how the everyday is where people encounter God in their relationships with one another, their larger communities, and the very physical environment we live in. If Robert Schreiter’s monumental Constructing Local Theologies provides theoretical underpinning on the nature of local theologies, Clemens Sedmak shows that it is an art in which people learn to understand themselves and find full freedom as God’s daughters and sons.

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  • Truth Of Catholicism


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060937584ISBN10: 0060937580George WeigelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2002Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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  • Scripture Documents : An Anthology Of Official Catholic Teachings


    In order to promote the Church’s ongoing efforts “to share the boundless riches of the divine Word with the faithful entrusted to its care” (Dei Verbum 25), The Scripture Documents reproduces in one volume key documents that record Catholic teaching on the interpretation of the Bible.

    Intended as a reference work, this collection of conciliar, papal, and curial documents on sacred Scripture includes for each official document a brief historical introduction that facilitates a contextual understanding of each document, a running annotation, and a select bibliography of available commentaries and related works.

    Like the Canon of Scriptures itself, this collection includes various kinds of documents authored by different Roman ecclesiastical authorities within the Church’s Teaching Office and expressed in several different literary forms. Each document addresses issues and problems peculiar to the historical situation in which it was written.

    The Scripture Documents provides easy access to those official documents that record some of the Church’s efforts to promote and guide the study of the Bible among the faithful. The teaching these instructions convey is helpful for all who seek to read and interpret the Scriptures in the light of faith.

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  • Never Said A Mumbalin Word


    This powerful Lenten devotional is drawn from an ethos forged by the iron grip of sorrow and suffering. Welcome to a spiritual journey through Lent and Holy Week that will lead you to the God who loves us beyond all human understanding. Meditations and spiritual exercises will enrich and empower your faith as you encounter the Christ who suffered and died, and who seeks to live in and with you.

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  • Cry Of Jesus Crucified And Forsaken


    An analysis of the development of the concept of communion throughout the Second Vatican Council

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  • Aquinas And His Role In Theology


    In Aquinas and His Role in Theology, Marie Dominique Chenu provides a lively and representative overview of the life and writings of the thirteenth-century theologian whom many consider to be the greatest master of Catholic religious thought. A rich explanation of the prolific and versatile books of Aquinas follows the story of his life’Sjourney through the heart of Europe in the high Middle Ages. Chenu also portrays the religious and spiritual personality of Aquinas, showing how his typically systematic theology is rooted in personal contemplative roots and a passion for pastoral preaching.

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  • Catholic Spirituality : Its History And Challenge


    Offers a historical survey of the influence of theology on spirituality, followed by commentaries on practical links between spirituality and theology.

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  • Confession : Doorway To Forgiveness


    SKU (ISBN): 9781570753862ISBN10: 1570753865Jim ForestBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2002Publisher: Orbis Books

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  • Problem With Evil Of The Western Tradition


    While others have contributed tomes and volumes on the history of Evil, Kelly covers much ground in much fewer pages. An ample bibliography will direct the curious to more in depth study, while readers who prefer a lighter treatment (albeit a meticulously researched and well-written one) will experience a wealth of information packed between these covers.
    Delineating between “Evil” and “evils”, the author starts the tour in the Book of Job and follows literary, religious and philosophical strands through to the biotech ambiguities of the early 21st century. He draws a picture of how the ancient peoples of Mesopotamia viewed Evil by examining myths similar to biblical texts along with biblical references to Satan. And, by gleaning from both Christian and non-religious writings, he shows how these have formed the idea of Evil in the collective conscience. The final chapters illuminate modern theories and approaches to Evil, and the book culminates with the author’s own reflection on what he believes Evil to be.

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  • Intercession : A Theological And Practical Guide


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561011155ISBN10: 1561011150Ormonde PlaterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Mystical Portrait Of Jesus


    The poetic and symbolic nature of John’s gospel betrays the weakness of historical-critical and other “scientific” methods of scriptural exegesis: Although valuable for the insights they do provide, scientific methods are not sensitive to the spiritual dimensions of biblical revelation.

    Father Dumm therefore offers something more than the traditional chapter-and-verse commentary. Understanding that all of the gospels were written after the resurrection and, consequently, that the passion narrative greatly influenced how the earlier chapters were composed, Father Dumm gives more prominence to the climax of the career of Jesus: his passion, death, and resurrection. By beginning “at the end,” Father Dumm uncovers the guiding principle of this gospel. In the process he makes some surprising discoveries about the dangers of religious ritual but finds remedy for these dangers in the importance of personal mystical experience within the context of a believing community.

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  • Dynamics Of Theology


    The award-winning author of Jesus Symbol of God here introduces the discipline of theology. Jesuit Haight provides the fundamental grounds for retrieval of traditional doctrine in new interpretations that bear upon our life in the world today.

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  • On Being Human


    Offers an overview of the fundamental themes of Hispanic theology and relates it to Catholic tradition. First Diaz presents basic understandings of the theological anthropology developed by Elizondo (mestizaje), Goizueta (accompaniment), Espin (popular religion), Isasi-Diaz (struggle), Garcia-Rivera, (“creatureliness”) Pilar Aquino (patriarchy) and Sixto Garcia (relationality). He then shows how Rahners understandings of sin, grace, salvation, and the human person mesh with Hispanic theology.

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  • Knowing The Triune God A Print On Demand Title


    This important book shows that a true and complete understanding of God’s triune nature is inseparable from participation in the practices of the Christian community. Written by a diverse group of respected Catholic and evangelical scholars, these engaging chapters explore such Christian practices as the use of the Bible, the sacraments, prayer, and hospitality, showing how participation in these communal activities gives rise to knowledge of God. A perceptive work intended for readers from every Christian tradition, Knowing the Triune God has important implications for contemporary church unity.

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  • Catholic Way : Faith For Living Today


    In The Catholic Way, Bishop Donald Wuerl, bishop of Pittsburgh and chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Education, has offered up an accessible, easy-to-use blueprint to the Catholic Church’s most recent catechism, a detailed summary of Catholic thought compiled by a commission of church cardinals and bishops in 1992.
    What will you find when you open the Catechism of the Catholic Church?

    Basically, you will find what Jesus Christ came to teach and what the Church, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit over twenty centuries, has nurtured, applied, and articulated — the Catholic faith.

    Wuerl’s guide makes for an excellent companion piece when consulting the catechism’s vast array of church positions and its sometimes intimidating language. The Catholic Way is a teaching guide that expands on portions of the catechism with valuable insights, discussions, and reflections.

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  • Living Well And Dying Well


    SKU (ISBN): 9781580511087ISBN10: 1580511082MaryEllen O’BrienBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2001Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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  • What Faith Is Not


    SKU (ISBN): 9781580511032ISBN10: 1580511031Mitch FinleyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2001Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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  • Earth Revealing Earth Healing


    The damage human beings are doing to the atmosphere, the seas, the rivers, the land, and the life- forms of the planet is extreme and deadly. It constitutes a crisis that demands all of humanity’s wisdom, ingenuity, and commitment. The whole human community needs to be involved in the response to this crisis-young and old, women and men, farmers, politicians, gardeners, teachers, planners, scientists, engineers, artists, builders, cooks, and theologians. In Earth Revealing-Earth Healing, the authors attempt to make clear the way in which Christian theology opens out into a theology of Earth revealing and challenges us towards a practice of Earth healing.

    Earth Revealing-Earth Healing offers a rethinking of theology as a significant part of the rethinking that the human community must do in its stance toward creation. Aware that some theological attitudes have contributed to exploitative attitudes and to disregard for the good of the planet, the contributors are also convinced that the biblical and theological tradition has resources that can be retrieved and developed as an ecological theology. Such a theology can contribute to the healing of our planet.

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  • Hildegard Of Bingen


    Hildegard of Bingen: An Integrated Vision shows that Hildegard’s opus was filled with balance, unity, and a stress on the Gospel-a life and work that served as an inspiration and a challenge for the twelfth century and now for us at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
    Hildegard of Bingen: An Integrated Vision considers Hildegard as a whole person and places her within her own century and context. It accents what makes her such a compelling figure for the modern reader while retaining the integrity of her peerless voice. It also serves as an introduction to Hildegard and a resource for simplistic interpretations of a complex and gifted woman whose legacy is a multitude of works.

    The first chapter explains Hildegard’s mystical polyphony by exploring the forces which shaped Hildegard’s development throughout her life, stressing her historical context, personal history, and the setting in which she lived and wrote. Chapter two explores her mystical polyphony in the explicitly visionary theological works: the Scivias, the Liber vitae meritorum, and the De operatione Dei. The third chapter considers Hildegard’s musical vision in depth. Chapter four explores her non-visionary works, including the “unknown language,” the lingua ignota; her lives of the saints and founders; and her commentaries and theories about the natural world, linked to her cosmology. Chapter five looks at Hildegard’s prophetic gifts and voice. It examines her relationships with others: in the communities in which she lived and governed, “in the world” by correspondence or encounter, in her encounters with authority, and in her claim to be an authority in her own right.

    King-Lenzmeier concludes with such questions as What makes Hildegard unique as a mystic, and what does she share with others? and How is Hildegard’s mystical journey a paradigm for other mystical journeys? She draws forth the major elements that integrate Hildegard’s life and work and indicates in what way she is an example for other mystics who share her polyphonic character and spiritual path. The final chapter demonstrates Hildegard’s uniqueness among the mystics while presenting the universal appeal of her mysticism.

    By considering all of Hildegard’s talents, works, and trials Hildegard of Bingen: An Integrated Vision shows the depth of the challenge she presents to us. She calls us to look beyond the everyday, but to value it at the same time; to challenge our preconceived notions of gender in the div

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  • People Of The Covenant


    The fourth book in Sheed & Ward’s popular Come & See Series, People of the Covenant is a highly accessible and

    fascinating introduction to the Old Testament that reveals the text as anything but old. Sister Bergant sets the stage with a brief introduction to the First Testament itself, the world and religion of ancient Israel, and the Covenant between God and the Israelites. Then, in a unique presentation, she invites readers to explore the text through the lens of the people who populate it. Here we learn about the relationship between God and his people from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Joshua, Deborah, David, Solomon, Moses, Isaiah, Aaron, Zadok, Woman Wisdom, Job, Ruth, and many more. In the process we learn the history and

    relevance of ancient Israel while learning about the ancestors, judges, kings, prophets, priests, wise ones, mysterious figures,

    rebels, lovers, and healers who bring the First Testament to life and lay the foundation for the New, or Second Testament.

    Discussion questions, a concluding summary, and ideas for further reading make this a perfect book for contemporary

    Christians and all students of the Bible.

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  • As Leaven In The World


    Envision Catholicism as a cultural force that shapes morality, the arts, creativity, cultural conversation, social justice, spirituality, and vocation.

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  • God As Communion


    God as Communion explores ancient and new meanings of the symbol of God as Trinity and brings the Christian traditions of West and East into dialogue. Through an exploration of the works of two contemporary theologians, John Zizioulas and Elizabeth Johnson, Patricia Fox retrieves this central Christian symbol and uncovers its transforming power for the Church and world today.

    God as Communion shows how both Zizioulas and Johnson, from their very different theological traditions and starting points, provide a rich understanding of the symbol of the Triune God. Fox proposes we reclaim that doctrine of the Trinity as an eminently practical doctrine that challenges Christians and the Christian Churches to transforming changes in this new century.

    Part one examines the trinitarian theology of John Zizioulas, which focuses on the formative and seminal period of the first centuries of Christianity. Part two examines Elizabeth Johnson’s exploration of the mystery of the triune God in feminist theological discourse. Part three brings the trinitarian theologies of John Zizioulas and Elizabeth Johnson into a mutually critical correlation. Fox concludes that the respective theologies of Zizioulas and Johnson together provide a rich resource for the retrieval of this ancient Christian symbol.

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  • Work Of Love


    The development of kenotic ideas was one of the most important advances in theological thinking in the late twentieth century. Now a diverse group of acknowledged experts brought together by the Templeton Foundation presents a stimulating interdisciplinary evaluation of these controversial ideas.

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  • Introducing Feminist Theology


    Introducing Feminist Theology responds to the questions What is feminist theology? and Why is it important? by considering the perspectives of women from around the globe who have very diverse life experience and relationships to God, Church and creation. Clifford introduces the major forms of feminist theology: radical, reformist, and reconstructionist, and highlights some of their specific characteristics.

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  • Church Unity And The Papal Office A Print On Demand Title


    Church Unity and the Papal Office provides the first theological and ecumenical response to Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Ut Unum Sint (“That All May Be One”). Scholars representing Anglican, Orthodox, Lutheran, Methodist, and Evangelical churches offer fresh perspectives on this pivotal document calling for a “patient and fraternal dialogue” concerning the ministry of the papal office in the service of church unity.

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  • Gift Of Being


    In view of the critical environmental problems confronting the modern world, reflection on the nature and meaning of the world and on humanity’s place in it becomes increasingly important. While Christian theology has done this for centuries, the present situation calls for a serious rethinking of many issues in the light of contemporary physics, biology, and cultural history. The Gift of Being presents insights of the sciences in a way that is helpful for Christians today.

    Creation theology helps believers come to a stronger sense of their own identity as they come to an awareness of the world. This enables them to gain a deeper insight into how they ought to relate to that world if they wish to find meaning in their lives. This state of being requires a willingness to distinguish between the medium and the message in approaching the Scriptures. It also requires a willingness to take the sciences seriously.

    In The Gift of Being, Hayes focuses on traditional questions of creation, but also comments on where science is with creation, anthropology, and destiny. He begins by discussing the relation between faith and reason, and hence between theology and science, from a historical perspective, moving to the most current statements of modern Popes. He follows with a summary statement of the possible retrieval of the biblical religious insights that can be distinguished from the physical worldview that stands behind much of the biblical material. This allows for a discussion of the traditional concept of creation from nothing in the form of a conversation with contemporary physics. He then discusses the Christian idea of God as the primal mystery of creative love from whom all of creation flows. With these foundational ideas in place, Hayes looks at such questions as the origin of humanity and the failure of humanity throughout history. He then focuses on the tradition of cosmic Christology. Finally, the theological issues of the final outcome of God’s creation and its history is discussed against the background of the current scientific projections of a future for the cosmos.

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  • Monastic Hours : Directory For The Celebration Of The Work Of God And Direc (Rep


    The liturgical prayer of the Church, and the monastic experience of it, constitutes a theological and spiritual value which is the legacy of all Christians. In The Monastic Hours, Anne M. Field, O.S.B., provides an accessible aid not only to the monastics of men’s and women’s Benedictine monasteries, but also to the oblates and friends of these communities to assist them in understanding the significance of the monastic Liturgy of the Hours.

    In 1977 the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship approved a series of recommendations that ensured that the praying of the monastic Office would be in keeping with the norms of the Council and the Rule of St. Benedict, as well as with tradition and contemporary needs. These recommendations were published in 1981 as the Directory for the Celebration of the Work of God, along with a parallel document known as the Directive Norms for the Celebration of the Monastic Liturgy of the Hours. These documents are republished for wide distribution here in a second edition that includes updated text, a new foreword by Abbot Primate Marcel Rooney, O.S.B., and a new introduction by Ruben M. Leikam, O.S.B.

    This publication of the documents presents the theological and celebrative element of the monastic Liturgy of the Hours. Together, these documents will encourage many to love and savor the prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours. In that way they may promote a living and fruitful celebration, thus fulfilling the two-fold purpose of all liturgical action: the sanctification of men and women and the glorification of God.

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  • I See Satan Fall Like Lightning


    SKU (ISBN): 9781570753190ISBN10: 1570753199Rene GirardBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2001Publisher: Orbis Books

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  • Theology Of Priesthood


    By engaging in conversation with those whose experience, perspectives, and theological traditions vary from their own, the contributors to The Theology of Priesthood explore in detail the fundamental questions being asked about the ordained priesthood today. Priests, deacons, and students of theology will find these articles an engaging means to understanding Church, ministry, and priesthood more deeply.

    The Theology of Priesthood includes ten essays that explore facets of ordained ministry and the ministerial priesthood. Paul Philibert, O.P., begins with an overview of issues involved in the contemporary discussion on priesthood within the Roman Catholic tradition. Frank Quinn, O.P., addresses the significance of language as it pertains to priesthood and ministry and how language is manifested in rites of ordination. Thomas O’Meara, O.P., situates the discussion on priesthood within the context of an expansion of ministry in the Church since Vatican II and the implications of this expansion for ministry in the future.

    Stephen DeLeers articulates a theology of priesthood grounded in Vatican II and post-Vatican II documents which focuses on the primacy of preaching. Thomas Rausch, S.J., then takes up the issue of diversity within ministerial priesthood as he reflects on priesthood within the context of apostolic religious life. Jack Risley, O.P., returns to the question of the relationship between ordained ministry and lay ministry.

    The final three articles reflect on ordained ministry from distinctive perspectives. Benedict Ashley, O.P., takes the Letter to the Hebrews as his starting point. Paul Wesche looks at priesthood through the lens of an Eastern Orthodox priest. Donald Goergen, O.P., asks what insights African theology, specifically African Christology, might offer a contemporary Catholic theology of priesthood. Paul Philibert, O.P., provides a concluding reflection.

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  • Primary Sources Of Liturgical Theology


    The voices of liturgical theology in the twentieth century are many and varied. Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology brings together in one volume the representative writings of scholars throughout the Euro-North American context whose insights have shaped our understanding of liturgy today.

    The selections in Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology are arranged around nine seminal questions which students of liturgical theology need to engage. Each selection is introduced and contextualized by another liturgical theologian. Through this first-hand encounter with primary sources readers will develop a sense of the broad range of writings available to them.

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  • Worship In The Name Of Jesus


    Operating System: Windows 95 Windows NT Windows 2000
    Printed Manual: Unknown
    Online Help: Unknown
    Sound available: Yes
    Multi-user: No

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  • Holy Trinity Perfect Community


    In a series of clear, short chapters, Leonardo Boff unpacks the mysteries of Trinitarian faith, showing why it makes a difference to believe that God is communion rather than solitude. Instead of God as solitary ruler standing above a static universe, Christian belief in the Trinity means that at the root of everything there is movement, an eternal process of life, outward movement, and love.

    Boff shows how the Holy Trinity is, among other things, the image of the perfect community and the image of the church in its ideal form: not a hierarchy of power, but a community of diverse gifts and functions.

    Ideal for study or personal reflection.

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  • Medieval Exegesis Volume 2


    The famous Jesuit cardinal sought to revitalize Catholic theology by studying patristic thought. This volume probes the intricate meanings of fourfold allegory.

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  • Jesus In Solidarity With His People


    Many men and women have already made the prayerful discovery that the experience of solidarity with one another and the search for God are mysteriously linked. Reiser states that the word “solidarity” provides a contemporary key to understanding Mark’s message about Jesus’ life and mission.

    The Bible repeatedly demonstrates that the story of God entails the story of God’s people, especially the poor and defenseless ones among them; and the history of God’s people becomes the story of Israel’s God. One cannot adequately understand the interior life of Jesus without taking into account the life of the people of God in its social, cultural, political, and religious dimensions. Jesus lived and died in solidarity with his people: He died for them because he had lived for them.

    In Jesus in Solidarity with His People Reiser examines important questions that Mark raises, questions that bear heavily on adult Christian spirituality. He demonstrates that what is of importance in reading and understanding Mark’s Gospel is not our mindfulness of how much God loves the people but our knowledge of how deeply we love the people of God. It is our love for the world that is required to bring this gospel, this good news of Christ risen, this Easter story, to life.

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  • Soliloquies : Augustines Inner Dialogue (Reprinted)


    This book is a work in the early life of Augustine, shortly after his conversion, which contains all the seeds contained in his future writings, especially the notion of the inner teacher. In this work, we see Augustine as a philosopher, a thinker, a budding theologian. We also see him as a person preparing for baptism, shedding the “old man” and putting on the new one, reaching for the God of truth for whom he had searched for many years. It is his prayer to our God of love and mercy.

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  • On Human Being


    When the author of the widely acclaimed Roots of Christian Mysticism thinks about human nature, its challenges, problems, joys and fulfillment, he does so with originality. At the same time, his thought is rooted in the experience of the early Christian centuries. The result is a book that sees humanity in fundamentally spiritual terms.

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  • Holy City : Jerusalem In The Theology Of The Old Testament


    For millions of believers, Jerusalem is one of the world’s holiest cities. Pilgrims from three major religions-Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, each of which is heir to Old Testament theological tradition-flock to Jerusalem where many of their most sacred memories are centered. This study of ancient Israel’s sacred literature on the topic of Jerusalem is not a speculative exercise. It is a subject of immediate relevance to both the religious and political realities of present-day Jerusalem.

    The Scriptures inspired by ancient Israel’s priests, prophets, and sages provide the foundation for the status of Jerusalem in today’s three monotheistic religions. In The Holy City, Father Hoppe explores how the various theological traditions in the Hebrew Bible, apocrypha, and selected pseudepigrapha present Jerusalem. In closing he discusses how early Judaism dealt with the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70.

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  • Que Usted Debe Saber Sobre El – (Spanish)


    Explora el uso practico del Catecismo para el salon de clase, los estudios privados, la iniciacion de adultos, y otros grupos.

    Explains the basic theology of the Catechism and gives a description of its history, format, and layout.

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  • Exercises Of Saint Ignatius Loyola In The Western Tradition


    The Exercises of St. Ignatius draws on rediscovered materials, as well as on extensive familiarity with the Western spriritual tradition, to explore Ignatian spirituality’s indebtednes to the tradition, as well as its departure from it.

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  • Wisdom Has Built Her House


    Wisdom Has Built Her House brings together for the first time the collected studies of Silvia Schroer on the biblical figure of Sophia, divine Wisdom.

    Schroer presents a differentiated image of Wisdom as female, creator, teacher, prophet, beloved, and more. In Wisdom Has Built Her House Schroer portrays Wisdom as a cosmic ordering principle, as universal architect, and as mediator of all scientific knowledge. Schroer also inquires about the contexts of these writings: about feminine wisdom and women’s roles after the Babylonian exile, about the goddess traditions behind the idea of Sophia, and about their significance within a monotheistic symbol system. Schroer then follows the tradition of God imaged as Wisdom to the time of the Jesus- movement and the first Christian communities.

    Teachers, students, and those looking for a well-reasoned study of personified Wisdom-and reasons for reinvisioning our own images of God-will find this in Wisdom Has Built Her House.

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  • Theology And The Arts


    Using examples from music, pictorial art and rhetoric, this book explores different aspects of the ways that art enters into theology and theology into art, both in pastoral practice (liturgical music, sacred art and preaching) and in the realm of systematic reflection, where, the author contends, art must be recognized as a genuine theological text.

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