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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 351–400 of 427 results

  • How To Survive Being Married To A Catholic


    A lighthearted but honest look at Catholic attitudes, beliefs, and practices for those involved in an interfaith marriage.

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  • Saintly Celebrations And Holy Holidays


    Inside are many “pick-and-choose” ways to create heartfelt and fun family memories for every month of the year. Every idea is practical and possible–and has been family-tested for fun and excitement.

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  • Imaging The Divine


    Jesuit scholar, Lloyd Baugh, extends the fascination of artists throughout the ages with the person of Jesus Christ to contemporary cinema, tracing the treatment filmakers have given Jesus from the early days of the medium up to the present day.

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  • Trinity


    Usually considered the finest Catholic theologian in the 20th century, Rahner has written a succinct, pithy account of the mystery of God—divine self-disclosure, the relationship between oikonomia and theologia, the economic and immanent Trinity—which has been highly influential.

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  • Christology As Narrative Quest


    In exploring these questions Michael Cook maintains in Christology as Narrative Quest the primacy and centrality of narrative in communicating the significance of Jesus Christ, and demonstrates ways in which “narrative” in four faith images has played a role in the shaping of ChristoloThese forms and their texts are: biblical (the Gospel of Mark); creedal (the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed); systematic (Aquinas’ Summa theologiae ); and social transformat(the “story” of Mexican-Americans.) All of these images are ways of using narrative imagery to connect idea and experience.

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  • Towards An African Narrative Theology


    Reflects what traditional proverbs used in Christian catechetical, liturgical, and ritual contexts reveal about Tanzanian appropriations of and interpretations of Christianity.

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  • Let Ministry Teach


    Relating theology to the practice of ministry is one of the most elusive goals in pastoral training. Drawing upon seventeen years of experience in theology, Doctor Kinast describes a step-by-step approach to help students and experienced ministers learn what their ministry teaches. Through examples, practical suggestions, and principles grounded in process theology, readers of Let Ministry Teach explore the full range of resources needed for meaningful theological reflection.

    Let Ministry Teach strikes a clear balance between a very broad and detailed presentation of a theological reflection method so that it is neither too simplistic nor too hard to handle. Each chapter describes a fundamental step in the method with the help of an illustration and commentary. Chapters conclude with a list of practical suggestions and a short description of the theoretical background and its main points.

    The challenge of theological reflection is to keep theology in the authentic experience of God’s presence in our midst. Let Ministry Teach places this reflection in context: in a small group-where it works best; as a meaningful experience-one that has an impact, and initiates discussion; as a faith-theological perspective reflecting on experience from many points of view; as a practical outcome where a person is in a better position to guide events according to one’s beliefs; and as a continuous process-a skill which must be practiced.

    In Let Ministry Teach, Doctor Kinast develops a successful way of doing theological reflection, which includes: selecting an experience-focusing on the meaningful moments; describing an experience-making it available for reflection; entering an experience-learning what it has to teach; learning from an experience-grasping what it teaches by relating it to what a person already knows and what the experience suggests is yet to be learned, and enacting the learning-incorporating the learning into a pattern of living and theological reflection.

    The true basis of theological reflection-a full, deep, meaningful embrace of life-is learned from one’s own experience. Respectful of the full range of theological resources available for reflection, and mindful of the primary goal of recognizing God’s presence and responding to it, theological reflection weaves experience and theology together into a way of life that continues the journey begun when Jesus first appeared. Let Ministry Teach is offered as a companion for those on that jou

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  • What You Should Know About Angels


    Artists, writers, and musicians have attempted to capture for us a glimpse of what they might be like. Philosophers, theologians, and clergy have surmised about their deeper importance within our faith-life. Yet most people still feel that angels are a mystery.

    The current popularity of angels is an enigma for many, including Sister Charlene Altemose. Like others, she asks, “Why is there a sudden interest in angels when the world seems so estranged from spiritual values?”

    Whatever the reason for their magnetic appeal, Altemose sees this interest as an opportunity to rediscover the role angels play in our lives. She invites us to explore four avenues that inform and inspire us toward a more familiar rapport with angels:

    Angels–A Mystery of Faith
    Angels in Tradition and Theology
    Angels in Human Imagination and Creativity
    Angels in Prayer and Human Experiences

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  • In Pursuit Of Love Second Edition (Revised)


    While retaining the basic structure of the original book, this new edition has been thoroughly updated in light of some official Catholic documents and other theological writings dealing with sexual morality that have appeared since 1986. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II’s encyclicals Veritatis splendor and Evangelium vitae, and the 1986 and 1992 statements of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on pastoral care of homosexuals and the issue of discrimination against them are among the more recent magisterial publications considered in this text.

    This edition also contains several new sections: the misuses of sex (adultery, pornography, prostitution, sexual violence); four rationales for viewing a committed love relationship as the only appropriate context for sexual intercourse; marriage as a sacrament and marital sexuality and love as embodiments of commitment, intimacy, and passion; and public policy and the civil rights of homosexuals. This edition also includes an expanded discussion of topics such as sexism, sexually transmitted diseases especially HIV/AIDS and the moral questions raised by new family-planning methods (Norplant, Depo-Provera), RU-486, postcoital hormonal interventions against pregnancy, the start of human life, and abortion.

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  • Making Saints : How The Catholic Church Determines Who Becomes A Saint


    From inside the Vatican, the book that became a modern classic on sainthood in the Catholic Church.
    Working from church documents, Kenneth Woodward shows how saint-makers decide who is worthy of the church’s highest honor. He describes the investigations into lives of candidates, explains how claims for miracles are approved or rejected, and reveals the role politics — papal and secular — plays in the ultimate decision. From his examination of such controversial candidates as Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador and Edith Stein, a Jewish philosopher who became a nun and was gassed at Auschwitz, to his insights into the changes Pope John Paul II has instituted, Woodward opens the door on a 2,000-year-old tradition.

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  • 1000 Faces Of The Virgin Mary


    In this book the author discusses how Christian images of Mary in theology, piety, dogma, and even in visions acquire new dimensions from being images of the Mother of Jesus in Islam and the female imaging of the Absolute in some of the great religions of Asia. This book relativizes and enhances the Theotokos and her ties with the People of God.

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  • Scent Of Jasmine


    Peace is God’s gift to us, expressed fully in the person of Jesus Christ. It is the “scent of Jasmine”-the pleasing odor of a life offered as a sacrifice in love. The Scent of Jasmine encourages us to lay claim to Christ’s promise of peace, to make each day an experience of God and an experience of the gift of peace. A practical book, it gives facts, raises questions, and blends the liturgical cycle (contemporary devotions, saints, feast days, and sacraments) with the “secular” cycle of civic observances and recurring yearly events (school days, weddings, graduations). This linking of faith and daily life makes The Scent of Jasmine an ideal tool for all who take the gospel seriously, especially teachers, directors of adult education, and those involved in RCIA. When we learn to forgive our enemy, feed our brother, clothe our sister, and shelter our children, we will be living peace as our Christian responsibility and receiving peace as God’s gift.

    The twelve chapters mirror the twelve months of the year, and focus on key solemnities and modern events-such as the pro-life movement, the assassination of archbishop Oscar Romero, and the bombing of Nagasaki-that urgently remind us of the need for harmony. Quarterly introductions provide a seasonal summary. Short questions for reflection are useful for peace action and faith groups, as well as for individual readers, to help put ideas into action.

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  • Why You Can Disagree And Remain A Faithful Catholic (Expanded)


    This popular bestseller has been greatly revised and expanded to include new insights on conscience, infallibility, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

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  • Method In Ministry (Revised)


    This book provides a portable method for pastoral reflection, supporting the essential Christian vocation of generous response to GodOs Word. In this new edition, the Whiteheads have revised and expanded their now-classic discussion of theological reflection in ministry.

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  • Caminemos Con Jesus


    A Cuban theologian finds common threads in culture and faith.

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  • Jesuit Mystique


    This book probes what it means to be a Jesuit today by exploring the history of the Order, as well as its literary, spiritual, political, and educational contributions to contemporary society.

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  • Mystery Of Creation


    Mystery of Creation touches on many well-worn areas of interest in Christian faith and experience, including creation, the beginning of the world, man and woman, and original sin. It also covers topics of current concern like the world of spirits, the evolution of the universe and of life, the problem of evil, and the place of animals within creation.

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  • Targums Neofiti 1 And Pseudo Jonathan Numbers


    It is generally recognized that the Book of Numbers is one of the least unified books of the Bible. It is a collection of censuses, laws, and traditions concerning the sojourn of the people of Israel in the wilderness and of the first conquests of the territories promised to Israel. Yet it also carries narrative of notable events and lessons. Both aspects of Numbers benefit from their development in these targums.

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  • Bible The Church And Authority


    Since the early days of Christianity a tension has existed between the authority of the Bible and the authority of the Church. This book examines the evolution of the Christian canon. Topics include Christian use of Jewish Scriptures, the Catholic and Protestant Old Testaments, the emergence of the New Testament, the struggle for the right interpretation of the Scriptures, the problem of inspiration, and modern attempts to explain the Church’s New Testament canon theologically.

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  • Catechism De La Iglesia Catoli – (Spanish)


    Esta presentacion practica del Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica es ideal para ser usado en grupos de oracion, clases de confirmacion, reuniones del RICA, grupos juveniles, etc. Esta presentacion de bolsillo tiene un indice tematico.

    Four centuries in the making, a monumental undertaking and a magnificent achievement, the first definitive Catholic Catechism since the Council of Trent in 1566 details doctrine, dogma, and the basic tenets of the Church.

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  • Catechism Of The Catholic Church (Revised)


    Here it is – the first new Catechism of the Catholic Church in more than 400 years, a complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, Church tradition and teaching, and the lives of the saints. It comes with a complete index, footnotes and cross-references for a fuller understanding of every subject. Using the tradition of explaining what the Church believes, what she celebrates, what she lives and what she prays, the Catechism of the Catholic Chruch offers challenges for believers and answers for all those interested in learning about the mystery of the Catholic faith. Here is a positive, coherent and contemporary map for our spiritual journey toward transformation.

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  • On Loving God


    Perhaps Bernard’s most delightful tract, On Loving God posits that everything good in human persons is an expression of God’s love and by love the person may participate in the being of the triune God. In a new analytic commentary, Stiegman examines Bernard’s language, logic, and theology, demonstrating the vital importance of reading medieval authors on their own terms, without superimposing categories developed by later generations.

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  • Mystery Of Gods Word


    Those who preach the Word, those who proclaim it from a lectern, and those who hear it will all find something to inspire them to greater appreciation of the mystery of God’s Word in this collection of reflections.

    The reflections are developed around eight themes: “Jesus Began to Preach” addresses the mystery of the Word in salvation history. “Go and Proclaim the Gospel” makes the connection between the Word and the Church. “When I Found Your Words . . .” speaks to those who proclaim the Word. “We Preach Christ Jesus as Lord” reflects on the content of Christian preaching. “For Every Careless Word . . .” warns against confusing human words with the divine Word. “You Will Receive Power from the Holy Spirit” affirms the role of the Holy Spirit in the proclamation of the Word. “Welcome the Word” affirms the place of God’s Word in our everyday lives. “The Letter Brings Death But the Spirit Gives Life” attests to the role of the Spirit in the interpretation of the Bible and in the life of the Church.

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  • Letters From Lake Como


    Wm B Eerdmans print on demand title

    This volume contains a fascinating series of letters written by Catholic theologian-philosopher Romano Guardini in the mid-1920s in which he works out his sense of the challenges to humanity in a culture increasingly dominated by the machine. This title is part of a new series entitled: Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought.

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  • Targums Neofiti 1 And Pseudo Jonathan Exodus


    The Book of Exodus speaks of central events in Jewish self-understanding: the Exodus from Egypt, the covenant with Moses, and the giving of the Law. It is part narrative, part religious law. This translation of the Palestinian Targums of Exodus will assist in understanding this biblical book which is, in itself, an elaborate redaction of the Jewish faith.

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  • Conversion In The New Testament


    The upsurge of “born again” Christianity has made conversion, a perennially important topic, especially popular today. With its special emphasis on the Bible and its teachings, evangelical Christianity has championed the need for conversion in modern life. But what does the Bible really say about conversion? Is the New Testament view of conversion uniform? Is it a one-time occurrence or an ongoing process? According to the gospels, how central to the message of Jesus is conversion?

    Many studies focus on psychological or anthropological aspects of conversion, but they give only a nod to the biblical data. This book contends that an overly narrow view of the biblical teaching on conversion has effectively distorted the average Christian’s understanding of this topic. The New Testament contains a much broader and more diverse perspective on conversion than is usually recognized, which Father Witherup organizes and presents.

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  • Targums Of Ruth And Chronicles


    One approach to Chronicles would suggest that it was not considered an altogether vital component in the canon, but later it came to play a specific interpretative role. Others suggest that it came to be regarded as the authorized version of the history of Israel.

    In the Jewish liturgical tradition the Book of Ruth is read at the festival of Shavuot, or Pentecost, and it may be conjectured that the Targum originated in conjunction with this practice. The Targum of Ruth exists in a large number of manuscripts; the eight used in the present work are of European provenance.

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  • Transforming Priesthood


    A major theological reappraisal of the role of the parish priest.

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  • College Students Introduction To Theology


    The College Student’s Introduction to Theology seeks to provide an overview of theology’s various specialties. Its approach is methodological rather that topical, though traditional theological issues in Christology, ecclesiology, theological anthropology, liturgy, and moral theology, as well as contemporary issues such as Church renewal, different spiritualities, feminist theology, the option for the poor, and world religions, are treated as examples.

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  • Ongoing Feast : Table Fellowship And Eschatology At Emmaus


    The Emmaus story of Luke 24 is pivotal to Luke-Acts. It both summarizes Luke’s Gospel and anticipates what is to follow. It is the central presentation of Luke’s recurring motif of Jesus’ table fellowship as a manifestation of the eschatological kingdom.

    Using literary critical analysis, the author shows the progressive development of this motif throughout Luke’s Gospel, with its culmination in the Emmaus account. This work departs from most Lukan scholarship in that it examines the motif without reference to Acts, justifying this approach in view of the climactic nature of Luke 24.

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  • Mary Mirror Of The Church


    Mary is a great gift and example to all Christians because in her God’s Word was written and by her it was accepted and its grace manifested. In this she is, as the title indicates, a mirror of the Church, the people of God. She reflects what we are called to be.

    While this work cannot help but discuss aspects of Mariology, it is not so much a study as it is a pilgrimage. Reflecting on and following Mary’s example, as Father Cantalamessa presents it here, we enter into a pilgrimage of listening and obedience to God’s Word.

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  • Sacramental Theology


    Both resistance to and renewed interest in the sacraments mark current theological thought. This work acknowledges human limitations of the sacraments but stresses that God’s relationship to human beings cannot be other than “sacramental.” Sacramental structures and events constitute salvation history, and thus permeate all theology. What makes this sacramental view comprehensible is faith; faith is an indispensable precondition for a sacramental theology.

    Therefore the author first demonstrates the preconditions of faith on which sacramental theology rests, and what place it holds within the whole of theology. Following this, he briefly presents the concept of sacraments and the history of that concept, the teachings of Church tradition on sacraments in general, and the basic features of a sacramental theology. Next he explains from a theological perspective the traditional sacraments of the Catholic Church, including related topics such as indulgences and sacramentals.

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  • Targum Pseudo Jonathan Genesis


    Incorrectly attributed to Jonathan ben Uzziel, this Targum, part of the Palestinian Targums, has been call Pseudo-Jonathan to rectify this mistaken identification. Pseudo-Jonathan provides us with a translation of almost every verse of the Pentateuch. Unique from other Targums of the Pentateuch in many ways, this Targum is also very much a composite work, but one composed with skill and initiative.

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  • Exploring The Genesis Creation And Fall Stories


    SKU (ISBN): 9781556125539ISBN10: 1556125534John PerryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1992Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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  • Conscience Consensus And The Development Of Doctrine


    In the works collected here, including An Essay on the Development of Christian doctrine, A Letter Addressed to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, and On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine, John Henry Cardinal Newman, the great nineteenth-century English theologian, debunks a few Catholic myths:

    Myth #1: The teaching of the Catholic Church on faith and morals has never changed and never will change. Not so, this brilliant scholar says. For just as each era has new ways of understanding, so, too, must the Catholic Church always change in its understanding of faith and morals.

    Myth #2: Catholics have to do whatever the Pope says. To the contrary, according to Newman’s famous quip on after-dinner toasts, the ultimate obligation of Catholics is to conscience, not the Pope.

    Myth #3: It’s the bishops who teach, the laity who follows. Newman turns this notion upside down: The laity, he says, are the source and final seal of the church’s teaching; thus the bishops must listen to them.

    Never before collected in one volume, these classic works reveal Newman at his eloquent best as he speaks to the religious crises of our time.

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  • Christian Vision Of Humanity


    Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? How can we get there? These are the basic religious questions that we all ask amid the possibilities and limitations of life, it successes and failures, its blessings and tragedies. Christian faith has a particular vision of God, the world, and of humanity, a vision that issues from the person and ministry of Jesus Christ. He is the reason why Christians are convinced our lives do make sense, that we and our world are created in love and for love and that we are destined to find final healing and fulfillment together by sharing in God’s own devine life.

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  • Anthology Of Christian Mysticism


    Offers an excellent selection of texts from 55 significant figures in the mystical tradition from Origen to Karl Rahner. Each group of texts is preceded by introductions that are informative and reliable. “Very reader-friendly,”—Theological Studies. For the classroom or self-study.

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  • Targums Of Job Proverbs And Qohelet


    The Targum of Job is regarded as one of the most enigmatic of targums. The translation used is based on the Cambridge University MS Ee. 5.9, widely regarded as the most important of known manuscripts. This manuscript is followed as closely as possible, including the marginal readings and the Variant Targum[s] incorporated in the text.

    The primary aim of the Proverbs Targum is to provide an English translation, none having yet been published. A secondary aim is to give an account of the relationship of this targum to the Hebrew text and the other ancient versions, especially the Syriac.

    Targum Qohelet is a blend of literal translation and midrashic paraphrase. The purpose is didactic, seeking to convey the meaning which is implicit in the text. Thus Qohelet becomes a vehicle to emphasize the importance of Torah study, repentance, prayer, and charity.

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  • Language For A Catholic Church (Revised)


    Inclusive language is a concern that resonates deeply with the sense of conversion and welcome to a community that is inclusive. This treatment is sensitive, respectful and is sure to raise consciousness.

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  • Targum Neofiti 1 Genesis


    Beginning with an introduction of the “Palestinian Targums,” or “Targum Yerushalmi,” the author relates the history of the term, research in the field, and other background information on the Palestinian Pentateuch Targums before providing a verse-by-verse translation of Neofiti 1.

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  • Struggle To Be The Sun Again


    What are the distinctive theological challenges of Asian women to theology and the church? Struggle To Be the Sun Again offers answers to this crucial question as it articulates the specific contribution of emerging Asian women’s theology to the meaning of the gospel.
    Chung begins by examining the historical and social contexts of Asian women’s theology and their reflections on humanity. She then explores specific manifestations of these theologies in Christology, in Mariology, in spirituality. Chung concludes by analyzing the contribution of Asian women’s theology to contemporary theology, and its future.
    Struggle To Be the Sun Again provides a fine, readable introduction to emerging feminist theologies from Asia. It is an ideal text for classes in Asian, feminist, liberation, and third world theologies.

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  • Triune God Of Christian Faith


    Although the triune God is the heart of our faith, not much scholarship exists in recent years regarding it. The very depth of the mystery itself inclines us to silence. Also, feminist critiques of male symbols and language about the Trinity make it easier to say nothing.

    This small volume takes a first step toward answering the need for contemporary scholarship on the Trinity. It “opens readers to the meaning of the triune God for our concrete human lives, and in giving a taste of the vast riches of this God, to make the reader hunger for more.”

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  • Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered


    Affirms a radical Christian uniqueness over the pluralist argument.

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  • 40 Gospel Homilies


    At the dividing line between Antiquity and the Middle Ages, scholar-diplomat-pastor-writer-pope Gregory the Great drew on his profound knowledge of Scripture and his personal experience to preach the Gospel. These forty homilies show the practical concerns Gregory faced as well as the theological expectations he had of his flock.

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  • Awakenings


    In this book, Thomas Keating invites the reader to look afresh at the Word of God and see, perhaps for the first time, the relevance of these ancient words to life today.

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  • Targum Of The Minor Prophets


    Although the term “minor prophets” is a familiar one in English Bible translations, it is not a felicitous one, since it applies as much to Hosea as to Haggai and to Amos as to Obadiah. The Targum offers no such pecking order. Nuggets of importance are as likely to be found in a Targumized “minor” prophet as a “major” one.

    Included in this volume are the books of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. The authors’ apparatus in the introduction provides the translational characteristics, theology, life-setting, text and versions, language, rabbinic citations and parallels, dating, manuscripts, and bibliography. A series of indices is also included.

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  • Spiritual Direction In The Early Christian East


    In a day when psychological counseling sometimes passes as `spiritual direction’, this book reminds us that early Christians–like Eastern Christians still today–were convinced that only someone with long and deep experience in prayer and discipline can dare to lead others along the way to God.

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  • Saint Benedict For The Laity


    A husband, Presbyterian minister, and ecumenical oblate of Saint Benedict offers reflections on Benedict’s Rule.

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  • Spirituality For Everyday Living


    Taking the Rule’s balance of prayer, conversion of life, commitment, study, work relationships, and solitude, this practical spiritual guide explores the Rule’s application for ordinary people living outside a monastery.

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  • Eucharist In The New Testament


    Print on demand title

    This examination of the Eucharist is divided into two parts. The first seeks to uncover the origins of the Eucharist and to trace developments in the earliest eucharistic practice and understanding. The second part studies the eucharistic theology of the New Testament writers.

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